CATA BETA! | Worgen/ Goblin Starting Zones | Cataclysm Classic

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[Music] [Music] is [Music] for [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] e e for [Music] ladies and gentlemen hello good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you you are at in the world hope everyone is having a rather nice Friday so far I totally didn't have several technical difficulties in a way in a row in a in a way in a row yeah it's closing off the first time how is everyone doing let's get over here oh straight in there you already know what we're going to be doing today you already know what it's going to be about let's put this on that loud enough in game should be where's the video oh yeah hang on hang on wait I've done this before okay I think that's [Music] everything hey there it is way it's actually working that's crazy I can get things to work no way yo darus how you doing calls the light what up Matt how are you today shio Sho I should say uh yeah it's that link I sent there for the beta but I made a little command join the intro just in case people are wondering about it goet what up the beta is online yes it's been online for about a week now about a week yep and uh characters beta n the ba is always separate it'd be kind of a a bit unfair in a way if you could you know play the beta you get an invite and then you level up and you get it on live do you know what I mean and daxu as well ET good morning from the Pacific time zone that is uh that is morning that is very morning for you isn't it you're up bright and early today I hope you have a good one looking forward to a nice weekend I hope excited for the new rage yeah I guess you know it's all like new isn't it but it'll be a little bit different we'll have different patch balancing going to be on 4.34 instead of whatever we were at the time and I've been I've been you know doing quite a bit of digging in the past into you know world first ranking what people play back then and a a lot of stuff is very different you know like Paragon on the world first rag 25 heroic we're playing The Marksman Hunter and these days everyone says Marksman is absolutely garbage like it's unplayably bad in PVE and yet the best Guild in the world at the time was playing it so yeah um it's going to be interesting to see how things shake out on the final patch balance if you know what I mean Nick good afternoon good afternoon to you to you to you robulous us everyone's excited Gro mob I hope you guys enjoy invite yesterday yeah they seem to be uh pretty generous with the invites now like there wasn't too many people invited initially um but if you have not got an invite and you would like one uh there is the page there where you just need to go and opt in and you should get an invite the first rounds of invites they did the the game was like super B it still is buggy by the the way like the amount of stuff they changed in cataclysm was crazy like they redid everything from Eastern kingdoms and calor that was like the foundation of wow in 2004 and they've updated everything they've like changed the maps they've updated the quests they put new items in seriously like the amount of effort that must have taken whether or not people ended up liking it but the amount of effort that must have taken must have been enormous so I am expecting the beta phase for Kata to go on a little bit longer than TBC or wrath purely by the volume of content that there is everyone that applies it is a Clos baa so no um but you you just have to apply and hope you get picked I guess I've see I know loads of people have got in now people seem to be getting in pretty quick once they uh once they sign up never play C I mean it's fair enough if you're given it a go it is uh will be a step up for sure uh do I think this will stretch the classic player base too in over all the the errors that's kind of an interesting question Paul like it's um I I what I want to say is I don't think there's um I can part this it's no coincidence that season of Discovery happened now cuz cater is like a big dividing point for a lot of people between you know classic and Beyond classic so I think there's going to be oh the music I should get interrupted by the music's kind of a banger um but no there's I think there'll be different people who will gravitate towards different versions of the game and the good thing is no one's really missing out unless you want TBC or wrath era that is in which case you are missing out but apart from that you uh you won't be hello Brock hello to you Governor very appropriate Governor giving that we're playing [Music] wargan hope they had fresh servers I kind of doubt they will after they did uh what was it in was the wasn't it theel and the the other one y CR what up hey thank you yeah so um I have I've been starting on the class videos the uh I I said I'd do the the Druid one last Tuesday but I had that like overall class overview video type thingy that put out and I thought that that would be good to get out before I start going into more detail um so the Druid one shall be on Friday and then depending on how fast release happens I'll try and do one a week uh but the Druid one's finished that will be going out wait Friday is today the Druid one will be going out today all right brilliant yeah Druid one it's about a 29 minute video um hopefully there'll be some good information in there whether you played cata before or not and I've also finished recording the Hunter one this morning which will be uh depending when it's done it's it'll be probably be next Friday I'll try and do like one a week 10 classes 2 and a half months will the game be out before 2 and a half months doubt it so we'll see we'll see success what up music's fire it kind of is I was playing a bit of the dark kind Forge music before one with the uh Dwarven like choir you know you know the music that plays in Grim Bal if you play K you'll know it's a the music so good hello boots yeah it's been a minute hasn't it I remember all the way from across many ponds for me people expecting to skip and now a lot of staying for it yeah I think um I think at the end of the day it is an MMO and a big part of it is playing with your guild or people you've met you know and Classics it'll be 5 years old this uh August and if you played all the way through with a pretty static group it' be I know almost kind of strange to just drop it after all that time even if like the game isn't your favorite thing you might just enjoy playing with the people your Brown video yeah I haven't started on the warrior whatsoever I've done a little bit of digging on them I have I have like some idea about classes but I I do need a look into it in more detail expected release time no nothing official sh I'd say June July mid June is and initially I was saying early June but I've seen I've seen I've kind of seen the state the beta's in and I I think it might take a bit longer now on incredible Hunter does go through a lot of changes yeah a lot you only want to play the Holy Trinity forever forever I will raid a Lich King forever I mean people still do play classic era you know I think they're missing out not doing raap of the Lich King era and it wouldn't segment the player base too much maybe cuz classic era you got 16,700 people raing between alss and stuff I mean that's it's not bad some MMOs don't have this many players and they're still going yeah I think classic players are well not just classic but World of Warcraft players they used to they used to playing the biggest game you know they people drop the word dead a drop of a hat and yeah this is quite a few people especially when it's a subscription game classic Raph is packed still uh what's WRA that 183k it's it is tailing off I think this was like holidays or something yeah it was holiday so yeah this is fine um it is tailing off but still it's a decent amount of people you know 183k if 10% of the people stay and carried on r on raft that would be more people on classic era I don't know maybe that seems worth I've also been reading some things about people being interested in TBC era again and stuff uh the Hall of C now be from the last patch so mm will be viable from phase one uh my understanding Martin is um unfortunately mm is like unplayable in PV uh PVE specifically you it's going to be ra of the Lich King all over again you're going to play Survival from day one to dragon soul the whole way through so uh if you like survival it it plays kind of similar to uh you just you like you don't have the 43 434 macro anymore uh cuz there aren't spell ranks so you won't be able to do that and uh you use Black Arrow instead of explosive shot single Target other than that you're you're playing some something which is pretty similar to what you're already doing except you're more mobile CU you've got aspect of the fox which makes you use a cobra shot when you're moving and Cobra shot's just a new steady shot so uh yeah I mean if you if you enjoyed your Hunter and Raph then I I I think the C version is just a bit [Music] better but yeah it it will be survival the whole way PVP though Marksmanship marks all the way in PvP it's it's like turned into you know Frost Mage which been like a PVP spec forever that's kind of how I'd say Marx is in Kata but again you know we we could be wrong on this this is what we expect to happen based off you know research and final patch balance and all that stuff how's the Sim Rogue look I I haven't looked into Rogue enough to be able to like give you a definitive but as far as I know they're still good on single Target but they have like no cleave combat has cleave and you can like blade FL and it has a 10c coold down uh but it reduces your energy regeneration whilst it's active and subr is a thing too in PVE but I don't know sub Road's a real wild card for me cuz I think it'll be good when you have fangs of the father cuz the proc from the daggers gives you like five combo points um a few times in a row I think which is just crazy op and that really Smooths out the rotation so I I don't know whether people will be able to pull off sub early game and you'll need to wait for like the daggers or maybe just I don't know more haste or something for energy regeneration on the character screen again y gety for cter I'm looking forward to the cutter as well hey rle how you doing how's Shaman looking when I've heard Elemental is uh really good like really really good especially you're like one of the classes that can get the legendary staff as well and Elemental of legendary staff is meant to absolutely blast so a very very strong enhancement is like a lot of other people can do their Buffs now and they they don't seem as in demand as they earn wrath and Resto is kind of like you might bring one in 25 but they'll probably be less in demand for 10 yeah those are just thoughts at the moment yeah the the the hope and prayers are with elemental right now to be your big carry spec Legendary Weapons yeah we can I show you them in case you I've talked about them twice now in case you don't know them so there's two of them uh there's Dragon ref t ghost's rest uh which you can start working towards in Firelands I think it's around the fireand patch and so this is the what they do with the cat version so basically a a crap load of stats and when you deal damage this is the big bit you have a chance to gain rafha tarag Goa duplicating the harmful spell uh T that 10ms cool down that' be a second then right one second ICD I'm not sure but yeah basically you cast a spell and it can cast again so this is like absolutely insane for casters imagine you're an elemental Sharm and your lava burst and it does another lava burst then both of them overload that's pretty good right and the other one are who can it be used by any Caster or not even any Caster anyone that can wear a two-hander but yeah any Caster so boomkin uh priest Mage warlock Ellie just anyone it's a two-handed staff anyone that can use a two-handed staff there's no class restriction and the other one you'll be dwarf Shams now as that come later that we'll be when cataclysms out every Hunter's a hunter every weapon's a hunter weapon I mean Hunters can wear staves so [Music] sure um so yeah that's Dragon rest a big cter weapon and they're they're going to they're going to speed up how fast we can get these by the way like I guarantee it You' seen what they did with Shadow moon right where they um they're like if in fact if you look back at um what you call it valania it wasn't sped up when the patch first came out but then after it been out for after all been out for a few months they they sped up the amount of um fragments you could get and Shadow was preemptively sped up they just made you be able to get loads of more of the Soul Frost shards and I'll show you something else uh and there's also the other legendary whoa who that's too hot for YouTube a fangs of the father um can I get the proc thing where's the [Music] proc so basically they have an on they have a passive an to strike do more damage so you can play them with a variety of specs where's the proc though please show me proc and the one have a slow [Music] fall hands of the father why will it not show me the proc the procs are big bit try going to retail you get as a hunter no I think I think these are rogue specific I I just think it's not showing it yeah they are rogue specific uh so melee attacks have a chance to Grant shadow of the Destroyer increasing your agility by 15 stacking up to 50 times 50 times holy crap each application pass 30 grants an increasing chance to trigger Fury of the Destroyer which immediately grants shoot five combo points and causes your finishing move to generate five combo points last 6 seconds ho crap these are Bonkers uh so yeah this this is why they smoo out the sub rotation cuz sub needs to manage like four finishing moves I think uh and when this procs it's just like you can get your slice and dice up you can get your recuperate up you can get your uh what is it rupture up and then just or like spam eviscerate I don't know yeah these are absolutely in insane and these come out in dragon soul so like I'm just saying as much as people give dragon soul a bagged rep there's stuff like this in the in in dragon soul and the tier sets from dragon soul the tier set bonuses are crazy good like they're absolutely wild how powerful they are Rose ders wen't top threee I mean back to them we'll see what people can do now right we'll see what people can do now but like let let me show you some of these TS bonuses [Music] like uh the hunter one here I was looking this for a video uh so the hunter T set bonus steady shot and Cobra shot generate double the amount of focus your Arcane shot and aim shot have a chance to Grant you 30% haste for 15 seconds that's that's half of a blood lust as your foret like these T set bonuses are wild how powerful they are the quest chain was 10 out of 10 yeah I've seen some videos of it never done it myself of course when's it launch oh we we don't know yet arus 3 to five oh yeah this is just um don't worry about the stats this is on retail cu the C version of wad isn't really working yet but yeah it's permanent fire alley yeah some of the T set bonuses are uh it's a mini blood lust and you can get it every I think it's nearly every 2 minutes like these TS set bonuses are crazy man uh what was the Warlock one tier 13 cuz warlock you use uh Doom guard as a um as a cool down [Music] that's not right what it Bas L [Music] troud I don't think this is right N I swear they they must have nerfed it um because it would be op in a later Expansion change log I think they've changed it at some point hang on I'm not sure soulburn so they they did change some of the tier sets mid expansion cuz they were too good like boonin bonin's tier 11 when you hit Eclipse you get 99% spell crit decreasing by 33% with each crit dealt and it was so powerful that people weren't change people weren't swapping it in Firelands so they had to like give them a new tier set what's the problem with dragon soul um there's mainly two things that people go on about uh number one was it went on for too long which is true for many raids in World of Warcraft like Siege of AR Siege of aramar went on for too long didn't make me hate the raid um I thought it was a great raid but it it went on for too long lire Citadel and wad good raid went on for too long um but yeah anyway that was one of them and uh I think another another part of it was kind of short for a raid which I I didn't have much firsthand experience with and uh people didn't overall like the Deathwing fight I think our big problem was spine of Deathwing was kind of annoying and it was like a really difficult DPS check um back in the day let me show you something Deering world first I see C's gone on for too long yeah [Music] maybe I'll show you the world first comp for a spine of Deathwing and you'll see what I mean uh let's get this over here so yeah by the way there are two there are so rogue rogue rogue Mage Rogue Mage mage Mage Mage Mage Mage Rogue do anyone want to Hazard a guess why there's only Mages and Rogues in this world first attempt on this boss sorry do uh let's just say blizzard um they didn't do the best job of balancing this fire [Music] essentially so it's like every so often spider of death Wing you you like blow up one of these armor plates and you have to destroy these um these little like yeah so they're just blow up an elemental there yeah it's here so you blow up several Elementals next to the armor plate then the armor plate comes off and these things spawn and you have to burst this down before it closes again otherwise you wipe essentially and it's like an extremely tight DPS race you can see this gu's an Arcane Mage um and all these guys here have legendaries basically this is what look how close this is or do they not finish in that one is that not how it worked or is it different on heroic I thought you had to one cycle it let's get forwards a bit yeah I thought you had to one cycle all the armor pieces but yeah anyway you ever make it more bearable I think they just nerfed it be [Music] honest and uh also Madness of Deathwing was reporta easier than spine as well I think they gave it HB debuff on each open so I need to do it in six seconds I see right I see but yeah beta servers are I I think you need a do you need a sub to download them or to sign I think you need a sub to opt in so like they're free if you've already opted in but if you're not I'm not sure you I mean you can try um if you opt in whenever it comes up the bot's thinking about it right now there you go is there any way to get add-ons um I don't think they're in yet no oh maybe they are oh that wasn't Eary of a day I don't know now yeah I haven't tried to get add-ons yet where's the music from this is just the cataclysm login screen music pretty much [Music] but I want to play so we're going to be playing a bit of the wargan starting zone are we going to be able to copy our characters eventually yes that's usually what they do um but yeah I want to start with the wargan I I'm just going to see how far I can get I know some of them were bugged yesterday so if I run into like a wall and it gets bugged then we'll just go play play Goblin otherwise I'm going playing some wargan and I'm going to playing a I think a warlock cuz I've not done this starting zone in ages let's go led by their indomitable King gen greyman citizens of gilas once stood with the alliance against the vile orcish horde that sought to conquer all of Lord whoops gilas survived but in the chaotic years following the second war the Mighty Kingdom Drew ever inward distrustful of their former allies the gilan erected a mighty wall at the borders of their land closing off their nation and their hearts from an Ever darkening world now many years later as the seemingly Unstoppable Undead Scourge marches across lorderon humans civilization once again Teeters on the brink of Destruction as war and Terror close in all around them the citizens of gilas are faced with one terrible truth their Mighty wall cannot hold back the dead for much longer and worse rumors of a new threat have Arisen within the Kingdom's borders of feral nightmare creatures that walk upright as men but hunt and howl as wolves who no way and we're in right are my buttons working Rebellion huh we will protect Gil from whatever this new threat may be holy it's given a speech already for gilas your Gil my okay so we have I have an imp straight away but I don't have a pet bar I'm guessing that you're meant to have a pet bar or do you not have command demon yet no you don't have command demon yets we don't know how many in we're dealing with oh wait wait I need to make my map do that stupid thing where it turns around yeah rotate many map there we go what in the Northwestern end of the Merchant Square oh this he looking like he's not having a good [Music] day what is this they're gasping for our Quest I'll see what I'll see what happens for my people some's a Miss he says there's someone attacking him at the same time okay so wait let me just fix this enemy units minions now I'll do okay is my imp going to do anything that's the question do I have Auto attack still wait I do you're on stream no way I'm on stream too it's just a fail I mean we we we'll get to as far as we can and then uh maybe do a bit of the goblin stuff as well uh so loot Auto loot opens up window yes yes oh another Quest what can I do for you keep your chin up eh well they give you a back from a quest straight away holy the privilege girac I've read a lot about girac the uh the prog especially in PvP it's like kind of insane right and like procs all these little tentacle boys that just going onot someone level two already easy man easy money people are falling down around the beach thing yeah I saw that getting bugged yesterday but at the same time I think either they fixed it or people have just like figured out how to get past it cuz yeah there there's people who are past it they're not in a guild called wargan are they no they're not yeah see we've got a few higher level people so maybe there's a few NPCs you can click um we shall see yeah we're going to we're going to be keeping our eyes peeled for bugs okay we're doing some big beta testing I'm going to be a useful person oh Shadow Ball animation is a bit different actually hang on the camera is auto res saying it's it's driving me crazy uh never that's more like it if death thought works I do not know oh look at that animation oh okay I'm getting this guy apparently is this fresh I mean it's a beta so technically yes it's just not going to last for very long y nip thanks I mean thanks for watching thanks for dropping by the stream and let me know as well I appreciate it oh okay he doesn't have someone after him and I think you can tag mobs uh in this expansion right but not cross faction so if someone else hits a mob I can hit them as well without being grouped or am I just making that up I'm like unsure whether I'm making this up no I am yeah okay wrong yeah he's mob tag that one was that mop no yeah I think that was mop right AE looting was them up as well right Salvage supplies game audio just fine good [Music] good they to wad or Legion oh was it that much of later okay fair enough red Warg going have a better head I should I should be in my wargan form oh I don't have it yet oh I'm still just a human no yeah I don't have it right look look out some boxes there's one hello shy how are the doing one more two more that can [Music] count ah we got to get right to the end I see okay fair enough I should have called my character fair enough that would have been a great name I'll do it next time no one steal that okay I tell you anything about the improved Graphics setting um I don't think they've mentioned anything else about it let's let's have a little look here Graphics is there any like yeah fair enough That's a classic wargan name right there I I they haven't mentioned anything else they made it out like BlizzCon like oh we're going to be making all these changes to C you know we're more open doing to doing changes now and then they kind of just haven't said anything at all isn't ready yeah quite possibly get some melee weaving in F boxes are kind of weird push them back uh so where are we going over here probably partial people dish out CS because of the new spell animations I know many people including me was upset with the new character models from wad it was a big turn off you uh yeah i' last time we're streaming we're talking about the new character models and yeah I I don't like them either like at all I actually much prefer these ones friend of greyman is a friend of mine long greyman yeah they're just I they're like it's too expressive a fair thing to say they're just I think someone last stream said they're kind of Disney dis niied and I was like yeah that's that's kind of a good a good phrase for it enemy learn imilate any friend of I seek further training friend of mine T so this is one of the changes from cata so when you learn a spell now it's it's pretty much how runes work in season of Discovery if you played that you'll learn a spell once and then it's in your spell book you just put it on your bar and as you level up the spell gets more powerful uh so spell ranks are gone they don't exist anymore and you can check your spell book here to see oh level eight I can learn demon armor I'll go back to my trainer for that um but yeah no more spell ranks Disney fi yeah I think that was uh practice emulate can I practice on something that's uh tagged by someone else I can look look at this efficient gaming holy I got a bad feeling let the light of the new moon guide okay it's a grey [Music] Mo well Wars run like goofballs yeah I'm going to be honest I I don't really like the animations of Warg or goblins Prevail um if I am being quite honest with you what now I prefer the stuff that's already in the game yeah feel the same way about pandarin I don't like their animations either in fact pandaran I made a thought he was going to tag that then oh now he's decided to I made a pandaran um monk at the start of mop like everyone in the game did obviously and it was the only race that I've ever race changed um without having like a reason to do so for raiding just cuz I got sick of looking at it I'd rather pay blizzard money to not look at it anymore that's uh that's the kind of my summary on how I feel about pandarin and I've never made anything that's a goblin or a wargan either so yeah just uh yeah not not my preferred animations you know in fact I don't like really any of the new Races they added until they did Allied races and the Allied RAC were just reskinned existing races to be honest weren't they they failed at recapturing the models yeah I I I kind of think they did yeah they're just a bit too I don't know yeah lumbering I guess V per goated sure we're the sephra though why don't Alliance have snake people true I mean vula you're just uh yeah they're one of the things of all time for sure inside the prison how do I go to prison not Zo in the map apparently not Target Target Target Target that's better man of regen it's very choppy oh hang on let me uh it's just going up an increment this seems fine um Health um how do you just play both and got Health overlapping status text both there we go in here ah in here right there's quite a few people now I think they've started inviting lots of people which is great cuz damn this this game needs testing let still our prison wait upstairs upstairs go upstairs more cartoonish yeah it didn't quite it didn't quite pan out for me and even when they updated the animations in when did they update animations it wasn't BFA was it I don't know they still look kind of out of place I just enjoyed the original ones I don't whoever did the original animations just did a really good job basically hold back the wargan for 2 minutes oh boy surely this will not bug right cuz there's like 10 people on the quest at once way of MP5 uh yeah that's true MP5 by does not exist a lot of stats got changed a lot of stats like there's no armor pen there's no block rating there's no block value there's no MP5 what else got changed tons of things got changed that intellect gives spell power agility doesn't give armor strength doesn't give block yeah they changed a lot of things gorilla or gron animation exactly they should have been riding gron everywhere expertise get touched no I'm pretty sure that still exists uh y y still here and spell damage is gone on Armor and jewelry it still exists on trinket procs and weapons though so yeah a lot of changes they should bring back the old animations as gphs that'd be interesting but I don't know how many people go for it I think you know it's different versions of the game and stuff so I'm hoping that 20 seconds all right yeah I've got a timer here that's good hopefully this just goes by and it's not bugs or C hey we got the first first one the comments the first hate comment about K I have to count them it's taken a while though so uh I'll take that will darius's sash pop that okay back to greyman down here I think as aing cada from what I've seen so far you pretty much play demo sh I could just go down here couldn't I uh you play demo yeah destruction's kind of similar to Raph where it's like technically okay but at the same time why would you and AF is apparently good on multi-target fights but otherwise you're playing demo [Music] yeah and I'm definitely going to be playing the lock and I'm expecting to play demo the whole way through I don't think it's going to be like I think it'll start off well but I feel like if you're a Caster Mage especially fire Mage looks super fun in C like a really fun military District up here uh okay going to have to read apparently is in the cell of the building just west of here Cellar any way down I go in the door nope H is Boom any good apparently yeah it's uh definitely playable um and you can bring one to raid for sure I don't think you'll stack them though but uh I I reckon it sounds kind of similar to how is in um RAF of the Lich King you bring one along and you're happy to see one but yeah you you just don't have loads of them where's this Cellar then let me read it again the military District in the build the cell of a building just west of here I guess I carry on oh right here yeah aha whoa I'm learning ain't you a chip how come no one else was finding this holy crap what is it he's getting mad make it quick I've been bitten by a wargon it's probably nothing but it sure stings a little it's probably nothing guys uh I'll be fine yeah don't worry about it I I'll be good thank you I owe you my life why remember like that it's pretty uh obscure as far as things go what's this we've got arus fire oh wait I need to find some uh wargan around here organ are hiding in the alleys ahead okay so I summon a dog and it's going to find Wan for me and my imp's gone there we go oh the systems working couldn't find IIs it's burned in your mind yeah I mean it was it was a little bit hidden right I kind of I'm relying on other people I just expect to stream with players to exist and I'll just follow them boss raid wide yes yeah they are imagine I never get my imp back again now c will be un popular cuz the raiding will be harder yeah like I'm I'm not trying to convince it's going to be more popular than wrath like at all but um I think there's a demographic of people who enjoy a more challenging raiding um as kind of evidenced by weekly about 180k non nonunique people still doing ICC at the moment so I started raiding properly in CER as well before then I was like a full-on pvper so I re I'm like really interested to see how the raids play out again all right let's go hand this in yeah I'm I'm just I'm really looking forwards to some decent progression rating what is it let's get that oh we get two states oh that's a wand make it quick okay big upgrades and to shoot and actually the um what you call it weapon skill shouldn't exist anymore I heard that was buged oh I was going to check only I could shoulder more of them what's this okay I'm going on a rescue mission there's only one or two wargan here I think it's just it's just an auto scroller I don't do anything right help up here all right chill out mate c l CW his TV called a water Tre tart yeah be hanging around in Lakes trying to offer your swords and stuff outrageous thank you I owe you my life can I get off the horse no I can okay every every mob from the quest is still on me though so uh I'm just going to go the other direction real quick here um are they going a Diago or there we go and yeah my imp has gone so I I guess I'm oh wait no no I can resummon it I resummon it oh yeah I can can I not put this on my bar apparently not what now okay Mr godre got arus fire at will cutcenes think more people from retail will play C uh leveling is faster and the old world is just what you have in retail and the classes are kind of closer with holy power and stuff yeah I I actually think there's going to be more of a crossover between people from retail playing this now uh I think you're right another reason is there's I think I've mentioned this before I think heroic raiding CER is somewhere in the middle between like vanilla raiding and Mythic rating where it's challenging but it's not like excessively difficult and um I think there's demographic of people for that specifically cater and mop I think are going to be pretty popular among [Music] Raiders holy it's kicking off over here um why why is his head just in the air over here will prevail we can make it we do what we must boy vehicle quests I love vehicle quests they're the best let's round up as many of them as we can every wargan chasing us is one less wargan chasing the survivors these not going to hit them all oh right yeah I meant to round them up okay see boy please give me more vehicle quests they're great I like when I can't play my [Music] class [Music] you'll never catch us you BL is this doing damage to them or not oh no it is okay it made it sound from the tool tip as though it didn't but fine I guess I need to go all this way anyway so I don't need to kill him too fast one more there we go hey mango how you doing wad was the nail yeah wad was uh I honestly people tell you this days these days W wasn't that bad and uh it was just like uh there was nothing to do unfortunately very little content but if you raided it was probably fine another vehicle Quest sick the launcher wad was a disaster though didn't people get stuck in their garrisons for like a few days in a row like that didn't happen to me I think W was one of the expansions where I I didn't play it on launch straight away do bias mmle oh like stalvan holy keep your chin [Music] up farewell hold Quest in experience and hord have definitely got some good zones in C especially uh Stone Talon Stone Talon turns into like whatever to uh yeah you should you should do stone Talon if you play horde like trust me on that one we will prevail Dar we will prevail eight frenzied stalkers damn look at this seamless phasing as well wow Bo questing was an afterthought yeah I um see this Quest is shared between tags but the other one wasn't I think we're um we're on the same um like phase that Mak sense interesting um but yeah like stuff like the Barons is it kind of it's fun enough like the first time but man does it go on a while is any model toggle available nah nothing like that yet um I don't know what they're going to do um it could have just been a woad data mine thingy which doesn't really mean anything in reality but uh no such settings exist at the moment oh cut scene holy [Music] damn look at this look at what you've become those cursed beasts better lip sying you nothing more than just another wretched Mongrel do you even remember what you did to your friends you're kind haunting the Wilds unchecked until we found you they've kept you alive because they still believe you can be saved to which I must ask is there even a shred of humanity left within you perhaps we will find out soon enough I'd forgotten about these as well to be honest totally all right pretty cool what wait that's me no oh I'm a wargan now I'm not very happy looking Warg at that oh no wait yeah my stuff's poking for oh my my immersion has been ruined the wargan drew it in the day uh your will rise again there's two of them oh I probably should have reported that anyway it's too late for that okay they've all disappeared I probably should be reading a bit more but you know re this is what cut scenes are for isn't it speak with kenin aronas in DUS Cen right so I'm all wed up now so I've got right I've got my racial passive so aberration we get some resistances to harmful nature and shadow effects and we get dark flight so we can get the Zoomies pop you there and uh flare increase the skinning you can skin faster and 1% crit chance so not bad racials really not half bad warlock trainer I got nothing you to train I'll have a quick look I like the ways a buck on the map now what trainers are get gabbing or get going you wouldn't want to see me when I'm angry the voice acting for these people is uh [Music] interesting what can I do for you it'll be in August it'll be before that probably maybe I hope keep your chin up eh keep your chin up a key bindings and [Music] you got to have your proper key bindings all right let's carry on well met it worked by the Light it works professions training feel jack of all trades darington uh you know what let's train a profession we'll get we'll get skinning cuz we're apparently we're better at at skinning um is this all is this like a beta thing or does this always exist here it feels like kind of a rather dedicated mob anyone know I I really don't remember they might have just thrown it all on one NPC to save space cuz otherwise you need like 10 or however many professions there are uh you know what going skinning and um farewell ruction look go leather working a classic combo he's always there all right fair enough train me in leather working that's enough I'll see what I can get so we'll pop you there and there oh do I need a skinny knife to skin I do there's a banker here as well you sell items he doesn't sell items though watch your back track who would sell a skinning knife existed here and the goblin starting area you've come to the right spot yeah I I didn't remember that there we go pretty easy uh where are we going over here I got a bad feeling I swear this wasn't my fault why they looking at me like that and I like the music in this Zone as well I know old old kind of English feeling isn't it like Victorian and stuff like that maybe layer than that stoked for K yeah me too meran for sure you know damn the haters I enjoyed the ra tiers a lot too I want to do them again your n is being invaded no way in dusk Haven whoa Undead corruption's instant cast by default now okay love to see that at this what is this damage I'm just dying here I guess I don't have void Walker yet do I when do I get void walker eight okay pretty soon I have to see how good void Walker is hopefully he's not like Cosmetic in this version of the game remember in vanilla and in TVC your Void Walker was uh he he was good at watching you taking hits that's what he was good at [Music] doing uh yo dinaro uh yeah yeah sure I just had to read through that yeah sure if you want to send it on like Twitter or something uh like an unlisted video on YouTube or whatever then go for ITW I'll uh I'll check it out and let you know over here Liam greyman oh there's quite a lot of people around here do I have to kill more stuff Hold the Line kill stuff and my people use black gunpowder kegs do I have these kegs or where do I get them from or do I just find them around here [Music] beneath the sheds and by the windmills okay can't afford a shirt I mean apparently not guess it's uh you get that from the store or something can't just be handing out shirts now can we here you go um who bad feeling you just throw it on his head this is like fullon Skyrim Style Just Yeet it on his head keep switching my action bars I need to combine that that be fine one of those I think everything's going to respawn pretty quick have debuffs on name plates though you still need a weak cor for that bit unfortunate yeah void Walker yeah void walk and vanilla not the most useful thing in the game I got bad if I stand here I'm not going to stand there I kind of want to see if I'll die though holy look how much arm waving there is in the animations his Buffs being at much higher level yeah I think one of the things which can be kind of weird is um especially when you're leveling a character some of your like really CAU abilities come at sometimes super late levels I can't see in here cuz like is anything bad on Warlock [Music] I don't think anything's too bad on warlock but there like some other classes like I think if if you're on Druid I think rip is like level 50 something and it's like why do I have to wait the song for rip do you know what I mean you should change it yeah I mean the the abilties scale anyway I the I I know what the intention was right they want to like give you something to feel good about when you level up um which is definitely fair enough but in some cases it just feels like such a long it's such a long wait for a core ability you know whereas when we had spell ranks you didn't have that concern cuz spell and with a spell rank system you can give everyone their abilities super early game and they can just power them up over time don't need rip yeah but you know you've got like Elites you've got mini bosses you've got Dungeons and stuff and it can just feel like it's missing sometimes and again that's just one example maybe there's better ones let's grab that and we need two more skeletons also this was a change from wrath but as soon as you hit something it's tagged you don't actually have to do damage uh so you can just press corruption and you'll get the mob tag which is pretty nice cuz before warlock was terrible at mob tagging and vanilla like they were absolutely awful [Music] um right turn that in for my people y my prince L and Grayson you stand still for a moment for my people thank you time to play your blood DEC yeah blood DEC seems like a fantastic choice but uh I've heard from the video I did the other day people are saying that I was underrating prop I'm pretty sure they nerfed block tanks in dragon soul for some reason or another and those those changes should stick around but uh we'll see I think blood dks in like any event are going to be a good choice though where is movement there we go you got a I always buy auto run I don't know if anyone else does this but the amount of times I just press auto run and point myself in the line instead of holding down like move forwards all the time uh is this a bit where there was problems it might have been around here right good thing to do is pick spe with a core ability Elemental gets does Elemental get thunderstorm I thought you got lava burst oh I haven't looked at it yet plus will I main I will main warlock anyway I think this bit might be bugged so this could be a rip we'll see where we get to other people have got past it though so I'm just going to go pee real quick I shall be [Music] Obby [Music] for [Music] [Music] wash my hands absolutely not of course I did I'm a very um wash people's hands Guy Mr G on Twitter the up red mles are wait they're available the upres graphics [Music] um you know what I actually I'm going to check this wait wait wait just a [Music] sec I will check his Twitter not MGM Studios Mr GM okay check his [Music] Twitter [Music] if I would like to see it rep [Music] post [Music] H not there not there I can't see it I can't see it at the moment all right you got it cheers oh yeah sorry about the timeout it just it does that there's a new upres model texture res resolution new upress graphics below texture resol resolution what the he's got some like special client that I don't have just in case anyone YouTube's wondering what he's talking about yeah it's uh new upress graphics all right well I mean thanks for letting me know I'll keep an eye out for that then I will keep an eye out for sure but yeah it's not here right now at least interesting though we'll see what they do with that wg's got the short end of the model stick I mean they look okay it's just it's mainly just the animations like I don't know yeah not I'm not a big fan the best class for wargan Rog or Warrior um I I think with those two choices it's it's kind of either or just pick the one you like the new animations that are smooth but still keep the classic Spirit uh we I mean we'll see what the up U Red's Graphics are cuz we don't know what they'll be and yeah I don't understand what there'll be either now we shall see when we see but I cannot check it at the moment crocodiles and chowers what you saying about this you calling a CH E apparently that was the angry animation okay what now yeah thanks for checking yeah no worries I will uh I yeah I'll keep an eye out for it cuz I want to see tooy is a friend of mine right I think this is the bit where things are booed is it around here uh the water's here maybe it was later on I'm not there yet you know you played them for ages ah fair enough what am I doing kill stuff kill stuff rescue people all right can do say no more next part after this yeah we'll uh I mean we're looking at it earlier there are people who are higher level on wargon so either there's a way around it or it's working I I it'd be nice if it just worked this guy's doing a lot of damage actually time to get out of here I'm taking so much damage what the hell I thought cataclysm leveling was easy I'm some good oldfashioned uh fence abuse yeah where's my imp I'm going to die oh okay he's res saying okay the cataclysm beta hardcore is still alive guys you'll be glad to know holyy I just took like a million damage off those too right don't over pull I [Music] guess stuff hurts without looms yeah it does really bad as well I just I was just getting clapped and floating combat text has turned itself off for the fifth time today good to see some things never [Music] change walks yeah I walks as squishy as hell man I need to uh I need to be careful and die real easy out here okay so the I don't have a pet bar but the pet attack macro does work or a keybind wait my pet has about as much health as I do I'm really that squishy I've got I've got 10 more Health on my pet oh no yeah I hope you like them Hunter as well and uh plenty more to come soon thank you I have to aim for this what you want me to do read the quest text I'm aiming for The Forsaken ships oh what okay I didn't expect that to happen okay right uh I slightly Mis aimed there yeah I mean mana's my Mana Situation's okay yeah I expected to launch a bomb not myself again like come on what you expect me to do read this is outrageous oh this is good though now that's some good oldfashioned line of sight abuse I love that another bag this is truly a blessed character okay let's uh let's try that again it's a full of enemies uhoh yeah if I if a few people get on me I'm just dead like I have dark flight and that's it okay this time I will go [Music] here nice that that very nearly went terribly wrong I have to do a bit of pet juggling as well my imp is about as tanky as I am so I can let him take a few hits yeah weapon weapon skill doesn't exist anymore in C I uh this this shouldn't be here God I can't wait for weapon skill to be gone I've been an avid weapon weapon skill hater since vanilla is my not attacking there we go get a new weapon wow that's so cool I can't wait to use my weapon But first you need to go and hit gray mobs for about 20 minutes that's being generous it used to be way more than 20 minutes kill this guy I'm taking a lot of damage though I'm uh feeling very squishy but I guess this is just early game c with no looms right little dopamine hit between the levels you absolute addicts let's grab another a uh another catapult and ye myself over there need to save these uh save the children as well I'll get another catapult this one uh this one Andy yep in cata there are there's no longer Hunter ammo i t to the wrong guy as well yeah so if you're playing a hunter and cata Plus One Bank space uh but M remove the Relic and range slots I wish it didn't I I'm not going to lie I I don't like the minimum attack range for hunters I wish that wasn't in the game oh go I'm so close to just yeting myself into the ocean on this I should be like going at a better angle maybe it's not a problem anymore cuz like if you if you played a hunter in Wrath and early on you were doing stuff like malagos and Saran some of the hit boxes this is when you had to trap weave like you had to full on run in drop a trap run uh disengage out the hit boxes some of of some of the bosses were just absolutely terrible like it legit made me want to quit playing Hunter and then they put explosive trap launcher in the game which literally saved the class so I I don't know how that is in in um Kata where there are any bosses with like bad hit boxes but it does make me somewhat worry about playing Hunter um but yeah in cata they also get rid of hunters wearing melee weapons and ones for casters and stuff like that it's all not cata sorry that's mop that's mop ignore that mop is when they get rid of ones and Hunters with weapons good is Blizzard yeah I wish they put in just died off that guy I wish they put in a explosive trap launcher so much earlier like in uh in Old on togc I was thinking of quitting my hunter just because of how bad the mechanic was and how much it didn't work but yeah that's changed now so yeah still Soul shards there are still sh shards that's not the right word yeah there are still shards but they're very different though very different you you don't like keep them in your bag anymore and stuff so where is this guy just over here I think yeah there we go go to the Allen's basement very trustworthy like you playing a [ __ ] version of retail not they are very different um in terms of the the world and stuff yeah it's the same world it's the same questing but classes are going to be quite different um I say give it a go but you know at the end of the day it's up to you but I I think it is a very different version of what retail is at the moment running and adding in the meley weave it's like the only expansion where melee weaving properly worked that was TBC and in classic there's the like awkward 8 yard minimum range in TVC they changed it to five and I think that that was like the good spot for it even in like sod I kind of don't like Melly weaving that much because of the extra extra movement you have to do it feels a little bit awkward yeah the whole problem in ra with Hunter for me was the just bad hit boxes on bosses like really bad hit boxes bad feeling they don't give you much cloth do they no time back level seven and we're going to possibly get stuck here but we we'll see what now speak what now ATT oh not yet apparently is the hunters lost Parry yeah that's true I guess I never thought about that they um They do change parrying cata you know it's not like a full damage mitigation anymore it's I think it's 50% mitigation and there's no Parry haste either so it's not like as good as it used to be it's full is it are you sure um block change I thought Parry changed too Oh I thought they both change but reduce the percentage damage yeah I mean blocks 30% I I know about that for sure but I thought they changed Parry as well so it's like it's not like a full mitigation like Dodges [Music] anymore which add-on is my favorite H um add-on favorite I don't know about a single add-on that's leatrix plus does a lot of stuff that I like down [Music] here Parry will yeah Parry will still prevent damage but I'm saying like Parry won't prevent 100% of damage like it currently does like the moment in rra you parry you get Parry haste you hit them back and think C it's like you parry you block 50% of the damage and you don't Parry haste what now I again I could be wrong on this I I need to look at it some more see I think this is the bit where we might have a bit of a problem and there's a looking still bug to me Liam over here hey mango thanks for joining appreciate that hope you're having a good time that's wrong I mean fair enough it's wrong it's wrong but um I I remember reading that somewhere I haven't tested it myself y mango I appreciate it hope you're having a good day I think maybe it's some I think it was some early interview of ghost crawler and CER I'm going to try clicking some of these guys and seeing if it works they are they are shining even though there's a distinct lack of water oh uh okay I'm I'm rescuing parkour okay I'm parkouring I can jump up here can I not jump up there maybe not where I meant to take them get them ashore yeah it might be a little tricky um can I not get back up here oh hang on hang on hang [Music] on okay 1 out of four the game's still [Music] on um there's another one down there okay yep that one's working uh is it here okay two out of four this is this is probably not how you're intended to do the quest Quest but it's working right if you're on stuck on this Quest just do this um so we need two more but I need to like parkour my way back up as well this was on this was in OG cat too no way that's crazy oh we can get up here ah I I'm going to do this then your main going to be my main will be warlock for sure and then I'd also like to play an all but we'll see how things go in terms of time and what the Guild's doing and stuff but I played a Resto back in the day and I really like to see how they play again um so yeah hopefully Resto does an Al um but yeah definitely I'm going to stick with my warlock for the main though I'm kind of look I'm really looking forwards to a lot cuz um demonology was like fine early on cataclysm not cata wrath sorry but it like fell off a absolute truck late game it's still like a mandatory thing you have to bring it gives 10% spell power but it's just nowhere near as good as it used to be I have to click the ones that are like shining a bit there's some over here I'll try over there or the one here yep got it all right easy onwards we go my people forus uh yeah definitely health potions cuz I've been struggling and then back over here and I'm going to bind my health pots too ke binding [Music] bar put you there there we [Music] go look to up it seems apparently provides similar mitigation to dodge fair enough then maybe I uh I I got a bad link or something I read something that's wrong that is uh that's kind of something that I do you know all these old videos these old expansions it's uh a lot of people played them back in the day and stuff but it does it it does do to uh fact check stuff and like cross cross different points of data and see if they match up so I guess I'll uh I'll forget about that one then to three quests from this guy good day that one that one and that one best thing is definitely a lot more fluid in cata though it's kind of the TBC and wrath format information gets foggy it really does and like there's private servers too which are um they're like a good reference point to start from but at the same time they can like enforce matters or like how things should be which turn out to not be right what is it um and you know a lot of people who played them for years are like this is how it works because this is how I understand it [Music] works yeah I'd say always take stuff with a bit of a grain of salt until blizzard released their version of it because until then we just don't know for sure oh thank you uh mango yeah the Druid one will be out later tonight or today depending where you're at and uh then I'll have the hunter one out after that mountain horse rescue what am I [Music] doing I guess I just ride them over here right H wait wait you can do more than one at once yeah you know that one quest in Grizzly Hills I just like I was like oh God I'm doing this again didn't miss that actually I don't think hord have that Quest there's a quest you have to like get five horses and like you can only turn in one at once it's not like the biggest inconvenience ever but I guess yeah four plus the one I'm riding and I take these two the PAC mules oh no the grizzly Hills Pac Ms is in um howling F the one where you got the encampments you have to like get carrot on a stick and you can only do one at once that one but where do I take them to here no oh right I okay I just took a moment what is it thank you okay next one over here Lov how hard the heroic dungeons were I'm looking forward to the heroics for sure to see how they are pren Nerf I think um by today's standards they're not going to be like insane and the reason I say that is like if you've ever done a Mythic plus 10 I don't think they're going to be more difficult than that on average and if you're in an organized group and you're like you're rolling cooldowns you're CC you're interrupting the correct mobs you'll probably be able to get past them pretty quick but if you're pugging through the lfg there's a pretty high chance that you're going to be run into an absolute disaster it should be fun either way though linen wrapped bug ah over here balls of origination what was the final boss in Halls there was a lot of bosses in there there was like that room with four bosses around the circle right all right guys what's your favorite dungeon in CER if you have one I know what mine is I know what mine is for sure like it could be including zg and Za and not the um ones at the end end time and all that it's like one dungeon for you that's better than anything else I think there is for me are they outside y they're outside I have to go and get a clothes for them of course there's some skeleton guy waiting for me Grim oh grimber is a good one actually especially as it's like a returning dungeon from classic that always could have been there but it just never got finished I guess turn this in what's your story that's enough gabing for me today there's also enough gabbing for me today I'll see if the to um oh it's got I see the toia has that agility trinket doesn't it the tears Grace holy how do I remember that tears Grace is it a gilty who might be Mastery I remember going for that for ages on my [Music] Droid Stone call yeah Stone call with the big worm boss at the start you get hit by when it like jumps out the ground and does it uh underground phase and you just get one shot ozuk break yourselves upon my body that is a classic for me it's probably vortex pinnacle um CU vort this I don't know it's just uh it just looks really cool vortex pinnacle oh always been a big fan of it the bosses are okay they've got the the first one we just like do the dance between the orbs and stuff then alteras were like you have to go with the direction of the wind and then the last boss were the bosses aren't too interesting in there but it just looks really cool and the the music's still good as well the Mastery trink kit yeah I I isn't it like it has agility passive then Mastery on you saw the other way around one or the other healers yeah you had those zones on the floor right all from the um it's like adolescent storm Drakes that put some Zone on the floor I think remember getting crit for 100k the last boss in zg I don't remember what they do at all I remember doing mandic here and he has like the ghost around the side and like occasionally he just executes someone but I think we just out geared it and it wasn't a problem I just tuned in no problem Are the Broken quests fix in the Goblin and Morgan starting zone and wargan zone no uh if you go back like 1550 minutes in the VA I had to like do some Parkour to turn the quest in it was still completely bugged um which isn't ideal but I'm I'm sure they know about it for Walker time I should go learn it yeah I will next time I'm in town I will go grab that for sure and we we'll see how he does en catter in this Brave New World prox Adon hit stacking 10 times yeah that was it P in two of them though we ain't doing that I feel like should be there should be some water here but it's just not there they don't have fear either right can I oh he's got an onus attack as well okay right there's a safe spot here he's going for my imp so I come back down swap aggro again I think there'll be water behind me so I can't go in there cuz it'll be able to swim or like there should be water if I bet if I go here it'll be able to follow me this this these these early quests are kind of hard though all right let's try that again um do I have any food oh I do D's Healing Touch should be Chang to require 50 that's around when Druid started unlocking that slow and strong heals H what what's the one you get early game it's norish right hello final how are you oh I saw that message it's too late now no take backs final e of course you got have an e in your name very mandatory re is weak Source yeah I I saw someone streaming a druid and reu was healing like five I don't know if it's undertuned or that's like intended but it seems kind of crap right another Stone core enjoyer and there's going to be Titan Rune dungeons as well in C or whatever they decide to call them shattered Rune dungeons I don't know something else uh so I need shipright tools where are they in here ahuh re res 14 Pala gets it at 12 I tell you one of the good changes from Kata uh if you didn't know about this already this could potentially save you a lot of money uh in RAF the Lich King je spec is 1K in cata I think it's 10 gold right they changed it to 10 gold where's jeel spec I think it's level 30 right level 30 for 10 gold yeah so if you haven't if you want to if you have if you got like something you want to get je spec on do do not spend 1,000 gold now okay wait wait for the pre patch and it'll change to 10 gold and I think again I think it's level 30 when you can get it um so if you want to go do dungeon content when you're leveling that is much much more viable in CER went 100 at first I'm not sure I know it's 10 so that's really nice got a little Sprint on and go train our new spells too I hope we can do that up here I'll look out for a trainer and stinks you want to level for the new zones we already got stuff maxed out me too uh me too I I I do very much agree with that I was thinking right this is this is probably like a big controversial opinion but thoughts on level scaling between 1 and 80 and so you could level in any cat Zone you wanted to you think that's a good idea do you think that's a bad idea dislike it I think most people will dislike it but um it would give you a reason to level in the new C zones which I think otherwise are going to be kind of underappreciated wait wait wait oh I'm riding past the trainer why didn't I read my [Music] quest what was that was that me to be the gate what was that noise it's fine there will be another trainer up here I'm sure you hate the leveling an Outlander North friend if I could not do Outland again like I'm just saying after you've done okay I thought i' crash then after you've done leveling in cata and you go to Outland Outland feels so bad like so bad um I yeah if I could not do it again that would be great to be [Music] honest wrath is better by like a bit but if we're going to be doing the like cataclysm leveling format you do you know you got Zone you've got your story you do the story you go to the next Zone you do the story and so on um I think that kind of started in TBC raft did it a bit better cata does it a bit better and so on but miss TBC yeah I mean it's it's just for the purpose of leveling [Music] right but yeah the leveling in TVC really wasn't my favorite I like nagrand I like zanga Marsh that's kind of it if I'm being a completely honest with you the rest of the zones I could skip them and be very happy when the random Cobalts get to 60 it feels weird it would feel weird I'm just like throwing it out there it's not like they're going to do it or anything but at the same time it's this happened back back in the day with character so many people had level cap characters and they never went to see the new content because they had level cap characters like I went straight into vashir I didn't even make go to make a goblin or wargan I think these old zones would be so much more appreciated and play through if this happened but I don't know maybe level scaling is too big of a step but at the same time we're we're in cata now right things have begin begun to change a lot and a lot of people won have done these quest lines for 14 years they probably enjoy them the first time round I don't think they have the same replay ability as me for vanilla as vanilla does but it's it's it's just otherwise people aren't going to see them and by the way when you're leveling in cata you um it's not like you're completing every Zone in the game from 1 to 60 you'll complete like probably a third of the content if that there is an enormous amount of content in eastern kingdoms and calor and so you could go you could go through on another character and find a different sort of like way through it especially if it was scaled uh maybe you could have some like cut offs for the scaling like if you want to do EPL you have to be at least level 30 and then it will scale do you know what I mean obviously it's it's C so it's quite different but I'm just just throw out there is a friend of mine 50 quests already keep your chin up e uh up here I feel like we're about to get a cut scene this this looks if I was in Dark Souls now I'd be like yo Boss room look at [Music] this will wrath disappear in cat hits yes your characters will be moved to cataclysm there are no plans for a wrath era server at this point in time so yes people can enable it I don't know if that's like not possible because of layering and stuff maybe it is possible um again just throwing the idea around there void Walker yeah I I need to go train um I I meant to train and then I I talked to a quest and it sent me on a mount somewhere so uh I I shall go and train that very soon I'm going to get I can feel the cut scene right now I can feel ited so there you are I've been expecting you I got word of your covery and wait do you feel that for gilas look what's become of dust Caven looks look at what's become the last safe place in gilas I knew it whoa feel like we're missing some sound here okay yeah I feel like we're missing some sound from that cut scene gen's eyes are blue the correct color not in this one is there any cater fresh servers uh no they have not been announced at the moment no okay we H okay get on the carriage can I just hear what do I Hearth to i h a greyman Mana oh I'm already here yeah I'll just go down it's fine oh War okay yeah yeah fair enough fair enough fair enough I see I see mean in C are already are also playing other versions yeah I'll be playing um definitely going to be playing season of Discovery as updates come out but uh expansions just have a lot of content it's like season of Discovery is cool but it's there's going to be a lot of stuff to do in Kata and the thing is I already kind of know I like Kata um I imagine the future content s will be cool as well but I am looking forward to uh a bit more challenging PVE content personally that is something I know I enjoy uh so hop on here oh General good it ain't here it ain't nowhere okay what no tip no you vaguely remember there was no sound huh maybe you're right yeah it just it just felt missing you know even if it's correct it's like it doesn't feel right it's kind of classic out not yet this is the beta it will probably release this is we don't know when it release but maybe June July is the Eastern play yeah the eepl quest I remember that very well you get on the exact same cabin you have like a crew and you like go between different towers and EPL it's weird why that's way I remember it fair [Music] enough uh do I think they're going to stop at cat or keep going let me tell you something if they're doing cataclysm they're doing Mr Pandaria now if you want to play a monk as it was in mop like uh come back in like 18 months and you'll be able to play a Mony mop classic like I guarantee you it will happen there's no doubt I also think they're going to do wad which is going to be Meed into Oblivion um purely for the purpose of getting to Legion and after Legion I really don't know anymore legion's like kind of the cut off I'm going I'm going to have to trade my void Walker like later for my people yes well there's a lot of rescuing people involved in this go up here become Progressive yeah kind of kind of mind wad with faster releases I mean if you like raiding and that's the main thing you do then yeah uh a lot of people do say it was good you're a raiding enjoyer then I don't see uh see why you wouldn't give it a go and I think a lot of people would give it a go hang on oh look how fast you skin stuff they stop after Mo mop yeah I mean it's it whatever I mean we're at Kata now so I I don't know if you can say you have a bad take anymore it's kind of just a take that you think will happen can you imagine 4 years ago on the release of classic that we actually would have the cataclysm classic beta right now like can you imagine telling people then that we're going to get cata they'd like laugh you out the room there'd be no shot ever ever like 0% and now here we are Oh wrong one so yeah I I don't know I think it's going to go quite far they' reset after wrath I at least thought they'd do wrath error I'm I'm thinking of making a video about it really but I I still think they're kind of missing an opportunity not doing TVC or wrath era and it wouldn't significantly divide the community in a big way and it' make people who like those expansions very happy well while becomes wellow fatigue if you've spent a lot of time playing sod yeah that's um it's just MMOs they're very very time intensive would say it's Unique to wow it's just uh might be overdoing it a little bit it's always fun to take a break um it's just the beta at the moment for Kata so there's really no there's no need to like rush and play it anytime soon okay let's get that and return Yes sad you missed out on TBC if I'm honest it it wasn't my favorite personally uh but there's definitely a crowd of people who like it and and the end of the day classic is all about re-releasing expansions as they once were like vanilla when they first released classic era it was dead for a very very very long time and then it started gaining popularity and if classic era didn't exist we would have never got hardcore servers by the way like I guarantee you wouldn't have happened and nowadays they've got a raiding population on them so maybe they just take take a bit of time to find their feet but they're a worthwhile Endeavor in the long run I I I really doubt they're going to do fresh cater after how fresh wrath went didn't they have to like merge the fresh wrath servers cuz they just became completely dead level 9 one more level and uh I get I get my first talent point and you're going to see if you don't know how talents work in Kat yet you're going to see that you get a lot more than just one Talent point at level 10 I'm going to be getting my Fel guard or what do I go Fel guard I feel like I do go fou guard [Music] right yeah I just think the fresh servers they have a they have a short lifespan which might be fun but they're they're just not going to be longterm if you play them with that in mind they're probably quite fun but I really don't see them lasting for too long a lot of vergins of well you do you have retail you have wrath you're soon to have Kata you have season of Discovery you have hardcore you have self found hardcore and you have eror so uh and for one subscription I I don't know seems fairly decent to me am I just taking this Banner I'm not killing him am I okay I'm I'm out of here I'm I'm not killing him any day got 7K Health I'll get [Music] destroyed $15 I I mean I'm kind of fine we're paying 15 for what it is I don't mind it um live service game and all that maybe I would mind it more if there was you know the MTX that they have in retail but we don't have that classic in storm okay I'm going down [Music] here no inflation um have they never raised it I'm thinking of RuneScape and jagex they've raised their subie like twice I think yo Patrick this is the beta uh we're still a while off the pre patch Liam's voice yes I I didn't really give Liam the time of day though I'm like all right cool yeah see you later bro I've got I've got places to be yeah I'm get gabbing he's gabbing I'm going all right simple as was that uh now every classic expansion has been free you've never had to Reby them again class trainers where's warlock I'll find it in a moment what can I do for you that's enough gabin for me today kill stuff all right cand do it's got the buck on the map yeah I really like the update with the buck on the map what's this LW make it quick inke keeper as well update my in keeper as well bought you bought TVC is that even possible Brock did you uh you go on you go on eBay and you're like damn bro I need some collector's edition or I can't play TBC [Music] classic here we go we've been walled up for far too long so we got drain life demon armor summon void Walker conjure hellstone Bound by a common enemy nice all right let's uh do some key binding we'll put you there and sumon demons just want you should be able to key bind this you can't we'll just someone a void worker see what he does is that it demon armor there what abilities does he have uh it's not showing at the moment I guess I need control demon yeah I need control demon before that'll work oh and also Buffs don't have a duration anymore I don't think you just apply them and they [Music] exist where's the beta uh it is you opt in on that link that'll show up in a moment there you go and that'll get you soyed it seems like they're kind of inviting everyone at the moment so yeah just opt in there you should be good and no problem I've been back in BFA but when you made a wargan and realized the old class trainers youly skills that were still there let me again Arcane intellect earlier than I should have that's a bit of a unique Discovery it's kind of weird right if there's so many expansions and content piled on top of one another you're bound to you're like bound to find some stuff that shouldn't be there but it's not really a problem opted in GL you should they're inviting tons of people now tons of people so hopefully you get in before the weekend and can enjoy it how long can you level uh I think it's 1 to 80 at the moment I uh I'm probably just doing the starting zones to be fair to see how well they're working and cuz I haven't played the wargan or goblin starting zones in I don't know how many years so this is I remember nothing so this is great right now I'm just leveling through these zones seeing what's [Music] up St zones are nostalgic yeah they've always been nice haven't they how much does this heal plus four yeah not the [Music] best wait to progress transfer nah this is uh this is all temporary just treat it as a bit of fun for the moment if you really want to check it out when launch happens or when pre patch happens for that matter none of this will be kept as it is my void Walker is kind of doing some damage though look at this wand animation holy I'm straight out of Hogwarts what was that not a few huge fan of the goblin one the goblin one is uh it's definitely more like what's the word wacky is that is that the right word it's like way less s the the Morgan one is super serious like facing this this deadly ancient curse and we're trying to like free ourselves from Bloodshed and all this stuff and the Goblin one's like yo we need to make lots of money uh you'll go beat beat these people up and get their money and then ride around in a car that plays music it's uh it's it's pretty different I think I prefer the won myself right let's go over here get a little Sprint on mind you of total biscuit yeah remember there's uh he started doing a lot of cata stuff back in the day and I think some of preacher earliest videos on Kata too who I can get over here yeah I don't know about my void Walker though no he's going the long way uh oh if I pull three things I'm actually dead by the way I'm squishy as hell right now yeah see the health bar just disappearing and I cannot control my demon either so I need to kill this guy and then get my void Walker to Taun the other one whenever you're in all right final help there we go he got he got round to it eventually he just needed a [Music] moment got to be careful out here [Music] though and I'm out of Health pots as well like straight up without heirlooms cataclysm leveling is uh it's it's like faster than vanilla because you have more abilities and less downtime but if you pull too many things you just die like you straight up just die you cannot take hits at all I don't know how other classes feel but as a warlock right now I'm squishy as hell I'm literally a piece of [Music] paper feel like s it yeah it's a kind of a good comparison right s it's like you're powerful but you also squish your mobs hit you really hard yeah yeah I think that's kind of right didn't like th making gwick a faction leader have you seen gwick in the goblin starting zone he looks completely different I don't know when they reworked his model to be like this disgusting guy but like in in the starting zone he just looks like some regular Goblin dude in some fancy clothes riding around on a spider tank at 10 you become op what' you get at 10 on R is it Crusader strike uh let's go in here about halfway to 10 and when we get 10 we are going to be very powerful let me tell you what what can I do for you temp you need you need holy power for templar's verdict though I don't know if maybe you do get holy power at 10 yeah yeah that's that's what that's what templar's verdict does that's enough gabin for me today all right uh pop those on Lovely over yeah the gony caught up apparently [Music] so get XP from Mining and herd modes haven't been paying attention I think you do though yeah word of Glory at nine [Music] I'll I'll try and like pay attention next time I skin something but I'm pretty you know we just found a volunteer uh okay no one luck this is a deadly wolf um uh there's nothing there okay I can't even skin him fine unfortunate um it's it's okay he was he was turning into a [Music] wargan you like your Huskies ah you like a lot of noise do you I see it it was it's just beta okay it's not a real dog I wouldn't have done that on live servers I had to calling pets right now no wait wait wait wait someone asked me to you love a husky I think they make a lot of noise like a lot of noise and they're like hyperactive when I have pets and my parents we always have border of Coles whoa what's this freezing trap animation hello oh yeah is is this just me now or am I just a okay I'm free of the block of ice and oh that's it okay go back you do get XP from herbing and stuff yeah I think it's just bugged um or it's not in the game at the moment one or the other pet Bar's missing I'm not sure if it's missing or I just don't have control demon yet so I can't give commands to my pet um I will see at level 10 what brings I think it's shouldn't be there yet though pop those on whoa damn looking [Music] good oh I don't remember this bit this it's kind of like bit like Azure m style with all the red everywhere okay I would test the skinning but if I if I kill a fox people are also going to be mad so I'll uh I'll skin something that actually attacks me okay that's the deal damn look at this don't remember this at all pretty fancy yeah an emerald nightmare it is isn't it how Doran the stanks yes stanks they'll do we will prevail we do what we must okay one more quest uh I might go back straight back to town after doing this I'm going in fact I'm going to kill some more then go back to town cuz I want to get 10 um and there's a quest uh class trainer up here yeah yeah random night elf they're like yo how would you like uh a nice looking dress okay so moonleaf oh this is for the quest not herbing totally a UK problem yeah they that used to be a thing they uh they outlawed that some time ago okay I literally just need to kill something of anything fine we'll we'll go over here and kill something and then I'm going to go level 10 then I'm going to go train we'll kill a Banshee there it is level 10 so this is uh this is one of the big changes to the uh systems in cataclysm so you hit Level 10 and you instantly have to pick a a talent tree and your talent trees are now like locked in until you've spent 31 points in that tree so when you pick a tree you you're like you're committed that's that's like your main talent tree now just work out on going here just joined and I ding ten you good luck apparently uh so my choices here are I can go Affliction and get unstable Affliction which is just it's the same way it's always worked essentially and Shadow Mastery which gives me 30% bonus Shadow damage that's pretty chunky um but Affliction they when you're leveling things die too fast so I wouldn't recommend it all dots will crit by default as well if if they're working um all yeah all dots crit by default and they benefit from haste also dots with haste changes too so um you know how in rra when you have loads of haste you apply a DOT and its duration goes down from like 18 seconds to 8 seconds instead of doing that that now increases the number of times it ticks and over its base duration uh which gives you haste caps and stuff which is much better design than wrath uh which I'm also looking forwards to as a warlock um but anyway yeah I wouldn't recommend this for leing and you have destruction which has con flag again that does kind of what it's always always done and that it um deals fire damage equal to 60% of your emulates periodic damage it doesn't say it consumes mate which is quite nice and you're also getting cat ISM for more fire damage your favorite change it's actually such a big deal um I I love it okay I can't wait for that I I kind of wish they put pandemic in if you know what I mean from mop or was it wad it was mop or wad you know pandemic where you like you refresh a debuff and it like adds to its Max duration I I I also enjoyed that but anyway uh then demonology we have summon Bellard that's a big deal and demonic knowledge which increases both fire and Shadow spell damage so I am going to go demonology and I'm going to put my first talent point in I feel I'm going to be going three here two here re the F Legion strike I think I'll just go one in fell syi for the moment just my my pet's always topped off you don't like demo I'm a big demo enjoyer yeah earlier yeah you're right exactly that yeah it was just for just a talent for everyone in yeah it was yeah lock specific and it was like 50% of a dots duration and then they gave it to everyone they lowered it to like 20 or 30 so I'm going to learn my first talent point and that is instantly going to give me demonic knowledge and my new demon so I'm level 10 and I have fard actually I'll get control demon in case it bugs first and I need to resummon I get drain Soul control Demon Soul burn which is new [Music] and apparently that's it the new moon so Soul bur is what we use shards are now so I now have um shards up here so shards are not in your bag anymore they are something which you just kind of generate and still get them through drain Soul or you can get them through Soul Harvest which is here I'll get our level 12 that generates shards and health out of combat yeah I just don't have that yet but soulburn basically empowers a bunch of spells so I could put soulburn here and then summon fard and I could press Soul guard soulburn into summon like that so I instantly have a demon out so yeah it's pretty powerful definitely nice to have as my fou guard he's got his action bars working here now seems to be good there should be pet assist here and move to so this isn't correct as for the pet bar I pretty sure you have move to and assist instead of aggressive and uh [Music] stay yeah my my main man leash [Music] vazul just so you know if you dual spec then switch trees go back to original you lose the ability that comes with a spec oh oh crap okay well yeah I I won't be doing that then that's bad and what else did I have yeah my summon demon should be working now we'll just do one of these and we'll put that on key [Music] binding seems to be [Music] working even life stay still exists I just assume they get rid of it cuz stay and move to are kind of the same thing right you can just move to and do it as a mou do it as a AR cursor think they should add the retail wargan ability calm the wolf also change you back to human form after combat ends it was added in 10.1 similar to aoka uh yeah yeah sure that that would actually be kind of nice yeah I'd be all I'd be all for that why not at the moment I guess you'd have to where's aberration aberation two forms wait can I not shift back yet wait am I crazy can you not shift between wargan and human form huh the oh I'm not there yet okay not until oh later on okay okay yeah yeah so I was like I swear you can do this and I just can't see the option wait is my P the key binding not work working for attack bars key bindings targeting pet that attack got on bound somehow to fight your own Batts and passive yeah okay right fine that's good it's working then it does a bunch of damage though uh so I need two more banshees he doesn't have his in fact I don't think FG guards have charge anymore they just get a move speed increase which is better than having a charge cuz sometimes that charge would stun stuff and it would stun things in a really bad place like on Lich King 25 heroic your your fail guard can like randomly charge the shambling horrors and they get stunned somewhere super bad and then melee run into them and then it shock waves them and everyone dies and you're just like crap I hope nobody notice what just happened there yeah then getting rid of the stun on this is actually good I think they have axos instead now it's like a targeted 4 second stun I think it's just a movement speed increase now uh called Pursuit I think can I see this no you can't see your demon future abilities that's a shame is that correct cuz that would that would have been nice to see as well so I know what they're getting [Music] when H I do not know oh wait assist is here and so it's move to oh okay yo you're right they do exist they're just not on here by default all right well if you if you're a pet class I would recommend uh you put him on assist and then you don't have to worry about using attack macros and stuff all right coace be with you a well got incept removed yeah yeah again I'm like I'm actually glad it was removed um cuz in PV it could really do bad stuff and it just it just charges random stuff that you're not even you don't even want it to it just it feels like it picks up a Target it's like oh the target's enranged I have this charge thing on AutoCast I'm going to charge them I think it's working uh yep you're right unless yeah yeah it's not working well okay it's in the game but it's not working wait let's do a soulb bur drain life oh see that drain life tick there it's like instant the soulb burn it like reduces its cast Time by like yeah 50% big heals it was added back in in BFA was it cuz um actually I played a bit of warlock then I swear they had AXS still or maybe the charge doesn't stun the the bit that was the problem was it's stunning cuz it was like you didn't always want that to happen can't believe ining C already it feels like yesterday classic was released I actually feel that yeah I I do agree it's uh guess what you know what they say time goes by fast when you're having fun classic was fun they already added some add-ons I saw the add-on folders in the game now but I'm not going to worry too much about [Music] add-ons oh okay I was looking at how many mobs are here and I'm like there must be some kind of train all right so they're all distracted I'm going to sprint in and do a bit of Ying unless that guy does first thank you met is so fun pre allegion I tell you what um when we get mop not if when when we get mop if they release demo on its final patch Demo's going to be like the biggest SEL down ever cuz demo and mop was absolutely cracked how good it was to play but then they they nerfed it to Oblivion in the last patch didn't they didn't he nzac costus make a post saying basically we we can't balance demo lock so we're just going to Nerf it and they had to go play a or something maybe I'm making that up I seem to remember that but through the rest of the expansion like you had kill jadence cunning you so you can like cast on the move you have meta you have like emulation Aura Hellfire on the move you had all your cool Downs you had Doom guard it's like it's it's so good yeah I remember the light yeah because we don't want you to play demonology yeah I I I swear I remember something like that I was like damn you Ian why have you done this if they release demo in that state I'm going when we get to mop I will make a video about that and I say blizzard give us the demonology we deserve okay not this Nerf crap because we don't want you to play it just give us the give us the good version allies are hereby ordered to serve along the king's Army ohly it's kicking off Crowley you and your Elven allies are hereby ordered to serve along the king's Army cursed or not you are still Bound by your name does this toad speak for you again you come to our dwelling as a friend or do you come as a tyrant no old friend I've come to you as an equal yo it's gen original gen possible no way again it is not law that binds us it is something far stronger my men are ready to give their lives under your command it is decided then we willite all Gil naans and drive The Forsaken from our [Music] lands so I guess this is the uh split between Godfree and the others and uh the wargan who are going to strike their own path and now I imagine I'm going to go join the alliance if I had to Hazard a guess [Music] and my f guard's going so I left him on stay that's fine D straight into another one soulb bur's so much fun actually yeah I need to uh need to drain some Souls though later on you get this ability called Soul Harvest which is kind of like I know how to explain it it's like sort of like either but on a short cool down you see count nearby wondering Souls regenerating 45% health and three three shards over 9 seconds but you can't cast in combat oh they got right they got it right in BFA then okay that's a plus one for BFA then I guess a key bound that is that interesting oh yeah so um I use use I use the SDF to move yeah I uh I I I just do keybinds this way I've got so many comments about this but yeah my movement keys look like this wait huh wait I'm not using up and down and S and F like holy crap how would I even be playing the game I've got like I've actually got three arms or something I'm using e wait I'm using e for forwards D for backwards S and F but it's oh the second okay the secondary Keys yeah I was just like what the hell for a moment but yeah that is how I do it all right gabin or get going find KR right we're going back up here then so I guess I'm I going in the coach nope just further along the road I guess there's is there quite B this Zone left then so I'm level 10 already I don't know how far do c starting zones [Music] go wonder if defensive I'm going to check if defensive Works whe the pet bar as a whole is just SP okay defensive works not all of them are the same fair enough okay okay I do not remember I have not done this in a very long [Music] time and hund is hund's popping off right there we'll leave him on assist in case he changes his mind about that [Music] working use S or backpedal backpedaling like it's it's something you're told is really bad but it it can actually be useful at times it does have its place um unironically 12 to 40 yeah I mean we'll just carry on how long have I been on not too long yeah we'll carry on for a bit longer all right Mr Aron we live oh we got a hat wait I can't see the Hat eh this is Criminal oh this is going to be a big Quest here that's the cin stealth mode until cancelled up here back pedal to R your own cast it's mainly just when like tanking stuff to be honest um like or just backing out of a room while while you're still hitting things it definitely has its place okay oh Auto despawned your pair that's good so do these Watchmen have stealth detection I think they have a little eye above their head nowadays don't [Music] they um I feel like are these guys not meant to be here yet or where am I going h I'll follow the road round okay yeah he has detection oh no it's the dog the dog has detection I see the little eye he's only level seven though so I should be able to just sneak around here pretty easy allly sheep on the road we have a classic Andy but you're excited for something other than the same zones again I think that's part of it yeah like I I don't remember any of this stuff and at all I did this probably once like 14 years ago is scary to think but that's how long ago Kata was 13 or 14 years 13 I guess I can just W just about get wait what am I meant to do here just attack them or do I poison them or I think you just attack them right I guess I'll wait for him to come back inside he's wed off now got to tag in there someone else here okay it's a shared tank oh no it's not a shared tank there we go get him that nice and the other one may as well stay in a group for it unless he's already done it can I dark fly join this oh you can nice nice touch wait for him to be back um yeah I guess uh whatever I just did work too I guess it's fine when there's two of you oh [Music] wait and he ran straight through him how okay he has pulled the other two I don't have any shards all right fine let's just go let's do it the oldfashioned way he's doing so much damage do you even you don't need to steal for this do you it just feels like you killed him yeah I I should have drained I'm dumb oh well oh stealth mov forward to cat a m more than wrath I mean yeah there will be people who do for sure right next guy to like why do you have to steal is it just like a flavor Quest you don't really have to do you remember this being a bit harder yeah it feels kind of weird like they're giving you this consumable to stealth but then it just it's not like it doesn't feel very NE necessary does it now I thought if I didn't stealth there' be some like eleti mob that would just absolutely destroy me but uh apparently not all right easy have C Kat implemented the onstream graphics for procs yeah yeah that was Kata that was Kata for sure yep [Music] the numbers yeah that maybe that's the risky part I feel like this is a bit weird like these guys are here and there's technically Gus will rise again my people have you have my undivided attention if only I could show I think something's not quite working there I'd sooner die have one of your time for a king I don't know I get a top hat though why is my top hat invisible Liz this is a bug this is the worst bug I've seen the beta so far how are you going to give me a top hat and then make it invisible what kind of Cruelty is this this should definitely have some like appearance right or is it some like Flavor item I'm I'm going to have to check this somewh ahead less we War uh-huh he was hostile at the time but friendly it's kind of weird though like there's free there's some friendly NPCs but then they're hostile but are these sending these guys sending on a secret mission that these guys wouldn't have known about I'm not sure show home is disabled oh good point good point show hel me toggle it I'll toggle it off okay I just toggled cloak and that one got hidden I'll do a quick reload and then I will togger them back on show and see the capes come back on but the helm is uh wait slrl doesn't work you have to type full on reload you can do slrl in Wrath maybe that's an add-on yeah that's bugged I'm going to have this is the biggest bug anyone's ever seen in the game um not showing on character that do yeah I had to look it up on wad as well you can look at this fella where's my hat come on [Music] bliz I demand my hat are other helmets visible I have not received another one yet uh so I don't know the worst but it is I I demand my fashionable hat right I think we're running where's my hear my storm Glenn Village that's down here okay well we're running then we're running it's an LV I don't use lvi it might beatric though send you a few more letters though isn't it Go human I can't oh wait I can aha wait the Hat's on now oh it's just not visible in wargan form interesting well um yeah well it's too late now I've reported it two forms wait where's the proper uh changing animation is that in the game isn't that meant to be an animation there meant to be an animation isn't there you're like ah I'm a Morgan ah and then you're like when there's a big black smoke thing you turn to a wargan there's definitely an animation yeah that's a bug um yeah we we're going we're going to do some honest reporting no animate animation between warun human or the two for WS ability you go see I'm helping the Hat should show on the wolf yeah if I like if I knew that I could specify it didn't show on the wolf then it'll be fine though like they can they'll check they'll probably be able to see that I reported it when I was a wargan not a human yeah I should I I probably could have reported I didn't report the water bug because there's going to be like a billion reports for that already but I assume people have reported this but maybe not everyone knows there should be an animation cuz like when you turn to a Dr the there's like some like spinny fire thing around you right but it's not like some the wargan animation is pretty it's it's kind of over the [Music] top all right I found you guys the the highest quality video I could possibly find for what this should look like wargan transformation footage from BlizzCon 9 are you ready yeah yeah see this is what this is what it should look like okay and then yeah you go back like that that's what it looks like on live this this is this is it it's kind of the same for the female model too so yeah and instead it's like you just you just teleport between [Music] them you P everything even if it's hundreds of reports yeah you're not wrong yeah I should do really with everything which I think is not working that is at the end of the day that the the point of us doing this is to uh get the game working because we want the game to work well you know can you sprint while in human form oh I cannot transform right now I guess that that seems to be working as intended I don't think I should be able to use dark form as a human or dark flight what is it it any friend of greyman is a friend of mine ain't you a chipper looking one that's enough gabing for me today there's more class train I love how many class train are they're like following you around as well what's your story and train anything else no I'm still 10 aren't I right all will'll be right back quick not waste my time lesser [Music] creature [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why hello there yeah on live you can select when you're going to for a little swap bag they yeah they should put that in this as well I don't see why not I don't think it' be like it's it's not a bad thing in any way you just you know you can be wargan in combat and you cannot be wargan out of combat I mean why not I guess right fre skinning yeah no XP skinning uh professions should definitely give XP right let me check Gathering XP no changes yeah if anyone says no changes in C then yeah oh skinning doesn't Grant XP yeah mag to call you're right you right no your stuff you to 4.01 you to the patch 4.0 Mining herbalism and archaeology Grant XP skinning does not Grant XP so did I get did I get herbalism I got skinning L working ah well working as intended then I guess working as intended right I need to kill some Stags any [Music] Stags drain Soul as well get when you drain you get three shards back I think y all three so it's a lot easier to maintain your shards now so I know um I know professions gave XP and mop there was that um double agent you know the pandaran guy you guys all know who yeah he he got to level cap in like every single expansion on the wanding aisle like the pandar on starting zone he just did it through Gathering stuff absolutely crazy achievement there's not much Point skinning stuff there yeah I wonder why not skinning I guess skinning is like so much easier to grind rather than uh herbalism or the other stuff so if I could get XP from skinning I could just like sit around this Zone and farm stuff couldn't I he's still playing yeah I I remember reading like he got level cap in I think it BFA the last time I heard about it but okay it's just like the occasional post that pops up on wad you know you can skin everyone else this stuff uh yeah yeah yeah you're right you could nothing stopping you from doing that probably would be op wouldn't it difficult to balance and you're already getting XP for killing the animal true a lot of good points though so yeah I guess I guess that's why they never did it [Music] huh talking about Double Agent the the one and only only one man would be uh dedicated and crazy enough to do that makes him stand out though people know who he is what's your story watch your back there is level 11 uh so next we need to go over here got one more Talent point so the cast time your legion strike bards get um blad storm whatever it's called in in cata right Bell storm yeah I think I'll just get one point there I think that they do actually yeah yeah they do I remember seeing in some videos so if you're playing a demo lot you're going to have Bell storm you're going to have imulation Aura and there's a talent down here question mark no here where is it hang on yeah enables you to channel Hellfire while moving and increases the duration of your emate by 6 seconds so you can have ulation Aura and you can be channeling Hellfire as a uh as a metalog and just run around and stuff and do so much AOE kind of fun remember in TVC ra you thought you had to save the talent points oh no so you could get the cool stuff at the bottom oh like you see the thing at the bottom you're like this cost 71 Talent points gee I'm I'm going to have to do a bunch of saving up here if I ever want to get this also in C you do get a few you do get Talent points per one level for a bit I think it's like between you get one at 10 11 and 12 I think then between 80 and 85 or 81 and 85 and after that it's one for two levels so yeah occasionally you do get one point per one level yeah that is that is some hardcore variant that uh Giga Iron Man level 81 to 10 it's just 10 11 is it an 81 to 85 yeah that maths out cuz I to know people like it's it's crazy people like oh you get so you get so few Talent points you know you don't get something every level and I'm like bro it's something every two levels and leveling is pretty quick like I don't know I I think you do get a lot of stuff while leveling still if you want to point to an expansion and say where are my stuff for leveling up you can point to Mr Pandaria where they give you one Talent per 15 levels but c i I don't know it's it still feels like I'm getting a a bunch of stuff from leveling not made a misstep on that to be fair um I will never say class design was bad in modop but maybe it felt like you're not you're not kind of getting something as often if you know what I mean wonder if they could have lowered the cap and made it back into one per one level ah maybe but it's like it'd be such an enormous change just for one Talent Point per one level it it' probably be kind of too disruptive to how things are designed to be really worth doing last of di was good count or not yeah it's um I mean mop is like they put so much stuff into your class like mop you had your you had your Baseline class abilities and then you had your spec abilities I don't think I think it was in mop that if you're a fire Mage you don't have Frost ball or arcade missiles anymore and to actually learn arcade missiles you had to be Arcane and they like split stuff up super hard this guy's inside the mine isn't he I've just run out the mine I should have carried on yeah okay yeah thought so [Music] keep the can of talent trees in classic moop um again I think it'd be like kind of too disruptive to the gameplay experience it's it's different but it kind of is what it is at the same time everyone playing lock on the uh beta are they really um I for me I just we a music hold up the violin uh no I just I I play lock I'll play lock either way but yeah demo is kind of [Music] good o the next music spooky right let's go down here Frank season of discovery will continue past vanilla um if if I'm being honest I I like 99% no I very very very much doubt it I I think sod will do season of Discovery stuff and judging on how well blizzards believes it's gone there may be something afterwards which kind of Builds on it but I think it's just going to be for vanilla there he is hello a I'm good thank you very much oh my pet followed me down holy insane mechanics there any changes from original C so far I thinking nope no it they kind of made it out like there was going to be at BlizzCon but they they sort of said that and then they haven't changed anything yet so we're we're still waiting on that he used to be elite damn he got downgraded huh too hard I guess where am I from I am from the United Kingdom bit more of a challenge yeah not So Much Anymore eh out running let's go hand this one in nice country apart from the weather but it's uh part of our duty as British people to complain about the weather mainly because it's bad okay I'm in danger do a big Soul burn drain life here look at the healing this is going to heal my pet as well cuz I took the uh tent whatever it was called no I don't have heal pets f for Le vazul all right see you later you're from London all right bit further south than me try yeah merlocks merlocks a little uh zumas they go way too fast what happened to your friend I keep stopping to some my demon I'm I'm so used to like having the half second cast thing from uh the master Summoner trait or Talent whatever it's called what is it and that one is or get going oh my banks are full any yep General Goods here paying customers only I'm going to be a selling customer today let sell this and that let me buy back my skinny knife oh man I there one of these times when you miss add-ons you're like please just sell my junk for me I don't want to try and have to work out which items are somewhat useful here and it's a beta isn't it like why am I even looking just ye everything a good word eh any friend of greyman is a friend of M right where we going make it quick prefer a few add-ons I'm a bit of an add on it I I still use a very basic UI but some things I uh I can kind of doing Without You know I can I can let an Adam do hey number two Adam what you had two hate comments for cat today i' I consider that not bad not bad for the first at cat stream only two I'd consider that uh reasonable let's do this oh these guys bugged that's kind of weird they reset that try this guy again Lally four different versions of the game yeah I mean just look I'm I'm not going to go to people on retail and be like damn it I hate I'm not going to go retail streamers and be like damn it I hate retail I mean I I don't but like hypothetically let's say I did I'm not going to do it because I'm like okay I've got I've got all the classic versions I could possibly want here it's just uh it's a bit unnecessary isn't it have to kill this guy again freenes could see cut content like the abyss or more if they did the abyss or more Kata would be such a good expansion I unfortunately don't think they will but it it could really add something to the uh experience of the expansion therez your the idea between Kata was you had the four Elemental raids right got fire lands for fire you got throwing the Four Winds for Earth you have what was Earth resum another pet oh cool Downs summon me okay I'm got some like keybind that's like changing my bars it's not ideal and then what was Earth Blackwing descent it wouldn't be best in a Twilight then water would have been Abyssal deps or uh whatever it's called Abyssal more Bastion of Twilight thean yeah I mean but like an earth themed raid do you know what I mean I guess there wasn't Stone core yeah it's a dungeon you know what like a proper R like we got throwing the Four Winds that's very clearly uh fire fire lands water uh Abyss or more Earth I don't know what was Earth exactly maybe there were were there meant to be four Elemental raids or have I just made this up hello Stu how you doing back to bug M again I wish they had a wrath eror so you didn't have to do that what is it make it I uh I'm blue items thinking about writing a video basically which is uh yo blizz um you know all this stuff is cool and everything but do you want to reconsider error servers CU I do think there is a demo I think it the whole point of classic is remaking games with how they used to be um for people who play them back then or want to experience back then and I don't know it just seems like they're really missing out by not at least making one error server amm I was in Catelli ah saying K and Graphics are updated um if you Graphics no um or maybe they were but if you're talking about models then that was Warlords of dror what am I doing here I think this is like the the big end of starting zone Quest here we're going to be retaking Gil naus uh surely everything will go well around here model yeah models with W yeah yeah that was the case oh do I have to talk to [Music] somebody oh right yeah yeah yeah I like he like down there isn't much in this battle going on is there is he's back out here then [Music] right kin ah okay I see I see right let's get the battle for gonus under way well met I wish to join the battle oh all right I'm in there okay wish content creators should use their platform to petition for wrath error yeah I mean as I just said I'm like considering or like working towards making a video which says y bless you should do this and I've said several times in the past they should do wrath error like I I I do think it's a positive and they're missing out by not doing [Music] it I'm like I'm a bit lost here I need to jump in the cannon or okay I'm just going to ride around here and see what's going on oh stuck might need time you you don't [Music] oh uh why not I'm just going to walk over here and see if it like zon me in or or if it's [Music] started you split the game that much you make the game feel dead cuz people are on different clients My Hope Is that there'll be there wouldn't be like a crazy amount of people on like the the older versions of the game and it wouldn't feel too split what the hell it's still vanas huh I think this is uh not what it's meant to look like right oh what is going on what is happening um yeah I'm going to Hazard to Guess that this is not working as it should be at the moment maybe if we would just kill Sylvanas the the event will complete right right get him ah it it's buggy yeah it seems a little bit but people have done this I I think if we just kill her it'll complete right okay just all we have to do is take enough of course the enough father yeah that's uh that is not working too well right now no y Liam n no we took back our city we took back his health bar looks fine to me you'll be okay so vanas is a coward holy what an absolutely Giga Chad oh it completed okay yeah it did work uh job done boys what is yeah that's probably not what it's meant to look like um and we'll take the uh cloak so intellect is now a great stat for casters if you don't know intellect will give you spell power um and it's now your primary stat so you'll be wanting to pick up intellect wherever you can do so so if I pop on this cloak here uh you'll see bonus spell damage 23 I putp this on 27 very cool all right oh crap was I meant to follow some guy oh okay yeah I follow lead the way Mr mmle okay right fine I'll just swim stupid anime jump thing wad H okay hunt for Sylvanas all right there's a lot of people who seem to uh be going I'm just going to follow the crowd surely this many people cannot be wrong I feel like I'm getting a cut scene again when there's a when there's a div like diversion in the road and somebody goes off another Direction and everyone follows them and it turns out the the way everyone was following is wrong what I have no time for there in this curse um uh um I don't think this is meant to be [Music] areen we are the foren there's not meant to be this many what's aoral of Sylvanas ingh anyone stands in our H this may be a little bit bugged yeah the still the still vany they're duplicating [Music] um so like uh [Music] oh blood strength and hon uh let me read the quest real quick I I have a feeling it's a little bit broken the war war Holden what do you need okay he's piecing out what would you ask I think the event's happening but it's just like Giga buged hide in the water two other people oh there's to back there he is he's got the quest guy don't mind my demon there I'm on a stealth Mission the svan are [Music] leaving CH demon doesn't care oh oh you're yeah you're meant to hide in the water so like where's my Tobias gone is that my Tobias should I just go in the water with [Music] him get gabing or get going what do you mean get gabing or get going you're sitting in some water also you're underwater I'm going to hope this is my Tobias and it's [Music] working I can't see them saying anything [Music] either ain't you a cheran one o any friend greine is a friend of mine oh there's a druid with him been walled up for far too long I think my one is uh no bueno I'm going I'm going to go retake the quest ask him how St I'm sure stav's just fine I can't imagine him becoming a psychopath or anything I imagine he's a nice guy right let's abandon this and oh God I have to remember where the quest was picked up you're asking too much now that was like a solid three or 4 minutes [Music] ago uh oh okay I remembered make it quick what is it my unded attention B okay we're going we're going to try this again oh the cabins of time Quest holy crap that was bad you could cheese it [Music] though he's in position 25 2515 wow I wish I wish it was that far forwards in the queue okay this will work this time [Music] ah okay yeah Quest text this is good I'm listening so vanus is headed to the cathedral let's hurry okay I think I just had some bad RNG I don't know where Tobias went last time I think I just lost him Stan's fine did not drive you insane Sod at all that's great to hear I'm sure I knew it' turn out okay oh okay everyone in the pool just in case I'm going to dismiss my uh demon you have to be actually underwater what happens if they see [Music] you i' remember the trans oh yeah yeah as she said yeah the uh being able to gard's weapon fears he's going to have to carry out this Invasion himself yeah true you can assure gash that this is a minor setback our victory in Gus will be absolute you sound very confident your majesty I seriously hope you do not plan to use the plague gash has explicitly forbidden it you do well to watch your tone General neither you nor gash have anything to worry about we've ceased all production of the plague as he ordered we'd never deploy it without his permission that's a cap I will deliver my report to our leader then by your leave my lady Go With Honor General my lady should I order my men to stop the three seconds later before he's left or are we to continue as planned what kind of question is that of course we're deploying the plague as planned let moment enjoy their small victory not even their bones will remain by tomorrow as you wish [Music] should have taken more time to redeem herself as Sylvanas yeah it was uh she got made Warchief then she went crazy pretty quick has even has anything happened to her in Dragon flight I haven't been keeping up with it my time lesser creature yeah massive law moment right there typ typical p man you can't trust these skeleton people one moment they're on the side next moment plague no oh guess she's uh just you know serving out her Eternal sentence of um I don't know chilling in the mo yeah that's where she is I know my law the mo yeah yeah what Chris said make it quick what is it there we go hunt for sylvanus and done and I think this is going to be the end of the starting zone we shall see a pretty cool uh starting zone though I enjoyed that thought that was fun a couple of bugs here and there um none of them were absolutely gamebreaking for me though but definitely a few fixes oh we're not quite done yet so where am I going oh do I have all this to do yet all right I think I've got bit a bit to do yet congrats and [Music] poggers yeah not quite done yet the top oh yeah apart from the top hat that was um that was criminal I mean denied my rightful Top Hat find the torch uh torch um maybe I get up here wait do I not have a torch what is this I'm guessing this is a bit of plague not doing any damage [Music] though captured fell back oh right okay I just didn't read the quest then use that yeah okay didn't read the quest moment I look on the map and I go to the thing on the map what if I just do it manually right I'll get XP it'll be good [Music] captured riding bat right I think it was over here right zero XP very unfortunate yeah they'll have like change the mobs where you can't get XP right cuz you're designed to do it with some uh vehicle wh uh right yeah B bat riding bat it's a bat isn't [Music] it um where the bat at oh there he [Music] is Shadow the shadow bolt be I've never heard anyone say that's a fluffy shadow bolt you've got there wait am I Oh I thought it was in full control of the bat then bat is B tell the about that I can't believe you hurt his feelings does he look very f to you apart from his kind of green eyes and evil look C oh it's pretty quick at least if you're going to give me a vehicle quest uh man this is this is the this is what vehicle Quest should be man that took like 10 seconds this is great fluffy Vault yeah you're all a same to you what the hell can't believe you'd say that that that was the best vehicle Quest I've ever done in my life I was getting you know that quest in TBC when you got the uh I don't know if you have it is the hord the one we have to go and blow up the uh so long only I can should this is the Tor you on about the um Quest it's like on the netherwing shelf or something the northwest of Hellfire okay I think we're getting out the starting zone here this is the bit with the torch yeah I'll put you there and let me uh before I go yeting myself off the edge is the tunnel over here oh I see it there right down by the stairs okay this well this is I'm too used to like using add-ons and stuff for questing I know the vanilla questing ah if I was I was this is why I was checking before I like ye myself into the water there man this is kind of a spooky right look at all these Critters how much damage they do just out of Interest oh okay okay okay not doing that again I I like gave them one second just to see and I lost 20% of my health like wait to yeah a bit of a wargan enjoyer I see this is this is an interesting Quest though for one to two yeah but when there's like 20 of the little Bugg is hitting you right we out we live another day Unearthed momentos okay we grab these [Music] yeah we out of there straight on out I remember a bit about the goblin Zone as well I feel like you get halfway through the zone and then the Zone gets like blown up or something and you have to escape that's like the biggest tldr of the goblin starting zone but I I I feel as though that's what's happened the yeah this is this is the underground uh Rat tram it's way too big do you think so I don't know maybe I'll do a uh do a stream where we play through that as well cuz I do not remember much about the goblin Zone either don't you get a um like a mount you drive around in on the second area I see uh let's head over here you get a vehicle yeah I I seem to remember that love the panda Zone yeah I thought the panda Zone was quite good and uh it was interesting right cuz it was a a neutral race and you could pick which side wanted to go on for the first time ever and like both sides gave you good compelling reasons to join them another day rather than being you just you join in the world and they come up with some kind of story as to why you're picking that faction they leave it down to you you get a go-kart that sounds so Goblin you get a go-kart okay probably not meant to be [Music] there may the light bless the spirits of our ancestors for they've chosen to allow my son to rest upon this Holy Ground it is here surrounded by the heroes and Patriots of gilas where he belongs you are a true man of the people Liam unlike any Royal we'll make them pay for this gilas will remember your courage forever Liam [Music] we'll return Liam I swear this to you oh okay I just like hopped back apparently well all right sweet we live another game K Harbor so am I going storming now or having dark flight's quite nice actually I've been getting a lot of use out of this racial didn't return till Dragon flight I was going to ask whether like they said that he'll return I was going to ask whether they actually ever brought him back but uh yeah they hit him with a resurrect a wargan hunter yeah that's a good class fantasy for sure a voice acting I don't know I like um I like grey I don't know about Crowley it doesn't he's not quite selling it for me oh Liam never returned oh yeah it's probably a bit I mean they returned um what was it Jana's brother who had been like Dead Forever in um BFA whose name I can't remember now you'll know the one yeah you can always Chuck someone a res in this game I swear do all right Mr Crowley we will prep Derek yeah yeah Derek proudmore that's the one he's a nice Health glave thrower there's a okay vehicle quests [Music] wooo who am I shooting over here that D Derek the w o oh we got the big towering ancients always feel about we weird about this when you got an elite mob but then they only gave it 247 Health really I can't one shot them think benefits the most from Morgan racials uh things that are mobile and benefit from crit which I think like if you're actually PV in wargan aren't a bad race in C like in general but things tend to be a bit more balance the outlier is it's not really on the alliance more so than the uh board with Troll and stuff stuff what the snipe fire Mage yeah again if if it's something that loves to crit stuff then you're probably going to be good uh so Warrior 2 I would assume fire Mage yeah I I I don't know I I don't have like a good answer what'll be interesting right is um so this is something I made a video about ages ago like it must be a good year ago now I use this oh look at that so uh hord um on hord you have this race called Troll and they have this racial called berserking and it's like a very overpowered and it has been kind of forever and back in the day in Kata a lot of the I think all of the top guilds were hoard and if they weren't hoard they ended up rrolling and moin and Warden legion's content started to get harder and eventually a lot of people because of this ended up rolling hoard whether or not they really wanted to and this has going to kind of repeat itself where if you're like a high-end player and you want to give yourself the best chance of clearing the raid if you have half your raid being Troll and having berserking it does end up being an advantage and I I don't think they're going to change that I don't think they're going to change that at all I feel like no one's talking about it either but I would be so surprised if they did change it you change your M TR racial better yeah I think it's is it 20% haste in CER like 20% haste On Demand is like so crazy good I think about the Sprint it should be good PVP yeah for sure uh for sure yeah um but Alliance have human and they have a trinket um which is like separated from everything else so if you're pvping human is still very good as far as I remember make it the vanilla one again the vanilla one was more thematic too right cuz it's like the whole idea about the the the troll Berserker is that as they lose Health they become more powerful where is berserking now just turns into press the button attack [Music] fast we do what we must [Music] and um it is very powerful um and I mean back in the day people did start to go hoarder at the top end because of this what am I going to have for dinner finally someone with a good question I'm probably going to have some lasagna voo I've got some lasagna left over from yesterday with a nice bit of bread and I think I have some vegetables too bit of broccoli and peas very nice very what's what is it s tier food am I am I doing Mount quests again end game Who Thanos up in [Music] here stop between playing cat classic or getting into Final Fantasy 14 for the first time of the new expansion what do I do and if it c classic human healer what healer is reliable I mean I I couldn't really say much about Final Fantasy 14 I played it a couple years ago and it was popular but not too much um you're on a Channel of someone who makes videos about World of Warcraft with people who watch who play World of Warcraft so most people are going to probably say wow um but the game's not out yet so it's kind of hard to say um I don't know which how much you played either game before but you'll probably have a character to level up so maybe you could try try each game in advance and see which one you feel out more um but yeah it's a tough one to uh get into if you main healer what healer is reliable in cata I would say Holy Paladin but yeah there's there's that's like pretty meta if you're just getting into the game there's not really like a best or worst healer you just pick the one you think looks good and you that you enjoy um so yeah those are going to make a lot of money with half the Warlock Discord race changing to troll on horde like literally Tor and Druids are going to like you know that Simpsons meme when Homer goes back into the Hedge and then reappears it's going to like torren go into the Hedge and reappear as troll I swear there is going to be an enormous amount of rrolling on The Horde like chicken pesto I've never liked pesto it the way the thing I've always said about pesto is it tastes too green like it looks green it tastes very green I don't know how to describe it that's the best I can do for you attack oh all right my f guard um there we go holy this is the music that fights when you're play when you're fighting plays when you're fighting Lich King yeah my fou guard is straight up not having a good time here Pesto's mid yeah I've just I've never liked it I've never liked it we have to drop down yeah drop there's ropes here I think we do I hold on to a rope and like eat myself on the ship make it quick ain't you a Cher looking will lead us to Victory okay but like can greyman lower me down onto the ship though let me uh not sure comes together nicely yeah oh secure the rafter okay let's um let's go over here you have my attention are there any Orcs to kill she'll tell you to rope down okay we we'll wait we'll wait a moment then I want two Sharpshooters to stay behind and cover the deck everyone else use the ropes to repel down let's give them hell o the epic music okay can I uh oh okay um uh I I've repelled too much repel me back another guy went as well oh no uh I I don't think this is meant to happen um yo can you oh one more I give that an eight out of 10 can we get any [Music] others that is the wait wait I thought I saw another yeah that is a uh that is a little bit of a bug if I dare say so do I have to do I have to bug report on the quest or right so um when okay bug reported right where am I at yeah I'm just going to have to Res here and run back over I I didn't see everyone fall so I think it's kind of RNG so I'll just go try that again you cannot command me temp wait did I get durability loss for that I did as well blizzard I demand to be recompensed welcome to your Oceanic flight if I survive jumping I think I would with that distance you know like I was eyeballing the distance and I was like I can probably make that but yeah there was there was there was like me and there was some other guy that fell there was another Druid and then I think there was another one or two people and they uh they were fine so I think I just jumped down we'll try that again could use some shards though I need to I didn't train a soul soul Harvest it's always Soul something or with warlocks me I would there there's a perfectly good Soul there but everyone would be angry so I won't okay let's try this [Music] again let's try this again this time it shall work I I'll wait till the the text happens I'll just jump down and hopefully I land on the ship and I don't go flying through it and just die okay or maybe I wait to see what other people do if other people are successful I might give it another go but we'll see okay so we're back up here drop down kill Orcs holy crap he just one shot it everyone's doing so everyone's doing like a billion damage I'm playing the worst class in the game holy I think I can survive that I agree if I hop off there and land on here I live with like 20% health is on a good day this what I mean it's like every time there's a beta for this game people like oh why they got to do beta can't they just re-release it and it's like yeah if you play the game you you kind of realize why they're doing this cuz uh damn it buggy not sure an instant attacks I suppose but when things have got enough Health to be one shot then uh doesn't feel the best for me does it it oh I like the dress where'd you get that know it's awkward when you show up in the same outfit isn't it secure the rafters uh uh yeah it's pretty good I want two Sharpshooters to stay behind everyone else repel down I am not going to repel down if that's okay you see he's just jumped he live that easily right um wait I'm trying not to overdo it on the jump okay that's fine yeah yeah Pro tip do not repel warning warning cat form he won't have safe for you don't get safe for this early my men will give you your new even in cata I'm confident of that you don't get to like level 30 something whoa we're taking off the rest of you follow me downstairs okay if I follow you downstairs I'm not going to like fall off the ship am I you now no oh no you didn't just eat yourself did you green skins yeah what what the hell L chill you don't got to be this way as long as somebody else is like going in front of me then I'm okay and we're moving at the same time all the W all you were saying about wyvn I guess we need to do the scripted event to kill the gunship explosives in the furnace room just now they look they look pretty held off to me um yeah I don't think we're going to have to worry about holding them off that's one big orc Lorna there is no orc um is it bugged again this Quest seems extremely broken by the way Lor there ain't no walk hopefully she she we fast forward she's like oh the orc's dead let's leave it's about to blow jump on the wyver say no more I want to see someone else take a wyver before I take one um oh okay I didn't click on the won then by the [Music] way so that part of the quest script I guess is working cuz it like it doesn't want to fail you there it just like Auto turns it [Music] in and I'm flying away gracefully okay I've got control back [Music] now currently farming 0. five paranoid you're going to lose your chance on these once C's out yeah they they tier5 does get removed in K I think I think you're correct on that I'm going to make a video about this soon by the way all the stuff get that gets removed in CER okay so Quest compl yeah please don't catapult I was worried um I have a feeling that they might be keeping some stuff in C that was originally removed in the game let me show you this post I saw a while ago um so this is a post I saw on wad before cat released get tier five from Dark Moon Fair actually yeah I think you're right but it's like a lot of effort right when you can get it now and it's [Music] easier I think you might be right about the dark move I I can't check that at the moment but in regards to things being removed from the game um I found this post before the release of this is before Kata was announced at bcon this is like one of many reasons I was so sure it was going to be it was going to come back cuz like this is this was just before bcon it's like bringing back open world lost transmogs to cataclysm it's like huh why could they be restoring these items now this is so surprising and um but yeah they they start bringing back a bunch of transmogs so I don't know if they're going to remove everything that they removed back in the day um but all the same I don't want to make a video about stuff which they did remove in case people wanted to farm it now that's stuff like um tier point5 like I think it's on Darkman Fair um what else is there there's the obviously the zg mounts the shirts from these starting zones they're all removed they were put back in the game in Legion I believe there's so many items from specializations um from uh professions from weapon smithing armor smithing there's the uh qu SRA that's gone there's benediction or anatha the quest diamonds for that are gone but if you have the quest times you can still do it um rock lock that's gone too but yeah they they might restore them they might put them back in the game they might not we we just don't know I have a feeling since they've they've like already gone to the efforts of doing this that they might restore them en CER as well but yeah we'll [Music] see uh right hand listen what is it and we get to level 13 everybody on board the ships I think this is it Admiral night wind I'm going to go to rotar and Village yeah this is it so that was the wargan star Zone drink ZL and CG will gone in Pre patch uh Val valir I don't think they will I think they won't be gone until Firelands and I remember seeing an interview where they like hinted at that and I cannot find it again so I could have I could have like made it up cuz I look at so much data in regards to the game but I don't think they're going to remove them till fire lands or if they do some interim patch between the [Music] two which I think they will do by the way as like Za zg will become they'll come between tier 11 and [Music] 12 and that's it that was the full wargan starting zone so a a few pretty bad bugs they removed at launch ah I'm so unsure cuz like the the the data will still exist but it's like are they going to remove them again well met holy crap this looks so different I was like wait am I in am I in this am I in rur Village it looks so different ah good old Don assis though I remember this I don't remember floating Sentinels though oh hippogriff Rider yeah she's um so they they'll have the unit ID they'll be able to know which one it is each individual unit will have an ID in the game yeah I I don't remember her and of course you have the hero's cboard now you can just talk to this and it'll say yo uh you can't find where you should Quest to go to Here For example it's like go to darkshore you stopped at the same mob yeah that's uh that's one those moments when you're like huh I don't think you should be floating I'm pretty sure you're not meant to float I remember when this was like phase one season of Discovery everyone will be here I swear they Nerf this jump as well used to be able to jump up here in season of Discovery and get to the mailbox wait can I not do this can't even do it anymore on this the best part though and if they could have put this in season of Discovery it's like what why why do you have to run all the way back it just seems so unnecessary what have we got in the auction house what's the highest level item Grim Reaper what's this pole arm oh go Li a backstab I I can't believe there's stuff on the auction house really oh was the mailbox so tall um it looks about right to me yes it seems about right actually maybe it is kind of big maybe that is kind of ah you know it's it's visible I'll do it again anyways yeah meant to be 8 ft tall one more thing have you seen how absolute units the wargon are on the um character creation screen specifically for dks like you look at any other classes DK they're like same size same size basically same size wargan dks are absolute units like look at the size of her it's the same though the male ones they're just enormous like have they always been this big same with no like blood elf they're the same size troll same size wargon it's like holy crap this guy's a unit I don't know why they're so big but they are but yeah it's like pick me up the biggest class and the best [Music] class yeah that is a that is a big wargan wargan DK he's looking pretty ferocious and the human form seems about right it's just Walken dks for some reason are inexplicably enormous [Music] inside scoop on the pre- patch day I have no idea if I had to guess um late May is we still got you still got a fair while ahead of you waiting isn't this when Druids Rogues took over and PVP you're talking about Druids and Rogues um they like feral and sub are very good yes but there's a lot of options for PVP and C for sure to Tor males are 10t tall holy that'd actually be they not even standing up like fully straight at this guy this guy's This Tall wargan DK is like filling up the entire page and boing yeah and PVP boonin is also they have some spec we just run around pressing Moonfire pretty [Music] much but yeah that is our that was the starter zone for the Warlock on the wargon today um there yeah there's definitely a few bugs um everything's not working perfectly yet um as always if you do want to opt into the Beta um these characters will not be forever they will just exist during the beta so like it's just kind of for fun if you want to do it at the moment um I've just put some link where you can opt in there and um yeah you just opt in they seem to be sending tons of invites and out now so yeah just opt in if you want to hopefully you get on and you can uh check it out and have some fun yourself in advance of everything launching uh later on today I have the first of the kind of class videos for cataclysm coming out and it will be about the Druid it's 2 9 minutes long it's a pretty sizable video and I've also got the hunter one which is being edited at the moment and will hopefully be out no later than next Friday should be one per week um which hope fingers crossed I I will have everything done pre-release it's it's going to be a lot of work but I'll have everything done pre-release these class videos always are uh but yeah everyone thank you so much for dropping by checking out the game we only had two people who felt the need to drop in and say this is bad so you know I think that's a pretty good fridge um yeah I do appreciate a lot everyone dropping by um for the streams for the most part I don't think I'm going to be doing that much cataclysm it probably be season of Discovery for the the average stream but I I'll make it pretty obvious from the thumbnail and stuff so if you see a stream and it's like whatever version of wow you prefer you can see what it is and you can check it out if you want to right um but yeah that's me for today I am going to go get myself some lasagna very nice anyways this while you walk hey enjoy your walk it's a good bit of exercise of course starter Zone I could probably do the goblin one next time it's just um been going for a bit and uh yeah maybe we on Tuesday we can check out the goblin Zone and hopefully everything will be working well but guys yeah again thank you all so much for tuning in video out tonight um enjoy the rest of your day your afternoon your evening whatever it may be your weekend all that good stuff video out later tonight uh um oh and Ashley you're com in straight before I end as well here with the $10 y man I appreciate that so much that is uh super kind I don't know if the thing has shown up for it yet I'll just hang on a moment entertaining to the extreme yeah you're probably you're getting to see some guy that's like not played the wargan starter zone for 14 years trying it out again um which is uh yeah it's definitely an experience I thought it was a pretty fun starting zone though like minus the bugs where you have to like parkour through the air or you instantly die when you try and repel and stuff like that for the most part it was good though yeah I think on the on the Tuesday which is when I typically next stream we can check out the goblin Zone CU there seems to be a good amount of content in them I feel like the goblin Zone lasts a bit longer as well when it happens um yeah I think it goes on for quite a few levels and stuff and we can try we could try a different race with our Goblin as well maybe the warrior cuz they get the rage normalized so it could be interesting too there we go the thing Ashley yo Ashley again I appreciate it Super Chat of the 10 thank you so much is that super generous oh magal m ium as well you you've been like super active throughout the entire stream you've been like helping me out when I get lost and I like run off to do some quests throughout reading the text and I you drop a 50 at the end man holy crap that is that is super generous like really I appreciate a lot um and I I hope I hope I can do justice with the class videos and stuff when I get round to doing [Music] those cuz it should be it should be a good few hours of content overall as I say the the Druid one was about 29 minutes the um I have the hunter one written up that's about 18 minutes but it's a pure DPS class so the DPS ones always last a bit a bit less in general right there is popping up againa that's that's super generous um I don't know what to say glad I could you know be part of your day and I'm glad you enjoyed as well but yeah I tend to stream around you know the time when I went live today it should be 400 p.m. C uh Central European Time I think that's 7:00 a.m. Pacific 10: Eastern on the Friday and Tuesday usually most Fridays and Tuesdays depending what is going on and cataba so far been pretty good yeah we can check out the VOD and see what we got up to today there's a bit of a visual bug on this page too um but yeah guys that's going to be it for me today um again thank you all so much for hanging out now enjoy the rest of your day um definitely sign up to the beta opt in if you want to get access to it I'll put the link in the chat a little bit ago and yeah it's looking pretty good so far there's been some bugs but yeah we'll see you're Australian oh yeah yeah yeah the the 50 Australian do yeah I see that yeah but again I appreciate it anyways I have to go off cuz I'm kind of starving but yeah guys I'll be back around the Tuesday and we'll Carry On from there do some more leveling I want to do the goblin starting zone off there and we'll see where I get to with there you and Scotty H Scotty's a good BL as well nice fell anyway guys I'm stop yapping before I keep on going with like the longest outro but yeah again yo as and magal as well appreciate the support so much super generous yeah I think that's everything about everything I've got to say video out tonight enjoy the rest of your day and uh yeah thanks all so much for watching I'll see you on the next one guys very soon
Channel: WillE
Views: 10,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ABDk3zSqaJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 240min 49sec (14449 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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