Assassin’s Creed w/ Jonathan Young and D | Game Knights 71 | Magic The Gathering Commander Gameplay

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let's go baby I am online I got a secret and I got some spicy stuff in my hand shees things are definitely going to get out of hand holy crap I'm just getting kicked while I'm down right now bo boy please already bring on the chaos just do it again it'll be fun don't listen to him D what are you doing Josh is going to run away with this game The Pain Train is on its way I love this what's up everybody Welcome to game nights this show is brought to you by Wizards of the Coast on this episode very exciting we're playing with the brand new cards from universes Beyond Assassin's Creed we have a couple of really cool guests we have first of all Jonathan Young the musician from YouTube who also does a lot of d and d and magic stuff and we've got D AKA cus arms he might know him from node Studios as well as his own channel server arms where he does awesome sword reviews yeah he does a bunch of Sword stuff he D is probably the person who we personally know who's the closest to a real life assassin actual assassin yeah yeah he has props yeah he's just a slick looking he kind of looks like a school assassin yeah so we're building around the brand new cards from the Assassin's Creed set this is a really fun exciting episode and if you want to get your hands on any of those cards make sure you go to commmand they are the retailer that we trust for game nights game Nights Live Extra turns and our own personal collection whatever it is commmand has your back and the best part is they're huge inventory which means you get to select the cards that you want at the Quality you need and it all get shipped to you in one convenient package so that when you get those cards you can take them out seve them up and get ready to play instantly and of course you're supporting shows like this when you do so yeah and once you get those cards you want to keep them protected ultr Pro is the game accessories brand that Jimmy and I we trust our own collections to and they have a brand new line here called Mana 8 which is a new collection of products it looks really really sweet it I've compared it to when you walk into like a stadium for a sporting event and there's a white out going on so they told they told everybody to wear white and how that just looks so cool that's what your Battlefield looks like when you use these Mana a products it's super high quality it just looks really really cool and also they're great for signing for you or just your friends in your play group just to you know to memorialize your play group or whatever so the Mana 8 line from uh Ultra bro go to commmand to find it we really highly recommend it and finally commmand zone is the way to directly support the show we love our patrons there are so many perks associated with being a patron the first and best one I think is you get to watch game nights and extra turns a day early as well as being able to interact with them on our Discord where Josh myself Rachel answer questions and you get to participate in the amazing Community there there's just so much there if you go always gives us product to give away as well so if you want to win any of this sweet Assassin's Creed merchandise uh or some Mana stuff some Mana eight stuff oh man you want to wait till the end of the show watch the episode first and we'll tell you all those details afterwards all right speaking of the show let's get into it let's go [Music] how's it everybody welcome back to another episode of Game Nights This is the Assassin's Creed episode and of course we had to bring two players on that are big fans of the series hello I'm Jonathan Young I'm a singer and music producer on the internet you've probably heard me singing sea shanties or all sorts of other stuff and I just released an album called dungeon playlist for you to use in the background of your ttrpg [Music] games hey guys I'm D I'm stoked to be back on Game Nights once again I make gaming content on the YouTube channel node as well as sword content on the cus Arms channel so it's only fitting that I'm here for this Assassin's Creed [Music] episode I grew up playing Assassin's Creed games so I'm so stoked for this new set coming out this set takes 16 years of Storytelling World building and free running and reimagines it all in an awesome new release I love games that take place in historical settings I'm looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and putting my assassin skills to the test my favorite Assassin's Creed game was Black Flag so that's why today my commander is Edward Kenway this deck is loaded to the gills with pirates and their ships and since my commander makes Treasures based on my tapped creature count I've got plenty of evasion to ensure some free swings once I dig for payoffs to my vast Bounty of booty my Black Flag will have my opponents waving the White Flag my commander is arbir this deck is full of efficient historic permanence to trigger my Commander's ping ability so I've added some ways to double that trigger or increase its damage to accelerate my painful plan throw in some flicker to get more pings and protect my board and I'll burn the table out in a blaze of glory my deck is led by the OG himself all tier when my commander attacks he brings back copies of assassins from distant memory aka the graveyard so I've got plenty of Mill and discard to fill the bin plus some assassins with brutal ETB triggers and combat effects with Altier returning an entire Brotherhood to the battlefield no Templar or game KN will be able to stand in my way and my deck is helmed by Leonardo da Vinci from Assassin's Creed 2 with my Commander's Power Of Invention I plan to cheat out big splashy artifacts in flying machine form then I've also got plenty of artifact Synergy pieces that can churn out even more thopter tokens for my final flourish Leonardo will pump my flying Fleet into history's most powerful Air Force my blade stands ready nothing is true everything is permitted re escot in Pache [Music] dinki don't put this on me Josh come on no no that's that's not what I was say Hey where's Jimmy at oh uh he where's he's in the bathroom he's in the bathroom yeah I we probably got a couple minutes okay yeah we can just chill this his landr and missing the shoot Classico hey guys ready to play dude where were you I just getting synchronized you know ah nice well I guess there's just one thing left to say everybody Welcome to game nights only one b stand all right you guys all ready yeah let's do it let do it I'll draw a card for turn I will start by playing a ples and then I'm going to play a classic esper sent oh my [Music] what if you didn't turn One S peral not bad it's really important especially in a mardu deck to have card draw and have it right off in the beginning is very sweet I'm just hoping that Jimmy and Josh are on the same page as me and pay the cost if they have non creatures or D could just run away with the game right away pass turn I will draw my card for turn stupid s per you just got a l drama man I don't want to come on so this turn is a little interesting because I have a one drop but I don't want to play it I don't want to give him the card so I'm going to hold it and put it out later when I can pay the Mana I am going to play a rustvale bridge tapped and say go Jonathan yay are you really that scared of one card being draw come on thumbs up for me thank you Josh I will draw off a turn play a luxury Suite which enters untapped and then I will play a ragavan p I'll play a monkey and it's only turn one for me and I already have one of the best pirates on the field as a pirate player I'm getting treasure and I'm stealing stuff and ragavan does both okay I'll draw a card play an island then pass turn untap draw a card play a exotic Orchard and I will swing a monkey I'm going to jimy I'm going to swing as for what I'm going to float a mana and take a damage hell yeah yeah classic I'll go to 39 I will then tap two and I will play Rose signant nice it's turn two I got card draw I got ramp I got even more ramp in my hand i'm set up all right I will untap I will draw I will play a mountain and then I will tap two and I will bring out my commander arbos Mir uhoh and when it enters it will trigger and you all take one damage and I go up to 41 nice Josh is on boros which is typically an aggressive strategy but his Commander feels almost more like an Aristocrats deck I'm guessing he's going to want to be getting out a ton of value artifacts and legendary creatures as quickly as possible to deal a lot of damage and then maybe start flickering stuff all right and that's all I can do take it away untap upkeep draw I will play a morphic pool and then I will move to combat and someone has an esper Sentinel so I will swing ragavan at you d I'll take two I'll go down to 37 on that damage ragavan will trigger so I'll make a treasure and D I will Exile the top card of your library I'm attacking D with ragavan here because he's probably got the coolest assassin cards that are likely to play well with my commander Edward Kenway all right you got a big score ah perfect whiff we' love to see it sadly this was not a big score because I can't play this card but I have something in my hand that might be better well since I couldn't steal D's Big Score I will instead play a Mary Reid and Ann Bonnie what is that I have to Merry read this card this card seems okay it's just kind of doing its thing making Treasures looting putting vehicles in the graveyard can you guys play some non-creature spells but these guys are being real stingy with their non-creature spells and uh I'm really getting sick of this over to you Jimmy all right well I'll play an island I'm in fourth inter turn order so I can't wait to play stuff so I'm going to just give you a card D I'm play a lightning Greaves esperal will trigger and I will draw a card I'm looking at my hand and I am not going to change what I'm going to do based on this esper Sentinel because I just can't afford to everyone else has creatures and other things on the battlefield so I feel pretty outclassed here immediately so that's going to do it for my turn pass turn thanks jimy you got it bro thank you don't hit me all right yeah draw a card I will play A Sundown pass it enters untapped and then I will cast Altier my commander the design of this Commander is really cool because every time he attacks he gets to Exile another assassin with a memory counter on it it just gets better as the game goes on so I need to have assassins in my graveyard luckily I have some cards in my hand that'll help me do exactly that with my last Mana I will cast faithless looting oh it's all draw two uh no assassins oh thank goodness so I will discard anger and a Plains that's pretty good oh but you don't have a mountain right oh no haste so deep got an anger into the graveyard which is scary but he doesn't have a mountain yet if I knew I was going to draw the anger I would have probably played that mountain instead but we have to assume it's not going to be hard for him to get a mountain in play and that means for the rest of the game anything he gets out there is going to be attacking right away I love to see it you know what Jimmy I'm going to swing you with as for for saying that what yes take one all right I'll take one I go to 37 all right I I'll pass turn so I didn't have an assassin in my hand and I didn't draw one from faithless looting that's okay cuz I have multiple ways I can try next turn okay I am going to play an ancient Den that is an artifact land so it will trigger my commander and then I am going to tap two and I will play Arcane Signet as percental is going to trigger are you going to pay I am going to pay for it yes and then immediately tap that Signet and cast Shadow spear ooh that was my second non-creature spell this turn so it does not trigger esper Sentinel this Tech is insane that's two Triggers on my commander so you all take two so I had to play my manok and my one drop equipment kind of late but it all worked out I didn't have to to give DNA cards which I think is more important I mean nobody knows better than me how powerful card dry is right John go ahead before I take my turn on your end step I will activate Mary Reid and Anne Bonnie I will draw a card and I'm going to discard adrestia which is a vehicle so I get to make a tapped treasure token oh that's not bad then I will move to my untap upkeep draw Joshua you going to block with your commander if I swing B at you I might okay well in that case I'll swing at Jimmy all right I cannot block so I will take two damage go to 32 trigger I make another treasure token Jimmy I will Exile the top card of your library all right you got a fairy Mastermind oh what the heck oh man this card is so powerful especially with all the card draw that's happening on the table right now and now he gets it all right well since I be playing a pirate deck I'll play your fairy Mastermind come on I me this is a pretty incredible hit from Jonathan here off of Jimmy's deck he goes one of the best one drops into one of the best two drops in the format I think Jonathan's off to the best start so far then I will play a descent into a verus oh oh this game about to get fast descent into a verness is one of my favorite cards to play in Commander this card is going to speed up the game give everybody treasure and everybody a whole lot of damage to their life total I actually really love seeing this card because it plays right into my deck game plan I want to deal damage to all my opponents and play lots of cards to do that this is going to help with both of those things so my S peral trigger I cannot pay the one I'll draw a card originally I was the only person with ramp and card draw now Jonathan has both and he's going to give everyone else ramp this negates my advantage I had so it's kind of annoying that's it for me go ahead Jimmy okay I will untap I will draw for turn well my turn's pretty simple I will play an island and I'm going to cast my commander Leonardo da Vinci cool that's a pretty good com my commander is really powerful because I can cheat out some ridiculously huge artifacts onto the battlefield and get their abilities but I'm going to have to wait to do so it's going to be a while before he gets to start doing anything crazy so for now I'm not not super worried about him and then I'm going to move to equip my lightning Greaves to Leonardo da Vinci okay I'm not going to attack because everyone sucks I'm going pass turn you're not going to attack you get a 3 three on yeah but I need to block ragavan he stole my fairy Mastermind that's true you do have to block ragavan I think it's better for all of us if he blocks Ragan really scared of ragaman I love this okay I will untap and I will draw a card I will play a mountain ah we Bingo and then I got a secret I got to tell you guys I'm a whisper it to you I'm going to play Doom whisper oh I see what you did there this card is so nasty I love this guy in all his little hands he is perfect for this deck I have so many juicy assassins I cannot wait to see them my graveyard all right so then I will activate Doom whisper and I will take two going to 32 I'm going to surveil to obviously this is really good for D but sort of a silver lining here is the fact that it cost him two life to get that surveil ability and because of the descent into a verice and the nature of my deck it's going to be a little bit dangerous for D to get too low I will put these in the graveyard I will then do it again I'll take another two so I think he's probably just going to like do this until he gets an assassin in the graveyard but KN go ham pay like 20 life into it and find you know the very best thing he can I'm just going to put both of them in my graveyard I got a queen Mar chase a is that an assassin an assassin oh turns out one of the best ones okay that is an assassin and one that is pretty darn powerful in his colors let's move to combat okay Doom whisper is going to go at you Josh ulti a is going to go at you Jonathan I can't believe you've done this so Altier on attack his ability is going to trigger I'm going to Exile the queen marchesa with a memory counter on it that'll make a token copy of her nice Monarch time she comes into the battlefield tapped and attack in and I'm going to have her swing at Jimmy nice so I'm not going to get her second ability trigger which is fine because every single time marchesa comes in she's going to make me the Monarch and that card draw is going to be huge Queen literally Queen so I'm spreading it out I got one to each of you I like the strength firm but fair yeah okay go to blocks well I have no Flyers so I'll take six and go to 38 I do not want to lose my pirate Duo so I will not be blocking I will go down to 33 Commander damage I'm not going to lose my commander to blocking so I'll take three go to 29 and at the end of combat the token copy of marchesa is going to be exiled still with a memory counter I'll put all the cards of memory counters over here so I'll move to my end step and then I will draw a card for being the Monarch long live the king since you drew your second card on your turn fairy Mastermind which I pirated from Jimmy will trigger and I will also draw a card you know you don't have to remind everyone that you took it from me oh I will be reminded you did this to yourself Jimmy yeah dang it all right is that all can I go now that's all yeah you can go all right I will unap chees just the Casual turns can yeah board Bo please already yeah yeah honestly this turn from D was pretty good but the thing that occurs to me here is like once he's attacking the third or fourth time and he's bringing out three or four assassins that's going to be nuts we need to deal with D or it's only going to get worse for us especially because he has a doom whisper I am going to start by playing the OG I ganjo gjo castle that is a legendary permanent so arbos will trigger you'll all take one I will go down to 32 28 29 and I will gain one going up to 39 okay I am going to tap four and I am going to cast Ember wild Captain nice what's becoming clear to me is my life total is going to be important this game because there's a lot of incidental damage from that descend into a vernus and D's swinging for big amounts already so I'm happy to get a little bit of extra card drop and get the block route honestly so when that enters I will become the Monarch how dare you King in the castle King in the castle for about 2 seconds I'm totally fine with Josh being Monarch it actually takes a Target off my back so people don't want to get it from me plus I'm going to get it back next turn with Queen maresa don't even have to deal combat damage I'll go to my endstep okay since you drew an extra car well I haven't done it yet I thought you said you would go to your endstep yeah greedy like a pirate I trigger on the stack M give me the cards M all right I will draw for Monarch now go ahead trigger because of fairy Mastermind I will draw a card as well oh gosh I am so glad that I stole Jimmy's fairy Mastermind because already I've gotten two extra cards just from the Monarch I can't remember the last time that I had this many cards in my hand on turn four of a commander game all right John go ahead still on your end step I will activate Mary Reen and Bonnie a draw a card and I will discard a siren storm Tamer ah a pirate and because I discarded a pirate I will make a tapped treasure token then I will move to my untap upkeep descent into a vernice will trigger I will put two descent counters on descent into a verice since descent has two counters on it we will all make two treasure tokens nice wooo I love Treasures especially because I'm the turn after Jonathan I'm the first player outside of him that gets access to them this is the exact thing I need to help me get back into this and then it will deal two damage to all of us not so nice not so nice yeah I will go down to 30 I'll go down to 26 27 37 37 so the thing we do on the show is we make sure whenever our life total changes in either direction that each player announces that but right now I sort of wish we didn't do that cuz it's like really drawing attention to the fact that I have a lot more life than my opponents then I'll draw for turn oh my gosh I'm working with a lot of Mana here guy over here all right on my main phase I will play an admiral brass Unsinkable ooh so when that enters I will Mill four I made sure on Josh's endep to discard the siren storm tamer in my hand because there's a chance I don't Mill a pirate I did Mill Ramirez the patro Pillager which is a pirate I'll move to combat Admiral brass will trigger and now I have a choice do I bring back the siren storm Tamer and give me some protection or do I get greedy and bring back Ramirez for the extra treasure and the extra potential to steal stuff I will choose to bring back Ramirez to prro Pillager as a 44 with haste and a finality counter yikes when it enter the battlefield I will lose two life and create two treasure tokens going to 28 you just been sacking treasures and rebuilding them left and right the siren storm Tamer is the safer play here but we're on Game Nights playing a pirate deck and we're going to do pirate stuff all right oh no I will swing at Mr Jimmy Wong with Ramirez DP I'm not going to block I'll take four I'll go to 22 poor Jimmy he just get bullied all game I am somehow already at half of my starting life total and I feel scared but I just need to hold on a little bit since Ramirez is a pirate and he hit you his ability will trigger I Exile the top card of your library and I can cast it for as long as it remains Exile it's an island ha I can't cast that so it stays Exile finally a win for Leonardo Vinci yeah guys you should pursue a career in arts everybody it's not just a phase dad Jimmy I will pass to you so I'm feeling really good about my board state right now but I'm looking at D's board State I know that he's bringing back probably two very powerful assassins next turn with a 66 trampler on the field hopefully I didn't make myself too much of a threat this turn oh boy get ready everyone I will cast simulacrum synthesizer interesting when that enters Battlefield I will scry too I will put one card on top and one card on the bottom this card looks like it does nothing right now but I have enough Mana to use my commander at instant speed which means I could be creating a board State out of nowhere so I'm just going to sit back and hopefully no one comes at me are you going to pay for esper I will not pay for esper s yes all right I'll pass Turn to You D okay I will untap I will draw a card for turn shes okay I'm going to flashback faithless looting from my graveyard I'll draw two oh boy nothing I got nothing since you drew your second card I will draw a card off fairy Mastermind still haven't drawn an assassin all game surve Al time I don't want to take any damage especially with descent into Vernis and play but there's no way my boy Altier is going to go in without triggering his ability so Doom whisper do your thing okay I'll activate Doom whisper and I will pay two and surveil to so I'll go down to 25 none of them are assassins unfortunately so those will go to graveyard I'm going to activate Doom whisper again there has to be an assassin somewhere at the top of my deck and I'm going to find them oh my God they got to be here somewhere I know they're in this deck I know there's assassins in this deck I will activate Doom Whisperer again oo going down to 21 d pay attention to your life total there is a descent into a verus on the battlefield you might just be ending the game faster for yourself okay I will put them both into the graveyard I will one's a murderous Red Cap there you go okay okay so it costs a lot of life and a lot of wheel spinning but he finally hits an assassin now he can get full value out of his Commander that's a good one is it's not that good kills a ragavan and a mastermind I bet you can find a better one I believe in you man keep going I've played a lot of black decks in my day I'm familiar with our Lord and savior the Dark Confidant I really just want him to play like a black player right now not just because it would help me win but because that's the right thing to do yeah do it again you'll be fine no don't listen to him D so I'm going to take you got an assassin you're only going to take four you have at least one more D you're good you have an assassin in there just attack you have to figure like what are the chances that you find another assassinate that much better than the one you got pretty good I just drew like n 10 cards the greed monster cometh it's calling to D and I'm just watching it burn him down I love this you drove all the way over here Dr didn't fly St just do it again it'll be fine keep going D all the way to the bottom this game's going to be over so fast if you keep spending life like this I'm going to do it again he's going to keep surveilling he's already got that Goblin Dez nuts for this you'll see why you'll see why yeah I hope so let's go for it greatness at any cost 19 I love this I appreciate Josh looking out for me and my dwindling life total but I have a plan nope I'm going to activate Doom Whisperer again I'll take two I'll go down to 17 try and sa something from I got another one ooh we got there it's an Assassin's Creed assassin 2 so it's perfect Buffs all my dudes I really can't complain except for you know all the life I lost to find him I mean giving your assassins plus two plus like who cares was that worth the extra life I don't think it was I don't get it I don't know what's going on I will play Arcane signant and then I will move to attack okay remember I am just a little guy just a little guy he says with cut sleeves I'm just a little guy so Jonathan is the clear threat even before I took all that self-inflicted damage to the Doom Whisperer he was a threat but now he is double the threat if I don't want to die to this descent into a verice I need to do as much damage as possible on this turn Doom whisper is going to swing at you Jonathan of course Altier is also going to swing at you Jonathan no when Altier attacks his ability will trigger I'm going to choose arod Dorian and a copy of him is going to come in Tapped in attacking Jonathan as well he gives plus two plus zero to other assassins and he's got death touch and because marchesa also has a memory counter a token copy of her is going to come to the battlefield Captain attacking Jonathan as well everything in Jonathan o I thought the D would maybe swing a couple scary things at me and then a couple scary things at Josh but he wants me dead what did I do to deserve this I have to this is the only way I can get rid of that desent to veres which you have to do now yes which I literally have to do so before blocks I will cast path to Exile yeah and I will Target Admiral brass that hurts this seems a little aggressive from D here removal spell Alpha strike D is just not pulling any punches I have no response Admiral brasket exiled I will search my library for an island that will enter the battlefield tapped remember when I said that I was thinking about bringing back a siren storm Tamer I should have brought back a siren storm Tamer I might be in a lot better shape right now if I had played more defensively okay so after path to Exile I have one effect before blocks I'm going to flat in a Malcolm alluring scoundrel okay normally it would do something really cool but right now it's just a blocker okay go to blocks yep I will block both of your five Theses with Malcolm and ragavan respectively sure damage resolves ragavan and Malcolm die yep so that leaves two unblocked nine damage total I'll go down to 19 okay now we're gaming this is a big attack at Jonathan but it just got a couple of chump lockers out of the away and his life total isn't that much lower as a result I'll be alive for at least another turn to try and stabilize and I'll be fine so at the end of combat these guys get exiled back to the Shadow Zone honestly I feel bad about what I'm about to do Jonathan is a really nice guy I just met him today but he played descent into a vernice I'm going to have to go all in I am then going to play overpowering attack is this extra combat yes no uh what extra combat holy crap I had not calculated for this oh my God am I dead all right game time what's everybody playing I got my blink Deck with aminatu the Fate shifter W cool figurine I've got monor red burn with Shandra nice okay mvin and I didn't know we were supposed to bring mascots I brought DTI what where'd you get all these I want one they're the lest walkers from gathers Tavern an independent collectible company dedicated to get MTG fans exciting new ways to show off their Love of the Game there are five different models based on cards from the littlest Walker secret layer each sculpted and hand painted in Exquisite detail plus they're super cute look at Shandra all Angi they're the perfect size to keep on a bookshelf on your desk at work or you can take it with you as an upkeep reminder it's a perfect way to add a little bit of magic flare anywhere you go yeah each Littest Walker's Mystery Box comes with one figurine but also one bonus lenticular car to check it out has a cool 3d effect ooh you can also just buy a pack of five and be guaranteed to get one of each character plus if you get lucky any box has a chance to contain a rare gold Walker sweet okay I got to go pick one up wait Jimmy we were going to play go to gathers commmand Zone to get 5% off your purchase when you pick up your own Lis Walker if you want to show off your love of magic gatherers Tavern has the coolest and highest quality display pieces out there so pick one up today and get 5% off any magic the Gathering items on the site when you go to gatherers SL commmand Zone and I'm going to attack all right all right I'm back and I'm ready this time today I'll be playing V on gold Waker wow Jimmy you got a gold one dang that's K though I know it's card so I win the game and cut all right reset back to one checking the gate how do I keep up with everything going on here at the command Zone in my doer jeans of course places places these jeans are so comfortable I got to be on the move to show them off right like this what are we running from yeah we'll figure out in post nice jeans nice jeans now magic players know the importance of Staples and a good pair of jeans are a staple part of any wardrobe jacket for your next scene do or denim it's flexible like soaring it can go anywhere plus with its breathability and temperature regulation it's going to have your feeling fresh so you're equipped for anything from the battlefield to the board gr all right team how are those Q4 projections coming along our future positionings feel as comfortable as those jeans manicures are down winds are up what if we were to leverage our core competencies by synergizing with our point of sale let's run it up the flag pool absolutely yes sir because you're at the command Zone we're not just talkers we're doers optimize your legs with doer jeans trust me you'll be reaching for your doer jeans again and again order yours today check out doers Flagship stores in LA or Denver or shop online at commmand right now our listeners get 20% off sitewide when you use our exclusive URL shop commmand this is an amazing deal don't wait to get 20% off go now to [Music] commmand yes I win probably anyway probably what's going on I just gold fished a huge turn on archade check it out they've got the best play tester in the business playing and tapping your cards is as simple as clicking them everything goes right where you want it but you can drag things by hand and group them together in different ways too then there's easy shortcut keys for things like making copies sending cards between zones and starting the next turn nice so this is a tracka all that proliferating is got to take a while it doesn't actually just right click and hit proliferate all counters oh wow yeah you probably do win I think so archade is the best place to browse brew and play test Commander decks just go to commmand Zone to get started that's a cek command Zone I am then going to play overpowering attack A3 no is this extra combat yeah yeah no so this is a really cool card it has free running and I can play it for reduced cost because I hit somebody with an assassin now I'm going to be able to untap and do a whole another another Attack Phase uh uh what holy crap I had not prepared in my grand pirate scheme for an extra combat from D so I'm going to untap and then I'm going to declare attacks and I'm going to keep this pain train going I'm going to attack Altier and doom whisper at you no sorry Jonathan stop it I'm sorry on attacks my commander is going to trigger I'm going to choose murderous redcap the token will come in Tapped in attacking you Jonathan as well as the other two from last time wow and now it all makes sense why D really wanted to get a second assassin into the graveyard he needs to get that second Commander trigger in order to do the maximum amount of damage alltire always has a reason and when those enter murderous rare cap is going to trigger and remember it's a four2 because of Arno so I'm going to deal four damage to Mary and her friend wow in response I will activate Mary Reen and Bonnie yes draw a card I will discard an adawal breaker of s trigger I will make a treasure okay damage resolves Mary reeden and Bonnie die okay so how much total damage is coming at me so this is a big tough moment in this game already and I'm doing the math and I don't think Jonathan's going to be able to survive a second swing 23 total you can block queen maresa or the Comm block five of it 23 minus 5 would put her putting me at one oh my gosh so no matter what happens a verus I die on my upkeep I'm sorry Jonathan so I'm not dead but I'm a dead man walking even if I block I'm still dead on my upkeep to my own enchantment it's turn five D is going for the death blow on Jonathan I guess this is how I go it's all over he's going in there he's going to smack him down like that he barely started playing the game dude I can't believe you've done this I know I'm I'm sorry without help Jonathan he's going to die without help okay before damage ooh interesting Josh does have been holding up in that white Mana oh can you save me Josh he could have equipped the shadow spear oh Josh save me please let's make a deal Josh I'll do anything I'm fleeing for my life Josh I'm begging my ship is sinking Josh I'm descending into a furnace Josh Jonathan I feel bad you drove all the way out here it's okay it's okay I'm going to try and help you a little bit but you know just yeah yeah don't do anything like advertently that just only hurts me and nobody else for just a little while I'm I will kill you last okay deal since this probably has to be killed at some point anyway oo I'm going to cast chaos warp ah oh yes targeting the Doom whisper so there's no way I can play my next turn without dealing some damage to my opponents which means if Jonathan's at one he's going to die and I'm not going to get the descent into a vernus trigger I think it is just good for me in this game and the way that my deck works so it just make sense to save him chaos warp on Doom whisper do I surveil one last time do it don't be a coward M what do you mean one last time how about five last time he's considering you know go for the greed oh my gosh okay no I'm not going to do it but I do get a s percental trigger you can draw I don't have man draw a card because my fairy Mastermind isn't dead yet I will draw a card that fairy Mastermind okay so chaos resolves resolves all right I'm going to shuffle Doom whisper into my library and me get a good one please please please okay this is amazing let's just hope the chaos warp doesn't turn into something worse than a doom whisper we're at the fingers crossed moment I hope it's a land on top okay Josh my life is in your hands or more Jonathan's life is in your hands all right I will cut and you will flip the top card yep it is that's not good cathartic reunion cathartic reunion we're good we're safe everything's fine we're in this that's way worse than Doom whisper I was hoping it would be something better than Doom Whisperer but let's be honest nothing's better than Doom Whisperer all right we go to damage my fairy Mastermind will die wait a second Jimmy this is your fairy Mastermind thank you he was such a loyal member of my pirate crew it goes on my Battlefield right no uh poor Jimmy shs and thanks to Josh Lee Quai I only go down to seven [Music] only all right Jonathan is still alive at the end of this combat that means he's going to get one more turn with a bunch more Treasures into combat my tokens are going to be exiled again okay that was a lot of damage but I'm technically alive and that's the only thing that matters and then I also become Monarch because Queen maresa entered the battlefield twice you're like the double Monarch boom boom two crowns on [Music] top you still get one card I'll move to my N7 I'll draw a card so looking at the board right now I know everyone's looking at me I only got one blocker I'm just praying that I get a chance to untap so that's that was a turn that's my turn you know okay I will untap I will draw as long as you don't deal three or more to me let's play through cards cuz I need to be at five oh true yeah I have to remind Josh here that I'm technically at only three life because this as soon as my turn hits I'm going to take four damage so hopefully Josh doesn't take me down lower than five don't hurt me I'm trying please sir why save you to they just kill you so that would seem like not a good idea yeah so the goal here is still Advance my board but play as few cards as possible in order for him to live this is just not how I like to play Magic but it's what I got to do I going to begin by playing showdown of the scald very nice that'll begin on chapter one so I'll Exile the top four cards of my library and I got ravan theb and or opter of paradise and at Sushi all four of these cards are really powerful but they don't do anything to affect the board right now the good news is this allows me to play it until the end of my next turn so next go around they're probably coming out sagas are historic so that will trigger my commander I will go down to six another to 21 16 and I'll gain one going to 38 are you going to pay for ES perel no I'm not going to pay you can draw thank you and I'm going to go to combat and D I'm going to swing at you with my commander and with the Ember wild Captain I can't afford to take four from Ember wild cuz I know I'm going to take four from descent into a verice so I'm just going to chump block as per senel did his thing I'll block the captain with the Sentinel so the sent will die and I'll take two going to 14 and I will become the Monarch and then I'm going to play this ornithopter of paradise from Exile that is a historic non-token permanent so you all take one from my commander I go down to five I go to 20 I go to 13 I go to 39 you said don't let you go below five and uh I could just barely make that happen I said what I said I said what I said Josh yeah I did my best um while still like doing game actions I will go to my endstep the Monarch will trigger I will draw and Jonathan I wish you a very pirate good luck greatness at any cost baby let's go straight to the bottom into a verus let's go untap upkeep trigger I will put two descent counters on descent into a verus we all make four treasure [Music] tokens yay yay I'm actually really glad that Jonathan isn't dead here because I have a lot of plans for the treasures I'm getting from this descent if he had been dead I would been back on that mana and definitely in the worst position and then we will all take four damage putting me at one why does this always happen oh this is terrible I will go to 16 I'll go to nine and I will go to 35 okay let's uh kill Josh let's kill Josh you know we all got hurt by that right it hurt all of us excuse me excuse me do now you want to kill Josh now that I'm at one I think that's exactly why he wants to yeah yeah I understand I understand so this whole time I've been so concerned about this descent into a verice but meanwhile Josh has been pinging us and gaining incremental life and turns out that's a big deal that gap's only going to grow and they're definitely noticing I will draw my eighth card your eighth card land you got tons of Mana what is that 7 8 9 10 11 I don't want to talk about how much Mana I have right now you want to talk about how much life you have I want to talk about how little answers I have so uh on the grocery list I need a board wipe I need enchantment removal for my own descent into a verace I need life gains so that Josh can't just accidentally kill me he's got to pull something out of a hat here and he's wearing a hat so it's possible all right I'm spending four of me Treasures to play Coastal piracy oh okay well I only have one choice I got to go digging and hope that I find something that can get me out of this mess I'm moving to me combat D and I'm attacking you with me last pirate I'm taking you down with me D four damage I can't do anything about it I'm down to five so with that one hit that I totally deserve now I am really in the danger Z this attack is exactly what I was hoping would happen when I saved Jonathan The Descent into a verus was four this is four more now D is really really within range of my ability to take out of this game I get two Triggers on me Coastal piracy and me Ramirez I draw a card from Coastal piracy and then I Exile the top card of your library it is BIC of seawa I can't cast that so it stays exiled well I got nothing my ship is sinking it's starting to look like I'm dead no matter what okay I've decided I'm going to do the most piratey thing that I could possibly do I'm going to re re in riches just Revel in it just just reel in it I'm just going to sit here with my one treasure and hug it one treasure and one life that's actually the end of the line for like all Pirates yeah that's how they all want to know what really is the end of the line I'm going to play a bloodstained Meer I'm going to crack it just do it now yeah why not I'm not about to let D have the satisfaction of killing me so the captain's going down with the ship we all got to salute as the ship goes down I'm so glad I Ed my chaos warp to save you totally worth it it really touches me that Jonathan decided to go out on his own terms it's truly one of the greatest things you can do in Commander I'm proud of you buddy sadness resolves a and then I was laid to rest at sea [Music] that was pretty epic yeah that was a very pirate way to go that's so brutal what I did Jonathan I feel so bad he's he's such a nice guy I know and I just swing at you twice with everything it's so rough all right on your end step which still happens I am going to first cycle a Lonely Sandbar so I'll draw a card so Jonathan's knocked out of the game it's three players looking at the life totals I feel pretty good right now my board is been pretty sad this whole game but everything has been building up to this moment right here I'm about to go go from nothing to everything then I'm going to crack three of my treasures and I'm going to activate Leonardo da Vinci nice so I will draw a card and then I'm going to discard a mere battle sphere because that's an artifact it is going to get exiled from my graveyard and I'm going to create a token copy of it that is a 02 thopter with flying in addition to its other types wow so it's an O2 but it still comes with for an O2 and when the ERS alfield I still get its ETB trigger so I'm going to create four one1 mirr artifact creature tokens wow Jimmy's back in it pretty pretty good it's a mirr that's also going to trigger my similar synthesizer so I'm going to create a construct oh it's big it's currently an 1111 oh boy okay Jimmy does nothing all game and then his board just explodes Jimmy is no longer just a little guy Jimmy was just chilling on an island by himself just make drawing robots and it's that blue life man yeah it's that blue life I respect it at 35 life I'm sure you do respect yeah I'm also less scared of it than you I'm at five life Jimmy could kill me with a cough but Josh is at such a high life total I know that I'm barely even on Jimmy's radar I just want to untap once I just want one more turn please please just one more turn I'm going to untap oh wait this is all on my end step yeah oh my God yeah so here we go Jimmy cheats out a seven drop basically and gets a construct along with it he's going to untap now and be able to activate again right away get ready Leonardo is about to paint himself a new masterpiece the first thing I'm going to do is tap three mana and I'll activate Leonardo da Vinci once again so I'll draw a card and I'll discard a Immortal Sun into my graveyard well that's bad because it's an N fact I'm going to Exile it and it's going to become a thopter token copy of it that's so brutal this is such a powerful artifact and the best part is is is buffing all of my creatures so not only do I have a board state but it's now a board state with a bunch of relevant creatures that could be doing a lot of damage when that enters the battlefield my semil larum synthesizer will trigger and I'll make another construct and they're 13 power now actually there are 14 because of the immortal Sun Anthem oh right yeah the construcks are already a problem they're huge he has lightning gaves so at least two of them are going to be able to attack this is getting out of control contr so fast I thought I was going to be able to live through Jimmy's turn and now I'm not even sure I am then going to cast a chief of The Foundry artifact creatures get plus one plus one yep wow that's going to trigger the synthesizer again and I'll will make another construct crap and then I'm going to sacrifice all three of my treasures oh good the contracts got smaller yeah and then I'm going to cast a thopter spy Network oh that's not good it's bad yeah yeah okay before comment I'm going to re-equip the lightning gaves to one of the new con trucks o I'll now go to combat okay I'm in a really interesting position here because I could attack and kill d right now but based on all these constructs I just made he is no longer in a good position to swing at me look at Josh's life total compared to ours it makes no sense for D to not try and knock him down especially because he also has that Commander that can just kill him out of nowhere Josh I'm going to swing my four mirror tokens and two of my constructs at you the constructs are 144s so it's 40 damage yeah this is not great I was hoping at least a few things or one thing would go at D but he's clearly more scared of me and I get it the life totals when I attack you Ember wild Captain will trigger I have three cards in my hand so I'll take three damage and go to 13 well I don't have anything really fancy I can do so I will take my ornithopter of paradise and I will ask it to bravely stop one of those constructs from just distract it for a second yeah yeah so combat damage happens yep I'll take 26 [Music] and I'll go to nine and the orner thopter dies so hard yeah dies very hard it was very Noble death though it was this is just brutal now I'm in danger of being knocked out on D's next attack this feels back breaking all right on that damage th spy network will trigger and I will draw one card and then I will also become the Monarch you will yeah hooray and then I'll move to my EP and I will draw a card for being the Monarch long live the king long live the king we'll see if I make it past this turn D go for it in a single turn I've been able to basically flip the script on the entire game he just Builds an entire robot Armada in the blink of an eye I have no answer to this but I get one more turn oh my God I survived okay I'll untap it doesn't matter I feel like but yeah I it gets draw card oh boy that's not what I wanted to see things aren't looking so good for your boy D over here cuz Josh is just going to ping me to death and Jimmy can kill me with a sing le guy he's bringing back four assassins yeah the problem for him is he can definitely kill me but if he can't kill Jimmy also it doesn't really matter the only possible way I can win is to kill Josh and Jimmy both in this turn but even though their life is pretty low I still don't have enough damage to do so what I try to do in this situation is just come up with any kernel of Hope for victory even if it's a long shot even if it's 1% a good assassin could take out two Targets I just win or lose I know this is my last turn so let's go all out you know I'm just going to keep the Pain Train rolling I'm going to play painful truths okay pay three different colors of Mana to do that so I will take three damage cuz why not I'm at two I guess you know being at five is not that different than being at two he's dead in either scenario I will draw three cards didn't get anything from painful truths but uh I have another card draw spell that everyone saw so let's give it a whirl I'm going to then play cathartic reunion might not be playing the pirate deck but you're going fishing discarded two I will draw three is any of the cards you discarded an assassin oh he's got a look though e oh he did the he did the eyebrow raise oh god oh interesting D's posture definitely changed when he drew those cards it looks like he's found something I don't like the look in his eyes here I am going to play ruinous ultimate no destroy all nonland permanence your opponent's control what yes yes oh no you got to be kidding me wow this card changes everything he just wins right yeah I think so he going to get rid of everything on Jimmy and my board he gets to attack bring everything back definitely kill me even if I somehow survive till next turn I've got five lands and that's it I literally couldn't have drawn a more perfect card you know if he didn't surveil that one extra time he wouldn't have seen that card if he had surveilled one more time he'd be dead he'd be dead yeah I knew it I knew I surveilled just enough times everyone thought it was too many times now who's your responsible Josh Josh you got Treasures you can do something right um what I'm going to do is I'm going to sacrifice my four treasures for four white Mana protection protection right now past priority all right Josh just cracks his treasures and floats the man but I I don't know if he's playing mind games or if he actually has something if it was T's protection why didn't he just play it right then and there but whatever it is if it stops me from dying this turn I'm in full support uh I can't do anything past priority all right runis ultimatum resolves yeah I'll put my commander in the command Zone I will also put my commander in the command Zone God my whole Board gets cleared I mean both of ours so Jimmy and I lose all of our stuff and he can now attack freely this looks like it's game-winning and I'm hoping it is for me I'm going to move to combat okay before combat I am going to cast getaway glamer oh jeez and I'm going to use the first ability targeting your commander D come on it blinks out and it won't come back until the next end step you won't get an attack oh faded wowow wow wow wow that was going to be it at two life I was going to do it after doing more Dam to myself than I think anyone else did in the game now D can't attack this turn and that means I'm going to live damn you Josh damn you well I can't attack that was a slick move Josh okay and then uh I'll move to my end steper will come back in all right then I'll go to cleanup I have eight cards in hand so I'll discard down to hand size okay so D is effectively dead because Josh has his commander and one legendary permanent and that's just going to take him out I mean if there's one thing my deck is good at it's dealing two damage to an opponent ah so close so close hopefully all tire is proud though okay I will draw I'm going to cast my commander when it enters you will all take one damage I'll go to 12 oh no I go to one and I go up to 10 don't play anything Josh well I mean I got a r got a Ragan don't play the ragavan if you don't play the ragavan I'll kill Jimmy you can kill both of them yeah it's unfortunately too dangerous D I'm sorry your deck was very cool and did cool things which is the reason that I have to play this ragavan out of Exile my commander will trigger and each of you will take one damage no and I die so I die to Josh's pings but in reality I die to myself and I will gain one going to 11 all right it is down now to me versus Josh it's like the end of a marathon and everybody spent classic command Zone Action here who has just enough left in the tank to get across the finish line so the race is on before I pass I'm going to play my boros Garrison bounce this aono Castle back to my hand nice I've got two small creatures yeah know they're small but Jimmy's got nothing and not a ton of Mana I'm feeling like I got a chance here you know it's better than the two2 Josh a 3 three oh I'm going to cast my commander oh the 3 three part is actually very relevant yeah yeah I didn't really think about this Jimmy's Commander is bigger than both of my creatures so this stops my attacks right there and I'm the Monarch so I will go to my endstep and draw a card pass it back to you my main priority right now is holding on to that Monarch at all costs I've got a lot of gas in my deck and the more I can draw into the better my chances are okay I will tap three and I'm going to cast sword of Hearth and Home oh that's good my problem was that Jimmy's Commander is too big for my creatures to attack through but this changes that calculus my commander will trigger since that is his stor Jimmy take one I'll go to 10 and I'll gain one going to 12 and I'll move to equip the ragavan uhoh then I will go to combat yep and Jimmy I will swing at you just with ravan so this puts Jimmy in a really bad spot cuz either he has to chump block with his commander and it dies or he has to let the damage through and then I become the Monarch and now I'm the one getting the extra card drop fortunately due to the extra card draw I do have an answer all right four damage I'm going to pongify your ragavan H I'll turn a monkey into an ape monkey becomes stronger monkey monkey becomes stronger this is not great because I'm definitely ahead if I get the Monarch or if he Chumps walks with his Commander either way now he's able to keep both things but it does give him another creature which means next turn I'm just in the exact same position powerful plays over here powerful plays know I don't know if that was better or not I like ads I have to be able to do something that impacts the board quickly otherwise this sword's just going to run me over next I'm going to play a gonjo castle Jimmy take one I'll go to nine I will gain one going to 13 and I will equip this sword of Hearth and Home to the SAE all right go ahead Jimmy I will untap and I will draw my card for the turn okay I'm going to cast a training ground I will then cast an ornithopter of paradise okay yep that's good yeah we call that a Blocker in Italy we call a blocker it's a blocker and then I'm going to cast a retrofitter Foundry this is where I make my pizza pie oh that's where yeah where the Pie Gets made so this Foundry is a real real problem it means that Jimmy's going to have a ready supply of blockers and basically says hey Josh you're never going to get through with that sword on my end step I'm the Monarch so I will draw another card that damn Monarch if I can stabilize then I'm pretty sure I win in the long game so that's my main focus right now honestly the whole game could just be about defending the monarch if he can just hold that I will not be able to overcome twice the amount of card draw all right I'll go to combat Jimmy ape coming your way okay I'm going to tap my retrofitter Foundry and I'm going to make a colorless Servo artifact creature token and then I'll block the ape with it okay turbo dies no damage is dealt ape with a sword very scary all right second main I'm going to play Shen Gorge ooh it's legendary so Jimmy take one so the the plan to attack Jimmy to knock him out of the game is off the table so the only way I'm going to be able to do it is through direct damage activating this land is not nothing he's very low and if I can find a couple of historic permanence to cast off the top of my deck it's not quite over yet all right then I'm going to move the sword of arthon home over to my commander and then Jimmy here go all right on your end step due to the Mana reduction of training grounds I'll tap a blue and activate my commander yep so I'll draw a card I will discard a forsaken Monument so that's going to enter the battlefield as a 02 thopter copy token this is what's going to help me really turn the corner here because the life gain that I get from C and colorless spells is going to completely outclass what Josh is trying to do with his deck gain two life yeah life gain from monoblue can I untap yeah go that's probably it my last hope is that I can somehow sneak in the last few points of damage and if he's going in the other direction uh I'm not going to be able to keep up I'm so glad that I was able to draw it again thanks to the Monarch all right next up I'm going to cast chimil the inner Sun that is a colorless spell so I'll gain two life from The Forsaken Monument that's the worst part go to 10 now that I have this life gain I finally feel safe enough to start attacking Josh if I don't start pressuring him right now I might find myself at the bad end of a really good top deck I'll go to combat I'm going to swing you the air with my forsaken monument thopter and my owner thopter of paradise okay I got nothing flying so I will take four and I'll go to 10 okay then I'll move to my anep I'll draw a card from Monarch and then chamil the inner sun will trigger so I Exile until I find a nonl card with five or less wow dang it I found a liberator öa battle thopter yep it's good and then I will cast it that's going to trigger my forsaken Monument I will gain two more life and go to 12 all right well Jimmy's now got me dead on board because of Leonardo's ability barring a board wipe I feel like I am unbeaten it's your turn Josh okay on your endep I'm going to activate shiven Gorge and deal one to you all right I'll go to 11 nice take that Jimmy he wasn't eight we're going the wrong direction for five more Turnin master of counting the plan of winning through combat is gone the plan of direct damage gone everything gone has anybody seen K Kid 2 and then I will draw my card for the turn so I have to draw board wipe it's wrath or bust nothing it's a land okay well there's a lot of stuff over there I don't think I can attack I'm just going to pass Jimmy go ahead I'm coming for you Josh all right I'll go to combat Josh and I'm going to swing at you with all of my colorless flying artifact creatures okay before damage I'll tap three and activate Leonardo's first ability and give all my thopter base toughness 3 three 15 in the air yep I will take 15 and I will die and I die to a thopter raid the power of art GG's GG's good game good game good game I mean art art that was a good we doing another handshake ven viid dinki I am Leonardo de [Music] winci assassin's Black Flag was one of my favorite games growing up it's part of what got me so hooked on Pirates and sea shanties and getting to play these crazy pirate cards and Magic the Gathering one of my other favorite games this was really a treat these cards are made for True fans of Assassin's Creed Altier is such a badass card and all the different mechanics are so perfect if you know the game and boy they are impactful this game was Off to the Races from the first turn and it's great to see new cards I've been looking forward to playing Leonardo da Vinci since it was previewed and and I'm so happy with his performance here this game was amazing I committed some crimes dug up some treasure and I uh forced the entire table to address me and my absolute chaos D just going all out at Jonathan was pretty crazy and then the fact that like by the end I thought for a second like a couple of two power creatures they feel pretty good right now they might win me the game now they didn't but the fact that I even had that thought is kind of fun and and a rare occurrence in Commander I loved it I did feel a little bad that Jonathan died so early in this game I just hope he forgives me for what I did hopefully Jonathan will be willing to play with d again in the future please Jonathan we'll team up you and me I'm super stoked that we got to hang out no guarantees about that one all right congratulations Jimmy I did it I think this is the first game I've won in like a year maybe a year and a half yeah on game nights I've won some extra turns and stuff but it's it's finally here mono blue doesn't it feels a little weird it's like my Skin's itchy like yeah it feels like almost like a half win for me cuz it was exactly exactly I love at the end how it it like all this big stuff happened and crazy stuff and then it boiled down to like I was attacking you with two two power creatures and I was like I might get there with these two power creatures yeah and the Ping from your commander I'm like I'm going to make a one one thopter but the Monarch is definitely what pulled me out of that situation yeah just a little extra card draw when at the end too yeah it added up a lot yeah you ended up blowing me out of the end but this was a descent into a verus game though let's not get around if that if I did not have descend into a ver there's no way I would have caught up into the degree that I did well it caused D to be like oh crap I got to just try to kill John right now he popped off super hard and did the most pirate thing ever he swash buckled his way right off the plank oh yeah he came in with the hat and the voice I mean I love and the open shirt everything yeah so it was great uh but great to have both them on the show as well as always that was a fun game and the Assassin's Creed cards are incredibly powerful from what I've seen yeah a lot of cool stuff so if you're interested in picking anything up from Assassin's Creed or you still need to pick up modern Horizon 3 stuff or you're already looking ahead to bloomo well commmand is the best place to go to get your magic products singles anything at all they have a huge inventory they've got all the different versions of the cards and the conditions you're looking for it's great to be able to just be like cool let's add that all to One cart check out and now all those cards are going to arrive on my doorstep in One Singular package as easy as a copy and paste that's it it's so good so again card commmand and when you get those cards leave them up keep protected commmand they have their brand new Mana 8 line of product they have tons of other amazing stuff from sets pass with the art if you're looking for that as well they have the official license and of course they have great deals going on all the time sometimes 20 30 40% off of items but yeah the only way to find out is by going to commmand and seeing what's there and of course picking up the things that you need to make your collection complete and just feel nice there's nothing that beats that feeling of just a well organized or well everything looking good blah blah blah that sort of stuff I'm all about it so command is the place to go and of course we also love ultr Pro because they give away a bunch of stuff so if you would like to enter to win a bunch of game night swag a bunch of ultr pro swag and we even throw in some magic product in there as well Jimmy how do they enter super simple you have three ways to enter the first is on Twitter just make a tweet using the hash game nights that's nights with a K and link to this episode if you are on Facebook navigate to our Facebook page find the post that shares this Assassin's Creed episode and in the comments just tag a friend or two that you think would be interested great chance for someone that you know that loves the Assassin's Creed series and is interested to see what it look looks like in Magic and finally if you're on Instagram all you do is make any post with the # game nights again that's nights with a K and you have between a week from the release date of this episode to do so by the end of that week we'll tally up all the entrance choose the randomized uh winners and then send those prizes off in announcing on social so you want to make sure you enter before that week is over yep and enter all three ways for three times 300% chance to win pretty good yeah that's pretty good make sure you also follow our guests uh D and Jonathan you can find all their social medias and stuff in the social in the links in the description below I like what you said there you know if you got a friend who you knows into Assassin's Creed or or this is a good way for universes Beyond I think to be used by players which is like toally you know you've got those friends who you're like I wish I could get them into magic somehow if you know they're into one of the properties that Fallout Warhammer univers yeah they watch The Fallout show or whatever use that as a way to get them in you know increase the size of your play group have more people play with yeah and a great chance to teach new people which is always fun for me I I find if anybody who I've taught magic to my niece my nephews my friends colleagues things like that I it feels really like I did add something to their life because Magic's been such a great way to like meet friends have fun gather with people um so it really is a Bo your critical thinking skills your math skills there's so much value in just learning a game what a great thing to give to people so anyway that's a good point to end on thanks everybody for watching and the next one peace bye-bye [Music]
Channel: The Command Zone
Views: 413,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic, gathering, mtg, magic the gathering, trading card game, deck, commander, cards, Card Game (Game Genre), command, podcast, the command zone, edh rules, Game Knights, gameplay, josh lee kwai, jimmy wong, edh, video game high school, vghs, wizards of the coast, wotc, nerd, rachel weeks, gaming, tabletop
Id: QDh71-mb8nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 57sec (4137 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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