Why we DON'T have Cows or Goats.. Homesteading Life | Off Grid

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all right got the gate open so today we have to move the sheep right we have paddocks in case you're new around here all around our place we don't do the movable fences and we don't shuffle everybody around all the time we don't move our chickens all the time we just kind of go with it you know we have paddocks and we rotate them and if you're going to do this you want to rotate your sheep your goats your cows whatever it is within about 30 days because parasites you know your worms and stuff like that they have a life shelf of about 30 days ish life cycle so you can break that cycle if you move them around so that's what we're going to do right now i'm going to take them from here their little spot on this side and i'm going to move them across the way over there to the other barn another reason why i do that especially going into winter i have the lawn hydrant over in the other paddock and it doesn't freeze right this paddock here i only have right there i just have that little water container right there and they live off of that plenty good but it's going to freeze up as we get in the winter here so i'm going to move them over here and in the winter time you don't have the parasite problem as much because it's so cold outside they can't live right so now i can put them over in their winter permanent home where we keep the hay in the barn and also where we have a continuous flow of water all winter long all right let's move them and see how it goes sometimes it's good sometimes it can be kind of hairy so we'll see how it goes all right [Music] come on mama hip hip hip come on girls come on come on that uh girls hit come on now come on come on come on there you go there you go come on mama lead them home go on go on come on come on out there you go there you go one thing i'll explain to you guys too right like a lot of people think that it's the ram that runs the show in these sheep but it's not it's one of these views here is the boss and wherever she goes is where everybody else goes rambo's job is just to kind of protect them and you know make the babies keep the bloodline alive and you know that's what he does so i just a little misconception that people have there so all right let's get him over to the other pasture good morning sir come on now hip hip hold on come on mama that a girl that girls come on come on ladder girls there you go there you go nice and easy nice and easy there you go nice and easy girls that's right come on come on there you go keep going come on now nice and easy nice and easy come on rambo i can't let the girls get too far ahead now leave them home mama lead them home come on [Applause] good job good job that's right the best sheep man on youtube right here come on now come on now you're doing good come on there you go come on right on in the door right on in the door come on come on right on in the door there you go there you go come on there you go beautiful excuse me excuse me thank you we'll see you guys in a little bit [Music] best sheet man on youtube seriously y'all i don't joke around with this stuff i'm a straight-up shepherd i take my job serious with those sheep you know we got a real good little relationship i've had most of those i've had all those sheep ever since they were just little bitty things and uh i just really enjoy the sheep as far as homestead animal goes a lot of people ask why i don't like the goats i don't like the goats because they always challenge the fence man they're always jumping the fence finding the weak spot in the fence always bothering the fence let's see what else they like to get on stuff right like they like to jump on the cars and jump on the dog house or whatever you got that they can get up on and really the main thing for them is brush control if you want to clear out an area or something or you could also uh use them for milking right and if you guys have been around here for a while we don't do any milking okay why don't we do any milking you have to pick your battles right we don't do any milking because we can get the milk so cheap in the midwest here where we're at we can buy raw milk right around the corner for pennies on the dollar you know three four dollars we can get a whole gallon of milk and we don't even use it that much we just use it for yogurts and stuff like that so now the duck ducks are going over every morning the duck ducks come over and they go inside the sheep house here and lay around in the straw because they're up all night trying to stay alive morning duck ducks good morning duck ducks good morning they want to go in there but they know i'm watching them morning duck ducks so when i'm watching them you know they kind of make it look like oh we're not going in there and then they circle back around and go in there because this is our sleep time they'll go in there and crash for a good you know hour or two so natural routine every morning all right battery died i was talking to you guys up there i was giving you the next reason why i didn't like to get the goats or any milking animal actually and the wind picked up even more and i noticed the battery died so then i had to come get another battery grab my jacket and in the meantime i got a phone call from a neighbor and she wants me to go and move her cows around for so this was another perfect timing of why i don't have a milking animal and i can explain that to you guys while we go over to the neighbor's house and do the chore over there okay let's go man i'll tell you this cold front i'm gonna have to switch my jacket i got my kind of fall spring type jacket on and uh i actually have a winter amish jacket so another reason why we don't like the cows for milking or you know the sheep like i was explaining we can just get it so inexpensive it's just because when you want to go somewhere you have to find somebody that can handle that level of choring right so usually you can just find a friend or something to babysit some easy stuff but if you have to start milking two times a day you got to find somebody that has some skills in that area you know to pull that off for you so that's another reason why we don't have milk and animals now where i'm going this isn't a milking situation but it's just another thing that you guys should think about if you're gonna you know homestead live this lifestyle this is one of the most uh asked questions probably we get there's a couple of them there's top ten this top ten of the most questions uh how we go anywhere who watches our place you know when we go to these uh speaking gigs that we do go on vacation or whatever so that's one thing you want to do is when you get to your place if you're not familiar with folks develop some friends or get your friends involved and kind of share with them the journey and then that way you can uh you know have someone watch your place you know because you'll you'll have to go someplace sometime but you just can't stay married to your place the whole time so all right i'm gonna go over here and get these gates opened up for them now they're all gonna run over here because they think i'm gonna feed them anytime those cows hear any kind of cars showing up you know they think it's some kind of feeding time it's got a couple calves out there pretty good so with these folks here they actually live down in the city and they uh have a spot up here they have a couple spots actually and they just keep cows and they uh you know raise them out and stuff and then sell them at the market and make a few bucks and have some good meat for themselves so instead of driving all the way up here and managing the cows all for these little bitty things you know i'm always here to help them out and they let me use their tractor and stuff like that so not only is this a good video talking about children for people and what you should look out for it's also about bartering you know helping people out i help her they help me and it works out good for everybody hello girls all right let's get these gates opened up because that was the plan stan so they can get to their hay here oh man look at the young calves everybody's bucking and jumping boy look at her bag underneath her boy she's definitely got a calf on her she's fresh yeah we got these guys are pinned up over here oh man i'll tell you what it's pretty chilly hello i'm going to open you up how you doing all right i got an audience look at the little calf isn't it cute oh easy now easy girls all right i don't think there's a gate over here but i'll go check that little calf is pretty cute isn't it that was just like the old laurel and hardy films or something they're both trying to squeeze through the gate at the same time boy it's like the more funny skits yeah she just wants them to get out here to these bales i guess you see that it's one of those pails right there when they're hay bales look at my beard blowing man here comes the cold front the rest of it i guess we're gonna go out of that indian summer i was talking about get back into winter like we're supposed to be middle of december january february is when we're the coldest actually so my finger's starting to feel a little bit i'mma switch hands got that thing out here in the naked wind with this little bite of the air in there i don't want to mess up those nerves with this cold i did that when i was riding a harley i wrote a harley coast to coast with my wife stacy and i got this thumb got a little frostbite one time so every time it gets cold it lights up so i don't want that happening so switch my hands all right got all the gates open for the neighbor and we got some happy cows are you a happy cow you look like a happy cow and we were talking about pastures and they manage their pastures with hot wire they call it see well they run that hot wire everywhere and then when the cows touch it well they get the idea pretty quick about it and they back off it so that works pretty good too i'm just not into it but with that stuff too you can pretty much set it and forget it it's just for opening and closing pastures but man oh man so they have 40 acres here there's a 40 acre parcel back to the homestead can you tell it's got that warm homesteady vibe doesn't it all right so what i did forget to do though is throw some uh hay out for the sheep so we'll throw some hay out for them real quick too man it's friday already it's fast week so we've been hanging out every day in case you missed some of our videos make sure you hit the videos tab and see if you missed any and go watch them because they're always lots of fun we always slip in some good information oh the bees are cold today no one's no one's hanging around the b-hole they're all inside staying warm man this wind is relentless is it windy where you're at let us know yeah i know i forgot to throw you some hay huh i know i know hang on i'll get you ready to go boy rambo you're something else all right here we go don't crowd me don't crowd me don't crowd me don't crowd me just crowd me don't crowd me here i come i'm trying to hold the camera hold i got this bad hand and everything all right here's one there's some there's some there and there's some there oh i guess they want to eat in private [Laughter] you guys don't even know the whole time i'm holding this camera right i'm dealing with this it's my little buddy right here he likes to hang out with me as soon as he sees me comes running out look at him oh boy that's right this is the good stop this is the good stuff [Music] back and forth back and forth this is why homestead y'all that's why i left the city 12 years ago because i was not feeling it you know i was working too much and i had the wrong priorities when i shifted my priorities and i mean i didn't care at all cost i was going to do it and we did it well now we just like to share it don't bother me now i can't keep my eye on you look at him trying to line me up see that trying to line me up rambo they don't like you treating me like that trying to line me up i know what you're doing you guys see that what happened to don't bite the hand that feeds you right and then i got sadie right here she wants her oats too so i guess that about wraps it up i was just hanging out with you guys while i was living my best life maybe hopefully it'll encourage you maybe answer a few questions about why we don't have any milk animals around here maybe it'll give you an idea on what to look out for if you're going to be homesteading what animals to get because you got to keep your chore in mind and you know if you have a neighbor down the street and they milk already and you guys are chummy and stuff that's easy but if you're going to get like some of your city friends involved and they're going to come stay at your place that's going to be a whole nother story right so you got to think about all that stuff everything's relevant there comes smokey i got the whole gang man this is i feel like dr doolittle over here just love it so that's it i'm gonna get everybody fed hope you guys are having a great day have a nice weekend we'll see you guys on the other side of it and if you guys didn't know we're gonna be in florida in january you can go to off grid with douganstacey.com and right on the home page is a link if you want to get some information about it it's called keepers of the old ways we're going to be there teaching all these skills about living off grid and homesteading and all that stuff i'm going to start walking this way because i don't have to worry about rambo and it's really gonna be a good time there's some other folks there david the good is there he does a lot of composting he wrote a book called compost everything and uh it's just gonna be a good time a lot of good educational setups there you know hands-on stuff and so if you want to check that out at least just go to offbeat with doug and stacey and click the link on the home page there and that'll take you to the uh she's so beautiful sadie girl that'll take you to the um link and at least you can check it out and if it's in your wheelhouse hey molly no if it's in your wheelhouse you gotta teach her not to chase the horses in it they're excited they're so excited no molly all right come on in come on but if that works for you we'll see you there in january [Music] in my little loop see i come back through the barn if you look at them they're inside there i told you guys all right that's it that's my little loop around the homestead everybody's got water and stuff man that temperature really switched quick boy that's why when it's nice you got to make hay while the sun shines that's why they came up with that saying because you never know like tomorrow what what the weather will be like you know way back in the day they didn't have some forecast guy who was wrong all the time telling them what the weather wouldn't be like so they had to rely on getting it done while the hunt sun was shining all right guys leave a comment down below hit the like if you like what i'm saying and we'll see you guys on the next video have a great weekend this video was brought to you by plain and simple chocolate tea from off grid with doug and stacy the weather outside is frightful a cup of chocolatey is so delightful made from the husks of roasted cacao beans it has a chocolatey aroma yet tastes like an herbal tea this beverage is rich in mood-enhancing theobromine the perfect replacement or addition to your morning cup of coffee you can find it at off grid with duganstacy.com plain and simple chocolate tea makes me happy
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 111,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living
Id: IggG9w_7IYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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