Cast A Long Shadow | English Full Movie | Western Drama

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[Music] keep your eye on this you keep your eye on [Music] him hey no no say I'm looking for a fellow named Brown Matt Brown sen your brown you staying here well men come men go I can remember names young about 23 years old there about not very heavy pretty well built oh that one is in the Cana he's a bad one seor he owns me almost 100 pesos oh oh yeah [Music] yeah don't hold your cards like that boy I can't hardly see them and if I can't see them how can I bring you luck open for a p bunch of shoe clerks raise them boy up a baso that's a stuff watch them fold now it's too rich for their blood why don't you shut up up five oh out oh call two cards and three three to me don't sweat up Bo or rub the spots off just do like Mama used to say spread them out and close your eyes 20 pesos why don't you be subtle and fire Cannon I don't know what you mean boy deal me out there's one too many in this game hey wait a [Music] minute [Music] that's the wall on move [Music] move come on get up you're going to ask or hit you [Music] [Music] later hurt bad never felt better you were lucky I didn't kill you what's the matter with you you had a bottle had a cuspidor a mess of chairs and easy reach you thought as if the winner was going to get a medal don't you even have a gun ate it trade it for 3 weeks room in board and I hope you still own a horse they old bug what brings you down this way Mr Donna you you I've been looking for you ever since we buried Mr Kenan hean dead yeah I thought he was too big to die he's thought of him sitting up in that big house is kind of permanent like the mountains yeah when the mountain goes leaves quite a [Music] hole you didn't look me up after more than four years to tell me that no that's only part of it the old man left you everything is this some kind of a joke would I spend five weeks of my life to play a joke on you that makes sense always figured you'd get to place in the old man die think he even knew I was alive why' he leave it to me don't dig boy I'll just break your shovel if he was your father he was pretty good at keeping his mouth shut 87 ,000 Acres it was a weird one old Jake Keenan as tough as they come but he didn't smoke he didn't drink didn't cuss he's a bug on religion strict remember I remember how he treated my mother the old man could never forgive anyone who broke one of the rules he had store by and your M was a disgrace to his way of thinking his way of thinking Keenan was my father he was a stinking hypocrite and I'm glad he's dead you know what it's like not having a name like being the extra Joker in a deck of cards you're nothing you don't belong in the game now the point right now is what do you do with your inheritance I don't know you see you could never in a million years run a spread that size takes experience plenty of help from people who respect you yeah your best bet is to grab the money that some of us scraped up $220,000 you should keep you drunk a long time you want a buy from me that's right that's the idea I didn't have enough cash of my own so I'm letting some of the others on shares how about it Place really means something to you doesn't it you got yourself a deal Mr donu good but you'll have to go back long enough to sign over the deed and pick up your money you'll only have to stay there about an hour what's the matter somebody there you don't want to see all right I can go straight on to Santa Fe from there once you sign those papers nobody cares where you go what you do I'll get my [Music] horse [Music] yeah [Music] shut up tight chip Sunday Sunday fig it was Thursday was lost track yeah I wish I could I hate Sundays nothing to do but stand around on one leg which is what you do all week anyway well I ain't one to kill myself I don't see no point to it l the man's his own boss hello son hello glad to see you are you you've been gone quite a spell folks was beginning to wonder most everybody's in church go get Charlie Bulls I'll need him to open up the safe Bulls ain't here chip where is he well he left yesterday to go fishing up at the creek he would that's a good three-hour ride he'll be back tomorrow no he won't he'll be back today you go get him I'm sorry kid this will give you time to clean up and rest a bit you can wait over at henes she'll fix you some breakfast I'll look after the horses well the quicker we open that safe the quicker you get a piece of this place I'll send my boy on the fastest horse I [Music] got the place is closed there is no more whiskey last night barbar Dad they drank everything and broke the furniture and they sang about their mothers until they got sick hello henia I tell you there is no more Matt de I was sure you were dead well not exactly but you never wrote there's nothing to say Atta what do you think about all this think what is there to think the Old Man Died he had no people he left everything to you I thought you at least were my friend I am your friend Kito but to hear what you want to hear you would have to ask the old man and he's dead come sit down I will get you some food I'm not hungry then a drink I was lying there is whiskey a little no thanks t Matt look Matt tell me like everyone else I am going to say this I am anxious to know what you have decided I'm selling clearing out of here as fast as I can I thought perhaps you had had enough of running away for since I rode through that front gate it's been coming back but that is past you and Janet what about her Chang my mind I think I'll have that drink [Music] my dream my God to be my God to me to [Applause] the [Music] way to oh all that th s me in Mercy Angels through my God to near my God to the when we're singing A Hymn a notion is that the voices should blend together not fight one another now that singing is just one more proof that there hasn't been any Harmony of any kind on this place since Mr Keenan died Amen to that now I'm no great shakes as a preacher but a congregation like this gets no better than it deserves I know what's in all your hearts and Minds you're dreaming of the day the chip gets back and tells us that this place is ours right my question is do we deserve this place what have we done since the funeral I've seen nothing but drinking loafing and general hell raising amen is this the way you're going to act when you become your own [Music] bosses excuse me folks but I yeah I figured you'd all be wanting to know Chip's back [Music] Chi he's got Young Mat with them well get on with it Hugh well my boy heading out to the creek to fetch Charlie BS seems we boy that's a [Applause] ran 30 years working for the other fell and now this place is mine why you old Square you got a measly 60th I got a full 50th I'll thank you to call me sir now we got to celebrate let's have us a barbecue sure while we wait we can have ourselves a dance is that all right with you e sure well how come you ain't holiday men oh isn't wonderful I've prayed so for this I only hope we're equal to it don't you understand ma that's selling us the place we don't take orders from nobody now you'll take orders from me dick calvard oh sure ma but the land we work belong to us it took Mr Keenan a whole lifetime to build this place up into what it is it wasn't meant for one man to have so much well if Mr Keenan had wanted this place split up 40 different ways it seems to me like he would have done it himself instead of leaving the whole thing to mat M we don't care what Mr Keenan wants he's dead as for Matt Brown he ain't got the brains of a mu cow what could he do with a ranch like this just what he did sell it to us right now come on M let's go along home you know they're counting on you to make potato belt for the barbecue Jen you go home and put on that nice yellow silk dress I might just take a oce to dance with you take your hands off me Sam I sure like that yellow dress why you could even get hay on it nobody [Music] know [Music] what's your hurry I have work to do you never have work to do unless you're sore of me what have I done nothing I haven't been back long enough what's on your mind Matt oh what's a long face for for him he's getting what he wants we're getting what we want the land this is all you want Wella I spent 30 years of my life working this place for another man I finally got a piece of it to call my own doesn't that make you happy for old chip you know what I want for you what would make me happy don't let me keep you from your [Music] work oh Matthew I just heard your back boy I hurried right over did you why certainly I wanted to congratulate you son you can't imagine how pleased I am now how worried I've been not KNN where you were that's hardly a decent way to treat your only kin folks huh maybe I didn't see that candle burning in your window get out of here what' you say you heard me Uncle E you smell a little money and you start acting awful high and mighty seems to me like you're the one that's on the scent of some cash I remember all the sermons you preached to me while you a pick in my pocket it makes me sick in my stomach you got a lot of G talking to me that way a lot of thanks I get for taking you under my roof after your mother disgraced me you better get out of here all right boy I'm getting but I fed and clothed you for a long time before you started earning your keep I figured that rich father yours Mr Keenan should have put out for that now that you're coming into all this money I aim to be paid M loves a barbecue gives her an excuse to make potato s keep your fingers out of that that's right and see that you don't use it as an excuse to get drunk lately dick hasn't needed an excuse if there's a jug around I'm mad enough to take my share of it well since you've been running with that Mueller there always seems to be a jug around and you're sure of it gets bigger and bigger I know why you two got it in for Sam he's a good fell he's sure partial to jenet I think she's a fool to hold him off the way she does Lucky a man like Sam is interested in her after all the talk about her and Matt Brown oh you quit ping your sister she get married in her own good time and to a man of her own choosing I ready sis [Music] jenet come on shake a leg we're about ready I'm not [Music] going what's aen you nothing then why aren't you dressed you go on ahead I I feel a little tired I I'll be over later what's the matter you got him on your mind I don't know what you're talking about you don't huh sis he isn't Our Kind no and I do any kin folk of mine take up with him wasn't there enough talk why can't you leave me alone we'll leave you alone but you stay in the house see just till Sundown he'll be gone by then Mo in around like this he must have done more to you than tip his hat get off maybe folks is right maybe you ain't fit to marry get out of here with your dirty mind come on Dick leave her be all right all right we'll go but you stay put and he better stay putter when he checks out of here tonight he won't need that that [Music] [Music] money [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] he [Music] man I saw you coming over here from my [Music] window did [Music] you I thought that well maybe we could talk think you said everything there was to say the last time we talked that was a long time ago Matt I was only 17 you seem to know what she wanted or didn't want a girl when she's that young well certain things are more important to her than they are later sure it's only natural that before you buy a mule you look at his teeth and check his blood lines he doesn't pull when the whip is cracked he's only worth his weight and glue you're not making this very easy why don't you leave me alone no different now than I was 4 years ago when you refused to marry me except now I've got a little money forget I said that all right I know you didn't mean it Matt I gave you my reasons for saying no I I was honest with you I didn't hold anything back except yourself yeah but body around here believes that if it since you left never mind what do you want from me a certificate I don't know why I keep trying to hurt you Jenny I guess it's because everything you've accused me of is true I'm a freak of nature I haven't the most ordinary thing in the world the last name you die laughing if you knew why I came up here I do know I thought I could pull old man Keenan out of his grave and find out the truth and have you sure with all his Bible quoting he had a temper like thunder and lightning even an old Gunslinger like chip Donahue used to knuckle under to him me there's no thunder and lightning in me just hot air and maybe a little whiskey Matt he left you everything no he didn't he only left me what he didn't need but he look if I was his son would I come sneaking around this house like a servant no I'd throw open those shutters sit in that chair i' buckle on this gun belt and I'd throw anyone off the place that didn't call me Mr ke then what why don't you stay Matt this place is yours words on a piece of paper don't make it mine hold a place like this together people have to respect you look up to you make them respect you how you could Matt you could be as big as Keenan bigger Matt listen while you were gone lots of things Chang changed I quit caring what other people think I I was only afraid I'd never see you [Music] again had have gone over with myself a hundred times and I know now I had no right to refuse you when I felt the way I did because it doesn't matter who you are what you do the important thing is that is that you have a feeling for someone and it's warm and strong and growing and you can't let it die because then you [Music] die man I was a girl now I'm a woman whether you go away or stay tonight I'm with [Music] you down our way we had a cow look like my wife don't ask me how cow don't get milk ate all of my ha her to a d from Santa St ypp ypp ypp ypp ypp [Music] you [Music] [Music] keep [Music] very good shooting Wade you better put it away though before you hit one of those [Music] kids that's all for me we better go back to drinking what you guys needs a [Laughter] shotgun this is what I call a figure that's what it is tell me up again more that hey that's pretty fine shooting Sam put the guns up boys yeah look who's here the Top Gun come on Don you let's see how good you [Music] are I see one more hand touch one more jug there may not be a jug there may not be a hand what put the bur under your saddle these letters come in from the Bank of Santa Fe when I was out chasing after Matt they getting a little edgy for the money edgy worse than edgy seem there's new management Chicago Fells and they're real upset that the loan in this place has gotten so big that extended so long well we talked this out before you left sure you figured that we'd pay off the loan with the cattle we sold the trouble is that this last letter says we pay by the 16th of this month or the bank takes the ranch 16th that's Saturday we can't pay without selling the cattle and we can't get the cattle to Santa Fe by then maybe if some of us went to him and asked him for an extension and just till the first of the month no no no no letter rules it out read it for yourself instead of opening up here because you're in business for yourselves my thinking is you better all get to work you mean try to get 3,000 head of cattle to Santa Fe by Saturday that's the size of it wait you start getting a Chuck Wagon supplied the rest of us will begin rounding up the stairs you mean right now we'll have to push him across the flats as it is there's no time to take him the easy way around go slow kelbert stay where you are Ken you're janny's older brother says you have got to speak to about marrying her I love her I can support her and I guess that's about all it's any of your business Mr Harrison can you perform the ceremony well now son I ain't no real preacher nearest one I know of is in Santa Fe well I could say a few words but it wouldn't be too late legal I need a license for a wedding how about a funeral I hope there wouldn't be any trouble dick cuz to stop this you'll have to use your gun keep out of this dick it's me he's talking to then handle it Matt I declare you did decide to come to the party hello Mrs Calvin oh if Mr Keenan could only have lived to see you again I don't know how many times he said to me Charlotte where do you think that boy's taking himself ma Matt's asked me to marry him and I've said yes oh honey I couldn't be more pleased that's wonderful just wonderful Matt always did favor you for Janet I'll try to make her happy come on Ken you come with me you too dick there's a lot of cleaning up to be done before you start rounding up any cattle Janet now tell me true you ain't really fixing to marry up with him are you you got packing to do Janet How can any girl marry him I mean how's a preacher supposed to hit you to woman's supposed to take a man's name when she marries him what happens when he ain't got a name to give her you going to take Janet's name [Music] maybe Mr Mrs Janet calber [Music] man please stop [Music] leave him alone let go of him [Music] lad he's got a [Music] gun meller don't you ever pull a trick like that again there's still papers to be signed remember you go back to hortensius kid she'll help clean up those cuts Matt why'd you do it this hurt you bad I'm all right let me tell you nothing else would have pulled me away from my fishing donu I was a what's going on here never mind that I want you to open the safe You' kept young Matt here waiting long enough for his money oh sure sure just a minute BS you to open that safe give every man here his money back you people got to me with one hand shoving a pin at me with the other so I'll sign this place over to you well I won't sign anything that'll give you one square acre in hell I listen here man no BS you listen to me you and all the rest of you this is my place I'm walking into that house my house I'm going to sit behind that desk and I'm going to run this place you don't want to work for me you can clear out now you won't be missed new fired Muer got an hour to get off my place they don't look like I want for company when I go 1 hour k don't rush off we better talk this out I said my say now it's your turn to listen I had a belly full of listening to this crowd you mean to spend your life making us listen to you you think all there is to owning this place is living in that house sitting behind the desk yelling orders at people you don't like what do you know about running a ranch like this I'll learn but you won't have a chance that sounds like a threat a simple fact come Saturday this Ranch won't even be yours it'll belong to the bank in Santa Fe tell them BS before he died the old man got pretty deep in debt he sank all his cash into more land he had to keep baring to meet the payrolls and that's the truth these loans are overdue kid unless we can deliver 3,000 head of cattle into Santa Fe by this Saturday the bank takes over why' you tell me this before as long as you were selling it wasn't your headache you just offered me $20,000 for this Ranch you still are then you think it can be saved man take a lot of sweat to get a her to to Santa Fe in time but if every man here had a stake it would be worth it every man here does have a stake his job and his home we'll have three ,000 head ready to move its Sun up tomorrow you men can start rounding up the cattle right now all right it's your choice either take orders of me or clear off my place same as Muer you can't Bluff me I had nothing when Donna Hugh found me if I don't get the her to Santa Fe in time I won't be any worse off than I've been all my life H you can't ask me and the kids to start over in a new place now you you can't all right I'll work the East pasture wait for me I'm going with you just a minute leave The Jug here I like a drink as well as any of you better than some till I get that herd to Santa Fe there's no room for Whiskey in my plans I'm serving noce right now fire anyone I catch with a jug or a bottle any special orders from me Ron headed for the East passor where the rest of the cattle mostly along the wash and you supervise the round up there who's coming with me what should I do with your money keep it a few days maybe the new owner will change his mind again man come on if you want to talk to [Music] me should could Co compresses and those bruises I'm fine what's the matter you suddenly seem so different I feel different you remember how you told me you'd change while I was away Chang from Girl to woman well I grew up just now down in that Grove you take care of the horses here now yes sir [Music] what's your name Noah Noah Pringle well Noah will you saddle a horse for me I ain't turned your Mar in a crow yet I make you a present of that old Boneyard I want something better where's Mr Keenan's horse Captain he's in his stall [Music] sadly come on shake a leg boy I had your job nobody had to tell me twice look where I ended up yes given order seems to come easy for you I took enough of them what's all this going to do to us Matt how do you mean well we were ready to leave this place and get married I think I let anything change then we'll get married in Santa Fe Santa Fe sure come on the drive with us after we delivered the cattle we find ourselves a minister and when we come back here it'll be his man and wife I don't know man maybe we ought to wait now who's changing your mind don't give me arguments just get yourself backed all right I'll be ready him please him now boys please him [Music] I chewed best for my ja aake done Tre is working an afternoon I fig we earned a little reward don't look like you took the boss much at his word I'm working for him to please my Ms I ain't changing my habits you're fired Ron oh wait a minute you all had your warning but are you here has been working hard all afternoon and he only save your breath I couldn't have stomached him all the way to Santa Fe even if I stay a't drum I got those cattle moving unless you want to join [Music] rigon [Music] Janet Matt I know it's late but I had to talk with you hey I was just thinking about you you're going to be proud to be my wife Jenny oh I hope so Matt you will be made up my mind to it you know Keenan left me all this he must have had a good reason for it I'm tired fretting about what the reason was important thing is he left me a big job to do I got to measure up to it I will I'm promising him you and myself you know they used to say he cast a shatter from here to the main gate I'm going to cast one too with this whole 87,000 Acres M do you know what day this is Sunday the 10th of July Matt it's more than that it's my birthday we'll celebrate this day every year you me starting right now you going to wish me a happy birthday P I just left the rigdons you back for [Music] Santa why did you fire Hugh Rigdon cuz he was drinking he took one drink which leads to the second and the third and so on you know I can't risk taking a drunk on this drive there's too much it take give him another chance I want back down it's not only you it's his wife the children should have thought of them when he opened that bottle you've made your point you can afford to be generous now I fired him and it stands I don't want to talk about it no no you'd rather talk about what a big man you are now now well I preferred you the way you used to be when I was nobody who Are You Now Matt I want to be proud of you of what you do but I can't be if you think that to be a big man you have to throw away all the qualities I loved in you before all right you found out that You' got the power here you've got the strength to use it but it takes more than that don't lose your gentleness Matt don't feel that it's weak to show Mercy gentleness Mercy who in this place ever treated my mother gently whoever showed her Army any Mercy is that all this means to you chance to get even Janet I don't want to fight with you now let's forget Rigden it's not that easy for me you talk about how you've grown what a great big Shadow you're going to cast Matt you're getting small because I fired a drunk I'm not going with you to Santa Fe why not I agreed to marry the Matt Brown who took my hand and walked me to The Grove maybe he was small and frightened but I knew him and I loved him I don't know what's happened to him now now you listen to me you can't I'm not rushing off to Santa Fe to marry a stranger you're talking crazy look I'm not going Matt that's final let's wait let's just wait and see what a great big man you get to be because at the rate you're going in a month's time you'd be ashamed to be married to a little nobody like [Music] me you mind if I sit with you he in thought you'd be with your wealthy nephew oh the way that boy's been behaving since he got back I'm ashamed of being his blood relative you got my sympathy you thanks every man of us here watered this place with the sweat of our brow all look forward to the day we could claim a piece of it as our own now Along Comes this nobody and kicks us all off have a drink well thanks I I don't mind if I do nothing wrong in having a little drink even the good book says take a little wine for thy stomach sake that takes a load off my mind you know I just realized four of us right here at this table got more reason than most to hate Matt Brown I should have killed him this afternoon while I had a chance I would have too Donahue hadn't a buted in I bet he wishes now he hadn't it's too bad Donahue didn't find that boy dead wouldn't be having the problems we have now how do you mean I'm his only living relative you well how would that help us with that dead I'd own this place I wouldn't have been greedy I'd have taken say half the money kept an interest of 10% what good this kind of talk do us he ain't dead that's right he ain't that's too bad yeah yeah that is too bad no more drinks ensia you closed for the night you men better sleep while you can you won't have much chance between here and Santa Fe you were told to clear off Miller my friends here I think I should stay pit your friends off with [Music] you why are you mixing in this again I thought this was an open fight [Music] did I ask for help I just didn't want to see any more of hortensia's glasses busted let Mueller and his friends want to stop you outside I won't raise a hand I said no more drinks have a drink with him Matt to the success of the drive I gave an order expect any man to works for me to obey it you know it's not what you say that Galls me it's the way you say it you'll get used to it question is do I want to when a man works the same job too long he gets to thinking no one else can do it I guess that makes him as big a fool as the boy who thinks if he gives enough orders nobody have time enough to know that most of them don't make sense as my foran down you you'll take my orders or you're finished that's plain enough pick up your money from bows in the morning oh no Matt keep out of it good luck kid you forced him to do it why I should have quit this job a long time [Music] ago [Music] I can't understand why on Earth you changed your mind everything all packed then you say you're not going you can still go honey he wants you with [Music] him aren't you going with him he decided he could manage without me but he can't you know he can't Janet he doesn't set much store by what I know he'd never make it without you why'd you let him push your away why did [Music] you [Music] all right let's move them [Music] out we plent of time to gawk after we get to Santa Fe our cattle boys move quietly and keep out of [Music] sight [Music] so you're really going that's right nothing to keep me here when I locate I'll drop you a line no Kido you will try to forget this place but if you could where would that leave you you say there is nothing here to keep I think when you go you leave behind more than you take with you a good woman H tens you but you talk too much do not run away I'm not running I was fired remember because you wanted to be sh if you go now for the rest of your life you must live alone with your old fear I don't know what you're talking about you were afraid of Kenan I hated him no no you were afraid of him because he knew you so well because in him there was no mercy no forgiveness so I don't look to him for anything now but he still punishes you even from the grave he punishes you for 30 years he let you think this place would someday be yours for 30 years you lived in fear lived his way just to get this wrench when he dies he lives it to the boy let the boy have it I'm not asking him for anything and give him what you can what you owe to him you expect me to stay here and help the boy keep what's Mine by rights for your sake not for Matts he is young and strong pigheaded stubborn see but not weak like you K though run run from the truth as you always have you cannot get away from it you are weak weak you're the weakest man I have ever [Music] known get come on get back come on yeah get back there [Music] h tell boid we'll hold it up here for an hour and let him [Music] gra like he's going to let him graze as long as he can there won't be much grass or water by tomorrow oh d that they'll be on the flots some of them will who's [Music] that as Donahue I thought he tossed in his cards looks like he's trying to deal himself in [Music] again have some jerky no thanks takes more than nerve to run a drive like this I'm not [Music] [Music] hungry made good time what's on your mind I guess I was Hasty tempered last night you asking me to give you another chance yep all right I could use another hand down you we start you ride drag whatever you say well we might just get these Critters to Santa Fe after all course Donna here join the party he knows the trail he knows how to Baby him across them flaps out there came because he's a sure as the rust of I'm going to fall flat on my face he wants to be standing working life loud and kick dust on me maybe he will he's going to eat his pecket Des [Music] first [Music] help [Music] get [Music] now we'll have a cup of good coffee like we got a chance to get this s of those Critters not my job to think anyway I got too much dust in the brain Matt call the turns pretty smart today that don't mean much Noah could Trail Boss this first part Flats will be the the test that's no mistake gotle get edgy out there even when they aren't being rushed a man so much as Breeze heavy can Stampede him boss will just order us to quit breathing you feel better if you riding the point chip nope it's his gamble let him call the play I got your bed roll from the wagon thanks I'm afraid W much help today you learn well thanks for giving me the chance Noah yes sir maybe you better keep your eye on the night stream yes [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] boy try to cut him off with the Stampede the cattle [Music] right [Music] get him back on the picket line I'll check the herd hey uh chip that was a close one oh quiet thanks anybody know what set him off I didn't hear a thing till they started Belling let go let me go how was I don't know no one told me what's the matter tell him I'm sorry Mr Brown but you got to believe me I didn't mean no harm honest what did he do this what started it a wol skin we're lucky the herd isn't halfway to Texas I was carrying at my bed roll I thought I might get a couple of dollars for it and sign a fa you risk all our next for a couple of all right that's enough I know I made a mistake and he's sorry didn't cost us anything but a lot of hard writing let's forget it you got any other surprises in that bedroom no sir somebody to get rid of that thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he lats are just on the other side of that Hill think I'll ride on and have a [Music] look they're camping down on the flats those cattle are going to be good and nervous yester today with no Gra is not much water then we move in fire a couple of shots and stand clear those steers going to move out like a railroad train when everybody's busy trying to H them off Matt's going to meet up with an accident oh hold on more when I threw in with you I didn't bargain for no accident just count me out look you in this and you're going to stay in and you understand that time those cattle get through trumping on map nobody's going to notice he was [Music] shot going to be a noising night yeah mat's been gone a long spell maybe you quit on us not [Music] him yeah been off that horse since son up yeah he don't spare himself you got to give him [Music] that who gave the order to stop I didn't it's getting dark and you weren't back yet so I thought all right all right finish your grub and coffee then I want this herd moving you ain't thinking of moving this herd out under those Flats tonight why you don't know what it's like to be I know how far we've come in two days and how far we've got to go we w make it unless we do some night driving you can't expect us to work without no sleep any man wants his job with me better be in the saddle in 10 [Music] minutes I like a word with you you got anything to say say it yeah night drives across these Flats always end up the same in the Stampede I have to risk that I know you're fighting for time but this isn't the place to speed up the drive you go out there tonight and you'll be lucky if you don't lose half your herd a man or two besides you're afraid stay here sometimes it's smart to be afraid you're making a mistake you're in my way if you're just half as big a man as you want us to think you are you'll admit you're wrong before there's any damage done my order stands you'll lose these cattle in the ranch even kill some of the men before you get back down huh I started this drive without you and I'll finish it the same way what are you waiting for eat and get moving they don't like taking orders from the trail boss is drunk not on honest whiskey with a taste of having his own way you're fir you can just fire all of us man like you doesn't need help from Ordinary People you want the rest of them to leave me that's why you followed me I followed you to try to keep you from pulling a fool stunt like this I don't need any broken down saddle tra telling me what to do I make my own decisions these are my cattle a ranch is mine only because the old man wanted to play God and punish me from the grave he leaving me the ranch has nothing to do with you didn't it I'm his son and I'll Trump down you anyone else who tries to take what he left me you're not kenan's son you're my son I'm your father any strength in your guts comes from me [Music] you [Music] h got [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] my arm I think it's [Music] busted but shooting now K [Music] [Music] you thought you wanted to kill me I did for a [Music] while better let me have a look at that arm yeah [Music] oh [Music] well I guess this should convince you you don't need to stand on Kenan shoulders or anyone else's you cast a mdy long shadow of your [Music] own I guess I'll manage long as I've got you and Janet right and hurt on me Happ
Channel: DDF: Movie Day
Views: 373,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, WesternMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Cast A Long Shadow, Western, Drama, Thomas Carr, Audie Murphy, Terry Moore, John Dehner
Id: lE9uNe073qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 3sec (4803 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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