City of Bad Men (Classic Western Movie, Full Length, English) full westerns, full cowboy film

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] you know making Tiwa aura yeah one more ear and dozer what's he growling about he's thirsty for tequila he's always thirsty for tequila just our Jim all right Joey Tommy look tell him to go back to Mexico you'll never get that thirsty cinch will string him up we've all got that rubber I'd love to see that general swing boy is a big fat neck if he'd won he'd be running Mexico now be all set last we just happen to pick the wrong side two years in the wrong sights a long time and what have we got to show for it piece of junk like this look at him chest full of tin put them all together and they wouldn't even buy a slug of tequila we were supposed to get paid for fighting just like real soldiers you didn't let us fighting for nothing seems we were doing an awful lot of things for nothing lately [Music] we wouldn't be if we did it for Fort Worth but my brother says come north so we come north and Fort Worth is loaded with cattle money at the rail here just waiting to be picked up I suppose in Carson City they'll have a safe door wide open just question for us huh our Luck's got to change sometime you're like a bunch of dumb cattle your stampede at the sight of trouble ball at the first shift in the wind I like ain't gonna change did you start acting like men Gaara and I've kicked around Carson City plenty it's a sleepy little town without much to stop us the safe door won't be open but it won't take much doing we can be out and on our way before the sheriff can clean the rust off these guns you know that gar as well as I do and get rid of that Mexican hardware before we move on well I get out of two years as this and now I gotta throw it away how come Brett you want to ride through town with everybody staring at it that would be smart wouldn't tell him he's a cat Akitas nachiketa Liguori las Mathias well Mathias on me ass yo minimal aroma yo mismo he says the medals belong to him there he stole him himself will tell him next time you steal something with some gold in it lisa kaler próxima vez Nairobi salut Katanga Oro losses way hombre dead soon insult Oh or a machete on Corrado [Music] [Applause] sleepy little town [Applause] all right [Music] I've never seen so many people in my life [Applause] [Music] on the old army game let's step right in there Jimmy goes way did you see what you're gonna see audience gasps what's he saying same as you're thinking [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's another batch looking lean and hungry too those are the Stantons the one in front is Brett the one behind him is a brother gar I haven't seen them in six years if they ever start shooting I could use sixty men instead of six Bennett every day is twenty more because to find anybody [Music] I'm sure show them how to promote a fight mr. London I haven't seen anything like this since the Comstock Lode thanks mister [Music] put that away mr. London rates the 25-year stock on the house thanks Harry I'd like you to meet mr. Brady Corbett's manager welcome to Carson City mr. Brady thank you Jim here's our town's biggest booster I thought he was selling me a bill of goods when he talked me into this now I'm glad I came [Music] there's some more rhythm I just put up the new chandeliers special for the fight somebody pointed out Johnny Ringo and told me today in New York you told me we wouldn't have to worry about this kind of thing I just here for the fight in a good time the same as everybody else that depends on what they call a good time but I look a raspy tequila will get red eye a blue star snake spots all impasse Easter drinks but no tequila give him some whiskey hombre we were among grad school of a nano [Music] we got about as much chance of cracking that bankís I have a beatin Jim Corbett [Music] you know I can always tell us when he plans a stick-up he always does that with his hat but don't mean nothing till he puts a new crease in it i thinka content posses after from just a crowd like this let's put the deck on the table you followed me to Mexico and we had two years enough but I guess wrong this time I'm justified you stick this deal out but we're not achieved after that I don't want to see it ever again never come not any [Music] your brothers gamblin hand must be bothering them again yeah only I never went up against Taj like this before I'll be back was it gone you didn't take it up with me I've seen Tom guys get along better than YouTube work his midsection Jim [Applause] that's a string is look inside of beef I ever saw can you forget Fred Stanton stoop but you still look as tough as a meat you cook I haven't seen you since then culligan join your outfit that was almost six years ago yeah I guess it is hey I heard you were in Mexico how's things going we've been getting along daddy no culligan sold out I didn't wish Colligan died about four years ago after that superior rabbits took over hey mr. Brady had to chase him out to set up camp four years ago what happened to culligan girl Ginga she walked to town she's doing cashier working bookkeeping at the Tonopah cashier she never knew anything about money it's a muddy much too taught her to be looking for it tell me she spends a lot of time at the London range yeah yeah I heard about London oh it won't be needing these and won't stop me from getting him been asking for every one of them he almost killed a champion I had other things on my mind I don't want this kind of riffraff hanging around it shut up pop maybe you'd like to step into the ring and I'll knock some sense into your head after the sheriff's through with them you think Johnny Ringo let me stay cooped up if I have anything to do with it he will why those men were trying to kill each other yep what's it about do you know them yep Barney that's the fella just Manoa he don't like women that's the one he was shooting at and Flint he ain't got no use for Bonnie well I figured they weren't exactly friends I get a feeling the real fights going to be outside of the ring yeah the killing starts you forget about the fistfight the town will empty like a cyclone hit it would you be staying or leaving depends on which way the wind blows so long stewpot don't poison anybody hey how come Dan cutting you didn't come back with you buried him three months ago in warhead what's it look like and there's about a dozen of them out there now most of them Johnnie Ringo's men Ringo will be along soon what are you gonna tell him I don't know yet Lin almost killed Corbin I had to bring him in no one's blaming you Phil sheriff I heard some talk that you're gonna release that man is it true there's always talk going around I heard it too I'm Fitzsimmons manager no one shot up our camp yet but I'm just as interested as mr. Brady I told him you could handle matters bill that's my job then we have your assurance that it was nothing but talk take a look outside gentlemen take a good look they look harmless enough just lounging around when you came in just now you probably took him for Cowens if you notice him at all well every one of them's done his share a killing they're waiting for me to make up my mind to and the longer it takes me the more of them there'll be but they're only a handful you can't let them influence you that's an awful tough handful if you turn that man loose you're letting them run this town mr. Brady they can start running this town any time they want but they're too shiftless lazy they need something to start him off like Flint if they have to break him out they won't stop there before they're through they'll go for each other's throats like a pack of Mad Dogs and we'll be caught in the middle but but this isn't the Wild West any more Jesse James is dead you haven't got the Pony Express you've got the railroads now you've even got an automobile here in town you are talking in the past civilization is here so are they they are not interested in civilization Jim I don't know about mr. Davis but contract or no contract I'm calling off this fight you can't call it off just a minute mr. Brady some of those men outside wrote hundreds of miles to see this fight what do you think will happen if you try to call it off I hate to be in your show if I ever get through this I'll see that you never promote another flight as won't blame Jim no one knew this was going to happen sure we figured a few of them a drifting but nothing like this [Music] go ahead Sheriff I can wait looks like everybody's through talking I guess it's my turn what's on your mind Ringo probably the same thing you were discussing Flint what about it I don't misunderstand me Sheriff I don't like him any better than you do at the most I can say for him is he's been with me a long time if it was just for that you could keep him it's more than that Sheriff it's a matter of principle you see sheriff those men out there expect me to come out with Flint now how would it look if I came out alone see sheriff just a matter of principle but mr. Rango you and the others out there came to see a fight well it's our business to put one on but whether it comes off or not is up to you seems like you got me mixed up with a sheriff he gets paid for keeping people in line now sheriff about that matter of principle get Flint look Rango if it was just a matter of principle I'd keep him here you and I know that would lead to killing it's my job to keep people alive every man his own trade Sheriff yeah Johnny whether you know it or not your trades on its way out I told you you're wasting your time get outside no Sheriff for a trade that's on its way out there a lot of men in this town and disagree with you [Applause] and how is life in the big city Oh what am I each turn habits care for one who's Linda inside working on your ticket orders like a good little girl I heard you coming up is there I checked everywhere your brother didn't ride in with Stanton's outfit he wouldn't leave bread it's been six years a lot of things could have happened perhaps you should be drinking this instead of me no okay [Music] now been expecting you I'll see him Jim I'm Cynthia castle mr. Linton's sister I'd like to talk to Linda alone it's alright you it won't take those extra stands all right Henry they tell me you're working girl now cashier at the tone appalled I was until two weeks ago I'm helping Jim now I can remember when to and to was a struggle for you that was a long time ago I'm smarter now yeah I can see that I want to know about my brother he's dead it happened in Mexico there weren't many of us had got out but I'm sure you and your brother gar did we all took the same chances could happen any other but it didn't have to be him he would have straightened out if he hadn't gone with you nobody stuck a gun in his back I never saw a silver saddle like yours never saw anyone spend money the way you did how do you think that compared with working on a ranch maybe the same way Jim Lemon compared to cash sharing in a gambling joint [Music] mrs. dams he always liked the feeling gold it's all he had left belongs to you now it's not much to show for six years maybe not it was his that's not what I mean how did he get it bred you're used to that kind of money you keep it some reception I'll get it what did you expect when you left here you didn't think of me or Dan or anybody no you're out to do big things for yourself and you didn't care how Linda listen you listen I was awfully sorry when you left your bread but I thought I'd never see you again but people change in six years some people I managed to pick up the pieces and start over again and now you're back why curiosity when I heard you engaged in such an important man it just naturally had to see how you turned out [Music] mr. Stanton wouldn't you like some sherry I brought it from New York I drink either water or liquor mr. castle Sherry's neither I like a person who speaks his mind but that trade isn't appreciated around here and I prefer to be called Cynthia castle I'm a widow mr. Stan I'm sorry to hear it tell me whatever happened to the silver saddle I didn't realize I was so near you didn't I'm like you I also have a natural curiosity well there was a Mexican general who needed some guns and the girl in Juarez who needed some things too don't Jim she's just looking for excitement she doesn't realize what can happen with a man like that talk to her later then I'll talk to him now come here what's bothering you hit tickets tickets that's what's bothering me I thought your manager when it comes to money I want things first hand I heard they're tripping each other in town begging for tickets what's all this about only selling them at the fight if they're that eager now they're paid twice is budget fight time and the more they pay the more money you'll get I fancy seeing my bank notes before I lace on my gloves you can look at over a hundred thousand and hard cash just before you step into the ring over 20,000 quid now that's something worth waiting for you just worry about Corbett I'll handle the tickets right oh that's quite a bit of money for one fight yeah that's what I was saying you're willing but you're so afraid to drive I need to meetcha meetcha meetcha arms around me if I don't get you that'll be two bits more all around the prices going up since this morning yeah look around mr. prosperity is here oh yeah I send prosperity not tequila I might as well be playing solitaire I wish I wish I wish you were a little bolder can't you see I want you for my own [Music] John's gone up on fits you can get nine to five now fine what are you gonna bet your false teeth sometimes I wonder what would happen if I kept on prospecting same thing is now you'd be broke it's a long time hey where's your brother if you're lonesome why don't you go look for him where would i look who knows maybe went back the room I go see yeah I don't know which one of you is a dumbest [Music] little bit bolder can't you see I want you for my own Oh hurry hurry it's the natural thing to do say you love me love me love me [Music] [Applause] but I was told you take care of me the only thing I could let you have is the broom closet wait a minute please this big mistake I think what makes you think so how do you think the most buzz is out here why that's easy we put it there we Milo very bad you spill that room I guess you don't know who you're talking to this is Bob Phil kill this here Mendoza you steal our room looks like we got something else to put out you asked for trouble I see you get it maybe that'll change your mind holy Stanton you shouldn't go moving into other people's rooms it ain't polite to bed you didn't knock well I need polite either you get out there and move that stuff back inside do like he says I'm stayin around town I'll see you dead away Stanton that's all for now trouble yourself sheriff rail kill was just leaving so are you you're both coming with me if you couldn't hold Flynn are just wasting your time Sheriff I can't afford to waste time bother you let's go come on [Music] I've got Johnny Ringo inside good [Music] Friday's get too big for you in a chair nobody's here the buzz invited I'll have three deuces to come down here what's on your mind got some talking to do why is that sad thing you're trying to put the squeeze on I wouldn't talk too much you three men can call the shots for the whole bunch out there you cut the trail they follow that's why I handle it Flint loose if you two minutes trying it out upstairs I could never kept the little white LS you chose I get card to it sure but I have a proposition to make let me handle it Jim we've been racking our brains and there's only one way this fight can come off maybe I'm taking the chance but it's the only way out well thanks 48 hours till this town clears out I'm asking you three men to be my deputies you got a great sense of humor show me welcome out of here with a badge on my boys would string me up mister nobody tells me when I'm through later Diane is no laughing matter if you don't do it my way to be real trouble and none of us are bulletproof I'm getting back with my car the party's over sheriff let's go hold it party ain't we got the matter with you you heard what I said Mexican heat must have got him loose a do you want long low inside the same as a rest of you walk out of here now you're only proving how stupid job that's what I mean first thing you do is reach for a gun with you got one or not you Johnny so you left three deuces to come over here yeah they're getting colder every minute and you figure the eastern money's easy pickins how hard you pack to get here it's not gotta do where from Panhandle it's over a thousand months you bother you've been operating up in the Black Hills I'm here now we know yeah it all came a long way for the same thing where we gonna get it from each other we want the eastern money what happens if there's trouble veidt's called off eastern money's on the first train out of town we're left standing at the station unless you two figure your fights more important in Corbett and Fitzsimmons you gotta let's say about us what about you I came further than either one of you is on my way to Fort Worth I've heard about this fight Twyman Carson City the Pricer stands only putting on a deputy's badge for a little while then I'm not against paying what about you well it's justified they'll kill my memories too good I remember Sioux City when they hung Billy styled as I said to never wear a badge unless they stuck it on your grave times change but you don't there's always a reason for everything you do my reasons good enough for me and Ringo now you pick a side you either with us or against us we gonna wait around here forever Ringo said to give him 15 minutes I'm pretty good question to you there's enough of us here to tear the place apart how much are we gonna stay around Joe before we do something I say let's draw the sheriff who's boss push it up this is a law-abiding community we're gonna see that it stays that way a lot of people in towns I came here to see the fight and have a good time like we did we don't want any fancy gun work not clear to everybody I see it but I don't believe it nine-halves drop in an hour I never thought I'd be grateful to him for anything neither did I hope he means it [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you know where the beds the plan don't work but what's it all about I told you you don't know about it when the others do they get it all worked out but God said we're not holding up the bank right have a drink Oh boss don't you pick it up in here it makes me nervous [Music] looks like you're collecting more than just badges who said they got the window see for yourself [Music] well if it's trouble what are we waiting for relax it's not that kind of trouble [Music] [Music] you often buy trinkets like that when I feel like it not used to getting things for nothing changes always be fashion you should know that you made a big win this afternoon I had a good reason I don't think your brother to brew I know you wouldn't approve am i driving back home alone would you [Music] [Music] you always get your way not always but I try [Music] for the first time I'm glad I came out here you didn't want to come what brought you restlessness I keep running after son when I find out what it is I'll stop we're a lot alike except I'll probably keep running why Linda she won't be around long the newlyweds will be going east after the fact Jim's promised her that I like it I'm a state but you got against Linda nothing except she doesn't really love my brother he's just a way out of Carson City for her but that's his problem and we didn't come here to talk about her then remote if it bothered you it doesn't bother me you were the one who came back to see how she turned out you strong hands bread put them around me I'm ready to stop running now sorry but I'm not get out suit yourself give me those reins in a minute got a present for you you needn't bother mr. Stanton I've no use for it I wouldn't say that you can saddle someone else with it this may be the way you treat your kind of women you'll be sorry you tried it on me you asked me to get up and I got out that's what I call real gentlemen I'm not interested in what you call it be careful going home in the dark some of the rough customers around here might not realize you're such a lady my brother never didn't have good manners but I always thought he had good taste I'm quite sure I can find my way home alone might be dangerous for a lady I'll take that chance you know if I was in my brother's boots I'd still be in that carriage with you don't flatter yourself so Brett's good enough for you but I'm not uh I liked it the kiss I mean my brother's our fool you can go now wait a minute your brother is a fool but only you and I know it maybe a few others would've if you had a silver saddle yeah maybe they would you wait till something's offered before you take it you didn't a moment ago [Music] where'd you get it she gave it to me what's wrong with that you know why she gave it to you the same reason that she gave it to you maybe you're smarter than I am you knew how much we needed that saddle now you're gonna get a chance to do something about it do something about it you're gonna sell it what we're all going to the fight we need money for ringside seats aren't you forget what we came here for I told you this afternoon I had something better in the bank that's why I wear this that fights got to come off it means $100,000 to us the fight game that's right while everybody else is watching Corbett and Fitz we're gonna be taking care of the money waiting a boy's hair but they're not gonna hear about it you know that uh not till I get ready the more they know the more chance there is to something going wrong the way it is now it's just you and me when something happens I know right where to look [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you go in there and stop them we just tried that lady hey Carolyn you've each got a man in there it's up to you to bring him out you don't think I'm gonna arrest my own boy hey Sheriff that goes for me get somebody else Ringo what happens if lint gets killed it's one of my boys goes gunning for Barney but what if Lin gets Barney works both ways that's the beginning of it you could both stop him with a word I'm not giving it wait a minute Sheriff we all decided to do a job there ain't nobody backing out Stanton you did enough talking yesterday you keep out of this hey your men you're bringing them out now start walking don't even think of all right call him out I said call him out you Bob first Barney Barney come on out with your hands up flat this is Johnny come on out of there we'll have why do you take him in and this time we're gonna keep him there or sheriff now the stems running things I don't guess you'll be needing me me neither you can pin this tin somewhere else see after the fights done yeah right after the little blow-off this town any minute I don't think so they said after the fight [Music] maybe we got to put some extra men on the jail I got a better notion you think they'll let Flint and Barney stay put like Stanton's doubt himself a handful of trouble I mean those two gunning for your way in trouble it's suicide [Music] [Music] looking for this where's the money for the fight tapes look right I gambled it away by I feeling inside straight it looked like a sure thing but somebody held a flush against you you to drop this trying to get it all back it's in hand of yours I've got the biggest haul of our lives worked out and you gambled it away a long time you've been wanting to run things your own way you crossed me just once more you're gonna get a chance to all by yourself [Music] Thank You mr. Logan but I am a little tired [Music] in my foot I see you're beginning to give him the benefit of the doubt is there any harm in that no you must have made quite an impression on you this afternoon a lot of people were impressed I can hardly blame you I don't think there's a man here quite as attractive do you I haven't been doing any comparing something [Music] what's the rush man feels lucky he's got to do something about the feeling go away I hear that's a stiff game up there I hope you're loaded it's oughta get me by [Music] that nugget it was dance yours really want it behind if I sit in I warn you always lucky before a fight [Music] Carly stepped out on the floor Jim wait to get me a present at this time of night mind if I play our cards this hand how about next time around Jim this is the hand I'm interested in it's your dick Thanks how many do it's good thing we're not playing for money you'd probably toss in a full house I wish this waiting was over more than I do three covers it I'll see it three eight it's all yours just one hand aren't you gonna give me a chance to get even sure right now you owe me six ringside seat hell that's one way of getting tickets [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe you were meant to keep it baby at least he wasn't meant to give it to you I came up here to say something you're not making it any easier never give him any reason to I was wrong about your braids you proved that this afternoon I came a long way to see this finding whatever you came for you took on a job and you risked your life for it and that goes deeper than the fight yes that's one way of looking at it I was there bread I saw it and I heard what Ringo and 3l kills said you're afraid of trouble is that it yes there's nothing gonna stop the fight tell London not to worry I'm not concerned about that and neither is he bred leave now before it's too late you just said I took on a job and it's only half-finished you've done your share leave now bread tonight I can't there's nothing to stop you if you won't do it for yourself then do it for me I think mr. Stanton was quite capable of making up his own mind Jim I think we'd better go down now [Music] here your tickets now we're even [Music] worried about the Train Sheriff I haven't heard it pull in yet let's do where they office there's just the two of us get him I can't they're not here you're lying alright see for yourself he's right Tony it's empty that's it where are they they're on their way to Salt Lake City train just pulled up pretty smart that's what the sheriff thought I don't mind admitting up until now I wouldn't a bet there'd be a fight no you got to do is sit back and enjoy except for one piece of unfinished business or something private yeah between us you can take that off now the fight isn't until tomorrow night I have a hunch about you when you first put that badge on everything you've done since convinced me I was right does that mean you're smarter than the rest of them a lot of you rode into this town but you're the only one who saw anything you noticed a change the others don't look past the end of their guns here's all the handwriting on the wall they don't even see the wall because their backs are against it their days are over and they don't know it you know it but I won't do you any good of trail kill and Ringo get you that's why you got to leave tonight have you read too much into what I did sheriff you're not reading enough into it [Music] look next thing you know him and the sheriff will be dancing together Stanton's been asking for this won't do a better harm to let him get one day older I came to town to see this fight and I'm gonna say it any reason why he should see it if you don't we don't I'll have to the fight that's another story yeah and I'll be telling it till it won't like how it ends taking this off now wouldn't change things in me maybe post bullying a little while now I'm staying for the fight I'm getting killed right afterwards I think that certain there's another way you can keep right on wearing that badge that ensued me think it over [Music] [Music] Charlie I was a little abrupt back there I must still be jealous there's no reason to be you're worried about him he's throwing his life away June he knows what he's doing it's his concern Linda not yours you're right but but what nothing you feel the way I do about him you're grateful for what he's done but you wish he leave yes yes I'm sure that's it in a few days we'll have what we want we'll be on our way to New York believe me darling this law seem far away feel better yes good night good night night waiting for someone [Music] you shouldn't have come here I wouldn't have if you hadn't come to me first you know why I did that do i I had to talk sense to you that's all sense is something I never had too much of I'm proving that now bread I waited six years I counted the days even the hours for a while then I stopped ahead - it wasn't meant to be six years not even six months but you can't always plan ahead I found that out things have happened things have changed certainly things have happened but I haven't changed since then big of you we've got a right to remember each other way it was [Music] I had to see you Linda oh I've dreamed about us bread just the two of us together somewhere anywhere then I tried not to think about you at all don't think about it don't even talk about it we'll go away somewhere now I'll find something we'll find a place to live and won't think about anybody but us Oh bread I can't it's not fair to Jim you aren't in love with him are you I'm not going to hurt him that answers my question Britta it's wrong this isn't six years ago it's now then pretend I never left but it's just beginning it's the end it's all over you don't mean that I do mean it bread you can't just walk back into my life like this the doors closed it's been closed for quite a while Chloe blood and it looks like I've lost the key [Music] all right this is your last chance the fight starts in exactly 30 minutes so get chip it's down out this is your last [Music] [Music] Oh chilly [Music] [Music] [Music] see what they said to see what I don't see what I said Jefferson died or just sent I do have a except in that happened but you know certain philosophers like the recipes you're gonna count the whole town but we're making money since twenty thousand dollars passed by already how getting it's gonna be that easy ever since you told the plan that's all I've been doing but know this shut up we bothered you it's their count I still know his head out there that's your body there goes the sheriff and his boys they're in for a surprise want me to check yours there all right well we haven't used them in a long time maybe I'll get it maybe you figure won't need yours what do you mean with that nothing she's heard the charge in $15 a ticket Gaston Korando Dean Cevallos poor varlet and knows it but time you start the trouble i watch you sometime they have six around I'd feel a lot easier for sooner London's got to get the money to the cashiers office there to give him time I wish I could see that fight keep your eye on the money hope everybody else is watching the fight let's go [Music] [Music] take those through the front gate and where do they send you back right [Music] [Music] but I've got to talk to your we had our talk last night remember forget all about you can still get away no we talked about that too nothing's changed oh you're wrong red something has changed for me for us where's now I'll go away with you right now right this minute not exactly being fair to Jim are you I'm being honest I won't be any good for him or anyone else if anything happens to you it's too late they're done why is it too late why just go back please there's no use you're not answering me breathe there's no answer to it that's the way it is can't you be honest - can't you [Music] things have happened to me let know lots of things that's why it's too later at six years too late the doors closed you said that yourself and that key you said you'd lost bread you didn't lose it you threw it away [Music] excuse me I hope mr. carbon Mr Fitzsimmons don't take up too much time I can't wait to see what happens later to you don't come to my job my obliging event I'm counting on the other gentleman trail killin Ringo poor Linda with you dead she'll have no place to go she's getting married right after the fight this afternoon she told you I'm all about you about last night she gave him up for you for a dead man I hope you both be very happy [Music] Stanton I'm in a hurry Sheriff mod last night what'd you decide just decided for me [Music] lose your sense of direction it's all you're finally gonna get a chance to run things I'm leap figured all along as she was what you wanted for once you figured right because he did I'm running things now on and you stayed you'd hold over the rattlesnake if they do you any good let's go I got plans for you mr. tin star who's running things sorry Brent we got to think of ourselves [Music] [Applause] [Applause] in this corner hundred and seventy two pounds the undefeated contender with dynamite in both fists Welshman Bob Fitzsimmons I don't care how he wins it does so even sure the pride of San Francisco the man who knocked out the great John L gentleman Jim Corbett I wanna see no dancin exhibition I want to see a boy in their fight 500 right now how many fell a win [Applause] another number one trait you see that fight you'll be lucky to see the polls long whitey mr. Lennon wants us to help him at the South Gate right I can't understand London what the fight a big success he don't seem very happy you know something something is supposed to leave for New York now he's talking about staying [Applause] [Music] I don't get it this spotted Brett sitting over there practically holding hand with Johnny Ringo so that's what he meant buried that certainly pegged him wrong [Music] [Applause] just keep your eyes on the fight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that's the last of it mr. London go and see the fight Thanks [Applause] [Applause] Sam I put one on you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] get out there I'll keep an eye on [Applause] I'll take it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] are they get in they use stamp I remind that the big stuffs in here [Applause] you really got [Applause] stick with me I got an idea where they're going [Applause] I'm alright get a posse together and follow morning move out of town with a fight crowd ain't you forgetting this was part of my brother's plan now that he's Lucy and follow us good it'll be a pleasure to wait for him well you can wait for him I read now we should have done that before I think I can hold him while you go for help I'm staying close to that money you're not making it any easier at least no one's gonna take anything away from me when I'm not around I made that mistake with you once before you're wrong I couldn't steal something from you you never owned what happens in the loft you stay here you'll have a better shot at it [Music] [Music] it's just the two of us we can split you've got nothing to sell your guns empty now it's your turn tin star you're thinking about letting them die that's what she's thinking you haven't changed you foolish F and Linda not me it's worked out perfect for you isn't it almost you're not getting away with it Britt I'm not getting away [Music] [Applause] uptight you don't know the half of it hey what happened to you nothing nothing much [Music] I enjoyed this fight mr. Stenton now I'm ready for the one I came to see sorry to disappoint you it's all over yeah meet the new channel Oliver your brother can tell you all about it he was there I think you'll find him over there with a sheriff [Music]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 3,063,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: western, western movies, western feature films, full length movies, cowboys, wild west, full length, western movie, movies, entire western movie, entire movies, full movie, watch films online, full movie youtube, full length feature film, classic western movies, cowboy movies, westerns full movies to watch on youtube for free, movies full, best western movies, american western, old western movies, free western movies, free movies, western movies full length free english
Id: zgBdYsnvyPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 21sec (4701 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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