Cashing out the Fam | The Disturbing Case of Karl Karlsen

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video what we're going to talk about or rather who is carl carl son what a guy you know that saying like keep your friends close and your enemies closer that this is that the old tale of dollar sign eyeballs will take us from california to new york and over the course of almost three decades when it seemed like you know carol carlson was like um he was like a typhoid uh mary but for tragic accidents and as we all know in this case tragic accidents ain't got nothing to do with it you know how uh people you know if you need money right you might get another job work harder sell some things carl no no no he'd look at the family portrait like it was a scratch card so uh let's give it a go [Music] you know in this one i'm trying to think where should where should we begin right with the fire or the car falling how about we begin just with the with the main lad himself carl carlson he was is a native of seneca new york carl grew up with five brothers and a sister his family having lived in that part of the world for generations the carlsons were embedded in that area now carol led an interesting life very interesting as we'll see it's kind of the point of the video but besides that it's interesting the the uh situations you've had occurred in your life tell me about it i look back at it i look at it it doesn't strike twice no it's straight well i'll tell you what when friends get around and i we talk about that and it's like there's no way how can one person have this much happen well you tell different stories to a lot of different people he was in the u.s air force one of his jobs being transporting nuclear missiles which is gas on the farm he grew up on in seneca county near seneca falls he raised horses prized belgian drafts so very good and carol would have three children that's aaron levi and katie with christina his first wife christina would pass away sadly on new year's day 1991. so that's one down and carol would meet cindy best in a in a in a yee ha lion dancing club in november 1992 and cindy would become his second wifey in 1993 part of a ready-made family and it would be cindy who would make this 9-1-1 call on november twentieth two thousand and eight nine one what's location of your emergency yes the talk show i'm my step son okay are you with your your son right now he's not alive is he breathing no he is not breathing okay okay we're gonna start cpr okay okay carl do you want to start cpr do you know the tpr home lived cindy and carl and middleson levi who was 23 years old at the time was popping over to work on an old farm truck levi wasn't too close with his dad he was a goofy fella and a big heavy metal music head levi had moved out at 16 not for no good reason carl could be a real hard ass levi married two years later and had two daughters of his own however they would divorce in 2008. on that cold november day levi had popped over you know working on the truck use he was working underneath it carol and cindy were inside the house getting dolled up for a funeral they had to attend so as carol and cindy were just out the door going to that funeral cindy was sitting in the passenger seat carol oh before we head off i'm just gonna just gotta check on my boy my son levi i'll be right back and a minute later he returned to the car him and cindy drove off four hours later they returned to the house they see levi's car still there shouldn't take that long to fix up the truck and they pop the head in to the garage levi had been crushed by the truck and that 911 car was made by cindy oh my god the truck had been jacked up on a single jack and well it appeared like it had fallen off and crushed him to death perched his chest yeah horrible way to go honestly it seemed just like a very tragic accident but one that was waiting to happen a single jack for a truck especially if it was high up that's bad idea time well you know it looked like looked like what it looked like there was an investigation but you know it's pretty straightforward you know didn't wasn't anything kind of nefarious or suspicious there you know to see never is in these cases that is until uh carl mentioned hey cindy wifey hello to this levi he had a he had a life insurance policy that worked out well [Music] not only that carl had actually driven levi to a life insurance sky about two and a half weeks before the accident happened this was because well levi he had two young children he worked in a glass factory and got to make sure they would be taken care of but oh look look at this sole beneficiary is carol carlson the reason his dad not his kids would be the beneficiary was that carol had actually paid the first premium on that life insurance policy and it would be worth 700 big ones not bad should have more accidents right you know uh well there will be more in the story but there was a hell of a lot more before this one it turned out that levi had left a handwritten will basically saying daddy was going to be the executor and to make sure the money went to his daughters in the event of his death tick mark beside that and carl of course is like yeah sure of course i'll make sure the money you know it's a lot of money i'll make sure it goes to my my granddaughters your daughters you know wink wink the only person who knew anything about this was cindy and she would keep it to herself for about three years carol got the money that you know that was supposed to be for the grandchildren did it go to the grandchildren [ __ ] no instead carol and cindy set up a gourmet duck business all right new cars holidays the whole shebang over time cindy began to well become more and more suspicious she thought something you know is a bit odd uh and she also knew what happened to carol's first wife christina which we will get to and this was just wasn't sitting right with her she would eventually leave carl accident me bollocks and then cindy she thought to herself hey i have a i have a life insurance policy uh oh she'd be worth 1.2 million quite a pretty penny she eventually took her suspicions to the police and they put a put a wire on her the first time cindy went to meet with him under the pretense of getting back together if he told her the truth if he confirmed her suspicions about what happened to levi allegedly he did admitting to murder but the recording is uh well you'll see even if you said yes or no to what i asked you then i would know that you were because she uh went around for take two i don't have a whole lot of time you're sorry about it right carl see carol he loved just yapping away with insurance companies he's having a great old time on the phone because he did it a lot right in 1986 he bought a brand new mustang which just happened to burn to a crisp while sitting in his driveway with like nothing inside of it of course it was insured then in 2002 some of his prized belgian draft horses died in a barn fire insured and of course carl's first wife christina carol met christina in north dakota when he was still in the air force by 1986 carol and christina were married and he brought her back to seneca to meet the in-laws after carl was discharged from the air force they would move to new york to start a family and they would carol worked in a local stone quarry while christina raised their tree bubbas however you know this just wasn't enough for carl he wanted more you know he likes uh you know bills so when christina's dad who lived in california christina was from california when her dad said to carl hey i run a hvac company there's a job over here on the west coast if you want it carol big dog's gotta eat am i right he grabbed it with both paws now i've mentioned this kind of briefly before and i mentioned it again carol was a bastard man i mean no [ __ ] i'm making this video about him [Music] he was a hard ass mean one day christina got a glamour makeup shoot as a present carol upon seeing her called her a [ __ ] and told her to take the makeup off they'd fight a lot he was just a dick to his kids you'd see interviews with them they're not big fans so carl christina and their three young children moved to murphys in the sierra foothills and life was hunky-dory to a you know observer i guess they celebrated christmas with christina's family in 1990 in an old mine house they had moved into and recovered from its dilapidated state [Music] and it was on new year's day 1991 that this would all burn to the ground that new year's day afternoon levi was sleeping in his room as were aaron and katie in theirs christina was running it back in the meantime carol according to himself was working on a fan in the attic and then went to the garage he was working away in there when suddenly he heard christina screaming for him he ran out and saw his house being engulfed in flames carol he went into full action man mode hero dad you know he ran up to he broke levi's window dragged him from the outside to the outside then ran to the girls room broke their window dragged katie outside dragged aaron outside he put them in his truck and then he tried to go into the house for christina but the flames prevented him so he got himself and the kids into the truck and drove for help christina was found dead in the burnt out house she died of smoke inhalation curiously enough the bathroom window was the only window in the house boarded up like no easily breakable glass done just days before after carl said his wife she broke the window by accident this video was taken by christina's family who wear well suspicious and needed couple more answers at least carl said that by the time he got the kids out he couldn't get near the boarded up window to rescue his wife so carl's story about how the fire actually started was that they used kerosene heaters in that house and you know they had a big jug of kerosene there and one of the pets the the dog or the cat it knocked it over it must have knocked it over right and then you know that light he was using in the attic it must have fallen and hey house went up now one of carl's daughter's aaron she would later say that when carol you know he got her out he kind of put her out in the truck or whatever she was kind of watching him as he went back to the house to rescue christina and he was just kind of like milling about like making absolutely no attempt to get back into the house or to try and you know break down the board covering the window to the bathroom where she was he was just there like having a smoke you know putting the kettle on having a cup of joe and of course as i mentioned carol and christina they uh carl was a [ __ ] and maybe christina was planning on taking the kids and leaving him she just needed to get through the holidays which she wouldn't and also maybe there was a 200 000 life insurance policy on christina that was taken out 19 days before the fire it was four days after that carl took the three kids and moved back to new york didn't even hang around for the funeral the fire was ruled an accident according to the law the life insurance company you know the insurance company they would want to do their own investigation into how this all happened the investigator he found a few things kicking over the the rubble one things that led him to not believe this was an accident he thought it was arson carl's story didn't make sense for one thing he could tell by what he found of the attic light he could tell that it wasn't on when the fire broke out so carl's story was just [ __ ] if that's how he said it started the investigator didn't want to close the case he thought there was you know something stinky going on but interestingly enough like regardless to what the investigator was saying that there was something suspicious here the insurance company still paid out to carol you know the the two hundred thousand dollars and that was that you know for well for almost two decades until until his son levi was crushed by a car [Music] so over 20 years after christina died in that house fire in california his second wife cindy recorded him after becoming suspicious and after that the police brought him in in november 2012. confess to your what i like my wife yes we do i thought he said it's all recorded there's no way what we're saying is and what we know to be true what we know to be true is you push that carol around i did not well the only thing that remains to be found out is what the reasons are you know you don't kill your son he had a couple of different stories about what happened to levi one was well the original that they came home and he was dead there's nothing that could justify killing your wife your kids your your uncles your parents you're hurt i mean it'd be different if you killed that i would say no i know but i'm just saying you know i mean it's like wife kids whatever carl did you do yeah i don't know a little town called murphy why'd you leave mercy [Music] wait did then he said he saw him before they left for the funeral and he was dead then but he panicked and still went ahead to the funeral i walked in there and walked in there to give him his money [Music] and i just why is he keeping his secret with someone it was before he left he died and it wasn't because of any thing other than crushing chest we can prove right now that it was you that forced that cairo so levi just total coincidence takes out a 700 000 license policy and they afford islam that he doesn't get along with it's a sole beneficiary and you have to pay the policy he comes over your house with his 700 000 life insurance policy your son is the one you're supposed to love and care for this is your blood your flesh and blood right the truck falls over on them while you're there and you say you might say that maybe we both know you you let him be crushed in there you go back and go okay honey let's go here october's funeral i'm free i'm panicked then he said that when he popped in there his son was still alive and he opened the truck door and that's when the truck fell crushing levi but it was still an accident [Music] when i went in the garage the hydraulic goes out and stuff like that so i opened up the truck door stepped in laid over the seat to move the linkages and all that and it went into it it just fell off i mean it's still not that carol pushed the truck but that's as much as carol would say at that point they arrested him that day for second degree murder and insurance fraud at the same time the investigators were still looking into what happened to christina realizing this thinks of [ __ ] and evidence of a second kerosene poor was found in the original report somebody yeah somebody had poured a second like gallon of kerosene all over the house minutes before the fire broke out this was noted back when it happened but as i said none of it was ever followed up on now the authorities reviewing these files well in 2013 carl pled guilty to second-degree murder the murder of his son levi the insurance fraud was dropped there would be no trial he admitted that he jacked the truck up on a very you know single unstable jack and levi got underneath when he did carol pushed the truck over and it came down and crushed levi but he also said something pretty horrific levi wasn't killed instantly levi was still alive in fact when carol left to go to the funeral with cindy levi was alive slowly being crushed to death how long he lay there under the truck uh we don't know but it makes that whole story incredibly more disturbing for that carl got 15 years to life carl carlson knew his sentence would be 15 to life as he was brought to the seneca county courthouse in waterloo his family knew it too and several relatives including one of his brothers told us they were let down emotionally i think the most troubling part for me personally not speaking for the rest of family is he showed no remorse today and that bothers me the smirks the grins it's it's like it was a game and it wasn't a game it was people's lives the investigation into christina was reopened shortly after and evidence which was ignored back in 1991 well now they had time for it in 2014 carol was charged with the murder of christina the trial for that went ahead in 2020 if you can believe that 29 years after the fact he denied setting the fire though interestingly another thing came to light carol had taken out life insurance policies on his own grandchildren levi's children [ __ ] he was found guilty of first degree murder he got life without parole once he completes his sentence in new york it's off to california for life or what's left of it he is appealing but look here pity he didn't appeal to his own conscience many times he should have and that's the saga so if you want to call that saga of carl carlson who uh you know was just addicted to uh doing horrible things to people who were near me you know i think he would he'd be the kind of guy who would open his wallet jesus only does there feel a bit skinned who else in my family can have a tragic accident [Music] thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it and i appreciate you trick one please take care of yourselves and i will see you as always real soon in the next one till then look after yourself my camp
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,784,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, karl karlsen
Id: QBSdlL99Bsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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