When Cops Discover Her Horrifying Secret

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hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this all video we are heading to the deep dark dense forests of the Pacific Northwest to look at the story of a missing man and the Betrayal that landed him there Chris McCallum and his wife Patricia were out camping and at one point she had to go she would never see him alive again and what happened out there is well I mean why am I alluding to it let's just give it a go [Music] this whole video takes us to Medford Oregon a city of a quarter of a million people and surrounded by the beautiful nature Oregon has to offer yet [Music] this story in fact is is set pretty close to another one I just told told you recently enough that the story of Tucker Reed it's all Saturn The Siskiyou National Park endless Peaks rivers and lakes dense with conifers and Oaks Old Woods a place easy to get lost in which is in fact what was believed to have happened to Chris McCallum when on the 19th of November 2012 his wife Patricia reported he was missing he had been last seen camping in those woods and when she went to pick him up he was gone but not just gone completely vanished she had parked the car but At first she thought she'd gotten lost or ended up in the wrong campsite it was completely Barren where her husband should be smiling and happy instead just the Eerie Silence of the forest and she began to realize just how far from help she was she quickly got back into the car put the pedal down and emptied the gas tank to get home and hope Chris would show up maybe even be waiting there for her in the City of Medford lived the McCallum family that was Chris McCallum his wife Patricia and their two kids there was Eric who was patricius from a previous marriage and then baby Cora they had a nice sweet place in the southeast of the city on Clear Springs Drive but they had been living there terribly long Chris and Trisha had both been living in California when they went on their first date in 2008. apparently Chris he just like fell in love with her the very first date and then nine months later they was married Chris was born in 1978 33 years of age in 2012. he was always a good husband great father to both kids a call center employee by day cab driver By Night known about town the family though they were struggling to make ends meet you know the sausage at the end of the day Trisha uh her plan was initially to join the military she was going to sign up to be a medic she ended up having to leave though due to a bang error whilst my foot injury and she never got like further than the pre-entry program which meant she got no benefits and then she would just go on to be a stay-at-home mother to their two kids Chris's real love though I mean after his wife and kids of course was the outdoors something which brought him from Newport California where he met his wife to Oregon Medford Oregon where Trisha grew up camping fishing hiking all that Chris was never happier than when he was out in the wild away from the problems at home financial problems the job he hated out there he he was free of it all and so it was of no surprise at all that the weekend Chris was infected due to turn 34. Chris 26 year old Patricia she went by Trisha and then Trisha's step-sister Amber lovers were like hey you know it's your birthday weekend so I'll go out hiking they're going to go camping for the big day you know the grade Outdoors maybe a little tuggy in nature who knows let's be surprised now this was in November and he was due to turn 34 on November 19th in fact but the thing about November tends not to be great for the outdoors very wet very cold not like ideal camping conditions it's Misty it's damp and there's a coolness which stretches from the old Woods surrounding but that was not something we should ever which would ever put Chris off rain sleet or snow Chris would be out there sometimes he even preferred it because it would be quieter and you would have the trails and the campgrounds to yourself This was Chris's happy place he was so excited to be out there to celebrate his birthday on November 16 2012 Chris Tricia and Amber pulled up at the Applegate River campsite at around 2PM it wasn't wound Chris was terribly familiar with but that just meant new adventures and Amber had highly recommended it as she had been there before now this is such a kind of a an eerie place not only because it's surrounded by very very deep Parts but as I mentioned at the top the uh took a read case that happened nearby in fact there's a couple of other chapters I've covered here you have the Cowden family murders which is a very creepy case that happened in the exact same area in fact so that's two I've covered any you've also got hog Susan Monica face like a slap DARS that happened right there too it's a beautiful place but it's a fair amount of you know blood in the air but that wasn't on their Minds when in the application that night they set up their tentarian they're having a grand old time all three of them however by around 8 PM it was getting cold as I said middle of November like real cold real wet so much so that Trisha and Amber they kind of regretted coming it's like can we maybe celebrate your birthday somewhere else like at a bar with heating perhaps Crystal I wasn't having any of it he was staying and so at about 8 PM Trish and Amber they left now at the campsite was Chris and all the stuff you would need to be camping food water adequate protection against the elements and I do include Bigfoot in that because he did have a gun with him and so Trisha a number said they're soggy goodbyes leaving Chris at the campsite to celebrate alone he refused to come home and let some rain ruin his birthday Trisha and Amber drove the Arrows Long Journey back to civilization got some food and then some should I Tricia was up then Before Dawn to get back to Chris Ned the rain had eased off and she didn't want him to be there too long by himself at like 5 00 a.m Patricia returned to the campsite hey happy birthday you know came to to pick him up after he spent the night there by himself only he wasn't there the camp wasn't there absolutely no sign of Chris at all no tent no messages no nothing it was like in the middle of the night he upped sticks and vanished Into the Woods or Bigfoot just it was on the 19th that Trisha reported him missing calling up the local police department now she she waited a couple of days because she was like it's kind of typical of Chris when he gets like in a bit of a hoof and apparently he was in a bit of a huff when they left because he was like it's my birthday I'm determined to stick it out and they weren't so he wasn't in the best of the mood when they were leaving and she was like well so when he gets like this you know sometimes he just goes off and he'll usually be back but he wasn't coming back at all then the search began Oregon search and rescue making the hours long trip into the wild the campsite itself revealed nothing and there were no tracks to go on even though the ground was wet so from there on the 20th of November they spread out following the Applegate River as he likely would have stayed close to it nearby was the Applegate waterfall and maybe he wanted to be kept up all night by that sound and Searchers and police crept up on it and off a steep embankment they could see something colorful at the bottom it looked like a tent a deputy rappelled down and cut the side open and inside there was a body a body along with blood and shell casings it appeared to be a homicide Chris had been shot to death in his tent he hadn't even had a chance to get out of his sleeping bag who had crept up on him in the night while he was camping out there in the middle of nowhere before the police could even actually do much though they had to contact California police because the campsite was just over the Oregon border so it was in the jurisdiction of Yreka so somebody had a murder on her hands and now it was a Yreka popo eight-year-old Eric and his little sister three-year-old Cora are now without a father he was a great dad I wish he wasn't passed away I'm still having trouble with the reality of it I just had that released to me recently that the cause of a death for Chris was that he was shot multiple times Chris's wife Trisha did not want to be on camera but says two weekends ago we'd gone camping and it got too cold so she left but Chris decided to stay behind he didn't want to leave he didn't want his camping trip to be a failure because it was his birthday trip if I would have stayed I wonder if my children would be orphans today so I'm glad I came home too I just wish that he would have come with me Chris's family were obviously devastated and the weird thing was he was a taxi driver and another taxi driver had been shot to death recently Hugh hewson Medford cab driver had been shot to death on his birthday just like Chris a month before his buddy had been dumped in a field and his case remained unsolved police did begin to wonder if they were somehow linked if there was some taxi killer out there or if it was just coincidence and speaking of not knowing 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food their stories their their stories matched detectives are still searching for clues in the death of a Medford man and at the scene itself not much to go off of the campsite had been cleared only remained was a glove and some tent poles in the fire there were however a few shell casings around the area somewhere old a campsite you know some yeehaws that they're going to Yeehaw with some of the shell casings were brand new and found to come from the firearm that had been left with Chris a firearm that wasn't nowhere to be found Chris had been shot to death in his tent and then everything was thrown off the embankment Trisha said she had left the gun so had somebody snuck into his tent while he slept and used it on him other than that though the constant rain washed everything away [Music] again the unsolved Cowden murders which are very horrific they happened literally on the same Lake like on the same river in the exact same area the place though Circle always extends outwards they searched the McCallum home and found nothing though also kind of something in the washroom in the washing machine in Patricia's washing machine were sleeping bags in the washing machine while dirty clothes laid around the place so why would you washing your signals she also said that he had all his stuff with him including his wallet when that was also found in the house yet Trisha would say that he must have left in the car and one of the kids found and brought it inside now it seemed like Chris was a well-liked guy no enemies but who would follow him out there the only wrinkle was Chris and Trisha's marriage which was how I don't like my whiskey was on the Rocks the family had been living in California before moving to Trisha's hometown of Medford Oregon and they'd been living there for about six months they'd been staying with Tricia's mother before she kicked them out so then they went all the way down to San Antonio where Trisha was due to enter the military but that didn't pan out as we know later Trisha took the kids and moved back to Medford by herself her leaving was a shock to Chris it had come completely out of the blue Chris ended up following her back to Medford Chris was completely shocked that she would just up and leave and take the kids like just abandoning him down while he was stuck in San Antonio with a lease on a house so he couldn't exactly run back after it seemed like she just completely one day just cut ties with him and Chris he'd grown up his parents had divorced when he was quite young and it was a very difficult divorce he had been old enough to witness it all and he didn't want his kids going through the exact same thing he had gone through he would do anything for them he was paying all electrician's bills false child support every penny was going to hurt he was working his two jobs and he was trying to get back with Tricia for the kids if nothing else but he still loved her had since they won on the first date back in Newport California but it seems like once again the old is where the problems began he would send her texts like this are you going to live this marriage or not you run into huge financial crisis you begin to tell me you love me except the day before I pay the bills you're with another guy see Trisha had other plans who's hunting for an online sugar bondage Daddy that's a word it appears that while Chris was desperate to get back together and provide Patricia wasn't interested whether it was her own rooms falling apart or whatever she'd come to resent him resent resent where she was in life she was looking for an escape she had the color her sugar daddy's color that she'd wear all the time as well as something she wore kind of like surrender house war in front of Chris or in front of her kids and Chris was not too keen on that eventually though in August 2012 Chris and Trish are reconciled moving back in together and that was going about as well as you think it would the police really began to hone in on Tricia she seemed like an odd fish then they found a camera right that that was on the trail going to the campsite they wanted to see if anybody else had been there anybody had been following them yada yada no one else had been there and I mean no one Trisha never went back the morning she said she did to pick up Chris she never returned to the campsite Trisha is full of but remember Trisha was not alone that night her stepsister Amber lubers had been there with her both Trisha and Amber were taking into custody almost three weeks after the murder of Chris on December 7th officials have been searching for Clues leading to an arrest and according to the Siskiyou County Sheriff's Office these arrests resulted from an exhaustive and extensive criminal investigative effort Trisha's family however doesn't buy that she would murder her husband claiming the arrest is suspicious on the detective side they appear to be using some Scare Tactics and threatening them with everything they can think of with CPS taking their kids and they might scare her enough into signing stuff that it may not even be true they were getting nothing out of Trisha but Amber maybe something see Amber he was taught like well she'd crack on her like an egg on a skillet she was offered a deal immunity maximum of three years for accessory if she came clean hard deal to pass and so she emptied the garbage Amber was shaking crying terrified as she was brought in she'd never been in trouble with the police before never even stepped inside a police station and as she explained it she was dragged into this devious plot you want to help yourself Amber see you kids you have everything to worry about you have your whole life in front of you how old are you 27 exactly do you want me to sign this agreement no you know what are you at look what she puts you the plan you know who killed Chris yes thank you what did she do the September before Trisha had confided in Amber she wanted Chris dead and she wanted it to look like an accent she had the emotions basically but she didn't she didn't she didn't it was in October that Trisha and Amber and the kids were at that exact same campsite Amber was showing it to Trisha and that is where they thought heck it's a real good place to kill someone obviously we're both terrified terrified again caught um we were trying to think of Alibis and stuff like that and they discussed the unplanned Chris's murder it was in fact supposed to happen on the weekend of November 3rd but Chris and Trisha couldn't get a babysitter we were planning on going camping it was for his birthday he really did want to go um he was really excited then on November 16th they went there for Chris's birthday Amber even took pictures of Chris and Tricia the happy couple then just a few hours after these pictures were taken the two women plied him with whiskey they pretended to drink Vodka it was water then when he passed out Chris was asleep in his sweet maggot in the tent Trisha she grabbed the gun and she shot him multiple times Amber was hiding behind the car when this was happening after the first one she runs back to the car it's second it's just a second hold on okay we were gonna try to put him in the cards to take them to a different place I mean so we wrapped him up shot down to the edge they then dumped his body off an embankment we were gonna try to make it look like to the working technique Edge is what you're saying he has somehow pushed over an edge that was plant C by the way plan a was to push him off a cliff to his Doom Plan B was was see there was the river there and they were like hey Chris we really want to really want to cross this River but you know we need somebody to go over first with a rope to set it up for us so we can you know Shimmy Shimmy so Chris tried to cross the river with a rope tied around his waist Amber and Trisha were holding on to it and at one point while he was like Midway through the river they jerked it hoping he would slip current would drag him down he would drown he only slept little and he recovered and he was really pissed off saying hey you could have killed me they could have and they did but why well do I really need to [Music] she needed the money and he was saying you only get the money if you have me also she only wanted 50 of that equation Trisha pleaded not guilty to first degree murder but with Amber as a witness it was all dog for her Patricia McCallum was sentenced to 50 years in prison Amber lubers only ever served eight months in jail and that is the end of that chapter a really sad spooky story of betrayal being betrayed by you know those you live out in the middle of these dark forests Chris my God he just wanted to be there wanted to be there for his kids unfortunately he was entering the web of a black widow or something like this pretend I said something to that effect but it just sounds better than what I just actually said but for any of you folks in southern Oregon or in Northern California here's another case which is in that area and there seems to be a lot of I'll probably cover more definitely one involving Bigfoot someday but I'll probably say that for the podcast a set of porn I'll say it again I'm coming for him thank you so much for watching uh I really appreciate you being here watching this little video it means it means so much to me thank you thank you um yeah listen uh next little video a couple of days so check it out but if you can't wait please check out the that chapter podcast where there's links down below uh or just go on to whatever you do for podcasts Spotify or whatever you use just search for podcasts and it'll come up with a whole host of other stories we should tell with my good buddy give it a goo and I'll see you real soon but you know take care of each other and take care of yourselves that'd be good too because I love you like you [Music] foreign
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,145,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, true crime, dark history, chris maccallum, patricia maccallum
Id: jEna16oX-Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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