EVIL Husband is Outsmarted By His Victim

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video I have a story for you the story of Mr Cool Mark Jensen see Marky Mark over here was quite the guy in a place called Pleasant Prairie there the Jensen lived unhappily there were doubts there were lies there were letters written by ghosts and I say ghosts because murders are always haunting let's give it a [Music] go Pleasant Prairie a small village in the state of Wisconsin is home to about 20,000 people does it live up to its name though I do need to mention there was a massive explosion there over a 100 years ago tree under tons of dynamite and 100,000 kegs of blasting powder uh blasted the ever living shite out of the town the explosion was felt 130 m in every direction swiftly moving on so I hear your baring big dog Mike why are you talking about the small town well that's cuz some key players players my friends they live there something the players were the Jensen Mark and Julie Mark and Julie a married couple who had been together for the Long Haul and hulas they did they met while studying in college this was in the neighboring town of Kenosha Mark was selling suits working his way through college while Julie was taking the easy way out and becoming a nurse joke an incredibly hard and thankless job thank you nurses now the thing about Mark and Julie is that they were quite different people Julie beautiful a smile that could light up the room is a phrase you've never heard before mark on the other hand that's a smoke grin that could blow out candles if you ask me he carried an ill favored look he kind of looks like Jim carries the mask but without the green you know Julie an incredibly kind thoughtful generous person someone who had her own issues since she was young depression namely but you wouldn't know to meet her and who knows what she saw in Mark I think even God would shrug at that one but they ended up marrying each other Julie actually dropped out of college once they married she never did become that nurse and Mark himself went on to work in finance like his father before him he looks like he would either that or become a school principal so Mark Jensen became a stock broker and Julie became a stay-at-home mom first to Dave then to Doug and so life went on you know a quiet unassuming family life in this quiet unassuming Town not for long Julie was so happy she was all about better boys the tree D's in her life that was literally her license plate my Tre D's she was mad for the D she did everything with them at school they had the pool she took them to lessons she wanted people to be happy she made things work in the family or at least as we so often see on the surface that's how things look but they ain't that way see in the early '90s shortly after the birth of her first son Julie filed for divorce why I hear you asking Well markk turns out he sucked a man who was like a cold emotionless robot it seemed he just didn't want to be there didn't want to be in the family he was the reason she didn't finish school he was the reason she was a stay-at-home mom he was the reason she had no one to talk to she in fact ended up having an affair and so when divorce came on the cards Mark simply said nope not happening if you want to leave you better want to leave your son too because I'm taking and so that was enough to keep her to stay she stayed for for the first son and then for the second and then some weird [ __ ] started happening around the house and like around the Garden pictures started getting posted like under the door on their windshields their car windshields on the Windows under pots in the garden pictures of the porno kind very graphic stuff I know right walk on a graphic give me examples visually but Julie was freaked out because the women in these pictures they looked just like her then she started getting Anonymous phone calls like lure somebody on the phone talking to her mention bringing up her the affair mention all these like creepy details kind of like terrifying sick [ __ ] Mark and Julie they went to the police to report it to report the stalking however the first person they were thinking of the guy she had had the affair with he had bounced he had left town like ages ago it wasn't him it couldn't possibly be him somebody else knew bet the affair and was torturing them torturing Julie with it and the pictures and the calls they continued for years years it got so bad they eventually hired a private detective to try and find out who the [ __ ] was doing this to them and the detective promptly turned around and said oh hey Julie um this might seem bit out there a bit wacky but um it's clearly your husband it's clearly Mark doing this to you he's torturing you because you had an affair and pretending it's some weird stalker Julie said get the [ __ ] out of here it couldn't possibly be the cold emotional husband of mine who wanted to torture me after I slept with another guy get talk you're talking [ __ ] and as the years went by Julie developing a small but close circle of friends would share how she was afraid of Mark she was scared of him she was always worried about making him mad and when she would say this to them they would respond with the logical ditch's ass she would say um I can't because if I do he will kill me it was in December 1998 that things came to a head Julie went to her local doctors she needed treatment for her depression she was not doing well and the following day after the doctor's appointment which was the 2nd of December she was unable to get out of bed but she couldn't rest Mark then went back to the doctors asking for help and the doctor gave him sleeping pills ambient all of that kind of stuff Mark actually at the time was giving Julie a lot of stuff to keep her in bed the next day Julie was having difficulty breathing Mark said ah she's fine she's Grant don't need to call the hospital R she'll be fine she'll sleep it off that was the same day Mark decided not to go to work while his sons went to school then he picked up his sons from school and brought them home but told them to wait in the living room while he checked on Julie so he goes off checks in her com minutes later he comes back into the living room where his two young sons are standing he says guess what kiddo mom's dead EMTs arrived but nothing could be done the police also arrived and they documented everything now the reason they were documenting it from the start was that it was a suspicious death and until suspicious becomes the opposite of suspicious not suspicious they have to treat it like it's suspicious initially Julie's death was ruled as natural causes self-inflicted but the police and the County prosecutor had their own suspicions suspicions Mark did not LA and within a week Mark had essentially removed all traces of Julie from the home at Julie's funeral he was having a great time he he's telling good ones he was cackling away to himself he did not seem at all upset that his wife had died of some mystery illness H in fact he seemed all the happier for it happier maybe just maybe because he had a new Bell in his life Kelly leonte worked for the same company Mark did she worked in St Louis and he frequently made trips down to her and when the police took Mark's computer Compu to examine it as they had to examine all evidence they found a lot of romantic emails between the two their Affair had been an Open Secret in the office um everybody knew except for Julie maybe so Mark was now free to be with Chris Chan I mean uh Kelly leonte and had finally gotten rid of the wife he'd spent the last few years torturing he hadn't even bothered to hide his affair from Julie she knew about it but she was just so scared of him she put up with now what actually killed Julie remained a mystery there was nothing obvious or evident that had caused her to lose her life in fact that she had done this to herself in her Depression was a primary Theory but there were others too because Mark was not keeping his Joy his new love his lack of giving a [ __ ] to himself in fact police will also discover more emails between Kelly and Mark emails that were cuz Kelly was in a relationship too so they're emailing each other about oh hey I just want to be with you um you know we really wish I wasn't married that would be pretty sweet that'd be pretty swell Kelly she was married to somebody else but she wasn't able to decide if she wanted to be with Mark or be with her husband so Mark and Kelly they like set themselves up this little deadline if you want for you know [ __ ] or get off the pot are we going to make this affair legit or are we going to you know go back to our spouses will it be too legit to quit you might say the date they had set for the deadline of are we doing this or not was December 31st and Julie died 3 weeks before then the police had found these sexual emails between Mark and Kelly and they had some real Hardon questions they'd like to ask Mark questions they wouldn't put to him until April 1999 and Julia died in December 1998 these suspicions had reached a boiling point and so they sat Mark's ass down and Mark was happy to be sat down he wanted to straighten it all out well we need to find out what happened here well I did not do anything to hurt her there was a question between myself and the kids that morning whether or not to call an ambulance her breathing was funny she could hardly get out of bed I mean it was a God awful situation here in your statement Wednesday December 3rd Julie could hardly move here 9:00 p.m. told me that she was fine and she wanted to commit suicide and on Wednesday morning Julie asked me not to call anyone meaning not to call her help she wanted to die right yeah so on Wednesday morning she asked me not to call anybody she's pretty bad off she wasn't looking good she couldn't no mot control she you call the rescue squad that Wednesday you think she was bad off enough to where should have called the rescue squad but she didn't want you to she didn't want me to well right I should have you hindsight I know that you didn't do anything to Aid her death she didn't do anything to stop her from dying I really did I mean I just watched it happen Mark denied any romance with Kelly during these questions who's Kelly secretary Kelly your girlfriends and that's what you know work related here didn't see work so she's your girlfriend now or at least somebody you're dating he was lying and they knew it and he must have known they knew it they also confronted him about the porno images that had been placed outside the home for years they knew he it was obvious to everybody that Mark had been doing it Mark had been torturing his own wife Julie probably knew Mark had been doing it she just didn't want to admit it Mark you had to do something I didn't know how how how can I how can you explain this I don't know I don't know I don't know and then they had a big one they gave Mark this letter just stay here let me go let me go grab a letter written by Julie Mark had never seen this letter before in his life he had no idea it existed it was a secret letter the ghost of Julie speaking to anyone who would listen the police did the letter read Pleasant Prairie Police Department I took this picture and I'm writing this on Saturday November 21st 1998 at 7:00 a.m. this list was in my husband's business daily planner not meant for me to see I don't know what it means but if anything happens to me he would be my first suspect eror relationship has deteriorated to the polite superficial I know he's never forgiven me for the brief Affair I had with that creep 7 years ago Mark lives for work and the kids he's an Avid surfer of the internet anyway I do not smoke or drink my mother was an alcoholic so I limit my drinking to one or two a week Mark wants me to drink more with him in the evenings I don't I would never take my life because of my kids they are everything to me I regularly take Tylenol and multivitamins occasionally take the over-the-counter stuff for colds Zantac or em modium have one prescription for migraine tablets which Mark uses more than I I pray I'm wrong and nothing happens but I'm am suspicious of Mark's suspicious behaviors and fear for my early demise however I will not leave David and Douglas my life's greatest love accomplishment and wish my trds daddy Mark David and Douglas that definitely made for interesting reading when Mark saw it see that letter had been given to to the Jensen's Nextdoor Neighbors about a week and a half before Julie died she said if anything happens to me give it to the cops see Julie had become very close with their with their next door neighbors and about 3 weeks before she died she'd come over crying scared that Mark was trying to kill her she really believed it at this point see as as Julie said in the letter she didn't drink much right but Mark was trying to ply her with red wine all the time that she believed was poisoned she also found syringes in one of his drawers and believed he'd been trying to inject her with something she had seen open pages on his computer several several open pages had been about poisoning he wasn't keeping this [ __ ] SLE at all like he may as well just drawn a big skull in crossbones like on the wall or something said you won't believe it I'm trying to kill you see Mark severely underestimated Julie poor naive Julie he thought she'd never suspect a thing his arrogance was overwhelming he thought you know I can have it all I can get that cheeseburger and milkshake I can have under promotion and that chick on the side I will kill my wife so Mark was confronted with that letter and if you listen closely you can hear his thoughts F leaves us this letter okay then all of a sudden boom she turns up death you know I'm not making this up this is true evidence and here we have Julie Jensen telling me that if she dies you're the person that that did it if anything happens to me he would be my first suspect I know he's never forgiven me for the brief affair I had with that creep 7 years ago I have been doing this 15 years Mark and I've never had anybody leave me a letter telling me that if they die it's this person that killed me so that combined with his actions combined with his internet searches of poisoning he tried to race them but they were recovered well didn't look good it would ultimately be determined that Julie had been poisoned with antifreeze antifreeze poisoning it's something we've seen uh many a time it's a very rough way to go it crystallizes you from the inside out and it's an extremely painful way to go out it was interesting they could in fact see when he'd begun poison poisoning her and What stages of the poisoning she was going through because Mark was essentially Googling I put antifreeze in her drink or whatever and she's not dead she he was trying to match her symptoms to the stages of antifreeze poisoning seemed like he was freaking out that she wasn't dying quickly enough they never found it because Julie was only tested for uh ethline glycol after they they they found out he had been searching for it they had never tested for it before hence why they didn't know until now what had killed her now Mark was still a free man however for years so much so he later married Kelly Kelly had swiftly divorced that guy back in Missouri she became guardian of his kids and together they had another child but it just took them that long to charge him they was always thought there just wasn't enough until 2002 that is Mark Jensen went on trial in 2008 if you can believe that almost 10 years after he murdered Julie Jensen at trial well I mean the prosecution had kind of everything it wasn't so much a Smoking Gun as it was like a smoking 50 cal as Julie Jensen lay in her bed suffering desperately ill her husband Mark Jensen knew exactly why she was sick why she was Ill why she was suffering as he lay next to her that night in the marital bed on the evening of December 3rd 1998 as she was barely able to breathe Mark Jensen lay there next to her knowing what she was going through because he'd Read All About It on the internet in the months preceding her death did Mark Jensen ever discuss with you harming his wife no he never did if he had I would would have run as far away from him as possible if Mr Jensen was planning to murder his wife he had a good motive to not tell you about that right I suppose so because you wouldn't want to marry a wife murderer would you no the defense however said guess what no you want to know the what the real story here is folks she did it by her own hand she's a trickster in fact she was a little depressed and so before she did it to herself she wanted to make everything look like it was Mark she wanted all signs to point at Mark as her revenge people who are depressed feel hopeless it's a dark place it's terrifying it's frightening because there's no way out and we'll come back to the letter many times and you'll have to decide whether it's a blueprint for framing her husband or legitimate finally after nine long years Mark Jensen can clear his name finally after 9 years the story will be told about how Mark came to be falsely accused of this crime she gave the letters looked up the poison stuff on the computer all to make it look like Marky Mark could killed her it was her way of getting revenge against a husband who was icing her out interesting Theory let's see if it holds any water just checked and it doesn't a key witness for the prosecution was a coworker of marks named ed clug do you remember who started complaining about whose wife first you know I think it really was Mark Mark told me if you wanted to get rid of your wife that you could go to websites that would tell you how to poison your wife how it would not be detectable one day about 2 months before the murder of Julie Jensen they had been on a work trip together am had gotten real he had a few Subs too many at the bar and he kind of started to talk about how he was going to kill his wife the exact way he would do it what exactly antifreeze poisoning does to the human body kind of just going on and on and on to Ed who was just sitting there being like okay after 3 days the jury came back with a guilty verdict the letter written by Julie being the most damning piece of evidence against him as it should be I have sentenced scores of people uh to prison for murder and uh when I assess the entire uh mountain of facts and evidence that exist in this case uh I I come to the conclusion that if I were to impose anything less than the maximum sentence in this case I'd feel I had cheated the other people because your crime is so enormous so monstrous so unspeakably cruel Mr johnen it is the sentence of the court that your custody be committed to the Department of Corrections for confinement in the Wisconsin state prisons without possibility of parole for the remainder of your life you may be seated he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole [Music] for about 15 years because his conviction was later thrown out as was that letter see the courts ruled that the letter should not have been admissible that the jury shouldn't have seen it as the writer of the letter was now dead it couldn't really be used as evidence nothing definitive so in 2023 a guy who's got a face made for a fist was back in court this is Julie Jensen she didn't kill herself she didn't frame her husband to make it look like a homicide she didn't abandon her kids and try to take away their father too she lived for her kids and she died because the defendant murdered her the evidence is going to show that Mr Jensen while not being perfect is not a murderer and it went the same way as the first time guilty of intentional homicide especially when prison Witnesses would step in saying he wouldn't sh up in prison about killing his wife yeah he gave her the ambient he gave her more juice with uh antifreeze in it and uh she was sleeping and then she started throwing up a little bit or about the fact that the poison wasn't working quick enough so Mark forced Julie's face into the pillow suffocating her at the end of his retrial he was once again congrats Mark found guilty of the murder of Julie Jensen however at sentencing Mark pleaded with the judge for the chance of getting parole one day for his kids sake for his family's sake judge Mr Jensen is going to make a statement to the court go ahead Mr Jensen judge I ask you to Grant parole eligibility and I ask you to consider the following I have always sought to be a productive member of the community my parents are 87 and 85 and they need my help I want to be there to help them and to be able to spend time together while we are able I have a special relationship with each of the three boys and love them dearly they lost their mom and me during very important years of their lives please Grant parole eligibility so the family and I can move forward and heal I can work to understand and find acceptance with the verdict I can be there for my family who needs me and please provide me the opportunity to show I can continue to do something positive with my life thank you it's a serious charge it's first-degree intentional homicide there's no higher felony in the state of Wisconsin um the prison sentence has to be life in prison I can't change that the only issue for the court is whether the defendant will be eligible for parole the issue for parole is well I want to be there for my boys I want to help them and I want to help my family well that's a good thing but what about Julie she has nothing today she's dead she's never going to see her children get married have successful lives be there for the holidays um he caused that he's the one that put that in motion he says well now my boys don't have two parents well guess what he's the one that murdered Julie he's not getting any parole elig eligibility it's too serious of a crime to depreciate it was too vengeful where's your [ __ ] eating grin now pal and there you have it the story of of of hatred built up built up slowly over years to to a brief affair she had when he never forgave her for and in fact decided to make her life a living hell Julie wanted to leave Mark after she had the affair she wanted to get away and he wouldn't let her he wanted to keep her so he could torture her for years and years a slow torture the slow torture of Julie Jensen but in the end Julie would have the last laugh writing the letter from essentially from Beyond the Grave that would well uh she would have the last laugh because now Mark Jensen is the one who will have the slow torture for the rest of his natural life thank you so much for watching uh it really means the world to me I hope you enjoyed this old video uh please if you're looking for more content um you can check out early access bonus videos on patreon for two bucks a month please check out the that chapter podcast with a new episode being posted every Monday and until next little video we should be up in a couple of days that should kind of wrap this one up until then please take care of each other and yourself because I love you my [Music] C
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 877,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, mystery, mark jensen, julie jensen, pleasant prairie, julie jensen letter, mark jensen interrogation
Id: qhohrIlqeL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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