Missing Couple Reveals a Secret Killer in the Woods | The Case of Logan Clegg

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we are off to New Hampshire to to guess what to talk about Logan because there is something very wrong with him when a beloved couple went missing while out for their routine walk in the woods an investigation began and on the surface this seemed to lead to this strange man living in the woods Mountain Dew man as he would later be known a man with a streak of violence but just like a little digging seemed to uncover a man with a history of connections World Travel money and maybe some evil that could turn this story on its head Please Subscribe if you want to see new true crime videos every week now let's give it a [Music] go so this story takes us to the city of conquered New Hampshire the city of conquered lies in Southern New Hami it's the capital of the state and it has a population of a little over 40,000 people it's a compact cozy little New England City it's got the historical charm the quality of life and the beautiful scenery pretty close by on the Eastern side of the city you cross the March River and you keep on shuen lies this area called Alton Woods there's a load of these apartment buildings it's leafy it's perfectly situated between the bustling City and the tenting Countryside and that was where an older couple they were in their like mid-60s Steven Andre Wendy she went by Wendy Reed that's where they lived Steven in 2022 was 67 years old a local conquered born and raised he later attended the University of Notre Dame and after receiving full scholarships to a number of law schools stepen decided no he wanted dedicate his life to those around him and so instead of heading off and getting like a you know working as a lawyer or whatever he instead decided to join the Peace Corp he worked in West Africa for a number of years before returning to the US to work at the headquarters in DC and it was then that Steve met the love of his life Wendy Wendy 66 years old in 2022 was born in Togo and traveled a lot as a youth as part of the national basketball team she eventually landed in the US after earning scholarships and while studying in DC she met Steve they were in fact introduced by a mutual friend who knew that Steven could speak out West African language that she spoke and so kind of took off from there Wendy the EO extrovert Steve the quieter introvert and they married in 1984 and will later have two children together Steve would go on to work with a number of NOS working on issues like climate change food security working back in West Africa in banglades in Haiti Wendy Always by his side Steven became a real leader a well-respected guy Wendy the same working in universities helping with Refugee resettlement very Noble causes the both of them they were in Haiti in 2010 when that like devastating earthquake hit and they stayed because they just wanted a help out then they later went back to Africa to to try and help people there and in 2019 after a lifetime of just helping people you know they felt needed help they decided they were getting older and they went back home to conquer New Hampshire to you know be with their family and their friends they retired they did everything together a very beautiful couple and one of their favorite things to do was to go hiking walk in the woods something they did regularly and so this is when our Story begins April 20th 2022 Stephen and Wendy they went out for a walk you know in Dem woods they didn't return they hadn't answered texts or phone calls neither see it was Wednesday April 20th and that day there was a family event that stepen and Wendy were both due to attend and when they didn't show when they didn't show their faces people were like that's very unlike them very good Ot Ot and so then people began talking were like I actually heard from Steven or Wendy a couple of days not since Monday that was Monday April 18th last time they had heard from Steven when you know they had been texting each other pretty briefly and Stephen had said himself and Wendy were going out for one of their usual walks that was it the couple would often go for a walk in the nearby Marsh loop trail directly across the interstate from their home Marsh Loop is a 2-mile hike through the woods it's peaceful and pretty as it takes you through this as the name suggests marshy New England terrain so with the family becoming you know pretty worried at this stage they eventually went to the the Reed apartment in Alton Alton Woods in the entry to the apartment they found nothing their phones there was two phones there keys purses money whilst their cars were still parked outside their apartment it seemed like they had gone for that walk takes about 45 minutes they hadn't been expecting to be gone long but simply hadn't come back in fact that was exactly what had happened so with that frightening tot the couple were reported missing to the conquered Police Department police arrived searched the apartment and then being informed of the couple's usual routine began to comb the marsh loop trail area well investigators admit this is a very strange situation they have no idea where this couple is right now conquer police say they were reported missing last night that they were last seen by Family on Easter and were last heard from on on Monday now as far as they know investigators say the Reeds had said that they were going for a hike near where they live but it's not clear where they were going it was shortly after the police you know went into those woods that they stumbled across this little encampment just there like not far off the main trail there was a tent few items kind of lying there's a young fellow there just camping out not a B on him now the police didn't know if he was camping there if he was homeless or if he was simply just you know passing through hiking through the woods so the police they asked him they said H yeah you know we're here we're looking for this couple we believe they came to these woods and haven't been seen since your man says don't know what you're talking about haven't seen them haven't seen anything and he said he was from Boston Massachusetts he said he didn't know that his name was arur Kelly and he was 30 years old now interestingly when the police ran this name just to be sure it came a blank there was no arur Kelly in the system when told of this AR was like well I'm I'm well within my rights to Camp wherever I want so talk to the hand the police they didn't ask for i d they said you know you're not in trouble but they they had bigger fish to fry they let him be they kept searching the woods for the Reeds they left his Arthur Kelly and his campsite campsite which by the way was covered with mountain Jew code red can hey got to do the do and so they kept looking they continued searching that night April 20th and began a fullscale search at first light on April 21st now the two phones that that were found in the Reed's apartment the police assumed that one was Steven's and one was Wendy's but no neither were Steven Reed's phones so please have you know little thinky think about that and then well that means Steven probably has his phone with him wherever he is they submitted a request to Google for location information it was at 5:00 p.m. on the 21st while the entire area was being searched that they got back that data and indeed the couple had gone there had gone to Marsh loop trail on April 18th Steven and Wendy Reed had entered Marsh loop trail at 2:48 p.m. the phones last data signal was from an area off Trail in the woods at 3:47 p.m. so detectives Searchers and sniffer dogs went to where the phone had last pinged and at 6:14 p.m. dogs took interest in a pile of leaves and sticks this was in a natural depression in the Earth and under that indeed were the bodies of the couple it was a horrifying conclusion and a terrifying realization when the medical examiner would be able to say both Steven and Wendy had been shot dead Steven shot four times Wendy twice it then seemed they had been dragged here and covered and so a double homicide investigation began investigators spent last night into this afternoon scouring the area for evidence and now the Attorney General's office is calling on the public for help so anyone who saw the reads that Monday afternoon anyone walking on those Trails anyone who has any information related to their disappearance or deaths are asked to contact the conquered police department and so the police were already suspicious of this arur Kelly fellow cuz they knew he had given them a false name and his campsite was only a half mile in the woods from where the Reed's buddies had been found and so police went back to his campsite and he was gone when they went there on April 22nd it was completely clean not even a single kind of me do was left it was like this artical had never been there at all not any nothing was left behind maybe he went back to mass who knows but he quickly became their key suspect two witnesses who frequented the area would also come forward around that time one said he always walked in the woods and he too had noticed a campsite a separate one from where they had first met AR Kelly this witness who had seen this separate Campsite in those same Woods had been keeping an eye on it since January so he'd been like no checking on every time he went for his normal walk for about 4 months by this stage but just after the Buddies of the Reeds were found next time we went for that same walk he noticed this time to campsite was was burnt out and abandoned police when they were told of this they didn't initially you know think it was related until they went and checked it out and met and do code red CS were found there too also found were some propane tanks number of small items and some euro coins and another witness would come forward saying she had been on Marsh loop trail on Monday April 18th the day the Reeds went there and were killed at about the same time she'd been hiking in those woods with her two dogs she had seen a white man and a black woman walk past her assumedly the reads they and then they walked ahead of her and after then about 10 5 10 minutes she says she heard gunshots five separate gunshots she wasn't sure if she could continue she decided to and as she kept walking then she saw a young man standing on the side of the trail not far from where the Buddies would later be found she said this young man didn't say it but he was just like Manson lamps staring at her the entire time she passed him without a word but when she looked back he was still staring at her a sketch of a man's profile someone investigators say was seen near the Wooded Trail where Stephen and Wendy Reid were mysteriously shot to death last month is someone that investigators believe may have information about these crimes is either a witness or a suspect the police were now on the hunt to find this Mountain Dew man as he would be known over the following weeks more locals would come forward saying They too had seen this men do man they all thought he was homeless he was seen multiple times between November 2021 and April 2022 clean shaven neatly dressed but unfriendly to people often would only give a Curt nod when past if even that more likely get a sarcastic reply one person even said they'd heard him yelling and screaming to himself and it would all say he wasn't seen again after the murders police then went to a nearby Walmart to see if they could find where those propane tanks had been purchased and indeed he had been shopping at that Walmart this met and do man a young man will come in by prone propane tanks Go off into the woods no one knew anything about him though he rarely spoke he never spoke to be honest with you so nobody he was always kind of wearing like hoods masks and not seen again after the Buddies were friend the police had no idea who he was and continued to search through the burnt out campsite hoping to learn his identity and at one point they did find a spent shell casing matching those at the crime scene so they're pretty sure the same guy had had camped at both campsites it wasn't until September that a real break in the case came if you can believe that so they were just trying to find out who this guy was get his identity but they didn't even know where to be other than the fact that he loved Mountain de code red what they did is they went back to that Walmart he was seen shopping at a number of times and it went through every transaction he had made and he thread all of these transactions for the months he had been living there he' used five separate credit or debit cards now trying to trace those cards LED nowhere they were all prepaid cards so none linked to a name and then getting the statements from those cards transactions also didn't lead to a name except one transaction there had been a purchase from bulksupplements.com several vitamins were ordered to be delivered to a Walgreens near the woods ID needed to be presented to collect the order the order had been made by a Logan CLE images of him were the same as the M de man they finally had a name his real his real name they hadn't come across before and in the system it brought up Logan CLE do January 24th 1996 and he had been arrested twice before once in Salt Lake City for shoplifting in August 2020 he out pull your hands out of your pockets for me okay pull your hands out of your pocket dude let's go pull your hands out don't be dumb don't be D yeah this fist open up your fist open up your fist you're going to go into handcuffs right now because you wouldn't follow our commands to keep your hands out of your pockets which makes the and it and it worries us so we're going to make sure and that's why you pull your hands out right cuz if we see that that could have been super bad bro you want to blame the cops for your mistakes super weird I'm blaming you for the uh face the car for me I mean to you none of us have but it's our fault oh it's our fault you had a stolen gun and stole from Walmart yeah it's our fult and I'll try to put in a request to have you do different things next hey Logan do you understand why you're going to jail oh no okay well let me explain it to you again Jael second degree felony for possession of a stolen firearm Mr the meter a carrying a concealed weapon without a concealed weapon's permit sto and retail theft because you stole from Walmart is that even worth $25 I don't have any ideot they haven't they haven't added it up yet but how can they charge me it's not wor that much well yeah I don't know what I don't know what state doesn't charge people for thefts and $25 but in Utah if you steal something if you take something without paying for it it's called theft I'm still shaking from the fact of you not cooperating initially and having a gun on like that's so dangerous think GNA shoot I don't know bro like how am I supposed to do shut up now I'm a coward huh okay three on one ambushing me at the door putting me a handcuff called Safety and I'm glad that that was the case how would you propose we do that differently but you give me a chance so we can fight if you were in my if you were in my shoes that's what you want yeah okay man to man first off you wouldn't stand any chance whatsoever good I'd rather die okay for a simple shoplifting he made a scene tree officers took him down and he said he wanted to die rather than go to prison but he did have a stolen gun on him 19 days later he was arrested again this time during a break a burglary in progress an armed burglary in progress he had another stolen handgun on him he got 72 days in jail for that and was sentenced to three years probation he also had an active warrant out for another burglary from a town in Utah northern Utah called uh Logan funnily enough no relation he was wanted for skipping out on that probation Logan kle 26 years old in 2022 was the son of Randall and Tisha born in Arizona before moving to the state of Washington his father ended his own life when Logan was 12 and Logan went downhill from there and see this is the part in the story when you know kind of goes from like young man with like mental health issues to something more because he had killed before in 2018 Spokan Washington Logan was identified as a suspect in a fatal stabbing what Logan said was this he was walking to his work at McDonald's at midnight when some random guy just attacked him started baiting seven shades of shite out of him Logan just so happened to have a small knife on him and in self-defense stabbed stabbed him stabbed him multiple times then this attacker ran off and he later died this attacker SL victim was Corey Ward 30 years old Logan said it was in self-defense and he refused to take a polygraph but he was never charged Corey Ward's family have disagreed with this saying it was completely out of character for Corey Cory was a very hard worker but when not at work he was lazy as all heck Cory wouldn't attack or start a fight or anything it should be noted that Cory was in his apartment not just roaming the streets in fact it's thought that maybe what could have possibly happened is that Logan was outside Cory's apartment and was like messing with with his car you know scratching it up whatever Cory looked out his apartment Window seen this decided to run down and give this guy knuckl samage they got into a fight and Logan in self-defense killed him that Logan maybe was looking for an excuse to kill someone then the story gets um just like a little bit Stranger in October 2019 Logan flew from Denver to Paris and stayed for 2 weeks in June 2021 he flew from Chicago to Lisbon stayed for almost 5 months flying from from Munich to rivic to Boston in November 2021 he' stayed in Europe for 5 months doing who knows what by Allan seems like he was traveling around Europe no one knows what he was doing no one knows what he if he was working where he got the money for this Logan always grew up poor the most he ever worked was at McDonald's which probably wouldn't have paid terribly well to give you the ability to travel around Europe for 5 months so Logan then arrived back in America in November 2021 and he was dued to fly again back to Europe he was J to fly from New York airport to rikic in February 2022 but he didn't show up for the flight at that stage he was in conquered New Hampshire so you have this like international Man of Mystery who is a killer and no one knows what he was doing the entire time Logan ended up in conquered New Hampshire when he returned to America in November 2021 and he ended up working at a McDonald's under the name Arthur Kelly his co-workers said he was quiet had no friends but you know was a hard worker always showed up was never late he worked at McDonald's from November 21 to February 22 when he left saying he had gotten a new job but like not giving any more detail than that now his co-workers would say he had anger issues he was like a pretty unpleasant guy he was always he always like flipped the lid was shouting and roaring he was very protective over his like little backpack who knows what he had in there and yeah mainly one thing they said was they wouldn't be surprised to find out he was a serial killer it appears he had been living in the woods full time so tracking this very dangerous person where was he now now you know after the Reeds were killed they had his name they had his identity but not where he was cuz he wasn't in conquered they soon learned that arer Kelly had purchased a bus ticket from Boston to Albany then Swit to go to Burlington Vermont what he did then they they didn't know but they did soon learn that he had purchased a flight ticket to fly from New York JFK to Berlin Germany in October the address he had used to purchase that flight ticket was a phony address that led to a courthouse in Burlington but he had used a real number the the number was from of a burner phone but they could still track that phone on October 11th it was pinging from the woods just outside the city of Burlington following the pings it led them to the city and they eventually saw him at a Price Chopper a grocery store they followed him to a library and that's where the police struck we're going to have the two plain closed guys make the approach and we'll just be there St police do not move not your hand behind your back do it now police okay it's okay what have I done what have I done to get all the answers you want he was arrested and taken into custody when questioned he denied having anything to do with the double murder of the reeds in his position session at the time of his arrest was a handgun believed to be the murder weapon the gun he used to shoot Steven and Wendy Reid um he had a fake Romanian passport under the name Claude Zemo Claude Zemo they where he got that he had no valid like ident identification for like himself and he had $7,000 over $7,000 in cash who knows where he got that money must been working very hard at McDonald's I don't think so see how he hadn't worked there since February where he got this money nobody knows it's like a born movie with the fake passports and the gun and the money a mystery but an unsettling one they then later found his tent in his Campsite in the woods outside Burlington just like it was in conquer and there phone chargers food other items me do code red of course lots of it Logan CLE pleaded not guilty to the charges which were two counts of second degree murder Logan's trial began in 2023 the prosecution had well pretty much everything iated for you investigators conducted an interview of him on October 12th of 2022 during the interview he claimed he was not in conquered on April 18th of 2022 he claimed that he had left conquered in February or March he claimed he didn't use a tent while in conquered he claimed that he didn't stay in the wooded area near Alton Woods or the wooded area along the marsh loop trail he even denied knowing the name Arthur Kelly he denied having a gun and you will learn that despite being confronted with the information that investigators had learned over the months long investigation the defendant continued to try to conceal his murders his defense not really a whole amount of much in fact other kind of just word vomiting they could basically only come up with well ballistic science can't tell you like a 100 million, per you know which bullets a gun came from so therefore you know the gun he had may not be the same one that was used to kill the reads when yeah pretty sure it can basically defense was like science is fake fake news he had nothing to do with the reads he was not in hiding from a murder he was hiding from a probation violation out of Utah she could not count the number of possible guns that were out there that could have fired the bullets that killed the reads and she could not say that Logan's CLE Logan C's gun was the gun that fired it and no um but no they could they could pretty definitively tell it was the murder weapon and that he had used it and so the trial did not go well for old Logan Claud Zemo interesting name I'll give him that do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty guilty you say you find the defendant guilty yes so say you all ladies and gentlemen of the jury would you please say aloud yes yes thank you in late 2023 Logan plle was found guilty on all charges and he received two sentences of 50 years to life in prison for what he did to a beloved couple who just wanted to help people those detectives did everything in their power in the last year to cheat me out of getting a proper trial if the Supreme Court agrees with me then I may very well get a new trial I can promise with confidence that my innocence will be made clear and that I will win Logan Cay is a stone cold violent murderer nothing more he shot and killed Steven Wendy Wendy Reid for no reason his statements today ring Hollow he deserves nothing less than a sentence that fully re reflects the magnitude of his crimes and for that reason I'm going to fully impose the sentences as recommended by the state on charge ad nearly Almost Got Away With escaping America to Europe it was only like One bank statement and one godam vam him purchasing vitamins that led to them finding out his real name why he killed the reads uh is unknown there's theories uh maybe it was race related they were a biracial a mixed race couple um but it's there's never any kind of proof that Logan would have cared about that um other things maybe they got they met each other on the trail and they got into some kind of argument uh um maybe that happened or maybe he was just a serial killer budding or actual serial killer who murdered two people on one side you could say well you know he was a young man he was mentally ill and he just shot them but then on the other hand it's like well maybe he was but he also knew very well how to hide what he had done and get away with it for a very long time how he had seven Grand on cash in him nobody knows I mean he had been known to do burglaries armed burglaries uh so maybe he he probably likely stole that money how was he able to travel so much who knows why he traveled so much who knows what he was doing when he traveled again did he kill other people out in there in them Woods maybe Logan has like a lot of similarities to other serial killers namely how he was able to go on the Run how he camped out in the woods he was able to hide his identity he left very little trace of anything behind Israel Keys comes to mind a man who traveled all over America and to places outside of America like Canada and Mexico murdering people just randomly killing people Israel key often lived in the woods didn't leave a trace behind had murder kits all around the place campsites it's very strange armed burglaries serial killer speciality something Logan did at least twice so much about Logan we do not know where he was what he was doing and I wouldn't be surprised to find out he killed elsewhere so yeah uh there you go that's that's the story of Logan CLE Shen um and it's ultimately incredibly tragic what happened to such a beloved couple the reads who just wanted to give back and did give back their entire lives trying to help people in need around the world so uh Logan C monster yeah thank you so much for watching I really appreciate you being here uh with me as always uh means a lot to me let me know your thoughts on this case down down down below and uh yeah listen please check out the that chapter podcast which has a new episode out every Monday morning and you can check out M stuff in the description if you want but you know you do you next video will be out in a couple of days so please give it a goo but until then take care of each other and yourselves do it for me cuz I love you my [Music] C
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 759,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, stephen wendy reid, logan clegg, stephen reid, djewende reid, concord new hampshire, arthur kelly, claude zemo
Id: LRAVHcGawbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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