Cashing in every Coin I have found in 5 Years Metal Detecting: Guess How Much Change

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I know it's a hairball dark in here but we're gonna try to do something about that so we're going to take every coin I have found since I purchased a metal detector and we're gonna lay them all out and we're gonna guess how much it is then we're gonna take it to a corn star place and guess so is that all of them so that's 2017 2015 now this is not all coins this is City Cree this was all swishing those are 69 caliber 2019 2018 and 2016 I got brought them all in that's all the ones I just don't so let's just improve our lighting situation here and I'm wrong I think we need to take all that off and put this yellow thing on there and we'll get a play so he's pulling out all the holes that summer I'm new black cat so we're getting a little bit better spot I guess we'll start with the city freak box that's where I started all the swishing I don't know we think we just dump it out and then everything that's not a coin put it back sure I'm asked about the only option you want helpers gonna be a kind of a challenge star I know none of these are old all right here play-pretties yes make that these these are the old ones and they're one piece of gold they came out of there I don't think any of these I was before old that set 1602 Chinese gone we found in there Jesus gonna be a nasty event I know what you're asking yourself man I can't believe they kept all this junk the bracelet we can do this faster in a minute so here's that so going back looking through my Brad just pulled in 1940 something done out of the pouch that I thought was just standard issue so we'll toss it in here with what we know is old fingers boy you don't mess around Robert I'm around the grab what's-his-name's face over that bag right there so that was just inner-city creeps wishing on this one here oh yeah I remember that Oh yes oh yeah it's all my friends so this is a little pewter but now Lisa's this is all by year so that's why it's all messed up I'm homeless don't plate it okay so let's look in here I don't remember this is all I guess this video could be called everything I've ever found metal detecting that I decided to [Music] so where's the coins in this box you know it's weird I think I found that in the creek or something and then when we rented an excavator and started digging I've got about 200 of these remaining flasks you made them there's a solid folding paper right there we'll definitely catch on to so we're back to the same thing some of these are never gonna make it through a corn star or whatever it's called I mean that's gonna be yeah I'm gonna try and not run a Silver's three let's do it with this pop our pile of libraries is growing and there's a lot of there's a lot of case quarters in here too more than I thought and there's some that look silly but they are not so none of those are anything you think you know I think if we superglue all this back together Mike it can squeeze a library to other okay pound them of three what do we how we're gonna do this okay so we're gonna transfer everything we pulled out into there well there is no edge sheet on here 50 never on 2017 that bucket was 2018 to 2017 what kind of Oh solid folded five in there Anna oh no oh yeah there's a cache your interest your open that yeah go ahead doors let's make sure the cool ones right here two minutes where'd you get those I wanna that zippy yeah I remove these people because I shovel heavy ok so that's all the coins there's some in here but they may be old these are old these are silver and everything else simply laying on the ground not even kind of metal affecting yeah that's when you found that a less shield nickel remember no the historico doesn't really do what your nickel away and had stars in the back so this was the silver and old coins of 20 what 21 whatever year was so we were to counter that bag let me see where did count it $62.50 right here okay so we'll dump that that'll be at ease just dump them [Music] okay no guessing yet I'll tell you what you gotta guess cuz how much of that is never gonna make it through a corn star thing so now we're cracking open 16 that was the year of the bullets the old piece of pipe on that was also the year of the half of a revolver a family and the year of my pewter okay look at this see I'm getting distracted World War one Bridal rosette US Army a LED Prussian cross you know I still never found out anything about that Hey World War one radio men or electrician badge for the army I think radio man I actually found these online and they're pretty expensive the team on this junk for sale that and I found a large cent in Alabama - so those are some of my favorite finds no that is a this is the fancy ones in here so those are all silver and Buffalo and all kinds of cool stuff there was a diamond there that had a neon of that I mean [Applause] yeah there's a lot of vehicles and buffaloes and other clothes okay we'll move that we've already counted those 42 dollars I think we did a rough count yeah no we counted a yeah we went we just went in there counted how many there was of each thing and just today we're running it for us okay so that's 42 in a bag we're gonna take a cheap cheap cheap not using so that's 2016 get 2015 2015 isn't accurate there's a silver in 20 silver and old that was the year of the Indian Head Penny - nice huh as the only large still brother found in the old life Oh so you'll see this ring remember who found that ring yes I do Twilight did you find this ring I found the old-time titanium silver one this is the titanium you found on the side of the road we walked through the woods and we come out of the woods and you found this titanium ring and I thought it was Twilight and I said let me see that and I gave you a five bucks for it or so did I give you five hours you $10 for it and then Twilight said daddy you need to start a YouTube channel find a passage man what am i six no this is it remember this is it yeah yeah we found it yeah I mean it is cotton this is the laughs yeah it's a it's a junker of course but that also was the day we made the decision trying to start a YouTube channel so that very same year I get to googling on Craigslist and found a metal detector for sale and these are some of the things we found Paget's pins what was it this is 2015 okay yeah that's the years yeah you too I'm just kidding I thought we had more brains I've got another there's the other ring I was eight now I think I found that my Brad found this one I remember yeah that's when you're still using yourself oh yeah so there it is all it takes is one Walmart titanium thumb ring okay I'll stop strolling down memory lane we're going to look at this this is 2019 cars so that's all the change was a scientist okay that's good scroll turret make sure there's not any silver that was a Ford token that came from Mississippi I mean not a Ford token but it is a a badge off of tractor that was a year I got this little Bowl out and I coated it because it had a hairline fracture all the way through it it could have been just a greenstick fracture but I there's up there but I'm not sure so I coated it this was the first year I had ever picked up what they call this purse first Forest Gate or array I don't know which one oh it was escape that you know if it is it gets my shot in the eighteen hundred's s what you would use that was our first Sharptooth right oh you didn't go [Music] Civil War boy and that's it he's a lighter a tent tensioner patent 1880 that come from the spanish-american war camp and that's it so now we're going to scroll through this file and make sure nothing oh but I think no I haven't done that yeah yeah okay so I've already done that but there's no count on these and the other ones probably not accurate so here's the thing should we separate these but no here we go [Applause] you didn't care don't breathe now I'm impressed how that doesn't mount up to somebody who has been doing this 20 30 40 50 years could you imagine if you metal detected for the past 30 years or have all these things have been out and you kept every coin you ever found because I have kept absolutely everyone looking the paw look in the paw look at that and then impressive gillo height feel there I'm impressed I'm not bragging I'm just I'm impressed I did not realize this one you get extra yeah that one's got to be a fourth least a couple dollars I can take it off so you want to take a guess I don't think half these things are gonna go through coin sir okay I think I can smell the iron does I want to say 250 with all the noise that noise you just made cuz that make it again make it again oh no even fifty dollars okay we gotta get drawn more tois look give their guesses okay we're gonna wat it all up it's like it's a bunch of baby pigs carry on and shake it can you pick it up you're gonna hurt your back it's like you're holding a giant phase I'm gonna carry us how much second oh yeah yeah yeah we're gonna scale this is turn into more fun five pounds okay yeah junior just weight himself he is 98.7 go in there stand on it just stand up straight on and don't move 98.7 and we're going all the way to don't move your arms killing you we'll just say since you can't stand still about 118 okay so we got 20 pounds of coins go there try to get some of the desktop I know what you're thinking man wait you just do the whole video outside it'd be so much better we just didn't okay off to cornstarch how many pounds we got 20 20 pounds of coins goal is that is a one library managed overlooks over 1970 okay we gotta get serious we've got to get these coins back into circulation the world is on standstill okay so we just looked it up corn Stars fees is 20% there ain't no way on earth if that's $200 I'm giving them 22 count it for me I don't care how much time and maintenance it takes to maintain one of those machines homeless don't play that morning check it out yeah I guess is dump it out go ahead the other thing that's gonna reject it under ninety percent of it instead we're just learning this game there we go [Music] come on now berries at the point I think I killed record store machine one there that's phasing that helps them oh cool okay [Music] this is round one I mean that later there'll be the one half dollar 133 library so we got $70 c9 thing is we didn't have a hat fell off [Music] they keep spitting out these old tapes orders so far it is spitting out all the old broken again it's spitting out every case quarter so we're only at about $50 so far which is odd so the young lady helping us open the corn star machine up so many times to clean it out that she came and told us they say we need to go wash her coins and they might be better so here we are back at the base camp from in there yes oh that's where you dump them when you dump everything in the room so back at the base camp I mean you see how many paste quarters didn't go through a I can't explain junk like that yeah I want to try to trick the machine so we're gonna wash these but the money just wasn't adding out something wasn't right and I think this is the problem in so many case corners it didn't make it like that didn't make it well if we had a pair of pliers to bang on it but it won't even know either way we're gonna watch these [Music] that's not you can see where I could be playing on the toilet so very long ago I'm not fishing that's different oh I just got a better idea go get one of our sisters huh yes they actually look a lot better already I just made a mistake okay I think they're a little better now so I'm going to water [Music] they don't look a whole lot better it's still dirty so very so till the water gets clear okay we have washed and dried every one of those multiple times here's our scraps right here I've taken out so many of those these are these are called these are a lot more case quarters and a lot more libraries it's when you find stuff like that in the field that fell out of the somebody's pocket and then it's a bunch of zinc coins that just don't last but that's okay not to mention that the 500 coins we dropped under there we're back I'm picking out all the solid cases and I want to know if it kicks them out pick up that can't run those brown [Music] thereby we can walk up in here but they're really nice and they are very good [Music] all these rejected so weird about $60 [Music] [Music] [Music] I think it's worth reading come on in there if you want to get real brain you can take this for the 70-page they keep spitting all the event but they want to get you here right and said if you know how much does it take okay give me the case border let's see the picture these are all the read day we're done okay now it's like a lottery I guess there it is we're officially done okay so the final tally is how much 137 $137 not to count what's still in the bucket all the case quarters that didn't work out back to base camp Sun is setting are you doing stacks on deck like saving up those are the case quarters it didn't take this is the power we separated out and there are case quarters in here too most of this pile of nothingness is libraries Zink libraries with an occasional no get used to every letter in that word to make it sound rap some reasons you know that dawn yeah I kind of count 19 dollars in case quarters that's right thank you it's 30 okay so we'll pick out these kind yeah there's more here two here are four but they don't stack look yeah what I go to the tourist Swiss bank account okay we're gonna work this we're down the complete darkness almost yeah I think it's time to test out the old lowlife function now I'm gonna do that okay I just came back outside I've been inside frantically trying to prepare an evening video HBO and they are still hard in the fight so what do we got is water again in case quarters $25 all that twenty-five fifty in case quarter I'm gonna do some arithmetic we got six dollars and these old pennies are all crusty these are these okay we got six dollars and crust hope you take this LeBlanc yes I'm gonna take this right over wrong yeah I'm throwing out the good on okay so we're kicking mosquitos we're at 138 right here yeah you did you do the advert attics okay 138 plus how many and libraries dollars six how much folding money was it 138 we're gonna take it from the listen to my words fall out of my face how many like M&E 25 50 and how many Krusty libraries six dollars six dollars don't worry about that seven times what about three storey shanties okay so nickels is 10 and plus another 45 cents okay ends up what what's our total I'm ready wrap this up hundred $177 found or harvested or whatever and that's not my call the silver stuff we found and you found yeah that's true so we're done 177 who guessed it you guessed it then the cool thanks myself yes listen
Channel: Exploring Alabama
Views: 32,799
Rating: 4.8762431 out of 5
Keywords: trains, cars, garrett, at pro, at gold, pinpointer, trx, whites, metal detecting, treasure, hunting, famous, best of, best on, most watched, most played, most important, most viewed, most viral, most popular, incredible, muck, boots, creeks, mud, larking, gold, coins, silver, bullion, arrowheads, artifacts, rurex, urbex, diggin, digging, paranormal, bride, firearms, four wheel drive, offroad, bog, kayak, waterproof, magnet, fishing, exploring alabama, exploring, alabama, family
Id: eZP0_VdnZJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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