Cars, Coffee, Theology (1:6) Russell Moore

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we want to give our hearty thanks to being h publishing for sponsoring this episode to learn more about Russ Moore's award-winning book check out storm-tossed family calm thanks again being H my guest today is dr. Russ Moore president of the ethics and religious liberties Commission award-winning author and my former boss we enjoyed a driver on Nashville including a visit to the great stay golden coffee shop this is very exciting for me I appreciate it is awesome but so I have a gift for you that you may already have already oh so now I'm not gonna have you wear it it comes maybe if at some point you want to wear that maybe so yeah I'll be there confirm nor deny that well thanks also so it's it's really a very interesting ever the United clients through it a very interesting yet one moments from the comic books all the way through through our mutually beloved Linda Carter yeah and so I knew let's hear now does she really okay you tried to reach out my house my two big crushes of my childhood and teenage life both live in Nashville who's the other Amy Grant okay of course yeah right you had any contact with her that would be more likely drowning yeah she is yeah she was I was absolutely in love with Amy Grant through she was amazing middle school high school yeah okay well I liked Lynda Carter as well yeah but I was it made me think about who I loved was Elizabeth Montgomery from the which are washer there was something about Elizabeth Montgomery did that was my childhood crush not for me she seemed too mom-ish to me I think very super she wasn't the power woman that Linda correr was cutesy and yeah life they could do magic oh come on right right yes you never got is dear my goddess last month right well and its really interesting her creator you know William Moulton Marston was a piece of work I mean there was this kind of well he was he was very feminist but he was also I was the inventor of the lie detector it's a secre yeah that's why she has the golden lasso makes you tell the truth oh my was a polyamorous in a day when that was not something anyone ever thought about right right and what are we talking the 20s no and he was he was really he thought that comic books were were creating toxic masculinity used though yeah I didn't know yeah so he wanted to he wanted to correct that and he was a he was a classical scholar in Greek with the heads of the day so what do you think of the recent wonder one movie I thought it was really good I did total world I liked it yeah yeah I liked it a lot it's the other world and here you know I'm a Marvel not a DC guys I mean I like you a lot but I don't understand the VC except for the Chris Nolan Batman I don't like any of the Kristen Dolan Beth it was the worst oh my goodness were consistent in our disarmament in fact our family we are my wife is hardly sending me those so we've made a commitment we are watching all 20 Marvel movies in the Marvel Universe chronology not over they were released and so we started back with Captain America and then we did Iron Man 1 so we're systematically working through them l preparation for the maybe you don't even care are you like so DC you don't want to hear anything no you like them both I'm a decent guy I will admit that in terms of the cinematic universe so far Marvel's done better which is part of the part of the shame because the the actual universe DC has so much better eora T to it yeah that it it really deserves a better cinematic representation than what it's at well Superman I mean come on like nobody can beat him in anything I just like United I'm sure they can but like the Superman movies he's vulnerable to kryptonite he's well a romantic magic he's vulnerable to parasite because siphon is and so okay what was your first car my first car was a green Ford pickup truck that was older than I was and was a just a tank of a vehicle it didn't have very good brakes I had three wrecks in three weeks forgetting because of the right signs you know it was it was part of it yeah right so part of that part of it was I had no business having a driver's license in in Mississippi at the time you could get your permit at 49 driver's license at 15 I was not ready to be behind a wheel 15 years that's pretty amazing yeah yeah so one other question I have if you'll open this up and tell me what's going on in this picture yeah well there's a number of things happening here yes beautiful combination right yeah someone did this because they took the picture from I was speaking at the Vatican in 2014 and I was I was going through the line in order to to get in with the Swiss Guard and had in my head of my passport in my coat pocket and reached in and pulled it out I thought but I was wearing the same suit that I had been in lecturing on Reformation the week before and I pulled out two copy of Luther's ninety-five theses right so anyway I took a picture there was someone new that and then they also knew that when I took my kids to see goosebumps movie that when that ventriloquist clown whatever his name is right now it just escapes me shows up on the screen my then baby Taylor yelled out daddy so somebody just put those two things together right and you love Halloween that's multi-layered your actual picture I'll show a picture so it's such a funny picture right before we turn to talk about someone who was a beer at work I guess that probably the most important question I would ask is like it was the greatest professor he ever hired in some [Laughter] people you were one of my best divers alright hey Siri give me a number between one and three hundred all right so as you may have seen I like to have authors read a random paragraph and I didn't want you to stack the deck and choose your favorite pages okay so page 144 144 you got to write something out of the storm-tossed family there but you can I just finished yesterday and really really okay so we're on the a wherever you like any paragraph you like okay all right a common theme I have observed adulterous affairs is it the one let me see this is my wife's gonna watch this to see your time now your precious on an Amy Grant the Linda coordinated adulterous affairs a common theme I have observed in adulterous affairs is that the one cheating is almost never looking for a new spouse to replace the deficiencies of the old one he or she is seeking to recapture the feeling of adolescence see this is the crime or young adult they are not so much looking for sexual sensation sensation as for drama and for a short period of time the person can be swept up into the drama of I love you do you love me type of romance tell me the truth of your room kind of stuff without all the burdens of who is picking up Chloe from school or what day to put the recycling bin out at the curb you're really right yeah that's very insightful okay so you want to launch from that and did you know just kind of talk about what you're doing in this chapter really the whole book like why did you write this book getting anything about I wrote the book because I was dealing constantly with people in various areas of family crisis they were they're all very different so a lot of people who were in this sort of situation and and which seems from the outside looking in to be so obviously irrational where have you ever seen this no problem yeah yeah but of course it that it's not a rational issue and one thing that I've it's kind of shifted for my wife and me is a move from what our kids should be to what they could be meaning in the sense that I think when we were younger we had only this mindset of with this we did have a lot of idealism that every kid needed to write like this right and a an increased awareness of that each child's calling and their personality in these things like that I mean obviously there are some standards but there's so much to how God's made them write that daddy that was a real change for us that's happened in the last like even 5 to 10 years just to focus on how God might be calling each child to develop a new they are instead of for us it was this lip really and so I felt like it was really life-giving along those lines to just encouraging cuz it was you know several moments where you just gotta recognize there's not just one way to do this good thing you know [Music] of course an exciting week that you won the Christianity Today Award book of the year for you know the beautiful Orthodox saying that he called her something I've had is that what that I thought that was funny because when I saw there's a wearable tiara its Harrison Warren who won last year for liturgy in the ordinary put up on Twitter an image of a Miss America transferring the crown and said I'll get you your tiara later this week I started a joke about Anglicans offering crowns always makes me nervous but so here here we have the tiara she doesn't even know you're honored and then I saw the pictures of getting the cover yes done and with a is this right with a piece of a shirt from Johnny Cash right because the artist who did that original piece of work works for the Johnny Cash Museum the Johnny Cash homestead okay and so he knew that then I was a Johnny Cash band yeah yeah and he came up with this piece of art that took one of Cash's shirts he shredded it and made the water yeah that's the hunter then he took a hymnal and made how does that before okay yeah the cover of my last book onward was done by hatch show print the classic music industry poster yeah it looks like that yeah yeah and they used a an old Johnny Cash Sun Records and album as the background okay for the height that's sorry that's great alright well let's get back to the book anything else you'd want to say in terms of your motivation your desire for the book like why again why did you write this you're saying a lot of people come to you with stories but what's the vision you're trying to sort of cast for people about ten years ago now I wrote called adopted for life which was really a way of sort of wrestling with myself through what I had gone through in the process of being someone who was you would have thought of myself as pro adoption but very reluctant to adopt so going through that process that was sort of my working through what I had learned in that process as a way of almost speaking to my younger self someone who's in that situation okay and so as I was working on this for me it was almost and adopted for life for the whole family Marren yeah because a very similar a very similar situation with I think I mentioned in the book having a friend who said to me you know I knew that parent which art but parenting he's I knew that parenting would be humbling I just didn't know that it would be humiliating and you know soon as he said I said that's exactly right but the more I thought about it the more I realized you know ultimately every aspect of family is humiliating you talk about parenting with the end in mind which was again the whole book was super encouraging the dad as well how I've thought about it is playing the long game with their children and that's what's really hard when you're a younger parent and maybe even I'll just you know and your inner parent is to play the long game and realize I'm raising adults you know that are gonna of course screw up right make mistakes and have all kinds of problems but if I keep in mind this kind of long game of it then that frees me up to not be so anxious again it to be present with them and the now as I go down each of my children I am a better parent yeah with you know that down to the youngest difference what do you ever well the difference is because I know what to freak out about and what not to freak out really at every stage whether it's temper tantrums you know happening as a as a two-year-old three-year-old you still deal with them right but you're not you're not thinking oh no what does this mean I think it was my mother who said one time and I was we were in the middle of potty training the first two and I was just very anxious about this wasn't going as quickly as I thought it would be a course plan yeah and she said you know what have you ever met anybody in your life who's grown but he doesn't have some sort of medical issue there's not potty trained just because they didn't learn it right I said no it's okay Ben this is going to happen most of the dangerous areas for evangelical Christianity is putting an either/or where there's a both end in a way that the reverse of course is true true - there's there's a danger of putting a both end where there should be an either/or so one can't say both God and bale right both Jesus and Mammon know it's either/or one of the other but I think because because we do recognize that and we know that sometimes there's a tendency to then create everything into ether either-or situations that actually just fuels whatever it is that you're afraid of you know I thought there was just a lot of good thoughtful balance that was coming out of conviction that was winsome which is really beautiful in the book and that's really great night and I think you know whenever we're motivated chemistry in what you're saying whatever we're motivated by fear that is I think when imbalance is there sure close to again yeah but neither side right right because I think what happens is usually at least that's what I've noticed in myself when I'm operating out of fear what I'm saying is because I experienced X I want to make sure that I stay as far away from that as humanly possible to keep it from happening so it's it becomes you know wherever it is the allows you to our ideological exactly what Jesus is identifying with the Pharisees building hedges around the law to make sure that one doesn't get close to falling off of it and they're always very good reasons for that yep because one can say I conservative right right yeah and they're saying we have seen what happens when right this happens and of course that's true but it just you can see it in individual people's lives you can see in the lives of churches you can see in the lives of movements where what's happening is all an attempt to avoid the last bad thing in a way that blinds one to what is the next bad thing favor Johnny Cash song then why and I don't really know my dude man I don't really know much about Johnny I'm like the worst person interview you because I'm yeah I'm not gonna even recognize any of the titles you give me but I will dedicate myself to educating myself starting with your recommendation well I like Johnny Cash as a sort of all-around person josh is not by any means my favorite songwriter oh I didn't realize that okay as a band as a matter of fact Maria my wife was explaining to someone a year or so ago she said if you want to really understand my husband the way you understand it is to know that everybody thinks that Johnny Cash is his favorite song writer and he does love Johnny Cash but if you actually look at is that his useless or something at its playlist it actually is Jimmy Buffett I was gonna show up more than anyone but she said this is the heat it's not the Margaritaville sort of Jimmy Buffett songs it's the Jimmy Buffett's meditations on death source oh all right combined your health of others yeah death of a popular poet he went to Paris it's a don't really know much to it besides Margaritaville yeah you wanna curse you go over the world I was like Margaritaville right you know everybody right right but I think with with with Johnny Cash I mad would be partial to walk the line okay that I dunno okay one of the things I like to do too is have a random element to it so down there in the pocket you'll see some envelopes with different random questions event you can choose one doesn't matter which one and maybe that was already opened is it not supposed to be I don't know let me see what's going on here I think that's an old one oh okay all right so yeah choose one that's not open sorry about that and we're gonna you can answer in an alternate answer what is your greatest extravagance okay that you want to put on camera and we can let your wife go back and you know I think what she would say is the greatest extravagance that she got me as a present one time this chewy nugget ice maker with the it's a it's a specific kind of that small chewy ice if you get it some you know like gas stations they used to be at Hardee's yeah yeah it's pretty rare to find nothing right so this makes that okay and so I have that you have it in your house do you use it all the time I use it all the time every day all the time and so you feel it when you go to a restaurant that doesn't have that it's like if you're used to that good nice yeah yeah yeah yeah the coffee maker at our house is in the bedroom okay I didn't know that yeah because I'm not going to you I I need that and like you read in the morning and in bed isn't that right do I know how do I know that yeah but also I just need to I need to start caffeinated very very quickly the ice cream seeds yeah yeah so when do you use the ice though in the morning as well all day long yeah like 200 or that drink put water on it or so you go throw a lot of beverage iced tea yeah I was in Louisville well put that in the reference category dumb without it Louie well the doctor said to me how much caffeine you drinking today I said well I was trying to think it through us in the morning I make a pot of coffee and he said what do you all like drink on that all day I said well no it right then it wasn't some of it I'm just telling you that's how we start yeah so are you supposed to answer yeah yeah greatest extravagance oh my these questions they're hard to come by you answer this question well I mean I collected a bunch and threw them in envelopes six months ago so and remember them more no greatest extravagance maybe this car oh right obviously bother six didn't need a midlife crisis right is that was just how are you yet I've had a few years so I actually saw this when we were looking at Mustangs yeah and I saw the doors like open it's got these suicide doors that oh yeah yeah and I just fell in love with it and so I just I bought it well just bought it didn't know anything about the card didn't know that the engines all died on these like I said I had to rebuild the engine just recently but I just love you know as a stick shift and I just said this is right this is my once more July you look through John Rawls veil of ignorance toward choosing one's midlife crisis a car is pretty good much better than a lot of it then almost all the all right there's my little piece of human flourishing on wheels I just heard from I saw that you've blurbed it this little concise guide to reading the new test I thought that you liked a lot - yes it was the white boy he really was and I picked it up just as you know might this be something good to give to the college student - that sort of thing and then I just happened to flip it open and said this is really really good and the author sent me an e-mail less number than ice email last night oh good yeah this see how opposite the house yeah I hope he keeps keeps writing because there's you think a lot more where that came from yeah well you know there's it's a new era in the local studies is finally kind of rediscovering canon and theology which has been a big part of my own little early life as you probably know and moving beyond kind of these dichotomies theology local studies almost as though so I'm reading right now if he's a friend of mine [Music] he's an auntie okie an Orthodox priest and he has a little Eastern Orthodox commentary on Romans okay which is fascinating yeah which I expect of course I will be completely at odds with once we get to right atonement and justification I don't know maybe not completely not completely but I mean I know I know father pass I know there'll be there'll be some significant areas of difference but the first chapter is magnificent where he's just sort of outlining life with Paul and he's he's showing intertextual connections with with Saul of for Samuel it's all Tarsus canonical yeah and it's just a really really really well done my organ has always been that great preachers have always been better than our modern mr. Medina yeah that's the irony of it is that we actually know how to make those kind of canonical connections but then we're kind of taught and when we adopt a kind of modernist view that that's not okay to do you know I mean well and not images preachers anyone who sings Christmas carols not to do that yeah because you really cannot make sense of Matthew wanted to and Luke 1 and 2 with the sort of the sort of reading that modernism gives us yeah yeah including I'm into all of the for all of the it's so interesting to me because all of the people that I would hear was so worried about well you know you're going to get into all of these jumps and sort of hermeneutical gymnastics if you go and I look around and say but they're the ones doing the craziest gymnastics and trying to make sense of out of Egypt I called my son you're preachin acquired Oh dad Carl Henry come into a j-term southern one time on the history of American evangelical really became legendary on the campus dr. Hillary got up and said started off in cities history of American liberalism he said this without with no irony at all the history of American have a Jellicle ism we will start at the very beginning I was born on October the 3rd 1917 that actually appreciate ya thank ya of life just so you don't on and congratulations oh thanks so much hey one more shout out to B&H publishing for sponsoring this episode down below in the show notes you'll find links to all the books we talked about and don't forget to subscribe to our CCT youtube channel thanks [Music]
Channel: Cars, Coffee, Theology
Views: 5,439
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Keywords: Russell Moore, Dr. Moore, Dr. Russell Moore, The Storm-Tossed Family, The Storm Tossed Family
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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