Cars, Coffee, Theology (2:11) Patrick Schreiner

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] my very special guest for this episode is my old phd student and very dear friend dr patrick schreiner we always have such a good time hanging out together and we did on this drive around louisville talking about his new [Music] book all right well man welcome thanks such a delight such a delight might be back with you in a unspecified date that we're doing this on that's right no one knows well um so glad this worked out that we could sweat together um in the rx8 yeah um so as you know i always ask the question of what was your first car yeah i've been preparing the for this because i'm terrible with cars my dad didn't teach me anything about cars right you interviewed him but um so i have two answers for you first the first car that i drove and the first car that i owned yeah the first car that i drove in terms of like my parents kind of gave it to us to drive other people to school because they didn't want to travel right the way to go yeah was a 1991 plymouth voyager wow bam one side and we called it um the gus bus because my brother's middle name he first had it was is gus and we drove the cable brother's middle name is gus yeah from gustav okay okay not augustus or anything no good germany so we drove you'll know these people but we drove the wagner kids and the cable kids okay so it was two shriner kids two cable kids and two wagner kids christian academy you drove by my house every day then yeah yeah well uh sherry would bring the cables over to our house we wouldn't always drive by but so my first car though that i bought actually i had it i think when i worked for you in the office was also in 1991 which is when the twins when won the world series so i must only buy 1991 cars okay 1991 bmw three series 318 five five-speed car with a crank sunroof you had a bmw 300 series yep 1991. yeah that's amazing you never came out to my car i guess i never did yeah it was really cool that is amazing and it was also somebody had like lowered it and i just like it was so low to the ground did you come up on that car uh somebody in vine grove was selling it and hannah's family had a relationship with them and okay we uh she was just like i need to get rid of this thing and they sold it to me for like 900 bucks that's amazing yeah that was the first car i ever bought you know your dad's a pretty famous guy and i was wondering is that because of you yeah these famous i always say famous and really small circles they call there's a name for that michael famous exactly yeah so people will be like whoa your dad's like really famous and i'm like in a very we're in very small worlds so yes uh yes he's famous for all the controversial things i'm saying maybe so yeah yeah he's been a great influence in terms of right i mean we we've talked a lot about writing and you're a big influence on me in writing but they instilled in me a love of writing just by reading we read a lot as kids and i think i just loved literature because we read kind of classic literature british english lit and um they would sit down and read to us i mean even yeah read a lot like we would read greek mythology stuff like when we were younger and so we just loved literature and i think that really plays into as you get older loving writing because if you like reading you end up many times like in writing so absolutely yeah well in a little bit we're going to talk about your ascension book but one of the things that i was really struck by is that you've done it you figured out how to write a short book yeah which i'm still i'm still trying to right i wrote a shorter book this time when the jesus the great philosopher but yeah yeah and the small preaching is right right yeah that's how you did it yeah yeah that's like yeah you did it and it's so clear and so i mean you've always been a um because i have always thought with your writing because your journalism background you were yeah you were kind of quick and choppy to the point and i always wanted you to get a little smoother yep most people have the opposite problem where they're too too long but i feel like you did it you found your voice you know in this book i don't know if you felt that way it was a really fun project i don't know i mean it was definitely it's hard to write short but it's also a fun challenge yeah okay do you want some tea uh can i do ice cream yeah okay we'll have no coffee grunt i know in your dad's episode he got tea and that and i thought yeah as well and i remember i would say i'm so post hipster that i don't drink coffee i never did drink coffee you're beyond yeah yeah you out hipster the hipsters i don't know you drink coffee that's so 2 000. that's the giant that's the chai thank you all right thanks a lot it looks like we have the same drink so they just cheers they just have one oh crap so they just have one big drink oh crap there's people behind me oh crappy on them well that would be me driving this thing yeah exactly all right actually the clutch is acting up a little bit where's the button it's underneath the manuscript i'll reach for it now you're too small of a book oh there it is okay you're a small preacher there it is like this though right uh it's only twenty thousand words twenty thousand yeah this is like thirty five yeah so it'll be so twenty twenty eight right a final ascent story combined with the transfer of prophetic power occurs in second kings 2. elijah the great prophet of the heart in israel was climactically taken up in a whirlwind of heaven and elijah his prophetic protege received a double portion of his spirit the narrative leading up to the scene is telling that's it and we all died have you did you read that book oh yeah yeah one for sure in fact i need to re-listen to it ready player two or something oh really yeah yeah but his other ones kind of sucked oh i didn't he wrote he wrote some other books they weren't that great yeah and he might be a one-hit wonder i could keep you to read the next paragraph or no uh no just go until that's enough that is enough no uh so obviously it's the book the ascension of christ so you were reading it was saying something about ezekiel there just tell us maybe what you're doing there and then you can pull back and just say yeah what's this book about i've got some specific questions and that story this is the chapter on the ascension of the prophet so i looked at the book or uh christ's ascent from prophet priest king kind of the standard uh way of looking at it's kind of his messianic role and in each chapter what i try to do is uh look at old testament story shadow stories yeah that inform the theology of his ascension because what you find in the new testament is that the ascension a lot of people don't talk about it in the new testament because there's not a lot of reflection theologically on why it happens there's only two places where it's narrated and the narration is pretty like historic just a historic kind of this is what happened yeah not much like pausing and reflecting on it so in each chapter i wanted to look back and think are there kind of ascent stories that inform the theology of the ascension of christ and this story is key for the prophetic kind of story because you have elisha and a lot elijah and elisha and he has this narrative where he says in second kings 2 where he says you won't receive a double portion of my spirit unless you watch me ascent yeah and it's always been a strange story to me as i read it like why does he have to watch him and then you go to acts and they're like there's like five words of them gazing into the heavens and watching this happen and i think what's going on there is luke as the author yeah saying hey as they watch him do this then the next chapter of course in acts is the reception of the spirit pentecost so they receive i think in some sense a double abortion well you'll be able to do yeah that's right and that's a good canonical reading because one of the things i loved about studying the ascension is you know you combine luke and acts but canonically you've got all this holy spirit stuff in john yeah and the unity of god's people and and uh how he's going to leave and they're going to receive the paraclete the comforter and then you go to acts and that's exactly what happened yeah that's great yeah i think it was just really helpful for me to go back and kind of look through those old testament stories and say actually there is an imagination that was being formed in terms of someone ascending yeah and them receiving gifts or conquering or whatever that is so and maybe especially elijah elijah oh my goodness yeah that's that's great yeah so is that obviously there's not a lot of new testament or biblical studies work done in the ascension but there are a few theological words do they do that kind of old testament work or is that more your move no that was more my move i mean there was like douglas farrow has done some good work on it and that's more theological um uh tim chester and john woodrow having a little ascension book and they might have done a little bit of that but that was more me kind of thinking more biblical theologically just trying to connect the two testaments together and and seeing that you know the confession that jesus is lord jesus is messiah that's all based on ascension realities yeah and so obviously like jewish thinkers were thinking back on like this ascension piece is hugely important for the installation of their king yeah and and the idea even in greco-roman times of like giving gifts even if good kings didn't always do that giving gifts to the people yeah it's good and i think that get that gift is tied to even ephesians 4 and the reception of um the people the gifts of the people okay that's good yeah yeah well i want to come back to a lot of that and and particularly the king and you think of i hadn't thought about just now but the psalms of ascentia and you're going up right yep but let me go back um and say something again just the whole book was so clearly and um interestingly written with nice little introductions each chapter and and a neglected doctrine for sure so i mean i think it's just a great contribution a couple things about the preface i i thought it was funny that when you met with the lexum agent derek brown i think it was in portland to talk about it his response was why not i thought that's the the most non-committal and least encouraging response to writing a book was there more to the company conversation so we went to 4k no which in spanish is why not right so i was kind of doing a play on words there right and uh we were talking he was just like do you have any topics you want to write on you know we do this little snapshot series and that actually i had preached on the ascension and done almost a similar outlook very similar outline yeah and i thought man i'd love to expand upon this and right on this morning i was writing a commentary in acts yeah i've seen it everywhere actually it goes back to even phd days yeah when i did especially yeah he has this uh yeah oh i think oak hill yep he has a book on geography and the ascension narrative and acts like that's right one through eleven yeah and so even from those days i was thinking about the importance of the ascension and so i it was kind of a return to the topic yeah yeah i hadn't come back to it and so when he said why not they're very committed speaking of the series i did notice um not only the reference to the porque no which i i did fail that um but i noticed you didn't mention you didn't thank mike byrd who was a series editor is there a particular reason this is for you mike you didn't even mention him he's the series there not a single word that's like perfunctory i love mike bird but i don't think he ever even read the book crap all right um you know usually those uh thank yous come sometimes i write them early because i send my manuscripts pretty early on right to people and get feedback from them and i probably just forgot to include him i think he wrote me and just said two thumbs up okay mike if you're listening there was some good feedback he was like this is great okay i just noticed usually you thank the series editor but apparently not thanks for bringing it up yeah michael great really exactly totally that's that's it and i also noticed from the preface that there was no arcade fire in the playlist yeah very odd maybe i wasn't just in the arcade fire mood what uh i don't even remember what was in my playlist in this one but i i love arcade fire arcade fire is one of my favorite bands the national first aid kit amos lee bonnie bear vampire weekend nicholas bertel max richter it goes so when i write books it goes from kind of classical score uh soundtracks yep to make me think like everything i'm writing is really epic this is amazing it's not there's zach zimmer i mean zimmer is great to write zimmer is great too i haven't understood but then i go to i kind of like indie music you were writing a commentary in acts which was done so that was part of it i did wonder about the spatial you know your phd work under yours truly um the the whole spatial theory and spatial approach it came up a couple of times in the book as well yeah and i thought some of the things you said about that were really interesting that that um you know christ things you said from registration christ reorders yeah space through his right earthly but then this added to it the ascension element of it it seems like it deepened that yeah i don't know anything else about that yeah sure i mean i you know everything at you know the other people don't notice that you would because you know you were my supervisor but everything that i've written is kind of tied together in one way i know that feeling yeah and it's it's some of the streams are looser than others or not as full i guess as others but yeah the ascension um i think the geographical imagination of luke is based on the heavenly journey of jesus so many times we just think about acts as the journey of the apostles to the end of the earth but that begins with a journey to the highest heavens of christ who then sends i mean this is matthew's theology too in the great commission who can send them into all nations because he's king of the whole universe and i think so helpful if you've read like conrad and matthew he does the same type of thing that there is a shift in jesus's kind of vocation or i don't i don't know what the best word is to use but once he's exalted there's a unique thrusting into the nation that he then sends his disciples on and so i found that really helpful just to continue to come back to because jesus also ends up kind of coming down and popping up at these key scenes in acts so like you think about stephen um he sees jesus standing at the right hand of the father not sitting but standing saul's conversion and saul's conversion so jesus keeps on kind of being active at these key moments right and as paul's even going on mission it's the spirit of jesus who leads him into macedonia and philippi and um that even when i did acts i didn't realize that he's kind of doing the he's retracing alexander the great's steps in opposite direction and there's a lot of conquering of like yeah like going across the waters and saying now it's not just the east coming to the west but the west coming to the east and i was like totally blown away other people i've i've missed that ancient sources sources inside and out exactly so i found it really interesting to just note and many people have noticed this but that jesus is not non-active and acts he's active but he's active it's not just the spirit even exactly so one of the most interesting things about the approach of the book and i i know that when you're writing a book it's at least my experience is that there's actually several different ways you think about approaching the topic and organizing it and that's such a crucial part of it that the reader doesn't see uh until the end like they don't see the process of i could organize it completely this way right but you chose to organize it in a way that uh is unexpected but makes sense and i really really liked and that is based on the three offices of jesus as prophet priest and king yeah um rather than what maybe would be typical in a lot of the evangelical modern world of a bt kind of approach i mean you end up doing biblical study stuff for each of them but still the organizing principle of the book was actually the the three offices of christ yeah so i'd love to hear like how you came to that and yeah and what effect do you think that had yeah project over so so i came to that actually when i preached a sermon on on the topic i was preaching i think i was ascension sunday at our church and so i was tasked with preaching on the ascension which side note i think there's many times it's not talked about because we think the resurrection is kind of the ultimate climax and we're like we're done easier sunday we're back to just normal church calendar but historically they've included ascension sunday 40 days later and then pentecost sunday as well absolutely which i think brings a nice kind of completion to christ you know you have his birth his death or his life his death resurrection ascension and pouring out the spirit so um when i preached the sermon i just looked at it through these angles because i felt like i was like what do i say about the ascension in terms of his continued work that was one of the big emphasis i want to have so we can i think it's somewhat obvious that like it's the exaltation of jesus but what i really want to present into this book is how is christ continuing to work now that he's in heaven and you need categories to begin thinking about well how does he continue to work in prophetic priesthood and prophet tradition was just like yeah if he was all of these things upon the earth how is he a now a better prophet priest and king super heaven and you know some people add sage to that which would happen which i'm very happy yeah yeah as well i think that's very important yeah i think that's very important too but i decided to just go with the three because i do think as a prophet kind of declaring the word of the lord especially building his church as a priest the intercessor and then as the king reigning overall and i do think and sacrifice this yeah that's the kind of twist on it too exactly and there is kind of a leading up to the kingship of jesus so a few people ran they're like why don't you start with the kingship of jesus and i actually thought about that but i wanted to end with the kingship of jesus because there's and this is something i'd love to explore more it seems like at the beginning of the bible there's this um combination of those three roles with adam and eve that somehow gets split yeah as time goes on and then they come back together in certain figures like david yeah kind of actually a priest type figure as well and king type figure and moses yeah that's right and then in christ they ultimately all come back together that's good and so all i mean you can almost think of them as like the venn diagram with three circles like overlapping except for you do argue that king is actually there's a central there's a centrality i i maybe yeah maybe i've missed that in other in other theological writings but i thought that was very intriguing it kind of ties into the kingdom theme throughout that's right yeah yeah okay yeah i just think that's a huge episode so that for me that was just helpful to begin to structure my own thinking in terms of what is he continuing to do he not the ascension not only um again exalts his work but it amplifies his work as he continues and puts it in a new i think you say the three roles are in a new epic yes or new era and i think you could also say a new space that's right that's right and this is why john can say gospel of john right it's better or jesus in the gospel john it's better that i leave and i think a lot of us are like wow well why is it better that you leave if being with you bodily is the best end state i mean you think in the new heavens new earth we're waiting to be with jesus we're waiting to have the messianic banquet with him so why now i mean there's a lot of answers that could be given but there's something about that his work now in heaven which actually and this is hard for us to comprehend superior actually superior after him being on the earth it's better for us right right and uh that that really struck me as i worked on it just that we actually live and this is what peter says like we are more privileged now because we have this is what he says i think it's in second peter one we have the word more fully confirmed than on the mount of transfiguration and i was like i mean wouldn't we rather be on the mount of transfiguration watching him be like the glorification of the sun he says no you you have the word more fully confirmed and i think he's looking and saying we watched him ascend into the heavens everything was confirmed and authorized he's the king he's the prophet he's the priest and we know that he's vindicated in that sense so okay that's super helpful so i want to i want to come back to a little bit more more about the ascension but let me side step us here for a second in light of what we're just talking about to ask how you think about the relationship of biblical studies to biblical theology to dogmatic or systematic theology because they're not the same thing exactly more kind of more traditional biblical studies approach because in this book again i would have expected you just kind of a straight bt or yeah or a more academic biblical studies approach you know starting with luke and axe or whatever right but you do use these theological constructs so i'm just curious what reflections in a more general level you have about the relationship one of my early readers i won't name him mike bird i'm just kidding that's why he left him out because that's how it sucks so much oh there's the bridge right yeah i'm like squirrel yeah have you been across the neighborhood oh i haven't seen something beautiful yeah you go under this tunnel and come out it's really nice yeah um yeah so one of my early readers actually critiqued me because he was like why don't you just do a bt like i bt you should just do a biblical theology of it but so this is a longer way to answer your question but i i mean biblical theology is so great because you're just i view the relationship of i mean this is simplistic but um biblical studies is more narrow and biblical theology is just widening your horizon basically looking at whole canada wide and you're cannot so if you think of it in a concentric circle biblical studies is saying okay what is this paragraph what is this chapter getting at biblical theology is saying how does this fit into the whole canon in terms of progressive revelation and i mean they're both great like one of the things i always tell our students is that biblical theology is actually really difficult to do because you end up prioritizing what you want to yeah like you kind of say well this is important and then you downplay everything else that doesn't kind of fit the narrative right right so it can be dangerous to do but it's also really fun and we see the apostles obviously doing that yep but systematics i mean there's been so much suspicion of systematics and dogmatic theology is just coming alongside and making sure this is all reconciled together that we're thinking it's almost like you have these different spheres of thought and making sure that they talk to one another and talk to one another well and it asks another set of questions that's right that's right yeah an important set of questions that's right and so this was honestly i kind of did a little bit of everything in the book and my favorite chapter to write was actually the last chapter where i integrated the essentially you probably didn't even get there but no i just yeah no no um where i integrated the ascension into other theological categories yep absolutely and i think as a biblical studies guy at least in training it was i have you have the tendency in biblical studies to begin seeing something and then that like not integrating it with other things right right and so it actually was a check on my own thinking because i was like oh my gosh the ascension is so important like let's not talk about the resurrection anymore or let's not talk about those other things but then when i put it like right next to other doctrines i started to actually think more specifically about how is the resurrection different from the ascension yeah how does the incarnation inform the ascension how does eschatology or the return of christ inform the ascension and that just that thinking process of putting those things next to one another i think is it's almost like a rule of faith type thing right you're kind of checking yourself and saying these all matter let's not go buck wild on acts 1 9 through 11 and stop talking about everything else but say let's integrate these things together so that just in terms of my own processing i mean i'm influenced by you and others that uh we need to integrate these more and more dogmatic theology is not a second step to reading the bible it's an integral part of the process all along it's not like you go from biblical studies two biblical theology two systematic theology i think that's too simplistic i think we're always reading with those categories and it's form it's just more fluid than that yeah yeah that's great yeah so i don't know if you've it's no problem with him but i don't know if you got a chance to watch the episode with mike allen and or the one with fred sanders sanders we're both of those i think mike allen had sunglasses on so i decided not to watch it [Laughter] both of those um that issue comes up because you know so in fred's book on training the trinity he does a good job of talking about those issues and then mike we were talking about something else but there are a couple articles that he wrote that i use in the class i'm co-teaching with your dad okay on the relationship of bt and st yeah that i'd really recommend to you yeah yeah um that we also talked about in that episode so yeah that's good and i remember he mentioned oh i can't remember exactly what he said but something about like you know even systematics they give us language that's not biblical language but they're clarifying concepts to help think through like do we ever have i'm just thinking through even what i did do we ever have like a clear prophet priest and king like exposition it was it is it it's actually us coming on top and those are theological characters there's theological categories that make sense and i think actually the person who critiqued me they're coming more from that biblical studies for sure why use these categories that's not biblical i think it actually is and that's a problem right now that's the great modern problem of biblical studies is that it doesn't have the capacity to recognize that theological work and approach is not less biblical it's just approaching it with a set of biblically derived that's right and other good questions that need to be asked of the yeah okay well that's great um well back to the book you do talk to the subtitle talks about being a neglected doctrine and you at the early on talk about some of the reasons why you think it's neglected do you recall those off top of your head just to kind of repeat it yeah a few i know i had five but maybe i could go through a few of them because i can remember two to have you have two down yeah yeah yeah so here yours i mean i already said this but it's not neglected in all spheres just to be clear i was kind of speaking to a specific crowd i think actually in the higher church tradition because they keep kind of focusing on calendars they actually do speak about this so it's it's just in a certain sphere of kind of evangelicalism i think um so so some of the reasons neglected is we already mentioned it's you don't actually have a lot of uh narratives about the ascension so you have a lot about jesus's life you only have a few verses at the end of luke in the beginning of acts that actually narrate it so at the end of max no narration or at the end of matthew no no narration of the ascension at the end of march no narration uh first corinthians 15 of first importance he doesn't say ascension and so i think if you're kind of reading more literalistically you're not putting that in the category of this is really important i also think i mean we as evangelicals we usually talk about that which is controversial and for some reason the cross substitutionary atonement has been the kind of point of controversy right and so i don't even know if that was one of my points but i think we end up talking about kind of the flash points of what we're arguing about which is natural and fine but for some reason the ascension just hasn't been as controversial i think part of the reason is historical critical scholars are kind of just like this is ridiculous right and more conservative people are just like okay but we don't really know what to do with it because one of the things i was reflecting on in comparison with resurrection like resurrection is like well yeah jesus is here got a better body this is great but ascension that's kind of like what are the implications why did he leave there's why that's a good miracle like right right in terms of it's a miracle like why is it good news that jesus ascended and then i think we neglected partially because at least this is what i was thinking about as i was studying through it is it's just kind of strange that somebody floats up into the air and i was in the book i just had a few lines about like i never thought about like how fast he went or slow like was it iron man where'd it go or was it like the balloon thing where you're like i think i still see him he's he's still out there nope nope we're like super slow when he's going up everybody's just kind of standing there so like they could definitely do like a monty python thing like totally hey jesus we got one more question for you he comes back down good so it is kind of strange from a modern perspective and if you're thinking more like scientifically like when he gets out of our atmosphere like you know like what so does he need a helmet up there like totally like what's going on there like the one of the ones i wanted to add that i think is you know certainly dovetails with yours is that i think it relates to the spatial issue one of the things that happens in the modern period and then especially in the 20th century when space becomes something meaning like outer space right we think completely in physical terms right about the world it's it's truly we live in a materialistic world rather than what most humans have done and probably still today most people in the world they think of both of a two-part world where there's the yeah physical and there's the unseen that's right we have like no room for the ncaa so the ascension becomes embarrassing but even if we're not directly embarrassed we just are like i don't know what you're saying it's like where is he right exactly somebody might ask where is he where if we only have materialistic categories yes that's really hard to answer but if you have a very built in there's two realms that's right then he's there and a great way to phrase that is and this comes actually from a dissertation work and reading actually a history of kind of spatial thought is exactly as you said we only think of space physically but space is also relational in terms of like they're communicating relationships of things through putting it in a spatial orbit if that makes sense so and we actually still do the same even in terms of like someone sitting at the front of the room you know what i mean yep absolutely like that's communicating something but i think in that world view they did have more of a relational view of like this is significant this has theological importance and even someone i mean like on inauguration day standing up and putting their hand over the bible and in the middle exactly it's still there in our imagination because i think it's actually humans we can't kind of get away from that yep um but that's it that's exactly right and so i think we in the modern kind of perspective we've we just don't know what to do with it but they knew like this is this is the crowning of the king this is why they could go i mean this for me reading through acts then in peter's sermon in acts 2 acts 2 36 he after an exposition of the ascension based on psalm 110 1 he says he is now lord and messiah because i saw him rise up into the heavens yeah yeah now he still has a body as well though so like that actually was a hard piece for me because i wanted to get past the physicality of it but i didn't want to go fully past the physicality of it because he's still a man yeah yeah he's in the glorified state and i think that's the mystery of he is still a human being in a glorified state in a physical body and a physical body right in a place that is beyond our comprehension yep that's right i just don't think that we can wrap our minds around and it seems like the new testament authors aren't interested in like well let me explain this to you physically like in terms of physics and metaphysics at the end of luke jesus blesses uh his disciples and i think it was uh kelly kapik who did a journal article on this who said that's the priestly blessing as they come like out of the presence of god and that was like oh i was i'd never seen that before and i thought it was so important in terms of so on on my chapter on priesthood it's not only sacrifice it's not only intercession but it's also blessing yeah blessing to his people yeah and i think that peace i had missed in terms of the blessing aspect of it kind of as you said yeah it's really good it was so well written so interesting it really was a neglected doctrine it made me think about all kinds of things when i teach the gospels and acts to tie in so yeah thank you man oh thank you appreciate it it's really really good so you finished next commentary what else you working on yeah i'm finishing it so we're still on editing and so that's in its final stages i'm working on a new testament overview book a visual outline oh yeah of the yeah i've showed you a few of the images but what we're going to do is we're going to outline each book with kind of a icon visual representation oh geez i'm sure you've gotten that just a laughing crying face every time yeah there's matthew here's where they're happy here's what they're saying and galatians he's just gonna be like another the nuclear one where his hat his head is blowing not exactly anyways so we're going to do that and the artist is so good and we what we do for every i don't want to talk too much about it but what we do for every section is we talk through like what image best represents like these few chapters so it's really hard to do something that's a great question so i'm doing that and then i have actually an axe so my world is axed now it feels like but uh good stay out of matthew uh like a new testament biblical theology that i'm doing with crossway on it is that for your dads it's for the city yeah my dad gives me every book well no i'm supposed to be doing the math you want it as well oh you're doing that that's right yeah and so it's more as you know it's more of a it's not tracing um like themes but it's more theological themes and seeing that in the book at least that's why i'm approaching i don't know if everyone's gonna do the same but i'm looking at um like god the father christ the son his action holy spirit the church so forth and so on uh in acts witness and so that's another another project that's great so yeah okay so as you may know there's some questions down below choose envelope there or in your neighborhood now yeah close well this is the slightly nicer neighborhood that one i think was just used recently so don't do that i don't know okay it doesn't actually the questions are kind of i don't know what's happening with those the questions are on repeat now sorry but uh what'd you get what's the oldest thing you own i need to come up with some new questions but that's fine uh i'll tell you a sad story right now i don't know if it's the oldest thing we own okay um we so we're moving in the transition of moving from portland oregon to kansas city missouri um and we got rid of a ton of furniture because most of our furniture was just kind of collected over the years right and we're moving we got to put on a big truck there's a few pieces of furniture that we have and one is this old antique buffet and it was the first piece of furniture hannah my wife bought for us okay as a couple yeah and she was like yeah we're not getting rid of this like this is my favorite piece it goes under our tv it's just kind of like this really neat piece and uh so we kept that but we like sold our bed we sold our couches we sold so much stuff and the movers came and um they broke the leg oh no they broke the leg and we were so sad and is it impossible uh yeah i talked to a woodworker who said it's fixable but you'll have to get like different lengths on it like basically it's not it's not fixable the way it is you can keep the base and then just get new legs on it and um so that's the sad story of the oldest thing we all ever heard all right well man this has been great yeah thank you so much appreciate it all right thanks hey thanks so much for watching three really quick things if you like this video subscribe to our youtube channel and connect with us on social media we'd really appreciate it secondly check out the comment section below we've put a bunch of program notes and links to interesting things there and third check out some of our episodes you can see linked here thanks we'll see on the road peace you
Channel: Cars, Coffee, Theology
Views: 1,475
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: WlKd32Y6qnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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