Carrying Awesome EDC Gear Without Looking CRAZY - My Pockets, Mini Kit, and MacGyver Kit

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[Music] what's up guys eric here with at home in the future we check out the latest gear and gadgets for modern families hey if you dig this video make sure you hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe if you want to see more videos like this all right today we're going to talk about one of my absolute favorite topics and that is edc gear everyday carry the stuff you keep on you every day so if you've watched any of our other videos before you know i love gadgets you know i love camping gear and adventure gear and that sort of stuff make sure you check out our truck edc video where i show you all the crazy stuff i keep in my truck but this video is going to be all about how to craft an everyday carry that you barely notice so one thing i've noticed on youtube with everyday carry is that people love to carry stuff and they keep a ton of stuff on them but they also to do so have to carry bags and slings and wear cargo pants all the time they've stuffed every pocket to the gills with everything they can fit in it but the way i approach edc stuff is a little bit different i try to get the gear that i need the most at the smallest size at the highest quality and carry it in a way that i barely notice it when i'm walking around so today i'm going to show you three things and these are the things i keep on me every day the stuff that lives in my pockets the second thing i'm going to show you is my mini kit this is the thing that normally lives on my backpack if i'm going to work for the day where the essential items is just nice to have that's what's in my mini kit so we'll show you that and finally i'm going to show you what i call my macgyver kit and this is a slightly bigger kit that normally goes with me when i travel sometimes this is my backpack too if i don't know what the day holds so i'm going to show you all that edc stuff in the video and if you look in the description you can find links for where you can buy all this stuff so if you get some good ideas definitely go check this out if you're into edc make sure you watch the whole video because i promise you i've got some stuff in these kits that you haven't seen mentioned on youtube before so let's dive in and get things kicked off all right like any good edc video we're going to start with the stuff that i actually carry on me every day it's not stuff that i carry in a little kit or in a bag or anything but stuff i'm actually carrying in my pants or shorts or uh on me in general so um first things first we'll start with a wallet now obviously i have car keys in the phone as well but i feel like that's kind of boring to look at what i carry for that because everybody has wildly different variations of that stuff that just depends on the phone you like and the car he likes so we'll start here with a wallet and i just carry one of these simple herschel sleeves the reason why i like these they're still really thin there's kind of a big edc movement right now to do those little card stack wallets that have you know eight credit cards stacked in a little metal container or like a little elastic slide but i actually like these quite a bit i can still get all the cards i need in it i can still get a little bit of cash in the middle but it's still really thin it has rfid protection i like it that it's actually still a little bit pliable too it's not metal it's not hard to sit on because i keep this in my back right pocket no matter what i'm wearing but really easy to manage i've had a few of these walls they hold up great so i've been really happy with these over the years so my herschel wallet is kind of my first place to start so i'd say the other essential if i'm leaving the house the things that always come with me are my wallet and then a knife so my knife of choice right now is the benchmade 940. so this is the kind of classic 940 osborne benchmade now i resisted this knife for the longest time i always heard these knife guys recommend this thing but man this has been such a great knife it's so comfortable to hold um i like all the metal jimping up here on the top um a little groove down here from my index finger it just fits so well in my hand so this is actually kind of a limited drop it may still be available i'm not sure but i got it from blade hq but it has these natural non-dyed g10 scales i think this is like m4 steel or something like that it's a little bit difficult to sharpen but what i really like about these benchmades beyond just the reputation for quality and just how great they feel in the hand is i really love this axis lock i like being able to flick these things open and close it with one hand so no matter what it's super easy to use you can hold it down you can flip it out it's hard to do on video but as somebody who uses their knife every day all the time several times a day there's kind of a pleasure that comes from a knife that you just enjoy the feel of it enjoy how it feels in your hand and everything just a really good knife so it is a little bit pricey this is something if you're just starting out with knives you may not want to immediately go for unless you know it's going to be something you carry for a long time but i've always been really really happy with this knife i'd say a great second place knife and the knife i carried for the longest time before this was also a benchmade and that is the benchmade bug out so this is i think it's like the 535 in their lineup but this is the blacked out version of the bug out now i forgot to mention with the other knife both of these are really light the osborne is a little bit heavier this one is notoriously light so light that actually freaks some people out like it's uh it almost felt like the handles could be not the best quality i don't feel any flex or anything with mine but this knife is killer because it is so so light it's easy to sharpen it feels really good in the hand has that same access lock system so really easy to open and close one-handed so i've always been a big fan of this and i carried this for the longest time before i fell in love with that osborne down there i still really love this this knife so if i'm going out somewhere where i want as little as possible weighing down my pockets this knife is so light that for like shorts in the summers normally just my wallet and this knife and that gets the job done so the benchmade bug out you can't go wrong there's a good jillion different colors of those you can find great deals even the mini version of this but this is a fantastic knife this one's the other one i didn't mention which should be around i don't know a little over 200 you can find these for around 150 170 depending on which colorway you want in it so again expensive for a knife of your newton knives but if you're an edc person your knife is kind of like i don't know your show piece the main thing that you feel like kind of gives you your character so let me show you a slightly less expensive knife is one more option and i don't carry this one as much anymore but the spyderco delica when i started carrying just a knife by itself this is the knife that i went for it's relatively inexpensive i've seen them go between 60 and 90 and it kind of has that classic spyderco quality where it now i can't do the spidey hole flick that a lot of people do it kind of freaks me out with this but man this thing it still feels really really good in the hand uh the only thing i don't like about this and one of the reasons i switched and kind of got pulled over to the benchmade side of things was i love that access lock part of those this is just kind of your standard back lock so to close it i know there's some folks that can do it one-handed it still takes me two hands to close this thing which is something i didn't like just from getting it out and put them back together really easy to open but you kind of have to push down that little back scale but this is a great budget night it's a vg-10 still it really can't go wrong with this a lot of if you're getting a starter knife this is a hard place to go wrong just budget-minded feels good in the pocket it does sit just a little bit wide when you use that clip in the back and it kind of pokes out a little bit you can get different clips for these things but um yeah that's the spyderco delica 4 there may be a delica 5 right now i'm not sure i'm going to put links for all this down the description but that's a really cool knife to start with okay let's say you live in a place where carrying a knife on you isn't an option i'm going to show you a killer little tool that if i can't take a knife somewhere this is always in my pocket and that is the lynch northwest all access pass now this is kind of a recent acquisition here this is something i kept seeing um in all these edc discussions and videos and forums and i was like what is this thing it's so cool but this is a limited drop item it's a solid titanium pry bar that has like a little bottle opener thing here it's got a little nail pool it's got a pry thing all these things that you're not supposed to do with your knife that everybody tries to do with their knives this is the answer to that it feels incredible in the hand the jimping on the top uh just feels awesome the designs you can tell each of these things are kind of a limited drop where casey the guy that makes these puts all these incredible finishes and stuff on this but this thing is insanely light again if it's something where you're out and like i don't know shorts in the summer you want little to carry at all kind of like this bug out knife this is a great option if you're going somewhere where you don't want a blade or you can't have a blade it feels so nice and just such a cool design also i'd say this thing actually wins the award for the coolest packaging just the whole unboxing experience of getting this thing and getting in the mail just custom stamps all over the place a really really cool item like i said this is something if i can't have a knife this will ride in my pocket and otherwise it rides in the little mini kit i'm going to show you guys later on so that's the lynch northwest all access pass this is the 1.6 version there's a tons of different versions of these and all the different colorways and everything definitely worth checking out insanely light insanely cool very cool items so that's everything that would typically ride in my back right pocket jeans shorts no matter what it's going to be a knife a wallet or if i can't carry a knife it'll be the all access pass all right let's move on to other pockets now my front left pocket is typically the pocket i keep my keys and the only other thing i keep in there is a tupa chapstick actually so burt's bees you can't go wrong i know a bunch of people have different brands of stuff they dig and everything this stuff just i don't know i go through this every few months i'll change out tubes and everything but always good to have on you so that is my favorite thing there that's really all that ever rides in my front left pocket i like to keep it kind of light all right let's move over to the back left pocket if i'm wearing some pants or shorts actually have one so i don't always keep something in my back left pocket um again with everything i'm carrying i like to keep it super light i don't like feeling like my pockets are way down or looking like i'm a crazy person carrying a ton of stuff but if i'm carrying stuff in that back pocket it's two items the first is a recent discovery uh which are these awesome um hanks from mighty hanks i'll tell you more about these this is a really really cool product that i didn't even know i really needed before i saw it actually on another youtube video and i think actually instagram i kept seeing these in people's knife shots or people do pocket dumps and show you all the stuff they're carrying but mighty hanks guys these things are just the most awesome thing to carry around with you super lightweight again that's kind of a theme of these things just top-notch construction and sewing that goes into these but it's not just a piece of fabric it is a small piece of fabric and it's thin and everything but for one thing the patterns are really cool and you can use it to wipe down stuff like you think but the real secret is this backside which is this awesome kind of a microfiber material here i think the original intent was to be able to like wipe down knife blades and just keep your stuff looking nice but where this really comes into handy especially if you work on your phone or work on your computer quite a bit is wiping down screens now i don't wear glasses i'm sure this would be awesome for that as well but this microfiber is awesome for getting smudges and stuff off but these mighty hanks are absolutely killer a great addition to have take up absolutely no pocket space because they basically just fold flat their designs are super super cool this is just like a tiny selection of random stuff here you can get kind of a classier thing with more of a flannel feeling cloth here same thing for this awesome kind of outdoorsy tree pattern i like these fun nautical things that have like giant squids and sea creatures destroying ships and stuff on them just really really fun an awesome american-made company really good folks to support so mighty hanks super cool well worth your time worth checking out and that's one of the things i keep in my back pocket now the other item i keep in my back left pocket the most is a pin and man i'm telling you if you're into pins at all you will not find a cooler pin than the folks at tactile turn i recently got this awesome i think this is their mini pin is the smallest one they make this pure titanium and just one it looks super cool on if you can tell in the video there but it has just these crazy ridges um everywhere that make it super super grippy but this thing is like probably one of the best constructed things i own from the pocket clip to how it's placed together but the coolest thing is this bolt action element right here and there's other bolt action pins out there actually have another one in the kit i'm going to show you here but nothing comes anywhere close to how clicky and fidgety this thing is i don't know if you can tell that there but it's one of those things when you take it out of your pocket to like sign a form or do something with you really kind of can't quit playing with it for a while to the point where people are like hey can you put that up it is super fun to have just top-notch assembly and stuff and so you can't even tell where you actually unscrew it to replace the ink cartridge like the tolerances are so tight on these and this is another one of those companies that's all about limited edition drops and everything so if you don't like the look of this there's tons of different colors and metals you can get on this they typically do like every quarter there's a limited edition model that'll have different features they got click pins they've got everything you want but tactile turn if you're going to carry a pen this is an awesome choice now again it's a premium choice it's something that you want to carry with you just kind of for the pleasure of having a really nice item if you're looking for a budget option the thing i carried for the longest time before that is a classic fischer space pen this is just their simple one you can get some of the clips as well but these just unscrew and fold and just kind of press together to make a longer pin element now they're known for being able to write everywhere which is a great quality i find the ink i don't enjoy how the writing actually looks at these as much the ink always looks a little bit pale to me or a little bit dim especially compared to some of the refills you get for a tactile turn pin but these are great budget pins i think these are less than 20 bucks most of the time easily fit in the pocket and slide in and out so that's another great option but that's what i keep in my back left pocket is always a hank and a pin okay so we've covered both of my back pockets we've covered my front left pocket which not much is in there just you know keys and a chapstick so my front right pocket is the one i use the most and that's mostly just because that's where my phone goes so if i happen to have pants on or shorts on that had that little fifth pocket a thing you never do anything with that is like actually one of the best spots to put some extra edc stuff that you might use now again you don't want much weighing that down so you want it to be small stuff but the biggest thing i find carrying in that pocket more than anything is this tiny little leatherman squirt ps4 now i used to carry a larger leatherman you'll see later in this video i used to carry that instead of just a dedicated knife but eventually it was i mean it's like four times the weight of carrying a knife so i got tired of doing that but i find myself missing all these tiny little tools that i'd only use randomly anyway i found myself missing those and this little squirt tool is the perfect answer the reason why is because it includes this tiny little pair of pliers now these actually work extremely well and for most cases this is really all you need if you need to grab something and twist something or snip a little wire or cord or something like that it's a great option and this thing folds up really really small the other thing i like about this is the other tools that are on it there's a little file on here that i use frequently there's tiny little screwdrivers that get the job done most of the time there's another little flathead there i think a tiny little bottle opener that thing's probably the only suspect tool on here it's not all that useful i also love it has a tiny pair of scissors but the great thing about this is all these little tools that you'll find on it are all outside accessible so you can get to them really quick you don't have to there's another model that's really cool another the leatherman micro which actually has a pair of scissors instead of these little pliers but i like having the pliers better and i also like having the little tools accessible on the outside so you don't have to open this whole thing up just to pull out a little screwdriver that sort of thing so this is a great fifth pocket tool reasonably inexpensive i think it's only about 35 bucks on amazon lots of different colors but that's a great little tool the other tool that i like to keep in that fifth pocket again not every day but if i'm gone at work for the day or somewhere where i think i might need it i always like to carry a flashlight with me now the one that i use the most right now this is kind of a new tool for me but this is a tiny little nightcore teeny two or tiny two i don't know how you pronounce it but this tiny little light itty bitty look how small that leatherman was look how tiny that is compared to that compared to a knife actually chapstick can probably be the better comparison here even compared to a chapstick really small but what i like about this light you have instant access to 500 lumens with this thing crazy crazy bright and then you have all these different modes where you can cycle through and if you notice here there's actually a little screen as you toggle through these modes that'll show you like how much light output you're getting how many lumens and how long that mode will last when you have it on so really cool tool it recharges with usbc which is handy on the side so it lasts a long time but with 200 lumens on you can get about 45 minutes of that in this tiny little light which is awesome these range about 40 bucks another great choice and the option that i used a long time before that was just a simple aaa light this is one from phoenix the ld02 there may be an updated model now but this treated me well for the longest time 120 lumens lasts about an hour had a nice tail click where you can do different levels and stuff on that but if you're going to carry a light which actually is still a good idea even though there's a light on your cell phone that is a great option either those lights these are the two that i use the most though carrying in that fifth pocket all right as we wrap up the edc stuff i carry on me almost every day i want to give you kind of a wild card thing that i like to keep on me if i'm wearing i guess short sleeves and that would be this tiny little survival bracelet thing i think it's called the gtfo this is a recent thing i found but it does two things one i mean it's just like a simple little thing you can have on just looks like a little black band but i always wear an apple watch so i normally have this on beside it but it looks simple but it has two key functions the first is this little thing right here if you notice this thing is stretchy this is actually a little carbide rock thing that supposedly you can break tempered glass with it so in the scenario that you're trapped in a car wreck or something like that you can actually break through the glass by stretching this out and snapping that carbide against the glass so really cool little tool to have on the other one i don't know if you can tell or see what this little thing is this is actually a little handcuff key so i don't plan on getting kidnapped or abducted or whatever else but it's just fun having little extra tools like that as part of just the accent piece that you wear every day so yeah that brings us to the end of the stuff that i wear or carry on me every day wallet knives chapstick these little hanks pins lights little multi-tools great lightweight options that's the key here lightweight reasonably priced but stuff you actually want to carry on you every day and you wouldn't really notice these are the things that stay with me the most so let's go check out the kits that i use to augment this stuff okay if you skip the first part of the video we just covered all the stuff that actually keep on me every day or almost every day all the different items knives and multi-tools and that sort of stuff so in this part of the video we're going to talk about these two mini kits that i've made that kind of augment that stuff so these are the two kits right here you notice one's significantly smaller than the other this one's about a pound and a half this one's probably four or five pounds depending on what's in it or if i move stuff um from kit to kit so uh this is generally the kit that lives in my backpack and this is the one we're gonna go through first but um this is the kit that i use if i know that i'm just kind of having a normal office day or nothing unexpected all that much just something where i wanna have some tools and handy stuff with me this is the one that i keep around for that purpose this one is more of the kitchen sink kit so maybe i know my day's going to be a little bit different or i'm traveling and want to take some tools and stuff with me this is kind of like my macgyver kit i don't know what i'm going to need but i might need it so it's going to be in here but for the first part here we're going to spend our time going through this little mini kit so this is just a little mini pouch from maxpedition you can get these on amazon again i'll put links to all the stuff down the description but it's got a little hanger if you wanted to hang it on something for some reason but right off the bat you'll notice two things i keep in the front here and that is this little moleskin notebook in case you just need something to write on moleskin stuff is always really nice the paper for some reason feels nicer than other stuff but there's a nice small one that fit in this kit well i keep that around me and i also keep um a little pin just in case i don't happen to have like my tactile turn pin or the other one with me i keep this little titanium pin from the awesome folks at big idea designs now remember that name because you're going to hear a lot about them here in a minute as we talk more about this kit but this is just a little simple bolt action pin it doesn't have the crazy snappy action that like a tactile turn does but if you're in a pinch you need something to write with this is lightweight gets the job done a really cool little pin it's got even got a little damascus bolt on it which is really cool so those are the first two items that live in this kit so let's unzip it and see what else is going on inside so right off the bat you're going to notice a theme and that is we got some awesome stuff in here from the folks at big idea designs what i really like is they make these tiny compact tools that are actually kind of hard work tools but they're small they're well made they're mostly made with titanium materials too so they're pretty light so we'll go through those first as we talk about these tools and right in the inside of the kit here so the first one this is probably my most used item in this kit and this is the bit bar inline and so while it may look about the size of like an edc pen or something like that this is actually a killer little screwdriver to kind of listen to that satisfying action when you slide that stuff in but it's got like a titanium tool out here it's got these nice big replaceable bits that just use you know simple tool bits if you want to carry specialty bits with you you can but you'll see they live down here in this handle where you can pop stuff out i keep a little hex bit a flat head and a phillips the phillips is what i tend to use the most but it's a great little grippy screwdriver that you can really get a good grip on better than almost any multi-tool screwdriver that you'll use as far as just feeling good and filling up the task you'd actually want to use this to put something together and take stuff apart it kind of replaces the full-size screwdriver but the biggest secret with this thing that i really like you'll notice these cutouts right here it will give you kind of a right angle grip if you need a lot of torque the thing i use the most though is if you kind of have a tough thing where you really need to put all your pressure on something to push into it maybe a screw is lightly stripped and you really want to get in there it gives you this nice confident t-handle grip where you can get in there and put all of your effort into screwing and unscrewing stuff so an awesome tool from the folks at big idea design um the bit bar inline a really cool tool so that's one of my favorite things in this kit and the things i use the most let's go ahead and take a look at their other tools this one here is their classic tpt slide tool so you see a lot of the big edc guys on youtube talk about these a lot of folks carry this instead of a knife i guess some people feel less threatened seeing like a little box cutter blade instead of a flip-out knife or something like that this is a great tool again really lightweight what i like is i'm tearing down a whole bunch of boxes and don't want to dull my knife this is a great tool for that these blades are super cheap and replaceable so a really cool little tool also has a little bit of a pry bar here in the end a little space where you can use i guess a hex wrench attachment there but a cool tool for that now they say that little blade and you see how it kind of has those little notches in it they're strange they say that's meant to be like a camping fork i don't know if i have much confidence in eating off that that kind of freaks me out but just a little piece of utility there also the opening there supposed to be a wrench and a pinch as well where you can i guess put that around a bolt to turn stuff but that's another cool tool from the folks at big idea designs and then another one that i find myself kind of forgetting about until i need it but then this thing is awesome in a pinch and it's just a little edc wrench titanium wrench they make that has all these different sizes you can see the whole scale on here of all the different size bolts you can get this thing around now looking at it you wouldn't think this thing is going to be all that useful or really give you the torque you need but it is super super confident um one thing i like about this is it's actually better than some larger wrenches and you're probably going to see one here later in this video but i found it a little bit more useful in situations where i didn't have much room to work or i needed to kind of get in tight where i couldn't get the tool metal around the bolt this is a great little tool to use in the pinch and it stays confident you put it on the bolt and that thing really doesn't move at all unless you want it to over here it's just a top-notch tool that is well built has a nice pocket clip this may even be something if you live in or you work at a job where you could use this sort of tool on a daily basis this might be a great thing to have in your pocket just like you carry a knife every day so that is the titanium adjustable edc wrench from the folks at big idea design so a tool that's well worth your time pretty cool stuff here so if you watched earlier in the video you already saw this awesome little tool here this is the all-access pass by lynch northwest again they have a lot of different models of these pry bars but it's all titanium it's all american-made it's got the coolest titanium finish on here that kind of fades in and out as a really cool sheen to it awesome bottle opener it's probably one of the best bottle openers you'll find in any one of these tools but if you need to pry something if you need to even this also works pretty good honestly to open boxes like i mentioned earlier in the video if i'm not carrying a knife or going somewhere where i can't this is a great alternative because it's not threatening but you can still kind of you know cut packaging tape and get into stuff i guess that's why they call it all access pass you can really get into just about anything pop nails open do all that just an awesome awesome tool from the folks at lynch northwest so well worth your time there very cool item and then the last thing we have in this main i guess the front part of this pouch here is something i picked up recently it's kind of ridiculous but kind of cool too it's the tack and tweeze from cevivi but this tie look how small this thing is tiny little tool here um it's just a pair of really nice tweezers so if you're in a situation where you need tweezers you need to i don't know peel a label off or do something like that this is a great little tool to have really cool item has a nice bronze finish it looks like it's been bead blasted or sandblasted to get a cool texture but a really fun little bonus item that i keep in this kit weighs nothing at all just awesome so cool little item to have there from cvv all right let's get into these little back pockets here because there's actually a lot more stuff in this kit that you can't really see just by looking at it so we'll start here on the left side we have some good old-fashioned zip ties useful for a thousand different scenarios and different things these are just cheap ones from harbor freight so if you want to pick some of these up you can put them in all sorts of kits keep them in your car great item to have all the time so just a few little zip ties here these little mini big lighters are absolutely awesome just last forever pretty killer you know anytime you light a candle or do practically anything anything involving fire it doesn't get easier than a bic lighter so there's more i guess busch crafty survival ways to do this stuff but for the sake of this kit just a nice thing to have in there another thing you see poking out right here is a great item i just added this recently actually and this is just some kevlar rope uh so instead of carrying paracord which is great but too bulky for this kit here uh this little kevlar rope weighs absolutely nothing uh still like 200 pound test so it can hold quite a bit of weight or be strong you need to wrap something up to hold but you never know what you need cordage for this is a great option this is pretty inexpensive on amazon the kind of order doesn't come with much for what you're paying for it but it's a good option to have and here's i guess one of the biggest tools you could possibly use and just some good old-fashioned quality duct tape uh this is just wrapped around the old gift card uh probably you know six or eight feet there i'm not sure how much it was when i wrapped it on there it's not something i bought again something i went out and kind of made with my um my own stuff i already had but awesome to have a little thing of duct tape again weighs absolutely nothing but man this stuff is so handy and i like that it's so bright too i kind of like to choose these brighter kinds in case for some reason i needed something to i don't know draw attention to something or x marks a spot or who knows having a bit of duct tape like that um is a great thing to have for that so i think that's everything on this side yeah so if you see on the other side right away you're gonna see a great little flashlight and this is held on with a little night eyes s-clip with these little things which these are great to have too for all sorts of things but this is the 1r eos from olight 120 lumen little light itty-bitty used to live in my keychain but now that i'm carrying some of those other lights i don't carry it anymore but um the great thing about this is twist to turn on but also recharges with a little micro usb thing i think some of the newer models may charge with a better port there so cool little light to have puts out a lot of light for what it is but super light really tiny perfect for a kit like this so a good option to have up there so now on this side i believe let me see if there's anything else nope this side is just my little kind of medical patch yourself up kit with a bunch of little items we won't go too into this because you can tell it's just typical stuff that you would carry um like band-aids and that sort of thing so just a few little useful items in here i carry just a small pair of earplugs you never know when that would be useful but it's always good to have these things lying around carry this tiny little med kit and this is just ibuprofen some sudafed and like i think some imodium or something like that in there so again this is just meant to be the at the office going to work every day the simple stuff this is the kit to get me through that so band-aids are in here always great to have this is a cool little product i'm actually received from icloth these little packs of screen wipes so it's a pre-treated little wipe designed to clean off any sort of screen so laptops and phones or ipads that sort of thing this thing works absolutely awesome so if your laptop gets as gross as mine does having one of these handy every now and then on you is a great thing to have these tiny little things here you may recognize these from my truck edc video but these are these little towel tabs that expand with water if you ever need a towel i guess to scrub stuff or clean stuff or wipe your hands down you need to more throw than just a wipe these are great they weigh absolutely nothing your kids also will think these are the coolest thing in the world so just throwing that out there i mean the last two items in the kit here are just fun ones a wet ones wipe um you know these are one of these things i didn't really feel like i needed until i was a dad and then i just find myself using these all the time so whether or not your kids get gross whether or not your hands are gross from doing stuff or eating ribs or something i don't know these are awesome they smell great they kill germs so it's awesome in the world we live in right now but buy a whole big mess of these on amazon and put them everywhere you need them you'll use them constantly so i keep an extra in this kit and this is something i actually received i think in a scout box recently um but i keep on me just in case again i don't ever expect to use this little kit in a survival scenario but it's great to have stuff just in case and this is a little water purifying thing it says it cleans up to two and a half gallons of water but this is one of those things where if you've got gross pond water or something you can just pour it in and stir it and it separates all the gunk and leaves you drinkable water so a great little extra thing that weighs absolutely nothing that's kind of how it works there weighs absolutely nothing a great extra thing to keep in the kit so that is it for this little mini kit here again this is the one that tends to live in my backpack if i just expect to have a normal day where i'm going to the office and back and don't expect to run into too much trouble this is the kit i keep with me and it gets me out of 99 98 of the stuff i could run into on a daily basis but let's go look at the really fun stuff and go look at that big kitchen sink macgyver kit all right so we've talked about the stuff i carry on me every day the little mini kit i keep in my backpack um it's time to bring out the big guns so this is uh i kind of call this my macgyver kit this is just my bigger kit here which is still really small by the way guys this is a vanquest bag i'll put the link to the model in the description down below but a really great bag but i tried to fit as much stuff in here as i possibly could i think i have over 50 different items in here and every one has a purpose so we'll dive into this but i will say this is the kit that that little mini kit's no big deal normally the stuff i keep on me doesn't roll in the eyes but this is the kit when i bring it out this is the kind of stuff that makes people think you're crazy so if you make a kit like this this is a thing that you probably don't want to bring out unless you really need it unless you want to get some strange looks from your co-workers and that sort of thing so let's dive into this thing before we open it up there's a space in the back that has some molly webbing if you want to attach it to something right now i'm just using that to attach these little uh cheapo velcro ties that you can get at harbor freight those are great in the front pocket here i'm not going to pull it out it's actually kind of hard to get in and now in case you need it but i actually have a 13 gallon trash bag in the front so you never know when you're going to need that but let's unzip it and see all the cool stuff that is inside of this thing so right off the bat if you make a kit like this if you're into edc stuff at all this is actually a really fun project to go through and try to pick all the stuff that you need in the kit like this so see lots of different items i'll take you through each one let's get going here so the first is probably actually my most recent addition and that is the small little nypex wrench which is just great it adjusts to like a ton of different sizes you can see how wide that thing gets but nipex tools they're expensive but they're top quality it weighs next to nothing but man you can really get a grip on stuff they also have a cobra model that has little teeth and stuff in it but i use these more than anything else i have a bigger set in my workbench too but uh there's an awesome little set to have made in germany top quality but if you need a little wrench to get a hold of something that you really need to clamp down and get a good good grip on you can see how tiny this thing is awesome little addition to the kit here so that's item number one we've got a simple little whistle i think this came from a survival kit or one of the subscription boxes i get always good to have a whistle tons of different uses for that keep simple these little micron pins are awesome these are actually what i use to make notes in my bible i just really like how they write these are great pens just if you have to write something that feels nice or looks nice those are a great option sharpie of course is self-explanatory if you're packaging something up and need to mail it hard to go wrong with the sharpie there as far as lights go you know this is redundancy and all my stuff here i've got lights and multiple kits i like to carry lights on me but this is a olight s1 baton mini a great little light hundreds and hundreds of lumens this thing puts out lasts forever uh rechargeable battery inside awesome light also is magnetic on the end this is actually the model that has like a really good color accuracy uh but magnetic on the ends if you need to stick it under a car or get something metal while you're working to give yourself almost like a makeshift lantern a great option to have again tiny and lightweight that's the theme here a little bottle of visine my eyes get dry so obviously good to have you don't think about this sort of stuff until you have it on you then i use this thing kind of all the time so a great little item to have there this is a water filter again i don't expect to need it but since this is the kit i don't think i mentioned that earlier actually this is the kit i kind of take with me if i don't know what my work day is going to hold or i'm traveling definitely if i'm traveling this is like the travel kit throw it in the car throw it in a bag when you're going somewhere new or somewhere you could have some adventure going on this will answer all sorts of different scenarios for you but this is a little frontier water filter it's not as good as something like a sawyer filter but it fit well in this kit and i think it can filter like 50 or 100 gallons of water there's a little straw back here that attaches with it but a good item to have just in case this is a fun one that this is another one of those items that i use like all the time at least once or twice a week i feel like i'm using this now you probably can't guess what this is from looking at it but it's actually just a nice little pair of collapsible scissors so if i needed a bigger set of scissors than what's in my little leatherman squirt that i carry in my fifth pocket um these little scissors are great especially good for like cutting paper and stuff but there's a handy thing to have that collapses really tiny itty-bitty cool little item you can find on amazon again i'll put a link down below but awesome item there and this is my multi-tool i keep in this kit which is the beloved leatherman skeletool this is the cx model you can get the blade open and close with one hand which i liked i actually carried this on me for the longest time before i carried a separate knife but eventually realized that even though this is a lightweight multi-tool it's still kind of heavy to keep in a pocket all the time but it's got a pair of pliers and wire cutters which are really nice it's got a screwdriver with replaceable bits here which we'll get to in just a second you can carry an extra bit here in the spine it has um let's see it's got a carabiner down at the end if you need that a bottle opener which is kind of an awkward bottle opener to use but if you're looking for a great multi-tool that's lightweight looks cool really affordable these i think are only about 60 bucks really a great option so that's the multi-tool i keep here in this kit we'll kind of put this up here now we'll switch over to the other side and talk about first the accessories for that which is leatherman's bit kit so i have it condensed down here into two little wedges but this gives you just about every little bit you could conceivably need to get into just about anything i've rarely encountered anything that i needed to get into unless it was like a specialty electronic screw or something like opening a nintendo those always use weird screws but this is an awesome accessory to have if you have a leatherman keep one handy keep one near you but again just about anything you can encounter um can be answered with a leatherman bit kit there so we'll add that there let's go down this side of things so right off the bat we've got just a little cheapo carabiner just if you need to hang something up somewhere it's handy to have we have this little tide to go mini stick which again is another item you probably wouldn't think of to have on you but if you get a stain spill coffee on yourself or i don't know all those things that happen in life or happen with your kids oh my gosh your kids especially these little guys can save the day it works like a little sharpie marker you just push it down and squirts out the tied stuff and just really helps some stains keep from setting in so cool little item to have there of course we talked about this from the mini kit but a tiny bic lighter i have other fire starting things in this one because this is the macgyver kit but a bic can't go wrong with that so there's normally a tube of super glue sitting right here but a week ago when i was using one i think i completely used it up and i haven't replaced it yet so i need to head to harper freight and get a replacement there now i work with electronics quite a bit so having a little memory stick i need to get a usb-c stick this is just the old-fashioned usb 3.1 or whatever it is but these things come in handy sometimes the internet isn't always there so having this sort of stuff is a nice little thing to have same thing for um phone chargers this one has two usb ports i probably need to upgrade this to one that has a usb-c port as well since that's kind of taking over the world right now but always handy to have one of these this item i bet you haven't seen in anybody's little adventure kits or eec kits and that's these tiny little earplugs called dubs they're actually they brand them as acoustic filters but if you've ever been in a loud environment for a long period of time and the next day your next few days your ears are just ringing like crazy these tiny little ear plugs they kind of popped out there but what they do is they they don't block sound completely but they reduce sound by about 20 or 30 decibels so if you're at a concert for instance which is where i typically would use these it helps you still hear the music everything still sounds great it just doesn't roast your ears so you get here for the next week awesome little item i keep these on because you just never know when you're you're going to be around something super loud for a long period of time these are a great thing they can help you out with that so they're from doppler labs another little thing you can get on amazon so cool item to have a little tape measure i can't tell you how often i use this thing you need to hang something up in a wall you need to i don't know measure something to get a print job done just having one of these little six foot measures is an indispensable little item same thing for duct tape this is one of those tiny little rolls this one has seen better days it's been beat up and well used and well loved again i use this stuff in a pinch all the time not only to hang stuff up or to fix things but to mark stuff if i need to i like getting a bright color you remember seeing that bright orange also in my little mini kit but love good duct tape so the last thing you'll see here i'll just well i'll go ahead and take it out why not i've got a good hank of paracord right here this is about i think 10 feet of paracord so you may remember from my mini kit i had that kevlar rope that was really nice but it's hard to go wrong with a good giant thing of paracord that holds a ton of weight in a super strong do all sorts of stuff with i got just small enough so it fits down there in the corner of that kit so awesome item to have there good thing at paracord so let's get into these pockets lots of fun stuff to discover here still so just like my mini kit and this i also have a little med bag full of all sorts of stuff we won't get into this the video won't be six hours long but aspirin acetaminophen um imodium there's some ibuprofen free-floating down there band-aids and all that stuff it's hard to tell you can kind of see it if i squish it apart there but lots of little stuff that could come in handy i threw in one of those little sticks there's a safety pin in there lots of little medical related stuff just in case i'm typically my truck has a huge if you watch my truck edc video has a huge really extensive first aid kit i'm normally not too far from that but if i'm traveling in a hotel or something like that that normally takes care of most stuff there so that's that kit i've got a little field notes notebook these things are always coming in handy and everything this is a montana edition but lots of little notes from all sorts of things in here i like being graph paper too sometimes that's handy if you need to plan stuff out so a good simple item to keep with you down here let's see what else we got we've got okay this again for travel stuff this is a little cloth reviver it kind of works like febreze you rub it on something um maybe we're at an airport and ate at a mexican restaurant or something and don't want to smell like a mexican restaurant later this is a great thing to get you cleaned up if you got somewhere to go after that again these wet ones wipes are absolutely awesome pretty much indispensable if you have kids or a family at all but i use these all the time so i keep a few in this kit so another killer item to have here let's see lots of stuff crammed down in here so i want to make sure i'm showing off everything okay so a few items here again we have more zip ties can't go wrong with zip ties always killer to have i keep them literally everywhere so a few of those i have for my little charger here usb cables for stuff i have a usbc cable i have a little micro usb cable and i normally have a little lightning cable in here i think i actually used it the other day and i'm not putting it back yet so let's uh let's keep digging and see what else we can find in here this is one my wife always makes fun of me for but you know sometimes you get fast food and they forget to like give you any silverware or anything to eat it with so this is a titanium spork weighs nothing super super strong but if you want to spork it in style this is the tool of choice for you so fun to have got some little stirry swizzle stick things here just in case you never know again you can find all sorts of uses for this stuff it's more like i said it's a macgyver kit so you kind of want to have stuff rather than not have it so a makeshift straw if you need one and this actually also pairs with that water filter i showed earlier to make sure you get water that way so that's an item that's useful for that and then we still have stuff in here guys we still have two other pockets behind this which is why i love this vanquest bag so much so we have some hand warmers which are a killer accessory to keep around always something that's in my glove box too but you never know when hand warmers can make a really miserable cold day just a little bit better so a little two pack there handy to keep around takes care of a lot of problems these little eye cloth things we saw the mini kit you saw one of these there as well but absolutely awesome for cleaning screens for cleaning up your phone if you have an ipad or anything like that even the little center console of your car that's something i've used off and on again i don't have glasses but it's a great item to have for that a little tiny microfiber cloth same purpose there let's see what else we got back here there's a lot of stuff back here i forgot about actually okay so we have a little fresno lens i think that's how you say it so a tiny little magnifying glass you can start a fire that way you can use it to read text and stuff obviously all sorts of uses for magnifying glass but that's a pretty large one here just about perfect for this kit a little chunk of tin foil again all sorts of purposes you can think of for tin foil from signaling to just laying down a surface that's kind of waterproof or something if you need to work this is great this is a pretty good amount i have really tightly compacted here so something good to have same thing i've got a big ziploc or zipper bag if you need to contain stuff or keep something waterproof these little towel tabs are great you saw these uh for my mini kit as well but just exposing the water and they expand great for scrubbing stuff down it's a great option to have there i think there's another one yeah that's another one down in here as well and then i believe the last thing in that section is some tweezers there if you're working with electronics or have tiny little things you need to pick up a little bit more robust than this or the tweezers i showed in the mini kit just a good ad item to have around there so let me make sure yeah that's everything from that pocket all right so we have one final little pocket here so we've got a ferro rod a tiny little ferro rod again i'm trying to keep this thing super lightweight this whole thing only weighs about four pounds three or four pounds believe it or not but a little thing if you need to start fire and strike it if that bick runs out of juice this thing will last a long long time so along the lines of that i have these tiny itty bitty little um let's see baddest b fire fuses is the brand uh you can find these in amazon a lot of different forms but little tiny fire starters that burn a long time if you need to actually start a fire fire not just light a candle a great little thing to have in there i believe they're waterproof as well so we have um of course some simple uh gloves here just your typical latex or whatever material these are type gloves you can get a harbor freight always handy to have you never know when you don't want to get your hands gross so it's just good to have that sort of thing i think we're coming down to our final items here so i've got a little small dust mask i think i packed this pre-pandemic so this isn't uh covetorated or anything like that but a little mask you can throw on they can keep you from inhaling stuff is always good to have and then we have a few more pairs of gloves just in case so i believe that is absolutely everything in this kit guys last time i checked i think this is somewhere between 40 and 50 different items but like i said i like to call it my macgyver kit because it's something that i try to think of every possible scenario where i could pack something small that would make it better and put it in this kit and this cool little pouch from vanquest really solved that problem for me so a ton of fun to put together and i hope it was fun for you watching all this stuff as well because i had a lot of fun putting together these kits so yeah that's my everyday carry stuff that's my mini kit and that's my macgyver kit hey i hope this video has been helpful to you if you want to get any of this awesome gear that i've showed off in this video these companies make some killer stuff go check out everything on their website but i'll also try to put absolutely everything i talked about in this kit uh links down in the description of the best prices i can find it in case you want to start building your kit on your own so i hope that helps you if you like the video make sure you hit that like button it does help our channel out a ton and subscribe if you want to see more outdoor gedc stuff like this we'll see you next time
Channel: At Home In The Future
Views: 901,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: edc, every day carry, everyday carry, edc pockets, edc knives, mighty hanks, tactile turn, edc mini kit, edc backpack, edc backpack kit, edc organizer, edc mini organizer, best edc, edc office kit, edc mini pouch, big edc pouch, small edc, minimalist edc, simple edc, minimalist every day carry, edc 2022, my everyday carry, 2022 edc, best edc 2022, edc micro kit, edc each pocket, edc gear, edc knife, backpack edc, edc bag, edc kit, edc tool kit, EDC
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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