15 Tools for EDC Gear Junkies

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guess when it comes to edc the sky's the limit there's so many different things that are out there you know one thing that i typically carry is my flashlight i carry my knife and i carry my phone my billfold you know those normal things that we all carry but one of the things like about the flashlight is before i started carrying a flashlight i didn't really see a need to carry it but once i started carrying it i found that it made life so much easier uh having a light in your pocket being able to see even in low light situations so we're going to take a look at some unique different edc items i just happen to get in the mood this is going to be a totally different video than anything that i've done lately and so it's just a lot of different very innovative edc items some i found here and there most of them i just purchased there were a couple of things that have been sent to me but yet i still use them and so just going to check it out just kind of a different thing but one thing i do want to mention before we get started is my brother is a fisherman and he's been fishing for all of his life he loves to fish and actually he's pretty good at it he's even done guide work for orvis he likes to buy good quality stuff but he'll use it until it falls apart and he's not a gearhead he doesn't like all this stuff and you may be someone that sees no need in any of this but guys the edc market is growing it's huge and so i just thought it would be fun just to show some things there may be something that piques your interest and if you're really into edc gear i think you're really going to like this video there's a lot of cool things we have guys if you can think it up there's probably somebody out there that's designed it i mean there's a lot of different tools for edc and edc has become so big that small companies can get started and bring out a product and really be able to make some money on it that's the beautiful thing about capitalism i mean it gives us a lot of choices now again you may be like i don't care about any of this stuff i just like my basic knife and flashlight i understand that but there are a lot of guys that like something different and guys to be honest with you i've done so many different type reviews i just really wanted to do something different but this does pertain to edc it pertains to being prepared on a daily basis so we're just going to look at a few things something might pique your interest guys this is something that kind of piqued my interest recently i was in smoky mountain knife works this is the gerber armbar drive one thing that's been big and something that i've kind of take note of is that there's a lot of drivers that are out there to be able to fit these small little bits there are so many times where you know you can use a bit whether it's phillips head flat head torx i mean there's a ton of different drivers and so this makes it really cool to be able to use that this comes all the way out and you can use it to drive whatever tighten up a screw you know unscrew something also you can take it out it has the flat head on the other side and it's magnetic so it stays into place and you can put other bits in here as well even one-sided bits here i have just a standard one-sided bit it'll fit in there so if there's something in particular you want to have a little small kit that goes with it you can do that but i just think that this is a really cool little tool it's very small now it also has a number of other tools in fact i believe there's seven we also have a knife and it's just a straight edge knife it's two and a half inches in length it is a lock blade right here just press it and you can close it and then here we have a small awl and also we have a pair of scissors and these are actually spring loaded scissors which i really like so you can cut that let me go ahead and bring this back these do not lock on this outside but here we've got a good pair of scissors so it makes it really nice especially for more of an urban type situation but you know we're always cutting things right here you pull this out this makes a bottle opener here but it's also a pry bar so you can get this under something and pry it up also on the back side of this is an impact or a hammer what they call a hammer so i can take and get some leverage and just tap it there's not a lot of weight to this so it's going to have to be something really small but it's just one of those things you can just slide in your pocket instead of carrying a standard multi-tool if you don't necessarily need a pair of pliers and it has this anodized finish on it the orange but they also make it in black so there's a number of different ones it's just pretty cool i think these run about 29 they also have one with a corkscrew here so this is the gerber armbar drive this is the gerber prybrid kind of like hybrid this is a small little multi-tool what i really caught my eye honestly was this little razor it's like an x-acto razor number 11. these are replaceable obviously and you can keep this in your pocket especially if you're cutting boxes or doing some kind of small cutting you push in on the button pull it out and so it's it's safe and then you have to push it down to bring it back down i think this is an aluminum body here and then we have a steel pry bar at the end has a nail puller has a wire stripper we also have a bottle opener you know one thing i've had people ask before they said every one of these tools has a bottle opener what the heck well it's just real easy to add and so then you have another tool and then of course you have your paracord pulled around it but this is just something kind of unique i think these run about 23 dollars not positive but you know you can unscrew these to be able to replace your blade but it gives you a little bit of a pry bar and you can cut with it next we have the teal designs this is the spry bar they make a number of different pry bars a lot of different configurations this one just happens to have the pocket clip they have some of an integral ring and some other things and then this one has the drivers and this was the reason why i really like this one in particular the driver is here of course you have your pry bar and you have a bottle opener and then we have a little paracord knot or lanyard at the end the clip is very nice but this gives you a way to have your bit a quarter inch bit you can take it with these o-rings and it'll actually hold this into place when you put it in here and then you can use it to be able to unscrew screw do whatever you need to do and you can replace it with different type bits i think these are dewalt bits so they're pretty strong but this is just something that if you need a driver it's just a way to have it and then you can have your pry bar as well but another just really cool design and i i'm not really sure i believe these run about 50 i think and actually all of this stuff i've just purchased so there was a couple of things and i'll point that out that i didn't purchase that i was sent but most of this stuff i just got online and said i want some cool stuff now this is the v2 precision driver and it's pretty much just a driver but it's just really cool this is probably the most ornate piece that i got out of a whole crowd this was a collaboration between jw knives and combat beads and one of the things about this has an opening this is actually solid copper it was taken from one piece of copper and then milled down you have a frag kind of effect here at the top and you'll notice right here is a wheel that actually turns its own ball bearings but it's actually on skateboard ball bearings and you can act you can actually replace this by taking this out and replacing the ball bearings if you need to or you can clean it and then you can take your driver it's magnetic tip so it goes in here and then as you turn it because that ring turns it makes it really easy to turn as far as a driver i really like this but it's really beautiful design and of course with it copper this was actually with the antique copper you can get it in just standard copper and you can get it in a number of other different designs probably i think you can get this in titanium and of course steel and some others but then you can just take your different bits and this comes with three bets comes with a t8 torx comes with a flathead and a phillips head bit but you could carry a small kit with this and you could pretty much have whatever you need and one of the things about these bit drivers is if you're out on the range and your scope starts to kind of it comes loose or whatever which we've had that happen before this allows you to be able to you know make repairs right there while you're out in the field and that obviously includes all the different drivers that i'm showing but these are a little more pricey i think these run about 99 dollars i've seen them up to 155 if you get a lot of different ornate especially the titanium or the different finishes on it so while this is not cheap it sure is cool and this is really made to be used not to sit uh you know in a box but one thing about it it does weigh about 4.6 ounces so it's fairly heavy but it's three quarter inches in diameter and it's just solid now this is the griffin tool and i've had a number of griffin tools over the years but this one is the adventure tool it's one of their newer ones uh the one thing about the adventure tool is it has an integral carabiner right here so it presses down you can hook it to different things and then you can unhook it so it makes it easy to be able to pull on and off a griffin tool has been around for a long time in fact casey who owns griffin tools a good friend of mine uh he was the manager at going gear before and started out on his own with this company and he has done extremely well there are a number of different types that they do and different sizes but this again is the adventure tool and there's different kind of materials they use copper titanium brass and so you can check that out on the griffin tool website and it's actually griffin pocket tool now this one has of course a pry bar here and a nail puller the little stradia lines here represent 1 16 of an inch you have a phillips head screwdriver here but you can use these the pry bar as a flathead screwdriver and then you have places here where you can put bits all the way down and it'll take different size bits and you have a quarter size bit here so i can take my quarter size bit put it right here and i can use this as a bit driver as well and then we have a 5 16 bit driver and you'll notice this little cutout right here and this is made for a small lanyard if you want to put something there or attach it to a keyring but i believe there are actually 12 tools included in this piece and so it's one of those small little tools that you can use for a number of different things and yet you hardly know what's in your pocket and actually here is one of the stowaway tools that they do and they do a number of others but this is the original configuration so this will actually clip into your pocket but this again is one of their smaller ones and uh i believe it's kleckler knives they collaborated with to make this one and these run about 40 dollars but i think there are some that run down to about 25 and they have some that are larger that are more expensive now here's something that's very unique and this is the small rig multi-tool this is actually small rig makes tools for cameras camera companies photographers things like that it has bits on either side and you take these little arms and you pop them out and then you can just roll it out now this one has the hex wrench and there's two on each side here you just bring it around and use it you've got a good leverage on this tool and then of course you have different sizes here and then once you're finished you can just bring that and close it on the other side we have torx and phillips head and these are typical for the photography industry but there it is and then we have a phillips head and then here at the back you just press down and push this forward and this is excellent for a flathead screwdriver and it's non-torquing so you can really get a hold of it and put some pressure on it it's all aluminum it's pretty lightweight except for the tools the tools obviously are steel to close it there's a little safety right here and then you can just close it up now you'll notice these little holes this is made to put replacement screws or the different screws you need and they're threaded so you can just put your screws in here and they have a screw pack that you can get is an option to go with this but uh i just found this and i thought it was cool and so here it is and these run about 39.99 so under 40 bucks now i happen to be in psa recently and i just saw this and i thought that is just kind of cool and so this is the macv tool or mac tool however you say it this has a number of different tools for this small little piece in fact we have a bottle opener here you have a small little pry bar here at the end and nail puller we have a phillips head here and then we have a flat head on the other side we also have a small little seat belt cutter here and then we have a knife sharpener here and you have a larger flathead screwdriver here and this does have a carbide sharpener in here and then we have different hex sizes 3 8 5 16 and a quarter inch so i mean there are a ton of different features on this really flat little tool and you can just pack this away and so you know and then also here we have a quarter inch hex bit driver so again put that little quarter inch in here pull it down and you can use it and so just keeping a few bits together i mean it allows for a lot of things so this is just a pretty cool tool that i saw i think these run about 14.99 and uh for a lot of tools it's all steel so it's gonna hold up and it's made by sog and it has that cool skull on here if you're into that now this is something that i found at blade show in atlanta this past a couple of months ago and this is the three key outfitters mrs marine spike the marines use a spike for different things and different tasks the guy that owns three key outfitters is a marine great guy we had a great time at their booth they make this in the eight inch with this is the eight inch and they make it in a six inch i personally would have rather had the six inch but a buddy of mine was with me and so he wanted the six inch and they only had one of each left because they sold them so quickly and so i took the eight inch i had the six inch actually on order at this time but this is a really sturdy spike and there's a lot of uses to this not just as a self-defense tool which when i first saw it that's what i thought about but it's 80 crv2 steel and it's heat treated properly just like you would a knife and so it sits flat because it's squared off on each edge it's not going to just roll around and they've taken bank line and wrapped this up for a handle to make it a little more comfortable but this has resin impregnated in it and it's attached to here and it just keeps it from rusting underneath so this is just really to me this is just such a cool thing now this is a little cover it's a high pressure seal tubing and what they've done in the bottom is they've stuffed and all impregnated felt at the bottom so it doesn't rust your tip and so when you put it in here it fits pretty snug and then when you pull it out you know it keeps it protected and of course obviously we have some 550 cord right here but one of the things about this that is really unique is you can use this to split wood the the spike really cuts into the wood and you can use it actually according to these guys it works better than a wedge and so that is one great field craft use for it also if you're fishing or you're hunting and you need to take something and you need to pin it down especially like fishing you can pin it down with the marine spike and you can clean it a lot easier and there is a number of other things that this does it's just a cool little piece and you know sometimes you need to have something for a scribe or you need an awl i mean it gives you a lot of different options and so i like the way this thing covers and these run about 30 bucks and again you can get it in the six or the eight inch you can get it without the bank line on here if you want and that's three key outfitters now this is something that i found on gg and g tactical which they make a lot of different scope mounts and other things but this is something it was kind of unusual when i saw it this is their covert defense tool it's called the penetrator and it has a regular cap here so you can put this in your pocket and you it just looks like a pen but when you take the cap off we've got a penetrator for sure this is great for a self-defense tool but it's also good for deflating tires or even emptying containers if you have containers and you need to empty something you can puncture it and everything will flow out and it is hollow all the way through now this one is in titanium it does have a handle that's some kind of polymer it's very strong and so this makes a great self-defense tool as well so it just gives you one of those options it's just different and according to what you're doing but again it makes it very covert because you can just put this in your pocket and no one knows the difference and the price on the gg tactical covert defense tool penetrator it's 32.65 and it's on the gng tactical website now this is the key bar junior and for years i have carried the standard key bar and this is in copper in fact here is my copper key bar that's the full size and i love this i mean this has been great i did pull this kind of out and i need to replace it but these things are great you just take and pull your keys around and it's just really simple to be able to use and i love this it just keeps your keys in one place and then you can attach keys here and i've got a magnet right here that we can just undo this if i want to get in my car but this is the junior it's much smaller it doesn't have that big end and then also we have a different type pocket clip that actually fits inside and then comes around i got this at blade show as well but i know the guys at key bar i've done a number of videos talking about key bar because i've just been a fan of these for a long time so he did hand this to me and so it's just one of those things but guys honestly i love these and you can just put your keys in it and you can fold them out however you want to so key bar and it comes in a number of different materials different colors different you name it i mean you go to the keybar website and there's a ton of different things even titanium and anodized aluminum you name it and these are all made in savannah georgia and they do a fantastic job and the price on just the key bar is 44.95 i think the clips run a little bit more but this is the solid copper so you know the aluminum ones are cheaper so you can just get on the keybar website and check it out and here we have the raven workshop key grip and so you can place your keys in here and just fold them out it's a little bit of a different setup for your keys i haven't actually put my keys on here because i'm such a fan of keybar but i have been planning to put an extra set of keys in here the one thing about raven workshop is that while they their website they're not really doing anything right now they said they're gonna get back started but uh i don't even know the price on these but this is just something unique and another way to keep your keys um you know and there's a number of different ways the key smart and there's other ones that are actually pretty good so no reason why you can't get your keys organized and since we're on keys this is the helix key ring by k and mt craig hill it's brass it's just kind of cool it's knurled on one end so you can unscrew it put your keys on there especially if you want to take them on and off and then you've got a key ring so just another cool design is solid brass just unique i don't have a price on this i believe i got these at urban edc supply and there were a number of things actually that i ordered at one time so uh you can check out urban edc supply dot com and guys this is just something that i picked up on ebay it's a brass spike and it's just really cool looking to me and that's the reason i bought it it's got the finger grooves you can really get a good grip on it i like the texturing back here lanyard hole very weighty because it is brass and then there's some kind of design on this part right here at the tip and so you can use this for a number of different things i think even as a scribe if you want to mark something but obviously this is more of a self-defense tool if you live in a really bad area and guys with all these type tools just make sure you check your local laws here i have the shirepost.com i win you lose i win you lose this is a definite winner if you want to win no matter what this is the coin to have and i really got this for fun uh you know you can make a choice and say okay what are you going to do let's flip a coin and so either way you're gonna win this is just fun but uh shirepost.com i think i actually got this through urban edc supply as well but um this is just a cool little coin i think they run about 10 bucks so it's not made out of nickel and uh just one of those fun things plus it has the skull now this is a favorite of mine and this is uh tango yankee which means thank you in radio jargon with the military this is a chip and it's the tango yankee chip website this is actually a buddy of mine daniel shaw veteran solid guy i got to know him through gun mag warehouse but uh this is a coin that you give to people who have made an impact on you or you've seen somebody do something that's really just outstanding says be the one to recognize kindness tango yankee what you do in this life matters and it's one of those coins that you just give as a sense of gratitude towards someone and so daniel actually sent me a couple of these and i just thought the idea was so cool i mean it is just a standard poker chip and you know i have given these out to a number of different people including my sons including different friends of mine uh you know if they make a difference in my life and guys i'll tell you one thing about this coin you know it just seems like there's so much anger and hate out there i don't know what's going on and our manners have gone to the wind and so to me this is just a symbol of bringing back civility and just really respecting people and a sense of gratitude and that's it tangoyankychip.com in fact i bought a whole bag of these to give out and i've given out a number of them so guys if you want to up your edc if you want to do something different i mean maybe this will give you some ideas but there are so many other choices and things out there it's just incredible so get your edc how you want it and if you want to up your game i hope this gives you some ideas so guys again just a lot of edc choices you can make your life better if these are some items that you feel like you can benefit from you know if you're just ready to stick with what you have that's fine too because that just gives you more for guns and prepping and everything else but you know if you like the edc you know it's something that you carry on your person every day and it's something you use and when you need something it's right there at your fingertips then maybe something that we've been showing might just be something where you go ah i had never thought about that that's cool i need it but if not guys you know you stick with your knives stick with your flashlights and your normal edc and that's fine too if it works for you be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the republic and then when you finish just slide it in it does fit in here very easily but of course behind the camera i'm gonna have a problem now this is the v2 precision let's do all that all over i like the copper in fact and unfortunately i have no idea what the price is let me see
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 40,106
Rating: 4.8854213 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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