Bushradical Ultimate E.D.C.

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how's it going everybody my name is Dave Whipple and you're watching Bush radical on the 27th of January of this month I will have been doing YouTube for six years and one of the questions that I've been asked over and over and over is what is my EDC and I never thought I'd actually have to answer this question but I've got it a thousand times you know when I started doing YouTube videos back in 2017 Bushcraft was huge the whole survival industry I suppose was huge everybody on YouTube that was into that they were doing stuff about bug out bag a ton of EDC videos and I just never was into that I'm not that prepared to be honest you know they'd say this is my go bag for 2019 and these are the things that I carry in it there's nothing wrong with that I totally understand the concept I just always been too scatterbrained to uh to have everything I need together at one time so the whole EDC thing was never my cup of tea right but I've got that question again and again and again and again for six years so today I'm going to show you what my EDC is everyday carry and I hope you get something from it stay tuned so here's what's in my pocket on a daily basis that's what I carry every single day no matter where I'm at now the fact that everything I have here is yellow is just kind of a coincidence I always carry a pocket knife and I like the smaller pocket knives and generally I generally use the the smaller blade on the smaller pocket knife this is an imperial brand it's made in the United States it's got a real cheap exterior but the steel that the blades are made out of is really good steel it sharpens easy holds an edge pretty good I don't think I've ever paid more than six bucks for one of these things and I have several of them I have a whole box of pocket knives and I bought every single one of them at garage sales or flea markets especially flea markets and I don't think I've paid more than eight bucks for any one of these knives I kind of got I've got knives that are too big that I don't want in my pocket and then I've got knives that are really comfortable to carry and the big ones really never get carried and the smaller ones I swapped those out when they get dull if I'm carrying a knife for a week or two and it's just gets too dull to be useful I throw it back in the drawer and then just grab a fresh one and about once a year I'll take them all out to the garage and I'll sharpen every one of them put them back in the box and then those big ones I just like to have them they're just kind of nice you know if I find a good deal on a quality knife for a couple dollars I pretty much always buy it if I run into somebody that doesn't have a knife you know I'm happy to give them a knife but I probably have fifty dollars into having 30 knives or so to be totally honest I never used to carry a pocket knife because I didn't like it in my pocket if my father-in-law Mick Bellinger he showed me his knife one day that he carried and he had this little tiny tin covered Imperial it was kind of like the one I just showed you but it didn't have didn't have a colored scale around the outside it was just tin colored and it was small and he said man I just love carrying this type of knife because you don't even know it's in your pocket and that kind of changed the way I looked at knives after that because I had plenty of knives but I never really carried a pocket knife and so I I started really focusing on picking up small pocket knives when you're in your pocket you don't even know they're there because they're small and you generally never need any more than just a little tiny blade like that and that brings me to my second EDC small Bic lighter I like yellow because it's easy to find Orange is good too just like with the pocket knife I like the small mini lighters a lot better than the full size I honestly don't want this in my pocket it's just too big you can see that there's a massive difference in size now one thing I do with all my lighters I get rid of this stupid child proof spring you just pry off this tin collar and you can see that spring once you get that collar off you can just bend this thing and just pull it right out of there and you take the collar bend it back so it's maybe even over bent so it's a little narrower than it was before and you take and just kind of force it back in place until it snaps back into place and it's much much easier to work now what got me started carrying the lighters I fell in a river back in I don't know 2000. it was a warm day 70 80 degrees we're floating section of river we hadn't been on north of Fairbanks Alaska the China River out towards China Hot Springs me and another guy in the canoe we flipped the canoe an hour into the trip it was supposed to be a three-hour trip and it was a really warm day all of us were just t-shirts and and shorts we ended up being on the water for about eight hours because it was a much longer trip than we thought and by the time we got off that River I was hypothermic this is August in Alaska so it is starting to get quite dark and it was a kind of an unseasonably warm day it's kind of middle middle to late August by the time we got off that water it was in the high 40s probably and I was freezing to death and after that I have never went anywhere without carrying a lighter all the cabins that you see on this channel they all have wood stoves I'm constantly lighting fires constantly burning papers in the wood stove in the garage I use this later every other day at the very least I like the yellow because it's easy to see this is one of the greatest tools out ever stick it in your pocket forget it's there I mean you can't fly with it but other than that you can carry it anywhere you go of course the other thing that I carry every single day everywhere I go is is a guitar pick this is pretty much an irrelevant thing to tell you guys I carry because very few of you probably play guitar some of you do obviously but every video I've ever shot that has music in it is music that I've recorded and I'm always buying and selling instrument so I always have guitar picks in my pocket so I'm going to Branch out from what's in my actual pocket and I'm going to show you guys some other things that you might want to really keep in mind that are good edcs now here's kind of my truck EDC starters some Werther's Originals another scarf because if you keep your neck warm the rest of you is always going to be much warmer I always carry an ax in my truck now a real legitimate question is why would I carry an ax in my truck and the simple answer is I spend a lot of time in two-track country and you get on those back roads especially in the shoulder seasons of the year and you're very likely to run across the tree that's laying across the road now I have a chainsaw that goes in the truck goes out of the truck goes in the truck out of the truck but if I forget that saw for some reason I always have an ax in the back of the truck and if I'm cruising down a two-track on my way to the cabin I've got my groceries I'm going to spend a couple days and then I run into an eight inch log across the road the odds of being able to get that out of the way you know you run into a good sized log that's come down across the road and you don't have a saw with you you're probably not going to go any farther so I generally have a chainsaw when I go up North but I always have an ax and I've used it lots of times I've used it in building projects I've used it chopping stuff out of trails but it I just forget about it it goes behind the seat I never think about it another thing you're going to find in my truck you're going to find a nice big heavy tow strap now the toe strap is as much for pulling stuff as it is for for getting unstuck generally I don't get stuck I don't really go many places that are questionable and you know this truck's a it's a four-wheel drive so I'm not generally on questionable footing but I have pulled a couple other people out with my strap and I've pulled stumps out with the strap I've pulled trees you know it's just a good thing to have it's a lot easier to pack around than a chain it does pretty much the same work as a chain another thing I always carry this is just a chunk of a Coleman Camping Pad now you can buy a full-size pad and cut four or five of these little kneelers out of that Pad but when you're changing a tire when you're down working on something especially when the ground is wet no just this dollar chunk of foam I mean it's worth its weight in gold keeps your knees from getting buggered up you know for like 20 years I was a Concrete Finisher I spent a lot of time on my knees finishing concrete so my knees are they're pretty happy to have a little pad to kneel on if you're working in wet if it's raining out it keeps you from just getting miserable and so I find that I use this pad for so many things so often that I would hate to be without it another thing I carry Everywhere I Go is I always carry tools everything in here is half inch drive I have a set of metrics in there a set of saes I've got a half inch breaker bar I have two ratchets and then I have a complete set of deep Wells that toolbox generally stays with this truck you know this old F250 it's got a quarter million miles on it and every part on this thing is big and beefy so a 3 8 drive socket set and Ratchet it's just out of the question now personally for me I change my own Motors I change my own Transmissions I do all my own Automotive work so where I grew up I had I had uncles that lived real close and my grandpa and grandma lived close to my dad you know I lived with my dad and everybody in the family worked on their own Vehicles everybody and everybody had older stuff and they kept it on the road by constantly repairing it and that's still the way I look at it like I I never assume that this truck is going to make it to the up and back I also know that if I have a problem and I don't have tools with me I'm dead in the water I get my phone out and I call for help and I don't want to do that if I don't have to speaking of calling somebody my cell phone is a hand-me-down from my wife and my daughter I always get the phone everybody's done using and this is an iPhone SE I have talk and text on it I do not have internet I don't have data on it because uh you know I got big thumbs and I don't want to surf the net on a phone call me old-fashioned but no internet on my phone so even if I needed to call somebody I'd have to call somebody else to look up the number for a tow truck so I always carry tools with me if I need to change a belt if I need to change an alternator if I need to change you name it I want to make sure I have the stuff with me another EDC item absolutely everywhere I go anywhere I go I always carry a headlamp and I always carry the same one I have probably three of these this is the Rayovac indestructible headlamp I think I bought these at Home Depot they're 15 bucks or so but they literally are indestructible I've had this headlamp for I don't know six years seven years it's just Beat to Death these are these are really bright as opposed to having a really diffused light they've they've got a nice Spotlight characteristic I actually like the older ones better the older ones have like over the head strap too but they also the LED bulb itself is a little different it's more of a white like a natural light and the newer ones are a little more of a yellow to to the light I don't know if that makes sense but the light quality in the older ones is a little better the ones that have a strap that goes over the head but they actually are pretty much indestructible the batteries don't last the longest some of those old petzels that are super super dim you know they might last a month but you can't hardly see anything you know this is a good bright Spotlight of a headlamp I just think it's the best one made but I always carry one Speaking of which when I say I always carry one generally if I'm going somewhere I'm carrying it in the car and I always put it in the same spot that spot is right there I always hang my headlamp off the shifter right there and the reason is super simple a lot of times when I'm going up north or traveling up in Alaska or whatever I've got the car the truck just piled with stuff sleeping bags and tools and poles and just you just name it right if it's dark out and your car is absolutely full of stuff and you find all of a sudden that you need the headlamp you need to find it even in the dark with your eyes shut you could just reach up to the shifter lever and you know it's right there like if you put your headlamp in a backpack you always want to put it in the same spot so even with your eyes shut you can find it and if you keep it in a car which I usually do I want to know that even with my eyes shut I can find that headlamp every time really easy I don't mean to play tricks on you guys I know a lot of people ask me the question what's your EDC and they're they're expecting me to say I carry a whatever pistol in this holster and that's just that's just not my thing this is my EDC and one of the most important things about what I actually carry every day is water I know this sounds stupid but a lot of times I'll be sitting at home and I'll be half dehydrated because I'm so used to drinking out of a water bottle and if I'm on the road for any amount of time I've got this old canteen this is made by Merrell the company that makes cookware and it's one gallon so you got one gallon of water here you got one quart of water here if I'm going anywhere more than 100 miles I have both of these filled up and then generally an extra jug and I put them all in the car or the truck the idea going somewhere without drinking water I know a lot of people that do travel without water right at hand but I can't wrap my head around it I don't see any anything practical at all about not having all the water that you need with you wherever you go another thing I carry with me all the time everywhere I go except right now I don't have it with me is is a pad a paper and a pencil our pen because I'm constantly making lists so I can just remember the stuff that I know I'm going to forget this is definitely a video that I never intended on making but because I've been asked this question literally thousands of times over the last six years I figured it was time to at least answer those questions so if you've ever wondered what my EDC is those are the things I have with me everywhere I go every day but other than that that's about as far as I've ever made it with preparations nine times out of ten I just wake up in the morning and I put my stuff together for whatever's going on that day but if you've ever wondered what I actually do have on me every single day no matter what I hope you found this video informative thank you guys so much for watching my name is Dave Whipple and you've been watching Bush radical and be radical eh see you soon [Music]
Channel: Bushradical
Views: 153,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDC, E.D.C., Survival, off grid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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