Carry-on Packing Tips in 2023 by Full Time Travellers. Easy Hacks + Thailand Update ✈️ Vietnam

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the channel if you  happen to be new around here my name is Trevor   this is Anna we are the delightful Travelers  make sure to hit subscribe and click on the   Bell to follow along on our Thailand Adventures  was a highly requested video to make yes all the   time we will put stuff on Instagram or talk about  it here on YouTube how we travel with carry-on   only full-time travel anywhere in the world just  carry-ons and a lot of you guys are always baffled   by how we do it so you've requested this video  over and over again and finally it's here so   we have a lot of tips today a lot of Secrets if  you can do us a favor hit the like button that's   going to get the video out there our plan is to  go through what's in our bags we have four bags   two backpacks we have these carry-ons we're going  to start with the carry-on luggage first and show   you what we take with what's inside our bags  however later in the video we're going to go to   our backpacks that's really where all the secrets  are where all the really fun tips and tricks are   so you're going to want to stay till the end of  the video to find out about that so before we get   going about what's actually in our bags let's talk  about the bags themselves because you're probably   wondering the brand is haze we're definitely not  like it's not sponsored or anything like that   we're not married to this brand by any means but  there's some key features about these bags that   we love I'm actually gonna need to get a new one  really soon because this is in terrible shape but   the thing about this bag is that it's taught me a  lot about what I need what's required in the next   bag that I get so the size of them I think is  21 inches which is it's basically like good for   any Airline it's good for North America it's like  below the minimum threshold of what most Airlines   require so we wanted to go a little little bit  under another thing we like you can probably tell   these are hard shell cases and at one point  in time we were kind of against them we were   because we thought you could expand a little  bit more like maybe push the limits a little   bit more if it was fabric but no we actually  love that it's solid they lock that's really   really important you guys can see that that's  super important for us we wanted the handle   obviously there's other handles and we  want it four wheels that's spin that's   spin another feature that we wanted in a bag  is a bag that expands yes this little guy it   expands super important when you're traveling the  world full-time also it's just if you're going on   a vacation so check this out so this is actually  a feature that we never really realized that we'd   want so much but now I promise we will never ever  get a new bag that does not have this feature it's   really really important look how much more room  we get so if I can make it like an accordion that   was like that now it's like this yeah so I'd  say it gets a good two inches wider when you   expand it maybe even two and a half pretty wild  before we take a look at what's inside our bags   I just want to touch a little more on expanding  so one of the things we like when we do have them   expanded is we can check our bags on the plane if  we need to normally we do carry on but sometimes   every now and then we might need to take liquids  that we can't take on our backpack carry-on so   we put them in there or some Airlines have really  really strict really carry-on rules and we always   have way more than the weight record that you're  allowed to have the other thing is often will like   go to say Europe so we'll fly to Europe we'll  not check our bags we'll carry them on once we   get there we know we're going to be taking trains  everywhere so just for ease and to be able to fit   some extra things in we uh and you can imagine  we have so much more room even if we're taking if   we're taking water we just stuff everything inside  and it just gives us peace of mind because we have   all this room all right here we go this is what  the inside of our bags look like we thought we   would take you guys through we'll go through like  how many shirts t-shirts sweaters pants I'll just   show you how much we can fit yeah I think you  guys are going to be surprised at the amount of   stuff that we have with us first up we have tank  tops so we typically Chase hot weather we're kind   of beach bums we need tank tops to stay cool so  I've got seven it that fit in my suitcase seven   in total they are range from like dressy to like  super casual I have a kind of Mexico I have nine   different tank tops most of mine are casual it's  hard to get a dressy men's tank top but what's   important about all of our tank tops and all of  our clothes in general is it's very important   to mix and match and we'll talk about that as we  get through the video here it'll make more sense   but you try to get basically colors like this to  match with your shorts or your pants yeah next   up is t-shirts wear them a little bit less in  super hot weather but in like moderate weather   wear these all the time I only have three yeah I  have one two three four and five the one I have   on so we try to keep them neutral this is probably  where this will start to make sense like this is   just kind of like a light green one add-on has  a bit of a pattern white white and then you just   have we always have at least one flat black shirt  black gray and kind of a purpley maroon color and   usually we wear the black ones on travel days next  up you guys probably wonder do you have any like   long sleeve shirts so I only have the one this is  a a long sleeve zip up hoodie that I pretty much   wear in colder climates yeah so yours is a little  bit warmer than what I have I have two lightweight   kind of sweaters one is a cardigan just a plain  black cardigan it's great for like going over   like dresses or tank tops and it basically goes  over everything which is why I love it and then   like a plain black light black gray sweater so  you guys are probably now thinking like where   you where are your jackets so here's what we do  while we travel remember we travel full time if   we ever are in a climate and we need some kind  of a jacket whether that's rain jacket whether   that's like a fall jacket or a winter jacket we  are not in Winter climates these days too often   we just buy it while we're traveling and we try  to go somewhere relatively inexpensive like h m   or something like that where we aren't spending a  load of money yeah to buy buy that so we'll just   buy something simple and what we do is if we're  buying something really simple on the way out of   the country we'll either donate it if it's not too  much money like sometimes you can get a jacket for   on half price it could be like twenty dollars or  something like that will donate it or if we buy   something really nice and of course we don't want  to donate it we try to time the cold country like   when we're on our way back home to Canada and we  keep our bags expanded and then we can fit it in   or we just wear it on the plane since we're on to  cooler weather things let's talk about pants one   of Trevor's least favorite things I always say  when we're traveling like no pants until spring   I would try and basically try not to wear pants  I mean wear shorts you guys know that of course   but I only travel the world with one pair of  black kind of joggers now these are kind of nice   because they can look kind of dressy depending on  what you're wearing with them I do have a couple   button-up shirts we'll get to that as well  but also they're stretchy wear them on planes   they're super comfortable yeah and they can look  kind of casual as well like kind of street wear   so all about having at least one pair of joggers  usually go for black yeah so I have two pairs of   pants I guess you'd call them one is just like a  super flowy light pair so these work in really hot   weather because they're just so light and flowy  but I can wear them in it's a little bit cooler   obviously if it's growing really cold whether  that's not gonna cut it but they're great for   pretty much most climates that we're in and I also  always bring just a plain black pair of tights and   I also we wear these on our our travel days yeah  travel day travel day where next up is shorts so   I travel the world with one two three four five  and the shorts I have on six pairs of shorts so   I have these kind of jean shorts Parts I have a  pair of black shorts I can wear they're sort of   like jean shorts these are just comfy wear shorts  mainly for like inside our place kind of a blue   pair of I guess what would you call these I guess  they're kind of dressier shorts one pair of camo   shorts and then I have a pair of pink shorts so  notice that most of the colors just back to mixing   and matching are like colors everything matches so  I can wear this white top with blue a blue pattern   with this if I had a pattern short like obviously  that would Clash but I could also wear with this   so you can make so many different outfits yeah I  guess the moral of that story is like don't bring   one thing that just goes with one other thing most  things should be able to mix and match I have five   pairs of shorts with me two pairs of jean shorts  one like black pair that I can dress up a little   bit and then two like kind of like beachy loungy  where I can just throw them over a bathing suit or   I can wear them inside if we're just like lounging  around they're not really dress up but like just   hanging around nothing you know everything is  super casual everything matches and notice we   don't really bring anything that's like a one-off  item like one time wear it's pretty rare on topic   of shorts now let's talk about swimwear or trunks  so I have three different pairs of trunks notice   these two do have patterns so I have a couple  tank tops that are just like a flat color just   to go in reverse I would never ever wear this with  this as you can see that just is not going to work   so that's why it's important just to do that I  do have a flat pair of black in case I do want   to wear this shirt with those and I actually put  mine in a packing Cube so you might be wondering   like do we actually use packing cubes he does  not use them at all I used to try to use them for   everything and I just found it didn't function the  way I wanted it never did and it didn't really end   up saving space or time or anything like that but  I do use I do use one and I put all my underwear   all my socks um bras and my bathing suits in here  so for bathing suits I have two bottoms and three   tops no one pieces I used to sometimes bring one  piece but I don't wear it very often especially in   hot weather so I just thought it ended up being  something that just I'm carrying around and not   using and the thing about bathing suits as well  is I always want the tops and the bottoms to match   each piece so I can mix and match right now I do  have one you said we have I have no packing cubes   this is basically just for underwear it's actually  pretty small this is uh yeah I do find this handy   to keep everything in one space but the reason  we're not like super packing Cube people is I find   you just there's always little gaps between the  cubes I know you can fill those up but then it   kind of defeats the purpose so we're not packing  cute people uh we're definitely more rollers we   like we roll our clothes let's talk about a  little bit more dressier items not that we   travel with anything overly dressy but I travel  with right now three dresses the one I'm wearing   and then I have two black dresses they're both  pretty casual I can throw over anything but it   makes me feel a little bit more dressed up yeah  sometimes we need to do this right when we're on   the road it depends if we're working with a brand  or we're staying at like a nice hotel we do kind   of want to look smart should we call it smart  yeah so I have three dress shirts now you guys   probably see all all of our clothes and videos  of course uh I have blue one it's pretty pretty   basic now I can either wear that buttoned up or I  often wear it open with a tank top under it and I   have different color tank tops so you can imagine  I can make quite a few different outfits kind of   have more of a fun white uh flowery floral one go  for very tropical very tropical weather one and   then I just have like a dress shirt that's kind of  like a maroon and it doesn't trick as well okay I   have a few miscellaneous stuff as well I have  one uh cover up I guess we call it to go over   a bathing suit it's super lightweight and like  it folds up really really small which is nice   um it's also got long or long-ish leaves on it so  the nice thing about it is that I can wear over a   bathing suit or I can also wear it with a pair of  shorts or something like that as a shirt I also   have this kind of flowy shirt that one's new yeah  it's new and it's great it's very also lightweight   it's linen easy to pack everything's wrinkled  right now because it was all in our suitcase   last I have a kimono which is also just kind of  fun it takes up zero space it's so small when I   fold it up but it's fun to like throw over like a  tank top it just dresses things up a little bit or   I can throw it over baby pretty dressy I mean look  how small that is yeah teeny tiny and it's dressy   so that's pretty cool the last clothing items we  have here is some gym wear I just travel basically   with one one tank top it's very bright very bright  orange I might replace that because I just stand   out and then I have uh just a pair of shorts  so that works yep so for me I have a pair of   leggings which is also nice like I can wear these  as well just you know if I want to look a little   bit sporty I have a sports bra and then just  a very very lightweight tank top we don't wear   these or use these nearly enough lately but we're  going to yeah when we get to our next destination   hopefully we'll use them more lastly I I have a  hat I know this is a little bit more cumbersome   to pack I don't really like traveling with it like  in an airport with a hat on I just find it kind   of annoying so I usually buy something really  inexpensive if it gets damaged whatever it's I   don't feel like I'm wasted a ton of money but this  one seems to be pretty good impeccable I think I   spent 10 euros for it and I usually like pack  around it and then pack inside of it so that's   it for clothing it's quite a bit huh we can fit  quite a bit in here let's get into shoes which I   know is always pretty much everyone's biggest  challenge we talked to a lot of people who are   like I need to have like eight pairs of shoes I  don't know how to do it no we don't do that yeah   so it's pretty easy on my end I have one pair  of kind of everyday shoes they're just white   so that makes sense they'll go with pretty much  anything I have one pair of flip-flops or thongs   depending on where you're from and what you call  these guys so we're those quite a bit and then   in here I have a pair of running sneakers for the  gym and the reason they're in the bag is because   when we pack we usually put things in a plastic  bag now I know a lot of it's plastic bags let's   be honest they suck but rather than this just  go to you know landfill we just keep reusing   it because it's going to go landfill if we don't  these are just kind of black running sneakers I   can obviously wear these as everyday sneakers as  well so I think now you're kind of getting how I   do it flat black I'd never have multi-colored  shoots it wouldn't go with half the stuff so   flat black flat white one pair of flip-flops and  the heel actually goes down really important right   that's super important hard to find so we always  look for a sneaker that does this this might make   more sense when you pack them you see how that  goes completely flat but he only looks a little   big in the there but some sneakers have like a  hardback right here both sneakers do and you can't   fold it down at all and takes up way more room  but if you can find something that's almost like   a sock it's so much better you can like it's easy  to fit remember we're packing for a carry-on here   so mine is pretty similar to Trevor's but I have  one extra pair so I do have a pair of like black   sneakers I can use these at the gym even though  I couldn't go for like an intense run not that I   do that very much anyway uh but they are okay for  like going doing a light workout and for walking   around and they go with pretty much everything  because they're black then I also have a white   pair of sneakers very important these are actually  getting dirty and they go in the washing machine   so I can't wait to actually not so white anymore  at the moment eventually when we find an apartment   I will throw these in the washing machine and  see how white they do they give them back to   but they're great because they also go with  everything I can wear them with a dress I can   wear them with basically any outfit that I have I  have my flip-flops as well or thongs great for the   beach and the last ones that I have is just a nice  comfortable pair of walking sandals they're also   what I use if we have to dress up a little bit on  anything I don't have any heels or anything like   that this is the dressiest thing I have but it it  works all right so you guys are probably wondering   like where are we right now we're actually in  a hotel we're in an awesome hotel in the middle   of Bangkok and we just want to show you around  really quick before we get into what's in these   bags yeah you're going to want to stick around  for that because this is gonna be the fun stuff   so this is our room at the Novotel Bangkok second  fit 20. it's a beautiful beautiful room we have a   king size bed it's huge and it's also like super  comfy and there's a great big TV right across from   it if you want a lounge and watch Netflix also we  do have a desk so that comes in handy for editing   and over here an amazing view there's also like a  sofa area over here we're using that to film off   of at the moment as you can see but uh you've got  a beautiful beautiful view of Bangkok as we make   our way this way you'll see a coffee station and  there is a fridge there's also on this side's tons   of closet space I don't know if I've seen so much  closet space in a room before there's lots there   and on this side is the amazing bathroom so on  this side you have the water closet and it does   have a separate door on it as well we have the  vanity behind me and then this amazing shower   over here check out that shower head rainfall it's  amazing also do you notice the curtains it goes   up and down so you can either have it wide open  and get lots of light in here and kind of be on   display not so much in the water closet everybody  in the shower or you can put the curtain down   yeah this is a great little bathroom look at that  all that natural light coming in there's so much   more to see in this hotel as well first of all  the lobby is just spectacular you can hang out   there all day if you want to now when we make  our way up to the ninth floor you're going to   find the swimming pool and we have been at that  pool many many times also here is a gorgeous gym   as well let's talk about breakfast you can get  breakfast upon your stay here there's a buffet it   is out of this world and last but not least there  is a Sky Bar and up here at night you can come get   some delicious food have a cocktail and get some  gorgeous views of Bangkok if you're interested in   finding out more about this hotel or booking it  we will put a link below in the description now   back to the good packing stuff this is going  to be where the secrets come up okay let's get   into my backpack first things first it is made  by Eagle Creek I have been using this bag for   years literally years Trevor has a different  backpack so stay tuned for that because I think   in general we'd say his is a little bit better but  I do love this bag it's held up really really well   over the years it's got multiple compartments  lots of different slots to put things in   um so in the front usually I just keep like  lots of miscellaneous things from like hand   wipes to use on the plane you know like keep  your cans clean all that stuff also while our   sunglasses go in here and then I keep like  headphones and stuff like that over here   also here's a little tip for you we're talking  about plastic bags earlier and we try not to   use them as much as possible so usually we  uh we travel with one of these it's just a   reusable bag it folds up really really small like  into itself we use these at home you take these   with us they're great for like going out to get  groceries or just using them as a beach bag to   throw anything in at any time perfect to have and  I would highly recommend having one of these with   you at all times the next compartment is where  I keep all of our like travel important stuff   it has a separate little compartment on the inside  that I can zip up so it's like things can be in   there very safely but we have our passports  and our Nexus cards any little extra things   that we need in there and currency all of that  stuff and I have you know one of these little   travel I don't know what you even call them little  travel things also keep my e-reader in there when   I travel it's easy to get to and you know when  we're like in airports on airplanes I like to   pull it out whenever I'm bored and just breathe  also have like pens things like that this one   this is very important this is one of the most  important things that we travel with their little   cough I don't know what to call these little  coffee filters so it's great when you don't have a   coffee maker in your room and you just basically  sit these over a cup put your coffee in and um   then you just need hot water or boiling water and  it basically works like kind of like a pour over   slash French Press but they're so small check that  out in the main compartment of my bag I have this   bag which I always have like medications in it's  basically like our medication bag Benadryl Imodium   Tylenol all those things very important take them  around the world with us a liquid bag always have   that it's full of like sunscreen hair conditioner  toothpaste uh contact lens solution charger for   my laptop these also very important they are a  little bit bulky but the nice thing about them is   that they fold up pretty well so they fit easily  into this bag they are noise canceling headphones   can I hear you nope they're amazing for a plane  they also sound really great a draw string bag   folds up very very small like teeny tiny but it's  great for day trips we often put our camera gear   in there and even you can just take it anywhere  so easy also for the beach whatever you want   and it's washable this is another really really  important one this is a pro tip we take sarongs   with us everywhere it doesn't matter where we're  going what the climate is the great thing about   them if you get cold on a plane you can use it  as a blanket you go to the beach you can use it   as a beach towel in cold climates you can use it  as a scarf it's like so multifunctional highly   recommend always having one of these with you and  last but not least I have my laptop of course all   our bag you know our backpacks that we use  have a compartment for our laptops we work   as we travel so we have to have a laptop fits  in nicely right there and it's easy to get out   when you're at security a few more things we have  one shared toiletry bag I actually put this in my   suitcase it fits nicely in there so we share this  it has like our toothbrush toothpaste uh random   like face stuff some little tips for you at the  like deodorant in there that kind of thing but   to save space and to save on liquids  in those liquid bags I actually buy   um hard or like solid shampoos and conditioners  I bought them off Amazon you can buy them in lots   of places but very very Nifty also I have from  Clinique they have like a solid cleanser as well   so another thing that I don't have to bring in  liquid for basically I try to think of all the   things that are liquids that can come in a solid  and I buy those so Trevor doesn't have nearly as   many liquids or toiletries as I do but we have  all you know like the nail file nail cutters   razors all that stuff goes in here as far as  makeup goes I honestly don't travel with much of   it you guys probably notice I'm not a big makeup  person I'm usually wearing a little bit of it the   same rule applies I have a very very little bag  to take my makeup in it also typically goes in my   um suitcase not in my carry-on but I will put  any of the liquid things in the liquid bag   but a couple little things for you one thing that  I switched over is using Foundation obviously   it comes in a bottle usually it's liquid I  switched over to a solid foundation it's a   powder form works really really well a whole bunch  of Brands make it but again I'm saving on liquid   also for blush I have this it's not a powder  it's more like um a stick it's not a liquid as   well so I don't need to worry about putting that  in liquids but the great thing about this is that   I can use it as a blush but I can also use it on  my lips or on my eyelids so it's multifunctional   again lastly this little guy I think I put that  in my backpack or in my suitcase but it's a USB   fan highly recommend traveling with one because  if you know your AC doesn't work or you don't   have AC it's a great backup I almost forgot to  tell you guys about my purse I'm sure you're   gonna ask about that it is a pack safe so it's got  lots of like cool features to it I'm not going to   say it's like the most attractive or like stylish  purse ever but it does the trick it doesn't look   bad and it has lots of cool features to it so one  thing I really like about it is that you can like   clasp the zippers it has like this other little  end to it so you can close it like that and the   people can't get into it if you're in like a  really crowded space Also the handle comes off   so that you can wrap it around like a chair or  something so that someone can't grab it from you   if you're not really paying attention to your bag  and it locks as well so it's really really Nifty   and no one can can cut through it it's got all of  those features as well a couple of things that I   keep in here that you might find Handy one that  I never travel without is a backup charger you   know if our phones need a little bit of a Top-Up  battery top up got that also you guys might laugh   at this but we travel to some hot places we go for  long walks and we just sweat and get so hot and   sometimes you can't cool down just carry a little  hand fan with me to like cool me down if I'm super   super hot last but not least this is not for my  purse but I forgot to tell you about this earlier   when we're going through our suitcases one is we  travel with these little laundry strips they're   dry so not anything that takes up anything in  our space for our liquids they're dry they're   easy you can tear them in half so if you wanted to  say use them for to hand wash something you could   do that but they also just throw them in with your  laundry you know we stay in a lot of places that   have washing machines we try to do that frequently  sometimes they don't have any laundry detergent   they're also really eco-friendly so they're a  great little thing to have okay so on to my bag so   what I use is the nomadic travel pack I absolutely  love this bag they have been a sponsor in the past   they're not today but I love it I can't just  say it enough this is the best bag I've ever   traveled with just back to what we talked about  before with having expanding luggage this bag   also expands check this out so right now I have  it kind of compressed down this would fit under   a plane seat no problem but if I expand it all  the way you can see just look how much wider that   gets so if you get all that space and I could fit  so much more in here right now but let's get into   this guy so I'll start with the back here if I  open it up it lays kind of flattened down but   you can see there's a spot for a laptop so this  is where I do have the laptop most of this bag is   the tech gear by the way so if you're wondering  where that all was you could fit a iPad in here   if you want to as well let's open this up on the  inside and we'll see what kind of tech I have in   here now this is not kind of like what we use for  Tech video but I'm just going to show you quickly   how much you can fit in here so see what's at the  top first thing I have a pair of kind of basic   headphones so these are over-the-ear headphones I  use these mainly for editing I know Anna pointed   out earlier we have like some really awesome noise  canceling headphones I just like to use something   that's in the middle of the road for editing  because I feel like it captures people on phones   and with really nice sound setups so something  like this works great drone controller this one   the Drone this is the DJI I think  it's the mini 2 so it's nice and small   this is a kind of like a little tripod with  a part of our tripod setup here's the other   part so we use this when we're vlogging on that  camera that we're filming on so this screws on   to that and when I hold it out it kind of gives  us it will have a wide lens anyway but it makes   everything even wider so you can kind of see  behind us while we're filming so that's in there   oh this this is definitely one of our favorite  things it's a Bluetooth speaker but it's the   smallest best Bluetooth speaker you could  possibly get it's made by Bose and I put a   little string on the end of it so you can hang  it off like a doorknob or something like that   so you can put this anywhere in the room it  also has kind of another thing here you can   clasp around uh it's waterproof and this sounds  incredible and note that it's really really small   what else do we got this is a cord bag so you can  see the size of it here this is where every single   cable we have from like network cables to iPhone  chargers to usbcs there's so much in this little   bag but it stays all in one place right here also  the camera bag so the camera that we're filming   on goes in here also I put the lenses anything  else camera related GoPros you name it is in this   little bag think of it kind of like a packing  Cube it just keeps it kind of organized I have   an extension cord for the MacBook and then just  kind of this is more from North American plugs but   we use this in the Dominican Republic it's kind  of like a surge protector just in case now if I   go in a little more there's there's a netting  here which is kind of cool and I can get into   this so this is a wet bag so we use these on  rainy days or if we're on some kind of boat   Excursion rolls right up you can put all of  your Tech in there and it's not going to get   wet everything stays dry some people call them  dry bags wet bags you guys get it got a GoPro   handle this is what can be used for any no this is  actually a GoPro so you can if you're out in the   water and you dropped your GoPro this will float  and it has a little like wrist thingy there too   see what else doesn't end does it another  drawstring bag so Anna talked earlier about   drawstring bags we swear by these again they roll  up you can fit so much in these for a day pack and   here's here's the thing they're really really  secure now yes someone could cut them open but   for pickpocketers and things and things like that  they'd have to go in through the top and when you   have the strings pulled you can't you're gonna  feel if someone's going inside that thing so we   love these we swear by them and we have one each  all right let's see what's in this pocket here   so this is where I keep we have an Amazon fire  stick so whenever we have a nice TV set up and   we have some time to watch shows we always use  this wouldn't travel without it's super small   as you can see highly recommend getting one of  those or something very similar there's a little   pocket up top I just kind of keep an overflow of  like contact lenses in here you can use that for   anything really and then if I open this pocket  up there's a lot in here that you can have so I   try to keep things like that I'm going to need  quite often so you can see like there's like   wall plugs uh let's see what else we got another  pair of headphones for the gym have some ear plugs   eye mask and this little guy is a poncho it's  like a rain poncho so you can use that if it's   a really rainy day remember we said we don't  have rain jackets we could use this guy if   we needed to this is a folding toothbrush that  we do not use for our teeth we actually use it   to clean our sneakers So Pro little tip we carry  one of those this guy I don't know what you call   this it's like a stand if you're on the plane but  see how it's flat so if you're on a plane and you   want to watch your phone like if you have let's  say you have Netflix download it that just sits   on your table tray and you can watch things a few  more things here to show you this is a USB light   you would be surprised how often on our travels we  come across terrible lighting sometimes it's like   nothing but lights on there's no lamps so yeah  that just this doesn't cast that much light but   it does come in handy when you need kind of like  a night light we use that and this guy we would   never travel without this what is this you might  ask it's bottle opener so we come across uh quite   often like water or soda or beer and you need to  open something you need your own bottle opener so   we just travel around with this here we go one  more this is uh it's called a universal adapter   it has every kind of plug that you need so of  course when we're traveling the world full time   you can have everything you got the US Canada UK  EU everything you're going to possibly need while   you're traveling World there were a whole lot  of items in this video some of them we bought   a really long time ago so what I'm going to do is  try to make a big list of all the things hopefully   I don't miss anything and in the description below  I'm going to link as many things as I possibly can   if it's not there or I missed it I mean if I  can't find it I'll try to put that there too   but leave a comment if there's something that I  totally missed also really want to know could you   guys travel full time and pack like we do can you  do carry-on only full time let me know leave this   comment also if you're interested in staying  at this hotel we'll leave another Link in the   description there's going to be lots of links  down there now on to what happens next this is   our last video in Thailand for now don't worry  we are coming back but we kind of have to leave   because we're at the end of our a lot of days and  we decided since it's sort of close we're going   back to Vietnam baby yeah so you might remember  a few months ago probably like six something like   that months ago we went to the north of Vietnam  but we didn't have time to get down to the South   so now it's time we're gonna hit up a couple of  places maybe take relax a little bit because we   don't do that very often yeah we can't wait and  we're going south again because of you guys so   many people in that Vietnam series from last year  said you guys have to go down to the South you're   going to be just as surprised as you were in  the north so that's the plan down to Vietnam   we go or I should say over to Vietnam we go and  then straight back here to Thailand so for all   you Thai people don't worry we're coming back we  will be back Vietnamese viewers we're going back   you'll probably see more of us in the next video I  really hope you guys enjoyed this video don't know   it's a little bit different for us but people ask  us all the time how we managed to pack like we do have things or I can pick up a few things  again always links as many as we can we'll   be down in that description if you I got  this far it's probably a long video thank   you all for watching we appreciate each  and every one of you guys watching and   tuning in every week everyone that's new  welcome Trevor Anna delightful Travelers   hit subscribe you know the drill but  for now we got a plane to catch all   right guys that's it from Bangkok wishing  you delightful travel see you soon [Music]   foreign [Music]
Channel: Delightful Travellers
Views: 108,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel packing, pack carryon only, best travel gear, what to pack for travel, how to pack for travel, carry on suitcase, best travel backpack, best laptop travel backpack, Southeast Asia packing guide, what to pack for Thailand, where to stay in Bangkok, best hotel Bangkok, Sukhumvit Hotel, Novotel Hotel Bangkok Sukhumvit 20, carry on travel professional, professional travel packing guide, full packing guide, minimalist, minimilast packing
Id: uqkCiKtAuVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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