Pack Toiletries (With Travel Hacks)

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hey there today I'm teaching you how to pack toiletries this is going to help you organize your packing list of toiletries while showing you some travel hacks the number one travel tip for packing toiletries is to divide them up among your carry-on bags you're going to separate the essentials before you pack them into pouches baggies a hanging toiletry bag or a top kit and the second way to organize your toiletries is into categories this picture that I've made for you is going to help you mentally fit your toiletries that are necessary for a trip into a category I'm going to give you a picture so that you can categorize in your head as well as on a packing list now you can pack based on these topics Health Essentials for a trip hair makeup and skin care and notice that we are also going to include the tools we are going to pack those Essentials inside in a previous packing list I had also made a category as liquids and so I was listing under that category all the liquids that I would pack but we'll save that Until the End Health Essentials we are going to pack would be vitamins prescription medicines eye drops feminine items maybe bug spray and toothpaste let us know in the comments section what other toiletries that are Health Essentials to you that you would pack one other item we would need to pack with our vitamins is the pill organizer case so I would write that under Tools if some of you are listing medicine as your Health Essentials I will talk about that in just a second one of my subscribers packs her earrings in a pill organizer I'm going to help you think of containers in a different way when you do pack your toiletries I want you to ask this one question will this container or case help you I have this huge toiletry case that takes up half of my carry-on suitcase if you have a pouch or some kind of a travel case for your toiletries I want you to ask yourself if it can fit in the corner of your suitcase will it fit in between the clothes that you are packing if it does then that's going to help you is the size of this kit essential for your trip or do you need your toiletries all in one place can that fit in your personal item bag I want you to compare like a Dopp kit to pouches I have started using these pouches this last year because they stand up on their own when I'm packing them and I really like that they're mesh and lightweight it comes in a set of three when I am traveling one of these can fit in my carry-on suitcase one can fit in my personal item bag I can divide them up amongst my carry-on bags in my experience of packing in a carry-on for 20 years as a pilot wife I have come to realize that smaller is easier to pack I do have a video all about packing medicines but you can also help yourself by going to and then scrolling down to medical issue issues and that will help you for hair toiletry items I want you to think about what you do to your hair in the morning in the afternoon what do you do to your hair in the shower even I want you to write down those tools and Essentials there are hair ties Clips shampoo a hair dryer a curling iron and maybe the travel case that the curling iron goes in if you need to pack a lot of hair ties or scrunchies or scarves you can pack them in a travel case for technology cords because usually they're long and flat a travel hack for bobby pins is to pack them in a Tic Tac container or just Loop them over a hair tie or put them in a plastic bag an old travel hack for packing disposable razors is to use one of those big Bulldog clips and just put the clip over the blade and then press down or move the little handles down two travel hacks for packing or curling iron is you can use a 100 cotton sock or you can pack it in a pot holder glove of one travel tip to help you is to know that the TSA does not need to have your curling iron or anything like that or your cords in the gray bins you can pack them anywhere in your carry-on bags so far we have organized our toiletries into topics and the next way to list them out is by time of day what toiletries do you use in the morning time you make a packing list based on categories that are easy for you by topic or by time of day if you're changing hotels every night this packing method is easiest to me in my videos I want to help you think differently if it helps you pack more in your carry-on suitcase one of the pouches that you have packed in can be for your morning routine items and then in another pouch you can pack your evening routine toiletries and that way you won't have to think oh where did I put my hair tie or my toothbrush I just got this new toothbrush I love it it's very easy to use and it is breathable on Etsy I just got this new toiletry case it is beautiful and so cute here's the size reference it is the size small though I was skeptical of the fabric on the inside but this is so well done and one travel tip for if you are going to pack in pouches is to make sure that the zippers go over the edges it means that the pouch can open up even more wide or wider I'm missing a light can you tell with the lighting I didn't have time to get a new one you can customize the pouches they're also customizable pouches on Amazon if that's easier for you one could say am one could say PM for the evening toiletries I packed recently for our trip to Colorado in this toiletry kit it is hanging and it all fits in one spot but I packed by time of day so in this mesh pocket I have my deodorant my comb my hair tie my toothbrush because I'm going to need those in the morning one travel tip to remember is that you do not have to pack your container or your kit or your pouch in the way that it was designed like it was designed to be zipped up in one kit love it if it saves me space in my carry-on suitcase I would open it like that and pack it flat I don't have to pack it like that see the bulk that that makes if I lay it flat in my suitcase I save more space one pouch can be packed in your personal item bag that you're going to use for the flight like I did for the word fly that's going to be my pouch for my personal item back maybe one travel tip for you is that the face wipes antibacterial wipes they do not count as liquids and they do not need to be pulled out or put in the liquids bag for going through security since makeup is so personal I will link my makeup packing video up here for you and in the description box below I do get a lot of questions about the Rouge like the old Tommy Rouge that they're making again or like the packed Foundation it is spreadable but it's not considered liquid Vaseline would be considered a liquid and would need to go in your liquids bag and technically mascara would also be counted as liquids but I don't usually put them in my liquids bag but I did for this last trip one travel hack for packing skincare is to ask your consultant for the little travel or sample sizes of that product that you need here are some travel tips about skin care toiletries number one packing in a carry-on means that your moisturizer or any creams or anything that can spray or spread like gel needs to be in a container that's 3.4 ounces or smaller and number two all of those containers have to fit in a clear-ish quart sized bag now note for my International Travelers if you were flying through Heathrow they are going to make you put your toilet or your liquids in a small plastic bag it's not even a quart size but they have the bags for you and then I want you to pack your skin care with three things in mind is this item totally essential for a five-day trip or can you just leave it at home for these five days and number two what products do you need to pack for morning routine or evening skin care and number three can you pack this travel size item in a smaller container like this this is the store-bought travel size container but it would also a lot of it would fit in a smaller container like this if the toiletry item or lotion is super thick one travel tip is do not pack a brand new skin care item for a trip because you do not want to have an allergic reaction when you are away from your family doctor when making a packing list I want you to list out all of your tools that you're going to use examples of toiletry tools would be your brush a comb CPAP machine makeup brush travel case or your charger for your electric toothbrush by the way I asked a hotel one time what is the most forgotten item and they said electronic toothbrush Chargers another essential I would pack that is a toiletry is my eyeglass cleaner you may have a wipe I like these peeps but that is a tool that I'm going to list when I do make my packing list I forgot my reading glasses one time and thank goodness my husband was able to make it back to our house once we got to our gate that's when I realized I had forgotten them he made it back in time so I could travel with my reading glasses a travel hack for a beauty blender would be to pack your beauty blender sponge in a plastic Easter egg because it has the two holes at the end for breathability so I would write plastic egg or Easter egg on my toiletry list under Tools or as one of my tools one tip is to use your favorite pen or your favorite magic marker and put a little star beside your items that need to be packed in the liquids bag I would pack my mousse my moisturizer shampoo liquid foundation in my TSA approved liquid bag bag one packing tip is that you can pack all of your tools in one pouch and then everything else in another pouch I have used this makeup brush holder for a long time and love it because it does stand up on the hotel room counter and it folds over so that I can just have my brushes sticking out but you can also use the hotel coffee cup for your brushes and just pack them in a really thin plastic bag but for our trip to Colorado I packed all of my makeup brushes in this little pocket because they all lay flat I want you to use the pyramid packing method when you are packing your toiletry items or your pallets for makeup you're going to stack them in a triangle if that makes sense you want the flattest on the bottom so I've got my comb my face wash and then my deodorant so I'm building up to save the most space when packing and then I have my little toothbrush way down there in the bottom the flat pallets or toiletry items that you have are going to be melding in with the wall of your pouch so then all the bulky stuff will be in the middle of the pouch if that makes sense one travel tip that I figured out after 10 years of packing in a carry-on bag and liquid bag is to save space in your liquids bag or to make more space is to pack the containers horizontally instead of standing up okay and these travel tips may help you replace liquid toiletries for dry ones you can pack toothpaste tablets which actually do work instead of your toothpaste tube you can pack a hair conditioner bar or shampoo bar instead of liquid shampoo you can pack those face wipes instead of liquid eye makeup remover for my shampoo bar one of the travel hacks I use is I take a carrot peeler and I peel off some of the shampoo bar we have a lush shampoo bar or whatever store near me so I got to talk to them and they have all all these shampoos that are good for my dry scalp so just whatever wherever you get your shampoo bar if you want to try it just peel off some pieces but first one of my subscribers suggested that you try it out in your shower and see if that amount that you have peeled off actually does is it is enough to wash your hair it bubbles up like crazy I love mine that I have let me know in the comment section how you have packed toiletries in the past if you need to pack less weight in your carry-on suitcase because of the airline's strict requirements now I do have a video that I will link for you and you can just click on the picture and it will take you right there if you look in the paragraph below you can see all of my links to this video as well and some other helpful ones for you thank you for your time list any kind of questions you need below
Channel: Travel Tips by Laurie
Views: 341,840
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Keywords: travel tips, packing tips, travel hacks, how to pack toiletries organized, toiletries, how to pack toiletries, hanging toiletry kit, dopp kit, toiletry bag, pouches, travel skincare, travel makeup, travel hair, travel medicine, travel tips by laurie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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