❌Avoid These Styles That Are INSTANTLY AGING YOU!

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for a lot of us one of our biggest fears as we get older is being irrelevant looking outdated and looking older than we actually are so today we are talking about 10 things that will instantly Aid you when you wear them and what you can wear instead to give yourself a fresher more updated youthful [Music] look hey ladies it's Angela so good to see you all now before we get started I got a couple of little disclaimers as always if I'm mentioning something today that you're still wearing and it still makes you feel great wearing it please don't be listening to me you have to do what makes you feel great always but at the same time if you're one of those people that likes to leave a comment and you're like I don't care what people think I don't care about Trends I wear what I want blah blah blah blah blah that's all great but my question is why are these people still watching these kinds of videos you clicked on this video for a reason so take what works for you leave what doesn't now let's get started the first style we're going to talk about that totally ages us when we wear them is loud bold printed pattern pants to me when I think about that I think of people that were my grandma's age that were wearing those all the time I get that it could be good for some camouflaging going on but I just don't know I just think they make us look older dated now you watch I'll be having a pair of those later this year I just recently got a pair of those kind of pants in my naen West subscription which I did now cancel and you'll see why in a minute I about died when these pants came in that bag I was like who wearing that where are they wearing that I'm not wearing that and you're seeing why these pants are in no way making me look modern fresh or more youthful come on [Music] now they are totally making me look dated and this is what I'm talking about now what could we wear instead to make us look more modern well probably just about anything okay no let's be real neutrals neutrals neutrals neutrals even you jeans uh beige white have the fun with your tops put the color put the pattern in your tops but pairing that with a pair of more neutral pants even if they're just like light pink or a lighter olive color or something like that stay with basic and neutrals for your bottom and that's that's immediately going to freshen up your look and give you more of a current youthful look or go loud with your accessories do a purse that's got a little Pizzazz to it or your shoes or your jewelry or a belt think about getting your Pizzazz in that way rather than having these pants be like whoa the second thing that's making us all look dated and older our asymmetric hemmed tops they were the big deal weren't they for a while we had the shark fight we had the ones that came down to a point on the sides and sometimes you might think well they go a little bit lower so it's more of a tunic top when I'm wearing pants that I I want to cover behind and I get where your thoughts are going there but let's look at shirts that have more of a straight line to them and or longer a regular tunic top those asymmetric hemmed shirts and the shark B shirts have had their day and to me when I see those it just equates to older and more outdated there are so many more choices for us out there now than hemlines that are cut weird I would almost venture to say that even if you got like a scalloped bordered hemline that would be maybe stepping it up a little bit more as far as more current than the shark bites and the pointy things coming down on the side and while we're at it we might as well go there okay the cold shoulder Taps oh don't you even be coming for my cold shoulder Taps I talked about this like a year ago in a video and I'm still saying the same thing about cold shoulders they are just dated and they make us look older because you you take a look around no younger person and I'm even talking in our 40s in their 30s maybe even in our younger 50s nobody is wearing cold shoulder Taps anymore I don't know I just I look at them now and think why why do we need holes in our shoulders listen I need my shoulders tan my shirt for my shirt so sexy it hurts it was in it was totally in for a long time now it just seems like it's making us look older because they are so dated now so if you're still wearing cold shoulder tops I'm thinking it's because you like a little detail in your tops you want something a little bit different than just a plain Jane t-shirt think about getting the detail in a little bit of a different cut neckline or get some detail in your sleeves they've got the flutter sleeves they've got pucker sleeves they've got sleeves that you could get a little bow tie down here at the bottom of the sleeve so it won't make your shoulders look bigger add something different just if you see a cold shoulder tap you put it down you need to put it down oh good lord here we go okay the next one we need to talk about and I'm telling you what where's my cat the cat is coming out on this one I know it but just hear me out hear me out on this okay capri pants oh no she did it just tell me I can't wear my Capri and I know people love their capri pants because as it's getting hot outside you're like I need to shorten up my pants because I want to be cooler that makes logical sense but there are ways that we can do that exact thing stay cooler this summer but also be more fashionable have it be more current looking as an outfit at the same time here's my thoughts how about a casual t-shirt dress easy peasy okay you put that on it looks so cute you can get ones that are a little longer now they don't have to be too high and you got lots of circulation going on when you wear something like that or a sundress and it doesn't even have to be a tank top sundress you can find one that's got shorter sleeves 3/4 length sleeve but dresses are like a oneandone outfit that are so easy easy and convenient for the summertime and it's going to give you that circulation and that fresh air that you desire in the heat but by having you look current at the same time and you don't have to look dressy there are lots of casual dresses out there that you could put on a little pair of tennis shoes a little pair of flipflops or sandals and you've got a really cute looking casual outfit that will keep you cool I mean heck you can even go with a pair of blo pants and I'm sure I'm saying that wrong because I know I'm going to get people telling me but listen you I think you all know what I'm talking about any kind of loose fitting pant is also going to be a great idea and look for something that's cotton or linen oh we got some good ideas flowing here all right what are we picking on here next oh boy okay let's go for this one let's talk about some shoes for a second you know what I'm going to say don't you you velcro shoes oh you are not taking away my velcro shoes I like the sound mimic I know they're convenient people like them because they're easier to get on and off it totally makes sense right but we got some really darn good options out there nowadays that make the shoes easy to get on without having to go velcro have you guys seen those new Sketchers I think they're called slipins and they're tennis shoes that you do not have to untie you don't have to bend down to put them on you don't have to sit down to put them on if they actually work like the commercials say they do you can just step into them and they go on your feet beautifully now that could be a good option because there's no velcro involved and it saves you from probably the issues as to why you're buying a velcro shoe in the first place or there's plenty of slides sandals mules wedges that you don't need any kind of strap really for if you can wear those kind of shoes easy peasy on and off not a problem and those options are definitely going to kind of modernize your look make you look a little bit more youthful than putting on a clunky velcro pair of shoes now while we're at it the other pair of shoes I feel are dated and make us look older our square toe shoes I know where's the cat listen I feel like those were big for a while but for some reason in my mind more people that I've seen lately wearing square toe shoes are of the older older generation the square toed heel that's really what I'm saying more so the square toe heel those are the ones that I'm thinking just kind of look dated so if you want a more modern fresh look go for those rounded toes those are my in my opinion I feel more comfortable than even a pointy toe I don't know what it is about my feet I get them jammed in a pointy toe heel and I'm not loving life okay I don't like those and I know a lot of people do and if you find one that's comfortable for you and it's a pointy toe great you keep wearing that the next thing I feel totally dates us and I it makes me think of this every time I see someone wearing them panty hoes panty hoes do they even sell those suckers anymore do you remember you pretty much couldn't go anywhere back in the day without putting your panty hose on because number one it kind of covered up any little imperfections you might have had on your legs gave you an instant tan even though your legs never matched your face your arms or anything else it was like she got some dark legs but everything else is dark white and it gave you it used to give you more of a finished kind of polished look when you were getting dressy and going to a more formal event nowadays nobody's wearing panty ho it's like barely leg tan or No Tan that's what they're doing so when I see a pair of panty hoes it is usually on people that are way older what can you do ditch the panty hose I'm telling you right now just just wear your dress wear your dress with your bare legs no one's going to question anymore that if you're not wearing a pair of panty hose oh boy okay look at her I feel like they have been out for a while but some people don't know that now in my last video we just talked about Stripes stripe tank tops and halters and you know a lot of Stripes stripes are are never something that goes out of style I don't think ever but for whatever reason you're seeing a lot of different kind of stripes or maybe I am more so this year than others but I want to give you a little bit of a Twist on this thin stripes are your friend wide Stripes not so much wide stripes are the ones that are more dated okay my wide Stripes according to Dr Seuss that's a thing I don't know I don't feel wide Stripes look good on a lot of people but the thinner Stripes yes so just make sure when you are picking out new tops or new pants for yourself or shorts or dresses whatever it's got stripes in make sure you're sticking with thinner not the wider and the big beaded jewelry that is something in my mind that I think about my grandma's age big old chunky necklaces with the beads wooden beads now I am one myself that likes to play with like a little bit more dainty sometimes jewelry and jewelry that's more chunky but there's so many styles out there even in chunky that you can pick from that look more current and will make you look more youthful than going with big round beads so please if you're picking out new jewelry for yourself or you're contemplating one of those pieces in your jewelry box and it's got the big old colorful beads on it just know just know stay away from the older beaded options now let me just show you and this is good okay we're talking beaded here but they're tiny they're small so this would be okay something like this even if it wasn't a necklace and its bead I'm not saying no beads I'm saying no big old honking wood beads actually as I'm thinking here we got a bonus round the last thing I'm thinking totally takes my mind to older okay older none of us want to be there yet our B big floral tops um I've got a perfect example here of another item I got in a Nine West bag I don't know who's wearing this stuff I'm not saying it's not pretty okay the FL flowers are pretty you know but you have to look at the the style this right here totally dated okay I'm thinking this is something my grandma used to wear you know to Moder turn it up a little bit I'm not saying floral is a bad thing but certain floral does look more dated and less current than others another way you can easily update your look is to incorporate a simple change in your hair or your makeup this video will give you ideas as I show you how I did this exact thing on myself until I see you next time my friends stay beautiful on the inside and out
Channel: Angela Masson - Fashion Over 50
Views: 490,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How not to look older, don't look old, Angela Masson, Angela Masson fashion over 50
Id: 802JoGq_64g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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