8 Things TO BRING (and NOT TO BRING) to THAILAND! - Packing Guide & Recommendations

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hey everybody we are dvtv and today we're going to talk about eight categories of things to bring and not to bring to Thailand check it out the idea behind this video is we're about to head back to Thailand we were there for eight months and we're about to go back we want to pack a little lighter this time we'll go to compare prices a little bit but we learned when we were there things that we should bring and things that we shouldn't bring we want to share that with you today so the first category is toiletries pretty much you can buy everything in Thailand there's 7-elevens everywhere you'll find toiletries but there are a few toiletries that I found I definitely would have brought in advance for example face wash they desire to be paler there so a lot of their things tend to have bleaching elements in it it took me forever to find a face wash that didn't have a bleaching element and I wish I would have known that in advance cuz I would have just brought my own another thing is sunscreen it tends to be almost double the price so if you know you're going to go to a beach or a tropical paradise to save you some time I would just throw in a bottle of sunscreen in advance and bring that with you on your trip just one more thing that I thought that tend to be super expensive there it was tampons they don't have a lot of them oftentimes I couldn't even find them in stores unless I was in like a touristy area so I would bring those in advance they're super expensive there so just throw in a box and you're good to go the second category is gonna be closed a lot of travelers say this if you travel to a country do not fill your suitcase up to the limit and that cannot be more true with Thailand however if you think you're gonna make huge bargains buying Adidas shoes or Levi's pants this is not gonna be true these brands tend to be more expensive in Thailand if you go to a mall and you go to these Adidas store to a proper sports shop that has Nike and all that good stuff it's gonna be more expensive how about what you should do is you should go to the night markets night markets are ever we're in Thailand even during the day there are bazaars or places that sell clothes that are comparable to night markets at the night markets you can get amazing bargains for example I bought these pants pretty basic pants they are 100 baht 150 baht this shirt 100 by the shirt Adidas brand net it's 200 baht they also have if you want these elephant pants like 100 hundred 50 baht one thing that was more expensive I notice any name-brand products so these are Crocs I live in them I love them you can get sandals for like $30 they're 100 baht but these are imported they were 50 dollars and Thailand because of the import tax that they have a really high import tax and I could get it in the US for $15 if you have specific shoes or specifically clothing products that you want just bring them and then find the rest of it there now that thing awesome I love them cheap sunglasses they have sunglasses for 100 baht everywhere all different kinds of course they're knock-offs but the nice thing about that is you don't have to be that careful with them so in the end leave some space in your suitcase and buy yourself some cheap clothes at the night markets third category that we will be talking about is cash our major point of advice is get a card a debit card a credit card with no ATM or foreign transaction fees that'll save you a ton of money whether you're withdrawing from an ATM it's like 252 bought every withdrawal or you're paying with your credit card at a store there will be a thief cash is king in Thailand most people will prefer cash whether you're going to a night market or a restaurant or just the store a lot of them prefer cash and they will ask you if you have cash instead of a card you can use your credit card or debit card at like a grocery store or some of the big malls that's fine but just to let you know they don't use a credit card like we do in the states to swipe swipe swipe I get this question a lot whether you should bring a lot of cash with you there are places where you can exchange your money all over the place whether it's Airport or malls or outside in the town they've taken a pretty good cut and it's not a great exchange rate it's not the one you'll find on Google but it tends to be better than the ones you'll get back home so it's best to bring your home currency and exchange it there versus transferring Thai Baht in advance oh so a fourth point we're going to talk about is medicine and drugs overall you don't have to be nervous Thailand has an awesome hospital and pharmacy network the hospitals are pretty much up to date they have they have good equipment they have very good doctors that take care of you and they have pharmacies everywhere and it's a lot easier to get most of the drugs in Thailand than it is at home because for a lot of things in Thailand you do not need a prescription also everything you get in the pharmacies is way cheaper than back home back home in the US you would need a prescription for like thyroid medication high blood pressure medication or maybe birth control they have that all the local pharmacies they're available you can buy it there it's cheaper their birth control if you have a specific dosage of progesterone or hormones I would check to see if it's available in Thailand in advance because I know they have only specific ones in Asia that's not always offered in the US and vice versa like any prescription medication check to see if it's available check to see if you need it and then kind of go from there another thing I would not bring is anti back spray that's one thing I packed when I first came to Thailand and it was pretty expensive Thailand is aware of the mosquitos they have the good anti black spray everywhere and it's much cheaper than back home this category we'll be talking about today is electronic slash adapters in Thailand you do not need an adapter if you're coming from the USA or some European countries they have outlets that accommodate both American plugs and these European plugs so it's super convenient if you're going there you don't really need it most of your phone and laptop charges have an internal converter so that's fine but if you're coming from the US we use a hundred and ten volts in Thailand it's 200 plus volts so you will need a converter if you're bringing like a hairdryer or anything that requires that that voltage just let you know I will say that if you're traveling outside of Thailand at least a kuala lumpur we know that we needed an adapter for that just FYI look that up in advance but in Thailand you do not need an adapter I quickly want to talk about buying electronics in Thailand so I was hoping that in Thailand you can get good bargains for electronics that is usually not the case if you look at stuff that has a name on it if it's a new samsung phone with it's a canon camera anything like that is either gonna be the same price or more expensive than back home buying expensive electronics is not a good deal in Thailand however what you can get is GoPro I bought a couple of GoPro accessories there these self course knockoffs off the real ones they have it at the night markets and everywhere and if you negotiate with the salespeople it's gonna be a very good deal we bought this little Bluetooth speaker and I looked it up again JBL it was more expensive than back home don't you plan on buying electronics Italian it might not be the best idea don't count on getting any awesome deals there so our next point is gonna be documents Thailand is a pretty bureaucratic country it's very important to have the right documents with you at all times if you want to go to China and riding a scooter renting a scooter renting a car it's an awesome idea if you're up for it what you really really need to bring is a driver's license and you will need an international driver's license I thought that out of being stopped by cops I did not bring my luck driver's license I just brought my German driver's license which is not enough before you go you have to apply for an national driver's license this international driver's license only valid with your normal driver's license combined you have to carry both of them with you at all time there are a lot of checkpoints in Thailand where they pull people over and especially people who seem to be tourists another one that's important is if you intend to work in Thailand you will need a background check a police clearance and that has to be in English language so if you come from another country like me I'm from Germany you need to have it translated by an official institution first bring that if you intend to work so when you move around the Thailand you need to be able to identify yourself at all times your international ID part is your passport that will require you to carry out your passport at all times however sometimes places like the hotel or a scooter rental place requires you to leave your passport there so what we did is we got clean copies of our passports which we would carry around at all times if police officers stopped you and they check for your passport they usually always just find with that so always bring a copy of your passport or your original passport number seven apps in technology it's become necessary for us to have one of these with us at all times whenever we go into another country we usually immediately go to get a local SIM card international SIM cards are super expensive so we usually stick with the local plan in Thailand we've used AIS and true I think it was like six hundred baht for five gigabytes of data which is a lot of data and you're good to go you're going to use your phone you can use all the different apps and upload to your social media if you want what are the best apps that we used all the time and we actually didn't learn about it until we went to Thailand was the grab app the grab app is very similar to ver it's a taxi service app it's very convenient that's what's great about this app is it's convenient you just put your destination in and you're good to go you don't worry about if the taxi driver speaks English you can even put your credit card or debit card in there or you have the to pay cash on the end so it's really convenient it's sometimes cheaper then taxis depending on a season meter depending on where you are but probably is it getting from the airport to our hotel when we arrive a last point number eight it's one of the most important things to bring the time is just a good attitude China is known to be the Land of Smiles and that's what you experience when you go there so that's what you should bring as well have a good ever attitude and open mind and be just friendly towards people so I enjoy your travel to Thailand thanks so much for watching our video we really hope this helps you and your future travels to Thailand let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or suggestions on things that you guys like to bring if you like this video please give it a thumbs up check out our other videos if you liked it please subscribe it would mean the world to us and we greatly appreciate it thanks so much for watching now and we'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Deana and Phil
Views: 672,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What to Pack for Thailand, traveling Thailand, Luggage Packing Thailand, Things to bring to Thailand, Things not to bring to Thailand, Packing Checklist Thailand, What to Pack for Thailand Female, 10 things to bring and not to bring to Thailand, Minimalist Packing, Minimalist Packing Thailand, Minimalist Travel, Minimalist Packign for travel, Packing List for Thailand, Minimalist Travel Packing, What to pack for Thailand, Packing for Thailand, Things to bring Thailand
Id: RcBw1D54xdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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