Caroline Myss - The Addict (The Power of Archetypes)

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addiction every one of us from the time we're born we start making our way in between the physical world and our inner world and how much of this physical world we absolutely are going to start here's the operative word craving craving [Music] hi everybody time for another uh archetype you know this time it's Sunday afternoon and I have a little extra time um so I thought I would take on the addict and I I need time because this this archetype for me is so complex and it embodies so many other um points of view for me that I'm a little nervous that I can even get it get my message across in 20 or 25 minutes I'll do my best um so I'm going to start big and go down I've said as many of you know I I'm constantly teaching that powers the fundamental ingredient in The Human Experience that the the older I get the more I look at at life the more I see it from this position of co-creation that we are here to experience what we create and that become empowered enough so that what motivates us to create what we do through the choices we make through the attitudes we maintain is that we shift from um being takers to being givers from realizing that the greatest things we can do is to utilize our life force to make life better for others now the transition from our love of power to the power of love brings us to the path that really defines modern the person in modernity that we are driven by a need to discover ourselves a need for self-empowerment a need for this to understand the self to pursue the self to everything is about the self self healing self-empowerment self-motivation self self self but really at the end of the day what all of that is about is actually developing self-esteem and I I actually don't mean it in the psychological emotional way of self-esteem I I mean it in the Major League Cosmic way of really getting to that mystical awareness that the most precious thing you have is the power of your spirit and that that that is what empowers every choice you make that that is what empowers the world around us that is what makes us agents of change that that and and I think because we are just now learning that it has um created this epidemic of narcissism of thing thinking everything we say is so important everything we do is so important every opinion we have is so important but all of that is part of us discovering how powerful every every thought we have really is um we're we're exploring that power now on the battlefield of each other but the greater truth is that we are evolving to the place where we're beginning to maybe recognize that every word we say is a profound Act of Creation and in order to manage the power of our spirit there has we have to esteem that power we have to really get it out of the church out of religion out of all that nonsense just because that is the nature the organic nature of of of the cosmos we we are here for a short period of time and then we cycle off I mean it is just this constant Cosmic Journey and I'm not I'm no longer religious about anything it is just the way it is and to me the Divine is organic but aren't and and this is what we're evolving out of is the era of religion into a bio-spiritual ecology where we get that God is Law and that our the choices we make engage the mystical laws of creation and and we're held accountable for that so that the capacity to actually have control over yourself so that and now I'm going to bring in Jesus and Buddha so that you are in the world but not of the world so that you get what is illusion in this world that the the power is in you not in an object like Buddha would say to give an object power is the illusion this this pen has no power whatsoever it has the capacity to ripe it has no power but if I told my students you know this is a Magic Pen and every time I sit down to write something it simply starts writing down Lotto numbers I could create I could spin a narrative and people would start craving this and the next thing you know right it's just fake nonsense but I would have engaged the greed in some people the the fantasy in some people and what Buddha says is everything is a fantasy everything you're looking at is a fantasy we have assigned value to everything we've assigned worth and value to absolutely everything nothing is of anything unless we assign it it's all in the world behind our eye before it goes forward and Jesus would say go ahead be in the world do whatever you want but don't be of the world don't sell your spirit don't sell your soul in order to have something of this world don't sell your integrity don't sell your creativity don't sell yourself because you won't get it out which brings me now to addiction so what is addiction so think about like the purpose of life when we incarnate and now once we're in our form we are dealing in Duality the power of our inner world and the power of matter matter energy Grace so with the two different dimensions and if you look at life whether you're looking at what illness is uh what what struggles are what truth is everything is about your capacity to maintain your power went up against an illusion today here I'll give you something I got this um uh what do you call it an email and it and it was a a fake email it was a con thing but and and though everything in me just went it doesn't feel right this does not feel right so I checked on it and sure enough it was one of those con things that they try and solicit information from you but immediately what what if I had believed what they said because they always go for your weak link we have something of yours and I would sit back and I thought what how could you have something of mine just this is just you put up discernment you put up blood you put up suspicion pure whatever you want to call it but you start out with wait a minute here I don't think so and even if you did You're Gonna Keep it but I'm not opening up this email so addiction every one of us from the time we're born we start making our way in between the physical world and our inner world and how much of this physical world we absolutely are going to start here's the operative word craving craving what we decide we absolutely have to have we absolutely like um I I like cashmere sweaters but I don't have to have them okay I don't crave them I'm not up all night thinking where can I get another cashmere sweater all right it's just you you have to monitor what it is you can be in the world love your cashmere but what I compromise myself for a cup for would I tell a life to get a cashmere would I would I sell my Integrity for a sweater hell no you know you you no all right so I don't crave these I love them but I am in them but not of them okay so I'm in the world but it's not owning me now if I got to sugar I have a different kind of struggle with in that I actually have to struggle with not eating sugar we're into a different thing now let me give you a little um yeah not a analogy imagine that you're mind is your papa bear and your heart is Mama Bear and your throat is baby bear so it's your sixth chakra your fifth and your fourth and these three are in charge of managing your your choices your your power okay and um addiction is when uh we develop Cravings that are out of control and they then have authority over our mind our reason our heart and therefore our body they make us do things my brother was an alcoholic he died of alcoholism and he didn't want to but his mind he couldn't get his heart papa bear and Mama Bear to agree what heals an addiction what makes you healthy what makes you whole what makes us whole is when all of our chakras are aligned and we are and here's the operative word congruent when we're congruent how we think and how we feel are in alignment and when they're in alignment When papa bearing Mama Bear are in alignment then baby bear is not in conflict and doesn't have to say hey what am I choosing today am I choosing something mental or am I following the heart am I following the mind how many times I've been with people who have this with I know I think I'm thinking about this but I'll tell you how I feel I'm thinking but I feel I'm thinking but I feel they I know for a fact are they're addicts they have to be addicted to someone because baby bear will always want to push for parents to be aligned to have papa bear and Mama Bear be aligned to have The Head and the Heart work as a unit and when conflict comes up you have to jam the fifth chakra so you don't let the conflict actually create a connection between The Head and the Heart so you you you recognize that for example the head says I I think I I need I need some sugar and and and and my heart then would say you better not you know you bet but then I'll switch the argument well you've had a bad day just have a little bit and the head says you can't do this you've get you you it's not good for you blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and out of frustration I'll make up an excuse I've just had a bad day I've had a good day I've had any kind of day I did it this I have to satisfy and so I'll let these two battle it out but in the meantime I grab an Oreo okay that's what we do and we do this this is how addiction happens we keep our head and our heart in two different worlds and one of them is often wounded we oftentimes use wounds as a way of keeping ourselves from healing we keep getting ourselves congruent especially with the addict where you will um like uh I remember how many conversations with my brothers saying you know you've your drinking is out of control and immediately he knew this but of course he brings out wounds but I had data and it down goes vodka down his gullet and in healing you have to get to a place where your head says you're absolutely right I am drinking because I am wounded and I have to face that I have to admit that I have to own it you start aligning these two forces so that the choices you make recognize what's coming from your head and your heart now here's something that is I I just one of those mystical facts when your head and your heart are aligned you have a different relationship with time and space you actually do think you you what you start experiencing is that time goes like time it feels like time is going faster it feels like things are just happening simultaneously but what's really and this is so hard to communicate but when you are congruent when what you think how you feel is the way you talk is the way you think when you're operating like this a way to think about that is that you've shifted to vertical speed you're like in vertical speed like how are you thinking how you feel it's just congruent and so it you don't you're not jamming your circuits with well I tell you how I think but then this is how I feel and this is and when you are jammed and you are jamming your circuits like that the result is you don't make any choices well I'll think about this tomorrow so there's a log Jam in what gets moved well maybe I'll clean this up tomorrow maybe I'll get around to this tomorrow maybe I'll do this tomorrow it's tomorrow so you are but when you're clear about what you know how you feel then you choose and things move and so you're moving at this more of the speed of light than at the speed of matter okay this is why in healing it is so essential to become congruent to get your head lined up with your heart to make choices that reflect it the reality of what's in your head and in your heart and to get these two forces operating so that you are not in Conflict so that during the day you make one type of choice you make head choices and then in the evening you'll say like my how many people let's kick back and get a drink and I'll tell you how I I know what I said I thought but I'll tell now that the sun's gone down and we're in a different atmosphere I'll tell you how I feel and people who think one way and feel another never get anything fully accomplished because there's too many people inside of them and the way that they sustain that is through addiction because they'll crave something on the outside world that allows them to maintain this separation of church and state of head and heart of body and soul and you have to do something that distracts the conflict between these two parts of yourself and it could be um anything from being addicted to manipulative tactics being addicted to substance being addicted to exercise it is it is a form of choice that you engage to distract contact from your head and heart it doesn't have to be a substance it could be complaining you're addicted to complaining you're addicted to whatever it is you to all kinds of behavior that distracts your head and your heart from making contact and connection with each other and to me that is really the source the the core source of addiction is that we don't want our head and our heart to get into an alignment so we have cravings that become the sources of our choices without thinking because what a craving is it's like time for sugar I didn't even have to think about it I just started craving it time for Booze it's time for heroin it's it's time whatever it's time to it it doesn't matter the the the habits we engage in that we are addicted to make choices for us and we don't have to think it if we don't have to think we oftentimes can avoid the conflict unless of course people start pointing out conflicts like you need to go to AAA and you know etc etc um so for me I think that every one of us Cycles through some experience of the addict every one of us because every one of us has patterns that are Cravings it's just that you know for the addict that is a substance addict or a um uh alcohol addict or something where the addiction is actually harmful like that in a direct way that's one type of addict but the other kinds of addictions like addictions to attention addictions to to always needing to be right patterns of behavior that are in themselves distractive but but they are what they are they too are patterns that stop us from going deeper and and becoming more reflective about why we make the choices we do why what is driving our power what is threatening our power what are we finding threatening about someone else's power and and to me the end of the day the object is always always always to be congruent to become whole I mean look at what the template is in the atmosphere everything is pushing us to holism everything environmental climate change pandemics um how we see our body mind Spirit template every single thing how we're beginning how we are now understanding that the body is an integrated system of life how we need to understand nature everything is about becoming whole and whole means becoming congruent and congruent means that we have to make choices that do not come from a splintered place where we think one way and feel another and really do you realize how I I mean I'm not even going to go down this path but I'm convinced that this shift of The Head and the Heart which is the animal and animals at a cosmic level it is huge what I'm talking about has so much to do with how we are experiencing shifts in how we understand sexuality that the the separation of that's the male that's the female this is this this is that these boundaries are simply beginning to fade as we move into what will be the holistic era of humanity we are on the beginnings of this we will not see the end of it it is who knows how many centuries did it unfold but that's the direction we're going we're not going backwards to the good old days there aren't any good old days those are over we're going into holism and and how we approach ourselves how we understand ourselves does this Choice make me whole or am I is this splintering and if you speak to yourself and you will say I have to think about it but this is how I feel I want you to sit back and think I'm doing it again I am splintering myself and then watch if you don't if that doesn't activate a craving in you and even if that craving is um an addict an addiction to excuses and to procrastination and postponement that you're just addicted to not moving forward okay all of these are forms of holding on to power in a certain way and fearing the speed of change if you became more congruent endless addicted we're all in this boat together by the way I mean no human being gets to adulthood without establishing a field of Cravings none of us does that's just not the way it's written people so we're all in this together and it's a matter of spotting your cravings and then realizing I'm in a battle here between that thing controlling my fifth chakra and me getting my head and my heart together okay thank you everybody
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 54,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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