Caroline Myss - You are never without choice

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hi everybody welcome to Phoenix part 2 oh the noise you're hearing if you can hear it are all my neighbors at seven o'clock I think we've been through this in the previous session welcoming home everybody and checking in on each other as they do every evening at 7 o'clock I think that's happening all over the country these days I think a world and it's it's kind of wonderful so maybe you can hear them maybe you can't we thought so we've also taken to hiding flamingos in everybody's yard and doing flamingo walks and anything to kind of cheer up these days so everybody's got flamingos anyway welcome to Phoenix part to this session these sessions are all about you now I'm going to take what began in the first part which was an overview of the evolution of consciousness and with the theme of transformation and co-creation from entering the nuclear age and how that has profoundly reshaped the redirection of history the redirection of evolution and the overview of these past decades too now I want to bring it in to how this impacts your life your personal life how it has worked its way into the day-to-day anus of your own personal journey it's remarkable you know really to see consciousness from above to see how subtle chaotic speaking of chaos I wonder if you can hear that subtle chaotic and yet very hidden threads of evolution weave their way into our lives through collective and individual acts of creation you know we don't notice it until we notice life does not just happen that's one of the themes I want to emphasize things do not just happen if there is a core message I really want to constantly communicate it's that we're not victims of life we're co-creators and never has that been more important to communicate you are never without choice the power in you is so extraordinary it's in the power you have to redirect the elements the ingredients of your life is so profound and that is what this time in human history is about is our waking up to that and not just waking up to it but learning getting it getting it in our blood and bones getting that we're designed for it that that's what the chakras are about that that's what our energy field is about that that's what the power of choice is about that that that's that's what every one of our relationships are about that that's what our whole life has been set up to teach us is that we are we are involved in a constant learning of co-creation that every choice is about making a difference and that we're accountable for these choices and that we you know that to me the message and challenge of this moment is that we wake up to that I I truly well it's my personal deep belief that only the divine could stop a planet could stop everything with the message you to heal that's all there's to it you have to heal enough is enough you have to heal and that's what we're doing we have to get that we must get into the business of healing and of transformation and get on with it that that is the purpose of life not collecting things not hoarding things not not getting as much as we can in 16 houses and more stuff and more stuff and more stuff that's not the business of life life is the business of life and and using everything we have to enhance the lives of others that's the business of life and and all this time I think that you know we've shifted into this energy this era of energy and our lives have been changing faster than we have been able to comprehend but so many times so many times in my work I've had the thought that we've never really stopped to evaluate how fast life is changing energetically while not changing physically at the same time like the world looks the same like like the other day I was sitting on my porch I went outside I had a cup of coffee and I was looking at my garden and everything looked the same I mean everything looked the same this world is not the same it never will be again now and I thought but it looks the same and then I saw a couple of people walking down my block with masks on and I and I was reminded that the world has become the surreal virus place but for a moment I thought it looks the same but it's not and that's the exact same message that I want to communicate about how when we entered this age of energy everything looked the same but it wasn't we were now in an energetic a universe that had animated it had energetically become alive activated wires had animated plugged in if you will that had not been plugged in in or let me say it this way we had access to a realm that we had not had access to before and that has continually shifted our relationship to time and space to the speed at which life is moving and we've never really had a seminar for example on how how is your relationship with time and space changing have you noticed anything have you noticed and are you adapting to the shift in time and space and you might say what is she talking about well I'll give you an example because consciousness and your your whole inner life is a the consequence of of any inner work is that you are recalibrate the speed at which your life changes it that's what happens so for example shifting to technology has changed our relationship with time and space with the speed at which things get done with the speed at which we can access knowledge with the speed at which and if we access knowledge faster then we can make decisions faster and then that changes how we do things faster so things just go faster and faster and faster and we end up doing these things called multitasking and the next thing you know we feel like we're three people in one and so life changes at the speed of three instead of the speed of one and we we find ourselves thinking did we actually hire people called time managers to slow things down because in fact what's happening is we're moving so fast at the energetic level that we have to ground ourselves with somebody whose job it is to organize time the way it used to be almost located somewhere because we're moving at energetic speed everywhere else we can Google things we can get something in five seconds that used to take five days and so in five seconds we can get to something and then because of that we can make a decision that would have taken five weeks and we can make that decision in five in ten minutes that's what consciousness does it expands your that's what the pursuit of truth does it expands your perceptual field so that you can comprehend something at that speed that would have taken for example much longer if you were to remain within for example tribal consciousness if you were to remain within a group and think as a group and like a group and always hang with a group and move at the speed of their thought well what do you think we should do well we don't believe this okay we don't believe this well when will we not believe this well maybe not for a century well then okay well we will we will then I won't believe this for a century then I won't even look at this for a century then I that's tribal speed but when you move out of that I may be a practical example when I was a baby Catholic I remember there were many times when I was you know the early religion not theology but religion and a lot of it struck me as being and I remember thinking this doesn't make sense and I won they went when I was told and remember this is way back when that only Catholics go to heaven that was the drop that was the I thought what a parable place to be the only Catholics were in heaven I'm not on there so that was the point at which I thought something's wrong here something's wrong something's great big huge wrong and I announced to my family that I had a problem here and then I remember when I was a little older and I was in college and very you know I had attitude the priest was giving sermons and then hitting for money and that kind of thing and I hate to say this because it sounds so typical but I said to my mom I'm warning you right now if that priest starts hitting us for money at Sunday Mass when it should be all about devotion and prayer and something sacred I'm walking out so what she did was she marched me up to a Pew right in front like like six or seven from the altar or something thinking that I would never walk out I don't know which I knew what she was doing and then there he wants and he brought up money and I looked at her and I thought and I looked at her and I said mom I'm sorry and I got up and I walked out but as I walked out when I got to the back of the church I turned around and I just wanted to say oh but I did and I just walked out and it was years before I stepped into a Catholic Church again I had to break away from that tribal thought form and it began the individual quest the individual like what is truth what is true if that's not true then what is and that's that that journey inside that individual quest but it changes the speed at which you then at which your life changes it changes the speed at which you get answers and this then will lead to where we're going in the weeks ahead which is why you're wired with intuition why you're wired with guidance this is that system inside organic divinity that you begin to rely upon when you withdraw from the outside world as your resource for is this right is this wrong and you start turning to your inside world for a sense of is this right is that what and it what's truth so on the outside you ask about is this right or wrong but when you start going on the inside the question you ask is is this truth so how you talk to yourself begins to change how you speak to your soul is not like how you speak to the outside world as as you'll learn as we go further you speak in wordly in much much more receptive questions like is this the truth and your soul responds no and yes versus how you talk to someone on the outside because people on the outside are always interested is this good bad right wrong that's how tribe and earth people talk earth people people talk but when you get into mystical dialogue it doesn't work that way there you resonate which is this the truth is this an illusion what am i perceiving this is the journey your honor this is the journey you're on the journey from withdrawing from that to this that's what you're on and this journey shifts your relationship to the speed at which you comprehend what's going on in the world what's going on in your world the speed at which your life moves and and you know I want to hit a pause button here I need to just really need to emphasize at a grounded level how realistic this idea of speed is and that through the years it took me a while to actually get that there were physical I don't I say consequences to this in terms of our health that this is not just a mystical crisis I'm talking about that we people would use phrases like I'm burned out I'm people would crash and burn that that's another phrase I've heard people use maybe you've used it yourself or the rise in numbers of people who would he have chronic fatigue these energetic disorders if you will that have developed over the course of these past decades that come from the the fact that we are in this energetic world now but part of our challenge is that we're strangers in this world we we can't we speak about it but we don't know our way around yet we don't know what we're susceptible to we don't understand our energetic immune system excuse me we don't and as a result we don't we don't even actually regard ourselves as energetic beings yet that's something we we can talk about we might think about it but we don't take it seriously we don't get that we're on an evolutionary energetic journey in physical matter it doesn't make any sense to us because we so rely upon the physical world and I get that I get that but if you if you really thought about it 90% of your life is invisible 90% of your life is energetic everything that you value you can't see it from from love to intelligence to imagination to your computer system to the Internet to how you work to how you communicate you can't see any of this everything that has any value to you at all your your energetic system you can't see so you're operating on faith and on energy all the time and yet it's the very system that you you protect the least it's the very system that you know least about in terms of its its bio spiritual nature and its bio spiritual power and its bio spiritual vulnerabilities and its needs and and how to maintain and sustain it how you lose power how you maintain in sustain your power and and how you and and and and your power to create and what an act of creation is and what it means to lose your power and what it what what it means to make a choice and to think clearly do I actually want to make this choice because it's gonna cost me this much of my power if I do this and some part of my bio energy system is going to have to go into debt if I react in anger to this and and I don't have enough energetic currency to incur that kind of debt and if I do it's going to take it from my cell tissue and because I don't have enough energy in my immune system my energetic immune system so it will have to draw upon my cell tissue to manage the foolish choice I've just made and that's how energetic debt gets into your cell tissue and that's how disease starts as we'll get to when we get to health you see how this works and if you really had a consciousness about that you would stop and think I can't make that decision I can't make a choice like that I can't respond like that with my power because first of all I don't have enough power to even manage a choice like that so now I have to I have to play by different rules this this is what the journey of life is about learning those rules learning the rules we need to live by it's as simple as that now isn't that isn't that fascinating I mean you know what this is where I would I really was born to be in a classroom I really was at its I was born I was born to teach and so this is where I wanted to see your faces and I want to see you like I don't get it or I get it I get exactly what you're talking about all right don't get it and so I have to I have to feel you right now I I just wanna get that you I just made sense to you I hope I made sense to you I'm just I miss you I wouldn't be in a classroom with you okay you know through through the years one of the the comments I have heard people say is the idea that they they chose to be on the spiritual path or they chose a path of consciousness and one of the things one of the myths that's not a myth what are the illusions I want to put to the side is that you don't choose to be on a path of its I'm not sure that that is a choice I think it's better to think of your life as one day something happens that requires you to become more conscious and that's the day your life changes and you are forced to see things more consciously would you excuse me for a minute wait a minute it's not easy to keep talking and talking and you're forced to see things more consciously and that's the day you up the game on how you understood decide to understand what are the rules of life here I need a more sophisticated relationship with creation maybe you you become ill maybe you're in a crisis where you've lost your job because of a virus like what's happening now maybe you are now in a situation where you have to rely on your creativity in a way that you never have before and you have to think differently you have to up the game in terms of relying on your cosmic imagination not your ordinary one you have to become incredibly imaginative in a way you have to reimagine yourself in a way that you never have even thought about before so you have to expand the rules the laws the your possibilities you have to become more conscious of what's possible you have to redefine you have to break barriers and so that's one you have to you start turning to yourself and think I have to I have to reek I have to consider what I could do what I might do what I haven't done that's one a journey starts it's that it's not that it's really starts it's when you realize I lived small and I have to expand on the very path that I'm on what would this path look like if I took the roof off what would this path look like if I widened the road what would it look like and that's what this moment in your life is you're going to widen the road and take the roof off your life is you know what you know it's the truth this is what you're gonna hold your house my life's is set up for awakening that's all it is my life is a setup for awakening and every day from now on you're going to awaken to something and that's how you're going to look at it from now on every day there is something in my life every day that I am that's going to bring me a little jewel of awakening I'm gonna learn something new about myself that's going to empower me in a way that I was not empowered this morning and that's exactly how you're going to look at it that the awakening is a journey of self excavation and this is how you're going to think of divine of organic divinity that in fact this is God in your blood and bones this is how the organic nature of God has set up our lives to come to wake up within the context of everything that happens to us within every uses every single fiber and every single relationship and every single moment to get us to realize this the power we have within us that everything is about our capacity to transform this moment to something greater than it was before so I'm going to hit a pause button and explain that because it's a big deal there are a lot of people feeling very powerless right now for obvious reasons and it it might seem like an outrageous thought to say how can you just transform a moment how can you just stop and make something more powerful and or transform something just like that well the one of the teachings we're focusing on in these weeks is that what is power power is your is your fundamental ingredient everything everything that life is about is how you understand power how you understand power and in any situation and in any moment you can say to yourself I'm powerless or I'm not I'm powerless or I'm not which is it that choice right there that choice right there it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you do not immediately see a way through it doesn't matter what matters is how you respond that matters it matters if you say I'm not powerless somehow heaven will help me I'll receive a help I'll get a thought something will happen I am NOT powerless so long as I'm alive I'm not powerless if you can hold that that magnetizes just by the laws of nature your energetic field in a way that feeling powerless and thinking powerless cannot do if it's like turning lights on and turning lights off if you say to yourself there's nothing I'm helpless there's nothing I can do I'm telling you it's like turning the lights off turning your magnetic field off and and and just unplugging your energy field if you say I'm not helpless I'm not sure what to do I'm not sure how to go but I I will I am believing that somehow grace is going to download I'll find a way because that's what grace does it comes when I need it I need it now more than ever I need some badass grace and and and it's going to happen because it has to because I need it now and that's the way it works and and that's it you've got to help me because I need it and no human being can help and that's when I need a miracle and I need it now and that's how it works so power is the lesson now I'm gonna give you a homework assignment and this is the preview of it so I want you to pay attention to this and I want you to think about this as I talk to you because I'm emphasizing power for a reason you know before I'd say before the nuclear age before us people didn't talk about their inner power the way we do they didn't dwell on it they didn't they didn't process it they didn't because power and co-creation and transformation that wasn't the thing they weren't in the energy age they weren't in the age of consciousness they weren't involved in in in the cosmic lesson of learning they co-create reality that was not the lesson of the previous centuries but it is ours and so we are inwardly focused and completely compelled to understand the nature of our power we don't even know why but that's why it's because it is the dictate of the time and I want to ask you this what do you resent the most and what experiences in your life require the most arduous personal healing what do you resent the mouse and what experiences in your life require the most arduous rigorous of healing some experience of loss of your own power is probably the answer being unable to to utilize your own power to change your circumstances or being violated or humiliated that's a big one or unable to defend or protect yourself because you feel powerless or an act of self betrayal because you refused to engage your own power when you knew you could but you chose to do otherwise for fear of handling the consequences so I'm going to repeat this and I'm gonna repeat this now I want you in the mind frame that power is the substance that when you lose it when you are feeling at your weakest the thing you resent the most the thing the issue you find most difficult to heal or recover from is always today an issue related to your power to your power one that it's some loss of your power it's either being unable because somehow you weren't able to utilize your own power to change your circumstance for whatever reason so therefore someone else was in charge of you - you were violated in some way or humiliated and you couldn't protect yourself or defend yourself or you part you participated in an act of self betrayal because you refused to engage your power for fear of handling what the consequences would be to you if you did protect yourself in that circumstance whatever those reasons are the source of your feeling weak and powerless the source of what causes a person to go on the longest journeys the hero's journey the longest journeys is because they have they go in search of their power they have to get their power back look at how we talk today they I need to you want to become here's the operative word conscious of where's my power how did I lose that what did I do that how did that happen I have to get my power back why why are we so obsessed with that there was a time when that would never have been the case but it is now it is now and I absolutely have to make this point that it's because we are born knowing we are born knowing that we're accountable for our power we're born knowing that we are born knowing that we are accountable for the use of the power that we have been given what we can call it our soul whatever would you want but we are held accountable for this we we know that we are an incredibly powerful system of life and that we that that every choice we make is an act of our using this power that to participate in co-creation is a profound and sacred contract and the more conscious we become of this the more the universe steps in and becomes the guides behind us that assist us in the healing of others that assist us in ways that are unimaginable to the ordinary mind you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 57,734
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Id: z8c1cOdZE-A
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Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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