The Law of The Spirit of Life by Therin Cole

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good afternoon children of God today is uh May 6th 2024 in the year of Our Lord my name is theen Cole and this is Believers Foundation we are uh we have an email address of boundation Ministries and you can email us there um we need to start out by going to the Lord bless His holy name our father Lord we come before you this morning all of us Lord give us hearts that yearn give us hungry hearts Lord that yearn for you that nothing will satisfy us but you fill us with your word you've said if two or more are gathered in your name that you're in our midst and you are here so guide my heart my mind my [Music] tongue and the hearts of the people who listen that we come into that one place that you want us to be which is the unity of the faith in love that we be in love with you and in love with each other as you and the father are in love all the time thank you Lord that your word is true and that if all men are Liars who come against it your word still stands we cast aside every hindering spirit right now that would come against this word and knock down understanding that the understanding of the Lord go forth that we overcome all obstacles in the receiving of your word today in jesus' name amen thank you Lord I have mentioned in times past an element of deception that has been with us always it's always with the truth always and because the enemy hates the truth the enemy is the father of Lies he is the LIE he is the great lie he's the great liar he's the one who will find a way to twist that's what Wicked means Wick means to twist and the evil one is wicked in his heart what people don't understand and this is what we have to come into an understanding of is that what remains in your heart that is not of God the unbelief the lies which unbelief nonbelief disbelieving this is all in a person's heart because of what's been sown there already we are working out our Salvation God has saved us and we are working it out so there is a having been and a doing we are coming into agreement in our soul with God and this takes time and the reason we need to come into an agreement is because we don't understand that there's so much of our heart that has already been sown by the enemy and that has to be worked out we are still in agreement with the enemy in certain places in our heart and when those things are revealed to us when any wicked way is revealed to us we have to be brave and courageous face it ask the Lord for his help concerning it and work at overcoming it get it out come into disagreement with it break that Covenant that you have with hell in your own heart because that is a covenant with hell when we choose to believe a lie over the truth of God then we have made a covenant With the Enemy that needs to be broken and we have the strength to do that we have to have the eyes to see but we do have the strength to break that agreement you would say to yourself well I don't a I don't agree with the enemy in anything well that's a little bit arrogant I'm sorry to say because there's so much that's been sown in all of our hearts you don't actually know what's in your own heart and that's the truth but the Lord will reveal it to you are you going to be happy about what you see when you see the bad stuff no you won't you won't it'll make you most unhappy you're going to try to hide it well I wouldn't suggest doing that not with yourself you may try to put it on to someone else oh that's a bad one that's a real bad one and that's a habit that you have to get over don't be pointing fingers at other people for what you've done or for what you're doing stop stop that one or it may be something that's so bad that you can't look at it you can't look at it God will give you courage you have to be able to see it and then you have to be strengthened to deal with it this is a process child of God and it's not easy and all of us without fail contain those elements of unbelief disbelief and the lies that support them okay unbelief and disbelief against God now until we get routed out of a great many of those wickedness is in our own Hearts we will be to some degree working against the word of God we won't know that we are but we will be now you're not entirely in innocent just because you don't know that you're working against the enemy in part you're not because God when he enters your heart initially he has given you his justice system he has put his heart in you and now you can see some things that you couldn't see before you may not see all things but you can see some things you can see enough and he will reveal it to you well how are you handling what he does reveal well that doesn't make me feel good you say do you know that the truth of God in your heart initially isn't going to make you feel good because that light will be shining on all of the bad stuff too and you're going to be feeling really bad for a while you got to get rid of that bad stuff you're going to be happy that he's there and you're going to feel him there and you're going to have the peace that goes along with it and then there will also be a sadness you'll see the things that he wants you to change and it's not going to feel good it may hurt it may involve separating from some people that you care for because those people aren't willing to let go of what the enemy is doing with them so you'll have to separate that's not going to feel good it's going to create sorrow now we know from the book of Isaiah and from other writings that our Lord was well acquainted with sorrow he felt the things that were going on around him and he could see the places where God couldn't get in he could see the darkness he could see the refusals at the entrance of the light that he brought he could see the refusals that hurt him and he felt all of it plus he had many loves that were up close and personal and yes the Lord had favorite loves we know that he cherished Lazarus and I know he loved his mother and he loved his family but I think there were issues that he dealt with there that caused him a great deal of pain we also know that because he went through through what he went through on our behalf living this life he didn't just come here and then die he lived a life here we know that because of all of that he is perfectly appointed perfectly appointed to be our counselor and the one who helps us get through these matters he knows them firsthand not that God didn't know them firsthand but now we have a brother a big brother who came through and said look I've been specially gifted to do this I'm going to do it for you and I'm going to show you how to go through that knole and I'm going to take you through it by the hand and so he is and by the hand he takes us through that knole each one of us is on a different Journey no two of us are exactly the same God has done this and it has been his pleasure to but we're in a dangerous place no matter how nice it looks and no matter how well-meaning everything appears we're in a very dangerous place so we have to love the Lord Our God with all our heart with all our might and with all our soul and keep him first place we have to acknowledge Him in the Deep parts of our heart in the fear of the Lord reverently with awe a this is an awesome God and I don't just mean the awe that comes from oo look at that but rather the awe that comes from ah yeah he can take me out if he wants to okay that kind of awe and he displays himself in different manifestations with regard to that awe this is beyond your comprehension child of God and it is beyond all of our comprehensions how incredible he is so we worship him knowing that in this lifetime we will never come to know him entirely we don't have the mechanism for it but he is UN containable by all of us we reach out to him we seek him but we cannot contain him he is uncontainable in the sense that you can't grasp all of him and yet and yet all of him will dwell in you all of him so we can't contain it in our natural self our natural flesh being cannot contain him but by the spirit of God he dwells within us all of him so his working out with us our salvation with fear and trembling is huge we become Servants of the most high slaves of the almighty Brothers of the one who gave his life for us saved us our Lord Jesus Christ who was born of God fathered by God God in him did for us what we couldn't do for ourselves took the law in satisfied all of its requirements and through him we too satisfy these things we satisfy it all in him as long as we remain in faith in him so sin which we've been given power over as we have him in us because he dominated it he broke the Captivity that we were in to sin and we now are free of it we are not in bondage to it the law of sin and death as it says in Romans believe it's in Romans that the law of the spirit of Life In Christ Christ Jesus has Set Me Free from the law of sin and death okay he did this for us and we have him in us and we have him working for us so if we voluntarily or weakly allow ourselves to be persuaded to sin we are Breaking Faith with him well it's just this little weakness that I have seriously you break Faith with the one that's walking with you through this place that is fraught with all manner of danger you have no idea what you are doing you're blind don't break Faith with him he loves you and he loves me and he is working out our salvation with us we have to hear him and we have to be able to be led by him and walking in sin is contrary to that okay so we have to stop all those things that are of sin and the sin that he reveals to us that we didn't know we were committing we have to break with that too and those are the areas in our heart that have to do with unbelief that we that we choose to believe that we' become familiar with that we have that we are comfortable believing we're going to have to let go of a lot of those we're going to have to let go of all of them clean ourselves up so what we discussed the last time we were together had to do with cleaning ourselves up being clean what clean is and we are to remain clean clean holy Sanctified set apart you can't mix with what is dirty and remain holy and yet we do mix with what is dirty and so how is it that we are able to do this in a dirty World situations that we may be called to help around people that are dirty that aren't going to get cleaned up on our watch but are going to remain dirty and yet we were sent to help them how do we remain clean how do we do this well our Lord left us at the last of his ministry in the natural before he was crucified he left us with a symbolic foot washing that was an exercise in keeping clean from the dirt you see we have to remain in the faith and it's very difficult to do this if we allow sin in or we allow the dirt that is the Prelude to sin in oh yeah the enemy knows this too it's the Ord you know usually before you have a real special meal before you really dive into something you're really going to eat you'll be given in a good restaurant well you have to order it and pay for it I might add and order derve or if you go over to a friend's house that's cooking you a several course dinner then you'll be given an or urv a little something to wet your appetite with before the main meal and that's what the enemy does with the unclean thing he spreads uncleanness in different ways these are things not only that you do that are not right but they are also things that that make you feel unclean or they bring an uncleanness to you that attaches itself to you which then opens a door to something bigger or it's something that unjustly was done to you God is a God of Justice I consider Justice a balancing of the scales of making things right whatever Injustice you've incurred God can make it right but you have to give him time and you have to believe him for it and it may take a long time I've had some things in my life that were unjust that occurred that it took the Lord decades to satisfy and the funny part about it was to me was that the satisfaction for the Injustice that had been done was so small it seemed like such a little thing but it soothed and carried away a huge weight that I had carried for a very long time cleared it away with just a drop of Love on just that spot he's amazing be patient and longsuffering and automatically we think that we have to be longsuffering with other people and we do but that's also longsuffering with God and His word you have to wait on him and that isn't easy you have to give him time to act you have to believe that he will you have to persist and pursue righteousness knowing that he will so the foot washing the foot washing our Lord did some amazing things that he is still talking to us about hold on I have to find this scripture in John 13 beginning in verse one it was now just before the Passover feast and Jesus knew that his hour had come to leave this world and return to the father what I saw with regard to his leaving and this is extremely important to pay close attention to all of the things that led right up to the immediate leaving God left many messages for us and that he leaves messages for us everywhere it's incredible but it's littered with jewels one of the things that he did was actually hanging from the cross he passed over and left his last Duty the duty that he had had he passed over and left his last duties he gave them to us and with regard to his mother he gave that Duty his responsibility as the eldest son he passed it over to his brother in truth John while he was hanging from the cross in this situation we see him passing over a duty that he had been doing getting it through to us in an action that would then give us a picture we're a funny people pictures help us a lot to remember things that he wants us to do truths he gave us a picture of what he wanted us to do for each other this is one of the things that I do for you now he knew that his hour had come to leave this world and return to the father having loved his own who were in the world now these are his own that he's washing the feet of he loved them to the very end and Beyond I will say the evening meal was underway and the devil had already put into to the heart of Judas the son of Simon es scariot to betray Jesus Jesus knew that the father had delivered all things into his hands and that he had come from God and was returning to God so he got up from the supper laid aside his outer garments and wrapped a towel around his waist after that he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and dry them with the towel that was around him he came to Simon Peter who asked him Lord are you going to wash my feet and Jesus replied you do not realize now what I'm doing but later you will understand you will never wash my feet Peter told told him Jesus answered unless I wash you you have no part with me you know Peter is lovely because he's like a lot of us speaking before he thinks but his speaking Jesus doesn't take lightly Jesus responds to this speaking because it's helpful for us to know what it is he has to say so Peter was an instrument in our knowing a great many things that we wouldn't have known otherwise then Lord Peter replied not only my feet but my hands and my head as well and Jesus told him Whoever has already bathed needs only to wash his feet and he will be completely clean and you are clean though not all of you and that was Judas you see or maybe others who knows but Judas most especially for he knew who would betray him that is why he said not all of you are clean when Jesus had washed their feet and put on his outer garments he reclined with them again and asked do you know what I have done for you you call me teacher and Lord and rightly so because I am so if I your lord and teacher have washed your feet you should also wash one another's feet I have set an example so that you should do so do as I have done for you truly truly I tell you no servant is greater than his master nor a me is a messenger greater than the one who sent him if you know these things you'll be blessed if you do them so he's telling us he's urging us to obey he's also letting us know something that a great many people that are out in the world today teaching and talking about the Lord and and I've heard this I've heard many things said by people who weren't necessarily teachers but they were teaching because they were talking about the Lord wherever they are talking about things they didn't understand talking about these so-called Greater Works that we were to do which would make us greater than Jesus well right here he's saying that's not so greater can be many things I look at the so-called Greater Works that we were told Jesus said we would do as the body when it comes together in love will be doing a greater work it's going to be of a greater magnitude but as far as being greater than the one who saved us no but we will have him in us and he will do his Works through us which makes makes us Servants of the most high Brothers we're told also God in us I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me but greater I don't believe that that's something we should be dreaming to become most of the people that I've ever heard talk like that were people that had no ability to even do what Christ did much less be greater this is a um immature speaking for a child of God and it ought to be stopped by the way it's not giving honor to him but it is spreading an arrogance which other people pick up for a time so you know bad talking is Con agous if it seems reasonable to people around them who don't know the word of God well enough to be able to refute it in their own hearts bad talking can lead many people astray and you don't have to be doing that from a Pulpit you can just be doing that in your own church talking about things for which you have no understanding so it's best not to speak concerning those things do we all speak badly from time to time yes but we need to be getting a handle on it and becoming self-controlled with regard to how we speak we are responsible for what comes out of our mouth another aspect of our salvation and our obedience to Christ Our Lord I am not speaking about all of you I know whom I've chosen but this is to fulfill the scripture he says well let's go let's back up to verse 17 so this will be seamless or 16 truly truly I tell you no servant is greater than his master nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him if you know these things you'll be pleased if you do them I am not speaking about all of you I know whom I've have chosen but this is to fulfill the scripture the one who shares my bread has lifted up his heel against me and I am telling you now before it happens so that when it comes to pass you will believe that I am he truly truly I tell you whoever receives the one I send receives me and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me all right he continues on about Judas in this matter it's interesting to me that Judas was part of the foot washing nothing was left out for this man's ability to receive what Christ had given nothing he got it all he got the full compliment but yet something in him went another way because he hadn't kept himself clean as he had gone along we knew that he'd been stealing from the treasury you see that secret sin that he never repented of began to rise up and become a justification for an even greater sin which is what uncleanness will do in the heart of a Believer and you would say to yourself well King Zach I have God in Me So after all I'm under grace all right I'm going to cover that a little bit there are Shadow teachings Shadow lies that have risen up the track right along with God's truth that we've been taught as we've gone along since the times of Our Lord but they were going along even prior to that so I'm going to say this since the truth has been sown in the Earth the liar has been there to sew right alongside and that lie that's come right alongside the truth is attached to the truth in a way kind of like the Barnacles attach themselves to the hole of a ship it's along for the ride you have to be able to sort through what is the ship what is the truth and what is the barnacle and the Barnacles are extremely hard to get off they are attached to that truth and most people believe that they are part of the truth and to the degree that the LIE is believed the truth will be weak in US these lies weaken the truth you may hear the truth and rejoice but you can only receive it so far or you receive it with qualifications because you can't get the full measure of it because the enemy has already stolen pieces of it with the lies little uncleannesses attached to what is pure to diminish its ability to do what it is sent to do and therefore in the lives of a good many people that truth cannot be fully revealed to them because they are still holding to many of these lies this is where we work out our salvation with fear and trembling it's tedious it's an awesome responsibility and most of us should be hugely about the business of our own heart and not spending our time faulting criticizing others you should be able to hear what God has to say about others but your devotion should be to the god in you and he's got a lot of things to say to you if you'll only listen there is in the body of Christ an attitude many attitudes and this is how these this is how these concepts are conveyed they're conveyed through attitudes which you will pick up almost by osmosis you just watch how other people behave and you think that's the way you're to behave so the Lord said about the Pharisees he said do what they say but don't do what they do well that's pretty tough to take someone that's that close to you that you look up to and Revere and to say okay well I'm not supposed to do what they do but I have to listen to what they say is very difficult to separate what they say from what they do many of these shadow lies that have come along and I'm going to name some of them I have been naming him as I've gone along many of these shadow lies that have attached themselves to the body of Christ there's one that's really active now and that one has to do with uh something about the work having already been done that God's going to do and he has already done many things but he is still doing many things within that work God is present to see to it that what he work what he set forward in motion completes the task that's why the prophet swed the word of God and nobody stood up and said well we don't need to do anything more or be believing God on these matters anymore after all he's already done it nobody did that nobody did that they continued to seek God for what he had said and continued to press into the Lord as though he was right there and Alive seeking his face because he is right there and Alive where is right there well right there is wherever you are right there is now he's there I've cried out to him in a prayer and had him answer and my whole world came apart the world that I had been in and I was given an entire mental verse another place to live inside yes he's there and he'll respond to you maybe not as dramatically as he did to me but it's dramatic in your life however he responds to you he's right there because Jesus had said also where two or more are gathered in my name there am I in their midst well was he well I guess it's just a done deal no you know we just can be casual about this and this is a an attitude that is being sewn in the body from which other attitudes are coming and I'm going to tell you what some of these other attitudes are this other attitude that is coming on the wings of that which is the fruit of what is being sown through that attitude is apathy and a kind of hopelessness and and I'm going to say this one an an idea or the same kind of a of a sense that God isn't there God isn't there for you somehow or other it was already done and now he's not around God's off doing something something else really oo now this is all very subtle but it makes you feel a drift all right now that's the fruit from that belief set that's a wrong belief set now what you have and I've seen this many many times is that a teacher will come along that's got a bit of a platform and a lot of people listen and they'll get a great idea they think but instead of just talking about this idea that they've got they will attempt to get rid of anything else that that idea in other words they have to clear the deck so that everything else is destroyed around that idea and can't challenge that idea why do you have to do that there are many Concepts within God that we don't know yet and when A New Concept comes in often that if it's a a truthful concept that we haven't embraced before or have thought about it it'll be supported in scripture but it's not going to destroy the stability the foundation that we stand on which is is that God is alive and he's right here and he's paying attention okay let me try to say it this way your choice how you believe is perfect God gave it to you and it is perfect you absolutely get a choice it wasn't taken from you and this concept of predestination there's an argument between the Calvinists and the AR Armenians all right on this okay this was an argument some time ago about predestination it was a silly argument actually because God often when these two things are brought predestination or choice right now they are both in existence that's the spirit think on this they aren't separately exclusive one of the other which is what man's mind tries to do he tries to separate and make it one thing it isn't it's both things well how is that possible they contradict one another how can you have a choice and have there be predestination well if you read seriously the scripture concerning predestination you're going to begin to understand that predestination is God's for knowing god fornew okay so God gives us a choice right and he he does but when you make that choice right where you are God already knew what it would be when he birthed you before he birthed you when you were created long before you came about here when you ever were when you came to being God already knew okay well that's a kind of predestination it is he already knew he already knew what you would do but your choice is absolutely your own and judas's was absolutely his choice his choice to betray the Lord was his that's why he was held accountable for it it was his to make God didn't make him do that he did it but God knew he would do it and therefore all the pieces fit together that's how he does he already knows what you're going to do is that feel a little scary oh good oh good this is the fear of the Lord you'd better now you seek his face and sincerity because that fear that you have right there that oo this is spooky yes it is you take that to him and you let that drive his truth more deeply into your heart and you're going to do it from your knees fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom you get to him from your knees the knees of your heart okay now so this is subtle stuff this is very subtle hard to explain difficult so I understand if you're trying to track with me that this could be confusing isn't when you get it but it can be to the getting you can be become confused right up to the getting of it hang in there let God's word be true and every man a liar it doesn't matter what other people are saying God's word is true and you have to come to that you have to come to that meach Shadrach and abedo were given an opportunity to worship a false idol it was during a time when King Nebuchadnezzar felt that everyone should be worshiping that his advisers had told him so and he believed that was a great idea let's take a look at that in Daniel chapter 3 starting in verse one King Nebuchadnezzar made a golden statue 60 cubits high and six cubits wide that's a tall statue let me see if we have a little bit of an idea here what that is apparently it was about 90 ft high and 9 ft wide that is tall 9 ft wide and 90 ft tall now this is something that this man did after Daniel had interpreted a dream for him that involved a statue that was being created whereby Nebuchadnezzar was told by Daniel in his interpretation that God had identified Nebuchadnezzar as the head of gold so the king responds this way he gets a spiritual understanding to a dream and this is how his flesh responds Nebuchadnezzar made a golden statue 60 cubits high and six cubits wide and he set it up on the Plaine of dura in the province of Babylon then King Nebuchadnezzar sent word to assemble the satraps prefects Governors advisors treasurers judges magistrates and all the other officials of the province is to attend the dedication of the statue that he'd set up and so the satraps prefects Governors advisors treasurers judges magistrates and all the rulers of the provinces a symboled for the dedication of the statue that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up and they stood before it then the herald proclaimed loudly oh people of every nation and language this is what you are commanded as soon as you hear the sound of the horn flute zither liar Harps pipes and all kinds of music You Must Fall Down and Worship the golden statue that n King Nebuchadnezzar has set up and whoever does not fall down in worship will immediately be thrown into the fiery blazing furnace okay so that's the setup it was discovered that there were a few people that were not doing this and so this was told to the king there were some Jews who had been appointed to the province of Babylon Shadrach Meshach and abedo those were not their Hebrew names those were their Babylonian names who had apparently ignored the order so this message was given to the king and he was Furious he summoned M Shadrach mesach and abedo and so these men were brought before the king and Nebuchadnezzar said to them Shadrach Meshach and abedo is it true that you do not serve my gods or worship the golden statue I have set up now this man had just had an amazing Revelation from the god of Daniel that Daniel expressly told this King was the one answering it was given to him and the King acknowledged the Great great Ness of Daniel's God but apparently he has not laid down his false gods I want to say that this King and we are not in a dissimilar situation you have the great king that has made himself known to you the great God and yet we still hold to Concepts and ideas that we live by that are called our ways that we need to make in confirmation of his ways he is going through it far more dramatically than we go through it but our lives are dramatic in that regard the one thing that's different between us and this man is that he is going to go on through another experience that will bring him not only to his knees but will cause him to eat grass for seven years until he can acknowledge the one God as Supreme now we aren't given that experience but I will tell you that it's just as Grave because he has testified to each and every one of us and yet we do not submit our ways to God to allow him to transform them in confirmation with him easily it's a struggle so understand that each of us have other things that we've given our attention to and set up in our heart as something that we will bow to that is not the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob so we have work to do now if you are ready as soon as you hear the sound of the horn flute zither liar pipes and all kinds of music You Must Fall Down and Worship the statue I have made he's giving him another opportunity to do this but if you refuse to worship you'll be thrown at once into the Blazing fiery furnace then what God will be able to deliver you from my hands this is a very very arrogant King do you think you're not a king and your queen in your own life you are what you say goes to yourself or you're following the voice of something else whose voice are you following are you following the voice of of God or are you following the voice of something else only you'll know this by the spirit of God search it out child of God this is what our walk is about who are you bowing to as you go about your life oh Nebuchadnezzar we have no need to answer you in this matter if the god whom we serve exists then he is able to Deliver Us from the fiery blazing fiery furnace and from your hand O King but even if he does not let it be known To You O King that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden statue you have set up we have a lot of golden statues that have been set up in our culture we have a culture that produces golden statues everywhere and we have a social media that can prove it to you what are you bowing to what is your guide what's your God at this now this tells you what's controlling him Nebuchadnezzar was filled with rage and the expression on his face changed toward meak Shadrach and abedo that tells me it's pretty dramatic that tells me his face took on an aspect his expression changed he gave orders to heat the furnace seven times hotter now this is beyond reason usually what I find when someone is under the authority of a demonic Spirit their responses will be unreasonable they will lack balance there won't be Justice in them they will go too far raging lashing out murderous he gave orders to heat the furnace seven times hotter than usual well I mean how much can kill you is are they going to be killed seven times greater than they were before I think you know you're Once Dead you're dead actually this might be better because you would be killed quicker so that would be better and he commanded some Mighty Men of Valor in his army he's taking some of the best of his own Army to tie up Shadrach Meshach and abedo and throw them into the Blazing fiery furnace the problem is these men were going to have have to get close enough to actually have the people they had tied up land in the furnace and that was so they were tied up wearing robes trousers turbin and other clothes and they were thrown into the Blazing fiery furnace we are told all of this to let us know that they had um kindling that they were Bound in their clothing would have served to catch fire and burn them up if nothing else did the com King's Command was so urgent and the fire was so hot that the fiery Flames killed The Men Who Came who carried Shadrach Meshach and abedo these great men that were excellent soldiers they cost them their lives crazy stuff you know people that follow demons do crazy things and these three men Shadrach Meshach and abedo firm ly bound fell into the Blazing fiery furnace suddenly King Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in amazement and asked his advisers did we not throw three men firmly blound Into the Fire certainly O King look he exclaimed I see four men Unbound and unharmed and they're walking around in the fire and the fourth one looks like the son of the Gods so the aspect of glory on the Fourth Man the aspect of Glory was so great that it was greater than even the fire that was all around it and the King saw it then Nebuchadnezzar approached the door of the Blazing fiery furnace and called out Shadrach Meshach and abedo Servants of the most high god well come out so Shadrach Meshach and abedo came out of the fire and when the satraps prefects Governors and Royal advisers had gathered around they saw that the fire had no effect on the bodies of these men not a hair on their heads was singed their robes were unaffected and there was no smell of fire on them now Nebuchadnezzar declares blessed be the gods of Shadrach Meshach and abedo who has sent his Angel and delivered his servants who trusted in him they violated the King's Command and risked their lives rather than serve or worship any God except their own God therefore I decree that the people of Any Nation or language who say anything offensive against the god of Shadrach m sh and abedo will be cut into pieces and their houses reduced to Rubble for there is no other God who can deliver in this way and then the king promoted Shadrach mesach and abedo in the province of Babylon now they had already been given a high position in the provinces because when Daniel interpreted the dream then the king that which happened before for this situation uh the king promoted Daniel and Daniel requested that Shadrach Meshach and abedo be given High positions in the provinces and the King granted it so they already had a position now they've been promoted even more God will promote you in unusual ways and what you think you're holding on to that seems almost like everything to you but maybe where God would not have you be and I'm talking about if you're in a certain social click that is dishonoring to God but you really like being there because you enjoy the people and they're people that you care for and maybe God's been talking to you for a long time to separate from that group God has a better place for you but it may not be a place that you'll come into the understanding that it's better until after a while sometimes the separation from where you've been in order to get where you need to go will be accompanied with a period of time where you grieve because you're missing that these things happen but know that God always his word is always true and he always will promote those who prefer him God has ways of doing it and he will just doesn't always look that way or feel that way initially they could get you fired but if you continue to believe God and put it before him he's got a better place for you he does the problem that I find is that our own personal expectations of what we think God will do can set us up for a problem if we hold to those and not simply to God and trusting him to do what's right the how and the when are Gods how God does this is his business we have to trust him feels kind of scary to do that right it does put that fear at God's feet and trust him more challenge yourself to trust him in the face of your own fear don't give that fear a place and let that be your God Shadrach mesach and abedo didn't and they were willing to face death for it we don't know all the feelings that they flesh everybody wants to live these men wanted to live and I'm sure that while they were saying what they were saying to the king they may have been trembling we don't know this but they determined they were going to believe God and they already told him that they just said we're facing death here we're going to tell the king the truth we're we're believing God in this so he's going to do what he's going to do what's the worst somebody could do to you but kill you they can't take your soul and put it into hell they can't do that that's something that happens because God does that okay so you want to be on God's side in your heart that's where you want to be all out sold out for God having to go through a death experience like this that these men went through going through through it in your own mind and putting yourself in that process is always helpful in your efforts toward God it helps to clean you up it helps you to look at your own heart and see what's there and this is what we should be doing it's like practicing if you are very skilled at a certain physical thing say you're a pilot or say you're you're a uh someone who owns a ship and you guide that you would want to be imagining in your mind things that could happen that would be a problem for you while you're doing what you're doing that you're skilled at so that you could avoid those problems having already done them in your own mind I knew of a semi TR driver one time that had explained to me very carefully that the scenarios that he might incur that would involve driving and having difficulties he would go through these in his mind if someone came off of an offramp in front of him cut him off and he knew on a freeway that if he slammed his brakes on he would jack knife the truck and he would take out the people on either side of him he had already decided that the person that cut him off that where whereby he couldn't he was going to have he was going to hit someone he would take out the person that had cut him off not the not the innocent ones on either side and he had already done this in his mind it was a situation where there was no way out he couldn't stop in time and and were he to try to he would make a bigger problem by taking out the vehicles on the other sides so he chose not to do that see these are all decisions as far as the Justice in our hearts now when God comes into your heart and he lays claim to you he's come in he's penetrated your heart and you've received him as Lord and savior he has brought his own nature with him of course and he brings with it his own Justice he gives you something he gives you something incredible he gives you an ability to reason and to think with his spirit and not by yourself you're not alone anymore in any of this okay second Peter you're not alone second Peter chapter 3 starting oh dear um you're going to have to do that one too I'm so sorry uh hopefully it's three all right just a minute I don't believe myself sometimes oh okay um okay well blow your nose or anything h no I don't think so I think I it's suck Peter one it's not not three okay so um hold on just all right second Peter three no you could scratch that too I will all right second Peter chapter 1 starting in verse three his divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness now godliness is a word that also means Holiness we could also say cleanliness a Godly person will be clean of the world a holy person will be free of the attributes of that which is filthy you will be free of it as God is so an aspect of our choice is involved in this we have to determine these things as we go about our day his divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and Excellence through these he has given us his precious and magnificent promises so that through them you may become and listen to this partakers of the divine nature now that you have escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires so how did you escape the corruption of the world you escaped it by laying down your evil desires you escaped it by taking on his nature if you took it on so if you are still beset with evil desires and still Desiring the world and its corruption which is an aspect of our walk to get that out of us then you know that this script right here that Peter has given us needs to be gotten into you in a deeper and a more true fashion than it is you can't assume that you have this entirely you've got to meditate on it if you're still struggling with evil desires they will cause corruption in you and you will not be a partaker of the divine nature they will interfere now it says here again his divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness but see you have to take it child of God through the knowledge of him you have to get that gain that reach out to it learn of him who called us by his own glory and Excellence this is a walk it's not a lay it on me God has given it but you have to take it into you you have to reach out to learn of him you reach out in the word of God you're learning of him now his divine power has given us everything we need so the power is there for you it's there for you to get done what you need to get done everything that he has put in you makes you capable to live the Christian Walk In Truth walking the Christian walk in truth is going to make you real you're not going to be phony in any area you're not going to be fake this Holiness is a real thing and it's not something that you can fake or copy or put on in the way that people who are fakers do you don't put this on so that other people look at you and go oh they're such a holy person you don't do that it's not to manipulate you reach out for it to have it in Truth to learn of it to be clean to understand that it's important and I would have to say in most of what calls itself the body of Christ there is a lack of seriousness concerning the cleanness that God would have us be by his Spirit there's a lack of seriousness and part of that is because of the bad fruit that has been sown by people who didn't know what they were talking about and were unwitting teachers of the evil one part of that has been feeding the shadow lies and it is the lay it on me God just lay it on me and if God doesn't lay it on you then you would say oh well um it that just isn't for me even though the word says it is you see you can say I didn't get that and I want that and I know that it's there for me because God has said it so but the people that follow that lay it on me Doctrine is if God didn't mean it for them to have it then they just believe God is capricious you know he's just he does it sometimes and he doesn't other times and we don't know what that is and well maybe the problem is that you haven't spent enough time with him that you need to get in there maybe the problem is you need other people to pray with you maybe the problem is you need you have unconfessed sin I don't know what the problem could be I know that I've dealt with my own issues I have dealt with issues that have forced me into a kind of Agony before God to work it out and it's taken years certain healings that it took me years to get things that I was healed of that doctors said oh there's no cure for that you're just you know that's the way it is you know and it just goes that way well that means when a doctor says that that there's no cure it means that he doesn't know of a cure it means that modern science doesn't know of a cure but as long as the God our God the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is sitting on the throne and he is there is a cure you have to determine how how far are you able to determine how much fight have you got in you for what is God's you want it you really want it how bad do you want it you see God's made a case for his own Grace in the word of God he's made a case for it and when he says come let us reason together he means come let us figure these things out together in other words come let me show you how to argue with your own heart because that unbelief is has got to get out of there somehow and a lot of times it doesn't come out instantly it has to be argued out now I gave a story years ago about something that happened in a Ministry where we were we were serving as pastors well it was our own Ministry and we were serving as pastors I was teaching I had been led by God to teach on slander and we had had a huge problem in our church of slander it was bigger than I was aware of of it was all done behind my back so there was a lot of it I wasn't conscious of firsthand but it was it was um bad but I was led to teach on it to teach about what slander was and every time I taught on it I kept getting more and I kept getting more and I taught about four or five teachings on slander I couldn't get off of it so every week we were back at it again finally on the last time that I taught it I had seen by Revelation from God that slander is murder and I supported what I had seen through the word as I had seen it and the spirit of God was able to teach it out okay so it took a time of reasoning with God about slander but I wasn't directing it at anything specifically I was simply given it to do and I did what I was given to do but the effect was amazing and I was as surprised as everyone else something got up and left during the teaching I was aware that someone had left but I didn't know who it was and when I looked around it seemed as though everyone was there but upon other questioning later after the teaching was over other people had seen it go one had watched it walk by in what they said was a kind of a blue polyester pants suit but couldn't see the face didn't look up at the face just saw the person go by and caught a little bit of the color the door was heard to open a signal was given to our child our our children's ministry teacher who heard the door open and thought it was time she heard it go someone else saw it Go by something left that room and we knew it was slander it had gotten up and left because the truth had been stayed in the case had been made God has set up a case for his word and the truth of it and he has made it so that you can come let us reason together he says he will take you take those truths that he's given until that thing of the LIE can't stay there anymore it's gotten too hot for the lie the fire of God has burn too hot for the lie and the LIE has to leave that's why you stay in the word of God you stay in it and allow your heart to build up a case against the unbelief that is in it until that unbelief is kicked out it's gone and the truth has taken its place and you you you become exactly as it says in 2 Peter 1 beginning in verse three his divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glorious own glory and Excellence through these he has through what his divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and Excellence through these through his power through his glory through his Excellence he has given us his precious and magnificent promises these are Jewels child of God these are the things that sparkle and shine these are the things that have real value this is how you're to decorate yourself so that through them you through them through the through these magnificent promises you may become through these magnificent promises that you re receive you may become partakers of the divine nature there's a qualification here now that you have escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires so see if you haven't done that already if you haven't escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires if you haven't laid that down if you haven't given it up if it hasn't been convinced by the promises and the teachings of God out of you then this isn't something you can have you're not walking in this isn't this worth walking in we just have an idea of it to walk in the real truth of it you have to do it yourself the Magnificent thing one of the incredibly magnificent things about God when he puts himself into each one of us is that only you experience what he does in you now we can all talk about it with each other because each of us have had different experiences and I can tell you what they are but even then you're not in me knowing what it was like it was is just for me but in order to get there and stay there and come into the fullness of it you have got to escape the corruption in the world that is caused by evil desires whose evil desires well someone else's could tempt you but the evil desire itself comes from you any one of us can fall prey to this what have you got to fight it down to beat it out to cast it out to get rid of it well you have to have something to fight with it's not an automatic child of God this is a work now he goes on he goes on with this for this very reason for this reason now he's going to tell you how to fight that stuff and what needs to be in you to fight it with are you ready you have your catchers on for this very reason make every effort to add to your faith virtue now that's a virtue is an old word there virtue it's come to mean moral Excellence it's also tied to truth it's tied to moral Excellence probably you would take that one to be about the most extreme now we have a system in the world to beat down your virtue and it's called the entertainment industry and if you're not actually out there actively doing things that are making you a moral degenerate the entertainment industry will help you feel dirty enough so that you know that filth will get on you what does that mean well that means you're going to have to let go of some things you can't you can't really actually hold to yourself the virtue of God in the face of the filth that's being spun out there you can't you can't have both add to your faith virtue and to Virtue knowledge now that knowledge is going to be knowledge of God and it's going to be the knowledge of what's evil you're going to have to know the difference between truth and lies you're going to have to know the difference between good and evil now I've taught on this before until you begin to be able to discern between what is good that of God and what is evil of the enemy in truth until you can begin to do this in truth you will not be able or be maturing that is the pathway to maturity the ability to discern most Christians can't tell the difference most Christians think that in order to be longsuffering they have to tolerate a whole lot of evil in their life which means that they are de strengthened the evil that you put up with in your life will rob you of strength it'll suck you dry it'll take it right out of you and you won't be able to stand you've got to get that stuff out you don't put up with it and if the people around you continue to indulge you're going to have to separate from them because that stuff will rob you and being around it will rob you you need the truth of God in you to be able to discern you need his Spirit Well I've heard people say well but I got the Holy Spirit when I came to the Lord all right well are you adding to that knowledge well most of them aren't it's lay it on me god well God will just you know he'll just give it to me when I need it I guess and you know I they aren't spending time in the word of God to learn of his nature they aren't growing but they yet they think all these things they should be entitled to the lay it on me God that attitude is the attitude of a lazy person you can't hold to that if you read any of the scripture you will begin to understand that it isn't just what God lays on you God gave you something now what are you going to do with it are you going to learn of him are you going to reach out to lay hold of what he gave you because if you don't you won't have many things and what he did give you will lay fallow and go to waste and to Virtue knowledge and to knowledge self-control now this is a big one this is a big one yes God Gave You self-control he's not going to control you in all these instances just because you have him in your heart he's going to expect that you're going to apply the truth that he gave you to the understanding that you have self-control and if you even if you can't actually believe it because you've lost it in so many situations you have to persist and that's where your longsuffering comes in you're going to persist and be longsuffering with the truths of God until they become nurtured and developed within you it's like growing a crop you have to watch over that crop you have to water it you have to pull all the weeds out and away from it you have to get rid of the little Gophers that are going to try to eat the roots you have to do all kinds of things to watch over that crop the things that will bury down into the ground underneath the surface to try to eat the roots out you got to pay attention to everything well this is going to take up so much time you say I've got a job and I have children and you keep that word of God before you we have the mechanisms now to be listening to the word of God while you're on the way to work while you're idle idly waiting in the doctor's office you have a means now to do that that we never used to have we have a lot less time than they used to have a hundred years ago because everything has gotten faster but with that we also have the technology to give us the word wherever we are I would also say make every effort to slow your life down get rid of the non-essentials get rid of all the non-essentials trim your life down so you've got time for God keep it to the basics got to take care of your family you have to watch over what you've been hired to do a woman at home has to watch over her children a woman working has to watch over her job and the children there's many things and it takes so much time so interject the word of God where you can in that space and we've got the technology to do it but you're going to have to put with that the will and the determination and the finances because you may need a little player but I understand that our phones now will do all of these things you can record things on your phone to play back to you you can listen to the word of God on YouTube on your phone it just takes a desire so we're adding to knowledge self control and to self-control perseverance perseverance now see this is also in order because you're going to be challenged in your self-control to go do something else you're going to be challenged to not persevere to break it off and then to perseverance godliness you're going to have to start making changes in that outside realm and the inside realm that you live in with regard to what you put into your head that's not clean and what you are engaging in in the world that's not clean you're going to have to do what the Lord did you're going to have to do it for yourself and maybe you'll have to do it for the people around you clean them up too maybe instead of talking about um the neighborhood gossip you treat your neighbor to a discussion about what you've learned in the word of God well that sounds kind of scary huh yeah challenge yourself and to Godliness challenge yourself to make God the topic and not the world since he has already told you to put himself first place ooh okay that means a change doesn't it well they may not listen to me you will be listening to you and that's important that you hear what you're doing it's important that you see your ways and if that person listens to you it'll be better for them if they choose not to that's their business if they decide they don't like you anymore because of what you said about God well then you learned a valuable thing about that person that you might not have found out any other way better that you learn early than later after you'd given your heart more in affection better that you learned early what that person was or had decided to be or how they felt about God now you can pray pray for them and maybe they'll receive it better next time they hear it they may not be talking to you anymore well that also might be a blessing now it might hurt you but there's a lot of blessings that I've been given when I stepped out to do what God wanted me to do that were blessings in Disguise they hurt my feelings but they were better for me spiritually see it's a rough walk and it's every day and to Godliness brotherly kindness you know you can be kind you can do that my son spent a great deal of time in Boy Scouts when he was young and he had many experiences to be distressed with the young boys around him and I said you know there's a lot of things happening to you while you're out there but I said there's one thing that you can do and it doesn't really cost you you just have to think to do it I said you can be kind you can do the kind thing you don't have to pop off and do the mean thing you can be kind brotherly kindness Sometimes the best kindness you can give a brother in the Lord is not to say a word and to brotherly kindness love he has brought us all the way up to the whole point because it's about developing the true love of God in your heart and this is a process and he just took you through the entire process for if you possess these qualities and continue to grow in them they will keep you from becoming ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ it's going to work all those things they're going to work which means that what he has in you it's not the lay it on me this is absolutely against the whole lay it on me what is this telling you you got work to do and he gives you the work that you need to do but whoever lacks these traits is nearsighted to the point of blindness having forgotten that he has been cleansed from his former sins this is what you do when you've been cleansed of your former sins to keep yourself clean before God to be able to be that partaker of the divine nature this is what you do just one thing after another and I suggest that you keep these before your eyes write them down put them on the mirror that you look at when you brush your teeth for this very reason I'm going to read this again make every effort to add to your faith virtue and to Virtue knowledge how do you do that well you spend time in the word of God and to knowledge self-control this means that you're going to have to obey what you learn the self-control is applied to your obedience to what you learn and to self-control perseverance now you got to keep at it well this is like a giant weight loss program actually interestingly enough if you were to apply this to your need to lose weight and hold to these things you would lose weight and to perseverance God godliness that means that you are keeping that nasty stuff out in the world you're keeping all that bad food as bad food for your soul and bad food for your body away from you and to Godliness brotherly kindness you're practicing on the other believers maybe even something that works against you in your heart in other words you want to say can I just tell him off I mean you know he's come and done these things to me in church several times and he's so rude how about in kindness you explain to this person that maybe if they were a little softer more people would care for them because you can tell that they have a desire to serve God but maybe the way they're doing it is rubbing people the wrong way not just you and maybe kindly you can tell them that kindly and to brotherly kindness love you see that love flow when that gets going between two people who love the Lord or three people who love the Lord or four there is a power there that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ Alone that enables us to partake of the divine nature and we because too much of the world is coming in and has come into the church because too many people believe these shadow lies that keep them weak it's not the gospel but they've come to believe it like gospel because then they don't have to do anything they don't have to take responsibility one of the first things that God reaching out to you does is it makes you feel responsible for what you've received that is beautiful it's a desire to reach back and that is what every child feels in their heart or should feel toward their parents a desire to reach back a desire to open up to this person that apparently loves you and cares for you and this is what God the father wants to do for us and is doing he wants us to respond that way and it is a perverse it that does not respond that way so you examine your own heart you be brave child of God this isn't easy and he says that if you lack these traits you are nearsighted to the point of blindness now he doesn't say you're completely blind because if God has come to your heart and shed his light on your heart there's a little bit of light there there's enough light there for you to reach out and lay hold of what you need to become because we have had the Lord come to us and now we are becoming we are working out our Salvation as the word says with fear and trembling having forgotten that he has this is what we are if we don't do these things having forgotten that he has been cleansed from his former sins you see that cleanness alone makes you want to hold on to it and to and to enjoy God more but when there's dirt there it will distance you from God the dirt keeps makes that lens on the inside of us that wants to see God it dirties it up and we can't see very well therefore Brothers strive to make your calling an election sure this is not about the lay it on me thing oh just you know whatever God does he you know we don't know what we don't know what God's going to do and well God has certainly told us what he's going to do in large part not everything but we have his word on a lot of things so take his word why be lazy why be irresponsible there's a tremendous amount of lazy and irresponsible teaching out there that is all coming right alongside the true gospel and its desire is to get you off course now the people saying it may be sincerely deceived but you don't base your Believing on someone else's sincerity you base it on the word of God a de a sincerely deceived person is a real tool for the enemy and there are many of them out there make the biggest voice that you hear the word of God therefore Brothers strive to make your calling and election sure does that mean it could possibly not be sure yes that's why he's saying this you can get so far off course you lose what you think you have you can accumulate to yourself so much filth that you can't see you don't know where you're going and it was all your choice you chose God didn't do it to you you chose for if you practice these things you will never stumble so he's telling you right here that you could stumble and your election might not become sure you would become so stumbled and so confused and so lost that you would not be able to get back on track or not find the track and you will receive a lavish reception into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ this is about making your salvation sure so that tells me and the entire scripture verifies this that you can have an experience with God and have it not come to fruition in your salvation there's a point where you have to become responsible I have known of a great many people that have endeavored to become not responsible in any way that they possibly can they blame other people continuously for their problems they continue to read the word of God even when it speaks the truth and never see that God is Not capricious that God has told you what he will do and now you have to decide where you are in relation to that and whether or not you'll believe it and they managed to listen to the truth a man of God that I used to listen to a lot said repeatedly and he was good he was good at this he was good at many things he said if you are not willing to obey the word that you hear the word of God that you hear if you're not willing to do it if it is dangerous for you to sit and listen to it week after week and not do it it hardens you you see to come to the place where you can't do it to come to the place where you become literally by your own choosing an unbeliever a nonbeliever where you will be working against God because you refuse to do the word and be responsible for it that is a hardness that begins to come on a person listening who listens to the truth and refuses to do it it's like being a partaker instead of in the divine nature being a partaker of a curse because that's what you essentially bring on yourself you bring on yourself a curse that's not good and it'll affect every area of your life because you won't be functioning in the truth and your actions will serve the God of this world and not the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob you will be a problem for other believers now do we have people like that in the churches oh yes we have a lot of people like that in the churches now the secret introduction of a lot of these heresies and they are secret we're told that they are secret they're called false teachers if we go to Second Timothy 2 starting in verse one he goes from that to tell you this now there are also false prophets among the people people just as there will be false teachers among you they will secretly introduce destructive heresies now one of the problems with this is that you you think these people are going when they're in secret no they're not most people that introduce destructive heresies are sold out to these heresies themselves they're True Believers in the LIE and that's what makes them so convincing they're all in they will secretly introduce destructive heresies even denying the master who bought them bringing Swift destruction on themselves I've seen that a few times I didn't know what I was looking at but I saw the destru not all destruction is brought about by this but a lot of it is many will follow in their depravity and because of them the way of truth will be defamed in their greed these false teachers will exploit you with deceptive words the longstanding verdict against them remains in force and their destruction does not sleep you know I one time sat under a pastor that had decided this was many years ago to embrace a false religions what had happened was there was a false religion that had been raised up and it was kind of getting a lot of interest in our country country uh and it had decide it had found a way to to reach out to the regular uh other churches it it what it did was this false religion got big enough and it got powerful enough and it had enough money it began to uh it wanted to have certain teachings taught in the regular churches a a teaching that it had devised uh it had to do with something everybody could get around it had to do with wanting to teach the constitution in the in the regular churches and this false religion was going to give the finances and all of the teachings to these different churches to be able to do this but it was going to provide for it financially and a number of churches said yes regular churches supposedly God-fearing churches they were willing to Ally themselves with this false religion in order to get the money to do the teaching that these false religions wanted taught but it was under the teaching they wanted taught was the Constitution this particular church that I was attending had decided that they were going to take that money and they were going to do these teachings I was horrified I had spent enough time in the word of God I knew that this wasn't right we shouldn't be allying ourselves with false religions so I I went went to an elder in the church and I said to her I can't I can't come here anymore I can't come here anymore because this is working this is against my faith this this I believe is so wrong and I said I I said we shouldn't be doing this this is bad for us and she said okay I hear what you're saying and then that was the end of it I I left I wasn't there anymore but about a month or two later I was in a a little cafe restaurant and the pastor of that church was there and I had I had met him before and he was a nice person and all and I had he was sitting with his wife and I had gone over to him and I said hello the man turned on me in such anger and he told me that I had offended him and that I had offended him deeply and then he said this to me he said you've done the worst thing that a person can do he said you have offended me and that is the worst sin that a Christian can do now God did this for me he dropped into my heart scriptures that answered what that man said and the scripture that came to me was that it was the blaspheming of the holy spirit that was the worst thing that we could do and I said to him well I thought that was the Blas bleming of the Holy Spirit I said that's what the word says I said the word says to blaspheme the holy spirit is the worst thing that I could do and then he went on he said he said we he said uh I said and and oh I said this I said um oh the argument had been in his mind that I was leaving because or had left because of the money the church was taking and so he says to me that God is going to use that money that that was money that God was going to use for his purposes and I looked at him and this was another thing that God dropped into my heart I said well my father my God owns the cattle on many mountains on the cattle on many Hills the scripture says I believe that Psalms that my Lord owns the cattle on many Hills I said he doesn't need that money and the man just looked at me and of course the piercing gaze from his wife told me everything I needed to know about the fact they'd been discussing this in secret and that they were both agreed that I was just terrible now I did not and I said this to him too I said I never talked to anybody except the Elder when I left and I informed her so that she would know what I was doing but I said I never talked to any of the people that were in your church I never made a church split over this I didn't didn't do anything divisive I just left and I said why well he was fuming but he had nothing more to say about 6 months later that man developed a case of cancer that he could not shake and then he died now I would like to not believe that that had anything to do with the conversation that I had with that man but this is what God was showing me the man's heart had taken a bribe and if he took a bribe in that area I wouldn't have any idea to know what other areas he was taking a bribe in but he was not opposed to bribes he could talk himself into bribes the man got into trouble and I was shown that he was in trouble by what I saw I can't say that what happened between he and I caused the cancer that would I I don't know that I would like to hope not but it may but I believe that he was doing other things and God showed me that he was off my leaving that church was the good decision it was a right decision and I had left it in the right way but it didn't go well for the man who had already departed from the way of God he had chosen to believe that my going was about him personally that was another comment that I made to him after he was talking about the offense about how offensive I had been I looked at him and I said who am I to you I was just a member of his congregation but somehow he took so personally my leaving I wasn't part of his eldership I wasn't part I I was not working in that body per se but I had been there for a while probably a year and a half but somehow or other that man felt that I belonged to him and it was somehow personal which was very odd to me so I I know that there were other problems that this man had that I didn't know the extent of we each have a responsibility to getting our hearts straight before God and he has given us his judicial system within us if we give it a place his Judicial System whereby the honesty that we would need to confront our own hearts with to get rid of the unbelief that is there is sufficient in Us by the grace the kindness the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ it's in us so we can we can transcend these events in our life these tests you could call them challenges to what's in you without being challenged you won't become strong and the challenges many are Grievous some of these challenges are life threat in but without them we would not become strong this isn't an easy walk but it's doable in and through him who loves us for if God let me review again so that we know these verse I'm having to go back to verse one I'll do it fast now there were also false prophets among the people just as there will be false teachers among you you see this has been going on ever since the truth had been sown the truth has been sown and when the truth came the evil one tried to get rid of it so the falseness was there now there are were also false false prophets among the people just as there will be false teachers among you they will secretly introduce destructive heresies even denying the master who bought them bringing Swift destruction on themselves many will follow in their depravity and because of them the way of truth will be defamed in their greed these false teachers will exploit you with deceptive words the longstanding verdict against them remains in force and their destruction does not sleep what will it take for you to go in an evil way can you be bought this man could the man I spoke about he could be bought he had told himself that God would use that money God didn't need the money you see and if your faith is centered and and developed in the word of God you won't fall for the bride because you'll know that God will take care of you you got to get to that place you see that you're depending on him the most and not on the ways of the world it takes time for if God did not spare the Angels when they sinned but cast them into hell placing them in Chains of Darkness to be held for judgment if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people but preserved Noah a preacher of righteousness among the eight if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to their destruction reducing them to ashes as an example of what is coming on the ungodly and if he rescued lot a righteous man distressed by the depraved conduct of the Lawless for that righteous man living among them day after day was tormented in his righteous Soul by the Lawless Deeds he saw and heard if all this is so then the Lord knows how to rescue The Godly from trials and how to hold the unrighteous for punishment in the day of judgment now this goes on for quite some bit here talking about the punishment that is reserved for people who indulge in the corrupt desires of the Flesh and despise Authority what is the authority you're not to despise Gods now these are bold and self-willed people and they appear so confident but what you have to understand is that their confidence isn't in God as much as it is in them own selves they think their confidence is in God but they've slipped over without knowing that they're not serving God anymore they don't know they're not this is why you need to know where God is and how God is you do our responsibility is the responsibility of one I am answerable to God for one me I I am answerable to him for with regard to what I have done to others for others because of others but they are not responsible for me I am responsible for me and it is I who will stand before God for me and that's what each one of us will do the truth of our hearts will be opened and God will see it all and it will all be decided and that'll be that so it is important that we make our election sure and that's what this is all about and don't stand on some cliche or some false teaching that you have heard from other people okay that comforts you when it should be the Holy Spirit comforting you another one that is a great a great Shadow lie that I have talked about repeatedly is once saved always saved the Lord said he never lost a single one that was in his hand well therein you have to say who's in his hand are you in his hand well that's where you have to examine yourself the scripture says to see if you be in the faith you have to do this repeatedly this isn't a one-time thing and I would say that a once a year check on that one probably isn't sufficient regularly you examine yourself through the word of truth and you should be in it on a regular basis ideally you should be in it every day but if not every day at least once or twice a week you need to be in it repeatedly and perseveringly because it is the only standard that you have that we were given this is a love letter from God that kept by inspiration true okay now he claims he goes on and he talks about these people who are unafraid to slander Angels but even the angels aren't going to say anything against what they're doing and these angels are greater in strength than in power and we get down here to verse 12 these men men are like irrational animals you see God isn't even equating them to men he does say they're men but that they are like irrational animals creatures of instinct Born to Be captured and destroyed where are these people well they're Among Us they blaspheme in matters they do not understand and like such creatures they too will be destroyed the harm they will suffer is the the wages of their wickedness you want to sidestep people like this they consider it a pleasure to crous in broad daylight and it goes on he talks about it now he says their eyes are full of adultery this may or may not be actually with other people that they are feeling adulterous they are adulterous against God they are looking for ways to uh promote their brand but it's not God's brand and that is an ie full of adultery an I looking to profit upon people so that they can become greater bigger more wealthy whatever if you hold to God's development in you God developing God in your own soul that voice will talk to you God will talk to you when you come up against something that isn't right he will alert you and I've had it happen many times where he's gone something happened around me and I went I'm not supposed to be here it was something that God showed me about someone who was teaching that was a lie and they were comfortable with with it and it was a big enough lie that they should have known better and I couldn't listen to that person anymore okay God will do that to you or he will say to you you can't be around these people anymore or you have to not be doing this thing that you're doing anymore you have to stop that this Indulgence in something that God would have you not do that's something that's not not promoting Holiness or kindness there are a great many people that learn how to be malicious to other people the world will teach you that that of fact that's a that's a huge teaching right now is how to out malicious other people oh they were malicious to you oo we've got something you could say to that you stay away from that stuff you know just stay away from it you don't need to out malicious other people who do you want to be like do you want to be like the spirit of God in you teaching you or do you want to be like that nasty person over there no you don't want to be like them you want to be like the Lord they have left the straight way and wandered off to follow in the way of balum because they loved the wages of wickedness this is a taking of bribes and I I have taught a little bit on this in the past but this is huge what are you willing to sell your soul for because that's essentially what you're doing well it's just this little thing no it's not that little thing gets into you and it will eventually become a bigger thing and a bigger thing until you don't know where it was that you took that first bribe you just know now you're sold out to the wrong thing if you ever find that you've sold out to the wrong thing at all because along with the selling out comes a blindness and that's the curse he tells us if you don't go that way we we read that in second Peter chapter 1 if you don't go that way you are almost blind and getting Blinder I might add you'll get so blind you can't see at all are you then in the hand of God are you then has Jesus said I haven't lost any that you've given me are you there because you won't be I can tell you that flat out and there's two many scriptures that say that certain people are blotted out how can you be blotted out if you were never written in okay well that's a real conundrum well you can't be you can't be blotted out if you were never written in hold on Child of God this is a real struggle and you're in for the fight of your life because what you're doing right now is you are riding the Holy Spirit through your life and it's a wild ride I will tell you that it is a wild ride and you're going to hold to him and hold to him and hold to him and that takes strength and so by the spirit of God in the name of Jesus that is the impartation right now in the name of Jesus come to you greater strength in Jesus name to hold hold and hold child of God and having done all to stand stand therefore this is all a battle and the biggest entity that you will be wrestling with will be yourself what has been swn in your heart and your expectations which you need to really take a look at because it is your expectations that lead you in many ways and those are not often generally the ways of God well but I thought well but we believed you believe the way God tells you to and you think the way he tells you to and it takes time to conform yourself to this thing you put on the mind of Christ you put it on with certain attitudes and you don't allow yourself to take the old ones that you've had and that is a fight these men are Springs without water and Mists driven by a storm blackest darkness is reever reserved for them Verse 18 with lofty but empty words and that means words devoid of power and the anointing they appeal to the sensual passions of the Flesh and entice those who are just escaping from those who live in error in other words you have a Christian who's just getting away from some entire lifestyle that has kept them in bondage and theyve just leaving and they will fall into the Trap because they haven't yet learned how to tell the difference between the Flesh and the spirit so they'll fall back into the flesh so somebody talking with really lofty words but it's only about their flesh saying you know come on this way there's a lot of people like that in the scriptures you know it's an interesting thing about this thing they call the Prosperity Gospel which I think is so the the fight and the argument about it is kind of ridiculous and I don't like the words all right the words the Prosperity Gospel the whole gospel is about Prosperity the entire thing it's about God in you how much more prosperous can you be than that about him taking care of everything how much more prosperous can you be in that you're never going to run out of material to teach if you believe in the prosperity of God so why would you call it that why don't you call it teachers of error who are who are teaching people to prefer money than to follow God how about you say these are people that are preferring the flesh to the there are teachers who are doing that and there are many who are teaching the prosperity of God who don't they are teaching a wholesome gospel about how to believe God and how to trust the word of God for whatever you have need of not just things that require money most of the situations that I deal with that are difficult in my life don't involve money at all they involve people in the tensions that are are promoting and and and leading other people to cause problems with me I need Deliverance in certain areas or I need God to move in a way so that I can promote him on behalf of another person get myself in position or get myself out of there depending on how God wants me to go but I need to hear him you know the prosperity of God is in good hearing of the holy spirit it's in good eating of the right things that I lay hold of that I take to myself and feed on by the spirit of God through his word he fills my mouth with good things the scripture says that's Prosperity so don't let yourself give give over to anybody who talks about the goodness or the greatness or the care of God or the fact that he will take care of you please don't put those people all in the same bag by saying oh that's Prosperity teachers well what are you you know are you anti- prosperity of God because that's really horrible and that I think is the enemy okay so even even the name that has been titled to this has been conducted by the enemy but there are teachers that we should avoid that are teaching to devote yourself to your flesh and not the spirit of God okay okay so we and we have to learn how to rightly divide between the two and when you do as you do and that truth begins to become more and more clear you will have a better understanding when you come into contact with people that are teaching off and more of the flesh I call them people that are teaching out of both sides of their mouth they'll entice you by the Flesh and saying spiritual things but it's all about promoting them it's hard to explain it you can feel it well you can sense it it's where the flesh is what you're to concentrate on and not the spirit of God in you okay the spirit of God in you is to be built up and that way you will then have dominance over the flesh feeding the flesh making it bigger letting the flesh believe that it's in charge giving it Authority in areas feeding its desire for power and for whatever it wants that is not the way of the Gospel that doesn't mean God doesn't promote you he does and your flesh will be excited about that but it can't take charge your flesh has to be buffeted daily and Paul said he buffeted his daily daily I Buffet My Flesh he said he pounded it down to have the spirit of God in ascendancy in the matter you know I did that for illustration but I have been told by my producer that when I do that it looks as though I have a giant hand so maybe that helps with a giant in influence so that was a giant agreeing gesture a giant gesture okay so we have to become Discerning now verse 19 they promis them Freedom while they themselves are slaves to depravity for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him if indeed they have escaped the corruption of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ only to be entangled and overcome by it again their final condition is worse than it was at first it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to have known it and then turned away from the holy commandment passed on to them of them the proverb is true a dog returns to its vomit and a s that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud verse one of chapter 3 second Peter beloved this is now my second letter to you and both of them are reminders to stir you to Wholesome Thinking by recalling what was foretold by the holy prophets now another one of these shadow teachings has been to discredit the Old Testament and the law when you consider the truth of the old Covenant versus the new and we have a better Covenant in the New Covenant the old Covenant helped everyone understand that you can't keep it your flesh can't keep that it's impossible Jesus came I said I came not to do away with the law but to fulfill it and in him he honored the law he spoke it his words many of his words were speaking of the law and the laws that he did speak for us to obey and I'm going to get into this one in a second a little bit further we are to be learning from that vast well of knowledge that was given to us by the spirit of God God because his name was announced who he is was announced his nature in the words the prophet spoke they laid the seed for the birthing of Our Lord they spoke it into existence before it ever came and that is they continued to sew the seed for the birthing of the Lord until he came that's what it was it's so incredible so the prophet so him into existence by the spirit of God they heard they sowed and he came okay this is also incredible the law is the nature of God it lays out who he is his precepts his ordinances his statutes his laws we are under the law what law are we under we are under the law of Christ oh yes you think there's not a law so let me tell you the Shadow teaching and what it's done because this slander is so Grievous and it has gone on for so long and it hurts my heart to think of it and I hear nobody talking about it the law has been slandered because there are people who say well you can't you can't believe the law you can't you stay away from that you don't need the Old Testament now these are different words that different people have spoken over a period of a long time all right many people what what is the fruit of that the fruit of that is you don't get the Old Testament and what it has to teach you which is incredible it keeps you out of a huge portion of the truth it makes you less than who you could be if you knew what that said and could agree with it which you should it also has Associated the concept of obedience to the law oh well you know you can't get real strong on that that's legalistic are you serious because without that obedience you don't love Jesus said if you love me you'll obey me you get that one and he meant it well how can people even read that and not hear what he's saying he has given a command is it an optional well for most people it is because they've already done away with the law they already believe that everything that the law had to say and anything that's a little too rough you know that's legalistic what do you have left lawlessness whatever you feel like doing you're good and then the other lie that came along with it well we're under grace yes we are under grace as long as we obey as long as we stay under the cover that we've been given you get out from underneath that you're not under grace anymore and you should know that because it's not easy living out there in the world trying to tell everybody I'm under grace and yet living like the world no you you have to make some decisions and you have to go a certain way well you're being legalistic you're a little hard you know anything that's just a little too rough well that's legalistic really I see a lot of permissiveness that's going on in the churches a huge amount of permissiveness that goes on Under The Heading of um legalism well we can't do that because that's kind of Regal legalistic we don't want to actually say that that's now there are groups that have tried to put the body under every little jot and tit of the Old Testament and that is not true we're not to do that okay and I'm going to I'm going to give you some of this all right so this is where the balance and right thinking begins to come in you've got to be discerning and you have to be wise now fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom God's wisdom this is how he talks God is wisdom and he will lead you through that mine field and it is like a Minefield he'll lead you through it and keep you straight even though you're going to be walking all over the place he'll keep you straight all right Galatians 6 chapter 2 now here you're going to have to understand something this isn't a different kind of law this isn't a different kind of law verse two now this is Paul talking he says Brothers if someone is caught verse one in a trespass you who are spiritual should restore him with a spirit of gentleness but watch yourself lest you also may be tempted carry one another's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ what's he talking about here well we are talking about the law of love child of God and it is a law and we are told that there is no law against certain things love peace Joy bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ now is it just anybody's burden no the context here is another brother who makes a s side step gets a little of Target you bring him back you bring him back who brings them back those who are spiritual who are around who see what's happened what does that mean that means you reach out Romans 8 that means you reach out and you stay reached out and you get them back on Romans 8 starting in verse two um I think I want to do verse one therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus for those who are in Christ Jesus for those who are in Christ Jesus not just those who think they're in Christ Jesus we're talking about what's real the difference between being a true Christian and being not a true Christian is that one is real and the other one isn't see this is about becoming real real means it's in you in truth so for those who have Christ Jesus in them in truth those are the ones who are going to be spending time in the word washing each other's feet getting after each other if they get off watching being cautious to do what the Lord has said obeying there's that little legalistic word right okay so this is the slander that's been going on for so long and that slander is a lie against the law but because Jesus fulfilled it and he is now the Lord over the law he's the lord of the law he is the lord of the Sabbath the laws are in him when you have him in you and you are truly minding him then you too fulfill the law but you'll be doing what he tells you to do which will be your obedience to the law but you will not be defying any of the things that our Lord told us to do therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus for in Christ Jesus the law of the spirit of Life what is that exactly it is a law you see what's wonderful about God is if you present enough of his own laws to him it'll overcome your own unbelief you're presenting them to God you're putting them you're putting God in remembrance but God you said and then you said and then you said and all the while that you're telling him what he said you're convincing yourself that he means business and then you can believe him to the degree that you can receive what he said so you do dialogue with him you do argue with him about things to get your own heart straight because that's what gets straightened out is your own heart for in Christ Jesus the law of the spirit of Life set you free from the law of sin and death there is a law that rules over these things but you have been set free of it because of a high law so a man by the name of John G Lake believed this and he believed it to the degree that he was able during a time of plague this is what 150 years ago 120 years ago long time ago he was able he was alive and working in Washington in I believe the 1930s approximately I my dates may be way off but he was still alive and doing work then because the healing power was so strong in this man that he was able to help other people who were believing for healing he was able to help them receive their healing now there is no condemnation for you if you can't get your own healing yourself it's wonderful if you can but we have a body of Believers that if you have endeavored and cannot reach it call for the Elders of the church the word says the true Elders of the church the genuine ones the ones who truly believe call if you can find them call for the Elders of the church and they will pray the prayer of faith and you'll be healed it will heal the sick John G Lake was such a man who could pray the prayer of faith and help other people get healed okay because God's word is true it is true you've got to believe it you have to believe it because he said it and because he doesn't lie he's not a man that he should lie so what are you left with in the face of not it not happening well you're left with a question mark what else do you need to do well there are other ways to go now as we read in Shadrach Meshach and abedo if God they said our God is able to deliver us out of this but if he doesn't we're not going to Bow anyway you don't let go of your believing him you make a decision that no matter how it goes for you you'll not let go don't let go but that process of believing sets a lot of people free of their own unbelief it sets them free of their own unbelief when you prefer God to your own thinking and it changes your mindset it also changes your vision it changes how you see everything because your perspective when you take the truth of God over unbelief that's in you and you knock down that unbelief with the truth of God and you keep it down you overcome it you begin to see things differently your whole world begins to change you have one victory over the unbelief in your own heart and you will begin to see physically differently everything will look different to you one Victory and as Believers we should have many who are the Overcomers well you're going to overcome the enemy you're going to overcome the enemy out there and in here because what he's doing by keeping unbelief or by what you're doing if you help him if you don't knock down the unbelief that's are the high places within your own heart that need to come down if you don't knock them down you're giving the enemy a place to operate from within you and will he do that yes he'll do it without you even being aware it's being done because you won't be able to see things differently you'll see things according to what's in your heart your heart and your eyes are tied together they are like one mechanism your heart and your mouth are tied together they are like one mechanism and I've heard this said since I was a little girl well I just calls them as I sees them well that's the truth and you will call things as you see them because that's what's in your heart what's in your heart is going to be the way you see and it will be the way you talk your perspective and the enemy is after your perspective child of God he wants that he wants it and the only way to fight that is with the word of Truth and if and if the words you read Aren't Enough read more and if that doesn't do it read more come let us reason together God says you allow him to reason with your heart until that unbelief is knocked down until his truth is established in you John G Lake said that it was a revelation of that scripture which caused him to utterly be what he became during this Great Plague that was going on he was able with one other person to bury the dead bodies without any contagion coming on him and when the people that were able to help finally got to his village they were all covered in suits and everything else and they said how is it you're working among these dead bodies and you haven't caught this and it was that great Revelation in his heart the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has Set Me Free from the law of sin and death and he was they put they had microscopes then they put bacteria on his hands and watched it die under this extreme microscope that they had power from God because of how he saw things because of the unbelief that had been knocked down because of the truth that was coming through and the way he looked at things what he believed and it affected what he saw and it affected what he said powerful man powerful God in man now in Acts 15 now see that's a law you see the wonderful thing about laws is they're fixed God's laws are so powerful they are his truth you can wrap yourself around them and never let go and they won't let you down they'll hold you up they're fixed they're like fixed in a body of water that's slipping and sliding all over the place but not you if you're holding on to God's law all right acts 15 and I'm not talking about the laws of the flesh here with regard to uh certain things that we're to be doing and not doing our Lord swallowed all that up and in him we satisfy it bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ God said to the children of Israel time and time and time again I would rather have mercy he said I would rather have mercy he says and not sacrifice Justice and mercy he would rather have truth and mercy and not sacrifice he wanted the qualities to be in their hearts but they weren't getting it they couldn't get it not as a group we couldn't until he sent Christ now it's true that the Jewish Community as a whole doesn't have him yet but they will they're coming in eventually just not yet acts 15 starting in verse 22 then the apostles and Elders now this this has to do with what was decided by our great and wonderful and Spirit-filled teachers that set the foundation they set everything the way it needed to go in the beginning hold fast to them then the apostles and Elders with the whole church decided to select men from among them to send to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas now they had already agreed on what it is we about to read they chose Judas called barabus that's not Judas scariot called barabus I guess it was a popular name and Silas two leaders from among the brothers and they sent them so they sent a team of Paul and Barnabas a man by the name of Silas and Judas okay so there were four apparently now the apostles and the elders your this is the as it starts out now they sent them to deliver this letter because this letter was sent from the whole group this has the stamp of the whole group on them the apostles and the elders your brothers to the brothers among the Gentiles in Antioch Syria and cissa greetings it has come to our attention that some went out from us without our authorization and unsettled you now what they had unsettled the new Believers with regard had to do with the circumcision they were requiring the circumcision or they were saying to people you can't be saved without it well the circumcision is not a bad thing to have done but it doesn't have to do with our Salvation it for health reasons uh the circumcision would be a good thing but it is not something that is needful for salvation nor does it promote or provoke Holiness okay it has come to our attention that some went out from us without our authorization and unsettled you troubling your minds by what they said so we all agreed to choose men to send to you along with our beloved Barnabas and Paul men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ therefore we are sending Judas and Silas to tell you in person the same things we are writing it seemed good now they prayed about this these men did to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything Beyond these essential requirements now these requirements were considered essential consider it a command that you are to obey a law if you like I believe these things would constitute sin if we did them you must abstain from food sacrificed to idols from blood and from the meat of strangled animals now these are the things that were required in the Old Testament that these men who knew the Old Testament and knew what Jesus had taken on and what we had in him these were the essentials that it came down to this was what we were to obey this you could call this leftover leftover old law and from sexual immorality you will do well to avoid these things now that's what they insisted upon but we know that there is a finer point to that pencil that has been added and should be added which is inclusive of all sin okay cruelty abuses murder now he doesn't say anything about these right no but we also know that those are violations of the justice and the righteousness of God and therefore we are not to engage in them so the men went off and they told everybody but in the beginning you see that was what they put on them that was what absolutely had to be abided by all right now the thing about the food offered to Idols you don't always know now I'm hopeful that when I go into a restaurant that is you know has eclectic and foreign food in it I'm hopeful that it's not offered to Idols but if I were to be told by God not to go to that restaurant anymore I would there are some places I really love to eat and have enjoyed eating and some places I've stopped eating because I wasn't the spirit of God would have had me not do it and I felt that too sensed it so it didn't go back but for the much for as much as we know the food that we eat if it's overtly if you know that it's offered to an idol this would be all in this day and age probably more crucial for people that are traveling but it could be a factor in this country as well okay Galatians 26 now this is about keeping yourself clean what we've been talking about clean truly clean you have to abide certain things things to not be other things you can't be all things you can't you only can be what God would have you be and then it has to do with your choices choices that either serve you and serve God or don't that which serves God will serve you that which doesn't serve God is going to get you one way or another Galatians 2:16 we who are Jews verse 15 by birth and not Gentile Sinners know that a man is not justified by works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ so we too have believed in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law because by works of the law no one will be justified now there is nothing in there that is against the law it's a very subtle thing that's happened in the thinking of people and it goes along like this the word says that it's the love of money that is a root of all evil and it soon became that money was evil well that wasn't what the word said money in and of itself isn't evil it was the love of it that was this is the same thing it's not the law that's the problem here it's the works of the law that our flesh tries to do well does that mean that we don't obey the laws that we were given this is talking about the law the Old Testament but the law of Christ we're to follow and Jesus said himself if you love me you'll obey me all right the laws of God and the New Testament lays it out very nicely if you continue to read it's not just in one place it's several things many things the Lord told us to do all right so you have to test your own heart test your own self to see if you be in the faith you have to do this praise be to God praise be to God casting down vain imaginations that's what we're to do we're to cast down these vain thoughts this means you're not to be a lazy thinker you're to take what you think and you're to scrutinize it with what the word says and keep yourself in the way that God has given us we have each one of us has that responsibility to do that that's our work now that you're saved you have a work to do because we have an enemy that's very resistant to the clean that comes from God he wants you dirty because that's one of the ways he gets into you he gets into you from the dirt that he implies by what was done to you that you had no resistance to either as a child or older where you had no ability to resist it and he tries to get you dirty that way so that he can get an end God will clean you up and he'll get rid of all of that and he'll do it through his word now this was a cleansing sermon this was a cleansing sermon the law of the spirit of Life In Christ Christ Jesus has Set Me Free from the law of sin and death one law has superseded another law the laws are vital it's vital what laws you know and it's vital the laws you behave bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ no greater love has any man than this Jesus said but that he laay down his life for another well you can kill yourself for someone else but it's usually required that you live a life of giving for others precious this was a deep one so take it to heart put on the mind of Christ and don't let the liar that's subtle it's so subtle most of the people lying to you don't know they're lying to you you just have to know what the lies are hold fast to the truth and having done all to stand stand therefore God be with you
Channel: Believers Foundation ministries
Views: 28
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Id: 9cr2dl2qcwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 8sec (9788 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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