Caroline Myss - The Dark Night of the Soul

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hi everybody i thought i would uh spend a few minutes with you to tell you about my upcoming reflections class which is actually being taught by my dear friend and colleague nearby star and i i just wanted to say a few words about that because i'm i'm so very excited about what she's teaching at my recommendation actually um i asked her to do a course on the dark night of the soul because not only is she an expert on john of the cross who is the source of the dark knight of the soul but um i think that the subject is so appropriate for this time and that's what i wanted to just speak about for a few minutes um from my own perspective and then tomorrow i'm actually going to chat for a few minutes with me or by and share that with you but my own work in my own history as a teacher and as a medical intuitive and being in the field and going you know all over the place i have heard so many people say i'm going through a dark night and what i realized a long time ago was that the majority of people who've used that phrase which is now part of our common parlance did not know where it came from they didn't realize they were actually referring to a mystical experience that was first identified by a carmelite priest back in the 1500s in spain they had no idea they they used it because they were going through a dark passage in their life but i thought have you any idea what you've just said and what if in fact you were in a dark night and you are identifying it as in fact a classical depression but in fact it's a spiritual crisis what if that's true and you know for years i have been observing people through to that lens of what is a spiritual crisis and what is a psychological emotional crisis because they overlap and and if you don't have the resources or it's never occurred to you to think what if what i'm going through is actually a spiritual crisis what if what if you're inclined to think that spiritual refers to religion in which case you wouldn't go near that you wouldn't go near it you wouldn't go anywhere near it and i don't blame you i wouldn't go near it but what drew me to the mystics and contin continues to be a magnet for me is that these were people who somehow made it through this passage in us into the part of us that is impersonal and cosmic the part of us that is our cosmic immortal selves they they made it into the soul they made it into this reservoir of of power in which they encountered their power and sacred power and they reported back whether that was francis of assisi or rumi or or einstein who said you know what i think i think this universe is really interesting i mean light seems to be a wave and a particle it can't be both but it is it's it's where the soul passes through the realm of reason and the mind can't go any further it baffles the mind that's the einstein the einstein phase where you get bigger than where the mind says we can't go any further because i can't explain where you're going and if i can't explain anymore i'm going to put the stop on it and you're going to stay right here but the soul says no no no i've got to go i've got to go further for theresa that was the passage between the third and the fourth mansion of the soul the seven mansions we're going to go into that one it's my turn in june to teach you where you defeat your own power of reason to stop you from pursuing this grand universe think about where we are right now we are entering the galactic era humanity has never been in this place before and for those who find it terrifying to even consider that there could be life out there that we have to let go of earth-centric religions we have to think a different way maybe the source of our suffering is so deep and it's not psychological maybe maybe we have to rethink our bio spiritual anatomy maybe we have to include our soul and our health there's so many possibilities that are looming on the horizon why i love the mystics is because they didn't deal in facts they dealt in truth and facts are like you remember when i was growing up it was a fact that there was a soviet union it was a fact that there was a berlin wall it was a fact that there was you know that that certain food things were okay and then there wasn't a soviet union and then there wasn't a berlin wall and then the theater of life it was it was a fact that there was no such thing as a food crisis and there was no such thing as environmental crises and then poof all that changed and now it's a fact that there's environmental crisis and there's climate change and that everything changes except truth here's truth the law of gravity the law of cause and effect the law of co-creation that's a truth choice and consequence for every choice you make there's a consequence that will always be a truth that will always be a truth what the mystics did was they made it to the realm of truth and then they came back and they reported in whether they were from the east or from the west and the most extraordinary thing is that if i taught you truth and said where's this come from is this from judaism is this from hinduism is it from buddhism you would be baffled because truth is truth is truth because god is law and law has no religion and neither do neither does a spiritual crisis the dark night of the soul is a spiritual crisis and it is a journey but it is a journey that's a divine invitation that's what mirabi and i are going to talk about tomorrow i think that we are experiencing this phenomenon where the truth that mystics of all of all traditions knew is dropping into our lives as crises of health all over the place because we've entered the age of energy we've entered the age of the soul and illnesses of the soul as well as the power of the soul is now making its way into our mainstream we are in the foothills of becoming mystics without a monastery where life we are going to have to adjust to mystical law that our thoughts are active agents of creation and that at the mystical level because that's true every thoughts of prayer and that we have to reconsider how we think of our own power i think that even beginning to to to ask yourself what is it that i am suffering am i in a dark night and if i am do i drug this or do i walk into it and say how do what am i supposed to do to navigate this that's the question isn't it isn't it you don't medicate a dark night you go through it because it's a profound spiritual journey of transformation and that's why i asked mirabai to follow andrew's beautiful class with this one and then i'll take you into the mansions the hidden resources in your soul so that you can examine what is where does this pain come from and what is the power in me that i have not touched that maybe i'm afraid of so that's where we're going okay i i i hope you will join us in in this second journey into you for my mystical spring series and then i have my mystical fall but i'll talk to you about that later thank you everybody you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 34,320
Rating: 4.94382 out of 5
Id: 3kv3chYJaSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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