Caroline Myss - Understanding Your Own Power - Part 4

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hello hello everybody i hope you're enjoying this as much as i am that's kind of like saying do you like my dinner right right how's your baby he's enjoying it how many of you are dog people yeah really i don't trust people who don't like dogs okay well um our net for our next adventure we're going to go into the world of faith um my experience over the last 20 years 20 some years and i mentioned this yesterday but we're going to do a nosedive now a deep dive into what is faith and what do you have faith in but we're going to start with what you don't have faith in [Laughter] because i have discovered that it's much easier for you to begin with telling yourself and identifying what you know for sure you don't have faith in than what you know you do have faith in and faith is one of the major holy words one of the major holy words and the reason why we're going to and next to faith comes the word trust now and i'll be there in a second um but i want to but i want to put this against the tapestry of our lives there are so many extraordinary phenomenon that we are experiencing that people have never experienced before the number the rise in mental and emotional illness is off the charts the the ex the number of um uh drugs medication that people are on medication and when i began as a medical intuitive um not exactly yesterday but in in the early in the mid 1980s i mean i've been around a while and i need to kind of take you back there to show you to just walk you through a little bit here when i started i i i was dropped into something that i didn't know existed and number two i had no interest in healing health or helping anybody out so i mean i i really was kind of drafted to my ideal life was reclusive to be a fiction author i have no talent for it and i had a passionate honest to god i tell it all the time i have a passionate desire to do something of no talent for and no desire to do something of a genius for so there you go and but i had a blank slate and and what i've learned is that's your soul's path is a blank slate so just pay attention to that your soul's path is a blank slate and the good news about that is you won't interfere with everything that happens so that's the good news about that and you are wide open you you can't anticipate anything because you have no idea what you're doing so that's part of the joy of it too but here's the other part because i had no idea about anything in healing in medical intuition whoever heard of a medical intuitive i i made assumptions all of which proved to be false as the time went by one of them was that negativity caused illness that's nonsense so we'll get to that i'll just check it off your list but i i um also operated from the naive point of view that people just had faith but they simply had well of course they had faith because of the kind of background that i came from i just assumed faith was just like a given just an automatic life principle so wasn't i surprised so the years go by and i start observing why people are sick and why they don't heal and one of the consistent patterns that i notice is that you know when i in the beginning i thought that illness your first second and first chakras are connected to base reasons for you losing power base they're connected to your stress in the outside world they're connected to power struggles with people you hemorrhage here's you hemorrhaging you hemorrhage and what i would if i were to put this in the language of faith this is the area that you lose power because you have absolutely no faith no faith in yourself no faith in your life path no faith in anything now this is a big deal in my early years i would never ever ever have languaged it like this never because i didn't have this lens now it's the only way i would language it now i get it because i'm coming from up here but back then when i started it was i i put it in much more basic terms like you have a power struggle with your family you have a power struggle with another person you have issues around finances you're losing power and when you when you when you have issues around finances you're going to weaken your lower back and you will when you have issue have we hit a noise [Laughter] when we am i when we have issues around responsibility and i mean in the extreme you're going to knock out the pancreas because the pancreas is the organ that takes the hit on issues of responsibility and it'll take the rest of the body with it because what's in one is in the hole everything goes for the ride but the part of your body that gets hit first when somebody thinks i'm responsible for everything don't you understand it's me or nothing and is driven operative word driven by that or somebody who doesn't want responsibility for anything so i'm talking about extremes the organ that takes the hit is the pancreas okay the organ center that takes the hit for power struggles this is important where you you think i've got to win i've got to get the last word in at all costs i've got to win is the colon area okay this area and this is where we we put our weapons this is our fight or flight okay this is our animal instinct is here this is where when when you develop a real sensitivity for reading people when you're really really really good at this and you sense that i'm you can be talking to somebody and you eye to eye contact but you s but your perceptual sense your your the eyes of your soul are now that's where your clarity is never mind what you see never mind what you hear you turn on your the eyes of your soul and they instantly tell you where the person's power is and if that person's power drops to here you're now dealing with someone who's coming from their animal nature their animal nature and what that means is just like we were speaking before lunch it means that if you try to reason with them if you try to make sense if you try to to say look can we just discuss this they will say the hell with you because discussion is off the table violence okay it's it's off the table this and this this is really im really get this because when you try to initiate holy language be a problem solver be a mediator to bring a higher vision vision as a holy word to bring a higher vision and i hear people say all the time now i'm looking for my highest potential that phrase is holy language they're looking you're looking for your holy potential your holy potential what can i bring that's holy to this earth you you you're looking for something that requires that your being is in present time you can't be all over the place and you can't be somebody whose soul is controlled by another person because that other person looks at you and does this that that can knock you out that that can command you because someone does and you snap out and walk away it it says what an amateur you are that you're you're completely eaten alive because you don't get your way okay you're still in training you're still in training you you you you have to be able to take command of your soul this is what this time is now this is a time where we are undergoing this phenomenal transformation where the order is take command of your soul take command that's what we're learning okay and so in this first world this is where we learn how easily we lose power with everything everything absolutely everything and to accommodate that in the outside world we're losing faith in every structure that represents faith okay we're losing faith in absolutely everything that represented faith including all of our governments including every single structure but i i what happened to my oh here but i'm going to remind you again and again and again while i use examples that come from the earth if you interpret things on the earth you'll lose your power because you won't understand anything the events happening on the earth are happening because those those organizations are meant to be drained now you get that come up to the penthouse with me and you have to understand that all of these organizations from the way that countries are organized to governments to churches to synagogues every single one of these organizations is meant to become disempowered as we become empowered in creating a very different resonance with having faith in ourself okay as we become empowered and tr in terms of learning in order to construct a global theology we can't have this same structure it's as simple as that we cannot have the same structure as we create a global theology in which we recognize everybody on the planet as being part of a collective human soul yes go ahead how do you think this is going to take like from jesus now there's thousands of jesus well we're not going to pull it off by christmas well i know that but you know how things are going it's going you know what it's going very you know that we every one of us is in our own lives are living all the obstacles and for every one of every one of the obstacles in our if we look at all the challenges that we have in our own life they're the micro challenges of what we're facing at the macro so if you look at your life and your body as a macro a micro earth look at yourself as a micro earth and that everybody on your earth represents what it is to get the nations to cooperate what it is to balance the ecology what it is to balance the environment and for every accomplishment you make on your earth it is your contribution to the whole the way we will balance the whole is as you balance the one it is what is in one is in the whole for every one of us as a molecule that balances that is how we will balance not through legislation not through all of this we are the legislative body we are all life breathes together as we do this the environment rises up within us and around us and we have healed the whole we are the whole am i so you can legislate to the cows come home but if we don't change that will never change we are the whole okay which is why so long as we are polluted we will breathe pollution so long as we are toxic we will live and have toxicity it is us and when that critical balance comes that we reach 50.000 we will have made it to the majority and boom you know it's it's exactly you don't have to believe me but i'm right i know i'm right i know it in my soul i know it in my soul i know it in my soul because i know the laws and and and heaven is consistent heaven is cons look in your own life heaven is consistent look in your own life that all the good things that have happened to you you've never had a hand in ever all the things that have been screwed up you've had a hand in and then it will always be consistent because no know yourself because everything you've had a hand in you've screwed up because of fear because of expectations because of thinking you were doing the right thing you've never done the right thing when you've had a hand in it because it's come from this where did my columns go it's become from it's gone it's come from the first column because you've come from the worst part of you which is why heaven pulls the rug out from under you and then the best thing happens and it's a matter of faith it's always a matter of faith it's a matter of how you respond and say and then heaven always pulls out the card and if you if you just leave it to heaven and think if i'm still alive you got a plan for me so do something do something take your hands off the wheel and you stop planning what you know nothing about which is your own life which is your own life and you act with all the elements in your life it says if i'm here then you are exactly the cherubs i'm supposed to teach you god gave me to teach in these days you are exactly who i'm supposed to be with so i look at every one of you and i memorize you because you made this journey to be with me and heaven directed that and it fills my heart and if it it overwhelms me to think how much work it took for heaven to arrange all that that's how i see this that's how i see this and all the busy work it took for heaven to get all that together and what must be going on in your lives that you need to be here and so i say this prayer what what can i do what can i do what do i need to say i need to attend to because that's how i see it if you think it's a casual thing for me it is not this is a mystical experience for me and a mystery because other people could be here but they're not but they're not they couldn't get in but you did but you did so you look at your lives and you think i could have been here but i'm here and no matter how your days are when no matter where you are standing in line at a grocery store you say to yourself i could be standing next to someone else but it's this person why is that no matter what and if you think your life is organized in any less micro detail you are a mistake it is you who are mistaken because teresa said you look for god in the small details and that's where you find every single thing every single thing you get yourself out of orbit when you start thinking i need big proof that i'm great i need a big thing to show me that i am incredible and that's when you put your head in the toilet for seven minutes until you get your act together until you get your act together and then you come back and you get yourself where you belong where you belong yeah honey um you mentioned about people being in certain places like we're the ones who are here with you i get a lot of physical signs in my life things come into my life and i know they mean something will happen what i've been wondering lately is every people for example when i was betrayed very badly i saw funerals every day for ten days big cortes um hearses and then when it happened against my ex-husband nine months later that it started happening again so i knew what was coming and funerals you saw funerals again yes i saw funeral after funeral and so i knew what was coming and it happened i get similar things what i what i can't understand is how do all these people died at a certain time to give me a sign uh presumably thoughtful presumably either no sorry they were going to die anyway but presumably i'm also in other people's lives giving them signs and i was wondering what you thought about um so i've been puzzling lately over how it all how it's all directed so when you mentioned it isn't it amazing directing it i know it just it it blows me away and i don't get it yeah well yeah well that is my answer um because i can't do it and that's why there's a god because it is so astonishing isn't it astonishing jung called it synchronicity i mean i look at it i i i remember you know i studied astrology but i'm no astrologer but it's my favorite if i could do anything else if i couldn't be an astrophysicist because i like to say it i would be an astrologer because i love the science but i remember that you know pluto is the planet of great transformation and death and etc the day pluto came around and and uh hit my son the very day my brother died and i remember someone this astrologer friend saying to me you know you could lose someone it's usually a male bingo my brother died the day now that wasn't true for my mother's chart and she lost her son and it what and did my brother's chart say that you'll die that day where was pluto in his chart but i have never stopped thinking about that question that you just asked right well it plays on my mind too get out of my mind and and and it plays on my my like how does that tapestry fit together how does it fit together but but one of the things i have speculated about mind you speculated so this is an answer in speculation progress is that perhaps answers perhaps events are a bit like toilet water cologne and perfume in that the way they fit together synchronous and synchronistically is that so an event like a death was supposed to affect me like perfume it hit hard but that same death affected someone else like cologne and someone else like toilet water and somehow the of the configurations were like that i and here's something else that is just somehow and this is really hard to this is really going to push each of these columns of our consciousness has a different watch okay in this column we wear this watch where events go hour by hour day by day but when we step into the middle column time becomes relative so let me give you an example it may take you 20 minutes to forgive someone that it takes me 20 years to forgive we're on our own in the second column and this is a big deal to get everybody in the third column there is no time at all because now we're in the cosmic universe okay so now i'm going to draw this because it's really really this is a simple thing but not really okay this is horizontal or kronos time and this is vertical or holy time now i wondered for the longest time how is it healing happens as at an instant how is it that certain things happen ins like how is it that jesus could heal how is it some people heal instantaneously and other people take time this is time this is time and these are the illnesses that we lock into time these are the illnesses come over here in this column that somebody would say are impossible to heal in our in in the in the world these are the first second you can't possibly heal a broken spine you can't possibly heal fourth to fourth stage this and fifth stage that and 20 stage that and et cetera et cetera et cetera you can't brain freeze and all these other things that you can't possibly heal but you are dealing with people who don't who have for example first second and third chakra faith they're dealing in the chemical world and that's as and they don't understand the mystical laws and they're they're dealing with um horizontal time and stop me if you lose me okay now jesus buddha the mystics everything that i am teaching you everything that i'm teaching you everything is all about me telling you how to pull up your anchors from where you're hemorrhaging how to use your soul to become aware of where you're hemorrhaging and losing power where you're losing power why you're losing power how to identify when you've when you are hemorrhaging your soul to what buddha would call an illusion you know an illusion if i said something like i would never wear that red sweater and you take it personally and think she always says that to people it's that time in the afternoon and she's got to find someone to smart off to instead of responding like that you think how could she say that to me and you've attached yourself to what i've said instead of dismissing it the difference that attachment's an anchor all right that's going to cost her power it won't cost me anything but now she's anchored herself to me so i go on my merry way but now she's anchored to me and that's going to cost her power that power will cost her time and cell tissue she's now going to age a little bit faster because it's costing her some of her life force and not only will it cost her aging it will shift the speed at which tell me your name karen it will shift the speed at which karen can perceive truth so i'm going to say this again this is a great big huge big deal it will shift the speed so if i have all my energy in present time and i'm not hemorrhaging and karen has attached herself to people and issues okay she's operating at 50 percent i'm operating at 100. something's happening here and we both say i wonder what's going on i get it instantly it takes her twice his time 50 percent longer to understand something because she has to get through her illusions meaning this karen will do her calculations according to this what will it cost me to understand this how much will my world change if i understand this truth what will it cost me what anchor well so let's put the truth in simple language let's say karen and i are looking at a relative who's come home and let's say that relative we both know something's wrong and we both wonder what the heck's wrong with that person i am not attached to the truth i don't have any anchors that think well if it's this oh my god what if it's that what if it's that what if it's that karen's got anchors i don't want it to be drugs i don't want it to be this i don't want it to be that so i instantly get this kid's on drugs instant got it karen gets this kid's on drugs but i don't want it to be that so i will now go into denial and i will create because that accurate perception is too expensive for me it pulls up too much of the ground beneath my feet it caught where's my here it cost me too much horizontal earth so i have to slow it to that speed so instead of it happening instantly i have to slow it down and densify it with illusions and tell myself he's really got a bad stomach it's bad things happening at school i'll blame it on someone else and now it will take me five years to understand what i her fight care in five years to understand what i got in five seconds because i don't have any anchors okay now people heal at the same rate some people can't bear to heal in five seconds so they need to load the deck and heal in five years because in healing in five seconds it just changes their life too much it's too fast for them they can't take it so they have to weigh down their journey so yes i know sorry i'm not such a big boy no no honey no i have to record it so i just in trying to personalize this immediately i want to go to my healing room and pray to change and fi change right away and and so then what how do you pray that i mean if you pray okay i want to change immediately that doesn't necessarily going to happen no because i still have to go through all this no right well i wouldn't have put it that way [Laughter] but i have put it that way this is where the element of faith comes in and it's very interest this is where faith and trust comes in okay and this is how we do this in and there's no jumping the system i know there's no cheating and there's no jumping the system in in in our first world we have got to deal with developing the self-empowerment in our life that causes us to lose this power and behave this way and it's that first level of faith faith is an element of life it is a life force it is a grace and it is a life force and we we we ex we use faith we experience it in a physical form in our daily life okay we utilize it within ourselves and then we hit we use it with god okay now how do i have to figure out a way to explain this so it makes sense so catch me if i drop this ball over the course of these decades we have lost our capacity to have faith in god as a collective as we've done that we have equally lost capacity to have faith in each other right this has been a parallel crisis and we've never connected that dot we've never connected the dot that our inability to trust the higher sacred has been reflected in our inability to trust each other that in fact we look upon when we do business with each other the assumption now is you will cheat me that to compensate for this we now show up at a table assuming the other person's dishonor than assuming a sense of honor and it's actually because we have no faith in ourself no faith at all in our self and it's actually because the deeper wisdom is because we've let ourselves partner with darkness and that's the real reason we've let ourself partner with darkness and behave in ways in which we do not have faith in our own behavior in our own behavior we don't trust ourselves either we have become faithless in our self again and again and again i have said to people during the healing process you know what you need to do you need to do this and this and this and this and this and i watch their faith face i watch their face and i can see them automatically beginning to bargain with themselves saying well i'll do this tomorrow and i'll start this tomorrow and i'll do this tomorrow knowing full well that they know they're lying to themselves and they know they're lying to themselves and they know that their inner self has no trust in them whatsoever they know that they are lying to themselves about their own word that in fact when they say to themselves i will get up and i will exercise and i won't eat any more salt because it's bad for me and my blood pressure they know full well they are lying to themselves and they will break their word to themselves so this is faith and trust here and when you can't have faith and trust at that base level here it is impossible to transfer faith and trust to something you can't even see when you can look at yourself in the mirror so it's no wonder people will say to me do you have any prayers that work that actually work okay i want you to stand up and stretch i see you're you're getting this to the 2 30 sleep time and that's impossible in my workshop it's quarter to three it's impossible you you can just stand up and stretch nobody's allowed to drift off in my workshop because it's impossible so you can take a five minute break five five and that's it you're back here you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 9,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lWXyowqyvQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 45sec (2565 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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