The Power of Modern Day Spell Casters

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well I'm out of this so my subject is spellcasters and can you believe there's a better I mean is there ever a more perfect have you any idea how many spells you're under so we'll get to that later but I wanted to start with picturing kind of an overview of why I even chose this subject and like what's going on in our world today that I would choose a topic like this because you know I don't think we realize that we're living in the most pivotal time in the history of humanity that's a big huge sentence so I'm going to say it again the most pivotal time in the history of humanity you can't afford not to know about everything you can about what it is to be alive today let me just put some of the what some of the things on the board they're happening now that have never happened before that have never happened before that are coming together now while you are alive and then remind yourself that you are alive first you do we are the generation since the nuclear age we of the nuclear age who have grown up with media media has been such an influence on us it's been like having another set of parents another set of influences that no other generations before have ever had you're so accustomed to that that you don't even even think about the influence of having this thing in your house that you turn on it talks to you all day or your children that you would have that going on 24/7 and a computer system and an internet that it would be going on 24/7 okay I'm about to have and I don't want you to miss what I'm saying so I'm gonna pause for a second just right behind me so I can draw on that that would be great appreciate that appreciate that thank you got it you can pretend not to really pay attention to or think about our our own world in the size and in the scope of the elements that are happening but we are the people of the psychic era and these are the factors that you really really really need to kind of add to what's happening in you and around you and then are reshaping you because this is something that is characteristic of a spell people are under and that's that you think you're in charge of yourself and that's a spell what are the characteristics of people that I meet is that they think that they are independent and they don't like to be given orders do you like to be given orders no and yet you're most you are the ones who are most controlled by the outside world you are the ones that are most influenced by everything you see in the media you are the ones who are most controlled and the ones that don't want to be controlled and that you are the ones who are most controlled by advertising by what you see in the media by the by the influences around you you are the least independent but you think you're the most do you see what I'm saying to you and all of those are interesting spells that what qualifies as a spell is a thought form a perception that gets into your head that has influence over you what Buddha would call an illusion what Jesus would call being in the world but not of the world why is this so important I want to just draw something I'm gonna draw you and as I talk this is the icon I use all the time but this is how I want you to think of yourself all day as I talk about you this little drawing which looks totally insignificant is totally significant as a medical intuitive what I learned what I learned is that we really do have an energy field around us and that we have moved into the era in which learning to manage our energy is actually the next lesson of our time learning to manage this and I'm going to use another word for it the word is power so the word I want to use now and the word that you're going to think about for the rest of your life is this everything you do is a negotiation of power everything everything you wear everything you buy everything you say everything you hear is you negotiating power with the person you're looking at every place you sit absolutely every decision you make in your life is about power will this cost me power will I get power will this person humiliate me as a way of saying will this person steal my power in a horrid way everything in life is a calculation of power that's the that is the word I want you to actually get we've never thought in terms of power before but we've crossed the energy Rubicon and now we're beginning to measure ourselves our health our sense of who we are with the ingredient of power we say things like I have to take my power back we never spoke that way before ever my parents never said that did yours no but now you do now you do now you're beginning to sense yourself as a being of power you're beginning to connect a dot that I think I think that my power might be my most important ingredient in my life it may be my life ingredient may be the object of life is for me to become very shrewd about managing my power that everything I say every word everything is a power calculation so I'm going to hit a pause button here I'm going to come over here and add this and that's that in these last year's decades everybody has become hyper sensitive almost to the point where I don't want to see any of you but truth be known but neither do your friends want to see you I'll be the delivery girl with the message everybody can't get over right then themselves you think that your opinions are so important they're not I'm going to deliver the goods you think that every one of your emotions should be listened to because they're so important they're not they're boring here I'll sit down through this you can't get over how significant every one of your feelings are they're not nobody wants to hear it I'll be the delivery messenger here but you think everything is worth processing it's not but you can't get over how much someone says one word to you and you're like did you hear what he said no and I don't care but you you can't get over it so we're gonna get to your rule book in a minute later but this is what's important is that all of you are waking up to look at the power one word has this is the lesson look at the power one word has look at the power one opinion has we are redefining power completely differently whereas our elders previous generations completely defined power by substance force brutality stuff we have the energy generation our pioneering this idea that power is in an energetic how big of energy anok units of power how much power is in an energetic exchange well you said this and the result was well I was disempowered for how long well thirty years actually what the hell get a backbone but we are working through a very different concept of the power of our energy system and our life of the power that's contained and this level of power is subjective it's behind our eye not in front of it so if I said the word blue to you blue doesn't mean anything to me but to you it could activate a trauma and all of a sudden you said but you said the word blue and well it set me reeling into traumas that worked out didn't tell you what we are discovering is that each of us lives in our own reality and what we is what we also need to discover and realize is our reality is not the center of the universe which is a real shock it's a real shock this is a Copernicus moment for us we are not the Sun with you know that revolves around with we have got to kind of get us get understand that every single person has his or her own reality and we're on our own here we're on our own ergo the shapeshifter is going to play a huge role in this we shape our own realities that was the whole lesson of Buda now back here what years ago when I started to do readings it one of my first great great learning lessons was that our --power really does leave our energy system and we really do attach ourselves to our thought forms perceptions and these become our stories that we tell ourselves our attitudes our archetypal narratives that we engage in in ourselves myths narratives that you know I'm here's a word that's a big one that we're gonna deal with entitled but I'm entitled to that every one of you can fill out ten things you actually believe you're entitled to you're not entitled to anything and that's the truth none of us is none of us is but we will tell ourselves that we are entitled and we'll build our lives around this idea but I'm entitled to be first to be this to be that this is a spell we are under and in this moment right now that we are living in there are a number of global spells that are getting broken and there are a number of people that are serving in the breaking of those spells and nobody likes a spell getting broken nobody so when it comes stop when it comes to doing a reading and I'm reading you what I look at is where you are losing your power now in your own life here's a simple question a simple question I want you all to think of a power control issue in your life that drives you absolutely crazy what causes you to lose it lose it just like that don't agree with me what is it what kind of thing causes you to lose it just like that yeah you're my because what does your mother do what's the issue what's the thing but it's not about your mother what's about you you have to answer from you I'm not interested in your mother what is it that she activates in you you know here's a here's my pause button what are the words that is a spell is blame I get to blame someone now you're blaming your mother for your behavior so what pattern that gets activated in you so it's it's the spell that I'm not enough I've got a not enough spell on me you can't make up your mind you do too much as she just doesn't acknowledge you you are too much you're just too much right right okay so the bottom line is this your mom cannot empower you because then you'll leave her Wow never thought of that that's all this gig is this is the classic parent who can to empower the child because then the child will leave the parent that's all this is it's one of the oldest stories in the book so the only way to do it is to say not enough not enough not enough not enough keep breaking your leg as you try and walk out the door that's what this story is and all the child does is come back and say now am i enough what if I do more what if I do more what if I do more it will never be enough because then the mother will say now you're free to go that's what this story is get the story that's the spell really it's as simple as that I'll be damned and and then once it makes sense then what no no no the only way you break a spell is to actually choose a different behavior you mind won't help you oh yeah you actually actually need to introduce different vocabulary and to change the behavior otherwise you're just fantasizing which is why if the mind needs as much healing as the rest of the body okay what else no no let's do this do me a favor I speak in sentences and you speak in sentences otherwise I have to fill out the sentence for you it's not fair so go ahead give me your whole sentence your children make you angry because yeah that's why I wouldn't have them I know what I know what kind of yeah I get it I know I know I know I don't blame you that's what I call righteous anger see you're not gonna get an argument from me I know that here yeah really and I say and I say but my point of view I who was raised by a US Marine do what you got to do no I'm really not the person to advise because I actually I really am the sort that says give me at first of all I'm a real link I mean I really would be like I'm a tough-ass when it comes I don't give kids permission to do anything I'm so not the parts of Dance I'm not kidding you I'm just really like I mean I I took my 19 year old nephew in when he was really having trouble I took him in the house I'm real close to the kids too by the way very very very close to my to all the kids and he was with me no he was with me for 19 months he was in his 20s he was out of school I was helping him repair and one day I woke wat in and I saw that living with me was weakening him it was not having I was helping him prepare for law school I was taking care of his bills I was doing everything trying to nurture I was doing all kinds of things and then I spotted that it was turning against him and I said you know you have 12 hours to pack up and get out that I am now disempowering you and that's not gonna happen on my watch no out but aunt you are out out you are now taking advantage and you don't even get it but I do I see it out that fast I said it may take you four years to realize what I'm doing I just I I have to say something that I live by which is you make a tough decision you've got to have the courage to be tough it's not about that's all I gotta say you gotta hit there and it's not the first time I mean again and again and again it's been about you got to be you got to be able to do what they need to have done with as much courage and you've got to be willing to be disliked I mean they're okay and parents they're nuts these parents today okay yeah what about his anger it said himself you're angry at yourself you know it's really if this is really the truth you gotta have a set of values you don't compromise your kids have got to be a priority and you don't compromise you're in conflict about whether or not they're your priority you can't me you're you really are not sure they're your priority what do you mean precisely they're not your priority and so you have these episodic adventures with being a parent and then you're angry and you're guilty and that's what that's about so you have to get my shoe up your tuchus and decide I'm responsible for these two lives because I see two of them and you have to decide these two human beings came down here and now they're on my watch my watch so go put your head in a toilet for seven minutes get your acts together and decide these human beings are on my watch yes or no then it answer me because I don't matter they do this is between you your soul your agreement to monitor two souls and God and looking at them and say hmm yes or no yes or no and what does that mean what does that mean it means yes or no and episodic parenting is for the birds human beings are full-time there it is and work yourself in after hours the way you need to because you can do that you can make yourself work and I don't mean how unrealistic no no human beings are full-time when they're little they're demanding and they're sticky and they're all those things but that's what it takes I'm so old-fashioned when it comes to this I know it's my values but there it is but we are demanding when we're little that's just the way we are and then when we're a little more mobile you can be more mobile does that sound like a not a bad answer I'm just like tough as nails when it comes to you're all they got do a good job okay enough I have to go back to this now this moment in time I just want to give you a big huge clock to look through and that's that we are setting on a precipice where everything in this universe is changing I'm just going to name a few things that are changing the spells everybody is under one that were the only planet with life on it do you know what a huge spell that is that's such a huge spell that we've been living under for thousands of years that were the only planet with life now you may think like breaking that spell is like no big deal but let me tell you what comes down with that all the religions all the religions so you don't realize how many of your myths and your spell's are linked to that one spell so let's just follow this through what's happening simultaneously as I want you to just picture yourself standing on a cliff looking at the galactic world at night like through a Hubble telescope photograph looking at this galactic world and realizing that you're alive at the time when this gargantuan myth this gargantuan spell that were the only planet in this gargantuan endless endless endless universe and just drench yourself and Hubble telescope photographs going out there past the sombrero galaxy pass past all the galaxies that they have been able to photograph with the preposterous notion that this little planet is the only one populated okay and just think what's the likelihood of that no I don't think so so here we are about to enter the galactic community now that's going to change the calculus of our lives
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 89,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mLIKJ_C5Yec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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