Why We Search for Personal Power & Self Esteem - Sofia Institute 2018

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[Music] it is a wonderful to have in March when she was here last and she was here with Andrew Harvey and some of you good many of you we're here with us at that time if you were a raise your hand let's just yeah I thought so and so then you said we'd love to have a solo with Caroline mates so I said Caroline our group would love to have a sellout with you and I would love to have you back can you do it this year and so she weren't magic with her schedule and I held my breath as hurricane season approached because of course those of us who live here we know the calamity that hurricanes can keep on us in this area along the sea so we've been very fortunate this is worked out so well and we have so many of you and I'm just going to say that we have course people from all over Charles fun taking a look to see where else people are here from heart South Carolina for sure North Carolina Georgia Virginia Florida Maryland Michigan Ohio New York Massachusetts Indiana Kentucky Arizona where's Arizona that's a long way from Arizona not too far away Rhode Island California Washington State South Dakota and Scotland it's not like where's my Scottish one they haven't landed yet anyway it's just such a pleasure always to have people like [Applause] here with us and knowing that when we gather like this with such high intention to do the work that we're going to be doing with you tonight and tomorrow you know we're really doing something to lift the consciousness on the planet you could say whenever we do our deep in a work that deep in a work impacts us all and so I so applaud you for your courage to be here in that sort of self exploration looking deeply at our relationship to self esteem and to our own innate empowerment and with someone like Caroline who spent her life really working in these profound profound areas so Sofia Institute's work really is centered on that deep in a work that leads to an outer action an action that can make our communities more conscious communities our workplace a more conscious workplace our relationships as we were talking about with this wonderful woman across the room I'm more conscious relationship there's much I can say about Sofia but I feel like we're already into our day together our evening with Caroline so I'm going to thank you for being here I'm going to say that at the end of the program we have our books for you to purchase if you'd like a good many of your planning to be with us tomorrow most of you but if a few of you who are with us today know that you're called to be with us tomorrow please make sure you let us know that I want to thank Beth sweat sir who is our program coordinator for all the work she did and our volunteers who have helped us out I also want to thank the wonderful people at circular Congregational Church who regularly invite us here there's a real synchrony between their work and our work and we're always happy to be here at Lance Hall we say it's a sort of small Parthenon here in Charleston we're surrounded by the beautiful graveyard which you were fascinated by as we came in I mean they're great stories oh my god damn and the trees in the yo trees all around us so we appreciate being in this lovely space I'll close now for now and say a little more about Sofia Institute the end always always we welcome you here with us and Caroline it's such a deep and profound pleasure to have you back I guess like like I you've read nearly all of her books are all of them starting back 1996 all the work that Caroline has done for energy Anatomy bringing that into the field of science and a profound and wonderful way she's not gonna let me say much so let's just show her how much we were getting with her [Music] [Applause] okay back stop it okay now please don't fall all right I don't have many drawings none of them is good but a few of them are gonna make a point I'm gonna begin by saying thank you all for being here one of my realizations about us sharing a few days together is that the gift of your time is not returnable time is the most precious gift we have I am incredibly mindful that we are exchanging two gifts that neither can refund and so I try now to script what I teach to include tools you can use the rest of your life for the rest of your life they actually get into what teresa of avila would say the walls of your soul and become jewels you can pull out and light up inside of you I need this jewel I need this jewel it will help me here and now will help me make a decision it will help me hang on through a difficult time so one illustration that's very simple but it's powerful is just to think of your life think of you as a building as a building and to use this metaphor that you are a building and this is how consciousness works the thing about being a building is that once it's built it's built it doesn't go anywhere and the only movement from that point on is in the building so you can go up any of flights you want but you can't move the building so once you're born you're structured you're not I will not be unborn as an American from an Austrian polish background there's nothing I can do that's the building I'm in I can't now change no matter what I do that I grew up in a Catholic family that's my building but I can run up the stairs now what would happened and why I use this this symbolic model is because years ago I was actually in New York during uh I was in New York during a hot August day in New York and hot and August is loud and it smells and I love New York but there it is and that's the truth and I went in to visit a friend who who had the penthouse a walk in here I get up here and she says come on out and she had an iced tea the two of us sat on her little deck like little patio I mean little I mean it's like this little area here which is coveted in Manhattan okay coveted so she had two chairs and of course plants and almost a barbecue anything they'll squeeze on to make it feel like they have the little park but here's the truth I could hardly hear the street down there and secondly from up there I could see the Hudson River and while this isn't anything to brag about I couldn't see Jersey don't get me all right but the point is the Vista was huge and in the evening it was beautiful it was gorgeous Manhattan lit up and I could actually see stars not a lot granted but if I was down there 24 stories lower and I walked out if I said to someone on the first floor do you know you live near a river they would say no do you know that they're stars no do you know that there's a state called Jersey no same address now here's you if I spoke to you at the first floor of your consciousness and said do you know that you have what it takes to see a vast universe it's in you you have to get up these floors you would you you you would fight that and you do fight it because it's it takes a lot of energy to climb those stairs there's no elevator in this building and you need to really understand your life in this metaphor in this analogy rather because it's actually identical every time you move up a a floor it's more expensive the mortgage costs more but the view is more spectacular the air is cleaner the sounds are more at your discretion instead of you responding to the screaming you'll notice that as you rise the choice of what you want to listen to becomes yours so you begin to redefine choice as you go up here whereas on the first floor everybody else has choice but you but as you go up you begin to think I'll choose what I want to hear I choose what I listen to and what so you become conscious not only of choice but how powerful choice is and how much of your sense of you is involved in the power of you making choices which is why relationships are centered around the dynamic of choice every relationship is centered around the dynamic of choice and every divorce is based on the violation or abuse of basically the dynamic of choice you don't appreciate my choices you don't listen to my choices I this it is always about choice and power always so as you go up this these flights in yourself and you are such a curious creature that you will always wonder what's above you you'll always you're compelled to keep going up these flights you were born knowing you're born knowing that you can't take a lot of the people who reside with you on the fourth floor to the fifth floor and if you go to the fifth floor and you see the view remember you haven't changed the address but you get there and you think oh my god I didn't know that that building was there and I didn't know you could see the Empire State Building from here and I didn't know that and I didn't know that because you can't see it from the fourth but you get to the fifth and the horizon opens even more and you think wait'll I tell everybody on the 4th and the surf so you run downstairs thinking believing that everybody down there is going to be so happy for you that suddenly you have these huge French windows giving you this vast vast view of a universe they cannot see and oh my they're so happy for you and what is wrong with them that they don't appreciate your French windows and that they're not validating your new floor that's so above them which you are implying it is because you're special and your message to them is I'm special I'm conscious and you're not what you don't realize is you're not on the fifth floor you're in the s end of the third because if you were you wouldn't go down and rub it in their face you're in timeout you just don't know it and you're trying to get them to validate I am on the fifth aren't I aren't I and the answer's no no because if you were that game would be over with that game would be over with now this that self-esteem where you realize I esteem myself if I have to keep asking everybody in the universe to to recognize me I will spend my rest the rest of my life weak and powerless afraid to do anything thinking that the reason I do don't do anything is your fault because you did not recognize me you did not support me that's your fault that I'm a failure no it's not that's the way people in the first floor it's the way a child does it that's a child self-esteem is not support by others and it's not complaining about it self is when you look to others for support you realize I I have no capacity to get myself up others are not responsible for getting you up and going nobody is but you and you may be angry about that that's very first floor and you may want life to be other than this that it's other people's responsibility to get you going but it's not and it's other people's responsibility to support you no it's not no one has to support you nobody's obliged to support you not one person not one person was born with the task from God to support you look alive and that's the truth a horrifying truth most people don't want to kind of deal with but it is a truth it is true that you may meet people along the way let's say let's hook up let's partner up let's marry let's be a team for a while for as long as we can let us make that choice and I just bond ourselves let us make a vow and bond our souls and give to each other what we can that is a choice not an obligation again choice so are you with me here on this every floor is different and I will tell you but as you go up the floors you are as curious as you are intimidated you are as compelled to become conscious as you will sabotage that journey you are very good at sabotaging your own journey of empowerment again and again and again something that we're going to but in great detail tomorrow why do we do that we all do that there's no one who who doesn't do that until we get through little by little we're curious lot but what I wanted to to emphasize this evening as I open up is why is it even important to know about self to discuss it to be to check know in your that self esteem would be an issue for so many people because it is it's not just an issue it's it's a life changing dynamic where people know if I don't get this straight the quality of who I am and the quality of my and the quality of how I relate to others is is going to collapse if I don't get this is the big game-changer now there was a time when the the game changers in relationships were stuff dowry money privilege it's not that those things don't matter anymore or that there's still don't have clout that way but the difference is this we the generations of the nuclear age our very different species than those who lived before the nuclear age and the jewel that is self esteem is your power battery in a way that was not for generations who lived before the nuclear age none at all before the nuclear age self-esteem was like self-respect it was an external force it was an external principle it would not have been defined the way we're going to examine it today and tomorrow by enemy it would never be put into the category of if I have the power of choice and creation and cause and effect in my capacity to maneuver the mystical was my capacity to discern the flow of energy into matter and whether or not I want to respond to an illusion a spectacle playing out before my eyes so that if somebody said to me hurry you have to uninvested these stocks what the markets going to collapse that your sense of inner relationship to is this is there a crisis in the air and your inner gut your inner gut is so clear you trust that far more than the storm that you see brewing in the first floor which is the crew which is the collective because you're on the third and you can see that Wall Street's not on fire they're screaming the sky is falling the sky is falling but you are now have an interior sense of self self and this is a rocky moment which is accurate the rumor that the sky is falling or what your inner guidance you what are they or they or the energy you are being guided by because as you go up in your consciousness the world the physical world ceases to become that clear and the energetic world begins to become the world you relate to energy and then as you take the elevator down you step into the world of matter going along with how the laws of the universe are set up thought before form energy into matter which means if I decide if I become psychically crazy I know that a room will respond to psychically crazy you know that you know that if you're angry it doesn't matter what you say you vibrate it because you want to communicate it and you see everybody responding so you know you are communicating a message and you watch it play out prior to World War one to before the nuclear age nobody defines self-esteem like that nobody would think of it it was all about what you had what you could do how much you owned but it shifted when we entered the nuclear age everything the whole rules of life changed we entered the world behind our eye instead of the world in front of our eyes we entered the rules of how we would perceive reality changed and and here's a simple reason why so there's nothing simple about it the two wheels that have instinctively guided humanity human beings our instincts have always been driven on the will to survive and the the will to create the instinct to create the instinct to survive so we we we have the sense that we must survive no matter what so that no matter what happens we have to create something to survive this if it's going to be more hurricanes we have to figure out a way to brace the shore if it's kind of we have to create something that's never been done before because some things happen you know they created bridges for to go that have never been built before because we need to get on the other side we always have managed we had new diseases we found vaccine we are always trying to create something to address that and entering this will we unlock nuclear consciousness we entered an era in which our opponents ie weapons of mass destruction climate change all of our opponents we do not have solutions for not one we do not know how to outrun the destructive power of nuclear bombs we do not know and further we do not know that we can trust ourselves not to destroy ourselves in fact since the time that those weapons work first created the history of our planet has been rewritten and shaped all around who has the fire like Prometheus we stole the nuclear fire and it's been which country has the fire what do we do about it what sanctions what do we do who's the terrorists down it down it down and here's the thing you've grown them to it you have actually grown numb to the fact that every single second could be our last you actually don't believe it you've become you've become you actually think it can't happen you're in la-la land there's a part of you that's totally in la-la land because you believe because something has never happened it cannot happen and that's how you are we are with climate change that's how we are with everything we think because it cannot it has not happened it will not happen when you don't get that if we create this stuff we want to use this stuff you do not get that and that the reason we're in this incredible passage that we're in this passage of opioid addiction this passage of high-voltage depression epidemics of madness epidemics of utter utter insanity epidemics of complete social confusion relationship confusion the inability of people to make a commitment inability of relationships to stick is because every single species and every single human being every tree every bird every plant every fish every everything knows its future is on the line I hear music why is there music why is that on every single species knows its future is on the line and we are all evolving together we know it and the quality of choices that we need to make have got we have to raise the bar on the choices we need we need to make it can't be the way it has been because those are the choices that he got us here we need to become a very different species now to accommodate that what's happened in the last 50 years is that we have become different than the people before we have we are opening our intuitive senses we're becoming far more energetically conscious and aware and sensitive then the species prior to world war two and I'm gonna say a lot about that tomorrow but tonight let me say this when I comment like this I did not add the word special becoming multi-sensory doesn't mean you're special or conscious or anything as a matter of fact if it did we wouldn't be in the hellhole that we're in would that it did make us more special and more conscious but in fact we are more drugged and more unconscious more selfish than we were before more narcissistic with a rise in barbarianism and brutality when in fact we consider ourselves so conscious so let us not assume that as we become more aware of our global connection and our intuitive nature it has not advanced the way we live together at all okay so no snow no thinking like that's right I'm one of those conscious indigo colored don't even ever go there but where you have to go and where we go is this the crisis were in is because we're not we refused to go there the crisis were in is that the time has come where we face the fact that we have an increased range of sensibility and sensitivity and we're not addressing what that means like what does it mean to be to recognize I'm getting intuitive guidance now whereas before when my mother was making decisions and my father they talked to each other and it would have been very odd for my mom to say I got it on the inner that we should do this right I mean my father would have said are you talking to who's in her you know I mean yeah all right it would have been like that yeah he's a world war two Marine he's not gonna who's inner you know a new neighbor right that's not how but today we are wiring ourselves very differently we're responding to ourselves very differently but we do it in piecemeal as it serves us we're not living there full time we do it in small doses when convenient but we don't make the leap to the fourth floor we're living is is more rigorous more expensive because you have to start living how you're built and who you are full-time not occasionally but full-time so the way you make choices and decisions simply becomes a matter of what is congruent what is congruent what doesn't fracture you what keeps you from hemorrhaging to thine own self be true now in a lower down here a way people would make decisions is what will they say and it's okay we have to we have to still always keep the tribe in mind when we make decisions but it's out of a steam for the tribe will this decision harm the tribe and seven generations of it will this decision harm the tribe because the law is what is in one is in the whole what I do to you I do to what I do to you I do to everybody I am interconnected I cannot treat one of my cells of my body one of my cells you are like a spotty a cell of my body I can't treat one of you that doesn't touch all of you you cannot treat me and not touch everybody in this room we are one holy body of life and that is a mystical truth and as you get up to the higher floor we begin to realize we are one we are one that when we're on the first floor the only people we apply that to our blood family but as we rise up here we realize all life is one all life breathes together and it's very very very difficult to live that truth the amount of esteem that you have to hold for all life and the quality of choices you have to make will break you in half and when the saints you know we call those people who could do it Saints we gave them titles as a way of saying I could never do that so we gave them titles that separated them from us by calling them a category so rare so we never would have to do that what's that over that persons are saying oh well okay and this was how we separated ourselves from the challenge of being congruent and conscious let them do it and then we'll go visit their shrines hey yo you you want to pray for me that kind of thing or hang out with a guru or start talking like these people do I know someone who knows someone who knows a guru as if you're holy by default okay it's like liquid dated holiness you know a good Eddy you know how many a Pathak holiness right but this era is this the chaos that's happening to us is the chaos of transitioning worlds transitioning eras transitioning between a way of seeing the world a way of being in the world a way of understanding the world and having the world come through US instead of out there and in us and this is what the holistic health movement has really done we've become many earths in other words what you know in in in accepting the template that your body mind spirit our an integrated system do any of you think that's not true okay how about this one that if you went to the doctor and the doctor said you're sick and specifically you've got a kidney disorder and so I got some medicine but it's gonna blow your heart right out of your body so what do you want to do there's a real good chance you would say later I want to talk to someone who knows how to treat the whole now I'm going to translate that and that's because you our plant let's go up here to the symbolic world symbolically speaking you are now behaving and approaching yourself as one whole planet and all the organs of your body our no longer sovereign nations you realize and you are approaching your earth as an integrated system of Nations of rivers of air and all the problems you deal with in your life are your little micro of the macro problems of humanity and as you resolve yours you're contributing to the resolution of everybody's this is your experience of the macro earth simultaneously on your micro earth so how you deal with all that is in your life is how you resolve all that is in the world everything you do in your planet everything is a contribution of the grandest power to the whole for what you settle between two people if Brenda and I finally worked out something that is a micro map of how to work something we contribute to the whole that the whole can draw upon this is how you work that out there consciousness doesn't evaporate it doesn't evaporate how you work out everything on your planet with whomever you're working out is contributing to the whole and everybody who has their planet and who he has that issue who is hurting in the way you who's lonely in the way you are who's facing loss in the way you have can draw upon your experience when they pray god help me that reservoir of human experience that gloat that : give compassion of how we are journeying through loss together comes to that person including how well you have journey through that and when you bow your head in prayer and say on behalf of everyone helped me get through this I am NOT going through this alone I am NOT the only human being who has walked through loss others will after me others have before me help me God this is how you pray you do not separate yourself from the human community as if you are the only one who has ever ever what ever what been born died what tell me one thing one that only you have done and I will give you my estate such as it it including my crazy dog tell me what to separate yourself from the whole is one of the most torturous things you can do by demanding that you be noticed unlike anybody else because you're so extraordinary and we live in this hellhole and one of the things that's true is that people today being self-esteem is based upon being noticed and being special and people will say to me I was born to be special I know I was born for something special what kind of spiritual garbage is there that's like saying I've signed up for suffering I've signed up for suffering because I I was born to be special which is saying I'm not going to do here's my definition of special I want to work two days a week I want to be recognized I don't want it difficult I don't want to get my hands dirty I don't want any apprenticeship I want to be immediately successful lots of money I wouldn't be able to travel and I probably want to work two months a year it's got to be meaningful try to leave that out and other people have to be so impressed especially people who humiliated me I want to make them feel bad that's what people think we've become people who hold ordinary in contempt so they named their kids what's your kid's name sunshine medication meditation Karma and if one more person says to me my child is special if they only knew what I was thinking if you only knew what I was thinking you really want to know I think that poor child that poor child what a lie you're feeding that child what a curse what a curse because if you think that everybody else in this world is gonna tell that kid he or she's famous or special or whatever and what do you think special entitles them that comes entitlement I don't have to work I don't have to this and what you don't get is you're killing that kid survival instincts you're killing it destroying it because they're special they don't have to do anything to survive they don't have to develop their talent they don't have to try they don't have to try why would parents do that to their children you don't have to do anything because you're special what a disaster may as well Minh Tevan tell you what a disaster what a disaster you tell them you are so loved I can hardly squeeze it and tell them that Tom I love you so much it doesn't fit in the mood but watch the dangerous words we'll get to the power of words tomorrow tonight what don't because they're not why but what but you you know how it's a child understand that older it's on when he's older there's nothing wrong to saying somebody that and you know to me it all depends on what is implied so you have to be very careful on how you imply like everybody's different everybody has the own path to walk and that's what makes everybody so if it's presented in the way it should be presented like it should be presented like a seventh floor truth and and not like something where a child were a person gets to feel that being different makes them better and that they look at a difference as a way of can we turn off phones people that looking you know you get it I've made that point okay now I want to go back because I there's something else I want to talk about this time that makes it a privilege to be alive now because I think the era you're living in is such a great big huge deal that you can't afford not to know certain things which is why having the courage to be you at this time is so important having the courage to be fully you fully you to not you know in the old world in the old world people always looked for excuses not to be you not to be them you know I don't have time to kids artist edited the excuses if you were born now then you're on time because this is when you were supposed to be born there isn't a cosmic mistake with your birth which means by virtue of that you are that the stars are lined up for why you are here so you when somebody has asked me I've been in so many conversations with people from all over the world why am I here why am I here why am I here and when you know when we struggle with that which everybody does which everybody does that was that was not a good thing to do Carol we do that because we we go through those questions at the from the first floor where we ask like why am I here and we want physical details we want facts we want productive details because we have an allegiance to a God of production the God we believe in is a very job driven God a very practical God an off-planet male that employs us and if the inspiration we get is not practical by God we don't follow it and we want that inspiration to include bank account money information it better not disrupt our bank account by God by God God so the God we've invented emphasis on the word invented the God that doesn't exist nevertheless we want to exist is an off planet male white bearded who's a businessman and a Supreme Court judge who always has a reason for why things happen as they do and is always on your side when you bring a case to the Supreme Court just tell me why this has happened just tell me why this is not fair ice cream unjust and when we pray we expect guidance that is absolutely practical or we will not follow it and we will lock ourselves in because the idea that guidance could be what we declare a mystical experiential dreamlike symbolic does that appeal to you when you're living on the first floor because the first floor is where the male's delivered and that means mortgage bills and that's when you say are you kidding look at this you fail to learn how creation operates that your your energy your power determines how the laws of the universe function in your life the more fear the slower they function now getting that through to you is very difficult and we'll chat on that of length tomorrow but at this point part of this extraordinary turning point I mentioned health I mentioned the sovereign nations of your body organs but also the principles of health that began to filter into us which that we create a reality that somehow our attitudes and this is where my life came in this is where my life journey began with this that our attitudes somehow affect the quality of our health and this is where I began my work in when the early 1980s what was that a long time ago the early 1980s now this is a big deal because prior to that pre nuke we did not examine our attitudes attitude by attitude by attitude by attitude emotion by emotion by emotion by emotion hurt feeling by hurt feeling by hurt feeling memory by memory by memory what did we start doing was turning our attention to our inside with a microcosmic detail and curiosity unlike anything that had ever existed before now we became fascinated with how we worked at the subcutaneous level at the power of our thoughts at the wave of an emotional we were looking at our quantum physics self the quite the counterpart to nuclear energy we are investigating our nuclear power source which is our soul our soul so just as this is happening there's a huge collision of the gods in the air which is also also part of the catastrophe happening causing the chaos on the earth which is all the major like the Abrahamic religions our colliding colliding for the first time there's two Pope's in the Catholic Church and a collision with all the the priests and you can you can in the first floor at the first floor level you could say it's just pedophilia and all that evil but if you do that just like if you look at all the world government's from the first floor just like if you look at your life crises on the first floor you will never understand what's really going on the first floor is where in the language of Buddha everything is the illusion everything everything all the energies in our lives have got to take some form so that we can touch them so that we can see them so that we could see what's playing out and what is playing out right now so in Christianity it is the breakdown of the patriarchy it is the breakdown of the patriarchy and the inability of the patriarchy to adjust to what evolution is demanding this moment that we're living see it very clearly come up here to the penthouse where you are looking at what is going on what is this moment about it's a privilege to be alive now we are beginning to see the end of the fossil age where everything in this earth where we are people of the earth people with the element of dirt on our hands people of the farm people of oil people wear what we investigated what we were searched where our frontier was was what is on this earth what is in the soil the soil of our body the soil that were standing on the soil that feeds us the soil that clothes us we were people of the soil and the gods that cared for us we're mail from Abrahamic tradition which is what all of us are so from that came half-god half-man gods from the Judaic we have the promise of a messiah who will come from the Christian we have the Messiah that incarnates and from Islam we have the holy prophet three half God half men archetypes all of which now are disintegrating in front of our eyes and that what always happens when this world when it's time for a pattern of myth like the Romans like the Greeks when it was time to pass on those stories into Christianity which is what they did which is what they did they passed on the story of the goddess and Zeus and into Christianity Christianity absorbed it and said one's your High Holy Day December solstice okay we'll put Christmas then equinox for Easter they the virgin birth is a classic Roman story they took those stories and in order to have Christian converts when that when the Apostles went around and they and they started to say we have a new God but can you do this yeah can you do that yeah and so they transition the stories okay they transition the stories and then Christianity took the ball and ran with it now we are at this place where we are on the verge of entering galactic community galactic where the community is go where the new frontier is no longer looking down down down at our tiny earth but up up up at the universe up at outer space and inner space it is the end of the fossil era and the beginning of the solar era the beginning of fuel by solar our planet the food the nutrition that we will grow nutrition not food a higher vocabulary I'm going to take you up to the upper floor we will grow nutrition the same word from nurture and nutrition we will develop enter genik sources which will make us more humane we must become a global community and none of us will live long enough to see that make no mistake none of us but we are beginning to see the end of one ERA with the with the dissolving of fossil fuel occupations but the rise of the fundamentalists to fight that last battle like the Romans did with the Christians put them in the gladiator ring like the like the Celts did with the Christians like the pagans did every last group fights for its territory as evolution comes through they will say this reality of your inner space and what you can perceive what you sense you you multi-sensory being you don't exist what you perceive doesn't exist always those building the bridge to the next era will find difficulty the feminists will battle for survival those who are multi-sexual will battle for survival this is not what the old world the 1st 2nd and 3rd chakra people this is not their world and they are correct it is not their world and it is terrifying and for a lot of us we are terrified of what is familiar to us that we don't want to we we don't want to lose it I will tell you none of you myself included is eager to become a global citizen I'm terrified by what I am observing in my nation I have an eye on evolution this is not a temporary anomaly the democracy is over this is the direction now we are moving forward but it's always difficult and so much depends on the quality of choices that we make and how you understand that you are now a hologram and a holistic being you now understand what it means to say I have to really take care my I sense things in a way that I did not before and I have to pay attention to that because if I do not I now pay a price in my bio spiritual life in my whole environment and I will pay a price it will it will bet that hemorrhage will eventually make itself known in a relationship I will communicate it I will communicate it and it's and if it gets into my child archetype I will find someone to blame we have got to live by the rules of energy first and then our body instead of the old rules which say the quality of our life is based on the quality of what's outside that if I don't see an opportunity coming my way the world sucks no we can't do that anymore it's inner space what's going on inside of me and how to work with that inner space it's not just about I better have positive thoughts positive no no no no you know it's not that simple we'll get to that tomorrow it's not that simple it's not always about what you want but about who you're becoming how you understand how are you how you grasp this journey that is life your life and when things what how how it is that you realize oh I I always think life should be based on what I want no no you're not that smart you're simply not that smart you don't see everything you see nothing and if I gave you a homework assignment which is I want you to identify your problems really Christ these problems irritations and what you did that caused your involvement in all of those because you'll see you've had a hand and all the horrible things that have happened to you either because you misjudged something you were jealous you were frightened whatever it is petty petty petty whatever it is you gossiped whatever it is you own it and then make a list of all the wonderful things that have happened to you and you'll notice that you did not do a thing the surprised really wonderful things meeting meeting a good friend when someone and what you just just to try to test something out I want you to just close your eyes for a second and think about focus your attention on some and don't get me because I'm not talking about me in your life all right focus your attention on someone you know loves you a whole lot loves you a whole lot and you know that this person's life doing me close your eyes this person's life is happier because you're in it and they know that and you know that think of the size of that truth how big is that that that person holds in his or her heart this this feeling that my life is better because you are in it and they really dwell on that that at least once or twice a day your your name floats through their heart and they pause on it and it brings them joy that their life has you in their heart and they are grateful someone holds you in gratitude that you don't even know about what did you do to deserve that how about nothing and further you can't there's nothing you can do nothing to make someone love you that much nothing you cannot take out an ad and say please someone come along and love me there's nothing nothing nothing nothing this is what Teresa of ávila says God in the small details of your life these arrangements are made these arrangements are made what you do is say I'm putting love in your hands I can't worry about this and if you look at all your good friends did you take ants out for them and go fish for a friend I've never done that have you have you said I just I I I you know I've never done that all the people I love the most my closest and that's a lot of people I've never said you know like I need any you know a friend I need this any I've never done the act they show up wonderful wonderful wonderful people they show up when the time's right and it works and then you just well I got a new friend and it's wonderful and you need to this is the truth down here you think it's all your on your own because you don't get it and you're playing by the wrong rules which is why you lose the game you play like a loser because you don't get the game and what what we're learning in these decades now is that everything is connected everything my thoughts my wholeness if I see all things connected and I realized look at this just as I needed this or I need that or this or that that everything in every moment is connected in that moment to everything so even as I you know if I I'm all the things that are positive and all the things that are challenging those are connected there's no such thing as a day where all the events of my life are not speaking to each other and that's a nice way to put it they're all speaking to each other and all the people I meet that day are part of everything that's speaking to each other now I had a huge great big huge great big huge one of those insights that took my breath away and it was after a garlic pizza it was a good thing but but you know when I talk about religion and it is important to introduce this piece because we are living at this time where everybody has an issue with religion in some way or another which is fascinating because there's never been a time when everybody's had an issue with religion but now in this nuclear age and that's because it's time to have this break off with the mythic stories that somehow our souls have gotten the message to detach and that the mythic stories of these religions are no longer able to sustain the intellectual journey the psychic journey of who we are and what we how we need to live going forward not just as community but this is what I realized is a medical intuitive and that's bio spiritually in terms of our health now over here into the health field when one of the first mystical laws is that what is in one is in the whole what is in one is in the whole this is amiss and this is Jesus taught this what you do to one you do to everybody what you do to the least of my brother and you do to me you do to everybody he wasn't talking about behave yourself he was teaching a law a mystical law Buddha taught this mystical law every great teacher taught we are all in this together get that through your head but more than that get it through your heart and then get it into your soul so that you actually live this in how you see everybody how you treat everybody how you make your decisions that not one thing we do is not known to the whole that one thing that one thing so simultaneously we are learning in our biology in our health that all things work together that what we do to what part of our body we do to everything in our body like I said it with with the kidney in the heart but one of the premises of all these religions is that in order to be a member and belief you must see everybody as different and as aggressively you must separate yourself from others that they are enemies they're different they're false so that when Christians look at Jews Jews look at Christians we Islam looks at Jewish and however it is that to be different when fundamentalists look at Catholics but when that in fact separation is safety and that position comes out of fear and that fear makes people angry and then idea that people have to be separated that they're they're the fearful fear fear-based teachings turn people into a get their aggression and hate hate which is the exact opposite message the exact opposite message and I if we can go into health and why people don't heal when you have hatred in your system you cannot heal it's not possible you're feeding your self-hatred and you are in fact fragmenting yourself because it is against all the laws that the gods have and it is against our own wiring because you're feeding hatred into yourself what is in one is in the whole and you're doing it because you're under the illusion that in fact they're different than you but they don't love their children that they don't eat that they're not hungry that they're not cold in the winter that they're not looking for a home for safety now that type of thinking is what we have to evolve out of for the sake of illness when we look at illnesses that can't be healed epidemics these are the thoughts the vibrations that prevent the healing of epidemics let me give you an example that you can relate to they have to do this my ears are popping with a flight the 1929 the stock market crashed and I'm giving you a symbolic interpretation of an event all of you know about the stock market crashed and the language changed you could look at the newspapers we began to talk about how not just the stock market but also the Dust Bowl the great Dust Bowl which is a an event in American history that's rarely talked about but it should be because it was so devastating and these two events happened at the same time and the way they were described in the newspapers the wording is is very inviting important than it was that we were crippled economically crippled well was the epidemic that broke out in the 30s polio polio now first floor the classic classic tribal event that draws a tribe together is war war and the globe was feeling a distribution of power and crippled and what happens is unconsciously we elect a president just like us Roosevelt Franklin Delano crippled but empowered the perfect archetype to make the transition and then the war comes and all the empowerment slowly begins the economic empowerment of the tribe to return to dignity to return to that sense of power by the end of the war America was the first global power first global that had amassed a fortune it was one of the few nations that hadn't been bombed it was ready to go and at the end the Marshall Plan it was all but a totally different position of power in the world who was in charge of everything it was Zeus with the fire prometheus had done his job it was a very different world okay do you see it you see what happened it's out early fascinating how these historic events then what happened we were in a way how did they write about it we were economically on our feet again now think of all the ways they could have said it they could have said recovery but in fact the most common phrasing was we were eken America is economically on its feet again and Jonas Salk boom the vaccination so our collective soul our collective spirit our collective experience is directly connected to epidemics just like it is to AIDS and collective beliefs that hold us together Collective fears have a great deal to do with our collective DNA and the functioning of our immune system what we are collectively immune to and what we are not my helping you out that way pause you got any questions no huh Wow yeah wait a minute a little louder I'm gonna wait genius Carolyn has a to the housing market it was actually on ok and as far as what happened in 2008 and where we are now in the opioid crisis and an example are you two related Oh could I you know what what is it a crisis that is happening as far as like the crisis that we're in now as far as the language what the media is using as language and from 2008 from the crash then and the crisis now and all the things that are taking place just in the past 10 years yeah okay well yeah the question yeah the question is could I relate the crash economic crash of 2008 and the opioid crisis to the events happening today with the media and well no and just how nothing you know nobody none of the bankers nobody went to concerts there was no was there ever well no I have to say there was no consequence to the the terrible things that were put upon us at that time and then how how things are unfolding now right because we're not a society of consequence and that's our fault that really is our fault we do not demand consequence we let it ride what is a democracy but it but it but a system of response and consequence we do not respond it's our responsibility to demand consequence by by blasting the senators blasting the congressmen and not stopping nobody demands a consequence so and they know it they know the American people are drugged involve lazy they could care less so long as they can go shopping eat and I'm being harsh but it's the truth and they and they don't and the truth is America has not felt the true crisis of this at the level that it really is it hasn't felt it nobody's nobody like the depression isn't in line you know no but nobody's going hungry like massive massive it's going to increase but the people are going hungry our people who have gone hungry before you know we live in a world where we tell ourselves that things can't happen and you don't get we are living in the age of the unthinkable where it's the unthinkable that it's most likely to happen not to think about so that's why no you know what when someone says it's so outrageous that you know look what's happening that I don't expect any woman's issue to be heard not be to be responded to at all for years because the patriarchy has nothing to gain by it and just like will will have war so long as women crave the bad-boy warrior that's the woman's part in it so don't go thinking that it's all you have to understand the archetypal dynamic so that's the the whole dynamic of what makes them meet you and them also nothing is one way and things account and we are not a wisdom culture we never teach wisdom in school we never say what's the consequence of this we are a society without consequence where have we ever dealt with consequence where we haven't held presidents responsible we don't hold anybody responsible ever we don't teach we don't teach moral conscience in school we don't teach ethics we've dropped all that where do we teach anything but did you understand and if you if you if you want this kind of society we have to build it again we have to start petitioning I want this taught in my school I want this talk to the kids these kids that can't do moral reasoning they don't recognize a moral crisis why do you think they take drugs they don't get moral reasoning they don't know how to recognize in their gut this whole time all my life my whole career have you any idea how many people have taught hundreds of thousands I've always had a 40 year career hundreds and not one person not one before God that one person has ever said to me I'm in here Carolyn I've come to your workshop because I have a crisis of conscience conscience is the a portable word conscience people talk about consciousness which means nothing nothing what is it what are you talking about it's an empty word like a monster chili noodle it means that you're recycling your trash your consciousness conscience is the word attached to good and bad right or wrong evil and and and and and goodness this is the word where someone has this sense of this is wrong this is morally wrong this thing that happened in Saudi I mean an Istanbul where the doctor who sawing the man's hands fingers off the reporter says to the diplomat put earbuds on with some music it goes easier this is the level of our humanity now here put on some music so you can't hear him scream that's like a Stephen King novel it's like a Stephen King novel and we have our politicians saying I don't know did that happen or not now how does this happen this is our world Hitler didn't rise by himself neither did Gandhi and this is where we realize this world is all about choice consequences good bad right wrong I need to pay I need to become conscious everything I do everything I am and everything I do matter how many people will say nothing I can do matters and they live that Creed because they want to because they want to they want to be independent of the operating system of the whole so they can go about their life as if everybody else is responsible for their psychic weight on this planet here you carry my weight cuz I just want to have a good time and focus on me because I don't believe any of that's really helping and they'll tell me I don't believe in evil I just did a seven CD setup and on the the courage to confront evil and most of my career I I deal with people who have said I don't believe in evil really really you're rewriting the script of the universe there are there's no good or bad light or dark there's just some light for you huh you don't get the mechanism of how creation works it works in the Phoenix rises from the ashes and it falls there's always the test the light attracts the dark and the dark attracts the light and if you really understand and in the depths of your darkness the light comes make fights the hardest to get through fights the hardest this moment now is like pours tissue for us it's like this moment in time where we're between worlds and it's like the concrete is melting into energy and all the forms that have held the world together in the solid wage all the pillars of society the fundamental pillars for all they were iíve read military history since I was seven for all I've never gone through I mean I can't I read history constantly for all the times we have evolved through wars through events that have shaped our world shaped U shape shaped us for all the events and all the people Plato to Aristotle you are students of Plato and Aristotle you Pythagoras Plato Aristotle this is our lineage right for all the shaping no matter what is happening on the earth the fundamental pillars have held and that is the belief that family is a pillar of society tribe is a pillar of society that community is a pillar that that we need this one what happens in the world whether whether we go to war whether we are refugees we take our family we see with our community and we refined it somewhere else and we set it up immediately then we have our religion that we cling to our God that we must have our traditions we must have what's the Lenten Carol how about this Maximus the maximum habits of the heart must be passed on to our children because this is a this is a this is a column out pillar since entering the nuclear age these pillars have all been knocked down they're all gone we are the first human beings to exist without these pillars we are floating and psychic space and we know it without ever being able to articulate it because we haven't identified that but we are floating we have no God myths that we believe we have no communities we don't pray together we have no moral accountability we agree with nothing in terms of what's collectively wrong or right for the first time in the history of humanity we have no idea what a family looks like we have no idea what a relationship looks like we've created endless patterns and none of them endure none of them for the first time ever the vow means nothing a vow means nothing we we are the people who have gutted the soul of the collection of humanity we have detached we are the ones that have lost our way we are floating in freefall we are the ones who have made God a hobby a hobby that have made holiness a hobby that think we can pray as a hobby maybe we will maybe we will maybe when it's an option we are the ones who no longer take our shoes off on sacred grounds because we've decided that we can rewrite the history of the universe to suit our little pea-brain because we've decided maybe there's a good maybe there's a nut maybe there's Gooden maybe there's no maybe I don't believe in evil therefore it doesn't exist oh really Missy oh really well therefore let the universe bow to you because you know so much about this structure about this structure that has always been it is astonishing to me how people are that they would ever walk out their door without first acknowledging the order of this universe in their life and you wonder why so many people are terrified afraid can't seem to focus they don't even know how this universe is created anymore they don't even know what what what what fills the air so they go to these charlatans who think they could draw up angels on the stage as entertainers could reduced even heaven to a theater of the absurd for money because that's what suits the narcissist because all the pillars of the holy and the sacred have gone and let me add finally that the word consciousness suits everybody because there's no sacred to it so we talk about here we talk about energy do you feel that energy oh yeah what a meaningless thing nobody heals at the energy level nobody it's not until you cross over and take your shoes off on sacred ground and is Yahweh said to job gird your loins I'm about to talk to you where were you when I laid the foundations of this earth that you would challenge me where were you when I hung the planets I ordered the Stars I decided where the oceans would end and the land would begin where were you that you dare question me you put yourself where you belong you bow your head on sacred ground so that when you pray it's not what this thing baby I believe you maybe I want you start this way as if I am here you know go shopping with your Christmas list I want c'mon I want I want you want nothing you bow your I'm here you start with that hover over me God just for me assume God is not stupid that you were born with a GPS and the G is for God heaven has not lost you and when you are in anguish it's because you don't know the rules and I made my point now yes yes - which into which which group mr. truce anybody else yes I do the question yeah I work in the Middle East so the question is related to what you've been talking about and how we do no harm so I work with adolescents and youth on social media and trying to encourage personal agency self-esteem social cohesion and social safety in war-torn areas that were occupied by Isis places like that and what what often happens is we work with these dynamic young people who really have a heart to do something different and yes their tribe usually which is related to their family and their family sort of political structure and place in society will tell them no you can't do that mm-hmm particularly for the women it often comes down to life-and-death issues or we recently did a story on a young girl what are you a reporter we work with youth to help them tell stories about other aha okay and did a story on a young girl who's becoming a ballerina she's like eight in the fund so how do you any recommendations on how to work in this space while people are trying to okay this is true in your own life now this is a jewel here's one of your jewels that you put in your jewel pouch for the rest of your life I want you to dwell on a question tonight and this relates to what you asked I want you to pray on a question where does that come from didn't sound like a piano didn't it sound like a note from a piano just is there a piano with you oh okay well in that case all right bet it doesn't count all right now I want you to truly pray and I'm not asking you to answer this from your mind because I could care less what you think I mean no insult by that I don't want you to care what you think because you will lie to yourself your mind will tell you whatever you want which is why you never get out of your problems so you need to learn to respond to what your soul is saying and that your mind so assume your mind will tell you whatever you want to hear it will give you the best answer the most popular answer the answer where you get the most attention the most attractive answer are we clear so when you go into prayer this evening and when you say God direct me do you want to go forward with vision or backward with safety this is not something you can ask answer real fast I'm asking you to go inside this question I need you to put the question on like a pair of clothing like pure pants I need you to go into the question and put it in your heart and realize I don't want to go for I'm if a vision was given to me I would try and find to ask for facts and details in and and financial and visions never come that way they require courage and visions our ideas that are given to you to use your creativity your courage you have to form the clay you have to form the clay if you go backwards you're looking at ceramics that are already done and you're saying but I want this world again forgetting that you're in this place of choice in transition because that world no longer fits you and if you really get that you understand the casts of this world with so many people saying we want this world of ceramics we want to go back to coal we want to go back to this world we want because so many people fail to tool up to really get that we're going across the bridge to a solar world so they go into nationalism now they're going into two ways that say close those borders close those borders through Europe through bricks that through this or that there's shutdowns to go back to sovereign organs in the body and sovereign states sovereign this that's the way we'll survive this know the map of evolution is in progress now we are only moving forward so when you your life is only moving forward so when you say this prayer and when you're engaged in this work that says I am envisioning and I'm doing this work you will meet all these obstacles because of the work you're doing you have to anticipate it you are doing the work of obstacle so when you look at but I'm doing this wonderful work about ballet no you are not you are doing a work about breaking for and you're using ballet to do that you have to understand the work at the archetypal symbolic level because that's where the work really is and it's a very brave girl whose story and she's participating at the age at nine years old and now let me say this differently she's agreed to be a participant in an archetypal dynamic as a nine-year-old soul but if you could see from the penthouses you'd realize I'm breaking barriers and this is what I've chosen to do and if you were to describe your life and the way I say it or in making doing stories you would say no you're right I'm breaking barriers because doing stories doesn't even appeal to you can pray compared to breaking barriers because you're one of the new does that help you and how you do it is you have to keep your you you you have to keep an archetypal perspective as a jewel in your pocket you have to anticipate what your instead of anticipating praise which is an old-world value and anticipating recognition you have to pay attention to what you really what you're really doing which is I this is very threatening so this because that world is going if you see it if you're around the eighth floor don't expect the second floor to see the eighth floor expect the fight and brace yourself not with your fists but with an energy field do you understand use the tools of the soul use the tools of light you learn what the immunes system of light is all about the immune system instead of energy you're gonna work with grace and that's what we'll talk about tomorrow you make the choice to use your immune system of grace you realize that you cannot go you know because of what I'm working with if I knew early on not as consciously as I do now but I knew by gut instinct when I started with norm in the early 1980s my medical partner knew I'm chilly we're still together that at that time there was a real combative relationship between allopathic and holistic medicine and people had this idea that I'm just doing the holistic route I'm just doing this as if they had to choose sides it was really of an expression of it was either the body or the soul that this or the vet I mean it was completely farcical because you if I broke my leg I'm not going holistic I'm not holding I mean I want I want the damned best doctor to set that and then you know so people didn't understand because what they were really doing that they could see clearly was they were using holistic medicine to deny they had the disease there was just a denial which is why somebody died which is why holistic health did not make the progress it did and anyway I I could see that and norm I took the position that we were part that it was a partnership operation then it was better to put everything on the table and work as a team with all things and all the time as a unit so that medical intuition and and the immune system and all the data that I could amass as an intuitive all the data that I could amass of what I what I just was learning intellectually what I knew as a theologian every single thing that I could bring to the table everything you could bring to the table with the best of the physicians you got from a brain surgeon like norm to a holistic it didn't matter get it all instead of being defiant as if you're bored kianak approach was gonna save your life by being hostile to chemical medicine which is just as useful if that's what you need and if you're full of anger that's what you need because energy medicine won't help you energy medicine cannot treat anger suppose that and this is what so many people just didn't get but I figured that out and what I knew is that being aggressive was never going to work never now you can't be aggressive when you look at this question tonight you look and you say you feel in yourself the truth of how you are in if you look toward the future with the demands of the past I need security I need safety I need my title I need this you're not going anywhere because the vision is a clean wide-open here's here's a vision now run with it and it all depends then on you so what do you want what do you capable of choosing I'm going home that's what I'm choosing and I hope I hope I see most of you tomorrow who's gonna be with me [Applause]
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 62,408
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Id: rgr7GQQL-ww
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Length: 117min 37sec (7057 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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