Carlsen's GOAT Move Leaves Everyone Speechless

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this might have been the most unbelievable game of the match Danny this needs to be studied by everybody who wants to learn something about Chess rarely rarely the crowd is finally happy Danny finally doesn't know what to say I think after that intro there's nothing left for me to do but show you this exceptional game so Magnus Carlsen reigning world champion he's got the white pieces here Fabiano caruana former world number two he's got black this is the speed Chess Championship an online event played a couple months ago it's the quarterfinals and this is the part of the tournament where they've got three minutes and one second increment on the clock so they get a second back every move let's see what happened so we had E4 from Magnus E5 from Fabi now we get the Roy Lopez on the board or Spanish game with Bishop to B5 and now the pawn kicks back this bishop and if you take here by the way the trick is that after white wins a porn you win it straight back with Queen's D4 double attack those pieces so the most common move a Grand Master Level is dropping that Bishop back now we see Knight to F6 castles was played and now the main move here for black is Bishop to E7 but in this game we see Pawn B5 immediately the bishop drops back and this is the start of What's called the Archangel variation so the main line is going Bishop to B7 but the modern Twist on this opening is Bishop to C5 you leave this one at home and so you leave some flexibility will it be in keto or will it come here or here later in the game now one thing to note when Black Goes Bishop C5 is you do have to be mindful that white has this tactic taking here and then pushing with D4 but practice has shown that actually Black's doing okay in these positions different game but okay worth knowing if you're going to look into this opening but in this game we see A4 played by Magnus so nibbling away at those queen size white pawns Fabi now moves The Rook so there's a pin down the a file here he had to protect that Rook so now we see an exchange the pawn recaptures D3 was followed by D6 and now C3 from Magnus preparing to push D4 standard idea and now castles played both players make some room for their kings also take away these squares from the Bishops and Magnus starts to activate his Rook Bishop back to B6 starts to clear the way for this C Pawn to move in future also anticipates D4 the Knight develops here and now this Knight drops back and it's starting a common re-maneuver as I'm drawing on the board which also then frees the way for the C Pawn Knight F1 played so white goes on their standard Journey the Knight comes to G6 Knight G3 and now rookie 8 played and all these rook and Night Moves they're all geared up to protecting these pawns and preparing to then push d-pawns in the future potentially D4 now played immediately by Magnus the bishop comes to B7 and that's three pieces now converging on e4 so here white has to react and that's why Magnus drops back the bishop protects that pawn again C5 played striking at the heart of the position and there are different moves here you know you could go D5 close the position but we'll stick with the game here Magnus captures Pawn takes back we see the Queens coming off the board and the bishop develops to E3 so both players have now completed development here and what we note about this position is it's not imbalanced at all the pawn structure is symmetrical on both sides of the board the minor pieces symmetrical for both sides White's got the a file but Black's got the D file both can be challenged so the question becomes can one player out Fox the another through their Maneuvers so Fabi starts with Bishop C8 here he under develops that piece but he's been spinning it around to a more centralized Square now Knight F5 from Magnus and you don't want to go capturing this one because after Pawn recaptures not only have you given up the Bishops which you generally want to hold on to if you can but once the Knight moves well this Pawn would be dropping so instead the bishop just bounces into E6 Rook A6 invades hits this piece and now the bishop drops back kicks The Rook out then it comes back again this is tantamount to a drawer offer from Fabi but Magnus plays on he's got the white pieces he wants to press and now a pair of Rooks gets exchanged this one recaptures and now there's a threat here from white to go Knight to D6 and fabi's a little bit reactive to magnus's threat so the best move here when you run it with the engine is Pawn to B4 they also like Rook A8 coming to the open file but Knight E8 was played to stop the night jump but Madness just gets a small initiative note so he takes that open file Fabi goes F6 to cover this E5 Pawn prepares to then move this G6 Knight if needed a Magnus goes H4 a classic kind of squeezing move now King F7 the pawn kicks on the Knight drops back and this one now jumps supports its brother well you could say sister I always say brother I think of them as brothers this one captures the Knight takes back and now this is an interesting moment Fabi gives up Bishop for Knight you didn't have to do this C4 was a possibility although then the Bishops would get exchanged and after Rook recaptures you do get a rook Invasion on A7 checking the king looks a bit scary and if you're not going C4 and you're not exchanging Bishop for Knight here well what are you doing because the pieces are a bit restricted so that's why Fabi Dives in now gives this one up because at least it allows him to activate his Knight now we get a couple of King moves and then the Knight hits six and it's a really nice defensive Octopus from this sixth rank when the knights are on the third rank they're attacking octopuses especially if they can be supported by pawns and vice versa for the white player so look out for Knights on the sixth and third rank they're often very effective on those ranks now we see Rook A6 so pressures that Bishop the Knight comes to C4 hits this bishop drops back defends the B2 pawn and now Knight D6 comes back anticipates B3 we get King E2 and fabi's now marching this King all the way over to the queen side B3 played prophylaxis against this knight jump now King C7 Bishop D3 King B7 The Rook drops back and fabinal forces this exchange down the a file Magnus takes off the king recaptures and now an interesting positional moment so Magnus could go C4 here it's the top engine move and he plays it on the next move and it's a logical idea here that you want to lock this C Pawn in place and therefore lock the bishop out of the game but he starts with Pawn to G4 here and Fabi now misses the opportunity to go Pawn C4 himself that was the best move opening his Bishop but he plays this one a bit too casual he's under a minute now and he struggles in the time pressure more than Magnus does now we see the pawn come to C4 so Magnus doesn't need asking twice he cements the dark squared Bishop Fabby captures and again an instructive moment how would you recapture this Pawn here well the right way to take back is with the bishop because if you take with the pawn the problem is all your pawns are set on light squares so even though you've got a bishop pair here this light squared Bishop is looking like a big Pawn really it's stuck defending this one the knights actually outplaying this minor piece so instead Bishop takes back right move and now fabi's decision here is a bit dubious so he decides to chop off this powerful piece which can kind of maneuver around especially in Blitz for the bishop porn recaptures now he would have been okay if he now played Bishop's d8 but he does not play that move and will see the importance of that move in just a moment because can you guess after King C6 what Magnus played in this position here now he's known as the end game greatest of all time or at least he isn't everyone I talk to and these are the kind of goat moves that make him that sort of player especially how he does it in this time pressure situation so the move that Magnus Carlson played here was pawned G5 looks impossible because it can be captured by two pawns now we do see the H Pawn capture that one there's a threat of course to take care and then Bishop with a pawn if you take with this one well this is a lot worse because after Bishop recaptures you can't bring the bishop to Da as see in the game or it will get captured and by the way the obvious well why can't black take the bishop you can see the eval bar shoot up here's the move Pawn to F6 now that one's about to go through and create a queen or do it like this whatever but after captures then you push this pawn and it's an Unstoppable threat really really thematic so coming back to the game the H Pawn captured Bishop takes now this bishop drops back a Magnus Retreat saves his bishop and you might think what's the big deal you've just traded porn for porn here well here's the problem now White's gearing up to go Pawn H6 and more importantly once you clear these two pawns you're clearing a route for your king to March into the position so King D6 played now here comes the white king Bishop A5 so Fabi wants to bounce around like this defend the C Pawn that then frees up his King King G4 Bishop C3 now now the pawn kicks on we see captures King comes Bishop D4 and Magnus takes uh sorry takes this Pawn of course you don't take the bishop because you give black a past Pawn so takes here played an equally Fabby doesn't take this one the pawn end game is lost because after captures just to show this you might think that after E4 actually black is doing well but the problem is you can't actually hold on to this Pawn but white has to do it in the right way if you go King G6 looks obvious you're now losing because Black Goes King E5 and where do you go to actually hold on to your G Pawn because you can't step here so you lose you've lost the opposition so what you should do is go King G7 for example and now black can't hold on to the pawn if they come here or here it doesn't matter then you steps G6 now the black king has to give ground now you win the pawn end game very instructive so coming back here that's why Fabi didn't take instead King E7 Madness goes King G7 keeps that opposition and now Fabi just doesn't have a move if the king moves he loses the pawn the bishop moves he loses this C Pawn so he pushes on with E4 and now Magnus goes into reverse he's marching background to win this one king E8 played here comes the king now when you run this with the engine it's saying that the position is level even after white wins this Pawn which was unavoidable and the idea seems to be that if you liquidate say two pairs of Pawns then you've got one left and you can try and give up this bishop for Pawn then it would be a draw however in practice with the time pressure this is very tough so the king comes to F3 and this is a sneaky move from Magnus because now Fabby steps in he didn't have much better though to be honest and he has to give up this Pawn in exchange for this Pawn but it makes things so difficult because now you've got this pass Pawn running and it's not easy to keep tabs on this Seth Pawn so King E3 from Magnus here comes the black king king D3 hits the bishop it bounced around here and now we see the bishop offering the exchange this is fabi's problem he can't let them come off because the pawn end game is lost so he drops back here and now King C3 look at the march of this King F5 played King B4 King D7 and it marches right into the position Bishop H2 and King D5 dominating the black king the bishop bounces back Pawn C5 played Bishop A5 and now check the King goes and this bishop centralizes some more the threat is to go Pawn here so the bishop bounces back hits this F Pawn Magnus saves it now Bishop A5 and after Bishop D6 check King E8 King E6 now we have resignation again look at the domination of the black king and why did Fabi resign well this Pawn's about to drop say you kick onto save it I mean you could still capture it but more importantly you can even go C7 now the black king is cut off so you'd have to give your bishop and this is just a completely lost end game you soon win the pawn and then this one runs through if you want to see another incredible game played in this match then check out the video on screen thanks very much for watching and see you soon
Channel: Epic Chess
Views: 732,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic chess, chess, epic, chess analysis, Carlsen's GOAT Move Leaves Danny Speechless, Carlsen, Magnus Carlsen, Magnus, Carlsen GOAT, GOAT, GOAT chess, chesss, ches, Epic ches, Epic Chess, chess move, win chess, learn chess, play ches, play chess, analyse chess, beginenr chess, win at chess
Id: 9HsEggXYRE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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