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55KGs of fun happened shortly after

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/markdoyle44 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

Is it good? I saw it in my sub feed on YT from captain joe but haven’t watched.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JB_smooove 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

No homo but they both look really hot

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
Captain Joe: Dear friends and followers welcome back to my channel and today's topic will be why Airbus is so much better than Boeing. why Airbus is so much better than Boeing. Airbus better than what? You mean Boeing builds the best planes in the world. Hey hey hey, calm it down lady. Okay, this is my channel and everyone knows that I love Airbus, so why don't you take your Boeing, which was built in the Sixties and fly someplace else. Fine by me. But you better watch out that your batteries don't run out of your Atari plane. As you can see, this is leading to nowhere so let's get started with an Airbus vs. Boeing battle to see which company builds the better plane. So to pull this off we had to come up with a little ranking system. Anything good about either plane gets one point. So every one of us is going to mention 20 facts about their airplane and why it's so special. Okay we'll try to list all sorts of different areas of our beloved plane and finally have a winner. So I think I should go first. See that? Only Airbus pilots don't know the quote "Ladies First". Well, good luck with that then, DUTCHPILOTGIRL. Oh look, you've already shaken my hand to congratulate me on my victory! Okay, you go first. So let's start with Boeing's philosophy. Boeing is very pilot minded, meaning the pilot has the ultimate control over the airplane at all times. Boeing pilots tell the system what to do and awaits the pilots response. And, as far as I know, your Airbus is a flying computer and tells the pilot what to do and how to do it Okay, that's a good start. I thought we were friends, right? Okay, your plane is old, it's very old. Some of the components on your Boeing are based on the design of the 707 and that was manufactured in the 1950's. That's more than 60 years ago! And you still have paper checklists, which you use during an emergency. What's that all about? My airbus A320, on the other hand, will inform which system is inoperative via an ECAM and lights up the switches which need to be pushed in order to isolate the faulty system And once the switch is pushed, then the item gets ticked off by the ECAM So you're still using a pen to tick of your item? That's so retro. And if something breaks in your Boeing, there's no way to repair it. If it's broken, it is broken. That might be true, but that's definitely better than just shutting down the whole aircraft in order to reset your faulty system and hope for the best when you turn it back on again. So you really want to go down this road? Okay, let's compare your cockpit to mine. Yours is a total mess. It seems like guys who built the plane didn't really know where to put all the switches which by the way come in all different shapes and sizes and look like you'd get them from Home Depot. Oh, we forgot one switch. Where shall we place this one Bob? Wherever you'll find some leftover space, Bill? So look at my cockpit. It is nice and clean and it's all in place. Everything is perfectly laid out and the switches are background lit. Your cockpit may be perfect laid out, but your plastic switches are not even comparable to our steel switches. A few months in the desert with your airplane and it's just completely covered in one big plastic soup. Boeing cockpits last forever. The Airbus is more modern and its pilot error-proof. You guys constantly need to update and call your new airplane "Next Generation". We have all the fancy stuff, which Boeing doesn't have. We have auto trim, and we are not even thinking about manually tuning an ILS frequency And apart from that we have a retard call out which advises to retard the thrust levers upon landing. We Boeing pilots, who don't need all that fancy stuff in order to fly an airplane properly. We are skilled enough to trim the airplane ourselves, to mainly tune the ILS frequency and last but not least to figure out ourselves when to retard the thrust levers. We don't need a system to tell us that. So please, Joey, explain us what's up with your side stick? Didn't you notice that we are flying an actual airplane and not playing Need for Speed Payback? Also the side stick gives no feedback to the other pilots meaning that if you're flying with a First Officer in Training, the Captain can only hope for the best during takeoff and landing. Well, please, at least we have some comfort while flying. We don't have to squeeze ourselves into terror positions just in order to get into the pilot's seat as our cockpit is way much bigger than yours. Apart from that, we have electrically operated pilot seats and also have a tray table which is really convenient for filling out the flight plan and eating. And in case you didn't know, it can carry 55 kilos I totally understand what you're trying to say with the 55 kilos and yea, that's because Boeing aircraft are made to fly and not for eating. They have a control wheel and not a table. By the way, what's your crosswind limits? It's 38 knots for takeoff and landing Okay, 33 knots on a 900 with winglets Okay, it's called a sharklet on the Airbus by the way, which sounds so much cooler. It might sound cooler, but we've had them so much longer than your little wingtip fences. Okay, but Airbus has a clean upper wing surface. You have those little vortex generators which look like your wing has pimples. Still, that point is mine cause the Boeing wing is way more aerodynamic than your bulky Airbus wing. Which by the way is much stiffer causing more passengers to become sick during turbulence compared to my wings, which are more flexible than yours. Well, I get sick on a Boeing because the cabin is much more cramped and especially if you fly the airline where you have to pay a fortune for every extra kilo you bring, so everyone shoves it into their hand luggage. Sorry, Michelle, there is more space on an Airbus A320. That point is for me You might have more space But in general flight attendants prefer working on the Boeing rather than the Airbus. at least the Boeing airplane provides some At least the Boeing airplane provides some privacy in the galley. In the Airbus the crew is always facing the passengers or they're only separated by a partially covered plastic wall. Again, plastic. I understand that this is lighter, but still it does not outweigh the higher maximum takeoff weight of the Boeing. What? You're trying to fight about one more ton your plane can carry compared to my masterpiece built in the Eighties? Yeah, and your Airbus has a climb performance comparable to a Cessna 172 One of the reasons why I can't bear an Airbus ahead of me during climb is because I have to level off every 20 seconds. And you can only reach flight level 390. What is it? So while you fly around and through the storms, I can climb up to flight level 410 and overtake you with my higher cruising speeds. You know the saying Joe. Boeing is born in Seattle Airbus is made in too lose (Toulouse, France). What? Watch it, lady! Guys, we could go on and on about this. I think both airplanes have their advantages and disadvantages. In the end we both agree that our planes are reliable and safe, and that's what it's all about. Exactly. It's all about safety. And for pilots who are on the lookout for their first job in aviation don't limit your career on the aircraft type you would like to fly. Still we would like to know your opinion about which airplane you like the most and comment below especially why would you or have chosen that type. So, a big thank you to my dear friend DUTCHPILOTGIRL. You'll be seeing more videos in the near future and make sure to check out her great YouTube channel. The link is in the description box below. So, thank you all very much for your time Don't forget to perform a touch-and-go at my Instagram account and don't forget to hit the subscribe button right there, right? Plus the notification bell, so you won't miss out on upcoming videos. All the best. See you next week, your Captain Joe. And this is still, yes, go! go As you can see this is leading to no where So lets get started with an Airbus versus Boeing battle To see which company builds the better plane what are you...ahh ok good do it again, do it again ok...stop, stop, stay here, stay here
Channel: Captain Joe
Views: 1,642,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airbus vs boeing, captainjoe, A320 vs B737, Boeing, Airbus, dutchpilotgirl, airbus a320 vs boeing 737, airbus a350 vs boeing 787, flightdeck, cockpit, aviation facts, facts pilot, flightschool, zfnhva, jets, crash, how to, fly a plane, pilotmaria, Boeing versus Airbus, Boeing Yoke, Airbus Sidestick, pilots, uniform, which plane is better, best plane, lufthansa, emirates, ryanair, A380, B747, life as an airline pilot, Airbus Neo, Boeing Max, takeoff, landing, mariathepilot, tech, battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
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