Chris Evans, Don Cheadle, & Jeremy Renner: Avengers Assemble

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[Music] so I'm gonna dive right in it has been a little over three months since a little movie called Avengers in game came out [Music] and you I was lucky enough to be at the premiere with y'all which was amazing and heartfelt and wonderful for fans out there who don't like get the opportunity to both obviously be in the film but also see it for you because I know y'all are also fans what was your first reaction when you got to see the final product of this movie that night or any other time in which you saw it because I'm sure you've seen it more than once now oh shoot I thought that once that night wrecked me I've seen it wanted to that was a wrecked from the opening scene to the end I laughed I cried and then I never saw it again you had a rough opening scene sir you killed my family I got problems in case you haven't seen them sorry I truly hoped if you're in this room that you have seen Avengers in game and that you plan on if you have it if you haven't seen it your ticket will not be refunded but honestly you do dad a rough you had a rough beginning of the movie well Clint had a rough beginning of them yeah yeah rough going like it was new to I think all of us I think we all knew like our parts in the movie because there's a script or anything so I knew that that was happening the beginning I knew that things were happening in the movie but I was still almost just as surprised as anybody was about anything that happened in that film and so I truly truly enjoyed it as a fan fan of these guys fan of the franchise in the 21 films prior to the end game I was with my my family and my friends and everything was amazing it was a pretty emotional experience for for me personally I was I was sobbing like a child it was pretty pathetic you weren't the only one no it was wild it was a very again you know as Jeremy said we didn't really know what to expect and to see to see it all come together and to see it all the way it landed in the way that it was impacting everybody around us I mean it that's one of the great things that's kind of frustrating when you're doing it cuz you kind of want to know but then when you see it all put together at the end you're kind of glad that you waited and and got to have the surprise that everybody got to have you know do y'all have any traditions when you see the movies for the first time because clearly you have you have been in these movies for traditions yeah family traditions you wear the same song I think this show up I'm eager to watch it I don't always watch the premiere is a stressful night so it's personally I mean every actor is different I suppose I don't always watch the movie the night of the premiere it's a little bit intimidating but but the night of that movie I hadn't seen it friar so I wanted to see it for the first time with the audience so I really got that kind of experience of you know what what it means to be a part of these movies and the reaction of the crowd all of it was was new to me so so for endgame I really went in there naked and know he was you know he did the carpet he took off all his clothes and then we never really got the reason why I think we're your pants Chris yeah why are you doing weird yeah oh alright so but you look good in the dark Chris you look good to go callback callback was coming back so done one of the things that I truly love about the movie James Rhodes Rhodey Warmachine had I mean created in the 70s but just really has had a long Comics arc but also a long MCU arc for you like what has been the most rewarding part of being able to play like honestly particularly for service members being able to see such a strong character such as brilliant character on screen like what has been the most rewarding part of being Rhodey well I think all of it I mean seeing people's responses and and when people come up and say that it it meant a lot to them the the character the way was portrayed dealing with what he has to deal with after obviously what happens in the the one right before and that he comes back and that he's able to stand strong again with his you know his cohorts and and to make the thing happen that's always very rewarding and that's that's experience that I always get from fans but one of the most rewarding things is also this you know sort of family that we've created over all of these years that we get to keep returning to and every couple years you know things that happen in people's lives families and kids and you know this is 10 11 years that we've been doing this so it's always nice to have a reason to come back and our busy lives and revisit this space again with these guys that have like become like I said one of our you know a fan well that actually brings up a really good question Rodie has an accident and there there is a portion of where he has this amazingly I mean I'm putting it like she thought you're going somewhere he yeah he thought you're going somewhere else with accident I think he needed depends like a diapers he made it he made a poopy who Rodi Rodi had an accident in the dark Jeremy only one of the funniest guys you'll ever meet and obviously it shows on screen but he's really quite a terrible human offs camera no but truly one of the funniest dudes you'll ever meet thank you mean and obviously a tremendous actor but like honestly like it's such a pleasure you want to put them in your pocket you just want to kind of do that to him but you are a tremendous actor which is exam [Laughter] but playing the role of roadie and really like recovering from that accident was a really big deal have you had any response I just keep moving any space have you had any response from the disability community in regards to your portrayal actually have I actually have and people were you know have asked how you know what was the takeaway from that did I did I consult with people and obviously yes I talked to people who had spinal injuries and how did how to deal with that and how to portray that and and how this is really a hard question to answer and move through and Captain America is doing a really great job done but yes I yes people have reached out to me with regards to that and been very and in fact there's been kind of a movement about getting act more actors with quote-unquote disabilities to to to be able to represent and play themselves on-screen which i think is very important to continue to do so hopefully those opportunities will expand and yeah I felt I felt fortunate to actually get to take that character through that arc because and I think it's something that's very good you know with with Clint's character too it's we visit very dark places in these movies yeah and as actors we appreciate having you know the opportunity to do things that are fantastical and huge and fun and exciting but also to really touch some deep emotional beats and and and put that all inside of that whole universe and that's something that's really a testament to the directors and the writers and in Kevin to not shy away from those moments but to really make them a big part of what the movie is and I think the fact that the movies that you know elastic and expansive that it can support all of those different things is great absolutely don't worry I'm gonna get back at Chris right now and ask him a question he has no idea what we're talking about fun he thought this was a line for hot dogs well you made a wrong turn so we we've seen so we've seen Steve beard no beard uniform change international vigilante fighting across multiple movies is there anything in your portrayal of cap that you knew that you just had to preserve from the very beginning no I don't know I mean that that's the the trickiest thing about the character is that he's such a he's a good man and so trying to find new ways to make it interesting that was the challenge because he always puts himself last and it became such a he became a real collaboration between myself and Kevin and the Russos and Marcus and McFeely and in terms of trying to preserve his nature you know he's he's kind of a taciturn guy he he doesn't kind of there's a lot of other characters in the Marvel Universe who kind of used their words for creative advantage and cap is a little bit more of a a simple-minded guy and it's hard to kind of create stories around him to to at once create conflicts but not make him just the center cog where circumstance happens around him so in a lot of in a lot of ways I would lean on the Kevin Feige Gea's and the Joe Russo's and Anthony Ruth Russo's and the marks and McFeely to try and help me find ways to make him at once consistent but entertaining thanks America's ass yeah premier Premier when you had no clothes on nobody was complaining mm-hmm so while we missed Hawkeye and infinity war a little bit no I was smart I didn't turn to ashes yeah I was hanging out make better things into house arrest I am staying here with my family you know as Hawkeye being the family man kind of the of the Avengers how hard was it particularly just kind of going back to your comments Don how hard was it for you to come back badass haircut and be full assassin full just you're leaving bodies it was scary you're bad people and I was pissed off I guess you know you only saw for a minute it's literally effect for two minutes of the movie and then I had to go do something else save the world no just I don't know what I was doing but I think we're supposed to try to kill myself on the movie and then Scarlett got in the way you know I mean there was this epic fight scene between Hawkeye and black widow which is hard which was a hard hard hard scene I'm not gonna lie I started crying only because of their friendship and so you're on Form here for those out there who have seen this movie a billion times and you're like stay where they are how hard was it when you first read that scene and you're like man I have to basically my best friend is in the movie is about to be dead first of all the scene was I only ever read it for sure it might have been written but I never read it they told me about it and we shot it and it's very different that's in the movie now it's a scene we reshot because it is it's much more complicated scene that's that's in the end game now there is an attack Thanos had some ship or something and a bunch of weird aliens or run around and made it too complicated so what they did is we shot the scene still with the same kind of idea but now we're just fighting each other to go commit suicide he could soul stone and there was a let me shot that not that long ago it's only six months ago and there is it said that's a tough it was a tough scene for both of us to shoot weird is all hell two people trying to hurt each other so they can go try to you know commit suicide but she's just trying to bring Clint back to his wife all right so let's twist the social media we're gonna lighten it up for a second cuz ya'll are all extremely active in your own ways on social media I know just talking about social what - who no idea so I have a personal question for you Chris how are your nails today and how do you kick oh yeah how do you keep that wig flex waiters stand up funny I was surprised how many postures I would strike that they crack me up my younger brother was the first one to turn me on do it he sent me a bunch of pictures and I thought they were just and now no Avenger is safe I think the whole crew I have no idea what you're talking about he knows oh yeah it has already been done with at least one picture from this con when you met her I have it on my phone you probably put it on the screen - got you - oh yeah no no no I do your job go over to this Twitter thank you guys pause for a moment while we go for this Twitter excuse me I don't know if I wanna know oh you want to give my three minutes back yeah you want I don't think I wanna know everything it's all the things you show that can they get that Amir I don't I don't know if they can zoom in oh come on that would be dope if you can't have all seen this meme right there you go there we go very well done very well done they did so we're gonna we're gonna let you rest on that but so the other thing that's been really on Twitter for both of you guys cuz I know these questions would come up and just getting them out of the way yeah Don would you actually let Chris carry you yes and is there hope that this will be on Brooklyn nine-nine yeah yeah yeah well Chris Chris will tell you that he's been carrying me for 11 years but yeah that was a I didn't really get the reference the hologram legs I didn't understand it tell you what there's nobody I like interacting more with in time Cheadle on Twitter in general anybody who knows I mean it's on you people who love Don Cheadle on Twitter off Twitter in general John Cheadle he's just like a real stop it stop it I'm not joking like it really really there really is you know when you meet people that you work with I like him in person personally on the phone though remember how much you liked me on the phone I block your number long time ago [Laughter] so Jeremy you are working on a new social media platform called escape ex if I remember correctly what's Jeremy back yeah what about it you're working in a new I was really trying to just segue out of that last moment and it didn't work Chris you're still looking for a hot dog still waiting in line he has no idea what he's doing right now I'm checking you out right now I'm trying to find it I don't think this is the same thing that I'm looking don't-don't-don't look at escaped ex that's not escaped xxx there's kids here I'm redirecting so we're not allowed in public typically just let us out for this one afternoon would be a just way to the fan questions open up there will be fan questions I do not know where the mic is yeah who's got one he's got a mic they're gonna figure that out in a second because of tremendous amazing but Don there is a fan question that I get that's very important okay I'm ready fan question would your Captain Planet be able to beat Thanos and would he be friends with Steve Rogers yes Captain Planet let's hear it for Captain Planet there is a Captain Planet out there right now I think Captain Planet and I mean I can't believe you didn't get into the MCU Captain Planet is not afraid of Thanos no one who can make trees as liberally as he is is afraid of anyone friends of course you'd be friends with Steve Rogers I would like to see this the Captain Planet Steve Rogers mashup cap and cap yeah cap and cap mashup done and done done and done oh man so so the next question is for Jeremy Jeremy hey what's going on Kevin hi how's it going I'm Kevin Seattle for you you played a couple of action roles in addition to playing Hawkeye and another fan question came through how do you keep them separate like how do you keep or do you just go in it was like okay I'm gonna kick people's acid a cool cool cool and you just do it Jimi's detector man sometimes there's another thing I had to keep them separate yeah I think I think it's I mean I can't really answer that with any truth make something up I'm gonna get up yeah it's definitely all about the costumes in the Erica it separates them all accidentally just told the truth Kevin planet all right guys if we figure out where the mic is for the question and answer or we all right yep it's not one microphone I'll get on my microphone hey huh oh he's getting it right there oh it is stored I was like guys I know it's dark out there but come on all right so guys we have a very short amount of time for questions please don't stampede also all of these amazing men up here are available for autographs and photos not right now not right now I see you I saw you get that good semantics all right so we are not gonna get to everyone's questions seems like we could so my rules for questions just yes or knows then we can go quick and you have to say where you were from and what your name is since you know who they are they gotta know who you are good tip oh no no no don't don't bring a dissertation though mr. Cheadle I wanted to say thank you I'm only one member but the trans community saw you representing us on SNL and my question is for mr. Evans we are so frickin confused about Steve wait wait wait what so what was there talking about the Peggy scene where you go back and you get your dance [Music] a lot of strange things happen to Bama I see there's a time continuity question I don't think anyone up here is qualified to answer asking for time continuity [Music] I got you I got you [Music] you know I'm not sure if I can give you those answers I mean I will honestly say the writers and the producers don't agree on that so but you know what look that's weakest if I just don't like I don't know who's of it but ask the writer but also as the ret I mean look I understand that there's a lot of things you keep questioned about the time continuum in terms of but but if there's anything I've learned about working with Marvel is that they don't they don't need stones unturned they really don't so III at times might share some of the some of the questions but anytime I've kind of asked the question the people there's always an answer there's always someone who kind of explains it to me and and then you immediately forget and then I forget it right and then I come onstage and then I say hey asked on Cheadle Steve exists on multiple planes and time is a you know it's not just a straight line right there's multiple timelines its wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey that's it I think we're going to get to like copy four of your questions at this rate you guys come on let's move this ship along we got a lot of amazing people standing here I know we're gonna be able to get through them all cuz all right take photos everybody else can get their chance Captain Planet I see you [Applause] Oh got to be the most famous down front Chris's Misha sneaking out yeah and the dog is dissing because his breath smells so bad in the meantime next question I'll be Chris it's fine okay so my name is Richie I am from Philadelphia thank you guys so much for doing these khans it means a lot for fans to be able to meet you and nice all right I'm gonna pretend that didn't happen thousands of people yeah I'm just want to say thank you first of all for you guys doing this I know you a lot to do see people all throughout the day it means so much to us to be able to connect with you guys glad to be here for like a little bit in time so my question roots from as viewers we love watching these movies and all movies that you guys do because we connect with stories that are brought alive through the characters you play as actors what moves you is it the story that attracts you is it a characters arc and personal journey do you connect with a characteristic or personality trait it just love to know a little bit about that I think it's everything I mean for me I'll speak for myself I you know we are very fortunate to be able to do things that we would be doing for free I mean I would be acting anyway so I'm glad to do it and it's it's great when you have a group of people that you'd like to work with and we just to get to we get to work in these environments and these in these films we get all the best you know toys and to play with and everything's just we get to do you know stuff that like I said that we've been doing since we were very young in a huge it gets a huge black drop in the big playground so but yeah it's always character and story and checks but mostly it's character and story hi how are you where you got my question is for you Jeremy wait you got to go back who are you where are you from yeah where he graduated in 1989 from buyer and I did from downy sorry we're better but my question is if you've ever used your Modesto connection with George Lucas to get in with the Star Wars thing and are you friends with Jeremy to make the olive one who also graduate from buyer I got I caught I didn't catch much better George Lucas and you know that yeah I really hung out with a much or know how much but I like his movies yeah we we haven't had coffee or anything but I like them a lot I'll take care of that right hi I'm Marissa from Denver Colorado record if you ask the question three chords so I'm recording so my question is for the three of you if you could go back to like before the whole MC you can't be popular and you could choose one character the switch roles with who would it be and why huh I'll be dawn just because he's awesome yeah thanks buddy then I'll be Chris in the weekends because he's a lot of f-u-n [Laughter] that's a good question I don't have an answer for that I don't know that I would switch I'll try anything but I like my character so I think I would stay for the Box game this has been circulating a picture of you as the guy for mystery date she would like to know if he never gets asked then well I don't know you got to see if Tyler's available yeah Tyler's got a busy schedule on that mystery beach Todd 15 all right next up my question is for Chris and my question is is the farewell for Stephen Bucky in the endgame the one standing by the machine also their first reunion after the world and you made the last hug for them seems to put an end to their story from the first cab movie so how do you view the end and what do you thing about this goodbye I got 0% so how do you view the end of tying up the like basically the loose ends from all the other MCU movies that you've been in including sure meaning meaning specifically the the cap and Bucky yeah I mean look if there's anything if there's anything we can all agree on is that the the the tapestry of the Marvel Universe is complex and trying to kind of make sure everyone has a landing right - the answer is so if it was Steven oh wow did you I'm gonna clarify did you just ask if it was him and Bucky you haveno get the soul stone would he do it so the question is if Captain America and Bucky were doing what Hawkeye and black widow had to do on Boromir which is get the soul stone who dies well what would you sacrifice yourself I mean it would have been no different than what happened it would have been a battle - who I think both of us would have aggressively volunteered themselves for the sake of the bigger picture yeah right and and we move on to the next question we have to we have to know and you hang up first no you we gotta move on cynics thank you one question per guy's we have a long line [Music] thank you what is your favorite memory with sebastian stan and anthony mackie I think I think probably in my earliest memories with Sebastian were the best when we when I when we started the first Captain America movie I think him and I both were a little nervous and I I specifically was nervous about taking the role and you know you have this kind of loose understanding of what the future could hold and so we both kind of understood you know maybe you and I might have a real connection over the next decade of our lives and as a result we kind of don't I mean like it's it's it's it's funny to kind of say we don't know what's going to happen for all we know this movie could tank and in a way it could go great so I'm gonna I'm gonna take speakers proof you don't have to say anything there's cameras your face they see everybody sees your face sorry so I'm an extend speakers privilege for you Don it is there a particular favorite memory that you have with Robert Downey jr. I would say that my know I mean everything was cool we had I don't have a particular favorite I have different fun moments for the whole thing the ending was particularly poignant I think which I did not know was gonna happen when I got on the movie I didn't know that Robert was that spoiler alert ear muffs to everybody who hasn't seen it I didn't know what was gonna happen with Roberts character at the end I didn't know that that's was gonna no I didn't know that's how Iron Man would I didn't know that Iron Man was good I can't say it can't say it won't say it what about you then Oh dead y'all are ruthless what about you Jeremy is there a particular moment you think between Black Widow between Clint Barton and black widow that you think was your favorite on screen every moment every moment with scar was the best flat it says she's she's the best I love her she makes me better and she beats me up so it's fantastic it works out ScarJo is pretty badass ScarJo good for her alright so next questions y'all y'all gotta make these questions or concise you have one question name of where you a lot of people and you're not gonna get their question and they know what you look like they'll find you later you're on the screen hi so my name is Nika and I come I mean really quick like I just want to ask dawn teal to do the baby now Nelson I have one for Chris after yeah go ahead and ask it go one question you got a pick one she can do it shut their eyes to go ahead hilarious he's like what that was that was it favorite vice see yeah we can do that one I like the one I liked yours with them yourself Renner's gonna say you and ScarJo that was I like the Hulk and Thor language angry got it there's a child right here right there am I about this this is insane I can't believe that happened I think you just made them leave it's just you Chris we gotta get a back on stage guys I need you to cheer really really loud I got it I'm sorry come on guys I'm human bring it back alright oh you came back we came back you surprised me came to the other door the last one and game that's gotta be special you know yours yours you fight against yourself that's amazing I love that great next question just really work when you do this musician's musician and know that yeah or daddy I love being a dad is my best role today oh yeah daddy I thought you meant Downey I was like I'd love to be down on love to be down that's pretty good too happily Downey in a hard man next question and I'm all the way from the Philippines as well can I please request the three of you to say Mahalo Kiba its I love you in our language and I'm oh okay thank you kita it's I love you in Filipino someone else's over here speaking Tagalog to say it slowly mahal kita mahal kita let's just act like they said oh so speak for Chris where's my hot dog he's still in this goddamn line I'm starving for god sakes mahalo get out there you go all right next up so Chris I was in Chicago and I asked a question and he roasted me for saying giving a spoiler alert so now you guys are giving a spoiler alerts just kidding I feel great so my question is for you Chris so this is like pre endgame when Steve is still young and spry he's still over a hundred years old so does he take full advantage of that senior citizen discount senior discounting that before the end of endgame when Steve was technically much older than he looked because he ages very slowly did he take advantage of his senior citizen - was he a member of AARP AARP great guys he was you know yeah a whole separate life of kind of extracurricular activity he's an active senior playing bingo sure yeah very active very active senior I'm traveling all kind of stuff next question [Music] yeah it's a good question and it's a good question that's one of those things where that's a good question there's probably a lot of answers our answer was so amazing but I can't tell you I want to answer that we you're gonna we're gonna wait would you if she asked it on Twitter would you answer it on Twitter later yeah sure maybe Coco maybe I'll get back to you on that one hit me next question [Music] what about your first reaction to him after know that the car is too long to you the first reaction after which was his car is his car Oh after the knowing the car belongs to you which car the car the downy camera the actual yes Danny gave you a car second so hold on a question come get a car what kind of car I got a paperweight you got a paperweight yeah I got an a on it paperweight yeah it's a nice car I got a bill for something we've got to take our last question doing great Chris hi my name is mine machinery from Vietnam and I was study and working here in Seattle before going to my question I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful work I feel so lucky and appreciate it to be growing up watching adventurous it means a lot to me thank you thank all of you by the way Matt you did an amazing job in portraying Captain America and made the characters so phenomenal and as you now moving on with your new projects did you feel under a lot of pressure to be under a giant cap shadows and what aspect of Chris Evans you want the whole world to recognize beside being Captain America so she said I mean it's not my job to do this Spidy hearings she said do you feel it was she thanks you a lot okay and then she was like as you move on do you feel like you're gonna be under a giant cap shadow and yeah do you I won't do all what other things he's hard of hearing it's okay personally as Chris Evans within your skill set and what you do obviously your director your producer it might not be the last you do things I'll do the last I'll do the first view the third I mean III moving forward after playing a role that means so much to me I mean I think any actor even when I took this role in the beginning there's no denying that you play this kind of narrative in your head of being like well am I gonna be somehow pigeon-holed with this character and in a way along the last 10 years you can't help but accept the fact that when you walk the streets everyone's like you know and but the truth is Marvel has made Marvel has made a collection of films that even had I not been a part of these movies had I said no to these movies it would have been the biggest mistake of my life I consider these movies what Star Wars was to me you know these are incredibly special like what an unbelievable collection this tapestry of movies they had - this will never happen again that this is something that Kevin Feige and this collection of really special actors that I feel blessed to be to work with and the directors and the writers and there's such a it's so special to me I saw so if what comes with that is this kind of inseparable connection with the role I'm proud iiiiii if you told me I could never make another movie again and this is all I got I'd be fine with it because to me this is really special please give me anotherjob ale boy he still work he's available he's got a brand new headshots [Music] I'm looking to stuff be on the roll but but but it at the end of the day I really look at it as a real blessing and and and it was at one point in my life something that I was really apprehensive about in retrospect I can say with complete confidence it was the best decision I've ever made even if even if you know just for these idiots thought for the friendships I made just for the friendships even if these movies sucked and you know my career was tanked because of pigeon-holed just to be friends with these morons I say sweet because well said you
Channel: ACE Universe
Views: 75,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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