Do Electric Turbos Actually Work? Let's find out!

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I really enjoy the product comparison videos but occasionally it's nice to take a break from that and do a video that's meant to be funny a few videos back I introduced an old RV that was left behind by the previous owners of the property I purchased and that RV had a lot of issues with it before we actually get into the video as far as putting it to good use we need to make some repairs once we repair the RV is then use it for some farm work with a name like farmer bego it seems only appropriate that we put it to good work we're gonna try using an electric turbo on the RV to see if we can gain a little bit of power I've never had this happen before but I was having some ignition problems with the RV and I lost ignition for a brief period of time causing raw fuel to get into the exhaust of course it totally destroyed the mufflers when the ignition started working again since both mufflers are run I'm going to go ahead and remove each one of them with the sawzall and then we'll take a closer look at them when the fuel ignited in the exhaust there was a horrendous boom and as you can see it totally blew these mufflers apart event this problem from happening again I'm gonna do a muffler delete and just run some straight pipes out the back okay we've got this thing straight pipe I found some two and 3/8 inch pipe which slid right into the two and a half inch pipe and on the other end it slid right over the tune of quarter inch pipe I don't have any compression on cylinder four so imma go ahead and warm up the engine and then see if we can figure out the cause I've got this compression gauge hooked up the cylinder four and I'm good start the engine and see if we get any compression while the engine is running fortunate we've got a down stoner so I'm going to pop the valve cover it off and see what's going on on the inside unfortunately the exhaust valve is stuck in the open position I said look at the open exhaust valve too close and after working with it awhile it finally freed up so I'm going to start this engine and let's take a closer look at it as it's running and just see how the vowel is performing Wow running much better since the ins is low in compression I went ahead and added a can of engine restore we'll see if the engine performance improves the farm of bago definitely deserves a nice exhaust system that goes along with the beautiful looks Wow check this half this thing's nearly a foot across I could hurt you wait here the exhaust note on the 454 when we get these things put on the RV well check that out my start drv let's see how this thing sounds before we use the farmer bago for testing all different types of alternative fuels and different things we need to make sure it can handle the stress so let's use it for some actual farm work when the biggest threats to my farm happens to be trees fortunately I've got a few dead trees and these trees fall down on my electric fence and of course it allows my cows to get out the next big windstorm this side is likely to break off it's gonna fall right on the fence I'll see if I could take this out with the farm bagel and eliminate the risk [Music] this farmer bagel actually has a chain storage compartment from the factory very impressive feature [Music] this tree trunk goes over our foot across like this tree was half ride and still took a lot of power to pull this thing out over there's trees half rotten too but it's definitely way too big for the farmer bago I've had to repair my fence at least three different times because these dead limbs keep falling on it so I'm gonna use the farmer bed go to trying to pull off some of these branches you [Applause] [Applause] even though the pharma bago didn't take the entire tree down it did eliminate the risk of the fenceline definitely did a great job eliminating the risk by taking off some of these tree branches it seems like everyone is into electric turbos these days so I'm gonna try this electric turbo on the farm up they go well this isn't exactly a turbo but it is a nine hundred CFM fan and so the objective is is to see if we can squeeze a little bit more performance out of the farm up a go and some timed runs someone go ahead install this and see if we can get a little bit more speed I'm gonna install this electric turbo right behind the engine this is very convenient because I'll be able to power up this turbo when we need it once you build the ductwork for the front of the turbo I'll go ahead and secure the turbo to this piece of wood I don't Rob power from the alternator something using this 12-volt battery as well as this power inverter I've got everything hooked up so I'm gonna go ahead and power up the turbo and simply get some airflow out of this air breather oh yeah there's a lot of airflow coming out of there if I want to activate the turbo all I have to do is hit the power switch let's do a couple of runs on the track and see how this is gonna do but the turbo installed we don't need to worry about the air fuel mix as this engine is already running extremely rich the pests top speed to date on the airstrip is 49 miles per hour without the turbo let's see if we can set a new top speed with the electric turbo in place [Music] 48 miles per hour is 1 mile hour slower than the record so let's try this one more time [Music] 49 miles per hour without the turbo and 49 miles with the turbo the turbo didn't help our top speed but fortunately it didn't hurt it either obviously it makes sense to uninstall this turbo what to try something else I really like to know your ideas on what you think I should try next should we try some nitrous or give me some other ideas I really had a lot of fun putting together this video I'd like to know your opinion on whether or not you like to see more fun videos like this one I always plan to continue doing the product comparisons but just curious about every two to three months maybe putting together a video like this one I really like to know your opinion on what we should do next with the RV as usual just want to say thanks so much for watching the video please take care and I look forward to next time
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 1,348,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seafoam, project farm, turbo, turbocharger, turbo charged lawn mower, turbo charged prelude, turbo charged rv, supercharger, supercharged, farmabago, cousin eddy, electric, electric turbo dyno test, electric turbocharger, electric turbocharger on car, electric turbo on rv, rv turbo, turbocharger vs supercharger, turbocharger sound, turbocharger whistle, turbocharger whistle sound, electric turbo, ebay turbo, cheap electric turbo, twin turbo, science turbo, scientific test of turbo
Id: l7v5E7cgRGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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