Is Non-Ethanol Gasoline Really Better? Let's find out!

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well if you've been to the fuel pump these days you probably noticed that just about every gas station sells gasoline with ethanol in it is ethanol a good thing or is it a bad thing is gonna hurt your fuel efficiency or help it it's gonna cause carbon buildup or is gonna help prevent carbon buildup let's get the testing underway and see exactly what it does to an engine so it comes to buying ethanol free gasoline and I like to say trust but verify and that's exactly what we're about to do the gasoline of the left is supposed to be ethyl free the gasoline in this graduated cylinder is supposed to have 10% ethanol to ensure a fair test we're going to make sure that this does indeed have 10% and that this is indeed ethanol free now as it turns out alcohol is hydrophilic meaning it's attracted to water so if we add water to the gasoline then the gasoline is going to separate from the ethanol and we'll be able to see how much ethanol content is in there so I'm be adding 20 MLS of water to this 100 MLS of gasoline and in theory if there's 10% alcohol the line should occur at the 30 ml mark ethanol free gasoline on the other hand there's nothing to separate out so when I add the two MLS of water to the 10 MLS of gasoline we should see the mark around 2 MLS so what I'm doing now is add the water into the gasoline and I'm gonna mix it thoroughly and allow it to sit for 15 minutes and we come back we'll see how much ethanol is in each one of these gasoline's [Music] so it's been about 15 minutes since I added the water to the gasoline and it's had a chance to settle out fortunately the gasoline I bought this not supposed to have any ethanol in it doesn't I added two emails of water to the non ethanol gasoline and the line is right on to MLS I had a 20 ml of water to the e10 gasoline on the right as you can see the line is almost up to 30 so this gasoline has almost 10 percent ethanol content so if you don't have access to non ethanol gasoline a strategy you can take is very similar what I've done you can mix gasoline with water and put a tap in the bottom of a container and then you can drain off the excess water and ethanol there is one downside to removing the ethanol from the gasoline and that is it will likely reduce the octane level of the gasoline once the ethanol is out of it since ethanol is used to raise the octane of gasoline [Music] so to measure fuel efficiency I purchased a new generator that uses electronic fuel injection I've already used the generator for several hours for proper braking process by the way if you knew the channel I'm not sponsored by this company or any other I have an onanist generator long enough to recommend it either so let's do a quick walk around of the generator before we begin the test this is the electric fuel pump the oxygen sensor the fuel injector it has a 420 CC engine for fuel efficiency testing I'm going to place the generator under load running two space heaters I'll be using a kilowatt device just to make sure the space heaters continue to function properly throughout the entire test since gasoline and ethanol don't weigh the same and I'll be testing two different types of fuel one with ethanol and one without I'll be using volume to determine how much fuel goes in the system instead of just weight before I begin the test I'm gonna go ahead and warm up the engine for a few minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so we're going to be measuring how much carbon buildup takes place inside this small engine using ethanol as well as non ethanol fuel just comparing the two so we're gonna start off with using the non ethanol fuel first and then we'll try the ethanol [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so it comes to the topic of ethanol in gasoline there's a lot of strong opinions when it comes to small engines I think there's almost a consensus that there's a problem with it if it's left in a gasoline tank for any period of time it's gonna cause corrosion we saw the day was done ethanol fuel does indeed deliver better fuel efficiency now regarding carbon deposits I didn't see much of a difference some claim that ethanol based fuels help prevent carbon buildup but that wasn't what we saw today but it was a short-term test now in the future I plan to compare the effects of ethanol versus non ethanol based fuels on rubber and plastic components that are commonly found in carburetors now it's going to take six to nine months for the testing to be completed so it's going to be a while before that video was done but I'm gonna get that video started really soon I'd also like to hear your future video ideas I always like to read comments and I take notes on your ideas so we could put together videos for the future on them anyway thanks so much watching the video please take care and look forward to next time
Channel: Project Farm
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Keywords: Seafoam, additive, oil, crankcase, lock up, sea foam, lucas, marvel mystery oil, marvels marvel, mystery oil, engine, Sea foam, does seafoam work, jb weld, weld, project farm, see through engine, non-ethanol gasoline, non-ethanol gas, non-ethanol fuel, ethanol fuel problems, ethanol fuel treatment, ethanol gasoline vs non ethanol gasoline, ethanol gasoline good or bad, ethanol gasoline phase separation, ethanol gasoline, ethanol, gasoline, petrol, ethanol petrol, e10
Id: bEf9Fdvx_Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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