Canik TP9 Elite SC Review - Comprehensive Testing

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what's up gearheads we're out here today at mining rajani to give you another review of a product that a lot of you have been excited about Janek just released the tp9 elite SC in the United States so if you're curious what kind of tests we ran it through and how it performed and what our thoughts were stick around alright overall we put this little little little Beauty through quite a few different tests when we were doing the review for it in the review criteria but I want to start out with giving you kind of an unboxing and a general overview of what's included what our initial thoughts were out of the box before we'd even pull the trigger a thought process of what some of our run-through of what the test criteria was going to be the types of ammo we were going to use and what the thoughts were just kind of a general overview and then we'll go from there so for starters the box itself does have transportation lock points and it feels solid enough to where it would I mean it's got a little give you can see it squishes so it's not it's not a Pelican case by any stretch of the imagination but it looks like it would probably pass tsa standards if you locked it up with one or two locks and put it inside of another locked piece of luggage for checked luggage it would probably pass through the TSA inspection so should be good if you want to reuse the box for that so inside of it the foam there's a foam piece between the lid and the main body of the the case inside the lids you've got a bore brush a patch rod to push through you've got your owner's manual a product registration form for the TP 9sc owner's manual probably good idea to read that for sure particularly if you've never owned a Janek before genex are unique in a couple of areas like this for example on the elite model and a few of the others the slide doesn't come all the way forward you have to pull it about half about one inch forward and then up so that's something interesting or a good point to remember when we go to disassemble it here in just a minute but that's what you got in the lead all right let's see down in the main compartment you've got c3 arms NRA join the NRA membership okay we're gonna put that to the side you've got an extended magazine that looks to be 15 so you've got 15 rounds there's a 15 it's marked that looks like a mech gar magazine it's metal okay you've got what looks like a good positive grip area there at the bottom of the magazine as well as the stippling on the front there so that should provide a good grip we'll try that here in just a second you've got a safety lock because you have to lock that trigger up for the safety of your children in some states that's actually a legal requirement you do have that there are storage of protection and minor laws over here we've got what looks like a spacer or adapter a plate for the microdot cutout we'll see how that plays out here in just a minute you've got as you're used to with the elites and a lot of the other Janak guns you've got the extra back straps so that you can adjust for the size of your hand you pretty much just knock out that little punch hole use a pin punch a punch set and knock out that swap this out change it out pretty easy you've got what looks like a flat base plate because you'll see when we get this out but there's actually a a a pinky rest on the twelve round magazine that comes with it and there's also a flat plate so that gives you so you've got looks like right out of the box you've got three carry options available to you you've got the potential for a reload larger 15-round magazine capacity you've got a pinky rest on the 12-round magazine that comes with it and you've got a flat option so it's according to whatever your carry style is and and how much printing you're worrying about doing you're gonna have you'll be able to adapt or adjust so as I mentioned there's a RMR or it's non rmr it's a micro red cutout on the slide of this pistol so you see that all the necessary tools and accoutrement come with it to be able to do the adaptational the other janux you've got that the necessary allen wrenches the star screws lock washers or pressure washers actually and extra pins that kind of thing all little accessories and doodads you would need right in the box love that love that that Janek does that run out the box kudos to them for that okay so I can already see something that I'm going to consider a con I mean maybe I'll be proven wrong maybe they'll make a liar out of me I'll promise you I'll give you an honest assessment of this but I can already see not a fan of that holster okay not at all now I do want to well I do want to say this though before I start saying anything negative I will test this I will give it a run as a matter of fact I've got a competition tomorrow it's just got a lot of movement in it it's very this injection molded that's not really good quality pressed cod X that's some kind of injection molding probably going on I'll give it a test I'll give it an honest assessment and I'll give it a try I'll see you know I'll see how it holds up to to a true run and gun situation and and you know high pressure or whatever we'll see but I can already tell you right out of the gates that is very very flimsy very thin oh I mean it just broke something I could see how that would very easily so make a run up beside you and just grab your gun and pull and break this whole this whole straw very easily now all that said though again I will give it a chance I will give it an honest assessment in an honest chance I'm not too optimistic oh yeah look at that the way that little boat right there pops and stuff that's your tension adjuster right there that's where you adjust the tension where it holds they're not gonna receive that's kind of janky it is janky that's some cringy okay I'll shut up I'll get off my soapbox all right so basically point is I will give this a chance I will give it a chance I really will and I'll let you know an honest assessment of how it holds up at a running gun like I said I got one tomorrow that all said though I will say I do like the fact that Janek includes a holster out of the box so it does give you an option to carry it and go ahead and start carrying literally right out of the box yep right out of the box and it it's right-handed only so that's a disadvantage if you can only only right-handed shooters can carry this it looks like you might can reverse these clips god those are thin you can probably reverse those and put them on the other side and do an odd WB configuration instead of an owv configuration so this is better than their old holster by a mile their old holster everybody knows had that little surface style release right here it wobbled and was very loose and jiggly on the inside which caused the seracote and wearing unnatural unnatural and early wear on it so this is a little better than their old one but I'm not initially pleased with this at all not even a little bit okay like I said it's better than nothing and it's something to get out of the box you know once you've spent the money to buy the gun you are gonna need to save up to get a good holster in that kind of thing okay so we'll we'll give it a test and see all right so let's take this piece of paper let's cue the Chamber flag comes with it alright so there she is there is the teepee non-elite SC from century arms Janek I can see a couple things right out of the gates that are different I can see that the stippling here is a little different than my daily carry which is the elite well you can't tell it much because we got the the Talon grips over it or whatever you can't tell that a lot but but there is a difference in the texture there the eagle is distinct distinctly changed there's a genic word text there now instead of the eagle or the Griffon or whatever that is that's changed obviously you can see the overall length of it and width is a little different than the elite the wit looks pretty close to the same the overall length though looks definitely different they've definitely changed the profile hair that might actually fit some of the older holsters that I already have we're going to try that here in just a second yeah so as I mentioned before it's got your your loaded chamber indicator your striker readiness indicator on the back just like the old school it's got the Talon or it's got the blacked-out rear sight and the dot front sight now something I want to point out on this and I won't be able to capture it on video is that I've been told [ __ ] yeah I've been told that this is a painted on tritium style material that it does actually the front dot does actually glow in in the dark for pickup in low-light situations but that is painted on it is not a tree tiem insert okay now that said though with a blacked-out rear sight and a tree tiem you know treating dog on the front it's gonna be hard to pick up that rear sight in relation to the front side in a low light situation so I have to test that out and run that see something else I want to check real quick in relation to my I want to see the rail yeah okay so so definitely the Picatinny rail is significantly shorter now I had noticed in some of the advertising material yeah and the profile the profile of the gun from the front of the trigger guard out is significantly different you got only two instead of three for the Picatinny rail attachment points you've got a more rounded front end i'ma have to dremel that a little bit alright yep the front profile of it's a little different okay so I guess that's to be expected as you lower the size of it alright so let's see how this fits on there it's very possible that once I adjust this back it'll fit in my old holster let's give it a try real quick just just for those of you out there who have went through the effort of getting a a holster that that fits the way you carry in that exactly what you need and you don't wanna have to change it up or resell it or whatever let's see you know this holster I run on a Penix carry with my okay I can tell right off the bat that sits a little weird let's move that forward there we go now let's see if it fits an old existing holster this is an R&R holster there's a company called are in our holsters on Amazon it's a pretty reasonably priced holster I'm not gonna gonna say that it's the most solid holster I've ever had in my life and I absolutely had to do a bunch of machining to this thing I had to change out the clips to get it to fit the way I carry I had to do a bunch of dremel work on the side for where it was rubbing my fingers and stuff I had to pull down some of the sweat guard had to chop off some of the ageism it's very rough machining work aren't our wholesalers definitely used a little bit of quality control and actually get outrun their holsters before they before they actually sell this product however they're one of the few companies out there that will do a Janek pistol with a a lot pl2 mini Valkyrie which is what I carry so let's see how this fits I'm learning this as you learn it on mmm so it holds by the light okay regardless what crystal I'm using so I'm not getting that good solid positive click and retention that I get with my elite my full-size elite with this still holding though and it's coming out decently to the end i would i would guess I'm gonna have to cut down the sweat guard if I decide to try to reuse this holster I was very strongly guessed that this holster will continue to work and carry I'll be able to carry it with this subcompact the grip is a little different it's getting my finger closer up into the to the push bar okay alright anyways so enough said so I guess that kind of answers a question for some of you out there who may be wondering it is it is likely that your SC is going to almost fit or come close to fitting but not exactly maybe a little little bit Wiggly your elite holsters and again it's because of that difference in the in the distance from the front of the trigger guard to the front of the rail so let's talk real quick about grip so that's the grip for the pinkie grip and I've got you know we're a Laura of medium to large-sized glossy where that fits in my hand let's try the 15 rounder okay I like the way that feels that feels really good that's probably the way I'll run it for all the videos I'm testing I don't like this I can tell you that's going to be calm for me because of that little that's going to cause a little bit of problems and I can feel a definite just like you have with any other sub compacts you got that definitely where your hand falls off the bottom but other than that it feels pretty much exactly like my elite alright just curious no way surely not just curious well oh I thought okay well so there's your answer to that one so the the 15 round that comes with the subcompact will not fit in the elites any of the other tp9 series so let's try to break it down real quick let's test the disassembly of it so it's a little stiff but up and off just like the elite looks like there's some oil and lubrication in there from the factory so you look glistening plastic guide rod with a steel tip little notches in there it's a little different plastic guide rod use your little over three inch barrel there I'm 19 okay seracote finish your standard grade tungsten seracote finish that most of the Elite Series has already see if we put this together without messing up too bad okay function check alright looks good so disassembly is pretty much identical to pretty much identical to the elite all right so oh my goodness now let's test the trigger pull on it alright one of the things that I absolutely love the most about the Janik line of pistols is the buttery smooth trigger that has a very reasonable out of the wok box pull weight so let's see how he knew it meet SC stacks up now 5.3 five point two five point four nine five point Oh I'm trying to pull as close to the bottom of the trigger shoe as I can with these five point one okay so consistently I'm getting between 5.0 and five point four it looks like so I'm going to go with you know somewhere around five point two is what it's going to be listed or what's going to come out too straight out of Austin again I have no doubt in my mind after I've run this thing giving it a fluff and buff in a break-in I need to quit that because I'm actually altering my test results by doing that no doubt that's going to actually do a come down to probably about the mid four range if I had to guess we'll say so just a real quick side note about the holster I want to get this on camera good positive retention click right but is very very very very very very Wiggly alright so some of the things I didn't talk about when we were doing the unboxing and the run through and you have to forgive me I have to look at some of the notes so I can try to remember all this stuff is we didn't talk about the barrel length and the overall length and the weight and that kind of thing is I was going through the unboxing and showing you what everything my initial thoughts and what everything was in the box so real quick so the the barrel is a three point six inch barrel and that does actually come into play in some of the videos I'll be showing you when we were running some ammo through it shooting it at longer distances so be sure to keep an eye out for that a little later on in this video the overall length of it this way is six point seven inches and the height is a four point four point six inch width is a one point four five inch and then basically the weight of it is 24.7 8 ounces unloaded so it is by pan and a half unloaded something like that of course without my optic or without my lighter or anything else on it all right so we went through a bunch of the information about the pistol as we were doing the unboxing there and I walked you through a bunch of the features of the pistol as relates to my initial thoughts coming out of the box but I want to take just a second and read off from the website some of the the sales points and sales pitch points that they had and talk about those individually and we'll blaze through that real quick get to the to the good stuff so on the website they talk about the MSR they list the MSRP is four hundred twenty nine dollars now you know as well as I do you're gonna be able to get that four hundred four hundred four hundred dollars at your local dealer in most cases that MSRP is always worst case scenario so another couple things they talked about are the interchangeable backstraps like we talked about the blacked-out rear sight and the phosphorus front sight okay and we're gonna talk more about that here in just a minute you know in order to showed it a little bit on the unboxing portion of the video we're gonna talk about that in my faults here in just a minute the macro red dot interface along with the ability to Tuco witness that's really nice the fact that a co witnesses is next level for sure you know that you can slide that out and and still co witness your red dot the reversible magazine release is good for you lefties the standard integrated Picatinny you know standard 1913 mil spec Picatinny rail the tungsten seracote over nitride finish slide so you got a coating a good color coating over top of a good quality coating to protect the slide to protect the metal that's awesome you know a nitride coated match-grade nitride coated barrel so that you've got that that performance and longevity and that length the barrel does come into play a little bit the small parts in components container the two magazines and the tool box and the all the accessories that come with it so out of the box you get pretty much everything you need and and this thing is just it's an amazing value seriously if nothing else is an amazing value okay gear heads so we're out here let's put it through the ringers so I've got the Janek t p9 elite SC here we're gonna run it through some different kinds of ammo some different magazines we're gonna get kind of going to give it that initial out of the box performance test and see you know first shots first field see what we're what we think about it like I mentioned earlier in the video I'm going straight out of the box I haven't cleaned it I haven't done any kind of break in and kind of fluffing buff I've done nothing to it straight out the box no lubrication nothing so I'm gonna see how this can respond another thing to note I want to note that the first thing I'm going to shoot through it is the Fiocchi 115 grain 9-millimeter 1200 feet per second just kind of bulk ammo and the reason I'm doing that is because reason I want to start with 115 grain and work my way up through some of the aghia ammunition syntax some six hours some hollow points things like that and different magazine configurations the reason is is because those of you who own the Janek t the SFX know that there's been this big debate online of European ammunition versus American ammunition since it's a Turkish made gun where you have to fire to 200 rounds of 124 grain through it to get the break-in period done and then it just works perfectly and flawlessly I don't know if there's any truth to that or not but we're gonna start with 115 grain Fiocchi ammo and we're going to see what it does so maybe there's some truth to it maybe not let's find out so I've got nothing in here and I'm breaking the rules don't you tell Janek okay don't tell them do not tell Janet but I'm gonna lead that sticker on it plainly says remove before firing don't tell them I don't want to go to jail bro I'm just I'm just saying I got I'm I'm sensitive I can't I just can't but seriously though Fiocchi 115 grain straight ball mo the 12-round magazine first shot first feel here we go first shot jammed okay that was a failure to extract no I lied to you I lied to you completely that did extract that next round was alive around don't try that at home by the way that next one was a live round it tried to feed it it angled up and did not get the correct feed angle so we're gonna try it again 115 grain Fiocchi that shot hit low right by the way that one hit low Center dead center dead center dead center dead center dead center dead center these things are grouping incredibly okay so that's 12 all right look at that now I don't know if that's a break-in period but you won't have to rip and strip the magazine there to get it out smack on smack on tap it actually dropped the slide okay so that magazine I don't know if that's just where it needs some dry lubrication if it just needs to be cleaned or if that's breaking period for the magazine I can't say but that magazine did not drop free on its own had to pull it 15 rounder didn't drop free either I just rip and clear strip and rip all right so the hundred fifteen grain did work I just went through 27 shots of it right out of the box straight in I had that one failure right there at the very beginning at barrels worn I don't I don't have an opinion on that yet but you saw that 115 grain worked through 27 pretty good shots grouping on it so far is incredibly accurate for this little short barrel that's very very very good grouping granted I'm not probably only about 30 feet or something like that from the larger targets the silhouette targets and maybe 35 to 40 feet from that small one down there at the end but the grouping and accuracy on this thing is incredible all right there you go remove the tags and the sticker so now don't be mad at me next I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to try something a little weird I'm gonna try a heavier grade ammunition like maybe the Agia ammunition 124 green just ball mo and I'm going to try something weird I'm gonna try the stock 15-round met gar magazine that comes with a TP 9 the elite and you can see how that's going to fit it's gonna hang down to where my fingers gonna fit in that little groove but I'm just curious if that's gonna feed if it doesn't and if that 15 rounder doesn't work like it's supposed to we'll change back just give it a try okay so I decide to go with 115 grain and Agia not a millimeter Full Metal Jacket instead so we're going with just another 115 grain only it's a different brand and we'll see how that pans out now again remember this is the 15 round stock met gar magazine that feeds the B elite so this isn't the right magazine this isn't naturally a magazine that comes with this pistol the SC so we're gonna give it a try though we're gonna do ten shots 115 grain see what happens baby oh yeah good okay well you saw it right there not even a native magazine genic magazine met gar work just like it was supposed to exactly so now let's try heck let's just keep going let's try the native 18 round magazine the met gar magazine that fits the the larger the the das and the the full-size tp9 pistol series let's try that and some other kind of ammo boom so now I'm going to try like I said the native 18 round full size TP magazine tp9 with some syntek action pistol 9-millimeter 150 grain TSG J total synthetic jacket technology you know I'm gonna try a little bit of this that's 150 grain that's gonna be pretty hard hitting but it's designed specifically for competition shooting so that it doesn't have a lot of splash back from steel so see how that works and again not the right mags for the pistol we'll see if we tear it up got a feeling any gonna happen there I got a feelin janux thought this stuff through yep perfect 9 shots right straight through hundred fifty green what next let's go with the let's go with the native 15 15 plus two that comes with the with the TP 9 elite so we've already tried the 15 but we didn't try the +2 they uses basically from what I understand the Met Guard uses the exact same spring inside the 15 and the 15 plus 2 so that does reduce the amount of upward force and pressure on the the feeder plate the feed ramp so see what happens to follow it let's see what happens but anyways so we're gonna run some aghia 9-millimeter jacketed hollow point we're going to try to start switching over to some more interesting and self-defense ammo and see how that feeds up alright way that fits and just hangs down a little bit there okay alright nuf playing let's get to work finally missed one and again side note look that's not dropping free so even the plus two extra weighted base plate doesn't drop free ansan I'm having a rip at this point I'm leaning towards that's probably an issue with the mag well that it needs to be cleaned or needs a break in period I see that there are two ridges I'll try to get that on camera something there are two ridges on this side and on this side that go in maybe those ridges need a little break-in or a little dry lube I'm not sure I don't like to leave my magazine wheels that's always a bad idea but no magazine is dropping free on its own none of them so that's a rip okay so that that's a con I'm not gonna lie to you before I can even get to the pros and cons now again that's out of the box though so to be fair to jannecke and to be fair to all those of you out there who are watching this that may change as I run more magazines through it that may there may be a break in it may be cleaning it may be something else that's required for that to happen so don't just automatically assume you know your mileage may vary but that's something to note though okay now we're gonna try the SFX 18 round plus two and I've only got like seven seven eight rounds something like that of the ammunition because we're starting to get some expensive ammo more and more expensive every time we're going along here this is the AR X non millimeter Luger next generation defense in cept or ammo it is a 65 grain 1,650 feet per second 65 grain in an SFX magazine with the plus two which again like we just talked about same spring as the the eight standard 18 round but with a with a base plate extension which then means that the follower is under a different level of tension upwards as the standard 18 rounds let's see how this performs all right here we go eight it right up let's see if it drops free nope got the rip okay so I'm gonna quit playing around with all the different strange magazines go back to the factory default magazines start switching up some ammo a little bit and see how how she how she does alright enough goofing around with the weird magazine let's get back to business as usual so I'm gonna run the twelve round native magazine or the smaller magazine and I apologize I don't have the box for this one so I don't know what grain it is but it's the spear plus P Luger jacketed hollow point and then in the 15 rounder I'm going ten shots there and I'm gonna do a magazine change and put in some of the elite performance ammunition from Sig the V crown about 10 shots of 124 grain the crown jacketed hollow point 1100 65 feet per second for 143 pounds foot-pounds see how this plays out okay I had a problem there that last shot there was what felt like a little jiggle where it didn't go into it felt like it stopped that the slide didn't go all the way up into battery so let's look and see what we got the loaded chamber indicator is showing that it's loaded it stripped out of a an actual live round the live round does not have a primer strike again that was the spear plus P not a millimeter jacketed hollow point the slot did not go all the way back up into battery and I noticed also when I slammed it just now that the slide didn't close so it did earlier and it did not this time so let's see what happens it just did it again okay so the the slide is not going back up into battery on these rounds alright let's let's finish up the - all right so I don't know what that is let's go with the Sig Sauer ammunition missed did it again right there it just did that little jiggle push forward loaded chamber showing loaded there was a live round with no primer struck in there that was the Sig Sauer 24 grain V crown yep so at this point I'm leaning towards maybe the thing needs to be cleaned maybe I missed again okay we're gonna go with some defender ammunition competition series designed for competition shooters nine-millimeter 124 grain plated flat nosed remanufactured actually which means reloaded so and so McGee a hundred forty seven grain Full Metal Jacket flat point so we'll start with ten of the defender and then we'll do a mag change it'll be the ten will be in the native 12-round magazine with the the thumb pinkie extension and then the Agia will be in the fifteen round after we do a mag change alright so here we go it ate it again magazine doesn't drop free got a rip interesting interesting so it ate both of the flat nose flawlessly alright so let's talk about concealability so you can see I'm relatively average-sized okay and this is this is a holster from our noir holster like we talked about when I was doing the unboxing and again as I mentioned in the unboxing I've had to do a bunch of modifications to this to this holster even more modifications even further beyond what I'd already done for my elite to get this thing to work but again you know this I've been talking to Shane at Smoky Mountain concealment they specialize in chanak holsters and so I'm hoping to be able to get something a little a little better a little more of an exact precise fit to do some testing for you later on down the road but as right now this is what I'm running because I kind of have to as you can see I'm basically a relatively average-sized guy maybe a little on the chunky side with a tactical shelf on the front but you can see even with a little hybrid the blue Alfa hybrid belt how it kind of pushes out a little bit there how this thing is going to sit neatly and how close it's going to sit in in my body you can see that the line there so as I untuck the shirt there will be a slight bulge out in the front and I do tend to carry appendix obviously the same would apply though as you can see if you can get an angle of the pitch there I don't know if this will come up on camera or not but angular the pitch of how much the the tips going to stick out there would be the same back here if you're carrying in the three or four o'clock position and you can see that's pretty much how it all looks the 15-round magazine you know as a spare mag on the side from so from a concealability perspective this thing literally disappears I mean I can undo without messing up my microphone too much you can see that we untuck the t-shirt there and it pretty much just disappears I mean you can see that there's a you're really printing more I'm print more with the hybrid belt the little tip of the belt that blue alpha I print more with it than I do with the gun itself okay let's run through some of the pros about the gun first Pro obviously is going to be the Saab but I don't want to take a second and show you how it stacks up in relation to some of the other smaller form factor pistols out there on the market so this is a Glock 42 okay I'm not gonna get super scientific in this comparison just gonna kind of give you a couple shots of roughly how it looks how the size stacks up between the two okay that's a Glock 42 with a strike industries extended mag plate or mag base so that's kind of a bit deceiving you know without the without the mag base or without the extended mag probably little more accurate okay alright then a smooth with some shield non millimeter first Jinjin one with it with a tlr-1 or TLR six lot laser combination so you can kind of see there how how that how it stacks up there I'm not gonna just drag out every single pistol off god I'm just kind of giving you some general ideas of how this thing stacks up and again this the you know the Janek has the magazine in while the shield doesn't a Taurus g2c okay the Gentoo compact from Taurus you kind of see an idea there of how it stacks up again I'm not gonna get into exact measurements in science or anything like that I'm just giving you a general idea of how these things stack up in size okay another another positive about this is the recoil management so I found when I was shooting it that and at this point I've got probably about 400 rounds through it that's all so I haven't really given it a good solid thousand round breaking yet but I'm up to around 400 but so far what I'm seeing what I'm feeling is even before I put the O light on to give it that extra weight on the front to to to come a assist with the muzzle rise and even without changing out any of the the recoil spring or anything like that everything's straight out of the box this thing it just it had very manageable very very respectable very good recoil management I mean it just literally because of the weight of it on the front you know that the follow-up shots were super quick they didn't have that snap that real quick jerky snap that you're used to with some of the smaller form factor single stacks it just felt right it felt like a medium to large-sized pistol it felt like the larger teepee nines you know in this small form factor so the recall reco management is definitely an advantage the accuracy on this thing was incredible obviously another positive that we talked about in the unboxing portion and and everybody talks about it's just universally accepted and known is that out of the box the janux have an amazingly crisp and crisp an amazing trigger so you saw the the the poundage test pulls that I gave it where it was coming in around five put about an average about 5.2 right out of the box again that's with no break-in and I know from experience with my SFX and my tp9 and my elite that SF elite that they do get better with age they start breaking in you start wearing off some of those machining Birds they just get better with age but they're amazing right out of the box for those of you who don't plan on putting a few thousand rounds to it but you know that that 5.2 pound trigger pull that amazing feel of the rearward and so let's see if we can get this on camera of where it comes in and breaks so you got take-up there's the wall and the wall just feels so it's like it's almost like it's not there but it's there but you can feel it you know so you've got take up take up and there's that wall it's there but you almost can't feel it and then that break and the over travel is irrelevant because it you can see that it stops right there and then the reset right there it's just amazing now I have already seen ok side points those of you who who are into aftermarket triggers and aftermarket parts and so on so forth I have already seen posted out on some of the forums where people are running the Freedom Smith trigger the racer series and the competition series and all that kind of stuff that they've replaced it with the aluminum freedom Smith trigger shoe and it appears to be working for people out there on in on the interwebs so not suggesting for you to do that I'm just saying for those of you who are wondering apparently that does now let's talk about a few cons this isn't all all rainbows and unicorns there are actually some things that I have some concerns about with this firearms talk about the ammunition so you saw from the videos where I was running through all the different types of ammunition and the different ways that they they worked and ran through the gun and I ran into a couple problems with some of the jacketed hollow points from some of the different brands now what you didn't see on camera for those of you who are wondering and those of you who run it I did test about 20 rounds of the hornady critical duty with the red tip you know the plus P 135 grain that kind of thing tested that off-camera an idiot like a dream but you saw very clearly and plainly that I had a couple different types of ammunition that would would it wouldn't quite go back into batteries like it would reduce a little jiggle step after it fired and it wouldn't the firearm wouldn't go all the way back up into battery afterwards so I'm hesitant to call that a con to be fair to jannecke and those of you out there at Janek who may or may not be watching this forgive me for this but I'm hesitant to call that a con because everybody knows or at least you should know if you know if you're worth half a salt in the firearms industry or rather in shooting sports that you are going to have and and you know some ammunition preference is with with most pistols on the market today okay now so theoretically you should be testing your carry ammunition you're supposed to know that shame on you if you're not you should be running it and testing it to begin with so it should be a moot point for you you should be able to run whatever you run and know that it's going to eat it that said some of the bigger brands and I won't mention any of the names you do have quite a few of the bigger brands and the bigger boys where it will literally eat anything you throw at it there is no concerns with ammunition or whatever I will also note that again I've only had about 400 rounds through this right so it is entirely possible that as through the break-in period and break-in time that that that will wear in and it'll eat all those different types of ammunition a little better but I ran into two types of ammunition that I couldn't fire alright the final con I want to kind of touch on is is another one I'm hesitant to talk about and hesitant to say- you know I just mentioned the one about the ammunition and and some of the other stuff and to be honest some of this is kind of nitpicking to be frank or you know it could be break-in period it could be a bunch of things but this one this con in my mind is purely absolutely and 100% user specific so this is a con for me not necessarily for you or for anybody else buying the Janik tp9 you leave SC okay that I mispronounced and called it a tritium front sight when I was doing the unboxing portion it's actually a phosphorus painted on effectively front dot sight okay with the blacked out Waring tactical style rear sight target acquisition with this type of aperture is is really quick you know I was able to pick up targets and and be extremely accurate you know quick on the draw consistent so on and so forth so the sight picture of black white is amazing it's great my gripe is that it's a phosphorous front sight which means it ain't never ever ever ever ever gonna glow in the dark because I carry it concealed in my crotch away from the Sun so kudos to Janek for thinking through and putting that that good of a quality of sod on good job amazing I wish more companies will get their heads out of their ears and understand that we the end user just paid for dollars for your gun we got another 122 drop on some optics go ahead and negotiate those deals with whoever whether it be excess sight systems for the big dots or whether it be you know a merry glow for their tree diem whatever and negotiate that ahead of time and put it in the box for us because we need that if this is gonna be a truly defense gun everybody needs that low light that globe okay so this is for me and me only that's gonna go bright side is of course you know like we talked about this is a Smith & Wesson style dovetail groove I will be able to push that out and put you know something in there I'm not decided yet what I'm gonna put so I'm not gonna endorse her she'll for anybody just yet but I am gonna change out those sights again that's just for me now your mileage may vary if you're gonna have this laying out on the on somewhere where it picks up enough Sun to where it charges and glows good on you okay but I don't I won't it's it's useless right so bottom line would I buy the Janek tp9 Elite SC would I trust my life to it would I trust my family's life to it would I own it would I tell you the end-user and consumer to purchase it yeah yeah what okay so yeah I mean I did buy this this wasn't something that Janek sent me I'm not shilling for them I am kind of a Janek fan you know we'll admit that because the fact that I've had several other pistols and I've had a lot of good luck with them and I'm amazingly impressed with their overall business model and the way that they're growing in the direction of going the fact that there are a sleeper company that I'm hoping in the next few years will actually pick up and become a lot more mainstream so yeah yeah I mean I literally did buy this and I will not be I will not be selling this one I will do my little redneck fluff and buff I will stroke it about a thousand times I'll play with the spring so and so forth and I'll end up keeping this when I'm putting in my rotation and as a matter of fact I'm very thorough I have been carrying it for the past few days since I got it I have trusted my life to it for the past few days already because I am confident in the amount of rounds I put through it and the type of ammunition I'm running through it that hornady critical duty that it's gonna do what I needed to do except for the whole glowing in the dark front sight thing and I've got this to compensate for that so would I buy it absolutely would I trust my life to it absolutely and have been trusting my life to it would I trust my family's life to it absolutely I mean I already am literally trusting my family's life to it and my wife has already shot it along with her tourist g2c and she's already impressed with it she's already happy with it there's already a couple family members of hers this want me to try to get him one so that they can carry some of the females in the family she's able to even with a some health issues in her shoulder she's able to to articulate the slide and so I trust it my wife trusts it I spent my money on it for whatever that's worth that's my final thoughts and my opinion on the Janik tp9 elite SC go out and get you one you can't go wrong under four hundred dollars for all the the amazing value and amazing benefits and amazing features that this gun has this thing is just feature packed I swear I'm loving it I'm diggin it man I really am so until we see you out on the range you keep living your dream [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 73,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elite SC, Elite Sub Compact, Sub Compact, TP9 SC, TP9 Elite, TP9, Elite, SC, Elite Sub-Compact, TP9 Sub-Compact, Elite Carry, TP9 Sub Compact
Id: Jv1DvKjcjfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 23sec (3023 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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