Candid Camera Classic: Styrofoam Nightmare!

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[Music] [Applause] well now here is an example of a modern-day curse if ever there was one do you recognize these things I do and I hate them styrofoam peanuts you know once they enter your life they never leave in fact they seem to multiply right before your eyes well let's roll the tape and you're going to see Don and Cris of the candid camera crew filling a wooden crate with styrofoam peanuts now that's the easy part but then Kate hires a guy to help empty the crate she says she's got to use it for another shipment so he's got to get all of those peanuts out of the crate and we're jumping ahead here for minutes and he's filled an entire cardboard box with those styrofoam peanuts and as he moves the box out of the way keep your eye on the wooden crate because those peanuts are going to grow back and that's because in the next room Don and Chris have plenty of peanuts and a secret tunnel to get them into the crate here they come [Laughter] so this guy comes back and wouldn't you know it he's about right back where he started but he doesn't even notice he just goes about filling up another cardboard box so we'll move forward about another three minutes or so off he goes there we go and here he comes oh right now this is getting weird what's wrong remember how we had it it was almost empty the huts back up again hey somebody's coming throws up on me again huh it didn't look like that much when I first saw it baby this is really a lot it didn't it probably look like just two of them so now I know they're really puffy you know this would be box number one of four all right now this guy has spent 20 minutes filling four big cardboard boxes with styrofoam and then word comes that the shipment has been cancelled so he's got to put all the peanuts back but remember he thinks all these peanuts once fit inside the wooden crate so what y'all suck there hey you like that okay here we go let's just get these here before he he's coming and he wants us all back in so you go let's just get him going it's um overflowing overflowing this crates pretty big well what happened it's just the these expanded and so it doubled the capacity that it needed it doubles it yeah because of the fact that it used to be like this and so everything just because it's 50% bigger yeah because of the gravity sitting in here tomorrow well if we you left it like this tomorrow would be down the like maybe here because of the night to gravity would pull the styrofoam check it down put back in the crate then at Craig the candid camera oh that's what I'll do I miss sent it to candid camera [Music]
Channel: Candid Camera Classics
Views: 274,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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