Candid Camera Classic: No Window, No Food!

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[Music] this is Carl's jr. where people get their orders at a drive-up window but today Don and Chris are covering the window with a fake wall and a door marked employees only now orders are normally placed around back of the store and that's where our first candid customer is about to arrive she's ready to order so let's watch and I want a large iced tea and an extra-large iced tea step all the way around and turn a new number of the drive up window okay now this woman drives around and remember we'll be able to hear what said inside the car listen huh this heads up there you go to the left No and so these women were out of luck but some other customers were a bit more persistent where's the window that's the window that's not a window door may I take your order well we gave an order they gave us a number I can't find the drive-through window 271 did you want to add to your order no I just wanted to COO I am I just saw you pass by me just around the building okay I just don't see anywhere where anyone could hand me any food I'm sorry I'll try again may I take your order no I'm looking for my orders window where there's no window sir did you go around the building yeah there's no window number one turn in your number at the drive-up window well this is the person we waited all day to watch now you'll have to take our word for it because time doesn't allow us to show you her six full circles around the Carl's jr. building she's getting hungrier with each pass I don't know how many circles this woman gets to the gallon well finally russ has to flag her down and clear up the confusion how many how many times did you go around on candid camera [Music] turning candle you [Music]
Channel: Candid Camera Classics
Views: 177,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Candid Camera, Candid Classics, Peter Funt, Drive-Up Window, Carls Jr., Food pranks
Id: AJWoShxs-4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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