Candace Owens @ Colorado State University: "Change My Mind"

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I guess my next question is what is it that you all truly stand for because I mean of course we get like all the stuff that we can see online and stuff I guess my my concern with it is that at least in the time that I've been here and been able to see we had an event where Charlie Kirk was able to come and you know if you were there if you heard about that a bit you heard like you had neo-nazis coming you here you have traditional Workers Party and the thing about that is you know throughout the course of the night you know people who would be in turning-point would say like we don't condone that type of behavior we don't condone that's a biology however the thing about it is that's how far they would go it's an organization that yes is here for one thing but it attracts a certain group of people this is a great question I also want to commend him on just being civil right I think this is like this is we get like the most productive okay Charlie second charlie Kirk got stepped on a plane is our neuron with Donald Trump suddenly everywhere he showed up neo-nazis are these people that was ever there when he was just Charlie Kurtz a saying his ideas right oh but you have to accept it that politics has become a very nasty dude right and if they don't want you to see an idea or to be presented with a different idea they will shield you by saying to you don't even listen what this person has to say just know that outside or a KKK member so obviously what this person has to say can be wrong then Shapiro is the greatest example of this I don't know if you've ever heard Ben Shapiro speak and I do want to personally invite you you'll pay for your travel like I said to her to come down the students ashes on the end to hear the biggest most prominent conservative speakers that come together in Florida at the Palm Beach of that right you should definitely come down just hear it what they're saying is it it's just common sense right they're talking about what table either why they believe it and now a sudden is these ideas we don't need the government this is being met with mass protests I was at the SAS event when people were protesting outside we had and t-cog mugs look like kids that are in their basement right like come outside say it was a racist convention which was crazy because there were so many black people on the inside that were coming out taking pictures of them calling them racist so that is why I think the most important you have to understand is like what I always talking about was how to create a bond right if they can scare you away from even hearing the idea you're never going to hear the idea but you're gonna start to say this must be the brand charlie Kirk has adamantly denounced the KKK Nazis white supremacy these people have never been in touch for turning-point ever but now that he announces where he's going to speak everywhere Charlie Kirk speaks white supremacist which I'm convinced are hired and they're paid for show up to in advance and all he is saying is what I am saying here today is that I don't think we need the government we need more government I think meet less of it I think we need the natural turning points about I think we need free markets we need counselors and we need to encourage entrepreneurship and I think that that's been discouraged over the last few years because government is so involved I have a cousin I come from a family that's very much on welfare and he and his girlfriend had this idea if they wanted to start a food trucks what they had to go through and pay to even like go outside and try to sell food discourage him for being an entrepreneur I'm not gonna do it that's crazy kids I want to have a lemonade Sam which was totally fine in the 90s I think the 90s were like there's a good years and my opinion by the way bring back like you know all of the 90s TV shows and everything was about pretty much what I'm talking about is inspiring children to say go out and be whatever you want to be you can't even have a lemonade stands now without having to have a government permit you people be a dog walker right now it's in a California because they saw that was becoming a business people were able to do by themselves without getting government permits that's crazy it's absolutely insane the governor is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and they're taking more and more money at the same time they're discouraging people from objects ownership and that is essentially returning swing is about and that's what our number-one slogan is kid government sucks that's it and this is now being called and this is why I'm here today is these kids got polish you believe that big our success rate which is a theory that in my opinion helps black America break is welfare system has completely decimated our community that's right well the thing about it is predominantly African American actually been shown that it's predominately affecting and promise use by people who are well of course even if it's but even if it is a bigger population you still have to break it down to those black and that's what I bring to the turning-point table is my mission in life they make it very clear so wake up the black people I think has become a system that's cut those down but everybody that's on welfare there's their lives you'd be negatively impact their being be incentivized right I see us with my cousins why go get a job or tried you better if the government's gonna write you a check the Sun your ass why why go get a job when you know that you don't have a job you get free health care you know how much they take out for health care if you go get a job well you don't have to pay that if you if you don't get a job right I have cousins that have a lot of children out of wedlock that's more money every child you have out of wealth wedlock the welfare system discourages black remote from marrying the the fathers of their children's the single mother man rate has jumped 71 percent since the welfare system was was LBJ's Great Society acts those are all problems the government getting too big and that's what these socialist some can mister advocated for they're saying socialism is great it's obviously not great the black community is the best example of why welfare programs and taking from certain people are redistributing it which they don't do culture right is not free at all the government's are profitable why governments just human beings you think I'm a bad person why would you trust your daughter but then I would ask you the question of dead are the people that are in those positions of power behind your government that's the big question well the thing about is we keep saying you know the government's getting this big or this big or this big or this big but we're not asking the questions like I asked my question my 20 feet today you know and yeah that's a great question it's a great question and the thing about it though is that we're saying at least at least in my perspective at least from what I've seen done like it puts us back at least from what I've seen it's those those people who are you know advocating for those Western governments those are those biggest those business people those are those people that are in those arts proneural positions already and whether that was because they decided to go off with an idea that they had ten years ago or it's because of a family industry that they've been able to adopt you have to realize that there's still these big people and power that yes are promoting these ideas of less of less government but because it does at the end of the day help to create their business and how to get it stronger that's what that's what creates jobs that's what makes you'll be able to get all those welfare when there's more jobs you'll get upset when corporations get a tax break she wonder what happened to my liberal sister when corporations got a tax breaks she got two thousand dollar check and then she said all right well let me see maybe maybe I'll consider order Donald Trump for 2020 right cuz she saw the results and she was so afraid of that right the idea that corporations get a tax free and if they wouldn't give more of the government but what is what history has shown is that when the government takes less less people are incentivized to do more individual the individual basis so I'm guessing are you thinking are you bringing this your position are you bringing it back to trickle down economics thing absolutely I 100 percent as the more the government gets out the better that these companies will take care of their employees I'm not saying just corporations to get tax breaks that's what I think people try to make windows humanize they make it seem like Oh corporations are getting tax breaks that's not true as we've seen so so much more money back are getting more money of seeing more money in each of their checks now like my sister right so that's not the point that I'm making what I'm saying is that they are able to go out and hire more of a workforce that's what we need rich people are the solutions kampachi and somehow they've been demonized and punished over the years for for building company but everybody should welcome Jim well I hear what you're saying but I I feel like I would disagree with you on the piece about rich people necessarily being the ones to really be able to save us I mean if you really look at it especially in the history of the United States those who were in the upper class and those who were able to get those resources were able to I guess expend people and we're also able to use people only thread their game you know what I'm saying employees $10 now then guess what if that guy right then the other guy who works at so-and-so's can say I can show your employees that Cody's work that's where free markets allows for it's a competition right so they have to that's what happens when the government gets out unless people regulate themselves is that there's competition it when there's competition there's always someone figure they're always someone tired there's always one that's willing to pay their employees more so then I guess my next question is that so then why is it that the emphasis is more towards rich people when the emphasis at least in my opinion feels like it should be more towards the people the common man of course the working-class men everything like that but people like us yeah you know that's a turning point all about so we're all about the people so I'm just talking to you right now because we're talking about and I'm just saying that overall we have to stop demonizing rich because we need them or else the government steps in we all becomes a pen but I agree with you that's what I'm talking about when I see entrepreneurship that's what talks about when I see what about her to step away so people are afraid to start businesses they get so taxed and they have so many regulations that the fall before they can even get out of the gate that's what needs to stop and that is literally exactly we talk about making America great again which they made it seem like a clear white nationalists not mine now she was talking about the time when people could go have a lemonade stand and not get stopped by a police officer and say hey you have a license for this lemonade stand to be on this corner that's all turning points about that's why I'm trying to let people on this campus these are not crazy white supremacists and you 100% back to you and you come to the student action summit in December I want you I want a challenge I want to call you out on the stage and say these two people are on the left and so much courage for you guys are coming and just being able to listen to this so we're asking for you know we'll see why not it's in December well turning-point well we'll get you linked up we'll get you flight you come down you sit in a room and you hear ben shapiro speak you hear the tougher Carlson speaking heroes but you have been told our off will crazy like nationals you hear Dennis Prager to being great and you want to win and you let me know you really believe what the media has been selling you that's what it's all about get in the room and see what you're being told see if it's true watch me I guess at least in my purse I think the disconnect at least between turning him away and you know people in the club I guess I guess my thing about it is so I actually ended up going to the Charlie burger place and I ended it again and kind of listening and I don't know it's just interesting cuz it's like a lot of a lot of information that he is presenting I felt like I need to make sure I researched it up with life and checked it out real quick because I looked at it in some of the facts in statistics that I was able to find I think didn't match up with what I was totally finding and I think the other disconnect is that I would say that this the other disconnecting what needs to be emphasized is language and I think the language that is being used with the turning-point you say the language that is being used with maybe people on the left is that everybody's kind of like sewing these words out but one side is having a totally different definition while the other side is having a totally different definition from that and I think one of those best examples is that Charlie Kirk when he was King he ended up talking about like what he thought the definition racism was and I was able to look at it and see that at least what he said was totally not from what was totally different from what I did initially hurt so I guess my question is way I guess my question is with turning-point wait what is the disconnect at least you all see it's between these two sides that is not necessarily oh this side won't listen to us or oh this I won't listen to the airport super soon so we're going to do one more question after this and so I think that we can't ignore that though we can't ignore what we saw here today okay everybody was sitting here asking questions everyone was invited to sit down and every single person that we saw come in here and get violence one girl literally told me that I hadn't which I thought every time we saw an ad watch somebody being called something is coming from the left they see me they say that they're super tolerant right and I'm going to get the respect you know we disagree on some things like she was fundamentally willing to have the conversation what they do is match dates hasehas' the first thing you say is okay well charlie curve you know he was here and white nationalists were outside that is what people are thinking incidents they're not willing to even listen they're not willing to have a conversation because somebody else has already told me that this idea is belonging to the white supremacy the truth in Charlie Kirk is a white nationalist and he hired me as his topic for you you're doing a really bad job they pretend that I own exists and they continue driving this in there and if they continue to call the people that are here racist and sexist and that's fundamentally wrong there can be no conversation if you're going to say that just because you think this way you're racist or sexist that exclusively comes from the left I know that because I came from the left I wasn't alive was a leftist and this is why I left the left just why are so many prominent people are leaving a leftist because it's becoming this distance totalitarianism either with us or against us mob mentality they are the most violent people that you see on campus that girl was in wait never know if you were here when she was here with the two different hair colors choosing rages through specific might existence here and she could have got a question she wanted to yell at me and tell my wife I think about black I'm not here today without anything I'm here to say that tell you there's different perspective and I would love to invite you to hear my perspective and D hear its perspective other comedy conservatives who by the way all disappeared until inserting topics Ben Shapiro and Charles II don't disagree on certain things right like you know and and then Dennis Prager distribution trial things I use reviewer Charlie on things the one thing that we all agree on is that were laughing well I definitely do a great thing some days I think the one thing though I mean if I could give you some advice I think the one thing that would not to be would be to not give too many journals like generalizations I would say because at least of my experience what I've seen is that not necessary it's not either one side or the other that's when were violated or more aggressive I think supporting these things on either side I've seen things on this Plaza I've seen people who have more conservative that I've said you know the worst place where an unborn child to be was in the stomach of a black woman I've heard that I've heard these things from both sides so I think that's true it's killed seventeen million black pieces nineteen seventies well so I think the language that you're saying is it's inflammatory right so it makes you think what do you say right but when you what what they're trying to do is to cause a reaction and what you're disagreeing with is the strategy to make you saying why would you say that so what I said everybody is do not talk to me about black lives matter unless there are black people outside boycotting Planned Parenthood okay that is a number one killer of black people in this country as planned but they put them in neighborhoods that black people live in they encouraged by people to kill their babies and there's no people that are more negatively affected by Planned Parenthood and black people which was started on the concept of eugenics of getting rid a black girl from the population so I'm really against Planned Parenthood but I get what you're saying about the language being inflammatory to all I hear what you're saying especially with the Planned Parenthood piece and this is like it is this thing where plan for there was necessary may for that eugenics movement in that however though Planned Parenthood wasn't necessarily the thing that put people lack people and lower-income communities that was actually red line district dealing by figure I didn't say that I just said it's a huge we're talking about black lives right people will tell you about police getting down black day which happened it's virtually never sixteen unarmed stephane Clark just got shot and you wanna know how you know that it virtually never happens is we can name every single one of the bottles that's happened to black men here's the staff I'm making a point zero zero zero four percent of black population okay he's unarmed and shot and killed by a black person a year okay more black people are struck by lightning okay fine if you want to see that it's something we have talked about when it happens horrendous things that happen I agree with you do you think I would ever stand up here and defend what happened to Flynn if I still that was 360 watch I want to cry so my question is always if this is how you are going to be reactive and upset if you tend to get upset and fly into the streets about a black light when it's lost and it's only point zero zero four percent three zero is four percent of the population why aren't you outside of Planned Parenthood especially if you go into the context of black lives matter is not necessarily die it's just focused on police brutality but it's focused on the systemic problems and issues that are surrounded with mortality and the systemic problems and issues that are surrounded with in the black community based on the system of white supremacy in capitalism and a lot of stuff really going down to the fundamental development of the United States right and I think when we go and talk about this conversation about especially about Planned Parenthood things like that I do agree that yeah there are certain issues you can clamp in here but I think the other thing about is when people think about Planned Parenthood the first thing they think about is abortions but they don't address or think about all the stuff that they do in terms of sexual responsibility asexuals safety that's a really harmful ideology that's it and then I may tell you why okay so Hitler and in the concentration camps okay exterminate six million Jews so what if I said to everybody I don't know why Hitler gets a bad reputation I mean he never talked about the fact that he also was building these amazing tanks to help protect the German people because you were still exterminating Jews you're exterminating human beings the number one thing is you are murdering people I don't care what you're doing outside I don't care if Hitler said hey we also provide free breast exams I don't care you're exterminated but you're murdering someone there is no way to justify murder ever and that gets I'm so passionate about it I say to you I will never ever ever take black lives matters seriously do they start talking about Planned Parenthood and that fetuses and babies that have been ripped out of their stomachs the stomach's of black vultures that's it I mean that's like the harshest thing unfortunately I do have to run something I'm gonna miss my I'm gonna miss my flight but I really appreciate the conversation I really would like you to take me up on the offer though thank you on we're all be turning white people do you mind getting these two people down to Florida for those nice martha mccue you have you do differenti as we'd love to interview you and get on the web site after you guys hear the different ideas and just say what you think and you're gonna be surprised everyone will welcome you there there's like you know like people we want people that don't think like us six come see what we're about and tell us we think you're never gonna get booed you're never gonna get yelled out you're never gonna see what you saw today we're running off you getting upset and if you walk away and you say you know what that was unwise on that disagree with everything that they said you have right dude that's that's the point of us being individuals I really appreciate your time and I want you to say social was a bad idea no you don't own this is what she does there was a bad idea even though it would have targeted never it never got built keeps up it doesn't matter okay an idea that never came into fruition is not what I'm alright we have a conversation about feminism that's always fun anybody any other civil social all God speaks about that guy called my country boy would that be like something were you trying to say that I'm creating my in trouble am I in trouble folks hey don't get quiet now and make it more awkward
Channel: Brent P
Views: 880,235
Rating: 4.8673401 out of 5
Keywords: Camera, Camera Man, Videographer, Cinematographer, Nikon, Nikon D7500, Nikkor, Lens, 10-20mm, 35mm, CO, Fort Collins, Colorado State University, CSU, Rams, Ft. Collins, Quality, Engineers, Political, TPUSA, Turning Point USA, Change My Mind, Steven Crowder, Conservative, Media Director, Candace Owens, Isabel Brown, Libertarian, Liberals, Triggered, Make America Great Again, Trump, Trump 2020, Argument, Debate, Street Debate, Conservatives on Campus, Kanye West, Kanye West Candace Owens Tweet, Twitter
Id: 3jInZUzMrt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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