How to properly prepare a visitor's visa application for Canada?

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[Music] so [Music] hello everyone my name is taiwaleri i'm a canadian immigration lawyer in ottawa i'm also a law partner at olalere law office a canadian immigration law firm we've been dealing with immigration matters for the past 15 years in ottawa and around the world so today we'll be doing something a little bit different we're going to be talking about vistas visa applications how do you package your business visa application what does a visa officer look for when they're looking at your visitor's visa application you hear people call it temporal residence visa for visitors it's also the same thing business visa application visit visa temporaries and visa for visitors is the same thing it means the same thing so don't be confused when you hear these terminologies and i'll be using all these technologies in this video so when you're packing a business visa application what should you keep in mind what does a visa officer look for when they receive your business visa application on their desk remember a business visa application is for a visit it's not to come and study it's not to come and work i get these questions every time if i have a business visa visas visa to canada can i come to canada to work if i have a business visa can i come to canada to study or can i come to canada to study and work at the same time you can't the answer is no the answer is no the answer is no the answer is no it's a visitors visa application visit what is the purpose of your visit you have to be able to demonstrate it on your visitor's visa application so when a visitor's visa application gets to the officer's desk what do they look for if i'm the visa officer the first thing i'll be looking out for is the purpose of your visit why are you coming to canada why do you want to come and visit canada okay so we invited you to canada okay so that's very very important so is it your family member that is inviting you to canada okay to come and do what is it to spend time with them or to spend the summer time somehow period with them okay these are things i'll be looking out for where's the documentation to tell me that you're coming to visit your family member is there an invitation letter from your family member or from your friend or from your girlfriend or your boyfriend or your fiance or your husband what does the invitation letter tell us is your name correctly spelled on the invitation letter i've seen so many like that where the the invitation letter does not spell your name the name of the the person who is coming to visit correctly so you have to make sure your name is correctly spelled on the invitation letter how long are you coming to visit for is it a short period or a long period if it's a short period okay how long is it going to be for is it for two weeks or three weeks if it's for a long period i'm kind of concerned if i'm the visa officer because does that mean you don't have any obligations back home don't you have any responsibilities back home that you have to return back to if you're coming to canada you visit for two months three months four months does that mean you do have a job does that mean you you're not going to school does that mean you have any responsibilities why do you then abandon your responsibilities for two months three months and then come to canada just for a visit so those are the kind of things i'll be looking out for in your invitation letter who is going to be paying for that visit is it you that will be paying for that visit or the person that is inviting you to canada if it's you that is going to be paying for that visit okay do you have a bank statement cindy how much do you have in a bank statement you're coming for two weeks and you have just one thousand dollars that means you can't definitely cover your trip you can't even buy the ticket toughness of you know spending time in canada for that two weeks and be able to cover your expenses with one thousand dollars that's not possible they'll raise alarm bells for me as a visa officer because if you can't even buy the tickets how can you take care of yourself when you get to canada for one month or two or for two weeks or three weeks with one thousand dollars okay so you have to really think about what you are putting forward to the visa officer you know these visa officers are well trained too and they look at your application they scrutinize this very well if it's disappointing the person is inviting you they'll be paying for your expenses okay what do they do for a living do they have a job so i want to see the employment letter for that person do you have a bank account how much is in the bank account okay what is their relationship to you that's very important you have to be able to demonstrate the relationship is it your brother or your sister or your cousin is there a letter from the person that is inviting you saying that they are going to be responsible for your living expenses why you are coming here for the two weeks duration what are you going to be doing during those two weeks duration that you're visiting are you going to be spending your time together what are the plans for each day for example what is the time going to be spent on of course if you're coming to visit what are you coming to visit about you're coming to visit your family member what are you gonna be doing with your family member or your brother or your sister or your girlfriend during that visit that's very important keep it to a one page the invitation let actually be more than one page if it's taking more than one page i have concerns about it it's very very important to make sure that you get straight to the point in your letter of invitation that the person is providing you make sure they get straight to the point what is the status of that person in canada are they a vista or a student or a canadian citizen or a partner resident or a foreign worker these are things that are important the documentation must be there what is the other person's immigration status in canada if you have immigration status how can they be inviting you to come to canada they haven't even solved their own immigration problem they're inviting you to canada i've heard of that before and i just kind of laugh because japan doesn't have any immigration status in canada and it's even inviting you to come to canada there's a business for me to refuse if i'm the visa officer okay so it's very important all these documentation must be in the application package okay so we've talked about the letter of invitation now we've talked about proof of funds you have to be able to demonstrate that you have the money to cover your travel to canada and return back to your country after your visit you have the money the funds to pay for your you know living expenses while you're visiting canada after about two important things now the invitation letter the papa which is the purpose of your visit and i want to talk about the proof of funds who will be responsible for it is it you or the person that is inviting you the third thing i want to talk about which is very very important for your business visa applications most people get this wrong and when people come to me and tell me oh i applied for a business visa i was refused the first thing i go to is what ties you have in your country what ties do you have to your country oh i have my brother my sister i have my cousin there i have my parents there okay did you provide proof of this documentation proof of paper of these things that you've talked about this ties that you've talked about did you provide it to the visa officer oh i didn't include the best certificate i didn't improve you know documentation there are brothers and sisters in nigeria or you know in ghana or in dubai then how can we explain the visa officer to approve your application that's a very important factor you have to document your ties to your country that will motivate you to return back after your visit because they know that sometimes people come to canada and they don't want to return back when they see the good life here in canada they like they're like why should i return back but you have to demonstrate that you you return back it's very important because if everybody is able to come to canada on a business visa and stay here then it affects the integrity of the program so your visa application must be well documented and documented that you will definitely return back to your country the visa officer is looking at those applications scrutinizing it and looking at it whether you have ties to your country and one of the important things you have to first demonstrate is your family ties your brothers and sisters and how do you document this again i mentioned it earlier best certificates best certificates are important showing that you have siblings living there and if you have another documentation showing that they are living there that's important to include as well if you're a working professional employment ties is very important provide your proof of employment as part of your visa application what job are you doing there how much are you being paid how long have you been in that position if you've been there for a long period that's very good because it helps your application it shows that you have a stable job it shows that you have a permanent job you have a stable job that you'll be returning back to okay you have to get a leave application live live later it's very important they want to know even though you have a job do have you been approved for leave very very important if you have a live letter included as part of your application are you expected back at work when are you expected back at work this must be on the leave application leave letter if you have face stops pay stubs is very good too because it shows that you're being paid maybe it's on a monthly basis or every two weeks you're being paid in most african countries and some you know middle eastern countries you know we have clients from there everywhere we have clients from all parts of africa middle east south america and we've been helping a lot of people to come to canada so sometimes they have to provide us they have you know pay stubs some countries they don't use your pay stops that's fine but if your issue pay stubs in your country provider pay stops okay that's what i tell my clients sometimes a working professional may own their own own if you have tied to documents showing that you're the owner of the house or you're jointly owning the ads with your wife or your or your husband that documentation provided as well because it shows that you have a house ties to your to your country is very very important i can't overemphasize this ties to your to your country is very very important it's very very important very very important most of the refusals up here that i refuse the people that come to me for a consultation i see this regularly ties to their country they don't demonstrate that enough when i press on it press on it very hard then they tell me oh i have this i have that did you include it oh i didn't include it i didn't think it was important it's very important because you have to demonstrate your ties if you're coming for a visit it's for a temporary purpose there's a start date does that end it so how am i going to be sure as a visa officer that you're going to return back to your country demonstrate your ties to your country or your picture a place of residence if you have investments fixed investment or bank accounts it can be even a bank account that's fine provide documentation with regards to that if you have money in the bank account or investment certificates included you have shares in the company if you have a business and you're the owner of the company is a co incorporation for example you've got an incorporated company so if you are the majority owner or a minority owner provide documentation with you guys that your minority now is your majority or not to that call in our corporation and is a functioning company not the bogus company you have to measure is a real company is it a working company a company that is real that is operating a business on a daily basis so provide documentation business registration documents shares allotments all those things are important because it shows ties to your country you're not gonna if you if you're unable to demonstrate your country your afghan will be refused i see this a lot and one of the things i first asked people again like i've mentioned earlier is ties to your country did you what ties do you have to your country the reserves that is not going to be asking you you don't have the opportunity to go for a visa interview back in the days they will call you for an interview and ask you these questions and even though you may not have completely you know i've submitted those documentation the visuals have been actually okay send those documents in but now it's mostly paper applications paper applications online applications so you don't even have the opportunity to meet with the visa officer to ask you these questions talk less of even providing it today most visa applications now is online or by paper through a visa application center so you have to demonstrate yourself that your african is worthy of being approved you have to put your best foot forward when you're submitting your application don't forget important documents i hear this a lot oh i forgot to include this i forgot to include that that can lead to refusal one more thing i want to talk about travel history people always ask me this is travel history important yes travel history is important if you have traveled to a neighboring country or to even a five-way country a country that doesn't even require a visa and your passport has been stamped for exit and entry back to your country that you return back to your country by all means please include that as well it's very very important because it shows that you've always comply with other countries immigration requirements or visa restrictions or entry restrictions very important to include those information as part of your application and where can you find that information is on your travel passport so visitors visa applications there may be various purposes why you want to come to canada it may be for your family member or your relative like i mentioned earlier it may be for your conference some people have complicated you know pregnancies in the past maybe they want they believe that in canada they will be able to have you know all the america facilities that will ensure that they have a safe delivery maybe delivery there's nothing wrong with that but you have a letter from a doctor a gynecologist or a doctor that's going to be attending to you why you when you come to canada for america uh reason you have a letter from a doctor in canada an approved doctor not a quad doctor an approved doctor there'll be life center practice in canada a gynecologist or obstetrician you have a letter from them are you able to pay for that medical uh attention do you have the money have you paid for it if you paid for it provide the research included as part of the application if you haven't paid for it you have money in the bank account enough money the rest are sure the obvious officer will check whether you have the money in your bank account you have the authority to check your documentation when you sign the application you've given them the right to poke their notes into those documentation and determine whether it's genuine they can call the bank and find other information some people want to submit fake documents fake documents will lead to refusal and five-year ban five-year ban from canada if you miss represent a material precipitation misrepresentation will lead to refusal and a five year back from canada so make sure you submit your new document so if it's a medical reason provide the documentation with regards to that the ones that i mentioned and if you have a doctor in your country of origin that also recommends that you travel back you travel to canada for that medical attention or delivery of your baby provide that documentation as well so i've mentioned a few things today just to recap number one purpose of visits you have to be able to demonstrate that that can be in the form of an invitation letter or conference letter or it could be with a medical reason that's very important to provide you know the documentation with regards to that and why it is necessary while you're coming to canada to deliver your baby or to do this particular surgery is very important i've talked about proof of funds you have to have money everything costs money buying a ticket costs money during your visit you have you spend money it's all about money it's important canada wants people to come and visit but you have to be able to demonstrate that you have enough money to come to canada and transport yourself back to canada to your country of origin and also spend money while you're here and i've talked about ties to your country of origin kind of documentation you need to provide and i've talked about travel history very important to include distance and i pray that when you come to visit canada you will like it so much and then you come to canada again and spend more money and the efforts to develop canada okay i hope you enjoyed today's youtube video don't forget to subscribe and tell your friends about us okay and if you have any questions with regards to visa applications for visits visit us visa applications how to package it or you want us to represent you or you have questions about it you can contact us on our whatsapp number it's plus one six one three seven nine nine seven five seven two again i'll repeat it because i know some people can miss numbers so i'll repeat it again on our whatsapp number is plus one six one three seven nine nine seven five seven two [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign
Channel: Olalere Law Office
Views: 11,023
Rating: 4.9433427 out of 5
Keywords: Canadian immigration, visiting Canada, How to submit a Canadian visitor visa, Canada visitor visa, Canada study visa, Canada work permit, Canada permanent residence, Canada citizenship, Canada sponsorship, Olalere Law Office, Canadian immigration lawyer, Canada appeal
Id: 5K9t1sKVS48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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