Canada Visa Rejected / Refused - How does IRCC process visa applications?

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[Applause] my name is reza i'm licensed here in canada to handle immigration and we're going to cover the top three visa secrets for canadian applications right so you do apply for your study permanent work permit or visitor visa there's a few things that you need to know so let's start with number one a lot of the times the officers don't even look at your application yeah that's a fact that's a that's a reality they don't if you guys think if everybody out there thinks that hey they're gonna read through every single line that i submit with supporting documents applications letters you're seriously wrong for regular visas study permits work permits they don't put the time in especially high volume embassies and high refusal regions so keep that in mind when you're applying especially from high refusal regions they may not even look at it too much okay second they're using artificial intelligence in certain embassies the regions to process your visas right and load the balancing what does that mean a human is not i'm not looking at every application a computer system using optical character recognition is actually going to be looking at specific keywords on your application forms specifically and cross checking against your previous history with canadian or u.s or whatever immigration and all your refusals right if you've been refused a couple times the ai is just gonna suggest so it's a computer-assisted human making model right so the computer is going to give you a rating and be like you know this is probably a not a good case the human will take a look and be like yeah you're right it's a refusal secret number three secret number three is the canadian government especially the immigration department does not want you to take your case to court why okay so this is a letter from one of our one of our clients which we applied right what happened their study permit was refused and it was trivial refusal the person already had a canadian visa or did at one point and the study permit was refused why because they're coming from a high refusal feature the canadian government does not want to take this to federal court if they know you they're going to lose the case because this information will become public and it will set the asset a precedent they don't want that so if you have a strong case and you're being refused a visa a study permit warfare or whatever then you can take it to the department of justice apply for an appeal a judicial review and they will come and negotiate with you they will not let it go to federal court so the ones they know that they will lose because going back to number one what we mentioned today sometimes officers a lot of the times they don't look at the damn applications they're not looking at them in a lot of the high refusal regions right they know that here so when you do an appeal they know okay okay okay we're ready to negotiate right and this is the lighter you'll receive we're ready to remove the refusal have an officer actually look at it and a senior officer will look at it and this time a human will actually look at it not ai not some stupid other system right some random system so that was secret number three folks so that's what that was the three secrets okay remember to like this video and connect with us through our social media special our youtube and our website to get receive a free assessment
Channel: INGWE Canada
Views: 53,923
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Id: SjshTjMxORI
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Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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