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hallelujah if we say in the name of jesus you say amen and you keep quiet now ushers those people that still need some time of just take them to the corridor so they can express themselves in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] hallelujah i understand that there is someone here in our midst you were present yesterday evening and when you got home when you got to where you were going to rest you realize you were healed so where's that person come the holy ghost spoke to me while i sat down pastor find out what happened to you something is going to happen today a new thing will begin in eastern nigeria this night [Music] he was supposed to come out for the testimony yesterday but he didn't come out but he slept and woke up and found out that his leg has been healed okay [Applause] the miracle is permanent in the name of jesus so god healed him of salt root for long when he slept he woke up the healing has been perfected now what what's that sour truth okay so you slept woke up and it has gone can we [Applause] something will happen today i don't want you to miss out of what god wants to do so i want to take time even though i will not be talking for long but i will pray a prayer what happened to the brother he said when you pray for people that have issues with their ears with their ears he wasn't totally deaf but he had a sound and disturbance in the ear when he slept and woke up his ear popped open [Applause] the lord has decided to show us mercy this morning when we pray he will answer us that he had growth in his eyes he had a growth in his eyes yes so when you prayed for people that had eye issues he went back slept and found out that the growth has been materialized the growth had disappeared overnight [Applause] somebody give him glory give him praise [Applause] so let us pray lord this morning we ask for your help we ask that you bring about intervention in our affairs set us apart to do your will and let your name be glorified in jesus name you may be seated ecclesiastes chapter 11 now bro feel this speaker to this my brothers and sisters are they connect here is there a speaker for you people one okay so um how can we put this one here only this one is enough for me what where are your this one if the cord is sufficient put it here okay this is the length that you can afford okay thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth that's one scripture second scripture genesis chapter 8 genesis chapter 8. from verse 20. okay let's begin from verse 18 and noah went forth and his sons and his wife and his son's wives with him every beast every creeping thing every fowl and whatsoever creeped upon the earth after their kinds went forth out of the ark and noah builded an altar unto the lord and took of every clean fowl and every clean every clean beast and every clean fowl and offered burnt offerings on the altar and a sweet smell and the lord smelled a sweet server and the lord said in his heart as i have done while the every minute seed time [Music] and harvest and cold and heat shall not see hallelujah god was about to begin a new creation and this new creation is typified by the transition of noah before the flood and after the floor and the only thing that survived from the new into the old was that which was hidden within the act that noah constructed and when noah was about to begin the new civilization part of what he did when he came out of the act he did something that you and i would have not done if we were in his shoes what he did was that he began the new civilization with a with priesthood noah had saved the life of creatures for 40 days and 40 nights only for him to come and offer them as a sacrifice the man wanted to secure a commitment from god as to the terms and conditions that will allow for longevity within the new framework that god was building and the most intelligent thing that had to be done was to erect an altar the bible reveals that the impact of the altar produced a sweet smell that god smelled and god spoke because at the heart of any civilization that god wants to begin is the decree of god is a decree of god that sets in motion all the variables that need to interplay to work differently in order to provide platform for the administration of the intentions of god this man was trying to engage heaven to extract a commitment from god such a commitment that will sustain the new possibilities that were enshrined in the new creation i'd like us to take a study a closer look at the efforts of noah and the outcome of his efforts of priesthood if you are still here say amen so if i say now that whenever you are beginning something new according to noah's example you begin it with with priesthood you begin it with sacrifice in order for you to secure god's commitment in that endeavor that you want to begin to prosecute you want to start a new business you just begin a new initiative you were given a job and you're just beginning you just started marriage anything that is new at all according to this example it is wise for you to sacrifice unto the lord and the reason for sacrificing is so that you can extract a commitment from god which is captured in his voice when he speaks reciprocating the efforts of your sacrifice towards him any man that begins any venture without god's commitment any man that begins any initiative without god's support any man that begins anything whatsoever without the blessings of god is going to crash land somewhere in the process and so noah even though he had preserved these creatures for 40 days and 40 nights when he came he preserved them to sacrifice them and in in from his own perspective it was a worthy investment to sacrifice those creatures so that he could get a commitment from god do you realize what noah is doing here i don't think you do because there are some creatures that we we never saw again because they became victims of this sacrificial procedure meanwhile the man kept them 40 days not give them rights they were eating only for him to sacrifice them out of 40 years i will tell you the implication of that which noah did and i pray that your life will not be without sacrifice there is nothing you can change you want to administer a change you want to bring about a reform and you are doing it without sacrifice you are playing this civilization called the natural realm is a victim of spiritual transactions and this man knew that there can be no continuing generations ahead of him if he doesn't secure a commitment from god and so his sacrifice i'd like you to see and interpret noah's efforts adequately if you are staying with me say amen okay verse 20 genesis 8 20. now listen and noah builded an altar unto the lord and took of every clean beast and of every clean fowl and offered bond offerings on the altar we are trying to understand this man's priesthood if you are a good bible student you will know the first time animals in the animal kingdom were classified into clean and unclean was in the day of moses just in case you're a bible student you will know that god gave a classification of creatures that were clean and creatures that were unclean in the day of moses and no one existed we we we even before abraham so the first question is how did no one know that some creatures were clean okay there's no answer how did no one know that some creatures were classified as clean because the chat that ultimately came through the ministry of moses who was not yet available first question okay let me reduce it you can't understand me so let's forget about this scripture we'll go to the one you can understand it seems you don't like the bible you have missed this one now if maybe the next 15 years if god wants to open your understanding maybe he will help you with what i wanted to tell you here but you you are not interested so we'll go back to ecclesiastes chapter 11 and then we'll pray let me try again [Applause] wait so the first question is how did he know that there was such a classification because god had not yet formally established that at this time this was the result of you know when noah was in that act for 40 days and 40 nights he was in communion with god part of the things that he extracted from the communion time of 40 days and 40 nights was this taxonomy this kind of classification number two noah did not sacrifice every creature it was only clean creatures in sacrifice the next question is what is the definition of a clean creature and how did that impact upon his act of intercession in this scripture but when you read your bible you need to be thinking now why is it like this is this the only way you can be you're not with me okay imagine an 18-seater boss they call it woman homer boss the type you use to go to lagos and it is fully loaded sound engine good driver and the car hits the road and then he has an accident tumbles four times three people in the vehicle die one his call breaks another one has a broken hand three broken legs and four others in the bus came out without a scratch they just came out nothing happened to them meanwhile people died in that vehicle are you with me now the question i have to ask is were there in the vehicle but the impact that the crash had on each person was different depending on where they were sitting and depending on the angle of impact as the case may be that was how it was during the fall of man man was the regulator the key that will regulate this visible creation so when man fell by an act of rebellion what happened was that creation fell with him and when we say the fall of man we are saying or the fall of creation or the old creation we are saying that the manual that was supposed to administer harmony to that creation was withdrawn so the creation was operating without a manual the purpose that was captured within that creation could no longer be fulfilled because the manual was withdrawn from the creation and right now the creation has gone hellwire normally insects most insects draw their food from flowers is mosquito and insects but when they fall came mosquito that was about to be drawing food from flowers takes blood see the manual is lost it has a different administration a different outlook a different agenda that's what happens to happen to the creation on the account of the fall but what i'm trying to say this morning is that the impact of the fall on each creature is was different the clean creatures were the creatures that retained their manual they retained the way their outlook the way they were designed to function in spite of the fall the fall did not affect the clean creatures they were immune from the consequences of the fall mysteriously and are you here you're not with me stay with me all right it is this clean creatures that noah offered as a sacrifice so what is the implication of that offering noah was saying god we don't know why the fall did not affect these scriptures but we are offering them to you so that we could stabilize our future the same way the fall had no effect on these creatures guarantee that they fall will not have effect on our future so what god now said stay with me stay with me stick what god now said was that okay i hear what you are saying i'm going to hold some variables constant if you know how to deal with the value bruce properly you your future will be predicted so he gave us verse 22. these are the variables that god is going to hold constant he said while they actually minute if your bible is not borrowed on that line while the agreement these these constants these possibilities are only consistent with that provision while the act remained seat time and harvest shall not cease cold and heat shall not seize summer and winter shall not seize day and night shall not see so there were four variables that god was going to hold constant and if we know how to deal properly with these variables the outcome will be predictable now take a look take a good look at those variables again and show us the variables that we can influence can you influence day and night only one man was given authority to influence that and it took a day out of february the name of that man is joshua since that time that authority has been withdrawn can you influence the day hamatan will come cold and heat it is held up by the sovereignty of god what again do we have then summer and winter you have no that doesn't concern you it's only people in europe that know what winter is and i assure you you don't want it the only variable you can control here is sit time and heaven see time and what oh you are not with me you want to continue the way you are i'm showing you yes i will hold i will not show you after two years when you are really hungry then we will look into the case most of us in this room our concept of sowing and raving is old testament because in the new testament the perspective of sowing and raping is a bit different but the principle still remains just like in the old testament circumcision was an external thing in the new testament we still have circumcision but the implication and the meaning of circumcision is something of the heart so all true scriptural circumcision is a constant but the application of the word circumcision in the old testament and the meaning is different from what it means in the new are you there all right so the same thing with sowing sowing and raping is a constant but the meaning it has in the new testament is slightly different from its meaning in the old testament the concept of sowing and reaping in the new testament has to do with where you sow where and there are actually two possible locations where you can commit your sowing and the effect of such commitment is also revealed in the scripture according to the scripture you are either sowing into the spirit or you are sowing into the flesh even though you will still receive a harvest with time you are not with me for instance are you here so while i was sitting here jeff loss was ministering and he began to come to my heart a setting man of god in a certain place it began to come to my heart that i need to sow a seed into his life why not you see it is the spirit that brought the need to commit to that man's ministry so if i commit to the man's ministry i am responding to something that the spirit of god prepared in my heart so that obedience is a commitment to the spirit are you with me you are not with me it's a commitment the bible says that those that sow into the spirit will of the spirit reap life the scriptures also say those that sow into the flesh will off the flesh report corruption so there are two options of what you can get if you decide to follow this principle it might still be taken out of your substance but you see the question is who are you obeying because even if i was not led and i give a man of god a gift at least i have assurance of 30-fold return are you with me 34 so the least i can get just doing good to someone that god is interested in is a 34 benefit and this 30-foot benefit doesn't necessarily need to be financial but it's a law just like we have the law of gravity once you you if i jump up now there is no other direction that i will fall back brought to the ground because of the law of gravity so if i decide to sow a seed and i was not led but i just sowed a seed to someone that god is interested in according to the law there is a measure of life i'm going to reap because of that response but if it happens to be that is the spirit of god that led me i am entitled to a 100-fold return because it is a law it is available in the realm of the spirit and i have engaged it and his faithfulness will play out in my life now you may not know how critical it is but when you decide to offer a sacrifice you are engaging in law and that was why it was impossible for god not to respond to noah because noah was intelligent enough to know that in the realm of the spirit there are laws and he played into one of the laws which is a law of sacrifice and god responded to him and said all right i'm going to make these things constant for you if you know how to interact with the things that i make constant but by the reason of my sovereignty you'll be able to predict your future the second scripture i read is in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 11. just like my brother here i have seen his commitment in the place of prayer he's sowing into the spirit right now it doesn't look as if what he's doing is reasonable until you do it for 10 years then you will see the food i know you are seeing some results but that's those ones are encouragement it's not the real are not here you know it is not the routine you are seeing some results and god is encouraging you this thing you have started if you can push it for 10 years the impact of the spiritual principle you have engaged you are going to see it literally because you are sowing into the spirit now there is there is politics in the spirit in terms of how long you need to sow before you get a feedback that one is not given to you to know the last man that carried the mantle of revival in my city and the moment the mantle got to him for like three years then he died so he didn't hold that mantle for long so i called the son of the man and i brought him to my house saved him food then i asked him just a few questions what was your father's routine spiritual routine on a daily basis say well this is how this time he prays this time he prays this i was writing this is how he operated i said okay i doubled it in my own life and i said all right how many years did it take him to crack this city say seven okay so i started doing that first year i was setting that after seven years i will see the same impact the same effect that the man's priesthood produced i was certain that in seven years time i would see the same impact instead of a breakthrough seven pastors betrayed me on the seventh year it means the time you are now with me it means my calculation my evaluation of how long i will maintain that sacrifice that it will produce a repercussion was wrong because you cannot you cannot understand cerebrally you cannot use a mathematical formula to know it it is something that the government of heaven will have to set up so when we got to seven years instead of a breakthrough i saw a feedback of betrayal then i knew that my calculations were wrong but i knew the principle i was operating was right but my calculations were wrong and you see it is quite difficult when you don't know how long it will take especially in a pioneer situation you what you have done what you are doing now i have done it so you are encouraged me when i started doing that thing you don't understand i needed a formula to to give me an idea of my expectation within a certain framework of time and my calculations were wrong satan visited on the seventh year i put myself together and i continued i began to press meanwhile i didn't know that heaven had put it for 12 years because when i said okay seven failed it's okay maybe it's 14 so i was now doing seven times seven there is no mathematical formula that can be accurate it was 12. what you are doing today that you are doing every day all right people know you for doing that thing a day we come here we do the same thing not greater the same thing and that that day when you do it it will go all over the world 12 years of consistent investment in the spirit produced a repercussion the 12th year was the coffee day which is last year what happened i was a public servant and i came back for weekend to check my family and when i checked my family i wanted to go back i heard that all the roads across the states were blocked so i began to do my work from home and i said how would we be at home just like that let's be doing program i said okay then we started police came and arrested me and said you have broken the law of covet meanwhile we didn't break any law the law was 30 people in an enclosed place and we were 15 and the policeman still insisted that he wanted to arrest so one of our pastors now says okay him he gives himself for a rest leave my senior pastor so we went to build him for ten thousand later you will think we'll stop no we continue the next day police came again and said they had reliable information that were breaking the law i said okay what okay what is the law you came to check whether it's broken they say a minimum of 30 people who were 12. so he said the problem now is that he spent money to come here that's the problem the crime now is that he spent his own money to come and that's a crime so we now look for his transport money we gave him the money he spent and then gave him another money so we have the crime has finished he went back so police refused to come after that time we continued for 80 days on the 80th day they brought a crippled lady to the place meanwhile that's not the first people i prayed for at seven years ago eight years ago i started seeing cripples walk when i pray for them have you seen a madman come back to senate and all that and it happens regularly the fact that there were miracles didn't make the ministry grow because i know you're a power man power doesn't necessarily make ministry go i know you want power all of you here that's why you're here you want power to go back and say shake it to satan now listen to me sit down let me tell you let me tell you power will not make your ministry grow even if you raise the debt pray for dead people and they grow then they rise up your ministry will be the way it is i'm assuring you on the 80th day of the meeting they brought that i prayed for her she started walking that was a that that was a miracle that went around the globe and people's hearts were open to our ministry and when i calculated it it was 12 years of investment there is no formula with which you can know if we strike for this long it will produce this result the guarantee is that part of the predictable laws that god made available to noah on the strength of his sacrifice was that seed plus time equals harvest but that time is a variable it's x it's a component x and that's why if you lose your commitment to faithfulness you will miss x your your x will become x y may the lord give you understanding i have a lot of stories to tell us but they'll be weaved into the scriptures so that you can understand where god is taking you as a ministry don't you there is an x but only god knows it and it is your faithfulness that will keep you navigating until you strike that x meanwhile god will provide enough encouragement to make you know that he has not abandoned you but there is an x when you arrive at that ex you entered into a guaranteed economy of the grace of god some things will no longer be prayer points in your life because you have stayed enough to fulfill that circle the true meaning of sowing and raping even though if you apply it on other fronts it's not geologically wrong but from the perspective of the new testament is a commitment to sow into the spirit when you keep sowing into the spirit you keep sowing into the spirit you keep sowing into the spirit you will reap life now i need to tell you a few things here there are a few currencies that you must be acquainted with when the day of return of investment begins to find expression god will give a few things one of which is influence influence the currency of greatness that this thing you are doing now okay this thing you are doing no no no don't stand up no something this thing you are doing a time will come where it will produce influence this thing you are doing a time will come where god will give you a voice these are the products that you are going to find at the end of this tunnel one is influence i hope you know someone can be in a village and he's a quiet man in the village until he wins an election to become a local government chairman then angels and demons will begin to visit him the reason is because the spirit world is concerned about influence the man has entered into a capacity that gives him influence within his locality heaven is interested in influence how he will use that influence because that influence is currency it can be used to adorn the kingdom of god or to adorn the kingdom of darkness spirits are interested whether the man knows it or not whether he was educated or not whether he was discipled about this matter or not just entering that position that platform makes him a haunted specie god will be interested in him satan will be interested in him and most of the time satan wins that but in the political front then he begins to use the influence to administer a plan that was hashed in the belly of satan influence is one of the currencies that god makes available when a man sows consistently into the spirit now if you enter into influence without god's ordination that's the short way for destruction because you will not have the capacity to withstand the pressures that are going to come at that level and because you don't have the capacity to consistently refuse to align with that which is flesh with that which is worldly so that you can use your influence to advance the frontiers of the kingdom of god you become a victim of that influence i've seen a lot of young men that are striving for influence and it is obvious that they don't have the discipline they have not been faithful in prosecuting priesthood and sowing consistently into life and then they are pushing their way using social media to get recognition and get influence the influence can come but like i told you if the local government chairman has not yet been trained to understand how to fast for 40 days and 40 nights and to keep his spirit steady and to hear the voice of god and he comes into that place of influence he's he's 100 going to serve the death his undoing will be that influence he would have been a better man that was better off without that influence are you with me because he entered into the corridor of influence without adequate preparation so the thing about sowing into the spirit is that god is going to regulate when he brings you into limelight and that is safe for you because you will have the capacity to stand before governors if you stand before a governor and you lie it means you you have not you didn't fulfill your time in the cave you can stand before them and they'll look small because your time in the cave was accomplished god has given you you are a you are a big man in a small body you are large in the spirit and the throne that god has put you is more is bigger than the throne of the governor of that state so when the government comes to you you can tell him that you slept with people's wives and god is offended if you can't say that the influence you have you entered into it another way if he took truth away from you you become a politician you become dicey it's a proof that your feet is not strong you did not carry sufficiently in the place of labor in order for you to come out a prince in your territory influence i went to minister in ghana and as i was ministering in that healing service about five to seven cripples began to walk a few from the wheelchairs a few with crutches and all kinds of miracles took place and there were politicians in the place and they came to me and said can we take you to the president of this country and i told them no that jesus did not tell me that i will be seeing the president you know i don't make any mistake to stand before any political figure without a being sent without giving a message from jesus if you do that it means you are desperate for influence and god won't allow you speak to any politician all your ministry i said that's not why i came and jesus did not tell me he was sending me to any politician the people were disappointed because they knew how old are you how old is when old men don't create what god is not making available you can go there they give you some dollars and say okay we believe in what you are doing you know politicians know how to talk those dollars you collect there that jesus did not approve you to even meet the person in the first place that's the end of dollars there are some dollars you you collect and you will spend naira all your life thereafter because you accepted some influence which god was not giving you so jesus did not tell me that he was taking me to any commissioner to pray or any any so i went back because i was not interested in generating influence for myself if god by his own wisdom because i have seen god he has he's told me about some ministers of the gospel in this country it took 20 years before he orchestrated our connection and it was not me that did it was the people that did the connection not me it's more honorable for you to be invited to a table than for you to be scheming to enter there and then they now make you a great man you have come up there's a gate there you man the gate influence is one of the outcomes that will manifest in the season when your compliance is considered adequate that's one two another outcome is that the lord gives you a voice people in different places in different nations are willing to listen to you because there's something that god has put in your voice that is relevant to them beyond your locality beyond your boundary pastor if you go to london and you plant a church in london and the members that come to that church are evil people and you go to austria you plant a church in austria and the members that come to that church are evil people and you go to switzerland and you plant a church in switzerland and the people that come there are able people you don't have an international ministry you have a call to the able nation that's not an idiot okay let me you don't like my talk it means what you have is only relevant to him people that's not an international ministry that is just a mantle to the ibo nation so even if god if more people in london you are going there they respond to the mountain even people in usher you go there they respond to them even people in switzerland you go there they respond to the mantle but there is no other people group on the face of the earth that is attracted to what you have because you are not relevant to them when god raises a voice that voice cuts across tribes it is multilingual it is multinational it is multi-racial there is an ingredient that god will put in your voice that will make your voice have that level of reach and that is one of the signs that you fulfilled your time in the cave and you did not attempt to promote yourself some people i went somewhere and some ministers um [Music] hallelujah it was brazil and i saw pastors from nigeria in brazil they came to brazil both tickets came to brazil without invitation and then they were hawking for preaching engagement i will that is demeaning that is an insult on the calling you pay for your ticket go to a country and then be asking persons can i take wednesday what on thursday are you free on friday may the lord may the lord give understanding i saw meanwhile these people i know them back home they boast about international ministry that they are everywhere in the world you know i saw them hawking pleading for wednesday you see by the time you leave this country you find out that there's no country that has food like nigeria there's no food anywhere so mostly women for men who have discovered there's no food anywhere they have open restaurants everywhere in the world so that's where we meet we that are from africa all of all the preachers that are around that time who that telugu woman all of us with because you can't eat any other things that's when i know who came to the land and it is in that woman's restaurant they look for opportunities because the pastors will bring the people pastors will bring the people pastors so all of us will now meet and then can i take wednesday i'm surrounded i i discovered these were men that refused to sow in the spirit their language is the language of corruption they are doing what the holy ghost is not doing through them may not give you understand that is a proof that there is no voice if indeed god raises a voice it will have multi-lingual penetration multiracial penetration and multinational penetration number three one of the evidences that we accompany you if you fulfill your time in the place of sowing into the spirit is that god will give you power power meanwhile that's not where i'm going those are just by the way in the book of ecclesiastes 11 verse 1 the bible says cast your bread upon the waters for thou shalt find it after many days can you interpret this this is genesis 8 22 as long as it remains seed time plus seed plus time equals exactly so caster bread upon the water that seed thou shall find it after many days plus time equals find harvest exactly but this scripture takes us further beyond this and it is beyond this principle i want to show you something that exists beyond the sowing and reaping principle next verse people never reach here people do verse one cast thy bread upon the waters you shall find it after many days only very few people reach verse 2 in their life if they give a portion to what's the meaning of 7 because this scripture employs the interpretation of bible numerals give a person to 7 and also to eight why is he giving this instruction for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth that's the reason for which is given the instruction give a portion to seven and also what why because you don't know what evil will be upon the earth you know i told you to underline something what was it the principle of seed time and harvest is only true as long as the earth endures that means if the earth is no longer in place that principle is canceled exactly this second principle we are seeing in verse 2 can operate even if the eight is not there is a given person to seven and also to eight why because thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth so the second principle takes us beyond it is not the act that makes it work it's another economy beyond the earth okay you didn't get that all right we'll let's let's do verse one we'll just do verse one then we'll pray there are several people on edge several ministers on earth the reason why they are relevant is because the the earth is still available most of the the principles that their life operates on is connected to the ability of the act to endure and they are another category of people that have entered into an economy and this economy can produce results even if the earth were not there meanwhile two of them are sowing is still the principle of sowing and reaping cast thy bread upon the waters you shall find it after many days is the principle of sowing and it is consistent with one of the promises that god gave to noah on the basis of his own sacrifice but there is an economy that is higher than that it is only when you are faithful in that inner chamber that god will show you the secret of this one all right um who knows the meaning of seven give a portion to seven what perfection okay what is eight new beginning so seven is perfection seven means complete and then eight means another beginning has resulted so this man is saying that there are spiritual principles that you can practice that will ensure that when a season ends you will be part of the new season that is starting now many ministers ministry are seasonal if you are sensitive you will know that several ministries have already closed down their shelf life has expired i don't want to as if we were only ministers here i would have gone further but i will not go further because the lord will help us you see a man can still be running a ministry are you with me and the chef life has expired it's not as if the man will die he can continue that thing for 20 years but he no longer has a voice that can give direction to the body of christ he's not in the cutting edge of what god is doing he's just doing something it means he became a victim of seasons and he was not giving a portion to it and that was why his ministry is not featured in the new things that god was doing i don't want to aspire so i will show you what to do in order for you to feature in the new most of i don't know how to say this anyway okay let me be plain i have a clique of friends there are very few people but they are very spiritual people and this is what the lord has said through one of them this one is an accurate prophet don't worry you can take these words to the bank the lord revealed that this month september will end the old cycle and we begin the new cycle that means that means after this month it will be clear the new leaders that god has raised in the body of christ that the the the people that have given portions to it it will be very very clear the people that are calling the shots within the region after this moment and that's the reason why i brought this scripture he said give a portion to seven and also to it for thou knowest not what evil shall come upon the earth the people that will feature in the eighth are people whose sowing is not tied to the earth but sowing their sowing is tied to a need that is on the heart of god come with me to the book of matthew chapter 26 and we'll be able to expansion on the issues of emphasis and i trust that god will help us in the name of jesus you know in the drama we have we can have acts one scene one is it true acts two as one scene two and acts one scene three so if you know basic drama you can understand matthew chapter 26 in matthew chapter 26 verse 1 we see acts 1 scene 1. please take note and it came to pass when jesus had finished all these sayings that he said unto his disciples next verse ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover and the son of man is betrayed to be crucified this acts one same one how many people were in this room jesus and his disciples so that means there were 13 people and what did jesus say to them you know that after two days is the feast of the passover and the son of man is betrayed to be crucified that's one thing one and the way it was done here are you here all right so let's go to accident one scene two yes next verse then assemble together the chief priests and the scribes and the elders of the people unto the palace of the high priest who was called caiaphas next verse and consulted that they might take jesus by certainty and what killed him this acts one sin two the thing that jesus was prophesying the administration that will bring it to pass was also conferring together and they did not communicate with each other the guys in that's once in one they are not here the guys in swansea one had no communication with the guys in actual scene two that were happening simultaneously in keeping with what was about to happen that jesus prophesied about are you with me so this is acts 1 scene 2. acts 1 scene 3 begins from verse 6 so you can jump to exist now let us finish verse 5 so that you will understand the plan but they said not on the fifth day lest there be an uproar among the people this is the meeting that took place the meeting of the sanhedrin are you here now what was this consideration if they were saying they were saying okay we have to kill jesus and concerning killing jesus all of them agreed the only contention was the day to kill him and some of the members of the sanhedrin says not on the fifth day lest there be an opera among them it means that the question or the argument was not about killing jesus killing jesus must happen but the day of the killing is what they are still trying to sort out meanwhile jesus said yet two days is the feast of the passover and the son of man is betrayed to be crucified verse six you may volume on your keyboard now this is acts 1 3 when jesus was in bethany in the house of simon the leper why was he called simon he was one of the leprous men that jesus healed but people had known him in the city with his affliction so much so and that was the way that differentiate him from other assignments he was simon the one that was taken by leprosy even though jesus healed him of the leprosy he was still his name did not leave he was still simon if he was still with leprosy nobody would come to his house there were strong hygiene laws that moses gave to the children of israel to ensure that if there's an epidemic it should not spread among the people part of the hygiene requirements was to ostracize people that have infectious diseases and leprosy was one of them jesus healed simon of his leprosy but his name simon the leper was retained now jesus was visiting his house in bethel and they came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment and poured it on his head as they sat at meat simon the leper if he was still grateful for the miracle that jesus did to him the moment jesus came into the place meanwhile according to hebrew culture there is a servant that stands by the dog because it is a desert place the moment you enter into the compound the servant washes your feet and wipes it with a towel that's part of the hygiene laws that were given but jesus walked into simon's house and because jesus simon no longer valued his healing he did not consider that jesus's feet should be attended and jesus came in like that and sat and they were giving him food to eat then this woman shows up the woman shows up with an alabaster box according to hebrew culture the thing that happened that day was supposed to happen on the woman's wedding day because what happens is this when a woman in hebrew culture begins to reach the age of marriage she sends gathers all the resources she can have based on her stature in society and sends to arabia to get a perfume but those days perfumes were in boxes they were cocked in boxes so the moment you unveil the you can no longer valid back so you use it you waste it you squander all of it the moment is over normally when wedding ceremonies are held after the bright price is paid the young damsel will unveil alabaster the box and pour out the perfume on the husband that by saying this is how i'm going to waste on your life this is my own life now all of it will waste on you it will be used to outdone you it will give you children and as i've given you children my shape will be changing as i am cooking for you i'll be becoming black and old but my life will waste it is normally done on weddings this woman came into the place with an alabaster box of precious ointment he poured it upon the head of jesus meanwhile they were eating them next scripture meanwhile before i go to the next scripture i need to ask why did she do it there was no wedding that there are two times that it can be done is it that during a wedding or during a barrier the type that it is the head the anoint it is wedding the type that it is the body the anoint it is barrier so what she did here was the kind of stuff that takes place in wedding please help me why did the woman do this what was her motivation because she was not ready stay with me are you with me next verse but when his disciples saw it they had indignation saying to what purpose is this waste seeing that there was nobody the interpretation of the apostles was to what purpose is this waste the apostles called it waste if we read the look and account you will see that judas did not say lord judah say it is a waste that means people that have not said lord to jesus when you are wasting like this they will say you are wisdom if and then the other apostles in the book of luke says lord it is a waste even some believers that don't understand too we say waste and here they are asking a question are you here let me show you the question they are not asking before i show you the one they are asking they said to what purpose is this wish that means they don't need they have already evaluated and it is waste so they are not asking whether it is a waste or not they are saying they know it is a waste now they are asking what is the purpose do you see remember acts 1 1 what was the prophecy jesus in two days time will be killed acts one thing two the people that will kill him were also they had agreed that they will kill him the only thing that we're arguing about was the day and then the woman now comes with an alarm buster box since it was not a wedding she was not going to gain from the sowing that's soy she had no game so why did she give she was giving a portion to it stay with me stay with me still when you give a person to it you are not giving to receive you are given to meet a need on the heart of god what you are doing you are giving to meet a need on the heart of god had desired that in the heart of the east all tasks like this will rise at this time believers that don't understand will look at you and say it is a waste even non-believers who are wisdom but the people that came and the disciples were not asking whether it was a waste or not they already knew in their own estimation it was a waste but what they were trying to find out was the purpose what was the woman's motivation to unveil her box when it was not awarded this was the same woman from whom seven demons were casted out and this was a woman that valued jesus in the heart the simon the leper that jesus healed did not value him enough to wash his feet but the woman the value he had for jesus was beyond her box and she was saying that even if i married tomorrow my husband would not have impacted my life like this one so she was willing to unveil her books upon him because of a revelation of the value of jesus anytime people waste on jesus is because they have discerned the value of jesus when you see a pastor that is calculating his everything is calculation he doesn't want to take any risk it's because he doesn't value jesus when men begin to value jesus what will happen naturally is that they will begin to waste upon him nobody told this woman that there was a need nobody told this woman that there was a barrier nobody told this woman that they were planning to kill jesus but since the disciples asked to what purpose is this waste next verse [Music] for this ointment might have been sold for much and given to the poor this is judah's statement read on the bible says when jesus understood it that means he just did not understand the meaning of what was happening for some time he was recalculating it analyzing it so when you begin to waste on jesus the result doesn't come quickly because he needs to analyze he needs to understand it he's analyzing the impact the meaning he will not just stand up and say hey no he said when he understood that adjective of time when the impact and the result of what you are doing will not come until that when jesus has understood it when jesus understood it he said unto them why trouble eat this woman because at some point if you read it from the account of luke some of the priests that were there the pharisees there they said if this man were a prophet he would have known what kind of woman has done this unto him that means because of this somebody actually evaluated and said jesus was not a prophet if this man were a prophet say no he is not a prophet because if he were he should have known the kind of woman that is doing this unto him can you see that the purpose of what he was doing was missed so jesus now said don't trouble the woman for she has wrought a good work upon me next verse for ye have the poor with you but me he have not always nice verse for in that she had poured this oil on my body she did it for my belly that's wait wait the type they do for barrier is on the body of the body not on the head the type they do for wedding is on the head but you see the thing was so much that when he touched jesus's head it dripped on his body the people only saw the head part they didn't see the body part the day people came according to the custom of the lord to anoint jesus body he was already risen so jesus was anointed beforehand this need was not announced in church the need for jesus to be announced anointed was not announced anywhere acts once in one and acts once in two did not meet but in acts 1 3 we see somebody that was bringing a need bringing oil to meet a need that was not announced the need only existed on the heart of god and the woman brought her resources to meet that need and you know jesus didn't understand it quickly so she was still pointing just like your point keep going you will receive comments from the congregation that this young is too much is this this is how they do it you will die inside and all kinds of comments it is because there is no understanding when jesus understood he said that the woman had prepared me for my burial so jesus was anointed beforehand for his barrier because he was going to rise from the dead but i want to draw your attention to something quickly when jesus was to be anointed for his barrier it was a woman that anointed when jesus rose from the dead and he wanted someone to send to his brethren it was a woman he sent you know the church of our day say women can be called women cannot be in the five foot ministry have you studied your bible when paul says greet junior noted or notable among the apostles junior was a lady but among the apostles paul acknowledged that he was notable i don't want to go further do you realize that when jesus rose in the garden looking for a messenger to send to the apostles that were hiding say good he commissioned the woman first person in commission after his resurrection oh my god i don't want to go for that but this woman anointed him beforehand the third day after they suffered when they brought anointing to anoint the body the body was no longer there it is not every time people can anoint the body the time some people will say okay we are ready now he will no longer be available give a portion to seven and to eight let us see the result of the woman's giving it was no longer as long as the earth remained it was wherever the gospel is preached the platform is different wherever the gospel is preached this act that this woman has done shall be reckoned as a memorial oh they are memorials in heaven the flames of some witnesses will be burning for eternity those ones did not give to meet needs they gave to satisfy a desire on the heart of god and when they were doing it in the natural it was as if they were wasting the question this morning before we round up this are you ready to waste for jesus are you ready [Music] bro very soon jesus will understand it and when he does he will speak and what he says will become the basis of the return on investment for that woman he said wherever the gospel is preaching for you he will say something else it was what he said for idahosa that made him who he was he will say for you he will say for you he will say for you when you see a man whose ministry is attended with great authority people can be praying for five days and he will wake up from sleep and say okay it is done and god will heed his own and refuse the people that are praying for five days is because when oil was poured on god he said something [Music] verily i say unto you wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world there are also this that this woman had done be told for a memorial unto her in the days to come jesus will soon speak for as i speak now men are wasting and people say oh it's a waste even those that have said lord to jesus say it is a waste those that have not said lord to jesus say waste but he will soon understand it and when he understands it he will speak the first thing he will say is why do you trouble this man why do you trouble him [Music] he will not allow you to be dropped now you are perfected with many troubles financially a time will come when he will relieve you from trouble and say trouble not this man for he has wrought a good walk on me oh my god jesus will speak in the days to come and he will give a decree from henceforth let no man trouble you [Music] because you have burned your body the max of the sufferings for jesus christ trouble not this man for he has wrought a good work on me and my case i'm talking to some people i am actually speaking to a set of people wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world this deed that this man has done this deed that this woman has done shall be told for a memorial unto him trouble not this man trouble not this woman troubling up this ball shoving up this girl are you ready to waste because god is looking for people that will waste upon him [Music] in a moment of time who want to say lord i'm not ashamed of wisdom i'm not ashamed of having a name i'm not ashamed of people troubling me because of my commitment to you [Applause] [Music] i have refused to change my mind [Music] [Music] this man [Music] trouble not this woman for he has wrought a good walk upon me can you tell him he is a prayer of commitment say prayer of dedication i am not ashamed to waste [Music] i am not ashamed i will go on wasting i'm not ashamed even when people misunderstand i will go on waste [Music] [Applause] [Music] if the sons and daughters of nigeria will wish before the altar of the lord the jealousy of the lord will be aroused and he will stop the assyria he will resist their syria [Music] so we waste we waste on the altar the clean creatures are being sacrificed there is a sweet smell that is ascending into the heavens of god [Music] this morning is a service of dedication it is a service of the western men and women we waste for he will soon understand we waste he will soon understand he will soon analyze and interpret the essence of our wisdom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is time for you to commit yourself afresh do not accept the discouragement around him we wish so that we can anoint him beforehand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we pour out ourselves before the altar [Music] so that we can anoint him he must be anointed he must be anointed the alabaster box must be poured over the box of spike now must be poured on him he must be anointed he must be anointed the lord must be anointed [Music] [Applause] [Music] he must be anointed he must be anointed with the fragrance that will come from your life he must be anointed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] place [Music] [Applause] way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] for you spend my life spend my life [Music] [Applause] i'll replant spend my life [Music] spend my spent my life spent my life [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign spend my life spend my life [Music] oh [Music] my you're the fire and i am your sacrifice consuming consuming your fire your sacrifice is [Music] me foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] i [Music] is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in jesus name this is a serious conference [Music] when the glory of god comes down there is no minister everybody needs to be ministered today will be a witness against you in the day of judgment if for everything that god has shown you revealed to you spoken to you about
Channel: Acts Of The Remnants
Views: 2,871
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Keywords: Signs, waste, Jesus, Complete, Completed, Arome, Osayi, Acts, Remnant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 21sec (6441 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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