Can you trust white tears? - MY TAKE ON IT

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to be talking about wiped tears so there was this video that apparently used to be on YouTube by the route who else and now it is no longer on YouTube so I went on their website and I found the video and I'm assuming it's the same one and it's called the judge of characters can you really trust white tears so I guess let's just look at another reason why white people suck because that of course is where this article was going because where else does journalism go these days am i right why tears this week we're examining why thou shalt relentlessly question White's tears that should be a proverb nothing but now we're on to your wife agility look at Christopher crying not see can't whales white tears over 32 seconds in and there's already a mention of Beyonce which was completely irrelevant but of course I feel like people needed to put her name in because she is so generally loved by everyone aside from that I kind of felt bad for the woman in the TV show I don't know who she is I don't know what she stands for I'm just talking about this isolated statement she made where she was saying that it's uncomfortable for her to talk about race because it feels like everyone is gonna judge you or kind of misconstrue everything to make it racist even if it potentially wasn't at the beginning and like I said I don't know who she is but I do feel that that's the case right now so I don't know why this person Daniela young the writer of this article and woman in the video I'm assuming would say that especially the whiny voice like in me and her uncomfortable and it's just like just because she's white it doesn't mean she can't be uncomfortable I mean anyone can be uncomfortable with anything in it and it's true that in this SJW climate of everything is racist everyone is racist everyone is cancelled for doing nothing for breathing it is very scary especially if you're on television to say anything race related I can't even imagine I just get worried about it sometimes on my channel so I can't imagine being on TV being worried about what you're gonna say is gonna be taken out of context and you're gonna get judged and labeled as something you're not and the white tears keep on flowing welcome to judge of characters wear white tears are not tolerated Wow white tears make for a delicious beverage they are certainly the most questionable form of liquid since Alex Mac me neither milkshake duck is slang for someone who is universally adored at first then quickly dragged through these Internet streets because their previous problematic social media posts have been uncovered like this guy Kimbo recently Keaton Jones became a milkshake dust here's the story Caitlin was crying because he was bullied his mom thought it was a good idea to post the video and it went viral but then things took a dark turn or rather a white turn when we got to meet his alleged racist family so granted this is obviously a very very biased point of view but I love how she brings that even further by drinking her a delicious white tears and having her a little cup um I knew the Keaton thing was gonna come up so yeah the Keaton thing was tragic in the way that you know it could have been such a great thing and an end and it ended up just like backfiring all of our faces I don't know if Keaton himself was racist because people were claiming him that the kid himself was racist but I didn't see any proof if there is any please send it to me I just haven't found anything about to concrete other than hearsay let's say the family is racist and Keaton is still question mark I guess but how can we use one example or a few examples just like that of things that went viral as the general rule oh don't trust white tears because it doesn't make sense it would be like picking the worst possible person in popular culture of each skin tone of each Nash of each religion and say okay see that person is Catholic and they ran over squirrels so I guess Catholic people are canceled so that Indian person Leonard so I guess Indian people are canceled you see what I'm saying you can't take the handful of example you can't take the handful of examples of people who are in the news to be the end-all be-all to be the representatives of an entire group and granted white people did a bunch of [ __ ] up stuff black people did a bunch of [ __ ] up stuff everyone has done [ __ ] up stuff so to kind of just focus on white tears as the main and biggest kind of problem is his mother racially trolled many of those things lives I'm still confused as to why people weren't raising money for Keaton but I digress and now people are starting to question the authenticity of all the white tears enter Chrissy apparently Chrissy took to Twitter to share this video she claimed that she and her parents were assaulted in the mall got the girls in the video and commenters were immediately skeptical let's look at the tweets she came begging for backup on Twitter thinking her receipts were locked up safe in the vault of foolishness but alas her receipts have been retrieved and rolled out for all to see the finessing of black Twitter will not be tolerated on my watch so she think police brutality is a myth despite video evidence my response to you is what black people are always told this is just a short video we don't have or now the whole story leading up to this altercation maybe it instigated a wait for the full truth I know it's not fair to say all white to your shouldn't be trusted there's actually a few that I do trust like Matilda's Jill Biden's Oh Joe actually so then there was this random example of this other girl where ironically she's saying that the police would say oh this is a short video we don't know what happened the reality is we don't even see any of this she says oh yeah this white girl says that a fight was instigated by these people who we don't even see and then we don't even get any proof of was it true was it a lie like what are these receipts was she actually a racist or was just the internet coming through saying that having a white piece of paper is racist like this whole video is so intensely biased that it's ruining its own potentially made points so it's funny because they're being very hypocritical because if I were here telling you about an incident where potentially we're hypothetically a black girl attacked an Asian girl if I just said oh you actually attacked her and then the receipts came out and anyways let's move on everyone would be like wait how do we know that the black girl attacked her how do we know that the Asian girl wasn't the one who attacked her bla bla bla here it's doing the same thing it's not giving any actual proof it's just saying oh yeah everyone just you know just believe me it's fine no no aside from that this pathetic whole thing of Oh Joe Biden let me like wipe your tears and the fact that she says she doesn't believe that all white tears are lies and then she pretty much contradicts herself because she's like in Leicester Joe Biden or Matilda your white tears aren't whatever your white hairs not valid I don't know what the [ __ ] to call it it's this entire video is so frustrating just because of how intensely biased it is and I realized like who can be biased at times but this seems to be like this seems to be so intensely extreme and specific to very isolated incidents that happened and just putting them together to kind of make all white people with that before you seek support from the internet make sure you hide your racist skeletons deep in the closet because we will ask questions click around and call you out we're not just gonna automatically believe you because you're white and teary-eyed let's judge these characters I sent us the world to a drought of white tears so you've had enough I'm gonna tell you like my mama told me you better stop crying I give you something to cry about you know what the entire white community should be rear aged by black women thumbs off oh I don't know where it says or if this is a commonly accepted thing that white tears have to be automatically accepted as valid or non-valid compared to anyone else as far as I'm concerned with my experiences tears are just concerned as tears and then if allegations are made most people go through the same hoops of course there will be the unfair judge there will be the unfair policeman there will be unfairness because that's how life is but to say that oh yeah just because you're white and you cry everyone automatically believes you I don't I don't see it that way I don't think that's true at the same time though this whole idea of a drought of white tears if someone if something happens to someone they're allowed to cry about it whether they're white or not especially if it's horrible they're allowed to cry about it so this asking for a drought of white tears I don't know the way that I see it is if someone's crying if they're alleging something happened to them the tears are there it's not really for me to decide whether the tears are valid or real or trustworthy that's really up to the courts or whoever it is that is dealing with the problem at hand but I digress aside from that the last thing she said really rubbed me the wrong way because I'm not even a mother it doesn't touch me that way but to say that all white people should be raised by black mothers I feel like that's such a horrible jab to white mothers to assume that no white mother could ever raise lay a respectable child let's remember that your little favorite joe biden had a white mom so i don't know why you're taking a jab at them and it just seems so unnecessary I mean in a time there's the same that says Kathy Betty I get a paratha which means free meanness and it's like being cruel without having any actual driving force other than to be cruel and that's what that seemed to me but again this whole video seems like a smear campaign based I'm assuming that the Keaton thing was really what was driving it and then they looked for other instances but honestly I feel like this only makes their cause look worse because everyone wants a cause that isn't so severely biased that people can poke holes in all of your arguments but this is this is the world we're in now anyways guys let me know what you think about this let me know your thoughts cuz I'm really curious and thanks for watching let's get into the fan [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 51,258
Rating: 4.8595371 out of 5
Keywords: race, racism, white tears, the root, politics
Id: _4iwDUJiVhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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