Can You Really Beat Minecraft In 15 Minutes Without Glitches?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SomeRedditerOnline 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello I'm Abbi extra care and welcome back so a live stream slash video on the Internet today I'm gonna be speedrunning minecraft because I have this secret passion the scene game's done really quickly I love you know I think that any way to perfect a game is to play it over and over again and see how much faster you can get it each time which is why I don't know why the games got a lot smaller but what minecraft Java is really buggy in the previous versions anyway and that reason is the reason why I wanted to today try and beat minecraft without glitches on a set seed this is actually because a lot of people have seen the Minecraft in three minutes video my channel that's using glitches that's using tool-assisted speed running a lot of people don't like packs they think well that's not really pure thing so I have to do something real quick doot doot how you doing everyone sure you don't know good I hope everything is wonderful but yeah I need to find the seed because I've got the wrong thing here like I was meant to type in the seed there and I cannot because I need to just bend a set this is embarrassing this will be cut out the video don't worry hello everyone our mobile UX clicker everyone go and well hope everything's amazing you thought this was a video a lot of people thought it was a premiere yeah that's the problem YouTube these days you have to clarify like oh yeah this is really a livestream not a video okay yeah this is an embarrassing mistake I I thought I have the seat but I had something else in there instead okay this should now work oh my this version of Java like it every time you close it now it gets smaller yeah that's every time we close the tab it gets smaller okay whatever that's the seed right there in case you are curious okay I guess we'll just start this one again then shall we well I mean you know like hello Ron when was the livestream this is pre show this is like before everything gets started I guess this isn't something you get to do very often like yet usually I just jump right into it because then it like works in video form but I guess that's a thing so yeah I'm gonna next challenge trying to eat minecraft in 900 seconds that's what this is right today I want to beat minecraft in less than 50 minutes okay we're gonna start again I'm gonna drink some water protip drink some water and let's do this cjo 24 yeah you're right about what I leave there I'm hoping that nothing bad comes a bit there's a chance for something will but I'm not sure how YouTube deals with that honestly Oh big thank you - oh that's not the right thing big thank you - where is it there big thank you for the super chat donation I believe it was I'm gonna get that guy you know I I believe in that donation more than I believing in the stream gun because we are gonna get going a second we got the seed with everything else yeah what one person worked out what I accidentally leaked there it's not a good thing - to be shown off your stream key i believe but again hopefully nothing goes wrong there okay so thank you very much for the doesn't say what it is someone donated something somewhere probably it made a ding so yeah this is gonna be multiple attempts today we're gonna be sure we're not gonna be trying once and I'll be trying once twice once twice thrice even now we got to try and to hopefully I mean even feel like we might not be successful the first time but we'll go until we can get under 15 minutes the goal is the title to correctly work okay so let's do this I'm ready now I think everything's good we're just gonna dive straight into the stream and hope that we don't know everything horribly wrong okay hello I'm have you extra cat and one of my guilty pleasures olive met is sink games done really quickly I think one of the coolest things about game is once you've completed it you can try and complete it again but faster and when you do things faster you learn a lot of new techniques to beat the game and get beyond it and a lot of people love seeing tall assisted speedruns I posted a couple of my channel but a lot of you will think well if you beat minecraft with a bunch of glitches that's not really beating minecraft is it that's like oh well that's a a cheesy way to do things which is why today we're gonna be beating minecraft no glitches the only thing we're using is a set seed but we're gonna try and beat minecraft from start to finish in 15 minute just winspool in 15 minutes it's gonna be a fun time I'm looking forward to doing it and hopefully all of you are as well so this is gonna be my first run I'm doing this one not to get a good time I'm doing this to show you it because I've never done a run before I want to hopefully yeah you know I now look works and then after this every single run will be pure survival and trying to get the best time we can so I'll leave the timer on screen but everything else should be all fun hello I'm at the exit okay and let's dive strange this so yeah we spawn into the world and we're gonna immediately walk over here so again this first one is to explain what's going on because when you see things done really quickly you miss a lot of the nuance of the technique and a lot of the fun so this is a really good seat and as soon as you spawn into it you want to head towards this snowy biome right here snowy biomes are really good for these seats because you need snow balls to take down the towers so to spawn right next to it it's really good the other thing that makes the seat amazing is the fact that we have easy access to some wood but not just easy access to wood yeah you're gonna see in a few seconds one of the coolest things about the seat is this close to spawn right next to also snow and also wood you'll see how just down here I cut the placement wrong you're gonna see how just over here there's instant access to two chests one of which has some iron in there and one of which has been you can see right here iron and some buckets and some more hands so as long as we can get out here about dying which it looks like we can we've now got ourselves a iron and some wood pretty good style ready the things are gonna get better than this Layton let me you believe me on that one because we're gonna mine some gravel again very sad to have to do this but it is a key part of the run and then yes so we've already got some sets up because it's such an amazing seed and then going on from there we're gonna try an get to the surface as fast we can again I'm doing this very slowly wrong because we can work out the stops we go now we've got some Flint which means we can immediately craft flint and steel very handy thing to have oh that's not how you craft it and we're also gonna immediately craft ourselves some shears then with the other six I'm it's actually super loud I need to tone this down we can hear that but the other six sign is going to be used to craft ourselves some handy little tool so let's just make all of them to put make a crafting table just like that and then the crafting table allows us to make again very quickly very fast or hopefully very quickly very fast I should say it allows us to make all the tools we're gonna need so one two three four one two three I'm gonna make ourselves a pickaxe as well as I guess a shop like add my sword and a shovel so make both of those and then also make a sword so just like this this is terrible we now have the free major things we want so yeah we're two minutes in we're doing this quite slowly but we already have all that stuff and again things just get better from here because we can now use this gravel we've got all the key things we need from here and we can just start sprinting away from here so we've taken a lot of damage already as well but again kind of secondary concern we're gonna try and share as many blocks as we can and also get as many snowballs as you can and also share as many sheep as we can again this is a key part of run we need to do all these things while also sprinting to where we need to go so we're gonna be shoveling as much snow as we can on the way just grab a few blocks in there and also trying to desperately find sheep we need at least 12 wool so at least eight sheep or on average eight sheep shared it might be six sheep shared gonna share all the sheep get all the wool and get all the snow balls as well you need snow balls to take down the dragon which is gonna be real fast and you're gonna need all the other stuff as well so so I can't get sword and shovel thank you very much I don't that means so yeah this is a set seed but it is no glitches there's gonna be no clues whatsoever everything is legit minecraft gameplay the only reason we're doing this in 1.6.4 is because that's the only time a seed this as good as been found like you'll see why this seed gets good as we go on because it's already pretty amazing right like yeah we spawned pretty great we're like feeling pretty lucky I think it's fair to say but things do get better if you believe that I think those men to get food at some point by the way cuz I am starving pretty bad so as something you don't need food because this is a horrific ly inefficient thing to do by the way we're gonna grab ourselves or the pork meat we can Oh actually we should have lit on fire got some cooked pork chops but you know you live you learn we need to have a lot more blocks than we do women have a lot of spruce leaves by now but it's fine we now are gonna use some of our water and we're gonna make ourselves just that a flowing little thing so that we can have enough water plug are we gonna okay place some blocks oh there there and there and now we've got enough water flowing that we can make ourselves and never portal really easily just like this we can already go to the nether because there's some love it again this is all preset see stuff I haven't ever tried this in survival yet so I only have the roughest of ideas where everything looks like you know this bus run or despite the fact that we're doing badly with still four minutes in and about to go to the never which is good right I mean first for a bad time you could do a lot worse that's if you'll forgive the the wording on that I think that's gonna be a faster way to do this like rather than getting trapped in the the water like this maybe remove those blocks there again so yeah now you can just just like this go in and out a lot a lot faster saves a lot of time saves a lot of hassle yeah I think tactically placing obsidian will definitely save some time take out trunks is Kelly so I can't let it's like a does not recommend getting drunk and watching to extremes this may impair your to account for watching experience so yeah we're gonna do this horrific ly badly I think we should have done this a block closer like I don't know why I've gotten so far away but yeah we and I can't sprint nevis I'm trapped in this awfully slow mess so again super inefficient not what you want not what you need but it's what we've got today just that just to show you how things get but yeah you can see how like yeah despite all these horrific mix apps you already done pretty well it's no what I wanted it or leave it still doing pretty well it's just um it's a matter of like learning to deal with these blocks and a lot better for way than I currently am like I literally can't reach there like you can see how like oh yeah the difference between making a good port on a bad bottle can save you this horrendous minute long journey but you're seeing how like yeah so now we've done there oh we haven't done it yet because we still need to place a block there place the block to the left right there and then one more on top of there except again this is super horrific ly bad because I I placed this obsidian portal one block too far away from the things I placed and it's messed me up this badly so hopefully that's a protect all of you watching saves you some time and some effort and now we can just go in there scoop up the one bucket of water and then like this umpires fast Wikileak em and boom look at that oh wait wait first boom look at that lip portal boom so yeah that that took us six minutes this is coming close to the world record already and learning the never you can see how like oh yeah like that's a pretty good seed right and then the seed we have no blocks and the seed gives you a few things like this you want to usually place your weight through the source and rather than wasting the time on it and then we want to kill some places because again you're gonna need some blaze rods right so we only need to blaze rods so the first two places we find we just we just taken its it's over since began so yeah burning the nether for literally a minute or two until we can find to blazes which is usually not a challenge oh but today apparently it's it's asking a lot on this particular see that seems yeah no I don't I don't see oh we just went a loop that's why I don't see any blazes anywhere around here so we might have to climb up one foot there maybe we'll go through there any proposed solutions works with me so yeah because I didn't bring blocks earlier it looks like a messed this one up and I have to - blocks just real quick get some in the rack the force is blocked again minecraft is shearing Leafs it takes basically no time or the bosses lot to get around shamans so that's pretty easy to do and yeah what you can climb up here real fast just so we can hopefully find a blade there is no blazing side here okay so I actually didn't have a plan for this happening because I just didn't assume it would because like when do you not find blazes right there so come on there so absurdly common but we haven't got a single place today but you can start you're gonna be killed the blazes with snowballs again ask someone I'm just gonna use my sword just for the sake of speed today again wait this this is all about speed today the efficiency of it learning the doing things of restrictions that's fun but we're not doing it today so yes now we've done the crew steps we just need to get some place levels going on and again I'm hoping that showing you this slowly helps you appreciate like oh yeah there's a lot of steps that we need to do we just need to do them really quickly we're doing them inefficiently right now I want to say it's because I'm teaching you really but it's really just gonna be made a mistake yeah I forgot this is a thing like it's such an old old school minecraft ii thing right only true old school minecrafters remember pressing the right trigger on the sword and having something happen but yeah we're getting killed and dragged over bread bed today I really hate the bed technique because it's just so so easy to get wrong but we're doing it so that's the thing all right also I have way too little help because I didn't get food earlier you know so you just start again like we made some crucial mistakes and we don't have places like I might have just missed the blaze taco or I might have gone really unlucky but to me that signals like okay well we messed up let's just pretend this run isnt here and then let's let's try it like there's no blazes there's I already get with skills and scope oh that's cool can I just say the young mic is muted like stream joke thing like I don't know it's it's not something I like cuz like I so it used to get me paranoid but now just like ah that's designed to get me paranoid you know I guess like things hit home or when they're real and I see are we what we're gonna do there's a spawner behind the lava toy cat says my teacher hover OH so you go behind the lava and the spawner okay so what we're to do is we're gonna we're gonna walk out now I'm gonna trace again so sorry everyone this is gonna be a non run just so we can test this fairy because I I honestly had an map that never burned perfectly I assume like oh yeah we'll work it out as we go right so behind this lava there is a spawner maybe six minutes indeed Oh better big thank you salut Sydney avi all b0p L hate okay how are you oh here's the smaller that's embarrassing isn't it oh we're gonna die we're gonna literally now okay we worked it out you just have to get past this lava as fast as you can so uh snow of your BPO I'm actually doing really good today like I'm a little bit more stress than normal like there's been so much going on that I've had to get done and deal with etc but otherwise it's been a pretty good day thank you for asking hope your day is going well too also um it's a speed walk so yeah we're now we're back out here's the thing this is actually the fastest way I didn't realize I fought those like a whole thing involved you can actually this seat is even better than I then I assumed based on my cursory running so we'll just pretend that didn't happen sounds good to everyone okay sounds good to me too so head over on by the way okay so start again we're gonna real quick press this reset that time it stopped reset okay go this is gonna get smaller no it's not press recreate world and then cool it glitchless there we go hello I'm AG extra care and one of my favorite things is seeing games done quick I love seeing a game like kind of you know be done in a faster and faster way because that's how you master again thank you Jackson's I need to get this to shot by the way the subs aren't showing up it is shown if it's just tiny okay there we go is that bigger that's better hello I'm again hello I'm Abbi extra cat and welcome back hello I'm Abby extra cat and today we're gonna be speedrunning minecraft because I love seeing speedruns of games and I love seeing games done really quickly and today we're gonna your face cameras facing the wall says pretty play where do you think it should be up beautify fab 60 ladies got a lot of numbers in its name where do you think it should be facing this is so unnatural so skip universe this is I mean in my opinion it's more natural like I'm being honest of you like this is what the video looked like you start every video of an extra energy like hi I'm here I acknowledge you're there and that's the whole thing also turn off cheats s mhm okay you know I'm sorry lister yeah yeah Lissa aye aye sir I always assume it's a raid right like you can always just turn it off if you don't like it but that's that's a fun thing whenever there's like people just spamming the same messages like okay so I won't read this like you're something it's not a fun you know good good pleasure Dre good humored raid but you know we'll see how these things go anyway okay look we're gonna start this again it's gonna be great hello I'm have you extra cat and today we are gonna be speedrunning minecraft I love seeing games done quickly' I love seeing the way that they can be done better and better each and every time and I've even posted a few speedruns of Minecraft on my channel I posted what is currently the world record it's three minutes and 29 seconds and people love seeing the game bein in that time but a lot of people have the question of like well if it's tool assisted does it count if it uses glitches where he backs in and out of the game does that really count and they also love people think is like not really and although I kind of think tool assisted speedruns have their places today I wanted to show you a glitch less speedrun off minecraft it's gonna be on a set seed but otherwise it's glitchless no like fooling around all things stunt with naturally in the game it's gonna be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to showing you it so we're gonna start with like a test run this is gonna be my first ever time Oh like something went wrong here oh no it's just I'm on the wrong side of thing so yeah we're gonna start with a test run which is this one right here just to kind of show you the basic idea of how do these things work how do you know how is the glitter speedrun going to work what are all the techniques I want to show you them step by step slowly so you can appreciate what we're gonna try and speed up later because when you see the very fastest runs because again today we're gonna try and get it down to under 15 minutes can we beat minecraft start finish in less than 15 minutes we'll try and find out but to understand you know why that's impressive but what we're doing I think it's important to do a that first run you know like a this is gonna be my first time beating Minecraft 1.6.4 to do a first one and just kind of explain the basics so yeah this seed is really amazing because this close to spawn we get this many amazing things it's free iron it's free buckets it's free lots of good things you know free wood as well as access to a slow vine which is gonna be handy for later as you're gonna see so yes I mean you don't get destroyed too badly by spiders you get out there and then you get some gravel and this allows us to go to the second amazing thing because again as well as having great access to you know like all the free stuff you just saw this seat is also amazing because it gives us almost immediate access really to some snowballs and to the never because now we've got all these good things in something it very quickly just do some crafting get that out of the way make your crafting grid again one of the things to make this run work is you need to be good at speed crafting I mean I'm not gonna pretend I am gonna speed crafting but it's like okay so what can a real quick make someone to free and then play something there and then go go oh no almost made a hole there and then you've gotta play some more we're gonna make this happen and then we've got to make some some shares as well there's a lot of crafting there has to be done in the speedrun because surprisingly there's a lot of things that you can craft that will improve your actual run so there we go that's all the things they're gonna help us out stable and then just stack everything together I guess there we go nice and easy drop the nametag we're not gonna need it and now we're going for a run so yeah we also need to while we're going for this run get some snow as fast as we can we can and also get some shifts we need to share all the sheep that we humanely cancer just like that every sheep we're um pulse we're gonna share it and every single pic we run past we're gonna try and set it on fire and kill it that way because that seems like an efficient way to clip it so yeah we're gonna hit the pig normally and then we're gonna finish them off using the are we this is tricky because there's snow everywhere this is something I didn't even like for camp but we need to get good food and we need to get it as fast as humanly possible and that involves saying pigs on you know what let's just kill pigs and usually raw pig flesh that works way easier but yet the fastest way to do things is to find pigs which are on a block which you can easier easy get rid of so someone like this for instance and then they can run into the fire but he's not running into them you know this is this is much easier when the pigs play game but yeah you want to get your pigs cooked if you can or cook yourself you're not but yeah we're gonna run as fast as we can now getting all the the wool that we need again gonna be very useful later all these resources you're like why do you need this why do you knew that trust me it is gonna come in handy which is why Ross gonna share about as we head over to a lava pit so yeah I need to eat real bad as it turns out as it turns out all of those little things right oh they're gonna come in useful so next up we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna try and get to the year to the lava because we need to go to the never fun fact you can really easily get to the never if you had just killed us pigs and I really need some food as it turns out can't be doing the whole run without any sustenance whatsoever it's a lot easier when you're over here by the way to get cooked pork chops as you can see if you don't know all you have to do is get your pigs by some fire you do a little bit damage to them and then like you set them on fire from there in fact we could just like lament quiet there and now the pig runs around and then we get some pork chops wait for it wait for it wait for it how did that not get okay you know it's been a while since I played Minecraft Java I'll be honest with you but yeah which it's so bad I like that it's like it's been forever literally since the days I played ty1 was the last time I to do this and I have no idea like just just just give me some cooked meat but yeah this this is the things we need to do faster and faster every run we need this not done he's not gonna die - my fingers eat again okay there we go odd but yeah you get the point we need to cook some pigs real fast the fire actually gets rid of some things so but that's that's a whole separate issue and now we're gonna go ahead and do this okay let's go so now we now the next step is we very quickly water we need to make ourselves in a portal the chat got raided and it like entirely fur off my bounce this mother won't like so yeah we're gonna do is uh like I don't even know we're already from like if you if you want those people who's saying like you know the same messages that were announced tell me where you must just came from like was it another stream or did you come up with it did you just read someone else's at one of those things were like oh yeah it's funny because like inside joke from YouTube video that you haven't watched or something like let me know what it is I guess but yes so now exactly 707 B it's it's one of those things were like oh yeah sometimes the thing about lotion chat is it is like cure democracy but the terrible thing about live stream chat is that it is almost like pure democracy by anyone can say anything it could be it's pretty easy to take over chat let's wait even though it's terrible people do it it doesn't even help their channels people who promote themselves it's really easy to just do that like promote yourself some people streams again it doesn't actually help you in as far as any metric will ever tell you but uh okay real fast and then we placed some blocks in the lava or so in the water just so I can make it so I can get past this you really see and then we place our water over there or something I don't even know if don't even care grab this and now we're gonna real quick make our self support oh so you want to make it next to the water not into the water and we want to make this using lava so again here's a pretty handy technique you might not be aware but you can very easily make a portal using just this stuff if you know what you're doing and today I'm gonna pretend I do know what I'm doing for the sake of this so with six minutes in er you can see how even with all these how did that I froze over you can see how six minutes end even with all these mistakes we're started doing fairly well for ourselves on the ground oh it messed up in tight I we were so slow that our water is now like changed all right so I've never done this before I'm being entirely transparent with you throughout this whole thing and yeah this this this makes a lot more fun point now when this keeps happening okay so how do we even like I I hate water mechanics so we now need to place this over here as opposed to just over there except we also need to do that one too so like let's just okay okay place our water there and then we need to place that there and then we need to share up our other blocks but that's uh that's fine so um everyone's family boring but you know that I it's funny like there's a lot more like spamming chat sometimes I see which is you know like it's it's a fun Mimi thing it actually gets to me so I guess like it's funny on that regard but also it's like this is a fun place I thought we were all on the same team you know and some people don't feel that way you're like what why would they feel that way you know like we're on the same team man you don't know me I don't know you but yeah I've always felt like yeah we you know like I I think trolling the person streaming if you actually you want to enjoy the stream yes sometimes counter to the beliefs anyway entirely going off track now now you can see how we've got ourselves in their portal we did this horrific ly and efficiently because it froze over it was a nightmare we all saw it and we're gonna do is we're gonna like the Portland Fire and just like that wonderful let's go boom so now all we need all we need we need like blocks to break but yeah so you can see how six minutes and eight minutes in we're already in the never which is pretty good in my opinion like for any run because the seed allows you to get there real fast and within another minute and thirty seconds or so we're gonna be out than ever because we're only here to seek to blaze rods that's right we only need to kill this guy and get his blaze rod do you drop on he didn't drop one we need to kill this guy first place rod and then we need to go over here and Wayne for the wool if we add blocks we can use those but we'll just do that the terribly slow mining of never AK to really understand why Leafs are so important this run because every single speedrun you ever see people use leaps it's because of just how the reason for that is because it's just how effective it is to mine Leafs past like mining never act which is a really fast block otherwise takes a quarter second so when you're mining so much bet it's like oh yeah that's a serious speed decrease okay we gotta be real fun in this okay let's go let's go let's go let's go we should use snowballs why we didn't there I didn't get my blaze rod did it light on fire I didn't know that was a thing that could happen check wait why don't I get place right I saw it drop am i missing it am i just like blind friend yeah we don't need to be in the never till we get to blaze rods or until we die cuz we didn't bring food why is it that I'm gangster rep these days oh god they spawn inside me so yeah again embarrassing stuff but this is like this is the Brennan bar we need to work out but we can do this and I it is like you can see this though okay before we go into this there is a real thing I'm just gonna admit it to you this is bad like you shouldn't you should never show weakness a vulnerable point especially people don't like like the troll but like when chat is going great like you know like I like it when everyone's like friendly on the same side when it isn't we be like aha boring blame em haha cool green meme that's when things are like oh yeah this this gets real rough and there's gonna be some people like oh man you died on was meant to be the first run and yeah man it's it's this is how it's gonna be but yeah let's go back to this let's do this we'll be fine so yeah I'm gonna try and just zone out chat for this one because I think it's also no help thing but we're gonna just start in I want to show you a full run and then I want to speed it up but on the full run I've made huge I've made a huge mistake the first time and this time we didn't let's go again let's do this for real though this time it's gonna be great so I'm gonna start the intro again because again I want to cut the thing behind cuz the live stream is gonna turn the video but more effectively I hope okay so recreate just cool it that easy we're gonna reset the timer gonna be real easy stop reset now we click this and we should be ready to go okay hello I'm Abbi extra care and I love speedruns i love speedrunning games I love seeing them peace Oh big Thank You Shayna 51 pounds at I can't actually read that I I need to work this one out right anyone who says you talk too fast has never heard Jo Jo see what I have never said I speak too fast and I have not heard of Jo Jo see what's up I assume it's an anime character cuz I've heard like we you know something something Jo Jo is the best right but that's that's the best thing everyone's like oh it's a it's a meme to do with this guy that'd be like it's I didn't know that you know I it's it's it's real rough when people make me you know when people in jokes with other youtubers to you eat if you have annoyed like you've never met you never you have no idea who the guy is like beyond the cursory oh yeah that's a youtuber that exists that's why it's so confusing when it's like oh yeah don't you watch it be like oh yeah you haven't watched you know like the insert Big Show here it's like you know the cool thing about YouTube is that everyone is on their own little channel I love that YouTube segmented and you don't need to know a thousand different youtubers because you follow the ones you like that do the exact Nicias you like so when you assume that Psalm watches double youtuber it's like assuming someone's listen to your favorite song if it's by a band with 4000 views it's like no that's that's a bit silly isn't it anyway um let's do this drill hello I'm ugly extra cat and today we're gonna be speedrunning Minecraft because I love seeing games done quickly' I love seeing them get faster and faster better and better played and a lot of people enjoy that too as I can tell from the videos on my channel I have one when minecraft was beaten in three minutes as it turns out and a lot of people enjoyed seeing that a lot people also said though wait a minute this is tool-assisted this is using glitches with closing the game reopening it I don't really like that so much and I kind of understand like yeah you know like beating Minecraft with tool-assisted doesn't feel quite the same as glitchless just going in playing with your real hands these are my real hands we'll be playing up today which is what we're doing today we're playing Minecraft 1.6.4 on a set seed and I'm gonna try and beat the game in less than 15 minutes we're gonna start with a test run this is gonna be our first you know ever kind of run the game we know Presley's temp time Ron now I'm gonna show you all the steps I'm gonna try to do this the first time I've never beaten Minecraft 1.6.4 and then I'm gonna try and speed it up until we can get under 15 minutes we might do under 15 minutes in our first go who knows I don't imagine it will be but we're gonna try and see by the end of today if we can't be minecraft less than 15 minutes so you can see how evensong who's never played a java 1.6.4 I think besides feel like snapshot videos or like the update videos I didn't play minecraft Java but more point six point Falls now this is like six years old now almost so yeah it's gonna be a bit of a different perspective and hopefully you all do enjoy seeing it but yeah we're gonna very quickly dive oh man that creeper actually probably made my life be easier I think so yeah this seat is really really handy because immediately you can see how like oh yeah you're spawned really nicely there right into a we spawn really nicely into a snow biome which is perfect for killing the dragon also for the nether because it gets you to snowballs snowballs are just such a versatile thing especially when it comes to speedrunning so to get so much bit so early it's actually really really handy and yeah now we're in a cave we're out there as fast as we can we get a crafting table and we have to very quickly do a lot of crafting so again this first one is the kind of site free to show you what's happening up ahead and a lot of crafting has to happen very quickly I'm gonna try and do it as fast as I can but to explain all the steps we need to have a lot of sticks because we're making both a shovel and a sword so pickaxe and shovel made put in the same recipe then we get two more in to make the sword then we get another two in to make the shears and then we need to very quickly because we didn't get lucky of the gravel brick we need to very quickly just break this over and over again and so we get some Flint which turns into Clinton still of course we get really unlucky of this calibrate so yeah usually if we were trying to speed run like the fact that we wasted work an extra 20 seconds on this seems a bit silly but yeah basically a lot of this comes down to some blocks if you want to really speed run it seriously what is my hook there we go okay so now we got bloom Flint still big thank you Chris Kennedy 42 pounds super chair really do appreciate it I can read it now though because honestly the thing that's happening but thank you very much I appreciate it so now we grab those shears because we have way too much on me and we want to share as many leaves as we can because we're gonna need these blocks a lot like so yeah the idea the reason we using shares in gangly poster and you have a block is because it's so fast to get so many blocks this play and that's kind of handy also the shares can then be also used for wool which is essential for the the purpose of this run like it gets a lot slow if you don't have water and you'll see why later also a thing we need to do is we need to get food you can use app linen still but I've shown where neptr to prove that already today basically we need a lot of food as well which is why we gonna kill some pigs and get ourselves some raw pork chops it's a it's a good enough food and we can do it along the way because there's a lot of pork chops right next to the Sheep I should say this pigs necks the Sheep it's kind of weird how chicken is called chicken when it's meat and when it's a bird but like every other animal for most part you know that kangaroo and sweet stuff like that it's called different when it's a food and when it's on the thing and the reason for that by the way in English is because you know the the English Normans split you know Normans were rich people English but common folk who saw food in the animal format here there's some fun reasons look into it sometime but for now let's just very quickly eat and let's talk about next steps we've got all the things we need we got all the great previous we want better explosions says our enemy lot oh yeah exactly that's the reason we need the the bed Slater we're gonna be using a lot of explosions which sounds absurd but again if if you haven't seen it yet then it's one of those fun things in Minecraft that just exists see you just go except that it it's a thing and then we can move on from there so um yeah as you can see three minutes 43 seconds in even with our kind of messy run so far we're already at the stage where we're about to make a nether portal because again really really good to see we're all so close to the end portal but you'll see that later so now what we need to do again this is really hard to do effectively stop you know try my best I guess is we need to make ourselves a a big water call because this water port is gonna be useful for making ourselves and anything so we're gonna now make a big row of these to just hold back the water and just stop it slowing me down again that's really key here and I'm gonna grab a lava 2x2 and kind of make ourselves a portal so yeah lava when it's next to water turns into the city and a lot of people know this if a lot people don't know you can exploit this to make a portal real fast if you want to like we're about to do although I've now got water going everywhere so oh no so we kind of ruined the whole benefit what we're doing there but yeah you can see how look boss than it was before because now we can make obsidian twice at a time really really quickly and we need to do this in before the ice free at the water freezes because after certain amount of time water will turn into ice and bad things will start to happen so yeah just like that we play so one love a block up there and then one more or two more up here and we've got everything we need to make a full auto so we real quick we have to be varied selphie about this we place a block down there block on top fit ramp the water which can't be using than ever a lot we're gonna suggest that wrap the flint and steel and I think this is our you know pretty good time 5 minutes and 22 seconds 23 seconds we're hoping into the portal very fast very effective it's not as fast as the speed runs of course but you're seeing how like oh yeah basic technique you know this is how things can be done fast and then we wanna place a bunch of blocks cattle feed just about springboard for each other and we're gonna run through the end or further never I should say I mean that the end comes later don't worry in fact by later I mean like 10 minutes from now hopefully in fact MX would be slaughtered we're not in the never and the next like that's right not in the the end in the next seven minutes something's gone horribly wrong but now we mined through here or the other strategy is to place blocks right here this is a high risk of being lone fire but that's the risk we run big thank you by the way for the one pound super check it out one Jay you know I can't read the message right now it's so tiny my thing yet but yeah I think we got to do right now we gotta kill all of these places right right and we need to get to blaze rods which we have we're out there so right as soon as possibly got in there we're gonna head out you can see the issue with my stress sheet of placing these blocks there as you can see sometimes that this blue flows one way into but sometimes these blocks will let him play and yeah just get through there real fast punch this guy out of the way and then run out the nether so yeah about a minute and thirty seconds after hopping in almost exactly a minute thirty seconds after coming in we can now hop out the never as fast as that that was fast and how we killed the blazes but you know everything else was a bit slow we can speed it up as the point you you've seen the bare bones of the run in this first one because it's my first attempt my first success hopefully and now what we do we've got everything we need from there we need to grab snow as fast as we can and also probably more pork chops or kill pork chops get snow and run this way also we should probably craft ourselves some beds did not do that it should should have really taken the crafting table with me but it's fine it's a small thing to add on later but yeah big thank you I be a Doge for the most confusing super chair I've seen today and yeah let's keep running this way because we want to now go up this mountain let me show you a really cool stronghold spawn because again this seed is quite famous for speedrunning I don't wanna pretend I found it this is a fan by the speedrunning community and the reason that 1.6.4 is the version of Minecraft the holds the record is because this seed was changed in 1.7 because all seeds changed in that update and one a seed this good is still not quite yet been found the epic thank you ivx we don't really appreciate it pp extenders that we we got lots of memes running for the chat today I guess I guess appreciate them question mark yeah you want to run all the way through here we're gonna chop down a piece of wood just in case that's important I think it actually might be because we made a mistake or we need multiple pieces of wood because we need enough for the beds as well so we'll just take free piece of wood it's it's kind of rough we need at least free beds maybe a fourth one so we'll just kind of do that and I'm gonna use our water and think very tactically mine through here oh there we go save ourselves go down this cave then we want to grab the second water stop it flowing through go down here mind straight down I want to say and then look again look at this I think this is really cool this is if I'm not mistaken a stronghold spawn then you're in a stronghold the stronghold has to enderpearls over here it has one end of pole over here and some bread that's nice I guess there's some food in this run give them for free and then there's a fourth and a pulp there's a few ways to get to it but the fastest way is to dig down a few blocks from here and just like that there's an apple and some oh god on why why are you in there with me this is not okay not essential okay so real quick get out there and boom now we run back the way we came we've run up here and very quickly this is really like lychee by the way but this whole up it was now we craft these real quick should have really not done this in that room with a solar fish but it's fine and just like this we are now in the end just like that easy so now we want to grab oh we don't have enough Leafs also we're gonna die this time we need to very quickly we are we're definitely not even like two ways of Atlas oh no no I did say I was deafening in a day so I need more Leafs for that because otherwise you get trapped on the wrong side of it and you die in the end so you see how the point like 10 minutes though into the end pretty good right pretty good so yeah by the way the seed is in the description if you want to see it that is that is the idea if the wrong we want to do but I'll see we want to kill the dragon and not forget Frank leaves so now you see how the game can be beaten on 50 minutes but we just have to be able to do it there's a lot of skill required to bridge do that all fast do everything I've done faster and today we're gonna try our best to do it so let's dive into this let's try again and let's see if we can be you know ten minutes into the net so we have two real quick hit the stop button hit the reset and then we copy this it's called recreate and then you go Tesla Swan run but we call it one now let's do this then shall we allow cheats off there we go create new world let's go so the moment we spawn and we hit pop key that turns that on and then we run straight towards this place so the interesting thing about this world is like the different spawns actually give you like very slightly different you know like times because we've wasted 10 seconds just running along this beach we might have spawn just over there if we got a lucky a spawn and we could lose 10 seconds like this if you want to really approach speedrun strats this and maybe well gets that level then obviously every second counts but right now we're talking about every minute counts they we're trying to get rid of the most obvious minutes that we can I agree very much F chat very much death so yeah we get all the wood we need right now just get an outlaw system because again we need enough for beds as well so we'll just chop down a whole tree then we want to break a block right over here and up in here oh god so fast gonna be faster than we all right now grab the buckets oh I know I didn't get the island time and then we get out there we take a lot of damage but again what you're gonna have to heat it up later it's a fine sacrifice compromise to make then we break it from here we use the gravel no there we go we got we're out there we're out there it's easy we could break this block get up there place lock and look at that look how fast we are now we do about crafting we had to do last time but we do it even faster hopefully so again real quick actually we don't have to do the Flint breaking so we should be good on that regard so one two one two it's been so long since I've manually crafted on Java like it just feels a little bit slow to me but we should be good here like let's see how fast we can do this then we want to grab ourselves some shares and then we want to use the last bit of iron for a flint still I always forget the way the Flint still goes round but that's pretty efficient right that's pretty effective then we want to grab all of this we can have we literally just died because we didn't have some stuff really important we share all of this and then also that we share all the Sheep we run across I don't know if this is true but like it seems as though she passed seed based in this update like there are always been sheep there every time we've tried which is kind of weird to me again maybe I'm wrong maybe it's a coincidence but there's pigs here again and then there's next two pigs up there could be a happy coincidence but seems a bit too happy of a coincidence and then kill this pig and then share the Sheep and boom you're seeing how again the hang of this the reason we share all this is cuz we need exactly 12 volt which we now have and now we can head over to the next place which we're also gonna try and get some snowballs while we go they slow you down if you get too many so usually you get one as you jump in that way it doesn't slow you down does it again there's a few really good techniques that the speedrun committees develop that I can't even hope to perfectly replicate here but I want to show them so you get the the idea that they're there and then we grab a bucket of water and I'm gonna grab some lava and we're gonna do this so yeah I'm hoping we've learned this a lot more effectively now I'm hoping but we'll see if my hopes are true or not and also just for the sake of not dying we're gonna grab the pork chops so yeah three minutes in we're doing pretty well big thank you for the one-pound stupor chats like you per 23 if you type too much I can't read it today I'm not not trying to be terrible it's just like you know like it I on my screen that's tiny like imagine you're watching on a like a really old-school phone because I'm not gonna like the corner of my screen sorry about that I mean I'm sorry but also you should be sorry you know maybe we should both be sorry but you gave me money so I mean I'm more sorry as we all know that is the hierarchy so let's grab some spruce loops let's do this again shall we place the block and there real quick oh gosh real quick do this and then real quick down here we want to do that okay boom let me grab lava by the two and we want to place it in there again we don't have place it only unnecessary bits if we can avoid it so we're not gonna place it on the necessary unnecessary bits because we can't avoid them okay so block down there dinner why didn't grab to that so I'm pretty inefficient but you can see how even since last run even since our very first proper attempt you're seeing how like oh yeah we shall making some some headway in this challenge it's a handy thing to be doing right okay grandpa that boom I'm feeling this now I'm feeling this place the last two as long as it doesn't freeze up in the next few seconds you can see how we're on track for a much faster run than even last time so now we just need to O the it didn't work okay let's that's something have any experience before actually but I guess always good to experience the things at some point and then we place lava that we scooped up the water and we're gonna eat in the portal we got some time to waste anyway and then we lights on fire the moment we humanly can and we see how fast from the nether so Kim jong-in wants to know your location yeah a lot of people have been enjoying that video recently sir thank you to everyone who has enjoyed that and also HUD but as a big fan hi hello HUD but nice name but is that like heads up display butts or like you know yeah the etymology of your name you can keep it a secret if you want so yeah the fastest way to get through here is also kind of risky I kind of like their deaf gang never act just because it is like also useful for like emergency situations we'll do that just to be a little bit safer and then just as we've gone past the real risk of the flame then we'll place these two so yeah big thank you odd but for the Wanda license of chap I thought it was glitchless says the puppy well what glitches have you seen so far what did you think clearly it's something that wasn't a glitch right so we've got all the blaze rods we need we're out there let's go that was pretty good that was pretty efficient and we want to get more of these again we have 23 but it's still not enough we're still missing we still have fewer than we would like to have which is a problem you know generally speaking you want to have more things that you want not less pro tips of sweet cat this is like economics all together again like pro tip have more of the things that you want oh we need we need to have been eating that time wasted time very inefficient oh one of the make anyway okay Andy so now we're gonna grab some some snowballs I don't know how many we have s/m and we're also gonna go straight to the stronghold because again we can do that fairly effectively I'm gonna try and get into the end by eight minutes Bertie let's see if we can do that yeah this is enough pork chops oh sure so what we're going there we're gonna try and not even waste time just break the Leafs as we're running and the pick as many up as we can we don't actually need this these shears anymore so we can be inefficient by picking up like one every ten blocks it's fine to me slow down I always forget back in so this is one point six point four we're talking what 2013 minecraft in this version of the game you literally you know there was no real water mechanics so you can't swim it's it's so long ago but yeah it seems so the same you know it's the opposite of like bedrock where like if you played 2013 version you'd want to kill yourself and then the first five seconds because you know there's a lot of differences most of which are negative between then and now so watching in Holland and holiday now go know we've got two lava down water down again key keys trash seeping there but we just didn't do but it's fine sometimes you make mistakes sometimes those mistakes lead to a lot of damage but I mean I mean we made a bunch of videos on that you know North Korea everything else we all know about mistakes in the damaged vehicles yeah big Thank You Camille Legaspi all these super chat and now we're gonna real quick fastest way through here grab some bread I guess bread is actually better than my raw pork chops I guess in future we shouldn't either pork chop ginger bread instead oh man what what is this place why what is seriously I'm dead okay what I got I got onslaught it's so bad there so you can see we did really good time but if you don't if you can't succeed what what is the same matter and again lots of people aver every time you fail on the internet you have to admit like yes I'm not as good as XY and Z or someone's gonna try and hide how like haha you died because you got on slaughtered by freem Fox at once I would have done z Y X and I'm sorry I'm sorry I died that's on me my mistake we gotta do better we gotta do better and that's that's what I try to do that's the point of this stream wit we're learning how to beat the game in less than 15 minutes and I hope so I hope you enjoy the journey so yeah let's let's do this again let's just no hesitation just jump right into it let's just go again we've reset the timer now we have reset the timer and now as soon as we press start will hit the pokey and let's run I don't know where we are I don't I'm lost when we climb the hill and then the snow line will be just there but like again you can see how different spawns very much oh we can run like ok I'll be climbing the hill was pointless but we live we learn every run is getting better that's the cool thing about learning a skill like this like just because you think you can't do the best frame now you know a goal is to become top 40 and then from there we can welcome something it's it's still cool the little lessons you learn about the seeds and about the techniques etc that's what I'm here to learn is he not allowed slices kenra it's just it's pretty ineffective like if you want to beat minecraft in 15 minutes you shouldn't spend those minutes running back to your dead body right that's my opinion Michael take so I'm gonna try and do this much better than I've done previously we're gonna break up okay so creepers gonna blow up and then we can just grab the block yeah I'll listen when we need in there please go away spider okay perfect so that was actually the most effective way to do these again listen if I was a speedrunner right behind me yelling cuz that's really good luck Colette's when you try your best but you don't succeed like I'll admit I don't mind being when people make fun of me in the format when you try your best because you see you can't be mad right yeah that is an accurate rendition of the situation so yeah we have no Flint yet despite all of this there we go Flint we have a lot of unnecessary gravel now that's fine and now we do our crafting run so place that out there and place this in there oh very quickly do this grab the crafting table lakes affords a little bit and then BOOM okay every run we want to get faster done this because it's just one of those things one two three and then duplicate one craft both of them place the shares now just because why not place the flinders still now because why not I need to learn which way around it is it's it's steel and Flint it's not Flint and still it's still in Flint like it's very misleading that name when you think about it and then just throw those up there not float that up there let's go grab the shares get lots of these clocks no matter how many blocks you think you have if you don't have enough time there's no limit to the number we [Music] can and let's go so song says why not your house I think I could be wrong but did cows even dropping I know it's they dropped me in font wait like six I don't think sheep dropped me in this update I think I don't have like be crazy if I'm wrong about that but at Sheep didn't drop me until like really recently maybe even 1.8 but yeah fun fact sheep done dropped me and because of that I get confused of cows sometimes like in general like you know pigs are the meat animal cows are the lever and sometimes the animals and sheep ever kill them for me if you want to be a monster animal so now you know lessons employed care these down there do a little bit eating as I go so you can right-click on the crafting grid to I my window covers what is I can't actually I can't see what I can right click on the crafting grid to do probably something useful is that the equal on a ship flicking maybe what you're suggesting I don't actually know cuz again I have made the mistake not being able to see the very far right of chat instead of thing the end dragon you something into the void I mean if you think about it that's kind of one of the beautiful ways to end minecraft that's that's the true ending the happy ending for the dragon at least happy ending for a dragon is not a sentence I like saying okay let's do this we're gonna place the water and then alright no no that's a huge no that's a real big nut so you can see like the the attempt to save one second can lose you a whole minute if you do it wrong alright even if it's like 15 seconds late that's just it's just tragic right and we lost like the spur sleeves tiny mistake can have a big consequence and basically spider-man I'm pretty sure that's a copies made at some point like you know great power great responsibility actually that's his uncle is that you know I'm basically the spider-man movie I should say you know does it does he grabbed two bits of lava should a place the next to each other but I didn't what are you gonna do about it and then place our stuff so big thank you crisp only one pounds 15 super check I can't read again I've stated I can't read them for there on the stream maps right now but you know after we've done the run I guess we should read them all cuz it's just it's just so small on the screen for me because on stream maps you can super chat as much as you like or there's a sorry that you can type as much as you like but the downside is it's just really small and then it's so small that I can't read about going you get you I'm saying it's a whole crisis old tragedy whole problem so I actually did things perfectly here and then I made a mistake by placing the blocks behind it if I just didn't do that I think things would go so now we place two blocks up there and we're done so we're actually gonna okay this is a risky strategy I'm gonna go to the water before I place the lava oh no wait where's the lava gone the lava just vanished what did you see that what I didn't I didn't do anything i wha okay so that's fine that's good really if you think about it and if you exclude the ways in which it's bad that's kind of a good thing and boom so low a lot Florence than ever this time and that's part of the fun the speed runner gets slower or faster depending on how well you do things and today we we mechanically did them a little bit badly I'm looking forward to like a first natural finish of this now like now I know just because of all these silly situations we're gonna have hard time and then ever the first time and there's gonna be some oh thanks man I don't think I need you to kill that skeleton I just had it had the urge you know the urge sometimes you get the urge to kill pick love a push if you push the pig into lava it's it's like a dangerous dangerous game right that's the one thing I'm concerned about like again I these these are things I should like perfectly welcome I guess we'll check out give us a life in the next episode of oh god I didn't owe you my sword I'm gonna die didn't I don't way I walked right into the dangerous models not prepared like can you imagine a circumstance so absurd you literally can't right we just walk out there I don't think I have all the place rocks I need but I need to heal up damage is a big deal in this yeah we we have to go in again and they can one-hit kill me but if we exclude that detail everything's going quite well right now so uh how's the weather it's pretty pretty mild here there we go okay just don't kill me don't get me talking but there we go we dumped a little bit wasteful yeah what can you do well that's one kind of search you know we all do it sometimes like oh yeah accidentally fell the bow man jump down here okay we'll see I think oh no we're not safe okay we got lucky that lucky is the new safe if you think about it oh man okay so what's gonna do this to get out there Oh what is the love of therefore I mean the fire see we're gonna try and pick a Fisher figure to lava learn a little technique there we're making some inefficiencies see the pigs is even close enough to get into the lava he's not tall it will instead dudes with him with the pickaxe and then we'll lay him on fire on the you know I can do this I can get a cook for charcoal I can get a cook just like run into that dude just you know okay we'll try this again well well totally just okay you know over there is a really big giant area you know we'll just lava bucket the pig that's just the much more efficient way to do this right just like here's a pig here's a love this the way this update works is the lava doesn't replace the snow it goes on top of it so you literally cannot put lava on a pig you literally cannot there we go there we go look at that I got one cooked pork chop okay let's try this again because we had a whole batch of pigs this might go a lot better do you look at that how does this even mean what is the logic you oh oh no no no no my pop shop look at this pork chop you see how like an efficient that can be to do this whole look hey oK we've got two full shops that cook it's a lot more effective than like 10 that aren't cooked and we got five minutes to try and beat the game which usually sounds impossible but I like I think we're not gonna do it but I think we might get close so 10 minutes and 10 seconds to get into the stronghold get into the end and beat the ender dragon pretty honest the that's the beauty of this technique I think you'll find it be faster to just smell the pork chop says I'm seeding stop yeah it's starting to look that way isn't it again we need to get better at this technique but in theory like let me just show you right now like drop it on him drop it like it's hot and then you do that to enough pigs you get some pork chops and then you're ready cuz like I guess like that's how cook pork chop Edna it's my theory at least so cats hardest strugglers cling pigs yeah killing pigs fast is a really slow thing like that's a counterintuitive certain sentence you can speed up so much of the process because he doesn't think it's just not really a thing oh we didn't bring water with us so we're gonna take a lot of damage here but it's fine I guess oh that's again it's fine damage is good really lovely severe damage gonna get some water now at least why am i where's that okay we're gonna mind down let the water come with us why is the entire trap stops large trap it seems that chance like especially like you know like Chanti today like instead of saying a thing they've read out the message above them you know like if you have one message every 30 seconds that's how you use it that's not that's uh it's interesting like I'd love to see the psychology behind it but for now it's just like huh people just repeat they have one message every 30 seconds they like well I'm gonna use it to you son else's message it's like well clearly we don't we don't need more messages if people don't even have their own ones yet right what's a big thank you the super chat really appreciate it alright for the nice words - we need to get out of this hole gonna do that real fast and then we run oh man I forgot the mob stencil I guess and I'm luckier um they just wouldn't fit like it's very annoying okay let's go if you want to be really effective a thing I've seen is you can like jump across those but that's got a bit too fancy of my liking so blaze rods blaze powder into ender pearls and oh sorry like step there let's do this aye-aye-aye aye-aye-aye we only be real full oh we didn't bring enough snowballs which again simple mistakes can lead to great consequences and great is in the bad great not the good great no like oh yeah it's pretty come on no nose no boats no boat how am I forgetting so many things like again being in such a hurry it's just like out but all snowballs dead forgot to put them next to each other dead not fast enough for the scrollwheel Ted it's fun it's fun I'm glad you get to see this live I know it's a fun thing but it's frustrating or like yeah yeah you know that you've done so many things pretty good I'll let you know like yeah you're focusing on skills that you're improving and then you forget a giant one you know so let's do this oh we need to stop stop just pretend so stop reset and then start again then we'll wait one second two second then we go so okay we've done this again this is gonna be the run now I know a lot more than you before I know how to cook pork chop I know I've saved a lot of time here so this is gonna go significantly better trust me if I drew your picture toy cat we're straight we might not be able to survive the spider attack now and if we do we're gonna have to waste a lot of time or food it's fine if you drew me a picture send it by Twitter happy exploit can like this is this is my go to like if you want to send something anything to me a message you want to say hi you want to tell me that your cat's name is Fred you can do it by Twitter like there's there's no real confusion I read every message sent me I wish I didn't sometimes so did I I read more than oh god no no no no I trap myself in a corner so yeah you can see how flustered you get and then hope that's gonna lead some deaths right real fast it's it's the interesting thing about the stream so we're gonna now switch over recreate yeah do number four Alice did so we'll see how many attempts to takes to actually get this proper thing done that'd be a big thank you to the super chat what would you want it be not where would you want to send it sorry I literally couldn't read it a picture of me and an hour that's my new profile picture I really like it I love scene and in picture form that'd be nice oh okay so mum we spawn we press we've got a six key for this and let's go cuz I figured like you know I'd be I've had the the timer for streams for so long why not actually set it up properly and so I did that recently fun facts what I get okay so no falling caves today that's that's the thing I've now learned is a thing I guess there's a KB see that makes sense but also just feels like I got assaulted by that cave you know how about usually obsidian on the ground as the base of the portal says salt flow yeah that seems like a pretty it seems like an effective technique and what using again I love these small improvements I love I love making it better every time even though we haven't completed it yet but you can see how it's totally like it's not that we can't complete it that we have a complete state oh man okay we're out there okay so creeper as long as he doesn't kill me he kills me see this might be more effective in the long run because I've now got all of my hunger still intact so I don't have to kill pigs so yeah that is actually a good thing we're gonna save the purpose of this and yeah we're gonna try and make it work with a deaf just to prove that one person no no to prove that one person right is like you know just good even if you die and there's another creeper so I guess we won't do that will we okay can we admit like the first two runs I made mistakes there's a lot that last run was just luck right like what what are the odds what how does that what what even happened there okay go go go done turn the timer off hit the restart button get ready to go again hit six go okay it's okay try running the mobs former like a republic says right people love the the goofy title from now sorry the yeah the title ideas alike well if you're gonna do x minecraft thing like why now you have to do resume wanker thing like w and i I find it fun I find it fun to read it's all good don't mind winces my teacher Oliver this multiple deaths just a little bit yeah no that's I I definitely think that after like you actually do this Oh God you can more effectively learn I would say I'm much much like five I want to learn some more now I do that much more effectively and that's kind of a cool residue oh this whole thing I can't break this block break this one this one we want Flint as fast as we can it's a one in ten chance but Oh sometimes you get lucky sometimes you don't this is one of those times boom and we're out okay so very quickly we hop into crafting again every second kind of cancer I would say then we placed the table down here then we easy easy oh okay one two three one so on said you could right-click it but I don't know what that even I just tried right-clicking it right now nothing happened by the way big thank you for the 2.15 super chat from the wacky blue bus and I need to stop reading messages while I'm crafting and it's remember it's flint and steel not know it's it's still in flint not Flint steel boom I remember it and now we can start doing and we're gonna break this block ah this sucks I shouldn't do this and they're gonna go okay so share everything we can share it all Oh take them off I was gonna share some sheep okay so chat you know if um spawns the seat dependent before 1.7 like this is absurd how many times of finding sheep like maybe it maybe it's the way see dependent like I'm like a full-on crisis like maybe I just I I used to think it was never seed dependent that sounds silly like most being based on the seed but maybe it is just possible which that would change everything in my opinion okay grab some pork chops just pull them out real quick we need four more whoops we just got free which go some more and we're gonna kill the pig get that pork shop stack going pick don't get snowboards thank you for the snowball tip so scoop those out separately put that there yeah those snowballs just there's somebody like tiny resources you need to get between tasks and I kind of like that like oh yeah it's all about not only the big overarching tasks but all the mini tasks that it takes to get there so more snowballs never hurts she's gonna get as many of these as we can I mean I grab some water and head back out and shriek all the pigs over there no we're not we're gonna try our very best to actually get cooked pork chops we're gonna do it it's gonna be awful but we gotta try so yeah well so if I cook pork chop I was promised so we're gonna place our thing here that was way too high that's gonna cause problems later I'll just break this block we're gonna place this here and then place an extra block now we've got a base from which to make the bottle then we place some blocks in front of it you have something to work off and then we start just building it again all we need to do this closer time that much has been established it's fine sir okay so we placed that there I went a block to floss so we remove that block but it stays there anyway cuz you know screw it I guess oh no that's that's right this is all good okay the mistake is fine and the snake is actually good a mistake is handy how would you guys for us to say then we place one extra block there on there I guess cuz the hand we needed to recreate the honey mistake then we also want to lay some blocks black back there and then we want to place books oh man I don't even know what I'm doing I'm just kissing all the blocks everywhere and it's kind of working okay and then we block there I think we just need one more now and then we're good oh no it's two more good things it's a good thing I didn't assume it was one more I'll know custom portal sizes aren't working in this version are they yeah I think we've done a big mistake here I could be wrong but I think this is not the right size I think we've we've done this wrong entirely again I hope I'm wrong about this but I think yeah custom portals don't work yet so what we need to do is we have to grab two bits of lava and we need to place them just below our check through this place them just below that destroy the entire benefit of actually placing an alarm in the first place and let's go that's that's the worst thing like features that you forget wouldn't you like oh yeah this is just always been that hasn't always been there apparently oh this is the wrong way please go check the right way and then we kill the first place we run across there is no blaze be run across so instead we this this game is surprisingly laggy like right you see did you feel that I don't know if that was only me feeling it or you could like see it - that was super rough to see for me so but yeah yes it's crazy many features that you just like they're just a path among they game but they weren't always you know like all features had to come in some way didn't get a blade I ticket so the next batch I can't let them hit me I can't let them hit me we get a blaze we go blaze from okay we're outfit we're gone don't care about this I look fun factor so you can see if you place water still didn't work in the never then and people were like oh yeah maybe it works back then it's a shame that it doesn't work but it doesn't work on that water was really important so probably should've just wasted it there like that that water's gonna save me a lot of full damage in a few seconds but not anymore it's not I guess okay let's run left right over these blocks and into the portal so now we need cook off lava doesn't burn leaves it burns them slowly just this backdrop so like it does burn them but over time period that just step into the lava man okay it's gonna die and that where the cook pork chops at well so what what is this pig what what are you Pig so did he drop a key drop a cook pork chop I'll take it for now I guess but yeah this is a horrendously slow way man it's this it's just it's just not effective and it this one's just running I didn't even him he's just this is just his roam you know and what what physics game make some sense so yeah from here we're gonna try and get the McGinty bread from here on out I guess that's a bad idea that's a really bad idea why you jumping leaf blocks is preet message because jumping on sauce sauce and just a slow but block to be simple good advance of that way more complex but you know not soul sand equals slow Leafs equal regular speed and therefore guess which one I went it so there's more more pics here I'm gonna try and hit the whole batch and that way if one of them doesn't work it's fine I'll get some pork chops how is this not killing it Oh God okay that's to be expected I guess they get the pork chop why am I not getting I mean see like I think they're all burning yeah I'm not I'm not doing this correctly okay drop you cooked me just come on there we go oh thank god a job too I'll free even the perfect piece the dream pig and now this allows us to do that a little bit easier we're gonna get a few more Leafs and a few more snowballs no idea how many a feature we have but it's important to have more than that and yeah we're ready to do this thank you chatting Johnson that reminder again I like I like the friendly reminders close to like hey I'm gonna I'm gonna repeat the guy above whose message about how angry is about slowmode that's proving that slow mode is necessary because like some people say things sometimes where you that you're your own message defeats the point of it like I know like people shouldn't be allowed to express their own opinions I say expressing my own opinion this is really dangerous which they and that just to guarantee we get this right okay well that definitely guaranteed I got that one right yeah it was really good really good guarantee I did there it's gonna mine for the water sucks but it's what we're doing and we're gonna put our sword um and one more block I'm gonna drown I didn't like I didn't even soom that was a possibility and now we're just cover that yeah let's do this so again inefficient but it's fine there's a creeper back there somewhere oh he's following me come on I'm trying to get through this place I've got things to be things to do people to be able to see I'm busy is what I'm trying to say oh this creep up to the right it's so filled and the reason is cuz of this lighting glitch look at that torch there we're doing this today under 15 minutes minecraft it is happening I don't care I thought it was gonna happen the first time I was like oh yeah the first time will be slug and then we can recruit from there oh I accidentally what have I done whatever I done indeed I'm sorry so I I am I have somehow pressed something the brook somewhere apologies about that okay is it is it fixed now no it's not fixed it's stuck on your screen funny so we're gonna there we go okay much better like that was so brutal so many mobs zombie creeper zombie creeper creeper like in the first three rooms of the stronghold okay better so again it's fine but we're learning we're learning as learn all this which is good that's what I want here I haven't fun hopefully you are as well let's go time number six I am I'm getting this done you might doubt that but I do not go okay we're gonna run directly forwards take a few steps to the right try not to take full damage uh okay so I'm thinking how maybe there's some smarts no there's there's no god there's maybe some smarts in breaking down the word in a different also don't fear the creeper says some good message chances for you fella hey thank you for you've not with some you'd be surprised that sometimes is like no mods I'm streaming like things even go really well already badly and I'll give you a spoiler but it's not always based on the fact that it's it's so silly it's so silly that like as you're relying on like the lock of like how you can hit oh maybe it's funny lady luck it's probably I'm calling it luck when it I should be calling it scale okay so ready six go okay we're running around here I think no yeah oh yeah we get forget we got this so yeah we're making it we have to go for a lot of growing pains which is again I think it's really cool to learn this way it's just all so frustrating and it's scary showing that to the internet because a lot of people because YouTube allows you to edit away anything you want some people are therefore gonna be like well you must play perfectly all the time all youtubers must be pumped all the time and then there's the up category people are like well you know I watch XYZ parties whole thing is speedrunning it like yeah this freak spiders in here this time he's dedicated to speedrunning the game this is me learning a skill and I hope I am open that's--if Acosta love you okay this time is gonna be much better keep going get out there there we go magic Flint now we can get out there there's a zombie there for some reason that could have probably gone badly is that something I just haven't been paying attention to I'm not even sure all I know is we've got to be real fast again crafting table I didn't even place in my inventory crafting table go okay so 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 like a t-shape of an extra thing there go go there there go go there it's like it's fun that I'm running out for a little bit faster so it's a steel and Flint remember and then boom we've got that ready get that on the hot bar where the shares at I missed the shares there they are okay okay go get snowballs get this the long VI folks we're ready for EM dragon fight and we can do this just making sort of something to go to the spawn room the problem is I need the iron to go in like I'd probably save on the porkchop run but in theory at least it's not faster in theory at least okay well kill all of you guys okay I didn't actually pick up some of those Hot Shots so I'm gonna go back and then kill the last the pigs who is in a cave oh look this cows this time hey they're friendly cows not killing you just killing the pigs see we have two critical hit them because it just saves us okay much more efficient that way and then we eat these as we go along just because I want to you guys ones we eat them like on a regular basis we can save the saturation as well I believe saturation exists in [Music] you grab some more snowballs and let's do this okay I'm primed and ready to go I'm feeling good about this I'm gonna drop that gunpowder and we're gonna oh no I just picked up the gunpowder I can't drop the Gunpowder gonna go for some more this so the plan is to bring yeah I guess I'd meet another bit of wood wouldn't it yeah we only have enough for a crafting table and nothing else so we need to bring your helmet across I guess we need to chop down a tree that's something I'm glad someone's doing the map so I don't have to I guess shop oh we forgot the water how far are we from it not too far but getting the pork chop - which is fine okay so water water on the wall oh here's a fun one recently I learned that the phrase mirror mirror on the wall is not Mara mirror on the wall it's um it's was it's like magic mirror on the wall everyone says mirror mirror on the wall and then I think it also says that men Shrek's and our once believes like I yet that's how it is but fun fact it's magic mirror and what people use that as like well clearly that's a sign we live in an alternate universe where it used to be merry mirror on the wall but now it's not it's light well I mean of the most complex explanations well you don't you don't have to complicate every explanation sometimes it can just be like oh yeah that's a funny coincidence or maybe that's just me trying to keep you in order so that you don't reveal the unlocking conspiracy behind a whole society who knows for sure I don't know that's the show okay big thank you so tell that's hotel like a hotel but like your name is Zoe by the way if your name is Zoe and you want to start hotel you have to pay me before use that name that's my intellectual property now but no more seriously big thank you - so tell Paul be $10 super chat it should because it's $10 read out so congrats on the 1 million subs how do you back when we you minecraft came out oh no way the Wii U days it's so cool how many people like oh yeah I I subscribed because of this console that comes to mind it's like hey I'm glad so now spam behow you in the console minecraft I love you were just like oh that version egg and kind of ignored it forever but I always thought it was a cool version again and I'm glad I'm not alone so yeah big thank you for the soup chat and big thank you I mean for watching in general and also big thank you if I become rich of selling these so tell name to investors there's a lot of people who want to invest in a property group called so tell a reckon that's my top tip I I think that's gonna make me million give me like oh yeah sweet cat he's he's the so tell man that also also has a YouTube channel you know that's nowhere near as important as that as that hotel business he runs there it's gonna be your people say in a year from now so I'd know anything but like with I but like okay just as a fun thing so I stand a lot of hotels I travel a lot so many hotels call themselves super ridiculous things I think I'm going to I Hotel like three times this year because there's so many hotels that like you know would it be cool if Apple had a hotel and like you could go to it and it was a smart hotel what a small hotel mean yeah you're a place where people sleep that's good job you know you can't be a smart sore you can be anything you can't be unless you unless you start a hotel called so tell that would make you a very small girl we're gonna die we're gonna die McGinnis I'm dead it's frustrating it's really frustrating cuz I don't know if I'm just doing the whole thing wrong if it's lack of skill fits in time if I'm just making really basic the same to walk but again we're sticking furthest we're doing this I am beating minecraft in less than 15 minutes I'm getting that top 40 score and because I believe it it's gonna happen it's just just I'll manage this hotel yes be called Zowie to walk in this hotel oh good idea oh I guess we have to press stop we have to reset that and now moment we spawn him we press six Sun let's go if you want to walk at the hotel you have to be called Zoe and that that can be like a nice you know like oh yeah I would stay a hotel but I really like girls named Zoe I mean you could be a guy named Zoe I mean you know it's 2019 I'm not gonna I'm gonna judge you but um you know like it that could be our niche you know like I think Zoe's an attractive name probably just a noob system in Amman thank you for the vote of confidence don't forget to cross beds I was gonna craft them in the never but I guess like I could do the crafting after shirring yeah that probably makes sense right let's do that okay so in here grab the iron grab the bucket scrap the other iron I don't know how but the spiders don't hit me there but took a lot of damage but it's fine then we get our Flint as fast as we can if we get it first of all that causes Oh Mike we're going first of all okay so that causes real issues for me like I have no idea how you can deal with this one and then we real quick we cross some shares yep just one two and not only we're gonna share a bunch of trees he'll go get it and then we're gonna crop some beds okay so we've got seven so part we need at least free beds ideally 4 so we'll go for the second set of sharing we don't have any pork chops in this room but that's fine I just joined how am I missing anything so Sarah green I know that's a mistake but porkchop joke is now obligatory ok so now we craft this as fast as we can crafting table go okay this is all the crafting for the entire game now doing all in one table one to make some of this one two one two frite one oh did we do that right I don't know if we did it's so it's so like no racking making these things is if we make it wrong the entire runs gone but also every second is important every second is sacred you know okay we did we do that perfectly actually so I didn't do this perfectly though burnt four beds put those up there and let's let's run so chat am I missing anything I think I've got it all now right I think this is a pretty effective run I think we've got all the things that we need to be successful throw away this and probably get some food because the never can be brutal fun fact never doesn't care about you in the slightest okay two buckets of water on me ready to go you splinting still cook pork says crucial we've tried that because of the 1.6.4 has weird like you can't light them on fire because there's snow that it's bizarre bizarre mechanics does it make sense just kill the post regularly I just call them old trucks you know that's fine there are pork chops really kill this guy and then just over here place this down boom oh we we have a second bucket of water place it over dad I'm ready cat what a lovely rhyme me too now I get perfect stop placing and just guess okay so nice place I really need to eat something really fast but I want against than ever quickly so I can say going forever quickly it's a real conflict just eat one pork shop so I can sprint and let's go no I don't just do that why are they just jumping I was reading the chat and I was like this this is a sign I'm losing my cognitive ability I just I just jumped in slob I was like we look over here why do things and I jumped into but my body was like yeah I'll jump here yeah yeah I see this this is fine and then as I did I'm like that red stuff is not what we're jumping into what what did that why so yeah thank you for the 20 Norwegian crayons of check what's your health bar now boy death thank you very much this I wish I thought this would happen first time this the fact that this has happened nine is like starting to embarrass me a little bit more than I was hoping to but it's fine we're going on an adventure together and at the end that adventure I love being minecraft in 15 minutes it would great okay so go there ready to press six now okay let's go we don't move until we've started the timer the timer nishes up ups two seconds but the time always starts before I do any movement I know if that's the rules or any like wesat movement you can count it differently if you prefer okay so we always want to chop down five wood exactly we walked out that's perfect let's do this chat makes like a chump and loved it it's like it really is a thing that I you lose your ability to focus on the game when you're reading like I think that's why a lot of streamers unknown like you know they're a hardcore like speed they keep on us Freddie game and there are streamers who love a game but they're usually not always the same people oh no I need to get into the second chest okay thank you they're usually not the same people because being an entertainer and being a pro player don't always rarely line up in skill set you know in the same way being a professional quiz answer and being like you know quiz show host that's had different roles right no one expects them to be the same what if you do your same no offense people who think quiz smart you know wouldn't be funny if like quiz masters were actually good at trivia but they usually just celebrities but that'd be a fun twist what a nice Bowl we could live in if that was the case I'm gonna drop this and let's go share some sheep I guess and some trees always sauce can cheer the street bear this weekend then we'll share some sheep and shear don't cut down with 5 initially it may cause more spider spawner edge I'll see you reckon go in there first then do it that might be a good tip Terran mechanical cuz of course they're only spawning when I get there see I like that I like that yeah cuz obviously like it has even saved many time because I'm not using it see that's the sort pro tip I can get down with ok so now we're all fast everything we've got to do we got to do it fast ok place down the table I say everything early build it fast then a just go horrific you slow but that's life sometimes you know and we place down too much they replace down a stick then we want to make a flint and steel but it's really a still in Flint I'm learning that recipe slowly but surely you better believe it place that down there separate the buckets out place that up there and now we want to kill some pigs I think as well as get some snowballs so yeah we're Carson pigs and then we'll switch something else to accommodate the pork chops perfect ooh we're ready okay use the numbers to quick assign items I asked good point yeah I could again I'm not I'm not usually a Java player that's why there's been a lot of learning process today but you're right that I could totally should be like I have 5 free 101 - don't work apparently but we could do that and it would be effective so ok grab some more snowballs we're running in the right direction which is good we're gonna kill the porkchops first I'm sorry pop shots but in Minecraft that that is there used to me today uh what do we need here enough that I guess sure one pork chop just to get the saturation going one of these oh man I took damage from that let's talk that's very wasteful very very wasteful and then we placed some blocks over yeah just in front of this mess I'm having a Cajun let me start building there I guess national actually very helpful with it's fine mistakes made every day the important thing is that we learn from them properly or something like that look remember we have to make this perfect as we've recently learned there is no room for failures or failure in these portals big thank you for 2 euros I saw a man I can't read it on the thing a something beautiful cat this morning a black beautiful cat is I hope that's not is that what I read you know I'm gonna have to read off this cuz that's that's that's what I Raylan scream right now and I'm not too sure he has four houses right since gammatron no yeah the the whole point was that I wanted to life the first time and then improve it because that was kind of the fun I I'm letting now like I guess oh no we do look at the it's fun it's like I'm loving this gap I love it I'm loving that that just happen that I love all these things they're valuable okay so place a block that grab some uh lava and now it's gonna entirely ignore this yeah the lack of multi size portals is already like you don't even think about it anymore each like oh yeah as long as it's roughly a size that's all that matters but it definitely matters you know people say like size doesn't matter size matters when it comes to their portals pre 1.7 and you've got always remember that people might try and tell you it doesn't matter they're you get the wrong nap bottle size people are gonna be laughing at you we're good let's go so it's sorta it's the next time so we hop out the portal this way get that out okay Alice run so there's a bit flag now it's every time this seat has a weird lag pattern you don't get to say lack pattern but you do though okay we're not going towards them why did I do that now I suffer please don't be followed oh we could just lock we could scoop that lover up that's how we could get past this no we couldn't whatever we didn't that's what matters see if we organize our Hunter a bit better that could be a very effective thing today oh no they spawn way faster than I was expecting I'm on fire I'm on fire Am I if I didn't get the blaze rods then I guess I probably did because it went to the inventory perfect perfect so as long as I don't get hit by the skeleton on the way okay words over that skeleton now kills me barring very few situations okay we run past look at this oh man oh no the place is there I knew it happened let's just like we didn't bring enough food make beds beds beds beds there's empty gamma oh we've got the beds entirely well that's good so this time we we can't we don't stop till we uh we do this by the way it's way later than how long have I been running by the way like Jesus this is really been that long Wow okay everyone I I this was I thought this was like uh yeah like just dive in dive a bit longer than I thought apparently to do it once this is the run there this is where it all works me and we all get wonderful you've got the beds anyway yet so it's fine oh we made a mistake and we're learning from it I hope it's fun practice though right because now we're getting faster all the things we're doing even know we're not completing it we're getting much faster okay so the goal is to gets the never before four minutes that's a that's a happy ending in my opinion okay so break down here oh look at that only go hit twice three times okay that's that's a much much better spot yeah that's that's such a handy tip whoever said that just save me a lot of pain give me that Flint now now there we go just jump right there perfect okay so now we chop down the trees it doesn't really matter when we do it I guess but we make the shears immediately afterwards okay I can do that real easy so catch shifting craft to save a second while crafting you can press the number to a quick assign it I don't actually understand what you're saying about that one again I'm just so alien to the key binds and stuff on PC that made no sense you might have said oh yeah use before the ball ball because the floor the ball go attached to the ball below goal will pull the ball to you for a bungalow like that's what that sentence like my brain interrupted s in fact if but if if that sentence was the that least my brain could ignore and be like ha ha what a joke but my brain was like oh yeah like you just know just didn't didn't go and didn't make any sense because I'm obviously and 90% of my brain is trying to focus on the game because I've learned what happens when you switch over from 90% to 10% okay let's go share you share you and then please give me two whoa okay you did let's do it one two three four craft no time to chat now by the way so if I'm making a huge mistake I literally won't know until much later one two three four one okay one two three one go one two go it's linens it's still in Flint not flint and steel I got that and now it's bedtime saundra says shift it there we go that does work shift it that does in fact work how wonderful place that up there and I think we're ready to go we need to put the sword in there boom we probably should have killed the pigs but they now it's fine it's not actually fine I lied okay we got this so that was much faster much more effective I'm feeling good about this we just have to be able to get some water now oh that was slow that was sluggish something says you're making a huge mistake thank you this grants above your head are ready to flange I did not get the reference I'm sorry but you did you're gonna have the same effect on me we're like oh yeah like I can hop bye Mikey bounce in my mouse my mouse balanced and now all that will ship click my my my keep ions to my my why binds and then like think about the efficiencies from that and then we place it might be too low actually I'm not even sure so yeah okay now will you grab that out there we you should scared of the water as fast as we can place it there I guess doesn't matter where it goes to me and then okay bucket place camp and let's stop going so start from the top maybe that's a bad idea I'm gonna start from the bottom yeah okay oh okay that's me almost from here love without reading chat if I was ring chat hard it's been since the death can see I guess I could feel in my brain like oh yeah I was just about to go into autopilot yeah fun fact no idea so we can do the last two if I need to place the waterblock rock or I can do the rest makes everything a little bit more painful that's fine it goes up above how nice so last two fees okay so how do we get I wish to place blocks back here then place blocks onto them and that should actually get rid of the water oh yeah look at this new strategy I don't know cuz we go to the woman for some reason okay my new strategy is not very good strategy I can't jump down into this eat and then as soon as we can we want to lights it and in a sense we can we jump into that boom five minutes into the the never also I like that music - it's very sure I'm glad it showed up anyway we on the right side one on the right side go okay that was really good timing besides the pause at the end there and we don't have the annoying mobster the skeleton really just destroyed my day just over there and then as we run past this we're gonna scoop up the lava and then very quickly all begun cuz in the love in the never lava moves like water boom perfect so I still mind the never act which feels pointless but hey it was less pointless there so go perfect amount for not taking damage but imperfect freshly getting drops then free are gonna spawn at once but I'm ready this time because I have full healing that's why did I think that spider technique was really the thing messing up so much of this game because I was always having two or three spiders as opposed to 1 or 0 definitely not getting it done yet oh no blaze rods don't do this to me game I've been so nice to you be careful this times this master of basics thank you my being careful means not reading the chat so where you have friends um and one again and also no blaze earth drill well all of that time we saved goes away here but I mean it's it's fine I mean I am mad I'm not mad no you know how it is we got to see what we can do if we want to be a little bit faster it's really cheesy and we have to actually do it correctly but you can do that feats that you know that was that was awful everything about that was horrendous but it's fine we're still doing pretty good for time we can still do 15 minutes if everything else goes even just okay but what everything else go okay that's the question so we need to kill some pigs we need to just run I guess is there anything else with the gang I hope not I can't think of that if there is so I'm not gonna try and make cooked pork chops I'm gonna you know I'm gonna do it I'm gonna make some cooked pork chops it's terrible there we go we got to is that not perfect for okay so this is a lot of saturation a lot of feeling and we did it really fast that time that's I would say speed running it's going to the max I'm gonna get a few more shareable blocks and then a few more snowballs as well and everything else is good to go I would say boom yeah we're done pretty well I'm feeling good about this also good luck I believe in you this is their answers Karen brand yeah I'm feeling this I'm feeling we may actually this might be the one the one and only maybe maybe we shouldn't say that maybe that's how you do make sure it's not the thing okay so on the mountain the way I can actually tell this in case you're curious just you know the toy cat inside the mine things as soon as you see two holes and then in front of them there's this tiny one that's when you know you're there so Oh perfect okay so there's a skeleton which is non-ideal of course and there's a zombie there which is either less ideal so what's gonna lure up the ceiling to make obsidian gerotor the zombie perfect okay I go to the zombie and also stop myself drowning and also can mine faster and the language is gone away this time so I might be less unlucky that's the hope okay everything's going well now let's see if we can get into the end portal for ten minutes okay go into the corner oh man where are you he's gonna jump in to hold me okay are we gonna do it we're gonna get into the end by 10 minutes again if you really want you can place a block jump on Twitter that's really fun oh they spawned so fast this time are they gonna knock me into the door no no I need this so that oh no no no what have I done what have I done this it was going so well it was going so well a second ago and I'm getting bullied by silverfish seriously has that ever happened to anyone in the history of Minecraft like losing so much time to a selfish problem okay we're gonna go in the back corner here we're gonna put these which space do I not need anymore that probably I'm gonna eat a pork chop first just to be safe then we're gonna go okay one two and then go so I need to get the snow balls out now and I need to keep an eye on the dragon the moment I hear my turn around a neck snowball I don't hear him I guess when you see the boss spot you know his nearby I'm scared I'm really nervous now okay we're here he hasn't attacked me although I looked an Enderman okay okay I think I D Agra at the end of and I'm not even sure I don't know where dragon is I don't know how to do on this version I don't know how these towers work on this version look how randomly spaced it this is just how it used to be it just just be like oh yeah you get some number of powers and they're just everywhere that night like look at these placements none of them make any sense they're all in our line we're gonna look behind us for this just to be careful oh man okay we're gonna need more snowballs more than we have apparently there's so many towers and they're so badly placed okay so the dragons behind me is coming off wait is that done oh it is done it's a fire not a like they look the same okay so yeah there's too many for me to actually easily do with snowballs so we're gonna really carefully trapeze I think and also keep our on the drag ever this bite is so bizarre and different we've got two minutes to do this by the way the owner promised these towers the sofas ugly place today he coming off me is she coming off me okay so can I even reach that I don't believe I can write can i no I literally can't I have to what stack myself up now are you just met to get lucky with the dragon spawns I didn't know was random I guess it must be okay so come on dragon no I just wanna take you down I don't even know when it's gone honestly oh okay dutiful so we just go and lucky of that and spawn but we did it we did everything okay that run was perfect besides the spawn we did great the game did badly that's six that's that's progress that's really good progress in my opinion so on says use water yeah I should have used water I guess no cuz then I'd have to yeah I mean actually in this version the dragons not as aggressive so it might be just fine so let's just do this easy is easy we we did everything right like we we improved so much though that that's gonna work now this ROM we just get better and then it's good well this run we get a better spawn with like five towers instead of 13 and giant ones and we OB water great big thank you the super cat I missed it cause of all the other things will bear furthermore don't worry I will see the super chance I just do not see them at this current moment so okay so we don't chop down the tree until after the spawner that's a really good improvement I would say oh there's two spiders this time yeah another so catch just just restart it don't don't take that nonsense like the amount of like the amount of effort that the spiders can create it really is like wide love with it you know why even bother if you don't have to how many prizes us now this may be the 13 maybe who knows it's not like it's not like there's a permanent record not like we're on the Internet awesome mission failed again next time since the of my TC I agree mission failed we'll get I you know I I that is one of the the internet beavers and I'm a big fan of just cuz like you know I I played those special missions sometimes like that is ingrained into my head feels like it feels like my type of joke because you know instant you know memes are kind of just like in jokes alike a lot of thin jokes me and snatches oh yeah this is funny cuz only we get it that's like oh yeah that is a thing my god that's that's my inch I always liked them big thank you SMA Krusty the one dollar suit check I don't know why you're shaking your head at rusty or if you are rusty and you're shaking your head at someone else I don't know you deal man estimated you know we're gonna break the cup so we've got some bad news the Flint is not appearing where are you Flint so we probably should wait for a shovel for this but like seriously Flynn Flynn Flynn have you okay so a couple of busy runs to just it's fine to read in this early that we're not losing anything we lost a minute of our time but we now now we're doing like serious full run each time no doubt no anything else just ready for this goodbye lamp and there it is quite like oh god yeah that I could lint was just bad luck like if you get it in the first I think your average attempt should be to attempt six if you go past attempt 10-year unlucky attempt twenty year really unlucky and whatever that was is just minecraft telling you to stop playing I guess might as well start over it sounds ridiculous to some people I'm sure but like as good as signal as any right I'm not going easy and we're out that we took five hits which is unfortunate but no do and if we get Flint first time this time that'd be fine okay two three please tell me Flint exists hey Flynn exists okay no needs to tell me Flint exists we do know it is a thing we have proof then we chop down the wood here I don't mix different if it's here or later so I guess we'll do it here let's do this all the things to kill a speed round scissors how much ya ran like you know there's a common thing about like orangey complaints like oh yeah everyone hates you know orangey embarrass different games but like Flint orangey is like the most bizarre one to even think about right so yeah we've significantly we got some different types of lease which is non suboptimal we could coop the phrase love your videos you my favorite youtuber says ace 127 thank you very much for the 1.9 sense of chat paste 127 I'm glad you like the videos I've been really liking him recently - hey you last see them at your own videos I think they're good sometimes is that but no yeah I mean I've been having a great time with YouTube recently so I'm glad you have as well so we have to make beds we literally cannot forget it oh that's fine cuz I don't intend on the gang yet so place it down on two one two place that there one two one two one one two oh no I did that slightly wrong but it's fine easy correct one two and then it's still in Flint easy okay that was really fast that was really effective oh okay and now we're ready to kill some pigs it's important we kill one pic here just for the sake of keeping my hunger balanced saturation going and then we've we've sought everything oh we found a glitch will the hammer I don't know if that's a glitch but there's a bug I guess I'd cool it where we just ate two pork chops instead of one since you're an ocelot what color cat would you be obtained and they're so fast like you can't tame I'm kind of like how you can't capture other people's pokémon in Pokemon like hey did you ever try that and get mad too like hey I don't care if someone else owns that Pokemon I want it like yeah I think you have to play like what is it Colosseum to steal pokémon just seems a bit bizarre to me that you can't you know like you don't respect copyrights in pretty much any other game besides Pokemon but I digress from my original point I can't be tamed by someone trying to say I'm a renegade so we worked out is by blocks you have to go then we cool down and I place three blocks and then we go just start work on this so we have one block yeah in man not swimming correctly because you can't swim then we grab two bits and yep let's find a me I'm gonna grab two more bits I guess the first two ones we should always do it back yeah unless that shoes I'm just so inefficient uh placements okay like I'm really slow it scroll wheeling even I've got really nice I think it's a nice girl well I guess like what is actually a nice scroll when what feels like a nice scroll we'll probably two different things again digressing a little bit here but what else are you gonna do sometimes okay so place one there pick that up oh no we gonna place a quick will face quick okay we didn't place it quick don't have a bucket of water with me you need to pick one up later nope yourself do that okay let's go ready I think we have to look a certain way to guarantee we'll look the right way in the never we should research what that is I guess it's towards the larva tip seemed to work just that and now we've got a blaze on the left but we won't kill unless he's alone if he's alone Walker he's not alone so we don't even don't even consider him a target he considers me a target oh we can't reach it from him Kyle richer from there are you back he's still firing at me Oh God like that's something I was not expecting and we got love it I think I don't ya know this is a whoops concern cuz I made it possible from to get to me oh yeah that's an embarrassing death isn't it what how did they like that was an unfortunate set of circumstances but we still lost our edge guess what attempt number 15 because we slip we're doing programming numbers we started zero okay this is the run if it's yeah I'm insisting I'm doing this till we do it but I think we've got it beds my man oh we missed our beds perfect we were really really just about that whole thing was just a beds failure yeah they're not make my crafting go to but this time they will be okay fast fast fast go go go but also be Farah all that rhymes go as fast go good go also Oh remember to be far oh I like that as a as a slogan set of phrases okay so just immediately write down the whole rather make a hole and then go right down it okay this one's this is a bad all right not it's not let me all right well when let me grab the chest cuz the spider got in the way recreate just cool it 15 and press create and well it's great saying we're getting more efficient of even the even the gang those numbers going and stopping okay we run we go we got a better spawn this time so really that's all that matters then we go left a little always will to make sure you running not into that giant hole go around these trees okay so there's two spiders again who spiders is just more brutal than one like gang out like the amount oh we did like you can just count lucky and it's over which is interesting so recreate and that's fine that's fine try to come Tran talk less not reading chat yeah I think I think that's definitely the the go-to tip here I don't know what like again I tried free chat looks I think that's important even though sometimes chat hates you and I'm like you know what when chat is like a friendly place I like to read with it that was a terrible start by the way but the rest of the run won't be so terrible we'll try and get those two seconds back we lost in inefficient sprints by mining down into okay we're in okay so oh man okay that was perfect the way the spider glitch they're really good liked it a lot okay avoid the creepers okay avoid the creepers which are everywhere go all the way around this hope they don't turn around in time they're gonna they're gonna get me out there oh there's the Flint there's the Flint okay okay we're out there Biff a weird technique we had to take four that was fast a minute em we've got all the resources we need to remember bed stuff that's really quite key so one to go we're sharing gonna be blocks come make sure they're all actors firstly Oliver states of Babylon and also share the sheep perfect I think gang a stack is just below us thanks great just gives me a bunch now causing a second inventory slot to manage and now we're ready let's go chat is the dying froze afire YouTube society what does that even I think I missed the operand oh maybe I should read it out wrong but that didn't work when in my ad oh we need to kill the pig but we need trees first let's do it so I need beds to guarantee this'll work you can double-click on the ingot to grab all the ingots in the chest this is Albany does that work in 1.6.4 not like a if it does then I guess I've been missing a trick there right okay turn this into one of these and then place it over there and then that was a little bit inefficient but it's fine perfect one two three go oh it's got to make that one that's fine now we've got that going we make the steel and Flint and then we switch two beds so beds are a little bit more complex when we do it like that perfectly done put that up there switch the bucket since - why is this even here I'm not even sure and now we know we we need to put this over there and now let's go ahead and let's kill one Pig or one sheep run away killer shoot kill a pig switch down for that we just need to get off going and let's go okay so I'm feeling pretty good about this one I think three minutes isn't perfect timing but it's good enough for me for now like we've got all the beds made we've got yeah we've got all the cropping done for the whole game it's just gangster never gang to the stronghold going to the end can we do those things and I think the answer is yes let's find out together that's the great thing about this YouTube journey all we need to be making snowballs so snow okay I just make a bunch of these just left right place then we're gonna kill all the shops and then eat one pork chop just again keep the saturation high place this and then in front of it we have these blocks just stop my life becoming how oh we need to get rid of this grab the next one that I apparently don't need okay and now we just got to gear which is super handy for grab two more yeah this is the second this is this is fast this is efficient I finally start to learn from previous experiences I would say which is good because we can get to never for five minutes that's the dream but we're finally starting to live up to okay two more let's do it okay one and then two and then grab that and then start using cuz we need food and then as soon as it's down from the bottle we like to head step there go perfect oh if we will face the the lava because when we're facing the lava we know we're facing the right yep oh there's already things attacking me that's crazy I know you can do it so I'm only here for 15 minutes this wrong way say I don't have to plans the name but thank you very much I think it's one way buddy $5 super chat this is gonna be the one I know I can do it too thank you for believing in me but I don't even need it okay let's go super fast super efficient so far we're on track for a good run if oh yes please oh yes perfect perfect everything's going so well with fruit we're done we're out there we Came we saw we conquered again pass this blaze it's gonna be a nightmare gang the gas monster stream I think it's gonna be a nightmare but both our nightmares for a future oh yes perfect I like that one okay so when he probably knows more snowballs and we need probably more leaves yeah we we learned last time like too much snowballs too many snowballs so here's a a rare problem to have okay perfect yeah I'm liking how this runs guard I'm liking how this runs going a lot personal best race is small Brendan heck yeah okay that's the sign things are going well again taking at face value because I trust small Brendon small Brendan won't lie one porkchop to stay with my hunger when did you become a speed runner how's it being I do it I just do a few speed runs every now and then for categories that are kind of underdone this is more like me picking up a serious speed run kind of profession right I'm having a lot of fun but like again I'm not I'm not anywhere near as good as the people who are number 1 2 3 4 etc I just want to see if like in the course of a stream with some knowledge and some click out fun facts if we can maybe become something ok minor block now I messed up the timing just a little bit so we need to be really careful now things can go very wrong but it's fine block that up Ryan just straight into here there's gonna be a spider in there Oh literally where it's formed ok and there's oh man okay I need this is some fighting happening and I'm gonna die okay I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm very scared I need that bread by the way listen bread in those chests it's awful how much this relies on just pure straight cut like this there's so many so many mobs that just can't spawn why they do ruins your day okay so the bread gives you a little better saturation than porkchops spinning go for it grab that more bread please don't be a baby zombie or something around the corner okay we get so we want to shut that door that was way too much time just to show the dog being big thank you sort king for the super chat sort king my recognition from the operation bedrock project thing also good friend of mine you know good friend medium friend I'm just joking around he's done oh god what is happening here in my inventory is a mess real fast you don't even pay attention please fellas I didn't pick up a slot for them lot so my inventory is a mess okay so as long as they don't follow me into the end we should be good right okay so I'm ready for this in the sense that I'm not ready in the slightest and I'm kind of nervous because last time I just got lucky that the dragon didn't come after me early so the moment we hear and we turn around we got a snowball like wild don't try to accurately aim snowballs we snowball wildly okay it's coming I know we looked at in Amman okay real help for me knowing seconds there anyway okay okay it's fine the end we fell off the end that's the ideal look how many towers there are it's like 55 towers us I mean I'm very much exaggerating and and look how many towers there are like how were meant to take this many cows as a help this is this is the prom with having an entirely rng dependent end this is this is why I'm glad they got affair like why would you have an end that has a random number of towers and how do we get so unlucky on the two runs we actually got here lower guess we still got to try we've got five minutes why don't we why don't I grab the two Stan there's so many snacks like the crab and I grabbed one or two but it was perfect the perfect number okay oh we're gonna want okay there's so many there's so many like what is that for for for twelve towers no there's a thirteenth over there right oh that's an end island so almost top towers are still more than you should have right in my opinion in my very uninformed fruit opinion come on none of those that oh look right that's fine good thing they're only like subconscious about the faces on their necks like I'm self-conscious that way fortunately Enderman did not have the same disposition or we'd have a real problem right come on one of those has to hit it don't there I should have used the water technique didn't use it Doncaster now just need to guarantee I don't die oh we're actually in a real issue a pickle if you will because we don't have the food to regenerate anymore we have one pork chop and a lot more than one pork chop worth of damage which means I can't be the bed technique or I would die so we have to not do the bed technique even though it's the much more efficient way didn't have such an unlucky end such an unlucky end if you got this father's at naught point naught 1% chance she'll fail how's that like I didn't have the correct I mean I guess that's why any cooked pork chops but everything just seemed right it was so good and then it just wasn't like the twelve pounds it just I know I got mustard I started looking Enderman I started it got rough okay lost run for the night cuz it's like 11 32 or something okay let's do this we'll get him next time I believe this okay so this is number 17 what a lucky number we can all agree ok restart ready to go all good to go again go okay so the Enderdragon knows a way to click ok as long as we get every small mistake we made last time gone this time we'll just do even better like that was gonna be such a good run we were gonna do what like 12 13 minutes some good low number of minutes was what we were going to do and then we didn't because so yes on says have you shipped like a stack you get all the minister that didn't work but okay so whoever says you can ships like a stack and you get them all right I don't know why I thought that work I was like okay this run what it meant to say is the one so in the meantime I'm gonna real quick so reset that and we're gonna read the super chance they've missed this whole stream there's been a lot of them flooring in my Bella's on but none of kitchen hates okay hey Haley stock good to see you very thanks for the great content you're welcome Palo Verde's you my baby shoe bar beds my man mission failed will get next ok we got them all since then okay wonderful so just gonna call this one okay are we on the thing let's do this eighty and glitches the terrain well we'll do 20 runs total that can be my tonight goal let's cool it okay number 18 let's go we spawn in hit the bun I'd actually know which way it is no it's up this is a real nightmare for precise spawn but it's only four seconds we're losing stuff off six seconds wow what a tragedy okay so I really think we can do it this actually not with that damage was silly but again we're talking tiny minor adjustments shouldn't affect the overall quality of the run as long as everything else goes well we backed ourselves since the wrong corner and we've got a okay so ignoring the fact that there's a creeper in that that was that was bad luck right there they're always gonna be runs like that will like the correct way to deal with it would be a minute more and we don't have that minute so load up the world hit this that yeah ready thanks very much for the dollars of check let's go good luck sirs not narrow thank you very much I believe in myself as much as you believe in me which I hope is a high amount otherwise this is definitely not gonna work okay let's go let's go Boston below me is yes another person below you it's not wig cap I felt thoroughly misled okay so this time there was no smoking there was a spider if there was no spider my life gets five million times easier I'm exaggerating but only slightly my you said look Maya my ability to find English words is very slightly less functional give me plenty please please please please please please please hey number 17 I guess we're bound have some runs where that happens today but like my card you know 17 bits of Flint before you get a successful one just be yours wrong feels dirty you're about to witness history and or humiliation you know isn't humiliation better than history if you think about it like history is literally every moment humiliation is a special one that if busman's lawyers look at it be illegal I'd be illegal gravel is still your enemy toy can it really is like like again I be man of like the people who must have had ruin runs thanks back rabble orangey I'm just saying there's a lot of pub people to agree even in the one context where it's useful it still manages to screw still manages to be the opposite of useful oh okay we get literally four seconds just to calm down to decompress and go okay we lost off four seconds okay do this one two three four place this down as fast as we can over there one two one two go what this is all going horribly wrong so okay that that was a little bit inefficient but I think we saved it in the end we were always doing inaction and they weren't all terrible and then we're very likely to miss the beds but good news I remember this time it's just my stack is all split up okay there we go there we go oh no no there we don't go there we don't go I messed this up real bad okay four beds throw this up there throw this down there split up the buckets make sure ones next that okay we're ready to go pick this up don't really need that ward in a way feel the need to so yeah food is something that we're gonna find important this run so I'm gonna bite the bullet and I'm just gonna get some cooked pork chops early I'm just gonna lose those few seconds because it's worth it because it really is right like if it if it saves another run because I I just died that runkis oops no food didn't assume I take this much damage and cook pork chops can be super effective make a furnace cook the pork after making the Neph portal so although I'd love that as part of the run like it does sound like an ideal idea at least also it sounds like a bad idea if nothing else but the reality behind it is that furnaces don't work while you're not in the same dimension as them at least as far as I'm aware I'd love to know if that's changed and that means I guess we're gonna kill this one raw okay no pork chops and Hemi but I wonder why we're gangster such stingy results here yeah just by adding this step in here now a little bit let's make our life harder to make our life easier you know okay do this to go go go pig die thank you okay we got some pork chops they vanished on the other side the block some reason so yeah this should be enough to last me all game my hope will point out fit is that okay I'm ready I'm here to 3/5 place it oh no we did it wrong but it's and probably maybe not even sure it cost some seconds but hopefully I didn't cost the run okay so there we go two buckets of lava same as usual just start placing our stuff I guess we're in a block further forward than I would have liked so now we have to yeah we have to place the bucket blocks there too but once we have placed them you know that's got to be a waste of this more efficient I've gotta like study the science cuz like ever since we've started this it hasn't really gone better it's just gone less worst and that might sound like a synonym for better but believe me it is not it is not in the slightest okay two more to go just what I like to hear and then we grab the last book off that perfect Ashley time something correctly Falls that's what I'm talking about Mycroft's on the guilt now I agree it's nice to go back to the dark ages a Oh 26 to go to 2016 baby I'm gonna show you no 2016 would be way too recent for this so there's two Blazers hit we might get incredibly lucky and they might just poke me too oh no that's not lucky that's not lucky you misunderstood me when I asked for lucky game it definitely misunderstood my request so please try and hit me I don't know why I'm definitely misinterpreted by every question oh well back to my hands in the air is like oh man so much is going wrong right now lost track lost row number 20 if we don't succeed we didn't succeed you know we had a fun time in the meantime 2016 was 1.9 hopefully 10 I think ya know 2015 was 1.9 because 2014 was the last year so I guess so maybe 2012 maybe before point 6 we had gone really far back for this one okay lost run everyone I like unless we start in the first like three minutes this is the very last run of the day so cat are your streams vaccinated I don't my streams to get water them how you get it that's what you say is a joke to show you really do I'm dying last run of the evening let's do okay go so again it takes few seconds on screen but this is gonna be the run I can just feel it in my bones I can feel it in my heart I can feel it in my soul I really just want to have a run to have on the scoreboard you know like even if it's slow like I don't want to rank somewhere on that Oh perfect he doesn't even seem to care about me okay as long as he stays wait we could okay there's a spider on a baby zombie there which is a nightmare okay please give me the Flint real fast big thank you one way she for the $2 super chap do not despair you know I like that message I won't despair thank you for the nice words come on gravel why do you do this to me what did I do to you what did I say that we got thank you man okay we're good Minato six we lost about six seconds too bad grab Lauren G by the looks of things I want to be mad at this stage we've got to channel the energy go just around get off the blocks then share this sheep this sheep and share this one we need that lost sheep over there we might just need it just in case I take a run back later are we getting the same number of sheep per ship for a sheep hear my words are you feeling are you gonna finish it says creeper bottom seven nine three yeah this runs gonna be the finish it and no matter what run I'm gonna be slow in getting cooked pork chops so I have good food because I think we can still finish under 15 minutes we'll all the efficiency we've made along the way fifteen minutes should be and there will be top 40 in the world what a nice little school so everyone in the chat listen to the rules you'd be surprised how rules and checks of your light now why would you ever need rules and then 10 seconds later needs rules ah that's why no I think I think the problem is the sorts people who break rules are the sort of people who've done read rules you know now this is a problem you have with all sorts of laws as well right like why don't we just make it illegal to break crimes though I mean it's kind of yes crimes are already illegal it's like that but why does this not work by the way I don't okay whatever it's fine we waste a few seconds oh I'm just a little bit too tired I think to be effectively playing Minecraft it seems but it's fine okay so now we want to separate the buckets put them next to that okay that's a sorted inventory right there kill this pig because he's next to me eat some pork chops okay let's go I'm ready for this and wait this isn't Bible ap so how can 50 mins be possible I pull the record was 30 minutes a lot of people have I different ideas about the records so on just said to me like all the games we've been to 30 seconds no glitches it's like oh you know about a run that literally isn't on the internet will go you like it's the sort of thing where I'd recommend if you think you know like give it a google I have really bad scratches on my arm here Jesus like I just suddenly felt a lot of pain and I think cookie must have scratched me really bad last time I was there now I feel a bit betrayed so yeah my first move is just gonna be burning some pigs because I really would quite like some pork chops okay we got the pork chops that time we got to we need a lot more than two but it's pasta progress right yeah that I think they're falling into the lava we're placing in them okay that time we've got the pork chops and also got larvae didn't want to take from that experience honestly and now we've got three spare pork chops probably enough for now enough for me to at least pretend it is and then we're gonna place these blocks here now and see if that helps maybe I'm not even sure well it's just a nice then we place some dangly over there guarantee doesn't get my weight okay ten blocks whoopsy and let's go one two three four tickle my dog five six I don't forget to tick on my door again focused toy cat is not a reason why cat deep-fried peep out he's serious I love the T series you know I love Indian music and I'm glad there is a channel that caters to me who's that Howie D boy guy I have never heard of him definitely not the biggest youtuber on the site that is for sure thank you for asking your question very unheard of question in the gaming space so we're gonna use some time now just while we wait for that to vanish anyway although we wait go to their second too early okay that was bad no idea oh man we're lying ourself someplace soft yeah okay we got the pork shop we did a lot of damage to ourselves probably need another pork chop just to undo the damage so that's fine so we look towards the lava which is also looking towards the never fortress okay so which run this way we don't want Blazers on the way we want the blaze spawner I've learned that the hard way like not it might sound better to have something else but there just isn't it's just objectively incorrect okay got the lava now cuz the never hack never comes in useful anyway like perfect let's go okay we're on six minutes 47 seconds so it's slower than normal but it's not like a slow climb you know we got a place drops we just need one more and we're out there sweet the pork chop it wasn't dangerous we chapter stair this is this is my favorite thing okay go oh we don't actually need this kill this guy but it's fine we did anyway okay we're good I'm feeling good about this we got five cooked pork chops we got plenty of blocks we're gonna get more we got some snowballs we need to get more some Blazers form this we're gonna run where they can't see me oh no we messed this up big-time we messed this up so big time and I got with it I got okay good thing we listed pork chops and we're not on fire this ruins my parkour please super scary stuff I don't I feel like she fought me for I don't believe he should but who knows 1.6.4 is the the wild wild west of minecraft updates okay climbers get everything's good 24 um really might be something oh I said it now oh I guess we need to get some water literally the moment I said I said something I shouldn't have it came back and bad give me those pork chops friend perfect seven okay so replace one of these with one of these we want to switch these two around so that should be easy enough to arrange actually it's not easy to arrange it all so I guess we'll just pause just to make my life a little bit easier on this switch I'm about to do and we've got all the things we need besides probably more snow right just like you never know and then also more leaks 42 is nice but I'll take a whole set keep things going yep that's what we're talking about boom let's go see the lighting glitch kind of resolved as we were going along there perfect so far okay then we use the lava to just see all that sealing up start lining down pray that the strongholds not filled up mobs like it was last time doesn't seem to be oh we got a good stronghold Peck yet no mobs filling it up and taking up all the space mobsters finally gone away left me alone oh this has gone so well even this can't ruin the fun now okay you know I don't care about you no no I do care I do care I have to reconsider my options right now she's gonna stand above me for a bit been timid dating up then what's he gonna do otherwise I know she knew my way around the rest of the stronghold oh there was a fish in this block and because I him in the wrong way so we need to get back up there in a not dangerous way and then run through the skeletons okay that's fine oh shut the door perfect oh man that was good I felt good forgot to do this till just now I'm gonna do this right now Flint still don't need any more I've got when you do this it causes problems my voice is like suddenly just started today like I should not be awake at this time something we have very clear signal so the dragons on the screen which means you might be charging at me already okay we're gonna do this let me go free minutes 30 seconds to kill the dragon which is a tall order but it's not impossible order listening out there oh thank God I got okay gone in just the right moment we're good we're good please be a better spawn it's not that much better if they're always just well we got to get that all about you have to keep an eye on the dragon now I guess we do okay so the dragon is not leaving me alone today well so look out Finn these towels are they're like real pencils it's all I'm saying look like pencil keep destroying him is the crystal gone the crystals gone okay we got two minutes to take down crystals until the dragon till the damage but I think that's fine I think that's doable I think this is happening track okay I remember dragons the biggest fret oh we got work them together okay so just this these two here and we're done these two on set and then we're on bedtime no you can actually just no end up and don't you finish this run for me oh no I tried to place them sorry I'm so bad at this I placed the like I have to stretch gee I like it was easy place down the water eat done and then I just scrolled a tiny bit too much this is why this is less precise than an individual - god damn button this is why I do not like using a mouse it's not the correct it's a wheel wheels aren't good for individual precise motor functions it's not the correct use taste livestream I'm not mad at mouse and the control input at large not in the slightest I opened up a bunch of apps in Chrome it was it was happening there we we had everything we needed but what we didn't have is the spirit of adventure and if you think about it that's what we needed no for real I like that's so frustrating because every night like I should have I could have everything about there was good I just lost minute choked a bit because I didn't scroll correctly you know like literally like it's really great cuz like if you want to scroll free clicks down instead of click the click it's like scroll roughly free like why I can do it here sometimes but and you can use the number keys I know it exists but that's not one I want to I'm used to scroll right one scroll left one you know I need to go true to the right and then two to the left whereas knowing like five then one and to the pre etc that's harder and you have to lose control of my serginho so yeah what I might just do is I've got two extra keys of my Mauser we're actually can you even refine that controls you can assure you find it to go up and down one on this version at least but what I really I might be split you can buddy rewind it to scroll wheel up and scroll down I think I need that because this is we always it's it's a really nice wheel for scrolling the web but it play it just isn't consistent of how its dermis and yeah because of that we lost I run one more time so I can I do not I I just feel like I've lost my soul I've lost my heart and that was a fun attempt livestream I'm a little bit bitter we didn't do it but sometimes you gotta be bitter sometimes you don't have to prove you can do everything sometimes failure is important and maybe we should accept that at this time maybe the success isn't the important thing what was important was the journey what's important is that the speedrun was inside us all this whole time and we just needed to let it out so yeah thank you but I I just don't have the the energy to do it like the the drive the fault process the the like if I do it again I'll just die eight minutes in in the never or something like I don't I can't keep my brain focused for another 15 minutes straight which you know maybe that says something about me maybe this is something that you but thank you very much watching today's livestream I'm sorry I suck with a mouse it really did hold me back and I guess at least we learned some things I think it was a lot of fun I hope this is encourage you to try speedrunning 1.6.4 and hopefully you appreciate the world records a bit more because I go the world record right now is doing all of that in seven minutes so yeah now you know a little bit more hope you all enjoyed today's video and have a nice rest of you day everyone because I'll see you all next time goodbye
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 323,001
Rating: 4.7669377 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 1.6.4, speed, run, minecraft speed run, 15 minutes
Id: fzwotMFcwj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 27sec (8247 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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