Can you put FRESH FLOWERS in RESIN? What happens?

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hey guys it's sheri vegas and welcome back to my channel so in this video we're gonna see the difference between uh preserving fresh flowers so we're gonna be using roses to preserving dry flowers in resin this is a question i get asked all the time is whether you can preserve fresh flowers so i thought the best way to answer this question is to show you for this experiment i'm going to be using the same mold to put one for the dry files one for the fresh flour so that way we can see i'm also going to be using the same rosin fruit out so i've got this casting resin it's a two to one ratio uh so two parts resin one part hardener and what the first step that we need to do is we need to put a little bit of resin just down at the bottom and then place our flowers in and then let that gel and stick that way it just stops the flower from floating if i was to pour the full amount of resin in and the flowers because the flowers are lighter and less dense than the resin they're going to float to the surface so by just putting a little bit of resin down on the bottom first and then placing your flowers down that's going to act as a glue and it's going to keep your flowers where you want them and not have them floating all around and then after that i'm going to be then doing the layers of resin so because this is going to be a bit deep i'm going to split it up into a smaller pores so that way i'm not doing one big deep pore and i'll explain that in a little bit why that's not good to do when you are working with flowers okay guys so to start with i'm just pouring a really thin layer of resin in to my molds at the bottom i always like to let my resin sit for a bit before i pour it that way any little bubbles will come up to the surface and you don't want to like overheat your molds because you can damage them so it's always best to just kind of give your resin a little bit of time so my white flower is my already dried rose and then my red rose is the fresh flower so that way we can have a little comparison all i'm doing now is just preparing the red rose i'm going to cut the base like the stem off and also all the leaves and then i'm also going to just slowly pull out the petals and kind of shape the flower how i want it before i place it into the resin just be careful because i do take my gloves off when i do work with the flowers so don't get your fingers accidentally in the resin be really careful and mindful with that but yeah so i'm just shaping out my rows um really gently and then i'm just going to place it into the center so it's been about three hours since i did my first layer which means the resin has started to gel and the flowers won't float anymore so i can start doing my next layers i just used a heat gun to heat up my resin a little bit just to pop any of those surface bubbles i don't like to use the heat gun over directly over the flowers because it can affect the flowers and you're going to want to do this in layers because if you pour casting resin all at once to a mold this deep it can get really hot and can sometimes cook your flowers so it's always best to do it in layers then a really important step is make sure you place a box over the top or something like that just to stop any dirt or bugs or anything getting into that because there's nothing worse than that happening and then all you want to do is just keep repeating this process until you've finally covered the flowers um i think this took around six or eight layers in total and around two days to finish pouring them so i think like three to four layers a day i had my camera on auto but it obviously decided it didn't want to focus for this part so really sorry about the blurry footage it does eventually go into focus so i finished doing my pores on both my fresh and my dry flowers and it's been about five days so it took me two days to pour both molds just because when i do any sort of flower work i always pour in sort of smaller layers just because sometimes the resin can heat up and then that can affect the way that the flowers will set so it's always a good idea if you are doing anything with flowers in it to do it in layers just so that way one you don't get like all the air bubbles that flowers might release and the second thing is you don't want to cook your flowers by accident because resin does get quite hot so by doing it with thinner layers you don't get that issue so i think i did six or eight layers of resin for both of these now that is like they are quite deep molds um so it was two days to pour and then i've left it for another two days to cure um just because with anything casting it's always good to give it 48 hours it's fully set within 24 and you can demold it but it's always good to give it 48 hours and now it's the next day so it's been five days in total since i did the first pour so i'll show you the fresh flour one first um not the fresh flour one first the dry flour one first because i think we all know how this is going to look because it's going to work out because it's dry and these are just silicone molds um i have a whole bunch on my etsy store not my etsy store i have a whole bunch on um my amazon store i don't know what's up with me today i am having such a hard time speaking and remembering things today but anyway um silicon moulds are great because your resin doesn't stick to them and you can get really great you can get them on all different shapes so this is the fresh one obviously i would need to clean up the edges give it a bit of a sand and then a top coat to it but that has turned out just as i thought it would looks amazing when you do look at it on the side you can see like the slightest marks of where they've been poured but there's one two three four five six yeah so six layers to do this deep um yeah perfect came out really nice there are little parts where it's gone slightly yellow and that's just because i had this flower dried for ages um just sitting in like a box that i have full of dried flowers um so over time it's sort of been damaged and then the resin has seeped in through those little parts where it's gone yellow and it's got actually gone the resin has gone inside the flower so that's just a really helpful tip if you are going to be adding flowers into resin and doing stuff like this if you've got any parts where the petals are damaged the resin can actually get in to the layers of the petals and then it can change the coloring you don't notice it as much on flowers that are really colorful it's more on your softer colors that you actually notice it so if this was a bright pink rose you probably wouldn't even see that but you do see it because this is a white rose and white roses i've got to say are the hardest so this actually turned out pretty well considering okay so now it's time to do the fresh flower so this is five days in and it's done exactly what i thought would happen and that is it has rotted ah so it has completely rotted inside on the second day of pouring it was still looking really fine you couldn't tell it looked perfectly good but then as i saw it today it had completely started to rot over those few days i wish i did take a little bit of a video of what it looked like on the like second day after it was fully poured um and it was still perfect you couldn't tell because it had only had like that two or one and a bit days in the resin so it hadn't started but this is the fifth day and it has completely browned and rotten and gone awful and i knew this was going to happen but i thought it was really good kind of like experiment to show you guys uh the reason why this happens is because it's still got moisture in it and then when the moisture and the resin mixes it doesn't do it well and you have issues like this where your fresh flowers are rot so while it might look fine the first few days that you've done it it will eventually rot over time because the moisture's got nowhere to go so then it starts to break down um basically the um the flower and starts to get really just gross and horrible inside so if you ever wanted to put if you ever want to put fresh flowers um interesting it's just not going to work there's no way that you can make it work the only way that you can put real flowers in is by this process where you dry your flower out first um and you can use that with silica i do have a really helpful video all about like the ways i drive flowers so i'll put that on there so that way you can see that but yeah you will never ever get a good flower when you use it fresh in resin it just won't work um so yeah you've always got to make sure that you do dry them out first and that goes with anything anything you want to put into resin it has to be a completely dry object it can't have moisture in it at all um just because the moisture just has to it has to go somewhere and if it's encased in resin it's just gonna go bad and rot i hope everyone enjoyed this little experiment on putting fresh flowers into resin and that's answered everyone's question um comment below if you've got any other ideas or any sort of things you want me to experiment and try i'm always looking for new video ideas so it's very helpful um it doesn't have to be about fresh flowers either it could be about anything to do with resin or art and craft um all of that if you like this video please give it a big thumbs up as it really does help it helps me out and it lets me know what to keep creating for you guys if you're new to my channel please do subscribe as i post new arts crafts and diy videos every single week and don't forget to hit that notification bell because that way you'll get notified every single time i do upload a new video thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: sheri vegas
Views: 215,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fresh flowers in resin, flowers in resin, can you put fresh flowers in resin, preserving flowers in resin, preserving real flowers in resin, how to cast flowers in resin, roses in resin, easy diy flowers in resin, how to preserve a full rose in resin, Epoxy resin
Id: _d02sMtbutA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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