#1474 Amazing 3D Bloom Effects In This Resin Tray

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[Music] g'day guys welcome back welcome to pouring your heart out i'm gonna do a fun bloom today or hopefully it'll be a fun bloom and not a stressful bloom uh going a bit bigger today with the bigger ones i've been having a lot of trouble getting the centers to to bloom so you would have probably seen that in my clocks all of them all of them were the same i don't know anyway so i'm going down a little bit but still this is a 24 centimeter now i'm just popping some resin in my little cup over here off camera got about 50 grams ish that's for my white oh i'll show you my little chart that i made if you're interested this resin is the platinum art coat it's a nice thick resin to start with which is nice and it's got quite a long working time 70 minutes that's just over an hour seven zero minutes um so yeah it um hopefully it will hold my blooms well being a thick resin you can see look at that you see that nice and nice and thick so it's been sitting in the cup for 20 minutes i haven't taken its temperature and just let it sit for 20 minutes which is what i always do with this resin and then i'm going to drop my inks and mix up my white and that'll take me about 15 minutes and then i'll be ready to pipe and i'm going to actually pipe today with my little parking bag but before we start that let's drop the inks so i'm going to do some nice sort of summery spring bright colors i'm gonna just give this a quick torch before i go too far i did clean the mold but there's always something that flies in isn't there i got my masking tape and went over it with that but there's always something it's actually going to go around there just with the tip of that silicone brush just in case i'm making a big wave at the front a tidal wave oh no just in case there's any bubbles um i've stopped um spraying my actual mold with alcohol before i start because i find that the alcohol kind of distorts my blooms because i was wondering why some of my blooms didn't work and then when i looked back i used the alcohol so i'm not going to do that so i'm going to start with blue now i want the inks to spread so i'm using the deco rom i find that the let's resin even though they're really bright and concentrated they don't spread as much so this one's navy which one normally i'll show you that way because you're over there but now you're up there so you're looking at the same way i'm looking do you like this new way of me filming is straight down pretty cool hey and the bonus is i'm right here and my camera is just there so i don't have to run around the table climb up my ladder press record um oh i thought this was going to be a little bit lighter oh it's a bit lighter this one i haven't got much left of this one actually this is this is it i thought i had some more but this is forget me not it's also the deco rom but when i looked in my my my other set of deco rom i don't have the um this color for some reason i'm just spraying out what i've got left come on you'd think each set would be the same but it's it's not some reason i don't have this color unless i've used it up so anyway that's the end of that one they're nice nice nice colors the deco rom and they're relatively inexpensive um i just get them from amazon now to go over that lighter blue i'm going to use my other my other one just because they have that um sky blue is finished this is um turquoise from ranger we'll see how that goes so you see what the colors that's going to be that's very similar i was hoping it'd be similar okay so that's the turquoise from ranger and then i'm going to go with the ring of green put this sprayed everywhere i don't want blue on the edges i'll just bring that in a little bit um and then we're going to go with some avocado green actually i haven't opened that one yet oh my gosh oh my gosh um what can i open it with i'll just stick a stick of pin in there i do have the proper little thingies but they're over on the back of my art studio so hopefully a pin will do for now and a little ring of green there we go and then some bright yellow now this is just also from deco rum the yellow i have to add a bit more color there i find the ranger inks are nowhere near as bright as some of the other brands i thought i'd try them because i could get them you know locally but i haven't really been that impressed with them i must say they um they tend to fade from my experience with them anyway they tend to just fade a little bit more than the other brands i have to add more around we go all right so that'll that'll do let's move those inks out of the way and one more actually one more little drop of the the navy i want a nice dark center see how nicely they spread though they're really pretty all right now let's make up the white i'm using the just resin titanium white give that a stir um i think i want them to be quite transparent today i did one the other day i don't well i did it this morning i don't even know if i'm going to show you because i made my wife so um heavy it didn't bloom i had oh so i was in a world of hurt um yeah i don't know things just went wrong things don't always go right in the studio you guys um so anyway i'm trying it again with different inks same colors just different inks and i'm not going to make my white a little bit more transparent um again it was a bigger one it was my bigger train my 32 centimeter tray and the center just did not bloom one two three four five six seven eight i've got eight because it's 50 grams of resin in there yeah i don't know i've i've done it so many times and every time i've failed and i've tried different resins and i've failed so you know doing the big pieces like over 12 about over 13 14 inches that you know 40 centimeters i just have not had any success with the centers now i'm just going to get another stick i'm not going to wipe that i just want to grab another stick because i don't want to put any more white into it have a little look and see what it's doing okay so that's nice and it's pretty transparent like you can see the stick through there so yeah that's good don't want too much white on there and also it's just too heavy and it sinks so i think that's what was my problem because i put quite a lot of white in it on the last one i may well put the video up we'll see see what it looks like right what's the time what time am i i've got another five minutes to go five minutes to go so i waited for i waited 20 minutes for the resin i decanted and then i wait another 15 minutes but i've only i'm only up to 10 so i'm gonna just i think i'll give this a bit of a swirl just to kind of blend those colors a little bit more just to sort of blend them otherwise you have these you know rings of color whereas i think if you do this you get more of a more of a blending not so much of a definite how's that that looks pretty doesn't it does this needs a little bit more navy in the center now because i've kind of moved my center okay there we go hopefully that's the center i like that it's more organic all right so um now the next thing i need to do is i'm just going to i've still got four minutes i'm just gonna put you on pause and i'm going to come back in a few minutes and then i'll put that into there all right and i can reach my camera from here right here it's been a few minutes so let's pop this white into the piping bag hopefully it'll fit should do so the white resin's warm it's it's not hot it's just warm so hopefully this will work out pretty put that aside give it a twist and then i just fold that over like that so that it can't run backwards squish the top and then make a little hole go a little bit smaller first because you can always go bigger so i'll probably have about i don't know if you can see that four or five millimeters wide i guess all right oh we're ready now i'm just gonna i'm gonna do a little bit different this time instead of doing my usual blooms although he got my usual blooms i'm just going to kind of go over like this i don't know just want to do something a little bit different for a change and just see what happens i know i'm putting a lot in the center but um hopefully i'll just swirl that middle try not to touch the side of the mold okay so that's a lot of white in the center isn't there never lined all right so now that i've done that i'm going to come in and i'm going to do some some more just to kind of fill in my gaps bit of a swirly whirly little curly whirly i don't know i'm just just going to play and use up whatever white i want to use up so yeah do a few more little swirly wurlies trying not to get the white too much into the center because there's already a lot in the center like so yep and that's all i'm going to do and we'll just wait and see what happens hey just see what happens so i didn't make my my piping very thick as in you know doing like a really thick line like that you know i kept them pretty thin like that um and i'm also hoping that because i've made them thin like that and not thick like that they're not gonna fall down as much that's why i thought i'll do extras and there's a little a little blobby so i'm just going to give that a few minutes um and then i'm going to come in and swirl the center looks as if it's blooming already so that's good just fix up my little bloom over here i'm trying not to fiddle you guys i'm trying not to it's difficult so we'll see what this does with all the all the extra lines and swirls and and things like it might be pretty we'll just we'll just wait and see i'm feeling like i need another row in here as we use a whole lot just sort of trying to fill in any any gaps where i don't see a a bloom all right that'll do i've used nearly all of it look at that nearly all of it okay so there's some quite a lot of white in the center there because everything met in the middle and that's okay because i'm going to swirl it anyway what do i want to do maybe i don't want to put a little bit more blue put a little bit more blue in the middle i don't know if it's going to make any difference or whether it'll just be light blue but we'll put a bit more blue on and that way when i swirl it i don't know i see i don't know whether the blue is going to go forward or it's just going to stay on top now because i put the normally you put your color on first and then the white on top and it you know the white pushes the color down but i've done it opposite this way so not sure what's going to happen i can see the white through there look at that interesting all right i think i'll i'll swirl now i will swell now should i swell yes let's swirl i'll touch the bottom and i'm gonna swirl and come back into the middle and up there we go that's all i'm gonna do hopefully i was in the middle i thought about putting down like a little fake flower or something in down there first but then i decided no i'll just see how this turns out first right i probably don't need to take you down for a close-up because you're already pretty close just gonna wipe my stick get my rubbish organized while i've got my gloves on all right let's let's go down hey let's go down for a little close up all right i really like how it's the colors are blending there's the middle that i swirled it's really hard to see what's going on in there because there's so much it's like it's like looking through seaweed under the water like you know you can't make out what's what but i think it's i think it's blooming and i really like how the colors have blended it's it's very different to when i use the let's resin inks and they just stay in their own little lines you know but these you can see there they they're blending it also helped that i sort of did that little you know swirly thing but so there we go it looks as if it's working you guys i just don't know what it's doing on the other side so anyway we shall see i'm not going to fiddle i'm not just going to leave it i'm not going to give it any heat um i don't think it needs heat all you do is warm up the resin and it gets thin again and your color falls straight through so i'm not gonna do that kind of looks like an iris doesn't it like an eye look look at it it's blooming it's blooming it's blooming oh i'm so excited why can't i do that when i do the bigger clocks hey why not i could try this technique with the little thin piping bag i could try that couldn't i maybe i will all right i will see you soon um i think i'm going to put a black background on this one so i will see you to do that shortly right oh so it is the next day and i forgot to tell you about my little chart i started telling you and then i got sidetracked so here it is i'll just pop it over there now this is what i use to work out how much resin i'm going to use so for this particular piece that i wanted to put a backing on i'm using the platinum 360 plus which is a two to one resin so i'm going to go with this section here that's a one to one there that's usually the um the thicker resins like your um your coating resins is usually a one to one and um but anyway this is two to one so i said to myself i need about 100 grams so this is the total so i went down here 107 grams i thought yep that'll do so i'll make 75 grams of a and 32 grams of b that's what i've got so i'll step back you take a little snapshot if you wish um yeah it's it's what i use with my resins i find it works really well for me but um make sure that you just you know do what's right for you so that's what i've always done over the last coming up to two years now i think so yeah works well for me um part a is always heavier than part b in in the resins that i've used anyway but like i said just double check on your particular resin now let's put some black i'm just going to use some black pigment paste it doesn't matter which one you use i need to clean off my stick now don't i before i stick that in there before i stick my stick in all right there we go let's take a little bit of this don't need much it should be enough and um oh look at it you guys it is just gorgeous i really really hope that it's just as gorgeous on the other side because ah i'm in love with this side even if the other side doesn't work oh no i can't i was gonna say even if the other side doesn't work i can have this side but no i can't because i'm about to put black all over it and ruin it looks really pretty doesn't it i love how the way the the inks have spread these inks in particular i just really like how they spread other inks i've used they don't spread as much but these ones do and i think i'm not exactly sure but i'm thinking it might make a bit of a difference to how your petals bloom as to the type of ink that you use inks that spread a lot that tend to bloom really well and then inks that don't spread very much i haven't had much luck with my bloom so hmm go figure it could be something there couldn't it give that a blow make sure there's no hairs on it oh goodbye beautiful flower i hope you're pretty on the other side otherwise i've just ruined it have an eye scrape all that out okay so what i'd like to do is sort of start here and push the resin see i'm kind of making like a little wave there's a little tidal wave going towards the edge there i don't actually touch the side of the mold with my stick so i'm just pushing the resin and it's making a wave and the wave is pushing out and touching the side of the the mold that's what i like to do so that's pretty much it um i'll just finish this oh look at the green through there does not look pretty um and then um tomorrow cause it's getting late in the day now it's getting dark so much earlier now 5 30 in the evening and it's dark already got to turn the lights on it's just bizarre and i can't it's not really good lighting for pouring in the evenings so um i'll come back to you in the morning and we will unmold this gorgeous creature well hopefully it will be a gorgeous creature and see how it's turned out quick torch and that's it alright i will see you in a minute right oh it's the next day and we'll get this out it's bright and early i just went and made my coffee i'll bring it with me so i can have a look all right here we go let's get her out i hope it's worked up it's really pretty let's loosen that all the way around first there we go she's out all right oh my gosh here we go are you ready oh it's so pretty oh there's a what's that one little one little white dot oh that is so pretty except for the one little white dot oh you know what i might have done i might have actually when i touched when i did this well i might have touched some white onto the actual mold and it got stuck so maybe it's a good idea not to touch the bottom of the mold hey maybe that's a lesson learned today oh that's so pretty wow i did use a lot of white you can see that it's got a lot of white in it i probably didn't need to do that much let's have a little close-up look of it hey it's really pretty i love those colors what do you think so pretty i'm glad it's worked yay i was worried about it and she had probably put a little bit too much white in there you can see there but that's fine i wanted to see what would happen with so much you know what it could handle so it can handle a lot of white oh that's so pretty you can see on the outside though the difference like there wasn't a lot of white on the outsides but where there's more you can see that it's much thicker all right lovely all right well i can um go and sit down and have my coffee knowing that it's worked hey so happy all right thanks for watching guys hope you've enjoyed the video and i'll be doing more because i love these all right see you real soon for the next one okay bye for now you
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 461,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #resincoasters, #resin3dflower, #resinflowercoasters, #resinflowertechnique, #howtomakeresincoasters, #resinchristmascoasters, #resinbloomtechnique, #artclassresin, #quickcureresin, #bestresinflowers, #howtomakereisn3dflowers, #fastsetresin, #platinumresin, #resin3dbloom
Id: 4XbM2FQq-7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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