Resin Tutorial | Watch Me Resin | Seriously Creative

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to my channel so i've had a few requests to do more videos where i'm talking so today i've decided to make a video tutorial on how i make my resin charms um so i hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions you can just comment below or jump on my instagram and you can just ask me some questions on there or just comment what you think and i hope you enjoyed the video okay so what i do when i'm working with my charms first of all i always wear gloves um and this is to stop any irritation on the skin apparently you can actually develop allergies by working with resin so i always wear gloves just to try and prevent that um so i've got my two part epoxy resin um the brand i use is craft smart clear gloss and i it's in australia so i'm not sure if you can actually get that overseas and it's a two-part epoxy resin so i mix two equal parts of a and b and then i spend about three minutes mixing it together just to make sure it's really thoroughly mixed because the last thing you want when you put so much time into making charms because like as you'll see in a minute it's quite a long process you don't want the resin to not cure properly because then you've ruined the whole piece and it's really frustrating i've done it before trust me it's quite upsetting when you spend so much time making something and then you get to the end and it's like not cured properly um so yeah spend about three minutes mixing it up and making sure it's really well blended together so after i've stirred it for about three minutes i start to pour it into my mold um i try and do each piece roughly the same amount so it's usually about three mils um just enough so that when i put the beads in like the letters that i use for my words and stuff um that they actually just sit in there nicely and you also don't want to have the pieces too thick either so yeah just a small amount the bottom is fine so i leave that for about five minutes just to let the bubbles rise to the top and then i go over that with a um just like a lighter i think this is the the one that you use for the barbecues um so it's kind of like got a long thing on it so you don't burn your fingers trying to use it yeah and i just go over it quickly just to pop all the little bubbles that have come to the surface um just be really careful doing this as well because i've actually heard that the moulds can like melt or catch on fire and i've never ever had a problem with that i've never even seen a mold burn but i've heard people say that it's happened so just be really careful and just like quickly go over the bubbles and that should be fine and then i just go around the edges with a toothpick and this is just going to stop any of the bubbles that are sticking to the edges that i couldn't get with the lighter okay so i've got my little letter beads in place i actually pre-prepare them before i put them into the mold because i want to know exactly which words i want to put in and i also want to know um that i've got all the letters because sometimes i you know if you use too many run out of letters um and i also want to have my my big main pieces of glitter set aside with them as well so i know which pieces are going with which and this just saves time so when i'm actually putting them into the molds i'm not wasting time like trying to find letters or trying to find the glitter that i want it's just easier to have it all ready to go before i start putting them in um so i'm just using my long tweezers to put the letters into the mold um and so for these pieces you actually have to put the letters upside down and the word back to front so when you take the little charm out you can like the front is facing downwards so that's why you have to put it back the front it's like a mirror um and i've made a few mistakes with this before it can be a bit tricky sometimes but with practice you get used to it um and also when i put the letters on that clear um mold to prepare before i actually put it in you can check like you can look underneath and see if the words are the right way around and check that the letters are the right way around before you actually put it into the mould and that will save you a bit of time as well making sure it's the right way around so i don't spend too much time making sure that it's in there perfectly at this stage i kind of just use my tweezers to put it in there roughly um and then once all the letters are in there i kind of go back over with a toothpick and make sure they're all placed properly so this just saves time as well like you just want to get them in there and then you can go back and adjust them afterwards okay so i've started to put in my main light sequins or big pieces of glitter or whatever you want to call it um so the spider webs i'm just using a little toothpick to kind of push them to the front of the piece and so the resin is covering it and then i'm just going to go over and put my other little pieces of glitter in so i use like these um shiny stars there you can see just i really like these styles i think they're beautiful and i use them in like so many of my key rings because i just think they're so pretty um so yeah i just go in and put them push them to the front as well so they kind of stand out a little bit from the other glitter i've taken my gloves off at this stage because i'm not actually touching the resin so i find it a bit easier to work without the gloves um so if i'm not actually touching anything um the toothpicks touching the resin it's fine not to wear gloves as long as you're careful and i'm just going to go around and make sure the letters are facing the right direction and they're nice and straight or in the case of the ones that say weirdo they've kind of got a nice curve that match the shape of the mould so when you take it out it looks you know kind of suits the shape and everything and then what i do for the next you know 10 15 minutes is i kind of just keep checking the letters make sure they're in the right spot because what happens with epoxy resin it's like a chemical reaction so the resin actually heats up and it kind of um yeah the letters can kind of move around a little bit and when i say move around they're like not floating all over the place but there's like tiny little movements and the letters kind of shift a little bit or they don't they don't stay straight so yeah it's called babysitting when you just go over and check that the little letters are in where they should be um and after about 20 minutes or half an hour it should be kind of set enough that they're not going to move anymore so once you've put all the letters in 10-15 minutes and then they should be fine you can just leave them okay so at this stage i've left the um charms for about eight to ten hours um maybe not even that long actually maybe only about six to eight hours um but anyway the the resin should be a little bit tacky it's not completely cured but at this stage this is where we add the glitter and stuff on the back so i kind of go from big to small when i'm adding my glitter so when i add my clear layer i put on my big pieces and like my main pieces with the shiny styles i put them at the front um and then once the resin pieces are a little bit more tacky i can add like a chunky glitter and then after that i add like a really fine glitter um and i feel like that gives the best effect with the cage ketones it just looks the nicest when you do it like that um so for the letters that are black i'm actually using like a darker glitter and then for the white letters i i tend to use like a lighter glitter but you can kind of experiment work out what looks nice like there's no right and wrong with glitter you can just basically use whatever you want whatever you think looks cool i mean glitter looks beautiful with everything so i'm sure it's going to look great no matter what you do okay so now i've left the pieces overnight to kind of set a little bit so it's about 12 hours since i first started um and at this stage i'm gonna start mixing up my colors so whatever colors i want the charms to be i tend to do pastels so i've got some pink i've got blue and i've got purple um so this is another batch of resin that i'm using um and i put just a little bit of acrylic white paint and that gives it a really nice pastel color and for this pink one i've got a um what are they called alcohol inks from miniature suite just to give it a bit of color and for the purple one same thing again um so just some white acrylic paint and then a drop of the purple um alcohol ink from miniature suede and for the blue one because i don't really like the blue that i got in the kit from miniature suite it's like a little bit dark so i just use a little bit of my pastel well it's not really pastel but it's a blue acrylic paint um mixed in with white paint to make it like a pastel and then i also do a really small batch of just some black resin um so with some of my charms i like to add a little bit of black kind of looks like a little bit more pastel goth looks cool so um just uh alcohol ink from miniature sweet once again mixed in with the resin and nothing else so it's just pure black and that's it okay so i'm just starting to pour my colors into my mold um i generally have a pretty good idea of what colors i want with which letters or phrases so i do this part fairly quickly just because for the same reason as before i don't like it to set quickly like it sets within about half an hour it becomes a little bit hard to work with so the quicker you do it the easier it's going to be um so if you plan it a little bit beforehand it's going to make your life a bit easier and same thing as the clear layer of resin you don't want it to be too thick so i try and do um just a few mil of color that's what you need really because remember once you've finished it's going to be three layers of resin so they end up being about almost a centimeter thick maybe not that thick but they're yeah you just don't want you just don't want it to have too much res in there [Music] so um and i also keep a little mold or i've got like quite a few molds but i always keep a mold aside for my excess resin just so it doesn't go to waste so i used to i usually use the moon or i've got a cute seashell mold all those little wings like cute little wings um so i've always got some molds handy to put my excess resin in just so it doesn't go to waste and you get some really cute um light color mixers like from them as well and once again just go over the pieces with a lighter just to pop all the bubbles and then a toothpick just run it around the edges to make sure there's no bubbles stuck to the edges [Music] okay so i've let this all sit overnight this is another example of um just a little wing molds where i've just put some excess resin um so now the whole thing is completely cured and you can start to take the pieces out and see how pretty they look and how they turned out this is my favorite bit out of the whole process i just love seeing how they turned out do okay so once they're all set and you've taken them out of the mold basically what i do is i just use a really fine piece of sandpaper and i just sand the back of them a little bit so they don't have to be completely flat on the back because that helps with the doming process at the end so you'll see that um in a minute or so but it kind of just takes the rough edges off or um yeah it just makes a little bit smoother um so once i've done this i actually just take it out to my sink and give it a bit of a rinse in some soapy water just to get all the dust off um if there's a lot of dust i would probably wear like a mask but because i do it by hand there's not a lot of dust like it stays on the sandpaper it doesn't go in the air and stuff okay so next i'm just going to be putting some bails on the back um i just use uv resin to stick them on um and it's not like completely set on the back there it's kind of just to hold it in place um you'll see in a minute how i just use the uv torch to kind of set it so you just put a little blob of resin um put the bail kind of roughly where you think the top is and you just check underneath to see where it is and i completely got it in the wrong spot but yeah you just move over to where it needs to be and just cure it with the uv torch you could also use super glue for this stage but i feel like the uv resin is really good because you can cure it straight away and it doesn't move but with super glue it kind of moves around a little bit if that makes sense before it actually set so it takes a little bit longer whereas with the torch so i leave it on there for literally like 10 seconds if that and that's enough to set it just so it stays in place okay so once you've done all the bails on the back um i mix up another batch of resin and i actually use a different resin for this one and it's only because i got a batch of ebay that wasn't very good like i don't use it with other projects i just use it for doming because it's quite thick um so it was kind of one of those things where i just happened to buy it and because i don't use it for anything else and it's thick and it's um still good quality it's just hard to work with um i just use it for doming and i mix a little bit of the pearl x pearl white powder in with it just to give it a really nice shimmer and that still lets the other colors from the charms come through instead of like covering up the back completely um yeah so the resin is oh forget what brand it is um i'll put a link down below to the brand um it's not terrible it's just really thick and hard to work with um like if you're pouring it into molds and stuff it's like really hard but for a doming resin it's quite good because you know it doesn't take too long to thicken up and then you can work with it straight away um because when you're doing doming you want to make sure that if it's too runny it'll actually just spill off your pieces straight away so you want it to be like a little bit thick so if i'm using my normal resin i'll usually just wait for like 20 minutes before i start jamming just so it's a bit thicker i'm not so runny so then i'll just um pour a little blob onto each back um sorry that each back of the resin um and just use my spatula to kind of push it around to the edge of the resin make sure it covers up the bail properly make sure it's nice and even [Music] sorry there's some like birds going off in the background here um yeah and just make sure that it's all nice and even around the edges so when i do the sanding this is why i don't like to have it completely flat because if it's got an actual like a bit of an edge around like a lip around the edge of it that'll really help with um the the resin not spilling over as well and then you let this set for about 12 hours um possibly longer if you can leave it overnight or like you know a whole day that would be awesome um like 24 hours and you can see the back's nice and shiny the bail is not going to go anywhere when you do it like this i've learnt from my mistakes i used to do it with just uv resin before and when you do it like that it doesn't actually cure properly because the uv can't get all the way underneath the bail um so yeah i i had some tips from some of my online community friends and they told me to dome over the back and it's been the best thing ever because i make sure that it's you know really strong and durable um so yeah and then i just pop some keychains on um and you can see in a minute with the bigger pieces that i make the the heart pieces i actually use a bigger split ring and that's because it it's a little bit more durable um and i feel like the little pikachus and the round keychains i like the smaller keychains they look a little bit nicer but yeah you can see the bigger the bigger pieces here um the bigger keychains will be better with the bigger heart pieces so yeah i hope you enjoyed my video please like subscribe comment below you know the whole deal um join me on instagram i sell all my pieces on etsy as well so yeah thanks for watching and i hope you enjoyed thanks bye you
Channel: Seriously Creative
Views: 2,947,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #resin, #resin tutorial, #how to resin, #easy resin tutorial, #watch me resin, #kawaii charms, #how to make resin charms, #polymer clay, #polymer clay tutorial, #seriously creative, #art tutorial, #easy resin charms, #pastel goth, #keyring tutorial, #how to make keychains, #resin charms
Id: nWpbo7z_k5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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