Guess That Celebrity From Before They Were Famous

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♪ (tense music) ♪ - Oh man! - Man. - (both) What? - That's definition of hope. - Yeah. - You guys keep working on your dreams. ♪ (upbeat fanfare) ♪ - (FBE) How much knowledge of celebrity culture do you have? - I like to think I have a lot. - If it's anything that was popular eight years ago. - Mmm. - I got you. (Mikaela laughs) - (FBE) Well, long before they were household names, celebrities have appeared in movies and TV shows that you've probably seen. You just didn't know it was them yet. - Oh. - That does happen all the time. - Oh! - (FBE) So we're gonna challenge you to guess which celebrity had a part in each movie or TV show from before they were famous. - Oh! - That sounds kind of fun. - Yeah, yeah, that's cool. I think like, I saw like Demi Lovato back in the day on like some small sketch show. - Oh, she was on Barney. - (FBE) For each round, we're gonna play you a clip of a movie or TV show where the celebrity's face is blocked out and give you three options of who it could be. (Ashby gasps) - Ugh. - (FBE) You'll each write down on your whiteboard who you think it is, and then we'll have you reveal your answers at the same time. Whoever gets the most points wins. - Oh, that's fun! - Okay! - I like that, that's a fun game! - (FBE) First up, we've got a scene from Barney and Friends. - I already know who it is. - I know, me too. - I already know. - (B.J.) Here I come! - Looks like a girl. - Oh, I think I know who this is. - I loved Barney. - I remember this. I remember this. - Oh yeah, I know who this is. - I never, my little brother got into Barney, but I never... - It was very off-putting for me, personally. (Ashby laughs) - (girl) Everything looks wonderful, Barney. - (B.J.) It sure does! - I'm confident about this one. - (Barney) I had such a good helper! - Oh no, I'm not. - (Baby Bop) I'm a very good helper! - Oh no! - Aw, Baby Bop! (giggles) - I loved Barney! Those were such great days! - (FBE) Who is the celebrity playing the role of Gianna? Is it A, Demi Lovato, B, Selena Gomez, or C, Hailee Steinfeld? - Oh. - (sighs) I feel like I may have heard this. - I know it's either Selena or Demi. - I already know. I'm like 100% sure. - Selena Gomez? - Selena Gomez. - Selena Gomez. - (FBE) The correct answer, Selena Gomez. - Ugh! - You know what? That's who I wrote down first! I should've stuck with it! - Dang it! - Yes! - Should've went with my gut! - Hey! - For a second, I thought you were gonna be like you both are wrong. - I know, 'cause I was like it could have been Demi Lovato. - (FBE) She actually met and became friends with Demi Lovato while waiting in line to audition for the show, and they both were on it. - Oh, I didn't know that, that's so cute. - How cute! - (FBE) There she is. - Oh, look it! - Oh my gosh. - She's so cute! - She looks the same, honestly. - I know! - The same exact face. - (FBE) This clip comes from Horrible Bosses. - Okay, ooh. - Horrible Bosses? - I love this movie. - Hi, can I help you? - (celebrity) I'm good, he's just signing for these packages. Thank you. - God! - I'm trying to hear the voice, I was like, hmm. - (Kurt) Thank you buddy, this is high priority stuff here. - (celebrity) Thank you. - (Kurt) What's going on here? - (celebrity) Sorry? - I know I've seen it! - I love both of us are like what did, ugh! - (Kurt) Way too cute to be just a FedEx girl. I mean, you gotta be like a model or actress. - Oh, I'm glad we get options for this, because there's so, I would, nope! - Yeah, I have no idea, yeah. - God! - I think I know who it is. - (celebrity) I'm just a FedEx girl. - (Kurt) Shut up. - (celebrity) (laughs) Bye. - (Kurt) Have a great afternoon. - Hmm, I'm trying to like figure out whose voice that is. - Yeah, I was also like really paying attention to the profile, we could see just a tiny bit. - (FBE) Is it A, Rachel Bilson, B, Shay Mitchell, or C, Meghan Markle? - (both) Oh! - Like I wish I could remember this scene, and who she was. - C, Meghan Markle. - Is it B? - (FBE) So this was Meghan Markle! (bell rings) - Really? - Oh, good job! - Woo! (bell rings) - Oh, really? - I really wasn't sure about that one. - I didn't pick that, because I just rewatched this like a year ago, and I feel like I would've remembered seeing her in it. But I was wrong. - Mm-hmm. - Oh wow. - Oh yes, God! - That's crazy. - Oh, there she is. - Little fresh faced Meghan Markle. Who would've guessed? - Damn, that minivan. Every parent had that. - (man) This place, is it new? - (celebrity) I think maybe, I don't know. - (man) There was a motel on this spot though, right? The Havenaire? - (celebrity) I don't know. - I don't know. - Nice lines. - (both) I don't know! - Dude! (Ashby laughs) And he was probably so excited to get this role. - Right, right. - And he's like "ugh, I don't know." - Yeah. - (FBE) Who is playing the bell man role here? - Is it A, Lin-Manuel Miranda, B, Oscar Isaac, or C, Joseph Gordon-Levitt? - Definitely not C. (laughs) - Huh. - (FBE) You both are correct. - A! - What? - A! - (both) A! - You could hear his voice. - A little bit, yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Trying to do that poor accent. - With that accent. - Oh! - Seriously? - When I first heard him speak, I was like this could be Lin-Manuel Miranda. - Oh! - Look at baby! - Wow. - He's such a baby! - Fresh face! - And look at him now. - That's definition of hope. - Yeah. - You guys keep working on your dreams. - I thought this was Sharknado for two seconds. - (boy) You made a mistake! Stop! - Gilbert Gottfried? - (Gilbert) No cutting in line! - (boy) That's my brother, he's not dead! - (Gilbert) Really? - (boy) Yes, finally. - What is this? What am I watching? - Oh man. - Man, that was (laughs) That was fun to watch! - (FBE) Is it A, Chris Pine, B, Chris Evans, or C, Ryan Gosling? - Damn! Damn! - I'm gonna take an educated guess. - What did you write? - Ryan Gosling. - Ugh, I feel like I should know this. I'm trying to remember what the kid looks like. - (FBE) The answer was Ryan Gosling. - Oh, nice! - Oh! - Okay, I was gonna say, I knew he was a child actor. - Phew, I got at least two points! - I'm pretty sure he was also in an episode of Goosebumps. - Ryan Gosling was like big on Disney as a kid, right? - Oh yeah! - It feels appropriate that he would be like on one of these shows as a kid. - Ah! - Pfft! - Yep, that's the face. - Same face. (Mikaela laughs) - Oh God, he looks the same! ♪ (triumphant music) ♪ - Oh shoot. - Really? - I think I know. Okay, I don't know. - (announcer) Another 10 points to Gryffindor! - This one is just gonna be a shot in the dark. - Yep! - Honestly, that gave me nothing. - (FBE) Who's in the crowd at the Quidditch game? Is A, Margot Robbie, B, Julianne Hough, or C, Blake Lively? - Whoa, those are all pretty big names! - Blake Lively might be just a little bit too old for this age range, and then Margot Robbie, I don't feel like she started acting this early. - Are any of them British? - That's what I was trying to think about. - I don't think a single one of them is British. - No. I said Margot Robbit. - Yeah, me too. - Is it B? - Margot? - (FBE) Well, you're both wrong. (buzzer rings) - Okay. - Oh, was is Julianne? - (FBE) It was Julianne Hough. - Dang it! - What? - I feel like her face made sense in that scene. - Wow! - I think she's also like sitting at one of the, at the dining table. - I don't care if I was just like laying on the floor in Harry Potter, I would kill to be in any Harry Potter movie. - (Dustin) We're rolling. - (man) Hey! - (Vick) Sound, speed. - (man) What the hell is this? - (man) Hey you remember Dustin and Vick. They're doing the E! True Hollywood Story on me. - Okay. Oh that voice was really familiar. - (celebrity) Sorry about your wife. - Ugh! - Who's that voice? - Ugh! Oh God no! This movie though, this movie's good. - (FBE) Was it A, Chadwick Boseman, B, Donald Glover, or C, Kevin Hart. - Oh. - Oh! - I think he might have been too tall for Kevin! (laughs) - What'd you say? - Chadwick Boseman. - Oh. - (FBE) It was Kevin Hart. (Ashby laughs) - He gonna watch this. - I know! (laughs) I'm sorry Kevin! - And drag you. - Yes! - Wow! I was almost going to go with it, and then I was like he was short, but he wasn't that short. - (FBE) He posted the clip on Twitter with the caption "Young K Hart in Along Came Polly, where the hell is my moustache? I look like a baby." - Wow. - Oh, I wanna see that. - Weird! - Whoa. - He looks more chiseled. - Yeah! - (Dwight) No, no, no! - Oh what's his name? - (Dwight) Sensitive information. - You already know who it is, don't you? - If it's him, I know who it is, yeah. - (celebrity) Trying to work. - (Dwight) You don't work here, you're not Jim! - (Pam) Jim, I got us that dinner reservation. Grico's 7:30. - (celebrity) Oh great, can't wait. - I know who this is, I just don't know the name. I know the face though. - (Pam) Jim's at the dentist this morning, and Steve is an actor friend of ours. - (Dwight) I don't know who you are. - Oh my God, what's his name? - (Dwight) But you are not Jim. This is Jim! - That's hilarious... - It's so good. (laughs) - He changed the picture. - Yes! (laughs) - Ah ha-ha! - I can see the face, the name is on the tip of my tongue. - (FBE) Who's playing fake Jim here? Is it A, Randall Park, B, Keanu Reeves, or C, Henry Golding? - I don't know the name, that's the problem. - I definitely thought it was someone else, but okay. From the angle, I thought it was like Ken Jeong. - Got this. - What? - Got this! - (FBE) It was A, Randall Park. - You got it. - I know him from Fresh Off The Boat. I was like "I know that voice!" - Yay! - Dang it! - Ah! (laughs) - What, oh! - Oh, okay. He just seemed like a rando to me for some reason. - Yeah. - I love Fresh Off The Boat. His dad character is just so good. - I'm mad at myself, 'cause I think I was legitimately thinking of this man, and so that's what like, dang it! - (man) Here, this is Mark's old room. - Oh! - Oh, I know who this is. - I know, I know! - (man) Never even heard of, died and left a load of money in the will. - Oh my God. - (Doctor) Very convenient. - Ed Sheeran. (Ashly laughs) ♪ (tense music) ♪ - Did he just lick his face? - Did he put his finger on his face? (laughs) - God, this is also so old. I'm so old! - (Doctor) References. - (celebrity) Is that a reference from the Archbishop of Canterbury? - Oh! - You know the voice? - I know the voice. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - (FBE) Who was talking to The Doctor here? Was it A, Ed Sheeran, B, James Cordon, or C, Sean Bean? - Oh. - I better get this right, or I'm gonna be really mad. - B? - James Corden? - Yeah. - Yeah. - (FBE) You both are correct, James Corden. - I was like that's a hard one to miss. - Yeah! - Yay! - Nice! I'm doing a lot better at this than I expected. - I'm like yeah, I know that voice. - I unfortunately, just watched Cats, so it's also very fresh in my head. - Ah, there you go. (laughs) Unfortunately? - Yeah. (Danny laughs) - He's a baby though! - He looks younger. He looks a little bit younger, but like the same. - Yeah. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - (celebrity) And finally, one of the most exciting... - Oh, I already know who it is. - (celebrity) The carnivorous plants. Now these babies can actually eat insects. Well here goes one now. - Pfft! - That looked so real. - (Chelsea) That little fly! - I forgot Chelsea was like vegan. - Oh God, no. - I kinda feel like... - I saw this. - (celebrity) Then we'll be closing in five minutes. Please exit through the gift shop. - I know who this is. - I know who it is. I was watching Disney+, I was like oh! - Yeah. - I was like no way! - (FBE) Was it A, Keke Palmer, B, Taraji P. Henson, or C, Tiffany Haddish? - Nope, not who I thought it was. (laughs) - Crap! - Oh crap. Nevermind. - Oh lord, okay. (both laugh) It's Tiffany Haddish. - (FBE) That's it! - Yeah! - Dawg, we're on a [bleep] roll! - Dude, yes! - Besides the voice, I saw her walk. - I just watched this. - I thought it was, by the voice, I thought, I was like oh, it's Leslie Jones. - Yay! - Okay. - We did it! - I knew the voice, and I was like it sounds like a more calmer version of her. - (FBE) So the internet has actually started to notice that she was on the show now that people are rewatching it on Disney+. - Right, right, right! - That makes sense. That's so funny. That's so Raven. (laughs) - Oh my gosh, she looks so young. - Oh there she is! - There she is! Look at her! - This is one of the biggest shows from back in the day. I'm sure like, that show gets way more views than some of the shows on TV right now. - (Luke) We're all making sacrifices. - Oh God, I love Modern Family. - (Manny) Okay, I need to borrow this, okay? Here just... - Oh it's a young girl, oh shoot. - (Manny) I promise to bring it back, alright? - (girl) That's what you said about my mom's humidifier! (both laugh) - Who is that? - (FBE) Who got their bike stolen in this scene? - Okay. - (FBE) Was it A, Millie Bobby Brown, B, Kiernan Shipka, or C, Dove Cameron? - I know one of those three. - And that's the one I'm writing. (Ashby laughs) - Fancy A. - It's not Millie Bobby Brown, because she would've been too young. - (FBE) You both are wrong. (buzzer rings) - Ugh! - (FBE) This was Millie Bobby Brown. - (both) What? - A! - Was it really? - (both) Yeah! - Wow, and look where she is now! She's like a boss. - Yeah. - Little lady. - Whoa! - Oh yeah, look at her little face. - Look at that! - She was so young. She also looks older though. But she's always looked older, so even on this, she looks older. She was probably like five or six, I don't even know, and she looks like 10. - Yeah. - You know, even now, she looks older than me! - (FBE) With a final score of 9-5, Kristine, you've won! - Wow, congratulations! - Yay! - I think we did pretty well. - Did pretty well. - We came in as not very confident, but I think we... - Came out hot. - I think we killed it. - I feel like I surprised myself, we did better than I expected. There were some that definitely stumped me. - I think a lot of them, I was like that's so funny that they were even in that, like Kevin Hart, like you wouldn't even think about it, but everyone starts somewhere. - You have to work, and it's good, it's a hustle, but it's okay. It's okay guys, you're doing great. - You're doing great. - You're doing great, sweetie. - Thanks for watching us Guess That Celebrity Role From Before They Were Famous. - If you enjoyed this video, then hit that like button. - Subscribe for new shows every single week. - Bye guys! - Hey guys, React Producer Lindsey here. If you liked this video, then join our SuperFam. You're helping us grow on YouTube, and we appreciate your support. Link in the description below. Bye!
Channel: REACT
Views: 920,127
Rating: 4.9129777 out of 5
Keywords: Guess That Celebrity From Before They Were Famous, Selena Gomez, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ryan Gosling, before they were famous, then and now, guess that, react, reaction, fbe, coworkers, react channel, reactions, meghan markle, harry potter, celebrities, try not to eat, kevin hart, the office, the office asian jim, celebrity cameos, cameo, people vs food, try not to laugh, doctor who, millie bobby brown, guess that challenge, celeb cameo, epic movie cameos
Id: UW2icEe-UKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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