Can you Drink More than the Drinking King of China? (ZILLION 啤酒 PEE-JOES Episode 2)

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hey how are you welcome back to zillion B Jose the world's first cross-cultural drinking show hosted by none other than myself and pons I [Music] if you need a refresher on how the game works pause I will perform a drinking challenge to contestants from around the globe will try to mimic it to the best of their ability then they get judged on their speed form pizzazz and most importantly which performance pawns I respects the most remember if you want to compete in a future episode you just need to make at least a $1 donation towards covin 19 relief efforts at the link below so Banzai what do we got for a challenge this week hello Tania so the quran case worker figure out the whole woman teeny little dancer each hammer before him peon thought oh you got bioengineer on you copy the code oh the tailor sure uber Horizonte beyond that oh god oh no you can't stop here I taught you that you should eat it's tough to find those large 500 milliliter bottles in the u.s. especially during quarantine so I crunched some numbers and found out that four beers equals 1419 milliliters close enough take the job terrific I know what you meant what we can with that legal capacity you a turkey go Antonia where to that you go guys Thank You barrel pencil him [Music] taranta was young surrender pure the - chicken she is in Sao Paulo Anthony Robert salon [Music] you are just [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm Chester knows about Okinawa warriors love the dragon skin shout out Banzai I must note though that you said you would do the challenge in one breath and I saw you take a couple in that vid so I will not be penalizing our contestants if they need to take a breather speaking of our contestants who will be joining us today well in the blue corner we have one of our Chicago bloggers white sox dave AKA of the mouse white sox dave the mouse who is most famous for not chaining himself to a statue what you should do is go chain yourself to that statue can't do it man I'm beating Jarrod Carabas and a speed pitch competition and in the red corner we have our first stoolie competitor who goes by the name Big Mike I know nothing about this dude except that he's enormous lives in Florida and seems very confident in his drinking abilities first let's go out to the Windy City to talk to Dave hey how are you Dave welcome to the show I wouldn't say I'm glad to be here but after I realized what I'm getting myself into I'm not quite so glad to be here so you agreed to be on the show before you saw pogs I was challenged absolutely I like Oh Donny does like I would love to do some content with him whatever it is I'm in and I totally regret it after watching the video I am not good at yoga not whatsoever I could drink beer all night long but as far as like speed I'm more of a distance guy I'm not a sprinter the egg is what's gonna [ __ ] me up that's gonna be the worst part I got like a weak stomach I don't like slimy stuff even if I didn't see it or feel it at all I'm gonna know the back of my head it's there and it's gonna like put me on tilt a little bit but uh I'm just going mind over matter it's just like you know guns blazing let's do it well do you know who else used to chug rugs who's that rocky there you go so I mean that's is that is that like a common athlete being the other guy out I remember the sumo wrestler and the replacements was that him who did it I'll have to check the tape that may have been him I actually when I was playing high school football I like started chugging a raw egg in the morning thinking it would help it didn't really do anything and could have given me salmonella lucky for me I meant she sounds right now we're doing this year because she's gonna film cage free farm fresh the expensive kind of eggs so I'm thinking that we're gonna be good yeah and if it makes you feel any better I've heard the chances of getting Salmonella from raw chicken or raw eggs is very low but if you do get it it's horrendous okay so alright well it's a good roll two dice then not gonna use my brain that's typically when I do get in trouble with uh barstool sports and AH and in the bar stool world so I'm just gonna pour the beer crack the egg chug I know a lot of extremely skilled beer drinkers who really use their brain so it's not vital in this game if I do puke George the dog is here to clean it up we're gonna shoot this incomplete one take so there's no shenanigans behind the scenes because I do like to cheat quite a bit and lots of things great tasting let's fill in miller lite how's my dear book looking like it's going right up your nose so that's what I'm worried about is that your beard is gonna block your nostril so you're trying to breathe while drinking you're gonna hard time George Haigh or George this is are not really George those are for you George is about you George get down up George bad [Music] so they are judging me on possess I don't think there's gonna be much possessed cuz I just want to get to start alright three two one go but this [ __ ] green fries it's night school high school great tapes at Westfield Mall right so you know what this kind of reminds me of Dave is that scene in American Pie the beginning where we interviewed the guy I don't want to talk about it and he accidentally took the semen and even in the movie they said it was just you know egg whites and beer so you're kind of just chugging fake semen I'm gonna say you're about two beers no or maybe maybe just one well I just got just let it out and grad about one minute so far [Music] how much I got left I was the beers I mean I'm so much it's over it's over two beers yeah let's get those get that gasps OH [Music] I mean that was the smallest step you gotta do is hey hey take a deep breath take a deep breath and a belch out there you go you can do better I can [ __ ] see it that's what's killing me close your eyes I'm trying to then I can feel a texture okay that's the point of the challenge get in there oh that's a farm-fresh egg no hormones cage-free just run around doing chicken [ __ ] lay eggs it's gonna be fine a little more than beer left that's that's two full beers keep going keep going they breathe through your nose through your beer [Music] oh this is [ __ ] awful I mean you're the guy who ran the marathon you're the guy who did the 999 challenge you can do this come on [Music] three more big sips and you got it's one there you go Oh get in there that texture is [ __ ] bad get in there though you haven't even got the egg yolk Yeah right about four minutes of drinking time this is so [ __ ] gross you're so close to more big sips keep going you got to turn it up you're gonna have to pour it down into your face I understand Oh I'm gonna get ripped on from being a [ __ ] I want to see every one of you guys have Co any [ __ ] do this challenge [Music] there we go there goes that egg one more big set no more big [ __ ] take let it burp out that egg that next tip has the egg you gotta do it here it comes I'm gonna call it one big set you gotta have some beer with that oh I'm gonna puke beer I'm not eating the pure all right anxiety wait that's a whole give the jury I'm sorry [ __ ] done I got a shitty stomach awful I don't like blood I don't like God's I don't like anything I'm gonna get ripped on I want to see then the egg textured dude Oh Davey Boy how'd it go I'm gonna I'm gonna layer it into what like easiest to worst easiest by far and away was the amount of alcohol I if it was typically four beers or just for normal beers no problem I would have finished it not fast but I wasn't finished it number two by far and away the worst was the temperature the beer is way too cold for me I shoulda let it sit out more than two minutes did you get a brain freeze I did first split second yeah I was way too cold number three when I got down to the last because it all sinks to the bottom I could feel it going down my throat and that's when I just unloaded oh I can't do this I don't know how chicks do this or gave me I don't know how so I was gonna ask you why didn't you just chug the rest of the puke beer but then I realized the prize for this show is a free t-shirt and that doesn't even apply to barstool employees so I guess because I can't really blame you my pride did take a ding I will not lie there well I don't think you're gonna have to worry about Salmonella as not sure too much of the raw egg actually got down the gullet maybe the move actually would have been to take an eggbeater and/or an egg whisker and just whisk the egg cuz then it blends in and you don't even notice it and it just all tastes like beer kind of gets diluted I wish you would have told me all this before I you know before I just a challenge yeah I mean I just thought of that on the spot I think if you had popped it into your mouth and then washed it down with a beer pong I wouldn't have liked that cuz pong XY's technique is the egg drop the egg drop soup but valiant effort white sox Dave thanks for coming on I mean I guess we're all in quarantine so you probably didn't have many better things to do except for Chuck for beers and an egg on this casual Tuesday night no nothing then I would have probably been sitting at home watching Seinfeld reruns there's something on TBS and waiting to do it all again tomorrow I want Redemption if I lose though you gotta promise me bad I can't promise you [ __ ] white socks Dave but I see no harm in your returning for a consolation round against our previous loser Dana if you aren't able to get that w today now let's go down to Florida to talk to Big Mike but first a word from our sponsors debris it's hazardous to children it's killing animals it's everywhere and that's why we love it [Music] tires a water tank [Music] now back to the show it was brother you look like you know how to young a beer yeah one or two so your friends saw the first vid and he was like my buddy would dominate at this yes my cousin of we're big fans so he was washing it and attention music I'm gonna message him and see what happens and now we're here how'd you see a lot of pong sized videos beforehand yeah he's he's awesome I want you guys doing karaoke oh yeah I actually made him tear up yeah I was probably one of my proudest accomplishments he's the man so when did you first know that you had a gift for absolutely demolishing beer probably since high school ten sophomore year probably do you think you'll have any trouble with this challenge the raw egg looks a little rough that might be the hard part I think he calls with the deep water bomb around his village that's something they do to just make their like chugging challenges even more intense right now come I'm about it even the world [Music] get it Mike you got this [Music] cheers buddy [Music] you absolutely demolished that that egg was disgusting but it didn't look like it slowed you down at all it came at the last second I think it calls it the Deepwater boom I think that thing drops her to the bottom yeah did you have any sort of gag reflex when I went down yeah at the end I was felt like I was gonna throw up because of it yeah you changes the texture was nasty it looks like you got it all down but the video did cut right afterwards so you may have puked all over the place I just have no idea I didn't puke I thought about but I didn't okay I'll just I'm just gonna have to take your word on that altogether very impressive I would actually I'd like to have you back on at some point to go head-to-head with pawns I love it be awesome cuz you're the first American I've met that I think might be able to keep up with him and I'd love to he seems like a cool dude over in the village oh it's so much fun yeah he's definitely one of the friend these guys have met and you'll be seeing what he thinks of your drinking abilities pretty soon so thanks for coming on the show man and you'll see who wins on Thursday all right sounds good I appreciate man [ __ ] the Ducks [ __ ] of the Ducks yo sharks well that's cause Shaq's okay time to check the tape when it comes to speed and form there's just no way both of those points aren't going to Big Mike I mean Mike had better form than pong zai himself not taking a single breath during the challenge and he deleted those beers an egg in just under 20 seconds white sox Dave on the other hand puked directly into his pitcher and thus didn't even finish the [ __ ] challenge don't be too hard on yourself though Dave I will be giving you the pizzazz point because I love the canine cameo dogs are always welcome on the show and to be fair you vomiting brought a lot of entertainment value that makes the score 2-1 with Big Mike in the lead so now let's go back out to China to see who is pong XY's choice which if you recall is worth two points hello Tanya in here canola most Tomica each angle be horrible unit for that so let's walk ah here we are Kayla we got yard time I could do could you the super fit on crack Oh monster are you here you here Mac thank you see you got good jeweler that buys utility the video yeah are you the food after you thank you give me video leave a photo that she's you know he caught you in a class you repeat home turned over women the sister 0 a second decoder Nando way Evo you put it on down okay and Big Mike gets the W in a landslide which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone I mean that dude is just a force to be reckoned with in the beer drinking world and I can promise you on a later episode he will be back to go head-to-head with pogs I himself and white socks Dave not only did you lose you now have someone on the other side of the planet calling you mouse a tough break but don't worry if we ever hold the redemption round you'll be the first guy I call but you might just want to play it safe and have Carl compete and your honor so you don't embarrass yourself again anyways thanks for watching zillion Pecos the show where beers have no borders see you next week [Music]
Channel: The Wonton Don
Views: 37,764
Rating: 4.9234781 out of 5
Keywords: China, Donnie Does, Wonton Don, Shanghai, Weird, Whoa That's Weird, Asia, travel vlog, barstool sports
Id: uL3nosoyjyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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