ZILLION 啤酒 (PEE-JOES) : The First Cross Cultural Drinking Competition/Fundraiser To Fight COVID19

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hey how are you welcome to the first cross-cultural drinking competition slash fundraiser to fight koban nineteen Cillian P Jose [Music] peejoe means beer in Chinese wow we're already learning something I'm your host the wonton dawn here was the drinking king of China himself pong zai hello it was Rippon bad I know relations between USA and China have been a little chilly as of late but I can assure you that neither ponds I nor I nor most everyday people in both countries have had anything to do with that drama hi each other you may record yeah oh my oh but she's young your milk one yes Tanya's work let me we'll take all the point was I ain't no well shocking why how are you gonna do two can go to UCF go ahead and get me off so what you hope you want the real men who socially a home away do you want to do that you got really I couldn't have said it any better myself buddy well let's not get bogged down in politics as today pongs I and I are just coming to you as two friends who enjoyed drinking a few casual beers from time to time and fighting this virus together without further ado let me tell you how this show is gonna work harms I will do a beer drinking challenge and two contestants from around the globe will have to mimic him to the best of their ability they will then be judged on their speed form pizzazz in which overall performance pawns I respects the most if you would like to be a future competitor on this show or if you just want to help pawns I and I fight the corona leave at least a one dollar donation to Direct Relief at the link below now the only rules are you must be 21 years old to participate and if you exhibit any signs of drunkenness you'll hear the mix and a water buzzer and you will be disqualified all right parks I what will be the first challenge in the history of a zillion PG O's guy you go son whom he or me if you know you look good on the farm up at a photo all right so wait see now but I couldn't do that if I move the name finger arty you don't go register even feet hurt on yeah there you go [Music] Darryl come on sir you see work you and you got no brothers you were a ninja see the scenography interference with the studio we don't care he's gone for the band up with you [Music] he's a brothel Tanya you click ah no hey you go be do you have a minute well today pause I I have two friends competing in the blue corner we have Dana be the former [ __ ] turned marketing genius behind the zillion beers movement and in the red corner we have mark one of the burly bears from hard factor news who looks like he's had a few beers in his day first let's go to Dana beef who's calling from the home of Marty mush in Long Island New York how you feeling tonight I'm pretty good I'm lubed up I'm ready to go and I got my jumpsuit on I got my silly swag on and I feel good done am I to do my too dark am I good here I mean the production quality of this show isn't going to be top-notch it's pretty much just me and I have one guy doing a couple graphics all right [ __ ] it so Dana have you seen ponds ice challenge I have and let me tell you seeing ponds I take down these beers in honestly dramatic fashion and with you know extreme witness has made me rethink my whole career and honestly made me kind of feel like a coward but at the end of the day you know he only drank three beers so this should be kind of easy for you no we're not we're not asking you to go out yo gazillion and get mangled we're just telling you to go out and drink it responsible three and that's what we that's what we do here at zillion Fugees or something whoo jazz Pete Jones is how it's pronounced P Jose that's what we do at zillion Pecos we drink responsibly and we have a good time so which of the chugs II the most worried about I'll be honest with you Donnie the tornado one scares the living daylights out of me I don't think I know how to do it I haven't practiced it I've just watched the only the only practice of had so far is visualizing I haven't done physical practice yet that's the one that scares me the most by far I like that though I like that you're just you're going and clean you know you didn't stop like you spent all day being like oh I got to get the tornado down you're like you know what I like I've made it so far in life without really preparing for anything that now I'm just gonna go in headfirst and see what happens exactly and you know one would say hey Dana maybe if you like prepared for your beer pong tournament you might have one but no that's not what we do add zillion beers we go in you know balls to the ground and we just go without practice and we can we go ready to drink all right I'll just I'll have Marty Stanley right now homicide is an absolute honor to be nominated for this challenge I'm not gonna lie I don't know how to the first one we're gonna try it out how did he do it too late oh yeah I don't know the Americans sling your neck let you get whiplash [Music] [Music] I guess you just put a straw in it and you put the straw like that I guess that makes it go quicker Savage the same week I lost the beer pong [Music] pretty good hey less words Banzai Marty thanks for joining us were you the one who filmed that hell yeah why what field do you work in media exactly and you know what I expect someone who works in media to know how to do what film a [ __ ] horizontal video or as that was a pedalo it was vertical [ __ ] vertical Marty I expect all the plebes all the everyday people all the [ __ ] construction workers to not know the difference between a vertical and a horizontal cellphone video but your work in media Marty all right I told him before no no he didn't get the go through chicken I've seen too many [ __ ] people at this company not know the difference between a vertical and a horizontal video I agree I told before and he forgot like an idiot pongs I luckily does not distort I'm working for it does not discriminate against vertical bits that's a good thing and I was I didn't really oh I'm gonna get ahead of it I don't think I need any more points take it off than I already probably haptic yeah so what happened on the second beer there because you were most worried about the vortex honestly I couldn't like see super close it looked like the vertex went down pretty smoothly but then with the straw technique you were a volcano it's a brand killer plane it's simple it's a brand killing I think I think I have to retire it was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened I can't judge you too much on the second one because pawns I never taught me that trick I've seen people do it and like you did teach me many things like how to light a cigarette with my fingers and how to open a beer with a chopstick but he never taught me the straw technique so the straw world I've I've never seen that my life that's the first I've ever seen it so I mean it something different it was it was a new technique and I don't want to brag here but I still did three beers and about granted I'd spit one out but you literally spit the entire thing out I don't want to make excuses I'm not an excuse type guy but it wasn't a Bud Light I'm at Marty's house I don't have his I don't in my home territory I don't have home-field advantage ID if I'm not if it's not a Bud Light I typically try and spit it out like I don't want to drink something that's not my favorite for beer so the first and third ones I was like all right sure I'll take it for the team the second one that was a brand loyalty thing that was more of like shout out to Bud Light well hey if you can get Bud Light to sponsor this show I will like pull some strings and make sure you win this round but seriously uh the first one I was surprised with the vortex I thought it went well I wasn't the form is when I was worried about I wasn't worried about the jug itself the form I wanted to make sure was an actual tornado and I don't know if we can like get some JFK how much what's the call how it's our film what's it called how it's her film the exact brutal felt oh the is a prude er so yeah I don't know like how much we can zoom in but I'll have my tech guys look at that [Music] if I didn't spit out that second one I would be very very happy we just got to live with our mistakes though pawns I I appreciate you I'm not as good as a drinker as you I said it to Marty you know I thought I had I thought I had balls of steel when it came to the drinking game and I think I do in certain respects but he's just on a whole different atmosphere he's just you know he's talked here and I would say I may be a tear below next we're gonna go out to mark in Austin Texas to see how well he can young um but first a word from our sponsors in Tajikistan [Music] the 97% of this country is our mountains I think it's just this is very interesting for to look around such a beautiful nature they have to see it they need to see it with lots of drivers and guides we have in Tajikistan I cannot say that I am the best but I will do all the best that my clients my customers should be how to say in the best condition more safe and more comfortable before I was a geologist then I thought that it's not mine I prefer new introducing new people new information something new every time new and because I changed my profession to guide I love my job [Music] I drive safe hey guys we are laughing but we can a little bit die I don't drive so fast Jamal sharks broke cooking cloth and I do it good I cook with love you know how to say yeah love I can't cook also different dishes but more I prefer to be impossible [Music] guys we don't have this coronavirus in Tajikistan yet chakra alhamdulillah we don't have it what do we don't have it so you're welcome to Tajikistan we are waiting for you [Music] now back to the show hey how are you mark good which of these techniques do you think you're just absolutely gonna crush which of these techniques do you think you might stumble on at the end your challenge walrus tusks so done that a few times and that uses the same kind of skill as the male hands that would be an awesome technique to teach Banzai because I bet he could absolutely dominate the waters I mean pogs eyes doing the the vortex with larger beer bottles than we have in the US so I wouldn't be too scared Ritalin there's three different styles [Music] no hands [Music] [Music] sit oh wait shot for good luck good luck that's the challenge yes what a performance there I mean straight off the bat I think your barrel aka your gut that's gonna earn you some brownie points of pong Zach he's he's rocking a little bit of a barrel himself I've never seen him do a shirtless video I don't know if he's like ashamed of it but um I mean like from my experience barrels respect barrels sure for years then not at all now it look like you had that much trouble with the with the straw technique or the vortex well again the vortex you tubing I don't know tried my best to do a vortex but I didn't have any problem drinking you choking issues which one did you think brought you closest to a choke closest to a regurgitation oh wait oh my god I keep on like mixing up what like how do you do the gallery view oh there yeah yeah that's the view I was supposed to be doing this all in but you know no no no this is a very you know bare-bones off-the-cuff sort of program I'm the producer and the host I will make my own personal judgments and then I will send the tape over to pause I and he will be releasing a video which performance he respected the most and why and you'll be seeing mark on a future episode when he challenges pongs eye to the walrus yes thank you all right let's check the tape in terms of speed I honestly think Dana had the edge he absolutely dummied the tornado and hands-free beers with a minimal amount of gulps yes I do realize he projectile vomited his second beer but he even did that in rapid fashion it was like a Yellowstone geyser exploding out of his mouth so one point for Dana now let's talk about form you can't just spit out an entire beer and expect to win any points on form so that point will be going to mark who only let out a couple dribbles during the hands-free chug his ass I mean I'm not gonna lie Dana's jumpsuit is fresh I would like one myself but I just loved the way Mark embraced his barrel and let it all hang out and that shot that he took at the end shot for good luck it was a nice little chefs kiss to wrap up the challenge so he'll be getting the pizzaz point that makes the score 2-1 but now I'm gonna send the footage to pause I for his judgment call and whichever contestant he picks as his favorite will get two points so really it all comes down to pawns I was ruling if he picks Dana Dana wool has managed to squeak out a victory and if he picks Marc Dana wolf lost in a landslide let's go all the way back out to China for pong XY's decision King out what kind of Pawnee go Father Niigata now let me walk over I'll go wash your hands off the aura coming on the show you some initial diva you made Pony milk osawa no Donna mEagle point with the music don't you want kind of year for the young trumpeter you for the deal move away all so it is Sangha those were her children that's a gargle you see what is wrong give me your shoe bar look down place your here clean only gamma mu gamma song upon which is a Bentley take a goon down phone hi officers Cody appeal we are going off to Twitter also handy for the digger oh yeah now also the food will sit on that boy [Music] you see electrum one already got option help you take a Seabury Hall in the video let's own tonight were the watcher Yaga totally underneath with a big apoyo so the - operator de casa o separably prevail there you go Dino Sookie Oh Tanya please don't hurt me all that you eat food for that gentleman you meant y'all see that no was moon temples ways yeah because 900 ribbon and oh yeah and there you have it mark is the first winner of a zillion Pecos Gong XI Gong XI Jo Jo not the best look for Dana's brand but don't worry bud you'll always be a beer guy my eyes and you're always welcome on this show tune in next week where pawns I will have a brand new challenge for two new contestants and maybe a special guest from the us love a challenge for bonsai remember if you want a chance to participate in this show or just want to help us get supplies to people fight in the cove it'd make at least a $1 donation at the link below shishi Ashokan Zijin Zygon [Music]
Channel: The Wonton Don
Views: 48,561
Rating: 4.9456224 out of 5
Keywords: China, Donnie Does, Wonton Don, Shanghai, Weird, Whoa That's Weird, Asia, travel vlog, barstool sports, pangzai, covid19, zillion beers, coronavirus, cross cultural, fundraiser, tornado, pijiu, peejoes, 啤酒
Id: CbtlN0MudI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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