What Is Life Like on a 20 Hour Sleeper Train | Won's World Vol. 3

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hey how are you hey who I am here with Carl of Carl Domo bar deeds way yo mingi Joba die hard beam web wood way after da alright well it's it's freezing out here and I don't have gloves so let's get inside and then we can talk a little more inside ha ha shins I woman could you Jin chew this guy needs a cowboy cowboy Hank ooh all right I'm going in he's he's bringing me down [Music] [Music] here is my guide Carl Domo doing the Tebow on a mountain this place also doubles as a KTV look at that they got they got the screen up there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh we got a silver belly we got a silver belly Nisha harbin ran so hard being ran they have a lot of grit right like who knows the translation for great good either Harlan Niko hood Oh Joe bye Joe Hey Joe you baby okay shisha [Music] chicha sweat Jesus ray there's a very important lesson here you don't you don't run the most successful bar in heart bean drinking a [ __ ] mug of by Joe every night alright so very important lesson to be learned here what is the theme of your bar well yeah I mean for me I film a lot of like weird stuff for a living so it does in a way make me feel like home Carl Domo whoa will hang gouging wrenchini waylay ah you never really understand a man until you walk in his shoes and me and him of just Freaky Friday - international relations I know USA and China have their problems these days but but not anymore cuz you know we have switched places and that we now see eye to eye so it's all good trade wars over do every way sure that yes boom done what uh what what a diplomat I'm gonna take these 10 postcards of you and I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna cherish it you know this this is they get the brand out this is the best gift ever I'm gonna start giving this as presents to all my friends just ten postcards of myself hey Hawaii we are at carbine train station about to take a 20 hour train to Beijing the flights in like two hours the bullet trains are like seven hours but bullet trains were sold out and the flights like 800 bucks cuz it's Chinese New Year it's just a mob scene trying to travel so all take their 40 now I mean all I got is a bag full of sausages and beer I don't know what type of food they're gonna have on the train but the top one this is like a soviet-era train that's why it takes 20 hours [Music] home sweet home for the next day these guys are nice and cozy you'll love to see that [Music] [Music] you know this is the digs the bets comfortable kind of excited cuz these are like twenty hours where I'm not expected to do a thing there's there's no Wi-Fi here I guess I could knock out a little bit of video editing I realize like I didn't download a lot of podcasts before this trip and I didn't bring a book so yeah I guess I don't really know what I'm gonna do don't be gonna crush intro toes and maybe make some new friends you know I have three three potential new best friends in this room they're probably a little nervous that they got stuck with the white dude but by the end of this trip we're gonna be fast friends I just gotta move locally okay show job fits me it's not like I'm like cramped up like this these are actually the nicest beds they have they have soft sleepers and they have hard sleepers [Music] I went with the soft sleeper I splurged these tickets are like 35 bucks not a not a bad deal seeing that the plane tickets were 800 bucks all right well I need a nap I feel a little sick so I'm gonna get like a two-hour nap and then I'm gonna go out and mingle schmooze check out the digs the best part about this train is that you can just you know hide under the covers and vape I couldn't I couldn't be cranking hoons on other covers these people would call the cops but you don't mind a little watermelon mist [Music] we are about our six or seven into the trip and it's not going well they don't have a dining cart so I've been forced to just survive off these sausages I brought I can't even figure out how to open them and pound beers this is my second sausage this is my second beer I have the worst heartburn in my life I'm hungry I'm thirsty worst heartburn I think I think I've ever had I haven't been able to get out of my bed this entire trip hello neither meanza Sh'ma décor [ __ ] Julien Josh ma take that won't Samba same here whoa well yeah Sam bong me hen shuffle so chilly no I'm actually pretty comfortable I just like it's it's the heartburn I think I have a cold coming on that's the only reason I'm not comfortable this bed is great I've already slept probably four of the seven hours we've been on this thing please show you what a sausage whale whale knio knio Pedro boy your Sangha Pedro will create some knee take away where matter wait wait look have you all right well I'm gonna I'm gonna try to take a look at our nap see if I if I feel better if they do you can come down here we can play some drinking games okay how do you say cards and Chinese [Music] [Music] that was too bad it's actually like a breeze I slept almost the whole time only got up to go to the bathroom twice that was on that thing for so long that I got sick I went to bed woke up feeling better now I'm in Beijing so even though it was 20 hours of felling it was probably six so one thing I should have thought about we got to Beijing at 3:30 a.m. in the morning don't have a hotel luckily this lady pulled up and she's like I can find you one so we're hopping in this little box and we're going to a hotel that supposedly has [Music] we're about to just a brutally scabbed no yeah woman sure [Music] [Music] okay so this is the hotel you get when you arrive in a city at 4 a.m. and don't have anything pre-booked think we're staying in a converted conference room as there is ZERO bathroom in this place yeah spacious though very spacious all right we need to get out of this place and find like an air B&B just this won't work long term you're now in a car for ants a little bit of a tight squeeze this is cozy though I just wouldn't want to be in this thing for longer than 15 minutes I mean they kept I think my neck would get sore yeah [Music] [Music] all right well after a quick pit stop in Beijing where I swam in a frozen lake smashed a bunch of household appliances and sorry some mini landmarks I am now on my way back home to Shanghai this time on a bullet train that is only gonna take 6 hours as opposed to my last train which took 20 and the funny thing is that they're covering around the same distance it's just that this one's going like 303 kilometers an hour - it says up there okay so I thought I was in first class but it turns out there's like a first first class a premium class if you will let's check it out this is a far cry from that sleeper train dude these recline yeah oh wow the Beijing to Shanghai route is not known for being scenic as you can see off the window it's pretty much nothing oh these are straight up beds and then you got your little reading lamp here this is nice just whipping whipping through the Chinese countryside at three hundred and five kilometers an hour this train covers the distance of like Boston to North Carolina in five hours when I take a train from Boston to Washington DC back in the US just on Amtrak that takes ten hours just to give you an idea of how fast these things go and like the u.s. just isn't really hopping on the bullet train wagon they're finally gonna build a bullet train between Los Angeles and San Fran but it won't be done till 2026 and it's gonna cost like 25 billion dollars that's the same oh we got some power plants over there all right back to back to slumming it first class [Music] you
Channel: The Wonton Don
Views: 163,731
Rating: 4.9253187 out of 5
Keywords: China, Donnie Does, Wonton Don, Shanghai, Weird, Whoa That's Weird, Asia, travel vlog, barstool sports, beijing, harbin, carl damo, won's world, wons world, VLOG, vlogging, train, travelling, sleeper car, weird
Id: Jb_V62_nLHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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