Can Cotton Candy Become Cotton Candy?

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today's video is sponsored by raid Shadow legends in today's video we're going to try something you wanted to see playing around with freeze-drying cotton candy [Applause] you guys love our cotton candy stuff we do too and so we're back we've got more calli what are we doing today we are making more cotton candy that's right we are we've got lots of it we're not just making it we're experimenting with it in ways we think probably no one has ever experimented here's the basic idea you guys wanted to see what would happen if we dissolved cotton candy in water freeze-dried the water and then tried to make cotton candy again with what was left we're gonna give that a shot and see if it's viable and if you can recycle your cotton candy like that so yeah we've gotten cotton candy we've got three different flavors of it so here's the thing our trays hold like we've got five trays that can fit in our machine I think we'll do one tray of each of our three colors then we'll do one tray that's just we'll just make different colors of cotton candy cycling through and then we'll do one tray where we don't dissolve the cotton candy we just put fluffy cotton candy in the freeze dryer to see what's gonna happen to it because it'll probably dissolve at some point because pretty much everything makes cotton candy dissolve we're just going to start making cotton candy and as we make it we're gonna dissolve it until it's saturated and there's just sugar like forming at the bottom it won't dissolve any more and then we'll go to the next flavor but kind of exceeded the limits of this paper cone but limit does not exist the limit does not exist should I just start start yeah start dissolving goodbye oh sorry whoop it it happens it there goes it's disgusting I love it so blue there we go I think we've got somebody else out here right now I'm not sure oh here we go Brian would you like some cotton candy gosh there you go all right we're gonna leave him out here for a while I will continue to use this one is my sticky cone and yeah at some point it's just gonna start forming at the bottom like it'll still dissolve it but it won't yep saturation limit [Music] see the funniest part about this guy's is we're doing this the slowest way possible I could just be taking these blue granules and putting them in the liquid what's something chemically might be changing when we up maybe a little [Music] I'm about ready to say we have enough we have your lists this has I swear those like yeah HUP at least of sugar in that maybe more actually so we actually separated out at a certain point because after about 20 minutes we dumped out half the water because it wasn't saturating fast enough so that is incredibly saturated this is more saturated go ahead help tell us what that tastes like I'm not going to taste that but I I think we have some very very concentrated blue sugar water I think we can pour that out into a tray I'm just gonna wash my hands before we start on the next color [Music] well alright blue-and-yellow down one more [Music] all right cotton candy is in the freeze dryer we're gonna give that a little bit naptime what is do you hear that no Cowie is this raid Shadow Legends the brand-new collection RPG game that's taking the mobile gaming landscape by storm yeah Halla I'll take that too raid is a free-to-play mobile RPG that over 10 million players worldwide have downloaded in less than six months the game has also received over 300,000 reviews and an almost perfect score on the Play Store as part of the game you will collect hundreds of highly detailed champions and you will have the ability to personally customize and choose the artifacts and unique mastery build for each one of them the game has been growing rapidly and the newest feature faction Wars is now live along with awesome rewards programs for new players you can get daily login a reward for the first 90 days in the game to download the game head to the description click on our special link if you download the game the next 30 days as a new player you'll get 100,000 silver 50 gems 1 energy refill and a free Champion executioner all this treasure will be waiting for you here so go ahead and give the game a try and let's get back to the video amazingly I think I can still see some fluff on the bottom sheet that should just be our plain cotton candy oh my god we didn't dissolve I think it didn't get destroyed by the freeze dryer fantastic gets destroyed by everything else I just zoomed and I'm just really hoping that some of that liquid just expanded a little I think it did there's little drips under the front here that look puffed up a lot like when we puffed up gummy worms good that looks quite well preserved in fact it looks almost untouched from how we left it cold it's cold yeah like no different okay well to be fair the freeze-dried the point is to pull out moisture and so there's no humidity in it and red cotton candy you know it kind of deflates when it hits the moisture in the air I guess it does make sense that you're gonna eat it all I couldn't think of a specific reason why it would disappear I just kind of assumed it would because it's so fragile hearing that something doesn't want to let go yes oh I'm so happy I thought maybe a tiny bit garden juice this is what our Juice did it dissolves just as fast as normal cotton candy oh no I love it oh my this is super lightweight foam like let's see how long six is all on my tongue Oh mark right um oh okay yeah the yellow one the yellow one is like it's like the spider webbing I think from the free drying almost looks like it had some of the in fact we were gonna try make cotton candy but I think I just ate all this you guys this is so good boy some of it survives to go in the cotton game chain there you go you can see some of our yellow side good [Music] cotton-candy machine set backup are three flavors of foam and some cotton candy that seems completely unchanged efforts journey through the freeze dryer except that half of it didn't survive coming back upstairs so we're gonna get the machine heating up we're gonna take some of each of these colors smash it up into a powder in these cups and I think we're also gonna try just feeding some cotton candy straight into the cotton candy machine and see if it's just like re melts and sprays out or if it just burns or does cotton candy make cotton candy this is amazing I think I'm just gonna try it let's get some yellow when you're ready with a stick stick ready oh yes twice Cotton's okay well it goes much faster than I was expecting like Wow well guys I'm yes yous not working as well I think that's just the Machine is not as clean that's fair also how did not do it yesterday yeah um can you make cotton candy dissolve cotton candy freeze dry cotton candy crunch up cotton candy and make cotton candy Nate definitely yes you can if it tastes a little toasty er I'm okay with it I think because it's going in this is already like a very fine light sugar I think it hits a high and caramelizing point quicker you can actually see it right here so on the white you can see that it's a darker yellow it's not burnt but it is definitely caramelized like you see these longer strands almost look like tiny little Prince Rupert's drop that forms so fast nice yeah immediately poof would you like something added to that I would so mine is a crunch quite this finally exists because we had the blue tea yesterday that was also kind of crunchy and it works just fine so I'm going to see if this works we'll see if it does and I'm probably gonna try and put a chunk in think we're also burning more yeah it just took it away with it yep went so fast that you hadn't even managed to get your hand out before it started turning into candy good let me try doing it cuz you got that right be right next to it Wow white and fluffy mmm alright I'm gonna try and put some of our cotton candy that is still cotton candy just right into the machine I'm gonna start tearing in strips make my life a little easier and you get ready to catch this maybe you'll have to squish again into a okay that's just yeah take a little ball that fits all the way inside oh yeah did it it definitely did it it melted it down recycled cotton candy I don't think I've ever heard of anything that sounds less appetizing but I entertain okay I'm just gonna take the entire thing that we did no more smashed all right I would say you don't we're gonna as well but I need the mixed color I need it Nate it needs to happen in my life it is happening it is happening in a glorious but yeah I'm just like okay fling it at you it just flex in pieces it's kind of hitting the machine the problem here is it's coating my fingers so much that it's not unsticking and forgetting it doesn't drop into the machine nicely so we've definitely confirmed it's amazing to freeze-dry what happens when you dissolve cotton candy and to you can turn the freeze-dried cotton candy back in to unfreeze dried cotton cake and you should you should it's funny guys if you have a machine at home try it they have a little tie downs you can get a carboy for all of you out there who have both a cotton candy machine and a freeze dryer go ahead and try this thanks again to today's sponsor raid shadow legends click on our special link all this treasure will be waiting for you here [Music] no oh dang it I broke it I stole the cotton candy from you ha ha five-knuckle we've got more for your seat hit that box up the top check out our most recent video you'll see the next one talk to you [Music]
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,497,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freeze drying cotton candy, making cotton candy from freeze dried cotton candy, recycled cotton candy, can you make cotton candy from cotton candy, harvest right freeze dryer, strange things made from cotton candy, can you make it out of cotton candy, dont buy a harvest right freeze dryer until you watch this review, cotton candy machine, how to make cotton candy, candy floss, fairy floss, grant thompson, nate, calli, candy floss vs, fairy floss candy
Id: bVIua7Vi5UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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