Can You Beat Undertale Without Moving Your Soul in a Fight?

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i love this guy's videos, he seems so genuine and I really like his commentary.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gabriel_sub0 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
can you beat undertale without moving your soul in a fight in this bullet-hell RPG stayin on your toes is key for survival so of course we're throwing that all out of the window for this challenge the rules are simple not once during a fighting counter can we ever move our soul heart any which way and if that's it then everything else is fair game which means we have full pick on which route we take or at least we would if they were all possible but since pacifist doesn't give us any of the levels needed to outlive bosses and genocide has this it looks neutral as our only way out and with the setup locked in its time head straight to the realm of monsters for the no dodge challenge hail you fall in humans I'm skip the tutorial and here we get to the bottom of gaming's weirdest challenges and hey this is your first time here then spare some mercy on that subscribe for weekly deep dives into your biggest questions as soon as we boot up the game the strategy here gets immediately apparent to be this run we need to eat garbage and be a horrible person seriously the key thing that we need to learn here is whether or not it's worth ending a fight in violence showing mercy or just bailing out and while the wood side of my brain would like to just say stay away from combat don't engage that just doesn't cut it here because our souls just a punching bag this run we need every bit of expe we can salvage to tank any and all attacks and really will only run away from fights if it's absolutely necessary to stay alive and while that seems pretty just sidle we can't essentially spare every major character but I'll leave that choice to you folks and as far as other preparations we do have a bit of a grocery list to work through top of the list is heading over to the piano and plane a sweet tune to score the dog residue because as gross as it's gonna seem we'll need to spend plenty of time rubbishing through to try and score some dog salad it's certainly tedious but there's no room to cut corners here because in my research this is absolutely critical to continue the run as that we need to make sure to pick up something from the spider bakesale since that'll let us skate past the muffin boss fight without an issue because otherwise we couldn't quite tank all of our attacks after running our errands and picking up some needed levels off the lesser baddies here's where we get to the real meat of the run the bosses so for that case you're the seven fights that'll be sure to put our little soul to the test ranked from Bullet heaven to bullet what the hell number seven toriel so this one's kind of a free win you see with the way this fight plays out we'll take plenty of damage that parts for sure but just as well because goat mom will stop attacking us when our HP bottoms out letting us ride past and deeper into the monster realm and as far as the runs concerned thank goodness this is programmed in because otherwise I don't see any way that we could have possibly lasted long enough to take her down since so many of our attacks fly straight through the center in the end it doesn't require a lot of skill but we do need plenty of love or whatever and we've got that despair number 6 undyne this might be the weirdest fight on our hit list just because of how differently it plays from the other matches instead of our traditional red soul the fish lady dies our cursor green making it physically impossible for us to move and instead giving us a DDR style section to work past and admittedly this does give us a chance to actually avoid some of the attacks in a fight sure pattern recognition is way more of a pattern here than it is in any other boss but it's because of that opportunity that we can figure out her move set and really help us through if we make sure to block each arrow brace through the stray red hard shots and flee as soon as possible then we can just scrape by too hot land and take our decisive win number 5 papyrus this fights deceptively easy because really what could this guy possibly do to hurt us well that'll get settled when he busts out his fabled blue attack just wait for it and bam we're blue but this attack does way more than just a simple paint job because now we're completely at the mercy of gravity and that'll take us right out of the center slot after papyrus hits us with this our soul goes from being a sitting duck to straight on the frontlines of a bone battle all the sudden every tack starts connecting and we're just getting curb-stomped I mean we could damage so badly here that papyrus starts giving us a tutorial on how to avoid attacks but I guess he's not familiar with the channel because we can only sit there and take it at least until we're down to one HP because then he'll mercy us and send us back to a retry so we'll have to hit against that wall plenty more times until he finally gives us that friend pass and we make it out alive it plays out like a brutal version of toriel's encounter but the end results the same and we can just squeeze past a later in the story number 4 mad dummy for this fight we might as well leave our skills in the garbage because luck is all that we have here at least that's the case for the first phase with the extra dummies we can only make it through here if our position works out just right since we can't exactly do the intended method of lining up the shots ourselves all that we've got it's a standstill let them spawn and hope that some of their projectiles just happen to graze by that boss and while it's a fine enough strategy to take down some of his health we're really backed up into a corner after he places his workers now with the dummy BOTS put to work we can't just hope they don't get caught in the crossfire and every heat-seeking missile pins us for the kill this takes away all of our offensive capability and we just have to wait it out for the napstablook assist but to make it there let's stash up on some dog salad and hope for some good RNG it's all we got number 3 Royal Guards this boss battle takes plenty of good attacks to get through this time we've got two targets to worry about so we'll need to focus damage on one of them at first to get rid of the lethal team attacks but even taking one down is it a free ride out because the grief will cause the other lover to beef up their damage and intensity which means that if we're not careful and we miss out on our opportunity to do healing or damage they've got the perfect opportunity to knock us out especially for like me and you just completely flop on the RNG toward the end but if we land to all of our attacks and style and hope for some literal garbage on the dog salad we can break up these two and do time just don't feel too bad about it though because we've still got a fight number two mettaton this whole sequence is a bizarre ride from do horribly a trivia it's a jetpack flying four ingredients in even defusing a whole slew of bombs but luckily enough most of it doesn't tax our soul that is until we flip the switch and completely turn the tides because now it's time to face off against meta ton e^x worth noting is that this part has a pretty good shot of killing us at our first go since the segment before hand can deal plenty of damage but if we die then just going back through and skipping straight to the switch will get rid of that disadvantage even then this part can get plenty exhausting fast with just how many different stats that we need to keep in lockstep first we've got to worry about radians which can take plenty out of our life bar but luckily we can make that work for our advantage if we he'll turn when our health is high we turn all of our damage into radians give you a risk/reward element that we really need to keep it jack and to add stress to that we've also got a great opportunity to pose before bottoming out and that makes the crowd go nuts and with those two strategies it really is just rinse repeat but just make sure to have plenty of dog salad to go around or worse straight to a reset number one a score no all right this one seems kind of obvious since he is one of the final bosses but I think just saying that does not do nearly enough justice to the kind of strategy that we need for this fight first off we'll need to prep like maniacs to even stand a chance here starting off I'd recommend rockets and cloudy glasses stashing a slice of butterscotch pie and hoarding up on dog salad before we even head in if we are in sporting those then that just makes a rough ride even worse and personally I don't even think I could find a way to handle it otherwise every turn that we're set to dodge he'll hit us no question maybe we'll get a blue attack once or twice in the mix to give us hope but that's about it so not only do we have to deal with perfecting our damage output we've also got to put our luck in the line turn after turn if we're gonna survive because of that it's critical to the run that we wait until just when the health bar is about to flat line and then snag a bite of the pie the smell will ease him up a bit but we're still nowhere close to a win honestly I only think I scraped by this one but the dog salads came through in the end otherwise I'd still be playing through this boss to this day so with the King on his knees we should be victorious so what's going on well here's where we reach a gray area and no it's not Photoshop flowey since he can be skipped if we've already played a run beforehand and the play through still by the rules since we can effectively see credits and get our own ending the sticking point here is that at the end of the game we're faced with one last choice do we end his life or show the King mercy either way we have to move our soul heart to the option we choose granted it's not in a fight but it is a key button prompt so can't we be an undertale without moving our soul in a fight kinda and we definitely don't need to move it for dodging any attacks so I guess that no dodge is possible and with that folks fight this one up in the top right to see us take down punch-out with only one punch per fight or eat some butterscotch pie in the bottom right for another video if you want to support the channel and get new videos every week then use a dog salad on subscribe button but until then take care and you have a good one alright
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 2,589,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, stt, can you beat undertale with moving your soul in a fight, can you beat, can you beat without, is it possible, undertale no move, is it possible to beat, is it possible to beat undertale without moving, undertale without moving, no move undertale, undertale, is it possible to beat without, undertale challenge, undertale no move challenge, can you beat undertale without, can you beat undertale without moving in a fight, undertale no dodge
Id: hpNozEg8zyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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