Can you beat the Warcraft 3: Sentinels Campaign without losing a unit?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wTcJediMaster 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Yeah already watched it. That dude is crazy. The Naga Royal Guard have always been a nightmare but in a deathless run? Jesus Christ.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/erikro1411 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
i grow impatient don't worry illidan you're gonna get in another deathless video really soon i sat still for 10 000 years i believe that is enough hey i'm not that slow at making videos didn't you see the sweet blindfolded video i made recently no i did not see that or anything else for that matter right hello ladies and gentlemen this is giant crack games and we finally made it to the frozen throne deathless for anybody that's new here here's a quick refresher on the rules but first i have to thank my patrons with a special thanks to my colossal and titan tier patrons king of pie paint my eye eeyore lover and eclipse 2025 for this video i'm going to be doing something experimental that i'm a little bit apprehensive about i'm going to be talking about failed strategies and i'm going to be showing more clips of failed runs this means that units are in fact going to die on the screen in runs that i had to reset i know for a fact this is going to make some people in the youtube comments very upset so please be kind when correcting them with that out of the way let's jump into it the sentinels campaign is the first of warcraft 3's expansions as is tradition at the time this comes with a massive spike in difficulty throughout the majority of warcraft 3 deathless the average attack wave tends to not be that difficult they give me a bit of time to build up and secure my position before i have to engage the hard stuff from now on every enemy attack wave is a threat the previous stumbling points turn into straight up roadblocks fortunately warcraft 3's no build missions tend to be easier than the rest and rise of the naga is no exception i'm given maiev the night elf warden maiev is a fairly frail agility-based hero with a high attack damage and some powerful but mana hungry spells her first ability is blink allowing her to teleport a short distance every mission in this campaign is littered with hidden away areas that hold items in order to make my of as powerful as i can i'm going to be very thorough with my searching after clearing the enemies a bit i run into the primary antagonists of the campaign the naga the naga are absolutely ridiculous every unit they have is completely overstated in comparison with the playable factions the naga mermaid and royal guards are as powerful as hero units the first naga ambush goes poorly for me i intended to use shadow meld on low hp units while i worked away their forces what i didn't know is that the naga siren spell caster has a damage over time ability called parasite once my archers took too much damage i shadow melded and slowly watch them bleed out before resetting i decide to scout the terrain a little bit and find that there's a fountain of healing right after the fight on my next attempt i use my ev to distract the giant naga force while running my troops towards the fountain knowing that i can now pull back my damaged forces to the well allows me to take the fight significantly more easily now that the healing well is secure i don't have to worry about damage between the fights i can clear the entire map there are two bonus objectives to do first some berserk wildcan are stomping around the south of the map that need to be taken out after thinking for a minute i realized that this mission takes place during eternal night time and i could simply shadow meld a couple units to create a force field while my archers finish the job next a group of seders have taken some allied forces hostage due to rule number two i have to save them the seder boss is pretty tough he's able to raise his fallen brethren from the dead but i show him that a much better strategy is just not having your units die in the first place the final portion of the mission involves stopping illidan from sinking allied ships unfortunately it's impossible to keep all the ships alive as the enemies will completely ignore my forces while targeting them down on the other hand a bunch of enemies that are targeting down some pieces of unmanned wood makes a joke of a final fight the broken isles is a great introduction to the insane difficulty spike of the frozen throne the objective is simple enough i must reach a temple and clear it of defenders there's a naga base on the way and a high hp gate that stops me from running past if this were reign of chaos this would be simple enough but the naga do not play by the rules i spawn on an island i'm expected to use rickety transport ships to get around they're weak and have no attacks perfect at the top of the island is drag fool a warlock who wants me to destroy three summoning pits on a different island for a reward fortunately maiev can blink to this island without any issue the pits put out a large number of enemies but they're part of three separate factions who are hostile to each other i kill the pits while the ghost orcs fight each other and am rewarded with a robe of the magi plus six one of the best spellcaster items in the game after cleaning up the remainder of the island and building a solid army i venture onto the high seas with my transports and head towards the enemy base meet the quattle it's overpowered guadals are flying naga units that ai loves to make a ton of being flyers they stack up on top of each other allowing them to dish out tons of burst damage to single targets they also hit for an average of 46 damage for perspective the equivalent night elf unit the hippogriff archer averages 17 damage per hit the only units i can build on this mission for anti-air are dryads or archer both of these die and a few hits to cottle this caused a ton of resets trying to be a bit more tactical i waited until the quaddle sent an attack wave towards my base and then landed my forces in a different direction to approach the naga base from a wider angle not only did the naga kill my dryads but i lost my main base as well for my next attempt i realized that the defending base didn't actually have to be killed i masked ancient protectors at home to hold off the naga onslaught and tried to solo the final defenders with maiev after learning their eight naga myrmidon each with about twice the hp of maiev and who deal more damage than she does i gave up on the idea there are mercenary frigates that can be purchased from neutral shipyards around the map they do high damage and i decided that engaging the naga in the open ocean might benefit me however they're unarmored so they take extra damage from the quatl's piercing attack and are very unresponsive when commanded i couldn't save them when they got target fired at this point i was getting frustrated i tried all of my anti-air options and none of them were viable i started scouting around the map in desperation for any idea at all i found a small outcropping of trees above the naga base i restarted the mission and put my plan into motion i made a large army of ballista and transported them onto the top of the map ballista can destroy trees so i use them to punch a hole through the top of the map past the naka base once the ballista are in position i get vision of the surrounding area with a huntress sentinel ability and blink my heaven to the final arena maiev can't fight these merbadons alone but the enemies are melee i kite groups of them towards the ballista and then blink to safety my ballista cleaved through the myrmidon uncontested and then my elf blinks back into the action i rinse and repeat this process until all the defenders are dead and easy mission done the tomb of sargeras is another no build mission and while it's not particularly difficult it's one of the most important missions for this campaign and the next despite being an agility hero i've opted to build maiev as a spellcaster for maximum burst damage giving her multiple intelligence and mana boosting items the mission once again takes place during the night meaning that with patience the early bits are quite easy groups of reinforcements provide droids of the claw who have the rejuvenation ability it's both a strong mid-combat heal as well as a way to keep my units topped off between fights majority of the map is made up of secret areas with items the most important item is the shadow orb that's shattered into 10 different fragments i have to find i make sure to comb the map for all 10 as the orb gives my have incredible defensive utility a nice damage boost and the ability to strike flying targets eventually i start running low on healing so i use my of spells plus shadow mel to take down some of the more threatening enemy groups after encountering the naga things start to get difficult as always these naga packs serve as an introduction to the bane of the run the only unit ever to almost convince me to quit a deathless run say hello to the naga royal guard as i continue through this run these monsters are going to give me a ton of trouble so let's go through their abilities crushing wave is a conal area of effect spell that deals 150 damage to up to six targets resistant skin gives immunity to many detrimental spells as well as heavy resistance to all others they have 1 350 hp and 11 armor higher than most level 10 heroes in the game and of course they deal chaos damage which means that maiev's armor does not protect her all of these points alone would have made the unit a great threat but that's not the worst event these guys love to stun the frostbolt ability stuns a non-hero unit for 5 seconds on a 9 second cooldown meaning that 2 royal guards can permanently stun a unit until it dies and the final ability summon c elemental seems pretty tame until you realize that each of the elemental's attacks has a 15 chance to stun for two seconds naga royal guards are tougher than me hit harder than me do massive bursts of area damage and chain stun by units all this for a unit that the ai can build out of a normal production structure any time you see a naga royal guard on this run know that i most likely had to reset at least once because of him probably more this 8 mission run took longer to complete than the 26 mission wings of liberty deathless all because of these guys fortunately for the final fight of segment one i gained control of a timed life furball champion to fight after the fight all of my unions are killed in cinematic so i figure he's good to use i don't exactly know why a furbolg is here but he was probably the one that killed sargeras after the cutscene is an escape sequence when she's on her own maiev is an incredibly maneuverable hero and i have no problems escaping wrath of the betrayer is a weird mission on the right side of the map i have a base and on the left side an army these are two completely isolated groups instead of building an army to reinforce i must hold out against naga attack waves at my base while moving through a no build segment on the left honestly it's a really cool mission design and i wish we saw more of this sort of thing in modern rts for a deathless run on the other hand it's a mess the naga attack waves start out weak but ramp up in difficulty over time i need to finish the mission quickly otherwise relentless aggression will grind me down in order to defend i build a three-tiered defense of ancient protectors in the front wisps behind to repair and then some moon wells behind to heal the wisps myev's army on the left is small but has some strong healing power the objective is to bring the runner to the top left corner of the map the runner itself cannot attack but has the human priest's healing ability to slowly patch up my forces i also have two druids of the claw each with the rejuvenation ability that being said my back line is made up of vulnerable archers so i have to be careful still i send my ev in first during the fights now that she has a shadow orb my agility-based mage is fairly tanky what a weird class design the western path isn't that difficult but it is long and winding there are side paths with lootable gold that gets transferred to my eastern base the gold mine has limited funds so i grab these to help my defense after clearing through about half the mission i encounter my first naga royal guard i decide to kill him because he's royally guarding some loot after taking him down the loot from his group gets stuck in the water on an unpathable location thanks reforged after rescuing a boat and some ballistic my army is looking a bit more formidable the final stretch involves tidal guardians and the naga's static defense structure just like every other noggy unit the tidal guardian is completely overpowered and has to be destroyed at range with my ballista around this time the attack waves against my base are getting fierce dragon turtles are a crazy powerful siege weapon with great damage resistances forcing my wisps to repair protectors during the fight this enables the naga siren spellcaster to use parasite on my workers a damage over time ability that quickly drains my moonwell's healing energy after opening up a gate i find the last boss of the mission two naga royal guards i legitimately can't fight this instead i opt to load my runner into her transport charge my of alone towards the guards and blitz past them at full speed to the objective and to my surprise it worked and then about 6 hours after the stream ended i got a dm1 discord from a guy saying he watched the vod and i lost a unit halfway through the mission and didn't notice because i was building ancient protectors at the time so i had to do the entire mission again fun balancing the scales has a really cool mission design that is frustratingly problematic similar to the last mission i have a base on one side that has to hold off naga attacks and an army on the other side this time headed up by tyrande and malfurion instead of needing to reach an objective point the army has to clear its way towards my base and then join up with it there are groups of rescuable allies on the path to bulk up this army as i progress but there's a problem after my forces are reunited i'll be turning my eyes on the naga base at the top right the rescued allies take up a lot of supply and they aren't that great in combat if i rescue them now i can't muster an army strong enough to kill purple without losing something instead i build an ancient of wonders at maiev's base from there i purchase a staff of teleportation for her and move her west blinking past all the obstacles after maiev reaches the army she can now use the staff to teleport malfurion and tarande to my base the rest of the army is going to stay here the units are too weak and the enemies don't attack over here so they're safe now is the time i should probably admit that this mission is not possible deathless the beginning cut scene involves malfurion casting some entrance on a patch of woods giving me some 60 second time duration units this mission is not possible to beat in under 60 seconds it's not even close i tried some various things such as triggering cut scenes around the time that the trains would die but their duration would pause and then they would expire after the cutscene ends i couldn't figure out a way to stop these mandatory summoned units from dying it's frustrating but this is the first time i have to admit that there's a mission that can't be done deathless once the heroes are at my base i move on to the naga outpost malfurion and tyrande are level 10 and they make quick work of the majority of the defenders i do have to bait the royal guard's stuns with maiev though after claiming my new home i start production because the game has forced so many jank units on me i start at 46 supply giving me only 54 for more units in order to maximize my power per supply i opt for chimeberos the highest tier night elf unit its long ranged firepower is exactly what i need to break into the final base after maxing out and defending an attack wave it's my time to strike so why are chimeras required to take this base and why are all the other units suddenly virtually inviable that's because the enemy now builds royal guards out of its production structures like normal units that's right units as powerful as a level 10 hero are now built out of normal structures it's absurd there's a healing well on the northern side of the map i thought that pulling enemies towards the well and fighting there would be a great way to reduce incoming damage boy was i wrong the naga myrmidons have the ensnare ability bringing my chimeras to the ground and rendering them unable to move the quaddles and royal guards then chain stun and target fire my chimeras to death forcing a reset i tried using malfurion's tranquility spell to keep my forces healed but the royal guards would repeatedly stun him with frostbolt interrupting the spell and the enemy coddles are crazy aggressive they dive huge distances in order to target fire my weak chimeras i hate the naga i seriously do this campaign is driving me crazy the combination of fragile night elf units combined with high damage naga and a plethora of stuns is a frustrating mess this mission took me over two hours of attempts before i came up with an answer i attack the southern portion of illidan's base first using the chimera to tactically snipe high value targets mainly the royal guards and doing the majority of the fighting with my heroes once illidan counter-attacks me the chimeras stay at the base to mop up the stragglers while the heroes head home illidan is really annoying just like the naga heat commands illidan is completely overstated and he loves spamming the mana burn ability which really sucks when all of my heroes are optimized towards spell casting after illidan is dead it's time to shove into his base i backtrack and rescue all of the allies who have been patiently waiting in their ships for the last two hours bringing me up to 125 supply i'm not gonna use a majority of these units but the new mountain giant is a great damage sponge i pull my enemies into a choke point so the royal guards can't easily get in range to stun my heroes then i use starfall and tranquility and take the fight even with all these factors the fight is not easy both my mountain giants get very low and i easily could have lost something if the enemy illidan didn't decide to run past all my forces instead i got lucky once the army is dead i make sure to target fire the enemy's altar so that illidan can't be revived then quickly clean up the remaining structures so they can't rally another force this mission taxed my patience to the limit shards of the alliance introduces me to kalethos sunstrider the hero for the next campaign he's level 2 and will need babysitting the mission is a simple escort quest kale and his convoy move through the map and get attacked by the undead some of the undead forces are pretty strong but there's literally nothing that could intimidate me after fighting all these naga for keeping allies alive in this mission i decided that losing any piece of the caravan or losing kale himself is a reset the convoy moves slowly which is normally pretty annoying but this means that tyrande's starfall is off of cooldown almost every other attack this makes the waves go much more smoothly instead of getting night elf units for the mission i can reinforce with my choice of mercenaries i opt for the ranged trolls instead of the melee ogres the ogres hit hard but are fairly squishy and i don't want to deal with that to fund these mercenaries there are caches of gold and lumber behind well-defended undead camps i don't actually have to kill the defenders to get the money though maiev can blink past everything and grab the cash with no problem in the middle of the map is the first real fight undead fiends hit really hard and banshees give me a 33 miss chance the mountain giants do a great job of providing a front line and i managed to clean things up the final stretch is a choice i can either attack through a heavily fortified undead stronghold with a level 8 lich and a level 3 dreadlord or not do that the left path is still pretty well defended with spirit towers and frostworms but it's manageable the mission ends with an undead ambush that fields a large number of units from all sides but a good starfall cleans them out without much issue i don't know what the opposite of a difficulty spike is but this mission was it it's surprising how easy everything feels after fighting the naga for so long fighting them was like training with weights on the ruins of dalaran is the final mission against the naga and it does not let up i have 30 minutes to kill four naga summoners in the depths of illidan's fortress the naga are relentlessly aggressive from the top side making it hard to fight without being counter-attacked and to make things worse there's an undead base with multiple level 10 heroes in the bottom right who are also constantly attacking to help things out kael'thas has joined me as an ai controlled base typical allied saving rules apply neither kale nor his castle are allowed to be taken down unfortunately kale is a level 2 spellcaster at this stage of the campaign a stiff breeze would take him out there are 5 entrances to our combined base making static defense useless and to nail that point home the quad will often come over the tree line to attack ignoring the chokes i start with 47 supply of units who are almost all too frail to fight this brings me the same problem i had two missions ago i'm actively being brought down by my starting forces i default to chimera production again that seems to be the only viable option my army here will be a little bit stronger this time in the top right of the map there's a rescuable paladin named margot the defender and he is pretty sweet his devotion aura gives my forces a nice durability boost divine shield keeps him alive and holy light's high single target healing pairs nicely with tranquility's area healing after defending an illidan attack i move to counter i target down ground units with my chimera while the hippogriffs fight the quartal forces and i get wrecked also kale dice i try this chimera based army a few more times with different strategies and each is to no avail even a maxed out chimera force with all three heroes just isn't enough i moved to plan two assassination the naga summoners are in the far back of the enemy base but maiev is ridiculously mobile if i were to use her blink ability to rush all the way to the back and burn all of my of spells on channeler then use town portal to escape i would eventually win right no the summoners are immune to physical damage and despite both of them casting mana mayev's spells are actually physical attacks maiev can't hurt these people i'm starting to get really tilted these missions are driving me crazy after exploring the map for a bit getting stun locked by royal guards getting killed by illidan trying different unit combinations getting stun locked more by royal guards i get so frustrated that i quit for six months i got some speedrun world records instead because it was easier and then one morning i woke up with a realization malfurion is a horrible person maybe he would be the better assassin here so my plan begins i rush my ev as fast as possible to the top right to rescue margot and then town portal home i hand malfurion all of my best durability increasing items grab another town portal scroll and the boys head off malfurion leads a charge absorbing as much of the damage as he can the naga have a slow poison that reduces his movement speed but he perseveres margot drops holy lights on malfurion to keep him topped off as malfurion gets close to the objective margot starts to draw the enemy threat he can't heal himself but this is okay as i reach the channelers i realize that while they're immune to physical damage they take drastically increased spell damage i use malfurion's entangling roots ability on the first channeler surprisingly this deals enough damage to kill her in one shot i considered town portaling out here however in practice i found that i can't use this attack run four times kale will die before i manage to win i have to take two of them out every time margoth uses the divine shield ability giving him temporary immunity to damage if he's still here when it runs out he will drop all of the attackers including illidan himself dive malfurion but margoth gets a clutch heal off just in time after the cooldown completes untangling roots malfurion ensnares a second channeler and they escape with a scroll account portal after doing this attack run twice i wait at home for the roots to do their damage and the mission ends in a cool 3 minutes and 54 seconds well 6 months 3 minutes and 54 seconds but who's counting brothers stormrage is an absurd final mission there are five undead bases in the center of the map these undead are incredibly aggressive towards both of my bases these bases are split up on the left and right sides of the map one controlled by malfurion and the other controlled by illidan to win i have to take out the red base who is protected by all of the other undead bases and well fortified with powerful heroes and units illidan's base is a naga base finally the tables have turned now i can build the powerful naga royal what do you mean i can't build it well fine well at least i have access to the nimble flyer that has been tormenting me through this run i built a giant army of qua i can't build any of those either well then uh at least i have the naga siren spellcaster who does a powerful damage over time effect with parasite that summons a timed duration unit when the host dies oh oh no while i get to play as the naga i don't get any of their fun toys while illidan's base is problematic malfurions is a nightmare a green undead sends air raids against him they're not that bad to contend with but they are annoying the orange base near him on the other hand is ridiculous the attack wave from it are huge and frequent managing illidan's side while keeping malfurion alive is difficult in offstream practice i attacked the orange base a maxed-out bear army with full upgrades was not enough to take it down without a friendly death i tried making illidan an army of dragon turtles a strong siege unit who can consume enemies i thought that maybe devouring the red player's army and then blitzing down their structures before they could rebuild would be a good strategy but the red player was too strong for the frontal assault additionally malfurion broke under the pressure and died and double additionally illidan's base got broken and died i can't spend extended periods away from my base otherwise i die to the counter-attacks after a few tries with different army compositions i concluded this was not a fight that a well-microed army alone could overcome i need a precise plan and more importantly i need a hero that is significantly more powerful than what i currently have available after a few hours of practicing off stream discussing the map with my friend frequent and studying the mission i came up with a plan to beat the brother stormrage without losing unit 1. as the mission begins use the nearby shop to buy illidan a potion of invisibility and then charge illidan past the green undead base and head up the river there's a rock golem here that drops the claws of attack plus 15. use illidan's ultimate to defeat it 2. uproot malfurion's ancient of war and send it to the north of the undead base start eating the nearby trees 3. start producing upgraded druids of the claw for malfurion these are the only units strong enough to withstand the orange base's assault without a casualty four when attacking illidan the undead drop near the shop start building towers nearby to defend the location pick up another invisibility potion while you're there 5. the ancient of war has reached the back of the trees by now start eating downwards towards the south 6. send illidan towards the fountain of healing in the south there is a damn blocking movement until a troll warlord is killed which i cannot do yet illidan chugs one of the invisibility potions and move straight through the undead base to reach the fountain 7. there are a bunch of sasquatch near the fountain kill them but be careful only to pull a few at a time they can easily overwhelm illidan even with the fountain's healing 8. as malfurions therefore starts to increase in number build ancient protectors for fire support and anti-air remember to keep building towers at the naga landing point as well the undead attack waves are seriously strong at least 20 towers are needed to survive 9. once illidan has killed the sasquatch and healed of the fountain use the invisibility potion to return home buy another one and then head up the road to the troll warlord illidan can barely solo this warlord with his ultimate and standing in point-blank range for imlate damage this troll drops the mask of death in my opinion the best item in the game with the mask equipped each of illidan's attacks against non-buildings heals him for fifty percent of the damage he deals this is a linchpin for my strategy the warlord dying also clears the dam from the north to the south illidan no longer needs invisibility potions to move around 10. take malfurion to the ancient of war that's been eating all the trees behind the orange base bring illidan from his side to the bottom of that cliff there's a very small area where malfurion can pass items over to illidan give mayev's shadow orb plus 10 and the mana stones to illidan drop the mana stones on the ground they're not needed yet illidan now has the shadow orb plus 10 clause of attack plus 15 an orb that deals bonus damage a helm that gives plus five to all stats and the mask of death altogether these items double illidan's attack damage i didn't mention it at the time but while i was buying invisibility potions i was also grabbing potions of invulnerability from the shop and leaving them on the ground it's time to pick them up the red base doesn't train workers or rebuild structures but they will rebuild slain combat units and heroes illidan's metamorphosis temporarily gives him chaos damage meaning he deals full damage to buildings instead of fighting the red army illidan activates his demon form and burns down a production structure i focus the altar first so the heroes can't be rebuilt after that illidan can take down the enemy dreadlord once illidan is fighting units with the mask of death it gives him incredible sustainability once illidan hits low health use a potion of invulnerability to make a clean escape it's only a 7 second duration but that makes a fantastic getaway tool now that everything is set up follow a simple rotation snipe one of the production buildings of the red base with metamorphosis kill some of the units produced from that building type retreat with a potion of invulnerability heal up at the fountain buy a new potion and then wait for metamorphosis cooldown as this happens malfurion builds a progressively larger defense to hold off the attacks against him after repeating this process about 15 times red has run out of meaningful buildings and illidan once again has single-handedly saved the night elves from certain destruction and gets no thanks for it oh and before winning remember to pick up those mana stones on the ground they're going to be useful later
Channel: GiantGrantGames
Views: 381,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ksRCn1gRdX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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